
Durchgangskontakt Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Durchgangskontakt m electr.
Durchgangskontakte pl
passing contact
passing contacts
Durchgangskontakt m electr.
Durchgangskontakte pl
passing contact
passing contacts
Passus, Absatz, Durchgang, Passage
(freier) Durchgang
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m, Korridor m, Gang m
freier Durchgang
schmaler Durchgang
free passage
Durchgang m
Gang m, Durchgang m
Gänge pl, Durchgänge pl
hallway, passage, passageway, gangway
hallways, passages, passageways, gangways
Lauf m, Rennen n, Durchgang m sport
totes Rennen
dead heat
Runde f, Durchgang m sport
Runden pl, Durchgänge pl
Verbindungsgang m, schmale Gasse, Durchgang m
Verbindungsgänge pl, schmale Gassen, Durchgänge pl
alley, alley way
alleys, alley ways
lichte Höhe f, lichter Durchgang
schmaler Durchgang
Ãœberfahrt, Durchgang
(freier) Durchgang m
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m; Passage f astron.
Venusdurchgang m; Venuspassage f
transit of Venus; Venus transit
Gang m; Durchgang m (zwischen Wänden)
Gänge pl; Durchgänge pl
freier Durchgang
passageway; passage
passageways; passages
free passage
(schmale) Gasse f; Gässchen n; schmaler Durchgang m
alley; alleyway
Kopfhöhe f (Durchgang); Durchfahrthöhe f
Lauf m; Rennen n; Durchgang m sport
totes Rennen
dead heat
Mahlen n
Mahlen in einem Durchgang
Mahlen im geschlossenen Kreislauf; Kreislaufmahlung f
open-circuit grinding
closed-circuit grinding
Runde f; Durchgang m sport
Runden pl; Durchgänge pl
Umladung f (Ionenaustausch beim Durchgang durch Materie) phys.
eng; knapp; schmal; begrenzt adj
enger; knapper; schmaler
am engsten; am knappsten; am schmalsten
ein enger Durchgang
ein schmaler Schlitz; ein enger Spalt
by a narrow margin
a narrow passageway
a narrow slit
lichte Höhe f; lichter Abstand; lichter Durchgang
Durchgang m; Abkürzung f (zwischen zwei Plätzen)
Durchgänge pl; Abkürzungen pl
Der Park wird als Abkürzung benutzt.
thoroughfare (between to places)
The park is used as a thoroughfare.
Durchlauf m; Durchgang m; Arbeitsgang m comp. techn.
Durchläufe pl; Durchgänge pl; Arbeitsgänge pl
in einem einzigen Durchlauf
in a single pass
Siebdurchfall m; Durchfall m; Siebdurchgang m; Durchgang m; Siebfeines n; Feingut n; Unterlauf m; Unterkorn n min. techn.
screen underflow; subsieve fraction; fine fraction; fines; subsieve material; minus material; minus sieve sizes; undersize; screened matter; screenings; sieved matter; sievings; fells; smalls; throws
Transmission f (Durchgang von Strahlen durch ein Medium) phys.
Transmissionen pl
Donnerbüchse f; Donnerwagen m (zweiachsiger Durchgangs-Personenwagen Bahn) hist.
all-iron steel open passenger coach car ("thunderbox")
Donnerbüchse f; Donnerwagen m (zweiachsiger Durchgangs-Personenwagen, Bahn) hist.
all-iron steel open passenger coach car ("thunderbox")
Güterzug m (Bahn)
Güterzüge pl
Durchgangs-Eilgüterzug; Fern-Eilgüterzug
gemischter Güterzug (mit Eil- und Frachtgut)
Güterzug mit Personbeförderung GmP ; Personzug mit Güterbeförderung PmG
Güterzug ohne nennenswerten Grenzaufenthalt; GONG-Zug
Nahgüterzug; Nahbedienungszug
Portalwaggon m; Portalwagen m
Schnellgüterzug; Güterschnellzug
goods train Br.; freight train Am. (railway)
goods trains; freight trains
through parcels train
goods through train Br.; freight through train Am.; inter marshalling-yard train
express-parcels train
general-purpose goods train (conveying ordinary and fast goods)
mixed train (conveying goods and passengers)
train with delay-free border passage
goods train Br. freight train Am. carrying military equipment
pick-up goods train Br.; pick-up freight train Am.
gantry wagon Br.; gantry waggon Br.
pick-up goods train Br.; way freight train Am.
fast goods train Br.; fast freight train Am.
unit train; integral train Am.; unitized train Am.
regular goods train Br.; scheduled goods train Br.; regular freight train Am.; scheduled freight train Am.
non-regular goods train Br.; non-regular freight train Am.
Durchgangsbahnhof m
Durchgangsbahnhöfe pl
through station
through stations
Transitbereich m; Durchgangsbereich m (Flughafen) aviat.
transit area (airport)
Fahrstraße f; Weichenstraße f (Bahn)
Fahrstraße für Durchgangsbetrieb
eine Fahrstraße festlegen
eine Fahrstraße auflösen
route; set of points (railway)
non-stick route
to set up a route
to cancel release a route
Fahrstrecke f; Fahrstraße f; Fahrweg m (Bahn)
Fahrstrecken pl; Fahrstraßen pl; Fahrwege pl
kreuzungsfreie Fahrstraße; kreuzungsfreier Fahrweg
Fahrstraße für Durchgangsbetrieb
eine Fahrstraße festlegen
eine Fahrstraße auflösen
route; routing (railway)
routes; routings
fully grade-separated route
non-stick route
to set up a route
to cancel release a route
Bohrloch n; Bohrung f (im Boden) geol.
Bohrlöcher pl; Bohrungen pl
Durchgangsbohrung f
Nabenbohrung f
Passbohrung f
Schaftbohrung f
Stufenbohrung f
Zylinderbohrung f
ein Bohrloch erweitern
borehole; bore (in the ground)
boreholes; bores
through bore
hub bore
fitted bore
stem bore
stepped bore
cylinder bore
to enlarge a borehole
Bohrloch n; Bohrung f; Loch n (aus dem Vollen) techn.
Bohrlöcher pl; Bohrungen pl; Löcher pl
Durchgangsbohrung mit Gewinde
Stufenbohrung f; abgesetzte Bohrung
Sacklochbohrung f; Sackbohrung f; Sackloch n
drill hole; drilled hole; hole; (drilled) well (from the solid)
drill holes; drilled holes; holes; wells
tapped through hole
stepped hole; shouldered hole
blind hole; pocket hole
Durchgangsbohrung f techn.
Durchgangsbohrungen pl
through bore
through bores
Campingplatz m; Zelt- und Wohnwagenplatz m; Zeltplatz m
Campingplätze pl; Zelt- und Wohnwagenplätze pl; Zeltplätze pl
bewachter Campingplatz; bewachter Zeltplatz
vollständig ausgestatteter Campingplatz
Dauercampingplatz m
Durchgangscampingplatz m; Touristikcampingplatz m
camping ground; camping site Br.; campsite Br.; campground Am.
camping grounds; camping sites; campsites; campgrounds
guarded camping ground; guarded campsite Br.; guarded campground Am.
fully equipped camping ground; fully serviced camping ground
permanent caravan site Br.; static caravan ground Br.; permanent campground Am.
short-stay camping ground; short-stay campground Am.
Durchgangsform f von Ventilen techn.
straight-way type of valves
Durchgangsgespräch n telco.
Durchgangsgespräche pl
transit call
transit calls
Durchgangshafen m; Transithafen m naut.
Durchgangshäfen pl; Transithäfen pl
transit harbour
transit harbours
Durchgangshöhe f (Fußgänger); Durchfahrtshöhe f (Brücke, Unterführung) auto
headroom; headway (bridge, unterpass)
Durchgangsinstrument n; Passageinstrument n astron.
transit instrument
Durchgangsklemme f
Durchgangsklemmen pl
through clamp
through clamps
through bill of lading
Durchgangskontakt m electr.
Durchgangskontakte pl
passing contact
passing contacts
Durchgangskühlwasserregler m techn.
straight cooling water radiator
Durchgangslager n
transit camp
Durchgangsloch n
Durchgangslöcher pl
clearance hole, through hole
clearance holes, through holes
clearance hole
Durchgangsloch n
Durchgangslöcher pl
clearance hole; through hole
clearance holes; through holes
Lademaß n; Ladeprofil n; Durchgangsprofil n; Profil n; Messrahmen m (Bahn)
Lademaße pl; Ladeprofile pl; Durchgangsprofile pl; Profile pl; Messrahmen pl
Lichtraumprofil für Stromabnehmer
Lichtraumverengung f; Profileinschränkung f
load limit gauge; loading gauge; load limit; clearance gauge; clearance (railway)
load limit gauges; loading gauges; load limits; clearance gauges; clearances
clearance gauge for pantographs
encroachment on the clearance gauge
Durchgangsprüfung f electr. techn.
Durchgangsprüfungen pl
continuity test; continuity check
continuity tests; continuity checks
Bereitstellungsraum m; Sammelraum m; Auffangraum m; Durchgangsraum m mil.
Bereitstellungsräume pl; Sammelräume pl; Auffangräume pl; Durchgangsräume pl
staging area
staging areas
Durchgangsraum m; Sammelraum m mil.
Durchgangsräume pl; Sammelräume pl
staging area
staging areas
Durchgangsstation f
transit station
Durchgangsstraße f
through road, main road
Durchgangsstraße, Fernstraße, Bundesstraße
through road
Durchgangsstraße f
Durchgangsstraßen pl
through road; main road
through roads; main roads
Durchfahrtsstraße f; Durchgangsstraße f
Durchfahrtsstraße f; Durchfahrtstraße f; Durchgangsstraße f Dt.; Durchgangsstrasse f Schw.; Durchzugsstraße f Ös. auto
Durchfahrtsstraßen pl; Durchfahrtstraßen pl; Durchgangsstraßen pl; Durchgangsstrassen pl; Durchzugsstraßen pl
Durchgangsventil n techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
straight way valve
straight way valves
Durchgangsventil n techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
straight-way valve; full-way valve; two-way (steam) valve
straight-way valves; full-way valves; two-way valves
Durchgangsventil n (Rohrleitung) techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
stop valve (for ducts)
stop valves
Durchgangsventil n (im Gegensatz zu Schieber Klappe) techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
Durchgangsventil mit geradem Kopf
Durchgangsventil mit schrägem Oberteil
globe valve
globe valves
straight pattern globe valve
oblique pattern globe valve
Durchgangsverdrahtung f electr.
feed-through wiring

Deutsche Durchgangskontakt Synonyme

Englische passing contact Synonyme

passing  abandonment  abrupt  accidental  accompanying  act  ado  advance  advancement  afloat  afoot  aggrandizement  ambulant  ambulative  ambulatory  annihilation  ascending  axial  back  back-flowing  backward  bane  biological death  blackout  blocking  boost  brief  brittle  by the by  by the way  capricious  casual  cessation of life  changeable  circuit-riding  circumstantial  clinical death  concurrent resolution  constitution  corruptible  crossing the bar  current  cursory  curtains  death  death knell  debt of nature  decampment  decease  deciduous  dematerialization  demise  departure  descending  disappearance  disappearing  dismissive  dispersion  dissipation  dissolution  dissolving  doing  doom  down-trending  downward  drifting  dying  ebb of life  eclipse  egress  elevation  elimination  en passant  enaction  enactment  end  end of life  ending  ennoblement  ephemeral  erasure  escape  eternal rest  evacuation  evanescence  evanescent  evaporating  evaporation  eventuating  exaltation  exit  exodus  expeditionary  expeditious  expiration  expiring  expiry  extinction  extinguishment  fadeaway  fadeout  fading  festinate  feverish  fickle  final summons  finger of death  fleeting  flight  flitting  flowing  fluent  fly-by-night  flying  fragile  frail  fugacious  fugitive  furious  getaway  glancing  globe-girdling  globe-trotting  going  going off  going on  graduation  grave  gyrational  gyratory  hand of death  happening  hasty  hegira  hurried  immediate  impermanent  impetuous  impulsive  in hand  in passing  in the wind  incidental  incidentally  inconstant  instant  insubstantial  itinerant  itinerary  jaws of death  joint resolution  journeying  knell  knighting  last debt  last muster  last rest  last roundup  last sleep  last-minute  lawmaking  leaving  leaving life  legislation  legislature  locomotive  loss  loss of life  making an end  melting  momentary  mortal  mounting  moving  mundivagant  mutable  nondurable  nonpermanent  occasio  
passing by  abjuration  abjurement  all through  around  by  by way of  chucking  chucking out  contempt  contradiction  declination  declining  denial  despisal  despising  disapproval  discard  disclamation  discounting  dismissal  disownment  disregard  exception  exclusion  ignoring  nonacceptance  nonapproval  nonconsideration  over  passing through  putting away  putting out  rebuff  recantation  refusal  rejection  renouncement  repudiation  repulse  round about  scouting  spurning  through  throwing out  turning out  via  
passing fancy  boutade  brainstorm  calf love  capriccio  caprice  case  conceit  crank  craze  crazy idea  crotchet  crush  fad  fancy  fantastic notion  fantasy  flimflam  fool notion  freak  freakish inspiration  harebrained idea  humor  infatuation  kink  maggot  mash  megrim  notion  pash  puppy love  quirk  toy  vagary  whim  whim-wham  whimsy  

Durchgangskontakt Definition

(n.) A close union or junction of bodies
(n.) The property of two curves, or surfaces, which meet, and at the point of meeting have a common direction.
(n.) The plane between two adjacent bodies of dissimilar rock.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Pass
(n.) The act of one who, or that which, passes
(a.) Relating to the act of passing or going
(a.) Exceeding
(adv.) Exceedingly

passing contact / passing contacts Bedeutung

contact close interaction, they kept in daily contact, they claimed that they had been in contact with extraterrestrial beings
eye contact contact that occurs when two people look directly at each other, a teacher should make eye contact with the students
passing pass qualifying success in satisfying a test or requirement, his future depended on his passing that test, he got a pass in introductory chemistry
physical contact
the act of touching physically, her fingers came in contact with the light switch
going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it, she drove but well but her reckless passing of every car on the road frightened me
contact sport a sport that necessarily involves body contact between opposing players
pass passing play
passing game
(American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate, the coach sent in a passing play on third and long
passing shot a tennis return that passes an opponent who has approached the net
passage passing a bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another, the passage of air from the lungs, the passing of flatus
(electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact, they forget to solder the contacts
contact contact lens a thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication
contact print a print made by exposing a photosensitive surface to direct contact with a photographic negative
electrical contact contact that allows current to pass from one conductor to another
wiper wiper arm
contact arm
contact consisting of a conducting arm that rotates over a series of fixed contacts and comes to rest on an outlet
inter-group communication
a channel for communication between groups, he provided a liaison with the guerrillas
obiter dictum passing comment an incidental remark
passing note
passing tone
a nonharmonic note inserted for transition between harmonic notes
eye contact a meeting of the eyes between two people that expresses meaningful nonverbal communication, it was a mere glance, but the eye contact was enough to tell her that he was desperate to leave
contact touch a communicative interaction, the pilot made contact with the base, he got in touch with his colleagues
passing the end of something, the passing of winter
passing passage the motion of one object relative to another, stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets
loss departure
euphemistic expressions for death, thousands mourned his passing
the physical coming together of two or more things, contact with the pier scraped paint from the hull
a person who is in a position to give you special assistance, he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor
contact action
acceleration of a chemical reaction induced the presence of material that is chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction, of the topcommodity chemicals,are created directly by catalysis and another are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced
making water
passing water
a euphemism for urination, he had to take a leak
contact dermatitis a delayed type of allergic reaction of the skin resulting from skin contact with a specific allergen (such as poison ivy)
contact the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity, litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid
get through
get hold of
be in or establish communication with, Our advertisements reach millions, He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia
touch adjoin meet
be in direct physical contact with, make contact, The two buildings touch, Their hands touched, The wire must not contact the metal cover, The surfaces contact at this point
fly contact fly a plane by using visible landmarks or points of reference
hasty and without attention to detail, not thorough, a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws, a passing glance, perfunctory courtesy
of advancing the ball by throwing it, a team with a good passing attack, a pass play
lasting a very short time, the ephemeral joys of childhood, a passing fancy, youth's transient beauty, love is transitory but it is eternal, fugacious blossoms
passing(a) allowing you to pass (e.g., an examination or inspection) satisfactorily, a passing grade
to an extreme degree, extremely cold, extremely unpleasant
in passing
en passant
incidentally, in the course of doing something else, he made this remark in passing
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