
Durchgangslager Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Durchgangslager n
transit camp
Durchgangslager n
transit camp
Passus, Absatz, Durchgang, Passage
(freier) Durchgang
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m, Korridor m, Gang m
freier Durchgang
schmaler Durchgang
free passage
Durchgang m
Gang m, Durchgang m
Gänge pl, Durchgänge pl
hallway, passage, passageway, gangway
hallways, passages, passageways, gangways
Lauf m, Rennen n, Durchgang m sport
totes Rennen
dead heat
Runde f, Durchgang m sport
Runden pl, Durchgänge pl
Verbindungsgang m, schmale Gasse, Durchgang m
Verbindungsgänge pl, schmale Gassen, Durchgänge pl
alley, alley way
alleys, alley ways
lichte Höhe f, lichter Durchgang
schmaler Durchgang
Ãœberfahrt, Durchgang
(freier) Durchgang m
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m; Passage f astron.
Venusdurchgang m; Venuspassage f
transit of Venus; Venus transit
Gang m; Durchgang m (zwischen Wänden)
Gänge pl; Durchgänge pl
freier Durchgang
passageway; passage
passageways; passages
free passage
(schmale) Gasse f; Gässchen n; schmaler Durchgang m
alley; alleyway
Kopfhöhe f (Durchgang); Durchfahrthöhe f
Lauf m; Rennen n; Durchgang m sport
totes Rennen
dead heat
Mahlen n
Mahlen in einem Durchgang
Mahlen im geschlossenen Kreislauf; Kreislaufmahlung f
open-circuit grinding
closed-circuit grinding
Runde f; Durchgang m sport
Runden pl; Durchgänge pl
Umladung f (Ionenaustausch beim Durchgang durch Materie) phys.
eng; knapp; schmal; begrenzt adj
enger; knapper; schmaler
am engsten; am knappsten; am schmalsten
ein enger Durchgang
ein schmaler Schlitz; ein enger Spalt
by a narrow margin
a narrow passageway
a narrow slit
lichte Höhe f; lichter Abstand; lichter Durchgang
Durchgang m; Abkürzung f (zwischen zwei Plätzen)
Durchgänge pl; Abkürzungen pl
Der Park wird als Abkürzung benutzt.
thoroughfare (between to places)
The park is used as a thoroughfare.
Durchlauf m; Durchgang m; Arbeitsgang m comp. techn.
Durchläufe pl; Durchgänge pl; Arbeitsgänge pl
in einem einzigen Durchlauf
in a single pass
Siebdurchfall m; Durchfall m; Siebdurchgang m; Durchgang m; Siebfeines n; Feingut n; Unterlauf m; Unterkorn n min. techn.
screen underflow; subsieve fraction; fine fraction; fines; subsieve material; minus material; minus sieve sizes; undersize; screened matter; screenings; sieved matter; sievings; fells; smalls; throws
Transmission f (Durchgang von Strahlen durch ein Medium) phys.
Transmissionen pl
Donnerbüchse f; Donnerwagen m (zweiachsiger Durchgangs-Personenwagen Bahn) hist.
all-iron steel open passenger coach car ("thunderbox")
Donnerbüchse f; Donnerwagen m (zweiachsiger Durchgangs-Personenwagen, Bahn) hist.
all-iron steel open passenger coach car ("thunderbox")
Güterzug m (Bahn)
Güterzüge pl
Durchgangs-Eilgüterzug; Fern-Eilgüterzug
gemischter Güterzug (mit Eil- und Frachtgut)
Güterzug mit Personbeförderung GmP ; Personzug mit Güterbeförderung PmG
Güterzug ohne nennenswerten Grenzaufenthalt; GONG-Zug
Nahgüterzug; Nahbedienungszug
Portalwaggon m; Portalwagen m
Schnellgüterzug; Güterschnellzug
goods train Br.; freight train Am. (railway)
goods trains; freight trains
through parcels train
goods through train Br.; freight through train Am.; inter marshalling-yard train
express-parcels train
general-purpose goods train (conveying ordinary and fast goods)
mixed train (conveying goods and passengers)
train with delay-free border passage
goods train Br. freight train Am. carrying military equipment
pick-up goods train Br.; pick-up freight train Am.
gantry wagon Br.; gantry waggon Br.
pick-up goods train Br.; way freight train Am.
fast goods train Br.; fast freight train Am.
unit train; integral train Am.; unitized train Am.
regular goods train Br.; scheduled goods train Br.; regular freight train Am.; scheduled freight train Am.
non-regular goods train Br.; non-regular freight train Am.
Durchgangsbahnhof m
Durchgangsbahnhöfe pl
through station
through stations
Transitbereich m; Durchgangsbereich m (Flughafen) aviat.
transit area (airport)
Fahrstraße f; Weichenstraße f (Bahn)
Fahrstraße für Durchgangsbetrieb
eine Fahrstraße festlegen
eine Fahrstraße auflösen
route; set of points (railway)
non-stick route
to set up a route
to cancel release a route
Fahrstrecke f; Fahrstraße f; Fahrweg m (Bahn)
Fahrstrecken pl; Fahrstraßen pl; Fahrwege pl
kreuzungsfreie Fahrstraße; kreuzungsfreier Fahrweg
Fahrstraße für Durchgangsbetrieb
eine Fahrstraße festlegen
eine Fahrstraße auflösen
route; routing (railway)
routes; routings
fully grade-separated route
non-stick route
to set up a route
to cancel release a route
Bohrloch n; Bohrung f (im Boden) geol.
Bohrlöcher pl; Bohrungen pl
Durchgangsbohrung f
Nabenbohrung f
Passbohrung f
Schaftbohrung f
Stufenbohrung f
Zylinderbohrung f
ein Bohrloch erweitern
borehole; bore (in the ground)
boreholes; bores
through bore
hub bore
fitted bore
stem bore
stepped bore
cylinder bore
to enlarge a borehole
Bohrloch n; Bohrung f; Loch n (aus dem Vollen) techn.
Bohrlöcher pl; Bohrungen pl; Löcher pl
Durchgangsbohrung mit Gewinde
Stufenbohrung f; abgesetzte Bohrung
Sacklochbohrung f; Sackbohrung f; Sackloch n
drill hole; drilled hole; hole; (drilled) well (from the solid)
drill holes; drilled holes; holes; wells
tapped through hole
stepped hole; shouldered hole
blind hole; pocket hole
Durchgangsbohrung f techn.
Durchgangsbohrungen pl
through bore
through bores
Campingplatz m; Zelt- und Wohnwagenplatz m; Zeltplatz m
Campingplätze pl; Zelt- und Wohnwagenplätze pl; Zeltplätze pl
bewachter Campingplatz; bewachter Zeltplatz
vollständig ausgestatteter Campingplatz
Dauercampingplatz m
Durchgangscampingplatz m; Touristikcampingplatz m
camping ground; camping site Br.; campsite Br.; campground Am.
camping grounds; camping sites; campsites; campgrounds
guarded camping ground; guarded campsite Br.; guarded campground Am.
fully equipped camping ground; fully serviced camping ground
permanent caravan site Br.; static caravan ground Br.; permanent campground Am.
short-stay camping ground; short-stay campground Am.
Durchgangsform f von Ventilen techn.
straight-way type of valves
Durchgangsgespräch n telco.
Durchgangsgespräche pl
transit call
transit calls
Durchgangshafen m; Transithafen m naut.
Durchgangshäfen pl; Transithäfen pl
transit harbour
transit harbours
Durchgangshöhe f (Fußgänger); Durchfahrtshöhe f (Brücke, Unterführung) auto
headroom; headway (bridge, unterpass)
Durchgangsinstrument n; Passageinstrument n astron.
transit instrument
Durchgangsklemme f
Durchgangsklemmen pl
through clamp
through clamps
through bill of lading
Durchgangskontakt m electr.
Durchgangskontakte pl
passing contact
passing contacts
Durchgangskühlwasserregler m techn.
straight cooling water radiator
Durchgangslager n
transit camp
Durchgangsloch n
Durchgangslöcher pl
clearance hole, through hole
clearance holes, through holes
clearance hole
Durchgangsloch n
Durchgangslöcher pl
clearance hole; through hole
clearance holes; through holes
Lademaß n; Ladeprofil n; Durchgangsprofil n; Profil n; Messrahmen m (Bahn)
Lademaße pl; Ladeprofile pl; Durchgangsprofile pl; Profile pl; Messrahmen pl
Lichtraumprofil für Stromabnehmer
Lichtraumverengung f; Profileinschränkung f
load limit gauge; loading gauge; load limit; clearance gauge; clearance (railway)
load limit gauges; loading gauges; load limits; clearance gauges; clearances
clearance gauge for pantographs
encroachment on the clearance gauge
Durchgangsprüfung f electr. techn.
Durchgangsprüfungen pl
continuity test; continuity check
continuity tests; continuity checks
Bereitstellungsraum m; Sammelraum m; Auffangraum m; Durchgangsraum m mil.
Bereitstellungsräume pl; Sammelräume pl; Auffangräume pl; Durchgangsräume pl
staging area
staging areas
Durchgangsraum m; Sammelraum m mil.
Durchgangsräume pl; Sammelräume pl
staging area
staging areas
Durchgangsstation f
transit station
Durchgangsstraße f
through road, main road
Durchgangsstraße, Fernstraße, Bundesstraße
through road
Durchgangsstraße f
Durchgangsstraßen pl
through road; main road
through roads; main roads
Durchfahrtsstraße f; Durchgangsstraße f
Durchfahrtsstraße f; Durchfahrtstraße f; Durchgangsstraße f Dt.; Durchgangsstrasse f Schw.; Durchzugsstraße f Ös. auto
Durchfahrtsstraßen pl; Durchfahrtstraßen pl; Durchgangsstraßen pl; Durchgangsstrassen pl; Durchzugsstraßen pl
Durchgangsventil n techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
straight way valve
straight way valves
Durchgangsventil n techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
straight-way valve; full-way valve; two-way (steam) valve
straight-way valves; full-way valves; two-way valves
Durchgangsventil n (Rohrleitung) techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
stop valve (for ducts)
stop valves
Durchgangsventil n (im Gegensatz zu Schieber Klappe) techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
Durchgangsventil mit geradem Kopf
Durchgangsventil mit schrägem Oberteil
globe valve
globe valves
straight pattern globe valve
oblique pattern globe valve
Durchgangsverdrahtung f electr.
feed-through wiring

Deutsche Durchgangslager Synonyme


Englische transit camp Synonyme

transit  about-face  alchemy  alteration  assimilation  assumption  astrolabe  azimuth circle  azimuth compass  becoming  bevel  bevel protractor  bevel square  carriage  carrying  cartage  change  change-over  clinometer  communication  commutation  conduction  contagion  convection  conversion  conveyance  course  cover  cross  crossing  delivery  deportation  diapedesis  diffusion  dissemination  do  export  exportation  expulsion  extradition  flip-flop  globe-trotting  go over  going  goniometer  graphometer  growth  haulage  import  importation  interchange  journeying  lapse  locomotion  measure  metastasis  metathesis  metempsychosis  migration  motion  movement  moving  mutual transfer  naturalization  osmosis  overpass  pantometer  pass over  pass through  passage  passing  passing over  patrol  perambulate  peregrinate  pererrate  perfusion  ply  progress  progression  protractor  quadrant  radiogoniometer  range  range over  re-formation  reconnoiter  reconversion  reduction  resolution  reversal  scour  scour the country  scout  sextant  shift  spread  spreading  sweep  switch  switch-over  theodolite  tourism  touristry  track  traject  trajet  transduction  transfer  transfer of property  transference  transferral  transformation  transfusion  transit circle  transit instrument  transit theodolite  transition  translation  translocation  transmigration  transmigration of souls  transmission  transmittal  transmittance  transplacement  transplantation  transport  transportation  transporting  transposal  transposition  travel  travel over  travel through  traveling  traversal  traverse  traversing  turning into  volte-face  voyage  
transition  about-face  accommodation  adaptation  adjustment  alchemy  alteration  amelioration  apostasy  assimilation  assumption  becoming  betterment  break  change  change of heart  change-over  changeableness  communication  conduction  constructive change  contagion  continuity  convection  conversion  defection  degeneration  degenerative change  delivery  deportation  deterioration  development  deviation  diapedesis  difference  diffusion  discontinuity  dissemination  divergence  diversification  diversion  diversity  evolution  export  exportation  expulsion  extradition  fitting  flip-flop  gradual change  growth  import  importation  improvement  interchange  lapse  melioration  metamorphosis  metastasis  metathesis  metempsychosis  migration  mitigation  modification  modulation  mutation  mutual transfer  naturalization  osmosis  overthrow  passage  passing over  perfusion  progress  qualification  radical change  re-creation  re-formation  realignment  reconversion  redesign  reduction  reform  reformation  remaking  renewal  reshaping  resolution  restructuring  reversal  revival  revivification  revolution  shift  spread  spreading  sudden change  switch  switch-over  total change  transduction  transfer  transfer of property  transference  transformation  transfusion  transit  translation  translocation  transmigration  transmigration of souls  transmission  transmittal  transmittance  transmutation  transplacement  transplantation  transposal  transposition  travel  turn  turnabout  turning into  upheaval  variation  variety  violent change  volte-face  worsening  
transitional  active  altering  changing  convertible  developing  driving  evolving  impelling  in motion  mobile  modifiable  motile  motivational  motive  motor  moving  propellant  propelling  resolvable  shifting  stirring  transformable  transitive  transitory  transmutable  traveling  
transitive  adjectival  adverbial  attributive  auxiliary  auxiliary verb  brittle  capricious  changeable  conjunctive  copula  copulative  correct  corruptible  deciduous  defective verb  deponent verb  dying  ephemeral  evanescent  fading  fickle  finite verb  fleeting  flitting  fly-by-night  flying  formal  fragile  frail  fugacious  fugitive  functional  glossematic  grammatic  impermanent  impersonal verb  impetuous  impulsive  inconstant  infinitive  insubstantial  intransitive  intransitive verb  linking  linking verb  modal auxiliary  momentary  mortal  mutable  neuter verb  nominal  nondurable  nonpermanent  participial  passing  perishable  postpositional  prepositional  pronominal  short-lived  structural  substantive  syntactic  tagmemic  temporal  temporary  transient  transitory  undurable  unenduring  unstable  verb  verb phrase  verbal  volatile  
transitory  able to adapt  adaptable  adjustable  alterable  alterative  brief  brittle  capricious  changeable  checkered  circumforaneous  corruptible  deciduous  discursive  divagatory  drifting  dying  ephemeral  errant  evanescent  ever-changing  fading  fickle  fleeting  flexible  flitting  floating  fluid  fly-by-night  flying  footloose  footloose and fancy-free  fragile  frail  fugacious  fugitive  gadding  gypsy-like  gypsyish  impermanent  impetuous  impulsive  inconstant  insubstantial  kaleidoscopic  landloping  malleable  many-sided  meandering  metamorphic  migrational  migratory  mobile  modifiable  momentary  mortal  movable  mutable  nomad  nomadic  nondurable  nonpermanent  nonuniform  passing  perishable  permutable  plastic  protean  proteiform  rambling  ranging  resilient  roaming  roving  rubbery  shifting  short-lived  short-term  straggling  straying  strolling  supple  temporal  temporary  traipsing  transient  transitive  transmigratory  transubstantiate  undurable  unenduring  unstable  vagabond  vagrant  variable  volatile  wandering  

Durchgangslager Definition

(pl. ) of Aid-de-camp
(n.) An officer selected by a general to carry orders, also to assist or represent him in correspondence and in directing movements.
(n.) The ground or spot on which tents, huts, etc., are erected for shelter, as for an army or for lumbermen, etc.
(n.) A collection of tents, huts, etc., for shelter, commonly arranged in an orderly manner.
(n.) A single hut or shelter
(n.) The company or body of persons encamped, as of soldiers, of surveyors, of lumbermen, etc.
(n.) A mound of earth in which potatoes and other vegetables are stored for protection against frost
(n.) An ancient game of football, played in some parts of England.
(v. t.) To afford rest or lodging for, as an army or travelers.
(v. i.) To pitch or prepare a camp
(n.) To play the game called camp.
(n.) The act of passing
(n.) The act or process of causing to pass
(n.) A line or route of passage or conveyance
(n.) The passage of a heavenly body over the meridian of a place, or through the field of a telescope.
(n.) The passage of a smaller body across the disk of a larger, as of Venus across the sun's disk, or of a satellite or its shadow across the disk of its primary.
(n.) An instrument resembling a theodolite, used by surveyors and engineers
(v. t.) To pass over the disk of (a heavenly body).

transit camp Bedeutung

a journey usually by ship, the outward passage tookdays
Canada jay
grey jay
gray jay
camp robber
whisker jack
Perisoreus canadensis
a jay of northern North America with blackapped head and no crest, noted for boldness in thievery
boot camp camp for training military recruits
temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers, wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling
camp temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers, level ground is best for parking and camp areas
camp a penal institution (often for forced labor), China has many camps for political prisoners
camp summer camp a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months, city kids get to see the country at a summer camp
camp refugee camp shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs
camp chair a light folding chair
concentration camp
a penal camp where political prisoners or prisoners of war are confined (usually under harsh conditions)
camp bed
a small bed that folds up for storage or transport
day camp a camp providing care and activities for children during the daytime
death camp a concentration camp where prisoners are likely to die or be killed
transit declinometer
an instrument for measuring magnetic declination
detention home
detention house
house of detention
detention camp
an institution where juvenile offenders can be held temporarily (usually under the supervision of a juvenile court)
labor camp
labour camp
a penal institution for political prisoners who are used as forced labor
prison camp internment camp
prisoner of war camp
POW camp
a camp for prisoners of war
public transit a public transportation system for moving passengers
rapid transit
mass rapid transit
an urban public transit system using underground or elevated trains
tennis camp a camp where tennis is taught
a surveying instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles, consisting of a small telescope mounted on a tripod
trailer camp
trailer park
a camp where space for house trailers can be rented, utilities are generally provided
transit instrument a telescope mounted on an axis running east and west and used to time the transit of a celestial body across the meridian
transit line a line providing public transit
transportation system
a facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods
work camp
prison camp
prison farm
a camp for trustworthy prisoners employed in government projects
camp something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality, the living room was pure camp
bank identification number
ABA transit number
an identification number consisting of a two-part code assigned to banks and savings associations, the first part shows the location and the second identifies the bank itself
inner circle
pack camp
an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
camp meeting religious (usually evangelistic) meeting held in a large tent or outdoors and lasting several days
camp a group of people living together in a camp, the whole camp laughed at his mistake
hobo camp
a place where hoboes camp
Camp David a retreat to the northwest of Washington that is used by the president of the United States
transit zone a six million square mile area that includes the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern Pacific Ocean, includes the principal routes used by drug smugglers
camp follower a follower who is not a member of an ingroup
camp follower a prostitute who provides service to military personnel
King Camp Gilette
United States inventor and manufacturer who developed the safety razor (-)
concentration camp a situation characterized by crowding and extremely harsh conditions
camp give an artificially banal or sexual quality to
camp down
establish or set up a camp
transit cause or enable to pass through, The canal will transit hundreds of ships every day
transit revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction
transit pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place), The comet will transit on September
pass through
move through
pass across
pass over
make a passage or journey from one place to another, The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs, Some travelers pass through the desert
decamp break camp leave a camp, The hikers decamped before dawn
camp out
live in or as if in a tent, Can we go camping again this summer?, The circus tented near the town, The houseguests had to camp in the living room
camp-made made as part of the arts-and-crafts program at summer camp, my camp-made leather wallet
providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities, they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect, campy Hollywood musicals of the 's
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