
Ebene Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ebene f
oberste Ebene
top level
Niveau, Ebene
meta-Ebene f
Ebene, Schicht
höchste Ebene
top level
auf hoher Ebene
eine flache Ebene
a flat plain
Ebene (Flachland)
ĂĽberlagerte Ebene
lokale Ebene f
local scale
Ebene, Rang, Stufe
auf gleicher Ebene
Niveau, Ebene, Grad
auf niedriger Ebene
auf mittlerer Ebene
at medium level
auf niedrigerer Ebene
at a lower level
Flaeche, Ebene, flach
Tiefsee-Ebene f geol.
abyssal plain
Ebene, Niveau, Stufe, Hoehe
Ebene f; Rang m; Stufe f
Ebene f, Rang m, Stufe f
Ebene f, flaches Land geogr.
lowlands, champaign
flach, eben adj
ebene Flächen
plane surfaces
Planimetrie f; Geometrie der Ebene
planimetry; plane geometry
lokal; hiesig adj
lokale Ebene f
local scale
abschlieĂźend mit, eben, auf gleicher Ebene
flush with
Bremsartstellung f „Ebene Gefälle“ (Bahn)
plain mountain braking system (railway)
ĂĽberregional adj
ĂĽberregionale Ebene f
trans-regional, supra-regional, national
supra-regional scale
Ebene f; Schicht f; Lage f; Auflage f
Ebene f, Schicht f, Lage f, Auflage f
Ebene f; flaches Land geogr.
Ebenen pl
Ebene f, flaches Land geogr.
Ebenen pl
Fläche f; Ebene f
Flächen pl; Ebenen pl
Fläche f, Ebene f
Flächen pl, Ebenen pl
Flachland n; flaches Land n; Ebene f geogr.
lowlands; champaign (archaic)
einfach, leicht verstaendlich, Ebene, ehrlich, flach
komplanar; auf derselben Ebene liegend adj math.
ĂĽberregional adj geogr.
ĂĽberregionale Ebene f
trans-regional; supra-regional
supra-regional scale
GauĂź'sche Zahlenebene f; komplexe Ebene f math.
complex plane
verletzt adj (auf emotionaler Ebene)
gekränkt adj
aggrieved {adj}
aggrieved {adj}
gleichsetzen, auf dieselbe Ebene stellen
to identify, to put on a level (with)
putting on a level with
Niveau n; Ebene f; Stufe f
auf der gleichen Ebene (wie)
on the same plane (as)
Ebene f; flaches Land geogr.
Ebenen pl
Flussebene f
river plain
Niveau n, Ebene f, Stufe f
auf der gleichen Ebene (wie)
on the same plane (as)
Geometrie f math.
darstellende Geometrie
ebene Geometrie
descriptive geometry
plane geometry
Geometrie f der Ebene; ebene Geometrie f; Planimetrie f math.
plane geometry; planimetrics; planimetry
verringern v; reduzieren v
auf eine niedrigere Ebene verlagern
to downscale
to downscale
komplanar; komplan; koplanar; auf derselben Ebene liegend adj math.
coplanar; being in the same plane
Ebene f math.
schiefe Ebene f
auf gleicher Ebene (wie)
inclined plane
in-plane; level (with)
Ebene f math.
schiefe Ebene f
auf gleicher Ebene (wie)
inclined plane
in-plane, level (with)
bĂĽndig; eben; plan; fluchtgerecht adj (mit)
mit etw. auf gleicher Ebene
flush (with)
flush with sth.
eben; ebenflächig; flach; flächenbündig adj math. techn.
ebene Flächen
plane surfaces
Hüttendeck n; Poopdeck n; Poop f ugs. (höchste Ebene auf dem Achterdeck)
poop deck; poop
Gemeindeebene f; Kommunalebene f; kommunale Ebene f pol.
auf Gemeindeebene
local government level; municipal level
at local government level; at municipal level
nächsthöher adj
die nächsthöhere Versionsnummer
die nächsthöhere Ebene erreichen
next higher; next … up
the next higher version number
to reach the next level up
Makroevolution f; Evolution f ĂĽber der Ebene einer Art (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
macroevolution; evolution above the species level (evolutionary biology)
Dreieckslehre f; Trigonometrie f math.
ebene Trigonometrie
sphärische Trigonometrie
trigonometry; trig coll.
plane trigonometry
spherical trigonometry
lokal; örtlich; regional adj
regionale Ebene f
regionale wirtschaftliche Integration f
regional level
regional economic integration
Gipfel…; Spitzen…; … auf höchster Ebene
Verhandlungen auf höchster Ebene
Spitzenpolitiker m
top-level negotiations
top-level politician
lokal, örtlich, regional adj
regionale Ebene f
regionale wirtschaftliche Integration f
regional level
regional economic integration
Gipfel...; Spitzen...; ... auf höchster Ebene
Verhandlungen auf höchster Ebene
Spitzenpolitiker m
top-level negotiations
top-level politician
Gipfel..., Spitzen..., ... auf höchster Ebene
Verhandlungen auf höchster Ebene
Spitzenpolitiker m
top-level negotiations
top-level politician
Ebene f math.
schiefe Ebene f
Bezugsebene f; Ausgangsebene f
auf gleicher Ebene (wie)
inclined plane
datum plane; initial plane; basis
in-plane; level (with)
Bewegung f
Bewegungen pl
ebene Bewegung
gebundene Bewegung
krummlinige Bewegung
räumliche Bewegung
plane motion
constrained motion
curvilinear motion
space motion
Rang m; Ebene f; Lage f
Ränge pl; Ebenen pl; Lagen pl
Managementebene f
zweite FĂĽhrungsebene f
tier of management
second tier
zurĂĽckgehen v
geht zurĂĽck
ging zurĂĽck
um im Menü eine Ebene zurückzugehen, …
to go back
going back
gone back
goes back
went back
to go back a level in the menue …
gleichsetzen; auf dieselbe Ebene stellen v (mit)
etw. mit etw. anderem gleichsetzen
to identify; to put on a level (with)
identifying; putting on a level
identified; put on a level
to identify sth. with sth. else
normal zu etw.; im rechten Winkel zu etw.; im 90-Grad-Winkel zu etw. math.
Der Vektor steht normal zur Ebene auf die Ebene.
normal to sth.; square to sth.; at right angle to sth.; at a 90 degree angle to sth.
The vector is normal to the plane.
landespolitisch Dt. Ă–s.; kantonspolitisch Schw. adj pol.
landespolitische Interessen
auf bundes- und landespolitischer Ebene
the state's states' political; the canton's cantons' political (prepositive); of the federal states Länder cantons; in terms of regional policy (postpositive)
the states' political interests
at federal and regional levels
Ernährungsstufe f; Trophieebene f; trophische Ebene f; Trophie-Niveau n; trophisches Niveau n (in einer Nahrungskette) biol. envir.
trophic level (in a food chain)
umfassend; durchgehend; auf breiter Ebene; bis in den letzten Winkel adv
viel umfassender; auf einer viel breiteren Ebene
flächendeckend verwendet werden
more pervasively
to be used pervasively
Geometrie f math.
affine Geometrie; Affingeometrie f
darstellende Geometrie
ebene Geometrie; Planimetrie f
sphärische Geometrie
Riemann'sche Geometrie
affine geometry
descriptive geometry
plane geometry
spherical geometry
Riemannian geometry
etw. drehen; etw. in Rotation versetzen v
drehend; in Rotation versetzend
gedreht; in Rotation versetzt
einen Monitor rundum schwenken
etw. aus einer Ebene herausdrehen math.
to rotate sth.
to fully rotate a monitor
to rotate sth. out of a plane
Ebene f, Niveau n, Pegel m, Stand m, Stufe f, Höhe f
Ebenen pl, Niveaus pl, Pegel pl, Stände pl, Stufen pl, Höhen pl
auf niedriger Ebene, auf tiefer Stufe
auf hoher Ebene, auf hoher Stufe
Bewegung f
Bewegungen pl
ebene Bewegung
gebundene Bewegung
krummlinige Bewegung
räumliche Bewegung
schaukelnde Bewegung; Pendelbewegung f
schnelle Bewegung zwischen zwei Punkten
translatorische Bewegung
plane motion
constrained motion
curvilinear motion
space motion
rocking motion; seesaw motion
coarse motion between two points
translatory motion
Bewegung f
Bewegungen pl
ebene Bewegung
gebundene Bewegung
krummlinige Bewegung
räumliche Bewegung
schaukelnde Bewegung; Pendelbewegung f
schnelle Bewegung zwischen zwei Punkten
translatorische Bewegung
eine Bewegung ausfĂĽhren
plane motion
constrained motion
curvilinear motion
space motion
rocking motion; seesaw motion
fast motion between two points
translatory motion
to perform a movement
Raumgruppe f chem. math. phys.
kristallografische Raumgruppe; kristallografische Gruppe; Kristallgruppe f (Kristall)
ebene kristallographische Gruppe; ebene Kristallgruppe; ebene Symmetriegruppe; Ornamentgruppe f (zweidimensionale Kristallmuster)
space group
crystallographic space group; crystallographic group; Fedorov group (crystal)
plane crystallographic group; plane symmetry group; wallpaper group (two-dimensional crystal patterns)
niedrig; flach; gering; tief; leise (Stimme) adj
niedriger; flacher; geringer; tiefer; leiser
am niedrigsten; am flachsten; am geringsten; am tiefsten; am leisesten
so niedrig wie; so tief wie; hinunter bis zu
niedrige Höhe; niedriges Niveau
auf niedrigerer Ebene
lowest; lowermost
as low as
low level
at a lower level
Ebene f; Niveau n; Pegel m; Stand m; Stufe f; Höhe f
Ebenen pl; Niveaus pl; Pegel pl; Stände pl; Stufen pl; Höhen pl
höchste Ebene
auf niedriger Ebene; auf tiefer Stufe
auf höchster hoher Ebene; auf hoher Stufe
auf niedriger Stufe
Verhandlungen auf höchster Ebene
auf europäischer Ebene; im europäischen Rahmen
auf gleicher Höhe mit
auf gleicher Höhe sein mit
das Niveau heben
top level
on a low level
high-level negotiations
at European level
on a level with
to be (on a) level with
to raise the level
Ebene f; Niveau n; Pegel m; Stand m; Stufe f; Höhe f
Ebenen pl; Niveaus pl; Pegel pl; Stände pl; Stufen pl; Höhen pl
höchste Ebene
Makroebene f
Spitzenniveau n
auf niedriger Ebene; auf tiefer Stufe
auf höchster hoher Ebene; auf hoher Stufe
auf niedriger Stufe
Verhandlungen auf höchster Ebene
auf europäischer Ebene; im europäischen Rahmen
auf gleicher Höhe mit
auf gleicher Höhe sein mit
das Niveau heben
top level
macro level; macroscopic level
peak level
on a low level
high-level negotiations
at European level
on a level with
to be (on a) level with
to raise the level
vor prp; +Dat. (örtlich und zeitlich)
vor (dem) Ende der Woche
kurz vor der Abzweigung
kurz vor der Grenze zu Spanien
vor Christus
die Aufgabe die vor uns liegt
vor eigenem Publikum spielen sport
sich vor dem Feind zurĂĽckziehen mil.
Vor Euch liegt eine Aufstellung der Punkte die zu besprechen sind.
Das ganze Wochenende lag noch vor uns.
Der Brunch kommt vor dem Mittagessen und nach dem FrĂĽhstĂĽck.
Die Ebene breitete sich schier endlos vor mir aus.
before the end of the week; before the week is out
just before the turn-off
just before the border to Spain
before Christ
the task before us
to play before your home crowd
to retreat before the enemy
Before you is a list of the points we have to discuss.
The whole weekend lay before us.
Brunch comes before lunch and after breakfast.
The plain stretched endlessly before me.
vor prp; +Dat. (örtlich und zeitlich)
vor (dem) Ende der Woche
kurz vor der Abzweigung
kurz vor der Grenze zu Spanien
vor Christus
die Aufgabe, die vor uns liegt
vor eigenem Publikum spielen sport
sich vor dem Feind zurĂĽckziehen mil.
Vor Euch liegt eine Aufstellung der Punkte, die zu besprechen sind.
Das ganze Wochenende lag noch vor uns.
Der Brunch kommt vor dem Mittagessen und nach dem FrĂĽhstĂĽck.
Die Ebene breitete sich schier endlos vor mir aus.
before the end of the week; before the week is out
just before the turn-off
just before the border to Spain
before Christ
the task before us
to play before your home crowd
to retreat before the enemy
Before you is a list of the points we have to discuss.
The whole weekend lay before us.
Brunch comes before lunch and after breakfast.
The plain stretched endlessly before me.
Beschluss m; (formelle) Entscheidung f (zu etw.) adm.
BeschlĂĽsse pl; Entscheidungen pl
begrĂĽndeter Beschluss
endgĂĽltige Entscheidung
vorläufige Entscheidung
Entscheidung in letzter Minute
Entscheidung auf höchster Ebene
die Entscheidungen des geschäftsführenden Ausschusses
bei der Entscheidung, ob
bei seiner Entscheidung
bis zur endgĂĽltigen Entscheidung
eine (formelle wichtige) Entscheidung fällen treffen
zu einer Entscheidung gelangen
einen Beschluss in eigener Sache fassen
einen Beschluss abändern
einen Beschluss ausfĂĽhren durchfĂĽhren umsetzen
jdm. eine Frage zur Entscheidung vorlegen
auf eine baldige Entscheidung drängen
Die Entscheidung ist der Jury schwergefallen.
Wir haben uns die Entscheidung nicht leicht gemacht.
Es wurden dabei wichtige BeschlĂĽsse gefasst.
decision (on sth.)
reasoned decision
final decision
temporary (or provisional) decision
last-minute decision
high-level decision
the decisions by the management committee
in determining whether
in making a decision
pending final decision
to take a decision Br.; to make a big decision Am.
to reach a decision; come to a decision; to arrive at a decision
to make a decision involving yourself
to amend a decision; to modify a decision
to carry out implement a decision
to submit an issue for a decision
to ask for a speedy decision
The jury found it hard to make a decision; The jury found the decision a hard one.
We have not taken the decision lightly. Br.; We did not make the decision lightly. Am.
Important decisions were taken.

Deutsche Ebene Synonyme

Ebene  ÂFläche  
Ebene  ÂFlachland  ÂPlateau  
Ebene  ÂLage  ÂSchicht  
adaptieren  Âangleichen  Âanpassen  Âauf  dieselbe  Ebene  stellen  Âgleichsetzen  
Ebene  ÂHöhe  ÂLevel  ÂNiveau  ÂPegel  ÂSchicht  ÂStand  ÂStufe  
Ebene  Flachland  Plateau  
Ebene  Fläche  
Ebene  Höhe  Level  Niveau  Pegel  Schicht  Stand  Stufe  
Ebene  Lage  Schicht  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Ebene Synonym nachschlagen

Englische level Synonyme

level  IC analysis  accommodate  accordant  address  adjust  aim  akin  alabaster  align  aligned  alike  alkali flat  alluvial plain  altitude  amount  appositive  arrowlike  assimilate to  at full length  at par  attribute  attributive  automatic  balance  balanced  band  basin  beat down  bed  bedding  belt  billiard table  blood  blow down  blow over  bottomland  bowl down  bowl over  bowling alley  bowling green  bracket  branch  break down  bring down  bulldog  bulldoze  burn down  bushveld  caliber  campo  cancel  cast  cast down  caste  category  champaign  champaign country  chop down  clan  class  clerestory  coastal plain  commensurate  compass  compensate  complement  consistent  consonant  constant  construction modifier  continuous  coordinate  correspondent  couche  counterbalance  counterpoise  countervail  course  cut  cut down  cutting  dab  damp  dash down  dead flat  dead level  dead straight  deck  deep structure  defensible  degree  delta  demolish  desert  deserved  destroy  devastate  direct  direct object  division  down  downs  downy  drag  drawn  dress  drop  dub  due  earth  elevation  entresol  equable  equal  equalize  equalized  equate  equilibrize  equitable  equivalent  esplanade  estate  even  even stephen  even up  evenhanded  evenly  extent  fair  fair and square  fell  fetch down  fifty-fifty  filler  first floor  fit  flat  flat country  flatland  flatly  flats  flatten  flattened  flatways  flatwise  floor  flush  focus  form-function unit  function  gallery  glabrate  glabrescent  glabrous  glass  good  grade  grass veld  grassland  grease  ground  ground floor  group  grouping  half-and-half  harmonize  harrow  head  heading  heath  height  hew down  homaloid  homaloidal  homogeneous  homogenize  honest  horizontal  horizontal axis  horizontal fault  horizontal line  horizontal parallax  horizontal plane  horizontal projection  horizontally  ice  identical  immediate constituent analysis  immutable  in a line  incline  indire  
level at  aim  aim at  bend  determine  direct  directionize  fix  fix on  hold on  point  point at  point to  present  set  sight on  train  train upon  turn  turn upon  
level head  aplomb  assurance  balance  common sense  confidence  cool head  coolheadedness  coolness  due sense of  equability  equanimity  equilibrium  good sense  horse sense  levelheadedness  plain sense  poise  possession  practical mind  practical wisdom  practicality  presence of mind  rationality  reason  reasonableness  restraint  saneness  sanity  self-assurance  self-command  self-confidence  self-control  self-possession  self-restraint  sense  sensibleness  sober-mindedness  soberness  sobriety  soundness  well-regulated mind  
level-headed  calm  collected  composed  cool  even-tempered  imperturbable  level  poised  reasonable  relaxed  sane  self-possessed  sensible  serene  tranquil  undisturbed  unflappable  unperturbed  unruffled  well-balanced  
levelheaded  assured  balanced  calm  collected  commonsense  composed  confident  cool  coolheaded  dispassionate  equable  equanimous  equilibrious  even  even-tempered  logical  philosophical  poised  practical  pragmatic  rational  reasonable  recollected  reposeful  sane  self-assured  self-confident  self-controlled  self-possessed  self-restrained  sensible  serene  sober  sober-minded  sound  together  tranquil  well-balanced  

Ebene Definition

Air level
() Spirit level. See Level.
(n.) A line or surface to which, at every point, a vertical or plumb line is perpendicular
(n.) A horizontal line or plane
(n.) An approximately horizontal line or surface at a certain degree of altitude, or distance from the center of the earth
(n.) Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc., conceived of as in one of several planes of different elevation.
(n.) A uniform or average height
(n.) An instrument by which to find a horizontal line, or adjust something with reference to a horizontal line.
(n.) A measurement of the difference of altitude of two points, by means of a level
(n.) A horizontal passage, drift, or adit, in a mine.
(a.) Even
(a.) Coinciding or parallel with the plane of the horizon
(a.) Even with anything else
(a.) Straightforward
(a.) Well balanced
(a.) Of even tone
(v. t.) To make level
(v. t.) To bring to a lower level
(v. t.) To bring to a horizontal position, as a gun
(v. t.) Figuratively, to bring to a common level or plane, in respect of rank, condition, character, privilege, etc.
(v. t.) To adjust or adapt to a certain level
(v. i.) To be level
(v. i.) To aim a gun, spear, etc., horizontally
Sea level
() The level of the surface of the sea
Water level
() The level formed by the surface of still water.
Water level
() A kind of leveling instrument. See under Level, n.
Y level
() See under Y, n.

level Bedeutung

terrain flight
low level flight
flight at very low altitudes
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
Abney level a surveying instrument consisting of a spirit level and a sighting tube, used to measure the angle of inclination of a line from the observer to the target
carpenter's level a straight bar of light metal with a spirit level in it
Dumpy level a surveyor's level having a short telescope fixed to a horizontally rotating table and a spirit level
floor level storey
a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale, what level is the office on?
ground floor
first floor
ground level
the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building
horizontal surface
a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line, park the car on the level
spirit level
indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
level crossing
grade crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level, barriers close road when trains pass
mason's level a level longer than a carpenter's level
plumb level a carpenter's level with a plumb line at right angles to it
surveyor's level surveying instrument consisting basically of a small telescope with an attached spirit level rotating around a vertical axis, for measuring relative heights of land
water level a water gauge that shows the level by showing the surface of the water in a trough or U-shaped tube
brightness brightness level
the quality of being luminous, emitting or reflecting light, its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun
a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality, a moderate grade of intelligence, a high level of care is required, it is all a matter of degree
amplitude level the level on a scale of amplitude
signal level the amplitude level of the desired signal
noise level
background level
the amplitude level of the undesired background noise
intensity strength intensity level the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation), he adjusted the intensity of the sound, they measured the station's signal strength
threshold level the intensity level that is just barely perceptible
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
level best
the greatest possible degree, he tried his utmost
level height above ground, the water reached ankle level, the pictures were at the same level
grade ground level the height of the ground on which something stands, the base of the tower was below grade
water level the level of the surface of a body of water
sea level level of the ocean's surface (especially that halfway between mean high and low tide), used as a standard in reckoning land elevation or sea depth
an abstract place usually conceived as having depth, a good actor communicates on several levels, a simile has at least two layers of meaning, the mind functions on many strata simultaneously
high-level formatting (computer science) the format for the root directory and the file allocation tables and other basic configurations
low-level formatting
(computer science) the format of sectors on the surface of a hard disk drive so that the operating system can access them and setting a starting position
price index
price level
an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time
high-level language a problem-oriented language requiring little knowledge of the computer on which it will be run
water line
water level
a line corresponding to the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat on an even keel, often painted on the hull of a ship
water table
water level
groundwater level
underground surface below which the ground is wholly saturated with water, spring rains had raised the water table
energy level
energy state
a definite stable energy that a physical system can have, used especially of the state of electrons in atoms or molecules, according to quantum theory only certain energy levels are possible
pressure level
force per unit area
the force applied to a unit area of surface, measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit), the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
sea-level pressure the atmospheric pressure reduced by a formula to the pressure at sea level
poverty line
poverty level
a level of personal income defining the state of poverty
support level (stock market) the price at which a certain security becomes attractive to investors
fuel level the amount of fuel remaining
degree level
a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process, a remarkable degree of frankness, at what stage are the social sciences?
level tier
a relative position or degree of value in a graded group, lumber of the highest grade
biosafety level the level of safety from exposure to infectious agents, depends on work practices and safety equipment and facilities
biosafety level exposure only to infectious agents that do not ordinarily cause human disease
biosafety level exposure to infectious agents that can cause disease in humans but whose potential for transmission is limited
biosafety level exposure to infectious agents that can be transmitted by the respiratory route and which can cause serious infection
biosafety level exposure to exotic infectious agents that pose a high risk of life-threatening disease and can be transmitted as an aerosol and for which there is no vaccine or therapy
A level the advanced level of a subject taken in school (usually two years after O level)
General Certificate of Secondary Education
O level
the basic level of a subject taken in school
college level the level of education that college students are assumed to have attained
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