
Ehegattenbesteuerung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ehegattenbesteuerung f; Haushaltsbesteuerung f; Zusammenveranlagung f Ös. (Steuerrecht) fin.
family taxation; joint taxation; joint tax assessment (fiscal law)
Ehegattenbesteuerung f; Haushaltsbesteuerung f; Zusammenveranlagung f Ös. (Steuerrecht) fin.
family taxation; joint taxation; joint tax assessment (fiscal law)
Ehegatte, Ehepartner
Ehegatte m, Ehegattin f, Gatte m, Gattin f, Ehepartner m, Ehepartnerin f, Ehegemahl m
Ehegatten pl, Ehegattinnen pl, Gatten pl, Gattinnen pl, Ehepartner pl, Ehepartnerinnen pl
Ehegatte m; Ehegattin f; Gatte m; Gattin f; Ehepartner m; Ehepartnerin f; Ehegemahl m
Ehegatten pl; Gatten pl; Ehepartner pl; Eheleute pl
spouses; husband and wife
Ehegatte m; Ehegattin f; Gatte m; Gattin f; Ehepartner m; Ehepartnerin f; Ehegemahl m; Gespons m veraltet
Ehegatten pl; Gatten pl; Ehepartner pl; Eheleute pl
Ehepartnerinnen pl
spouses; husband and wife
Ehegatten pl
husband and wife
husband and wife
Ehegatten, Ehegattinnen
Gütertrennung f jur.
Die Ehegatten leben in Gütertrennung.; Es besteht Gütertrennung.
(regime of) separation of property (between spouses)
The spouses are living under the regime of separation of property.
Haushalt m
Haushalte pl
im gemeinsamen Haushalt mit jdm. leben
einen getrennten Haushalt führen
Ehegatten die im gemeinsamen Haushalt leben
household; ménage (formal)
to live in the same household with sb.
to maintain separate households
husband and wife having a common household
den Haushalt führen v; wirtschaften v
den Haushalt führend; wirtschaftend
den Haushalt geführt; gewirtschaftet
Ehegatten die den Haushalt gemeinsam führen
gut wirtschaften
to keep house; to housekeep Am.
keeping house; housekeeping
kept house; housekept
spouses keeping house together
to be a good housekeeper
Ãœbereignungsvertrag m unter Ehegatten jur.
interspousal (grant) deed
getrennt leben v (Ehegatten) soc.
getrennt lebende Ehegatten
Ich lebe von meinem Mann getrennt.
to live apart; to live separate; to be separated (spouses)
separated spouses
I live apart from my husband.
vermögensrechtlich adj jur.
vermögensrechtliche Übertragung(en)
vermögensrechtliche Anordnung Verfügung
vermögensrechtliche Beziehungen zwischen den Ehegatten
vermögensrechtliche Ansprüche aus einem Eheverhältnis
vermögensrechtliche Folgen der Trennung eines unverheirateten Paares
regarding property; property
transfer of property
order affecting property
property relationships between the spouses
rights in property arising out of a matrimonial relationship
property consequences of the separation of an unmarried couple
Endvermögen n eines Ehegatten (bei einer Zugewinngemeinschaft) Dt. jur.
assets owned by a spouse at the end of the regime of community of accrued gains
Haushalt m
Haushalte pl
im gemeinsamen Haushalt mit jdm. leben
einen getrennten Haushalt führen
Ehegatten, die im gemeinsamen Haushalt leben
household; ménage formal
to live in the same household with sb.
to maintain separate households
husband and wife having a common household
den Haushalt führen v; wirtschaften v
den Haushalt führend; wirtschaftend
den Haushalt geführt; gewirtschaftet
Ehegatten, die den Haushalt gemeinsam führen
gut wirtschaften
to keep house; to housekeep Am.
keeping house; housekeeping
kept house; housekept
spouses keeping house together
to be a good housekeeper
Lebensgemeinschaft f; Zusammenleben f (als Paar) jur. soc.
eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft; häusliche Gemeinschaft
nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaft; eheähnliche Lebensgemeinschaft
außereheliche Lebensgemeinschaft (Scheidungsgrund)
voreheliche Lebensgemeinschaft
die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft aufgeben
die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft wiederherstellen
die Lebensgemeinschaft wieder aufnehmen
Die Ehegatten sind einander zur ehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft verpflichtet.
Die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft ist aufgehoben.
cohabitation; living together (as a couple)
marital cohabitation; conjugal community Am.
unmarried cohabitation
extra-marital cohabitation (ground for divorce)
premarital cohabitation
to terminate the marital cohabitation
to resitute the marital cohabitation
to resume the cohabitation
Cohabitation is a marital duty.
The marital cohabitation has ended.
Steuererklärung f; Abgabenerklärung f fin.
Steuererklärungen pl; Abgabenerklärungen pl
gemeinsame Steuerklärung (von Ehegatten)
getrennte Steuererklärung (von Ehegatten)
Einreichung einer Steuererklärung; Einreichen einer Abgabenerklärung
verspätete Einreichung der Steuererklärung
versäumte Einreichung der Steuererklärung
die Steuererklärung abgeben einreichen
tax return; return; tax declaration
tax returns; returns; tax declarations
joint tax return
separate tax return
filing of a tax return; tax filing
delayed tax declaration
failure to make file a return
to make a tax return; to file a return Am.
Steuerfreibetrag m; Freibetrag m fin.
Steuerfreibeträge pl; Freibeträge pl
Altersfreibetrag m
Arbeitnehmerfreibetrag m
Ausbildungsfreibetrag m (für unterhaltsberechtigte Minderjährige)
Dividendenfreibetrag m
Investitionsfreibetrag m
Jahresfreibetrag m
Kinderfreibetrag m
Umsatzfreibetrag m
Versorgungsfreibetrag m (für den verwitweten Ehegatten bei der Erbschaftssteuer)
Versorgungsfreibetrag m (für den verwitweten Ehegatten bei Versorgungsleistungen aus früheren Dienstverhältnissen)
Weihnachtsgeldfreibetrag m
einschleifender Freibetrag; verschleifender Freibetrag Ös.
persönlicher Steuerfreibetrag
die Höhe des Freibetrags
tax allowance; tax deduction; tax relief; tax-exempt amount
tax allowances; tax deductions; tax reliefs; tax-exempt amounts
age allowance; age relief; old age exemption Am.
employee allowance; employee exemption Am.; earned income relief for employees Br.
education allowance; education exemption Am. (for dependent minors)
dividend exclusion
investment allowance
annual allowance; annual exemption Am.
allowance for dependent children
tax-exempt amount of turnover
marital deduction; marital exemption Am.; spouses' exemption Am.
retirement allowance; disability allowance; retirement exemption Am.; disability exemption Am.; allowance exemption for retirement
Christmas allowance; Christmas exemption Am.
marginal relief
personal allowance Br.; personal relief Br.; personal exemption Am.
the amount of deduction; the amount of relief
Zugewinn m (eines Ehegatten) Dt. jur.
accrued gains (of a spouse)
getrennt leben v (Ehegatten) soc.
getrennt lebende Ehegatten
getrennt lebender Ehemann m; getrennt lebende Ehefrau f
Ich lebe von meinem Mann getrennt.
to live apart; to live separate; to be separated; to be estranged (spouses)
separated spouses
estranged husband; estranged wife
I live apart from my husband.
Ehegattenbesteuerung f; Haushaltsbesteuerung f; Zusammenveranlagung f Ös. (Steuerrecht) fin.
family taxation; joint taxation; joint tax assessment (fiscal law)
Ehegattenunterhalt m jur.
maintenance for spouse Br.; spouse spousal support Am.; alimony Am.

Deutsche Ehegattenbesteuerung Synonyme

Englische family taxation; joint taxation; joint tax assessment Synonyme

family  affiliation  agnate  ancestors  ancestry  animal kingdom  antonomasia  apparentation  ashram  binomial nomenclature  biosystematics  biosystematy  biotype  birth  blood  blood relation  blood relative  bloodline  body  branch  breed  brood  caste  children  clan  clannish  clansman  class  classification  cognate  collateral  collateral relative  colony  common ancestry  commonwealth  commune  community  connections  consanguinean  consanguinity  deme  derivation  descendants  descent  diphyletic  direct  direct line  distaff side  distant relation  division  dynasty  economic class  enate  endogamous group  ethnic  extended family  extraction  family tree  female line  filiation  flesh  flesh and blood  folk  folks  forebears  forefathers  fruit  genealogical  genealogy  genetic  genotype  genre  gens  gentile  gentilic  genus  german  get  glossology  grandchildren  great-grandchildren  group  hearth  heirs  home  homefolks  hostages to fortune  house  household  inheritors  issue  kids  kin  kind  kindred  kinfolk  kingdom  kinnery  kinsfolk  kinship group  kinsman  kinsmen  kinswoman  kith and kin  line  line of descent  lineage  lineal  little ones  male line  matriclan  menage  moiety  nation  national  near relation  new generation  next of kin  nomenclature  nuclear family  offspring  onomastics  onomatology  order  orismology  parentage  patriclan  pedigree  people  phratria  phratry  phyle  phyletic  phylogenetic  phylum  place-names  place-naming  plant kingdom  polyonymy  posterity  progenitors  progeny  race  racial  relations  relatives  rising generation  section  seed  sept  series  set  settlement  sib  sibling  side  social class  society  sons  spear kin  spear side  species  spindle kin  spindle side  stem  stirp  stirps  stock  strain  subcaste  subclass  subdivision  subfamily  subgenus  subkingdom  suborder  subspecies  subtribe  succession  superclass  superfamily  superorder  superspecies  sword side  systematics  taxonomy  terminolo  
family planning  aridity  barrenness  birth control  contraception  dearth  dry womb  dryness  famine  impotence  ineffectualness  infecundity  infertility  planned parenthood  sterileness  sterility  unfertileness  unfruitfulness  unproductiveness  withered loins  

Ehegattenbesteuerung Definition

(n.) The act of assessing
(n.) A valuation of property or profits of business, for the purpose of taxation
(n.) The specific sum levied or assessed.
(n.) An apportionment of a subscription for stock into successive installments
Butting joint
() A joint between two pieces of timber or wood, at the end of one or both, and either at right angles or oblique to the grain, as the joints which the struts and braces form with the truss posts
Butt joint
() A joint in which the edges or ends of the pieces united come squarely together instead of overlapping. See 1st Butt, 8.
(v. t.) The collective body of persons who live in one house, and under one head or manager
(v. t.) The group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.
(v. t.) Those who descend from one common progenitor
(v. t.) Course of descent
(v. t.) Honorable descent
(v. t.) A group of kindred or closely related individuals
(v. t.) A group of organisms, either animal or vegetable, related by certain points of resemblance in structure or development, more comprehensive than a genus, because it is usually based on fewer or less pronounced points of likeness. In zoology a family is less comprehesive than an order
(a.) Pertaining to the public treasury or revenue.
(n.) The income of a prince or a state
(n.) A treasurer.
(n.) A public officer in Scotland who prosecutes in petty criminal cases
(n.) The solicitor in Spain and Portugal
Hooke's joint
() A universal joint. See under Universal.
(n.) The place or part where two things or parts are joined or united
(n.) A joining of two things or parts so as to admit of motion
(n.) The part or space included between two joints, knots, nodes, or articulations
(n.) Any one of the large pieces of meat, as cut into portions by the butcher for roasting.
(n.) A plane of fracture, or divisional plane, of a rock transverse to the stratification.
(n.) The space between the adjacent surfaces of two bodies joined and held together, as by means of cement, mortar, etc.
(n.) The means whereby the meeting surfaces of pieces in a structure are secured together.
(a.) Joined
(a.) Involving the united activity of two or more
(a.) United, joined, or sharing with another or with others
(a.) Shared by, or affecting two or more
(v. t.) To unite by a joint or joints
(v. t.) To join
(v. t.) To provide with a joint or joints
(v. t.) To separate the joints
(v. i.) To fit as if by joints
(n.) A genus (Ephedra) of leafless shrubs, with the stems conspicuously jointed
(a.) Having straight joints.
(a.) Applied to a floor the boards of which are so laid that the joints form a continued line transverse to the length of the boards themselves.
(a.) In the United States, applied to planking or flooring put together without the tongue and groove, the pieces being laid edge to edge.
(n.) The act of laying a tax, or of imposing taxes, as on the subjects of a state, by government, or on the members of a corporation or company, by the proper authority
(n.) The act of taxing, or assessing a bill of cost.
(n.) Tax
(n.) Charge
Water joint
() A joint in a stone pavement where the stones are left slightly higher than elsewhere, the rest of the surface being sunken or dished. The raised surface is intended to prevent the settling of water in the joints.

family taxation; joint taxation; joint tax assessment (fiscal law) Bedeutung

family practice
family medicine
medical practice that provides health care regardless of age or sex while placing emphasis on the family unit
family therapy any of several therapeutic approaches in which a family is treated as a whole
joint venture a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise, a joint venture between the film companies to produce TV shows
natural family planning any of several methods of family planning that do not involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs, coitus is avoided during the fertile time of a woman's menstrual cycle
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
ovulation method of family planning
ovulation method
natural family planning in which the fertile period is inferred from changes in the character and quantity of cervical mucus, ovulation is marked by an increase in mucus that becomes sticky and then clearer and slippery
judgment judgement assessment the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event, they criticized my judgment of the contestants
logistic assessment a judgment of the logistic support required for some particular military operation
taxation the imposition of taxes, the practice of the government in levying taxes on the subjects of a state
bacteria family a family of bacteria
family Rhizobiaceae
a small family of rod-shaped bacteria
family Bacillaceae
typically rod-shaped usually Gram-positive bacteria that produce endospores
family Myxophyceae
family Schizophyceae
former terms for Cyanophyceae
family Nostocaceae
blue-green algae
family Oscillatoriaceae
blue green algae
family Pseudomonodaceae
rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria, include important plant and animal pathogens
family Athiorhodaceae
small motile sulphur bacteria
family Nitrobacteriaceae
usually rod-shaped bacteria that oxidize ammonia or nitrites: nitrobacteria
family Thiobacteriaceae
free-living coccoid to rod-shaped bacteria that derive energy from oxidizing sulfur or sulfur compounds
family Spirillaceae
rigid spirally curved elongate bacteria
family Bacteroidaceae
family of bacteria living usually in the alimentary canal or on mucous surfaces of warm-blooded animals, sometimes associated with acute infective processes
family Corynebacteriaceae
a large family of mostly Gram-positive and aerobic and nonmotile rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales
family Enterobacteriaceae
a large family of Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales
family Rickettsiaceae
microorganism resembling bacteria inhabiting arthropod tissues but capable of causing disease in vertebrates
family Chlamydiaceae
Gram-negative parasites in warm-blooded vertebrates
family Mycoplasmataceae
pleomorphic Gram-negative nonmotile microorganism similar to both viruses and bacteria, parasitic in mammals
family Actinomycetaceae
filamentous anaerobic bacteria
family Streptomycetaceae
higher bacteria typically aerobic soil saprophytes
family Mycobacteriaceae
a family of bacteria
family Polyangiaceae
family Myxobacteriaceae
bacteria living mostly in soils and on dung
family Micrococcaceae
spherical or elliptical usually aerobic eubacteria that produce yellow or orange or red pigment, includes toxin-producing forms as well as harmless commensals and saprophytes
family Lactobacillaceae
family Lactobacteriaceae
lactic acid bacteria and important pathogens, bacteria that ferment carbohydrates chiefly into lactic acid
family Spirochaetaceae
large coarsely spiral bacteria, free-living in fresh or salt water or commensal in bodies of oysters
family Treponemataceae
small spirochetes some parasitic or pathogenic
protoctist family any of the families of Protoctista
family Endamoebidae
a large family of endoparasitic amebas that invade the digestive tract
family Globigerinidae
a family of protoctists
family Nummulitidae
a family of fossil protoctists
family Arcellidae
soil and freshwater protozoa, cosmopolitan in distribution
family Tribonemaceae
simple filamentous freshwater yellow-green algae
family Laminariaceae
large family of marine brown algae including many economically important large kelps chiefly of northern waters
family Fucaceae
small family of brown algae: gulfweeds, rockweeds
family Euglenaceae
considered green algae
family Ulvaceae
sea-lettuce family
thin flat or tubular green algae
family Volvocaceae
unicellular or colonial biflagellate free-swimming flagellates
family Chlamydomonadaceae
green algae some of which are colored red by hematochrome
family Zygnemataceae
pond scums: common freshwater algae forming green slimy masses
family Oedogoniaceae
filamentous green algae
family Characeae
green algae superficially resembling horsetail ferns: stoneworts
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