
Einigungsstelle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Einigungsstelle f (in einer Firma)
Einigungsstellen pl
settlement board (in a company)
settlement boards
Einigungsstelle f (in einer Firma)
Einigungsstellen pl
settlement board (in a company)
settlement boards
außergerichtliche Einigung
amicable arrangement
Abmachung f, Vereinbarung f, Vergleich m, Einigung f, Regulierung f
gütliche Einigung
amicable settlement, favorable settlement
Einigung f
Einigung über Beendigung des Vertrages
agreement of rescission
Punkt m, Stelle f, Platz m, Moment m
Punkte pl, Stellen pl, Plätze pl, Momente pl
der Hauptpunkt, der springende Punkt übtr., das Wesentliche
an dieser Stelle
bis zu einem gewissen Punkt, bis zu einem gewissen Grade
Punkt für Punkt
wunder Punkt
kontroverser Punkt, an dem keine Einigung möglich ist (Diskussion)
the point
at this point
up to a certain point
point by point
sore point
sticking point
Vereinbarung f, Ãœbereinkunft f
Vereinbarungen pl
eine Vereinbarung treffen, eine Einigung erreichen
eine Ãœbereinkunft treffen
horizontale Vereinbarung
vertikale Vereinbarung
to reach an agreement
to enter into an agreement
horizontal agreement
vertical agreement
Vereinigung f, Einigung f
guetliche Einigung
amicable settlement
eine gütige Einigung
an amicable arrangement
Beilegung f; Einigung f; Regulierung f
Beilegungen pl; Einigungen pl; Regulierungen pl
die gültiche Beilegung von Streitigkeiten
the amicable settlement of disputes
Punkt m Pkt. ; Stelle f; Platz m; Moment m
Punkte pl; Stellen pl; Plätze pl; Momente pl
der Hauptpunkt; der springende Punkt übtr.; das Wesentliche
an dieser Stelle
bis zu einem gewissen Punkt; bis zu einem gewissen Grade
Punkt für Punkt
springender Punkt
wunder Punkt
kontroverser Punkt an dem keine Einigung möglich ist (Diskussion)
Wir alle erleben irgendwann einmal Angst.
Jede Frau bekommt früher oder später Zellulitis.
point pt
the point
at this point
up to a certain point
point by point
key point
sore point
sticking point
We all experience anxiety at one point or another.
Every woman will get cellulite at one point or another.
Sinn m; Sinne pl (Intentionen) (von jdm. +Gen.)
echte Pazifisten im Sinne Ghandis
eine Einigung im Sinne Russlands
in jds. Sinne handeln
ganz im Sinne von jdm. sein
Diese Aktivitäten sind ganz im Sinne der Schule.
Das wäre im Sinne des Verstorbenen.
Das ist nicht im Sinne des Erfinders.
Das ist auch im Sinne der anderen Beteiligten.
Kann dieser Konflikt in unserem Sinn gelöst werden?
intentions; wishes; philosophy; interest; terms (of sb.)
pure pacifists in Ghandi's tradition
a settlement on Russia's terms
to act as sb. would have wished
to be (very) much in line with the philosophy of sb.
These activities fit in very well with the school's philosophy.
This is what the deceased would have wanted.; This would be in accordance with the intentions of the deceased.
This is not really what was intended.
This is also in the interest of the other stakeholders.
Can the conflict be resolved in a manner favourable to us to our interests?
Vereinbarung f jur.
Vereinbarungen pl
durch Vereinbarung
laut Vereinbarung
entgegen früheren Vereinbarungen
eine eindeutige Vereinbarung
eine Vereinbarung treffen; eine Einigung erreichen
eine Ãœbereinkunft treffen
horizontale Vereinbarung
vertikale Vereinbarung
Zu Urkund dessen haben die Unterzeichneten diese Vereinbarung unterschrieben und mit ihren Siegeln versehen. (Vertragsformel) jur.
by agreement
as agreed
contrary to former agreements
a clear agreement
to reach an agreement
to enter into an agreement
horizontal agreement
vertical agreement
In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present Agreement and affixed thereto their seals. (contractual phrase)
Vereinigung f; Einigung f
Verständigung f; Einigung f (mit jdm.)
Wir müssen uns mit den Rebellen verständigen einigen.
accommodation (with sb.)
We must reach an accommodation with the rebels.
etw. überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam machen; etw. ausschließen v
überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam machend; ausschließend
überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam gemacht; ausgeschlossen
Die Einigung machte einen Streik überflüssig.
Bei guter Schulung werden sich viele Probleme erübrigen.
Diese Landesvorschriften sind aufgrund eines Bundesgesetzes unwirksam.
Der Vertrag schließt Klagen von Seiten der Auftraggeber aus.
to pre-empt; to preempt sth. (formal)
pre-empting; preempting
pre-empted; preempted
The deal preemted a strike.
A good training course will preempt many problems.
These state regulations are preempted by a federal law.
The contract preempts lawsuits by the clients.
es bleibt jdm. unbenommen etw. zu tun
Wird keine Einigung erzielt bleibt es den Mitgliedern unbenommen ...
Dieses Recht bleibt Ihnen unbenommen.
sb. remains free at liberty to do sth.; this does not prevent sb. from doing sth.
The failure to reach agreement will not prevent the members from ...
This is your undisputed right.
Knackpunkt m (kontroverser Punkt ohne Aussicht auf Einigung)
sticking point fig.
Beilegung f; Einigung f; Regulierung f
Beilegungen pl; Einigungen pl; Regulierungen pl
Einigung im Namensstreit
politische Einigung
die gütliche Beilegung von Streitigkeiten
settlement over the name dispute
political settlement
the amicable settlement of disputes
außerhalb des Gerichts; außergerichtlich adv jur.
sich außergerichtlich einigen
Es kam zu einer außergerichtlichen Einigung.
out of court
to settle out of court
The case was settled out of court.
Punkt m Pkt. ; Stelle f; Platz m; Moment m
Punkte pl; Stellen pl; Plätze pl; Momente pl
der Hauptpunkt; der springende Punkt übtr.; das Wesentliche
an dieser Stelle
bis zu einem gewissen Punkt; bis zu einem gewissen Grade
Punkt für Punkt
springender Punkt
wunder Punkt
kontroverser Punkt, an dem keine Einigung möglich ist (Diskussion)
Wir alle erleben irgendwann einmal Angst.
Jede Frau bekommt früher oder später Zellulitis.
point pt
the point
at this point
up to a certain point
point by point
key point
sore point
sticking point
We all experience anxiety at one point or another.
Every woman will get cellulite at one point or another.
Sinn m (Intentionen) (von jdm.)
echte Pazifisten im Sinne Gandhis
eine Einigung im Sinne Russlands
in jds. Sinne handeln
ganz im Sinne von jdm. sein
Diese Aktivitäten sind ganz im Sinne der Schule.
Das wäre im Sinne des Verstorbenen.
Das ist nicht im Sinne des Erfinders.
Das ist auch im Sinne der anderen Beteiligten.
Kann dieser Konflikt in unserem Sinn gelöst werden?
intentions; wishes; philosophy; interest; terms (of sb.)
pure pacifists in Gandhi's tradition
a settlement on Russia's terms
to act as sb. would have wished
to be (very) much in line with the philosophy of sb.
These activities fit in very well with the school's philosophy.
This is what the deceased would have wanted.; This would be in accordance with the intentions of the deceased.
This is not really what was intended.
This is also in the interest of the other stakeholders.
Can the conflict be resolved in a manner favourable to us to our interests?
Vereinbarung f jur.
Vereinbarungen pl
durch Vereinbarung
laut Vereinbarung
entgegen früheren Vereinbarungen
eine eindeutige Vereinbarung
eine Vereinbarung treffen; eine Einigung erreichen
eine Ãœbereinkunft treffen
horizontale Vereinbarung
vertikale Vereinbarung
Zu Urkund dessen haben die Unterzeichneten diese Vereinbarung unterschrieben und mit ihren Siegeln versehen. (Vertragsformel) jur.
by agreement
as agreed
contrary to former agreements
a clear agreement
to reach an agreement
to enter into an agreement
horizontal agreement
vertical agreement
In witness whereof, the undersigned have signed the present Agreement and affixed thereto their seals. (contractual phrase)
außergerichtlich adj jur.
außergerichtliche Einigung
extrajudicial; out-of-court
out-of-court settlement; extrajudicial settlement
sich auf etw. einigen; sich über etw. einig werden sein; über etw. Einigkeit erzielen; sich auf etw. veständigen geh. v adm.
sich einigend; sich einig werden seiend; Einigkeit erzielend; sich veständigend
sich geeinigt; sich einig geworden gewesen; Einigkeit erzielt; sich veständigt
einigt sich; wird einig; ist einig
einigte sich; wurde einig; war einig
sich über die Bedingungen einig werden; die Bedingungen vereinbaren
Sollten wir uns in dieser Sache nicht einigen verständigen …
Wenn es zu keiner Einigung kommt, …
Jetzt müsst Ihr Euch auf ein Datum für die Hochzeit einigen.
to agree on sth.
agreeing on
agreed on
to arrange the conditions
Unless the matter is agreed …
If this cannot be agreed, …
Now you have to agree on a date for the wedding.
komplett; alle alles beinhaltend; alle alles einschließend; Pauschal… econ.; wo alles inbegriffen ist econ. adj
eine vollständige Suche
eine politische Einigung, die alle Seiten einschließt
all-inclusive; all-in Br. econ.; with everything included
an all-inclusive search
an all-inclusive political agreement
etw. überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam machen; etw. ausschließen v
überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam machend; ausschließend
überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam gemacht; ausgeschlossen
Die Einigung machte einen Streik überflüssig.
Bei guter Schulung werden sich viele Probleme erübrigen.
Diese Landesvorschriften sind aufgrund eines Bundesgesetzes unwirksam.
Der Vertrag schließt Klagen von Seiten der Auftraggeber aus.
to pre-empt; to preempt sth. formal
pre-empting; preempting
pre-empted; preempted
The deal preempted a strike.
A good training course will preempt many problems.
These state regulations are preempted by a federal law.
The contract preempts lawsuits by the clients.
es bleibt jdm. unbenommen, etw. zu tun
Wird keine Einigung erzielt, bleibt es den Mitgliedern unbenommen, …
Dieses Recht bleibt Ihnen unbenommen.
sb. remains free at liberty to do sth.; this does not prevent sb. from doing sth.
The failure to reach agreement will not prevent the members from …
This is your undisputed right.
Einigungsprozess m
unification process
Güterichter m Dt.; Einigungsrichter m Ös. jur.
mediating judge
Einigungsstelle f (in einer Firma)
Einigungsstellen pl
settlement board (in a company)
settlement boards
Einigungsversuch m
attempt to reach an agreement
Einigungsvertrag m pol.
Einigungsverträge pl
unification treaty
unification treaties
deutscher Einigungsvertrag m pol.
German Unification Treaty

Deutsche Einigungsstelle Synonyme


Englische settlement board Synonyme

settlement  abalienation  abatement of differences  absolute indication  absolute interest  accommodation  acquitment  acquittal  acquittance  adjustment  affirmation  agreement  alienation  ally  amortization  amortizement  anchorage  appanage  arbitration  archduchy  archdukedom  arrangement  ashram  assignation  assignment  bargain  bargain and sale  barter  benefit  bequeathal  binder  body  body politic  buffer state  burden of proof  camp  captive nation  cash  cash payment  caste  cession  chieftaincy  chieftainry  choice  city-state  claim  clan  class  clearance  clearing  closing  colonization  colony  common  commonweal  commonwealth  commune  community  composition  composition of differences  compromise  concession  conclusion  conclusive evidence  conferment  conferral  confirmation  consignation  consignment  contingent interest  conveyance  conveyancing  cop-out  country  county  damning evidence  deal  debt service  deciding  decision  deeding  defrayal  defrayment  deliverance  delivery  demise  demonstration  deposit  desertion of principle  determination  disbursal  discharge  disposal  disposition  doling out  domain  dominion  dot  dower  down payment  dowry  duchy  dukedom  earldom  earnest  earnest money  easement  economic class  elimination  empeoplement  empery  empire  encampment  endogamous group  endowment  enfeoffment  equitable interest  equity  establishment  estate  evasion of responsibility  exchange  extended family  family  fixation  foundation  free city  gens  give-and-take  giving  giving way  grand duchy  hamlet  hire purchase  hire purchase plan  holding  inauguration  incontrovertible evidence  indisputable evidence  inhabitancy  inhabitation  inhabiting  initiation  installation  installment  installment plan  interest  interest payment  investiture  investment  ironclad proof  jointure  kingdom  kinship group  land  lease and release  legal jointure  limitation  liquidation  lodgment  mandant  mandate  mandated territory  

Einigungsstelle Definition

(n.) A piece of timber sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth as compared with the thickness, -- used for building, etc.
(n.) A table to put food upon.
(n.) Hence: What is served on a table as food
(n.) A table at which a council or court is held. Hence: A council, convened for business, or any authorized assembly or meeting, public or private
(n.) A square or oblong piece of thin wood or other material used for some special purpose, as, a molding board
(n.) Paper made thick and stiff like a board, for book covers, etc.
(n.) The stage in a theater
(n.) The border or side of anything.
(n.) The side of a ship.
(n.) The stretch which a ship makes in one tack.
(v. t.) To cover with boards or boarding
(n.) To go on board of, or enter, as a ship, whether in a hostile or a friendly way.
(n.) To enter, as a railway car.
(n.) To furnish with regular meals, or with meals and lodgings, for compensation
(n.) To place at board, for compensation
(v. i.) To obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensation
(v. t.) To approach
(n.) The state of being a companion or companions
(n.) A companion or companions.
(n.) An assemblage or association of persons, either permanent or transient.
(n.) Guests or visitors, in distinction from the members of a family
(n.) Society, in general
(n.) An association of persons for the purpose of carrying on some enterprise or business
(n.) Partners in a firm whose names are not mentioned in its style or title
(n.) A subdivision of a regiment of troops under the command of a captain, numbering in the United States (full strength) 100 men.
(n.) The crew of a ship, including the officers
(n.) The body of actors employed in a theater or in the production of a play.
(v. t.) To accompany or go with
(v. i.) To associate.
(v. i.) To be a gay companion.
(v. i.) To have sexual commerce.
(n.) The act of setting, or the state of being settled.
(n.) Establishment in life, in business, condition, etc.
(n.) The act of peopling, or state of being peopled
(n.) The act or process of adjusting or determining
(n.) Bestowal, or giving possession, under legal sanction
(n.) A disposition of property for the benefit of some person or persons, usually through the medium of trustees, and for the benefit of a wife, children, or other relatives
(n.) That which settles, or is settled, established, or fixed.
(n.) Matter that subsides
(n.) A colony newly established
(n.) That which is bestowed formally and permanently
(n.) The gradual sinking of a building, whether by the yielding of the ground under the foundation, or by the compression of the joints or the material.
(n.) Fractures or dislocations caused by settlement.
(n.) A settled place of abode
(n.) A sounding-board.
(n.) A thin board which propagates the sound in a piano, in a violin, and in some other musical instruments.
(n.) A board or structure placed behind or over a pulpit or rostrum to give distinctness to a speaker's voice.
(n.) See Sound boarding, under Sound, a noise.
(v. t.) To nail boards upon so as to lap one over another, in order to exclude rain, snow, etc.

settlement board (in a company) / settlement boards Bedeutung

termination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities
viatical settlement
viaticus settlement
sale of an insurance policy by a terminally ill policy holder
board game a game played on a specially designed board
shovel board
a game in which coins or discs are slid by hand across a board toward a mark
the act of colonizing, the establishment of colonies, the British colonization of America
backgammon board the board on which backgammon is played
baffle board
a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
skirting board
a molding covering the joint formed by a wall and the floor
beaver board a light wallboard made of compressed wood pulp
big board the large display board at the New York Stock Exchange that reports on stocks traded on the exchange
board a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose, he nailed boards across the windows
board gameboard a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games, he got out the board and set up the pieces
board rule a measure used in computing board feet
boards the boarding that surrounds an ice hockey rink
boards the stage of a theater, most actors love to stride the boards
bread board
a wooden or plastic board on which dough is kneaded or bread is sliced
bulletin board
notice board
a board that hangs on a wall, displays announcements
bulletin board system
bulletin board electronic bulletin board
a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
butcher board
butcher block
a thick wooden slab formed by bonding together thick laminated strips of unpainted hardwood
call-board a bulletin board backstage in a theater
checker board
a board having squares of two alternating colors
chess board
a checkerboard used to play chess
chopping board
cutting board
a wooden board where meats or vegetables can be cut
circuit board
circuit card
board card plug-in
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
conference table
council table
council board
the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting
control panel
instrument panel
control board
board panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices, he checked the instrument panel, suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
cornice valance
valance board
a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing
CPU board
mother board
the main circuit board for a computer
cribbage board a board with pegs and regularly spaced holes for holding the pegs, used for keeping the score in a game of cribbage
dart board
a circular board of wood or cork used as the target in the game of darts
dining table
a table at which meals are served, he helped her clear the dining table, a feast was spread upon the board
display panel
display board
a vertical surface on which information can be displayed to public view
diving board a springboard from which swimmers can dive
drafting board
drawing board
a smooth board on which paper is placed for making drawings
draining board
a board beside a kitchen sink and inclined to drain into the sink
the hinged protective covering that protects the keyboard of a piano when it is not being played
particle board
wallboard composed of wood chips or shavings bonded together with resin and compressed into rigid sheets
floor board
a board in the floor
go board a board used for playing go
ironing board narrow padded board on collapsible supports, used for ironing clothes
ledger board top rail of a fence or balustrade
computer memory
storage computer storage
store memory board
an electronic memory device, a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached
monopoly board a board used for playing monopoly
New York Stock Exchange
N. Y. Stock Exchange
big board
a stock exchange in New York
Ouija board
a board with the alphabet on it, used with a planchette to spell out supernatural messages
PC board a removable circuit board for a personal computer, fits into a slot in the mother board
gypsum board
wallboard with a gypsum plaster core bonded to layers of paper or fiberboard, used instead of plaster or wallboard to make interior walls
running board a narrow footboard serving as a step beneath the doors of some old cars
sandwich board signboard consisting of two hinged boards that hang front and back from the shoulders of a walker and are used to display advertisements
tilting board
dandle board
a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum, the board is ridden up and down by children at either end
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