
Einschubbauweise Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Einschubbauweise f techn.
plug-in unit design
Einschubbauweise f techn.
plug-in unit design
Einfügung f, Einschub m
Einfügungen pl, Einschübe pl
neue Einfügung f
Einschub m
slide-in unit, withdrawable unit
Einschub m, Zwischensatz m, Zwischenbemerkung f, Parenthese f
Einschub m
plug-in, plug-in unit
Einschub m
Einschub.., einschieben
Blindboden m; Einschub m constr.
Blindböden pl; Einschübe pl
dead floor; floor cavity
dead floors; floor cavities
Einfügung f; Einschub m
Einfügungen pl; Einschübe pl
neue Einfügung f
Einschub m
Einschübe pl
slide-in unit; withdrawable unit
slide-in units; withdrawable units
Einschub m; Zwischensatz m; Zwischenbemerkung f; Parenthese f
Einschub m techn.
Einschübe pl
Einschub in Kastenform
plug-in; plug-in unit
plug-ins; plug-in units
plug-in box
Einschub m ling.
Steckeinheit f; Einschub m electr.
Steckeinheiten pl; Einschübe pl
plug-in package; plug-in unit; rack; module
plug-in packages; plug-in units; racks; modules
Auszieh...; ausziehbar adj (Einschub)
pull-out {adj} only before nouns
Einschub m ling.
Wenn man einen Einschub weglässt, gibt der Satz immer noch einen Sinn.
If a parenthesis is removed, the sentence still makes sense.
oh Wunder; Wunder über Wunder; man möchte es fast nicht glauben; mirabile dictu geh. (Einschub)
Als wir am Nachmittag ankamen, war – Wunder über Wunder – noch ein Doppelzimmer frei.
wonder of wonders; mirabile dictu formal (used as a parenthesis)
We arrived in the afternoon to find, wonder of wonders, that there was still one double room available.
dummerweise; blöderweise ugs.; leider adv (als Satzanhängsel oder Einschub gebraucht)
Dummerweise hatte ich meine Kamera nicht mit.
Blöderweise kann ich zum Sommerfest nicht kommen.; Zum Sommerfest kann ich leider nicht kommen.
Sie ist nicht meine Freundin, leider!
Sein Gegner war zu seinem Pech der amtierende Weltmeister.
Blöd gelaufen!
worse luck Br. coll. (used as a sentence tag or a parenthesis)
I didn't have my camera, worse luck.
I shall have to miss the summer party, worse luck.
She isn't my girlfriend, worse luck!
His opponent was, worse luck for him, the current world champion.
Worse luck for me you him her them!
erwartbar; wie anzunehmen ist (als Einschub); mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit adv
jdm. glauben v; etw. glauben; etw. annehmen v
glaubend; annehmend
geglaubt; angenommen
jdn. zur Annahme verleiten, dass …
wenn man den Medienberichten glauben darf
man sollte es nicht glauben (Einschub)
Es ist wirklich kaum zu glauben.
(Es ist) kaum zu glauben, aber wahr.
Er glaubt ihr mehr als mir.
Ich glaube kein Wort davon.
Ich habe Es besteht Grund zur Annahme, dass …
Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass diese Meldung wahr ist.
Ich glaube ihr, auch wenn ihre Geschichte unwahrscheinlich klingt.
Man darf nicht alles glauben, was man liest.
Es fällt mir schwer, das zu glauben.
Mehrere Zeugen glauben, den Vermissten gesehen zu haben.
Ich glaube langsam, die Software hat einen Fehler.
Glaubst du im Ernst, dass ich so dumm bin, dass ich das tue?
Es wird angenommen, dass das Haus 1865 gebaut wurde.
Er soll sich im Ausland aufhalten.
Glaube ich zumindest. Ich glaube zumindest.
Glaub mir, der kann spielen.
Du wirst es nicht brauchen, glaube es mir.
„Sind sie schon eingetroffen?“, „Ja, ich glaube.“
„Hat er die Stelle genommen?“, „Ich glaube nicht.“
„Lebt sie noch?“, „Ich glaube kaum.“
to believe sb. sth.
to lead sb. to believe that …
if the media reports are to be believed
would you believe it (used as a parenthesis)
That's really hard to believe.
(It's) hard to believe but (it's) true.
He will take her word over mine.
I don't believe a word of it.
I have There is reason to believe for believing that …
I can well believe that this news is true.
I believe her, even though her story sounds unlikely.
You shouldn't believe everything you read.
I find it hard difficult to believe this.
Several witnesses believe to have seen the missing person.
I'm beginning to believe there is a bug in the software.
Do you honestly believe that I'm stupid enough to do that?
It is believed that the house was built in 1865.
He is believed to stay abroad.
At least, so I believe.
Believe me, he can really play the game.
You won't need it, believe me.
'Have they arrived yet?', 'Yes, I believe so.'
'Has he accepted the job?', 'I believe not.' 'I don't believe so.'
'Is she still alive?', 'Hardly. I doubt it. I don't suppose so.'
wie es so schön heißt; wie man so schön sagt; wie man zu sagen pflegt (Einschub)
Ich bin, wie man so schön sagt „ausgebrannt“.
Er war, wie es so schön heißt, „auf ihrem Radar“.
Außergewöhnliche Umstände erfordern außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen, wie man zu sagen pflegt.
as the saying goes; (or) so the saying goes; as the phrase goes (used as a parenthesis)
I am, as the saying goes, 'burnt out'
He was, as the phrase goes, 'on their radar'.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, or so the saying goes.
heißt es; so sagt man geh. (Einschub)
Die Liebe, heißt es, hat viele Gesichter.
as they say; so they say; they say (used as a parenthesis)
Love, they say, is a many splendored thing.
leider; leider Gottes ugs.; bedauerlicherweise; fatalerweise; unerfreulicherweise; unglücklicherweise; unseligerweise geh.; zu meinem Leidwesen geh.; Gott sei's geklagt poet. (Einschub)
sein viel zu früher Tod; sein ach so früher Tod poet.
man muss es leider sagen (Einschub)
erfreulicherweise oder unerfreulicherweise, glücklicherweise oder unglücklicherweise, je nachdem, wie man es betrachtet
Leider ja.; Bedauerlicherweise, ja. geh.
Leider nein.; Bedauerlicherweise nein. geh.
Ich versuchte zu helfen, aber leider war nichts zu machen.
Fatalerweise sprang seine negative Einstellung auf die anderen Teilnehmer über.
Unerfreulicherweise ist das an manchen Arbeitsplätzen so.
Unglücklicherweise wurden viele Passagiere seekrank.
Leider hatte ich nie Gelegenheit, sie persönlich kennenzulernen.
Ronaldo ist leider Gottes vor zwei Monaten gestorben.
sadly; sad to say; sad to relate; unfortunately; unhappily; regrettably; lamentably (used for states of affairs); alas archaic humor. (used as a parenthesis)
his lamentably early death
sad to relate (used as a parenthesis)
happily or unhappily, depending on which way you view it
Unfortunately yes.; I'm afraid so.
Unfortunately no.; I'm afraid not.
I tried to help but, sadly, nothing could be done.
Sadly, his negative attitude began to spread to the other participants.
Sad to say, this is how it is in some workplaces.
Unhappily, many of the passengers got seasick.
Lamentably, I never got the opportunity to meet her myself.
Ronaldo, alas, died two month's ago.
wenn überhaupt (Einschub, der ausdrückt, dass das Erwähnte u. U. gar nicht gegeben ist)
Welche Bedeutung – wenn überhaupt – hat die Religion für die Menschen?
Wir haben wenig – wenn überhaupt etwas – mit diesen Leuten gemeinsam.
Wenn dem Stück etwas fehlt, dann ist es die Wirkungsmacht des Buches, von dem es inspiriert wurde.
if anything (used as a parenthesis)
What, if anything, does religion mean to people?
We have little, if anything, in common with these people.
What the play does lack, if anything, is the potency of the book that inspired it.
wie schon gesagt; wie gesagt (Einschub)
as has already been mentioned stated; as I said (used as a parenthesis)
witzigerweise; komischerweise; was eigentlich verrückt ist (Einschub) adv
die Woche der Bibliotheken, die witzigerweise zehn Tage dauert
bizarrely enough; rather bizarrely; most bizarrely; bizarrely
Libraries Week, which, most bizarrely, lasts for ten days
Einschubbauweise f techn.
plug-in unit design
Einschubbrett n constr.
Einschubbretter pl
sound board
sound boards
Einschubdecke f constr.
Einschubdecken pl
sound boarded ceiling; sound floor
sound boarded ceilings; sound floors
Einschubführung f (im Gestell) electr.
Lauf m (einer Schusswaffe) mil.
Achtkantlauf m
Damastlauf m
Doppellauf m
Drehlauf m
Einschublauf m
Einstecklauf m; Futterlauf m
Kipplauf m
Kleinkaliberlauf m; KK-Lauf m
Pistolenlauf m
Prüflauf m
Revolverlauf m
Schnellwechsellauf m
Wechsellauf m; Einlegelauf m
beweglicher Lauf
extra schwerer Lauf
fester Lauf
frei schwingender Lauf
gezogener Lauf; Büchslauf; Kugellauf
gezogener Lauf nach dem Knopfdruckverfahren
glatt gebohrter Lauf; Flintenlauf; Schrotlauf; Schrotrohr
kompletter Lauf; Lauf komplett
konischer Lauf
nebeneinanderliegende Läufe
schwerer Lauf zum Scheibenschießen
seitlich schwenkbarer Lauf
starrer Lauf
übereinanderliegende Läufe
Lauf für auswechselbare Choke-Aufsätze
Lauf mit Hartverchromung innen
Lauf mit integrierter Ventilationsschiene
Lauf mit länglichen Nuten
Lauf mit Mündungsverstärkung
Lauf mit Paradoxbohrung
Ausbrennen des Laufs
Laufsprengung f; Gewehrsprengung f
Kühlung des Laufs; Laufkühlung
(hintere) Stirnfläche des Laufs; Laufstirnfläche
vorderes Laufende n; Vorderlauf m
barrel (of a gun)
octagon barrel
Damascus barrel
double barrel; dual barrel
rotating barrel
sleeved barrel
insert barrel; internal barrel; liner barrel; subcalibre barrel Br.; subcalibre barrel Am.; subcalibre tube Br.; subcaliber tube Am.
drop-down barrel; drop barrel; swing-down barrel; tip-down barrel; tip-up barrel
small-bore barrel
pistol barrel
test barrel
revolver barrel
quick-change barrel
interchangeable barrel; conversion barrel
mobile barrel
bull barrel
stationary barrel
floating barrel
rifled barrel
button-rifled barrel
smooth-bore barrel; shot barrel
barrel assembly
tapered barrel
side-by-side barrels
target weight barrel
side-swing barrel
fixed barrel
over-and-under barrels; superposed barrels
quick choke barrel
hard chrome-lined barrel
integral ventilated barrel
fluted barrel
barrel with crowned muzzle
paradox-rifled barrel
erosion of the barrel
burst of barrel
cooling of the barrel
face of the barrel
front end of the barrel; muzzle end of the barrel
Einschubrahmen m comp.
Einschubrahmen pl
Einschubschrank m electr.
Einschubschränke pl
Einschubsteckverbinder m electr.
rack and panel connector
Einschubsteckverbinder m electr.
Einschubsteckverbinder pl
rack and panel connector
rack and panel connectors
Einschubtechnik f
withdrawable-unit design
Einschubwiderstand m
resistance of yield

Deutsche Einschubbauweise Synonyme

Englische plug-in unit design Synonyme

Einschubbauweise Definition

(n.) To draw preliminary outline or main features of
(n.) To mark out and exhibit
(n.) To create or produce, as a work of art
(n.) To intend or purpose
(v. i.) To form a design or designs
(n.) A preliminary sketch
(n.) A plan or scheme formed in the mind of something to be done
(n.) Specifically, intention or purpose as revealed or inferred from the adaptation of means to an end
(n.) The realization of an inventive or decorative plan
(n.) The invention and conduct of the subject
(n.) Any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole
(n.) A flat oblong cake of pressed tobacco.
(n.) A high, tapering silk hat.
(n.) A worthless horse.
(n.) A block of wood let into a wall, to afford a hold for nails.
(v. t.) To stop with a plug
(n.) A single thing or person.
(n.) The least whole number
(n.) A gold coin of the reign of James I., of the value of twenty shillings.
(n.) Any determinate amount or quantity (as of length, time, heat, value) adopted as a standard of measurement for other amounts or quantities of the same kind.
(n.) A single thing, as a magnitude or number, regarded as an undivided whole.

plug-in unit design Bedeutung

an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity, how big is that part compared to the whole?, the team is a unit
interior decoration
interior design
the trade of planning the layout and furnishings of an architectural interior
the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan), he contributed to the design of a new instrument
hack jade
an old or over-worked horse
booster booster rocket
booster unit
takeoff booster
takeoff rocket
the first stage of a multistage rocket
bowler hat
derby hat
plug hat
a felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow brim
Bunker Buster
Guided Bomb Unit-
a , pound laser-guided bomb that can be programmed to penetrate to a given depth before exploding, used to penetrate hardened underground facilities
central processing unit
central processor
(computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing, the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached
circuit board
circuit card
board card plug-in
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
a decorative or artistic work, the coach had a design on the doors
design a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something, the design of a building
fire hydrant
an upright hydrant for drawing water to use in fighting a fire
speaker unit
loudspeaker system
speaker system
electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance
blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly
plug male plug an electrical device with two or three pins that is inserted in a socket to make an electrical connection
plug fuse a fuse with a thread that screws into a socket
round unit of ammunition
one shot
a charge of ammunition for a single shot
semiconductor device
semiconductor unit
a conductor made with semiconducting material
spark plug
sparking plug
electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of an internalombustion engine and ignites the gas by means of an electric spark
telephone plug
phone plug
a plug for connecting a telephone
visual display unit
(British) British term for video display
wall socket
wall plug
electric outlet
electrical outlet
outlet electric receptacle
receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
wall unit a piece of furniture having several units that stands against one wall of a room
unit character (genetics) a character inherited on an all-or-none basis and dependent on the presence of a single gene
excogitation conception design
the creation of something in the mind
design plan an arrangement scheme, the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult, it was an excellent design for living, a plan for seating guests
unit a single undivided whole, an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another
design pattern
something intended as a guide for making something else, a blueprint for a house, a pattern for a skirt
design criteria criteria that designers should meet in designing some system or device, the job specifications summarized the design criteria
an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions, his intent was to provide a new translation, good intentions are not enough, it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs, he made no secret of his designs
interior design the branch of architecture dealing with the selection and organization of furnishings for an architectural interior
language unit
linguistic unit
one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed
computer-aided design
software used in art and architecture and engineering and manufacturing to assist in precision drawing
graphic design visual communication by a skillful combination of text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, books, etc.
metrical foot
metrical unit
(prosody) a group of or syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm
blatant or sensational promotion
a wad of something chewable as tobacco
family unit
primary social group, parents and children, he wanted to have a good job before starting a family
unit investment trust
unit trust
a regulated investment company consisting of professional managers who issue redeemable securities representing a portfolio of many different securities, you can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $
administrative unit
administrative body
a unit with administrative responsibilities
coronary care unit a hospital unit specially staffed and equipped to treat patients with serious cardiac problems
neonatal intensive care unit
an intensive care unit designed with special equipment to care for premature or seriously ill newborn
intensive care unit
a hospital unit staffed and equipped to provide intensive care
social unit
an organization regarded as part of a larger social group, the coach said the offensive unit did a good job, after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit
army unit a military unit that is part of an army
naval unit a military unit that is part of a navy
air unit a military unit that is part of the airforce
military unit
military force
military group
a unit that is part of some military service, he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men
paramilitary force
paramilitary unit
paramilitary organization
paramilitary organisation
a group of civilians organized in a military fashion (especially to operate in place of or to assist regular army troops)
Sparrow Unit a hit squad of the New People's Army in the Philippines
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