
Einschubdecke Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Einschubdecke f constr.
Einschubdecken pl
sound boarded ceiling; sound floor
sound boarded ceilings; sound floors
Einschubdecke f constr.
Einschubdecken pl
sound boarded ceiling; sound floor
sound boarded ceilings; sound floors
Einfügung f, Einschub m
Einfügungen pl, Einschübe pl
neue Einfügung f
Einschub m
slide-in unit, withdrawable unit
Einschub m, Zwischensatz m, Zwischenbemerkung f, Parenthese f
Einschub m
plug-in, plug-in unit
Einschub m
Einschub.., einschieben
Blindboden m; Einschub m constr.
Blindböden pl; Einschübe pl
dead floor; floor cavity
dead floors; floor cavities
Einfügung f; Einschub m
Einfügungen pl; Einschübe pl
neue Einfügung f
Einschub m
Einschübe pl
slide-in unit; withdrawable unit
slide-in units; withdrawable units
Einschub m; Zwischensatz m; Zwischenbemerkung f; Parenthese f
Einschub m techn.
Einschübe pl
Einschub in Kastenform
plug-in; plug-in unit
plug-ins; plug-in units
plug-in box
Einschub m ling.
Steckeinheit f; Einschub m electr.
Steckeinheiten pl; Einschübe pl
plug-in package; plug-in unit; rack; module
plug-in packages; plug-in units; racks; modules
Auszieh...; ausziehbar adj (Einschub)
pull-out {adj} only before nouns
Einschub m ling.
Wenn man einen Einschub weglässt, gibt der Satz immer noch einen Sinn.
If a parenthesis is removed, the sentence still makes sense.
oh Wunder; Wunder über Wunder; man möchte es fast nicht glauben; mirabile dictu geh. (Einschub)
Als wir am Nachmittag ankamen, war – Wunder über Wunder – noch ein Doppelzimmer frei.
wonder of wonders; mirabile dictu formal (used as a parenthesis)
We arrived in the afternoon to find, wonder of wonders, that there was still one double room available.
dummerweise; blöderweise ugs.; leider adv (als Satzanhängsel oder Einschub gebraucht)
Dummerweise hatte ich meine Kamera nicht mit.
Blöderweise kann ich zum Sommerfest nicht kommen.; Zum Sommerfest kann ich leider nicht kommen.
Sie ist nicht meine Freundin, leider!
Sein Gegner war zu seinem Pech der amtierende Weltmeister.
Blöd gelaufen!
worse luck Br. coll. (used as a sentence tag or a parenthesis)
I didn't have my camera, worse luck.
I shall have to miss the summer party, worse luck.
She isn't my girlfriend, worse luck!
His opponent was, worse luck for him, the current world champion.
Worse luck for me you him her them!
erwartbar; wie anzunehmen ist (als Einschub); mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit adv
jdm. glauben v; etw. glauben; etw. annehmen v
glaubend; annehmend
geglaubt; angenommen
jdn. zur Annahme verleiten, dass …
wenn man den Medienberichten glauben darf
man sollte es nicht glauben (Einschub)
Es ist wirklich kaum zu glauben.
(Es ist) kaum zu glauben, aber wahr.
Er glaubt ihr mehr als mir.
Ich glaube kein Wort davon.
Ich habe Es besteht Grund zur Annahme, dass …
Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass diese Meldung wahr ist.
Ich glaube ihr, auch wenn ihre Geschichte unwahrscheinlich klingt.
Man darf nicht alles glauben, was man liest.
Es fällt mir schwer, das zu glauben.
Mehrere Zeugen glauben, den Vermissten gesehen zu haben.
Ich glaube langsam, die Software hat einen Fehler.
Glaubst du im Ernst, dass ich so dumm bin, dass ich das tue?
Es wird angenommen, dass das Haus 1865 gebaut wurde.
Er soll sich im Ausland aufhalten.
Glaube ich zumindest. Ich glaube zumindest.
Glaub mir, der kann spielen.
Du wirst es nicht brauchen, glaube es mir.
„Sind sie schon eingetroffen?“, „Ja, ich glaube.“
„Hat er die Stelle genommen?“, „Ich glaube nicht.“
„Lebt sie noch?“, „Ich glaube kaum.“
to believe sb. sth.
to lead sb. to believe that …
if the media reports are to be believed
would you believe it (used as a parenthesis)
That's really hard to believe.
(It's) hard to believe but (it's) true.
He will take her word over mine.
I don't believe a word of it.
I have There is reason to believe for believing that …
I can well believe that this news is true.
I believe her, even though her story sounds unlikely.
You shouldn't believe everything you read.
I find it hard difficult to believe this.
Several witnesses believe to have seen the missing person.
I'm beginning to believe there is a bug in the software.
Do you honestly believe that I'm stupid enough to do that?
It is believed that the house was built in 1865.
He is believed to stay abroad.
At least, so I believe.
Believe me, he can really play the game.
You won't need it, believe me.
'Have they arrived yet?', 'Yes, I believe so.'
'Has he accepted the job?', 'I believe not.' 'I don't believe so.'
'Is she still alive?', 'Hardly. I doubt it. I don't suppose so.'
wie es so schön heißt; wie man so schön sagt; wie man zu sagen pflegt (Einschub)
Ich bin, wie man so schön sagt „ausgebrannt“.
Er war, wie es so schön heißt, „auf ihrem Radar“.
Außergewöhnliche Umstände erfordern außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen, wie man zu sagen pflegt.
as the saying goes; (or) so the saying goes; as the phrase goes (used as a parenthesis)
I am, as the saying goes, 'burnt out'
He was, as the phrase goes, 'on their radar'.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, or so the saying goes.
heißt es; so sagt man geh. (Einschub)
Die Liebe, heißt es, hat viele Gesichter.
as they say; so they say; they say (used as a parenthesis)
Love, they say, is a many splendored thing.
leider; leider Gottes ugs.; bedauerlicherweise; fatalerweise; unerfreulicherweise; unglücklicherweise; unseligerweise geh.; zu meinem Leidwesen geh.; Gott sei's geklagt poet. (Einschub)
sein viel zu früher Tod; sein ach so früher Tod poet.
man muss es leider sagen (Einschub)
erfreulicherweise oder unerfreulicherweise, glücklicherweise oder unglücklicherweise, je nachdem, wie man es betrachtet
Leider ja.; Bedauerlicherweise, ja. geh.
Leider nein.; Bedauerlicherweise nein. geh.
Ich versuchte zu helfen, aber leider war nichts zu machen.
Fatalerweise sprang seine negative Einstellung auf die anderen Teilnehmer über.
Unerfreulicherweise ist das an manchen Arbeitsplätzen so.
Unglücklicherweise wurden viele Passagiere seekrank.
Leider hatte ich nie Gelegenheit, sie persönlich kennenzulernen.
Ronaldo ist leider Gottes vor zwei Monaten gestorben.
sadly; sad to say; sad to relate; unfortunately; unhappily; regrettably; lamentably (used for states of affairs); alas archaic humor. (used as a parenthesis)
his lamentably early death
sad to relate (used as a parenthesis)
happily or unhappily, depending on which way you view it
Unfortunately yes.; I'm afraid so.
Unfortunately no.; I'm afraid not.
I tried to help but, sadly, nothing could be done.
Sadly, his negative attitude began to spread to the other participants.
Sad to say, this is how it is in some workplaces.
Unhappily, many of the passengers got seasick.
Lamentably, I never got the opportunity to meet her myself.
Ronaldo, alas, died two month's ago.
wenn überhaupt (Einschub, der ausdrückt, dass das Erwähnte u. U. gar nicht gegeben ist)
Welche Bedeutung – wenn überhaupt – hat die Religion für die Menschen?
Wir haben wenig – wenn überhaupt etwas – mit diesen Leuten gemeinsam.
Wenn dem Stück etwas fehlt, dann ist es die Wirkungsmacht des Buches, von dem es inspiriert wurde.
if anything (used as a parenthesis)
What, if anything, does religion mean to people?
We have little, if anything, in common with these people.
What the play does lack, if anything, is the potency of the book that inspired it.
wie schon gesagt; wie gesagt (Einschub)
as has already been mentioned stated; as I said (used as a parenthesis)
witzigerweise; komischerweise; was eigentlich verrückt ist (Einschub) adv
die Woche der Bibliotheken, die witzigerweise zehn Tage dauert
bizarrely enough; rather bizarrely; most bizarrely; bizarrely
Libraries Week, which, most bizarrely, lasts for ten days
Einschubbauweise f techn.
plug-in unit design
Einschubbrett n constr.
Einschubbretter pl
sound board
sound boards
Einschubdecke f constr.
Einschubdecken pl
sound boarded ceiling; sound floor
sound boarded ceilings; sound floors
Einschubführung f (im Gestell) electr.
Lauf m (einer Schusswaffe) mil.
Achtkantlauf m
Damastlauf m
Doppellauf m
Drehlauf m
Einschublauf m
Einstecklauf m; Futterlauf m
Kipplauf m
Kleinkaliberlauf m; KK-Lauf m
Pistolenlauf m
Prüflauf m
Revolverlauf m
Schnellwechsellauf m
Wechsellauf m; Einlegelauf m
beweglicher Lauf
extra schwerer Lauf
fester Lauf
frei schwingender Lauf
gezogener Lauf; Büchslauf; Kugellauf
gezogener Lauf nach dem Knopfdruckverfahren
glatt gebohrter Lauf; Flintenlauf; Schrotlauf; Schrotrohr
kompletter Lauf; Lauf komplett
konischer Lauf
nebeneinanderliegende Läufe
schwerer Lauf zum Scheibenschießen
seitlich schwenkbarer Lauf
starrer Lauf
übereinanderliegende Läufe
Lauf für auswechselbare Choke-Aufsätze
Lauf mit Hartverchromung innen
Lauf mit integrierter Ventilationsschiene
Lauf mit länglichen Nuten
Lauf mit Mündungsverstärkung
Lauf mit Paradoxbohrung
Ausbrennen des Laufs
Laufsprengung f; Gewehrsprengung f
Kühlung des Laufs; Laufkühlung
(hintere) Stirnfläche des Laufs; Laufstirnfläche
vorderes Laufende n; Vorderlauf m
barrel (of a gun)
octagon barrel
Damascus barrel
double barrel; dual barrel
rotating barrel
sleeved barrel
insert barrel; internal barrel; liner barrel; subcalibre barrel Br.; subcalibre barrel Am.; subcalibre tube Br.; subcaliber tube Am.
drop-down barrel; drop barrel; swing-down barrel; tip-down barrel; tip-up barrel
small-bore barrel
pistol barrel
test barrel
revolver barrel
quick-change barrel
interchangeable barrel; conversion barrel
mobile barrel
bull barrel
stationary barrel
floating barrel
rifled barrel
button-rifled barrel
smooth-bore barrel; shot barrel
barrel assembly
tapered barrel
side-by-side barrels
target weight barrel
side-swing barrel
fixed barrel
over-and-under barrels; superposed barrels
quick choke barrel
hard chrome-lined barrel
integral ventilated barrel
fluted barrel
barrel with crowned muzzle
paradox-rifled barrel
erosion of the barrel
burst of barrel
cooling of the barrel
face of the barrel
front end of the barrel; muzzle end of the barrel
Einschubrahmen m comp.
Einschubrahmen pl
Einschubschrank m electr.
Einschubschränke pl
Einschubsteckverbinder m electr.
rack and panel connector
Einschubsteckverbinder m electr.
Einschubsteckverbinder pl
rack and panel connector
rack and panel connectors
Einschubtechnik f
withdrawable-unit design
Einschubwiderstand m
resistance of yield

Deutsche Einschubdecke Synonyme

Englische sound boarded ceiling; sound floor Synonyme

sound  Christian  able to pay  accepted  adamantine  admissible  advantageous  advertise  all there  announce  annunciate  appear  appear like  appraise  appreciate  approved  arm  armlet  articulate  aspect  assay  assess  astute  auditory range  auspicious  authentic  authoritative  bagpipe  balanced  barometer  bay  bayou  be reflected  be sent back  beep  bell  belt  beneficial  benevolent  bight  binding  bitch  blare  blast  blat  blooming  blow  blow a horn  blow the horn  bluster  boca  bon  bonny  boom  bounce back  braw  bray  breathe  broadcast  bueno  bugle  bulky  bunkum  cacophony  calculable  calculate  calibrate  caliper  canonical  canvass  capital  carillon  carrying distance  cast the lead  characteristic  check a parameter  check out  chime  chink  chorus  clang  clangor  clank  clarion  clearheaded  clearminded  clink  cogent  come out with  commendable  commonsense  communicate  complain  complete  compos mentis  compute  conservative  consistent  conventional  convey  cool  coolheaded  correct  cove  credible  creek  cry out  customary  deep  deliver  delve into  dense  dependable  dial  dig into  din  ding  dingdong  disclose  disseminate  dive  divide  dong  doodle  double-tongue  down-to-earth  drop  durable  earreach  earshot  earthy  echo  echo back  effect  elegant  emit  emit a sound  enduring  entire  enunciate  estimable  estimate  estuary  euripus  evaluate  evangelical  examine  excellent  expedient  explore  express  fail-safe  fair  faithful  faithworthy  fall  famous  fast  fathom  favorable  feel  feel out  feeler  fiducial  fife  fine  fiord  firm  firm as Gibraltar  firth  fit  fjord  fling off  flute  fly a kite  formulate  frith  full  gauge  give  give expression  give out with  give tongue  give utterance  give voice  go into  gong  good  good for  goodly  graduate  grand  grumble  guaranteed  gulf  gut  hale  hale and hearty  harbor  hard  hardheaded  harmless  healthy  healthy-minded  hearing  heavy  helpful  honk  impar  
sound barrier  Mach  Mach number  Mach one  Mach two  air speed  escape velocity  ground speed  knots  shock wave  sonic barrier  sonic boom  sonic speed  sonics  speed of sound  subsonic speed  subsonics  supersonic speed  supersonics  ultrasonics  
sound like  ape  appear  appear like  approach  approximate  be like  be redolent of  bear resemblance  bring to mind  call to mind  call up  come close  come near  compare with  copy  correspond  counterfeit  evoke  favor  feel  follow  imitate  look  look like  match  mimic  mirror  near  nearly reproduce  not tell apart  parallel  partake of  remind one of  resemble  savor of  seem  seem like  seem to be  simulate  smack of  sound  stack up with  suggest  take after  
sound track  backing  bibliofilm  bipack  black-and-white film  cartridge  color film  color negative film  dope  dry plate  emulsion  film  frame  microfilm  monochromatic film  motion-picture film  negative  orthochromatic film  pack  panchromatic film  photographic paper  plate  printing paper  roll  sound film  sound-on-film  soundstripe  tripack  vehicle  
sound truck  Gramophone  PA  PA system  Victrola  audio sound system  audiophile  binaural system  bitch box  bullhorn  cartridge  ceramic pickup  changer  crystal pickup  derived four-channel system  discrete four-channel system  four-channel stereo system  hi-fi  hi-fi fan  high-fidelity  intercom  intercommunication system  jukebox  magnetic pickup  monaural system  mono  needle  nickelodeon  phonograph  photoelectric pickup  pickup  public-address system  quadraphonic sound system  radio-phonograph combination  record changer  record player  sound reproduction system  squawk box  stereo  stylus  system  tape deck  tape recorder  tone arm  transcription turntable  turntable  
sound wave  amplitude  antinode  auditory effect  auditory phenomenon  crest  de Broglie wave  diffraction  electromagnetic radiation  electromagnetic wave  frequency  frequency band  frequency spectrum  guided wave  in phase  interference  light  longitudinal wave  loudness  mechanical wave  node  noise  out of phase  period  periodic wave  phone  radio wave  ray  reinforcement  resonance  resonance frequency  seismic wave  shock wave  sonance  sound  sound intensity level  sound propagation  speech sound  surface wave  tidal wave  transverse wave  trough  ultrasound  wave  wave equation  wave motion  wave number  wavelength  
sounded  articulated  droning  enunciated  lingual  linguistic  monotone  monotonic  nuncupative  oral  parol  pronounced  said  soniferous  sonorous  sounding  speech  spoken  tonal  toneless  unwritten  uttered  verbal  viva voce  vocal  vocalized  voiced  voiceful  
sounder  TelAutography  Teletype  Teletype network  Teletyping  barometer  closed-circuit telegraphy  code  duplex telegraphy  electricity  facsimile telegraph  feeler  interrupter  key  multiplex telegraphy  news ticker  pilot balloon  probe  quadruplex telegraphy  railroad telegraphy  random sample  receiver  sample  sender  simplex telegraphy  single-current telegraphy  sound  stock ticker  straw vote  submarine telegraphy  telegraphics  telegraphy  teleprinter  teletypewriter  teletypewriting  telex  ticker  transmitter  trial balloon  typotelegraph  typotelegraphy  weather vane  weathercock  wire service  
sounding  bathometry  bathymetry  booming  chiming  depth sounding  dinging  droning  echo sounding  echoic  echoing  echolocation  fathomage  fathoming  growling  jingling  lingering  monotone  monotonic  oceanography  pealing  persistent  reboant  rebounding  reechoing  repercussive  resounding  reverberant  reverberating  reverberatory  ringing  rumbling  sonar  sonation  soniferous  sonification  sonorous  sounded  soundings  thundering  tingling  tinkling  tintinnabular  tintinnabulary  tintinnabulous  tolling  tonal  toneless  undamped  water  
sounding out  acid test  assay  blank determination  brouillon  criterion  crucial test  crucible  determination  docimasy  essay  feeling out  first draft  kiteflying  ordeal  probation  proof  rough draft  rough sketch  standard  test  test case  touchstone  trial  try  verification  
soundless  abysmal  abyssal  bottomless  cavernous  deep as hell  echoless  fathomless  gaping  hush  hush as death  hushed  inaudible  mousy  noiseless  plumbless  plunging  quiescent  quiet  silent  still  still as death  stilly  subaudible  unarticulated  unfathomable  unfathomed  unhearable  unpronounced  unsounded  unuttered  unvocalized  unvoiced  whist  without bottom  yawning  
soundness  admissibility  advantageousness  agreeableness  aplomb  auspiciousness  authenticity  authoritativeness  authority  balance  balanced personality  beneficialness  benevolence  benignity  body  calculability  canonicalness  canonicity  class  cogency  common sense  completeness  concreteness  constancy  contact with reality  cool  cool head  coolheadedness  coolness  credit standing  density  dependability  desert  due sense of  durability  entireness  equilibrium  eupepsia  excellence  expedience  fairness  faithworthiness  fastness  favorableness  fine fettle  fine shape  fine whack  fineness  firmness  first-rateness  force  fullness  glowing health  good condition  good constitution  good digestion  good health  good sense  good shape  good trim  goodliness  goodness  gospel truth  grace  haleness  hardness  healthfulness  healthiness  healthy body  healthy constitution  healthy mind  helpfulness  high feather  homeostasis  horse sense  imperturbability  intactness  integrity  invariability  invincibility  justifiability  justness  kindness  level head  level-headedness  levelheadedness  logic  logicality  logicalness  lucid interval  lucidity  marbles  mass  materiality  mental balance  mental equilibrium  mental health  mental hygiene  mental poise  merit  mind  mint condition  nerve  niceness  normalcy  normality  normalness  orthodoxicalness  orthodoxism  orthodoxness  orthodoxy  palpability  picture of health  plain sense  plausibility  pleasantness  plenitude  ponderability  practical mind  practical wisdom  practicality  predictability  profitableness  quality  rationality  reason  reasonability  reasonableness  reliability  religious truth  rewardingness  right belief  right mind  rightness  robust health  rootedness  rude health  rugged health  sanemindedness  saneness  sang-froid  sanity  secureness  security  sense  senses  sensibleness  skillfulness  sober senses  sober-mindedness  soberness  sobriety  solidity  solvency  sound mind  sound  
soundproof  airtight  ballproof  bombproof  bulletproof  burglarproof  corrosionproof  dampproof  fire-resisting  fireproof  flameproof  foolproof  hermetic  holeproof  impervious to  insulate  leakproof  noiseproof  proof  proof against  punctureproof  resistant  rustproof  shatterproof  shellproof  tight  waterproof  watertight  weatherproof  
soundproofing  acoustic tile  antiknock  baffler  cushion  damp  dampener  damper  gag  hushcloth  muffle  muffler  mute  muzzle  quietener  silence cloth  silencer  soft pedal  sordine  sordino  sound-absorbing material  soundproofing insulation  sourdine  

Einschubdecke Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Board
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ceil
(v. t.) The inside lining of a room overhead
(v. t.) The lining or finishing of any wall or other surface, with plaster, thin boards, etc.
(v. t.) The inner planking of a vessel.
(n.) The bottom or lower part of any room
(n.) The structure formed of beams, girders, etc., with proper covering, which divides a building horizontally into stories. Floor in sense 1 is, then, the upper surface of floor in sense 2.
(n.) The surface, or the platform, of a structure on which we walk or travel
(n.) A story of a building. See Story.
(n.) The part of the house assigned to the members.
(n.) The right to speak.
(n.) That part of the bottom of a vessel on each side of the keelson which is most nearly horizontal.
(n.) The rock underlying a stratified or nearly horizontal deposit.
(n.) A horizontal, flat ore body.
(v. t.) To cover with a floor
(v. t.) To strike down or lay level with the floor
(v. t.) To finish or make an end of
(v. t. & i.) To sound again or anew.
(n.) The air bladder of a fish
(n.) A cuttlefish.
(superl.) Whole
(superl.) Healthy
(superl.) Firm
(superl.) Free from error
(superl.) Founded in truth or right
(superl.) heavy
(superl.) Undisturbed
(superl.) Founded in law
(adv.) Soundly.
(n.) A narrow passage of water, or a strait between the mainland and an island
(v. t.) To measure the depth of
(v. t.) Fig.: To ascertain, or try to ascertain, the thoughts, motives, and purposes of (a person)
(v. t.) To explore, as the bladder or urethra, with a sound
(v. i.) To ascertain the depth of water with a sounding line or other device.
(n.) Any elongated instrument or probe, usually metallic, by which cavities of the body are sounded or explored, especially the bladder for stone, or the urethra for a stricture.
(n.) The peceived object occasioned by the impulse or vibration of a material substance affecting the ear
(n.) The occasion of sound
(n.) Noise without signification
(v. i.) To make a noise
(v. i.) To be conveyed in sound
(v. i.) To make or convey a certain impression, or to have a certain import, when heard
(v. t.) To causse to make a noise
(v. t.) To cause to exit as a sound
(v. t.) To order, direct, indicate, or proclain by a sound, or sounds
(v. t.) To celebrate or honor by sounds
(v. t.) To examine the condition of (anything) by causing the same to emit sounds and noting their character
(v. t.) To signify
(n.) A sounding-board.

sound boarded ceiling; sound floor / sound boarded ceilings; sound floors Bedeutung

floor show
a series of acts at a night club
sound ranging locating a source of sound (as an enemy gun) by measurements of the time the sound arrives at microphones in known positions
sound reproduction the reproduction of sound
audio system
sound system
a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
ceiling the overhead upper surface of a covered space, he hated painting the ceiling
dance floor a bare floor polished for dancing
the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure), they needed rugs to cover the bare floors, we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent
floor level storey
a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale, what level is the office on?
floor trading floor a large room in a exchange where the trading is done, he is a floor trader
floor the legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business, there was a motion from the floor
floor board
a board in the floor
floor cover
floor covering
a covering for a floor
floor joist joist that supports a floor
floor lamp a lamp that stands on the floor
floor plan scale drawing of a horizontal section through a building at a given level, contrasts with elevation
fly gallery
fly floor
a narrow raised platform at the side of a stage in a theater, stagehands can work the ropes controlling equipment in the flies
ground floor
first floor
ground level
the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building
high fidelity sound system
equipment for the reproduction of sound with high fidelity
mezzanine floor
intermediate floor just above the ground floor
parquet parquet floor a floor made of parquetry
shop floor workplace consisting of the part of a factory housing the machines, the productive work is done on the shop floor
sound bow contact (the part of a bell) against which the clapper strikes
sound camera a movie camera that records sounds in synchrony with the visual images
sound film motion-picture film with sound effects and dialogue recorded on it
sound hole a hole in a soundboard (as of a violin) designed to resonate with the tones
sound recording
audio recording
a recording of acoustic signals
sound spectrograph a spectrograph for acoustic spectra
sound truck a truck equipped with a loudspeaker and used for advertising
threshing floor a floor or ground area for threshing or treading out grain
sound judgment
sound judgement
the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions
sound the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause, the sound of rain on the roof, the beautiful sound of music
sound property an attribute of sound
sound reflection
the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves, she could hear echoes of her own footsteps
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
ceiling (meteorology) altitude of the lowest layer of clouds
ceiling maximum altitude at which a plane can fly (under specified conditions)
absolute ceiling the maximum altitude at which an airplane can maintain horizontal flight
combat ceiling
service ceiling
altitude above which a plane cannot climb faster than a given rate
floor the parliamentary right to address an assembly, the chairman granted him the floor
privilege of the floor the right to be admitted onto the floor of a legislative assembly while it is in session
auditory perception
sound perception
the perception of sound as a meaningful phenomenon
auditory sensation
the subjective sensation of hearing something, he strained to hear the faint sounds
sound effect an effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play
morphology sound structure
syllable structure
word structure
the admissible arrangement of sounds in words
sound law a law describing sound changes in the history of a language
the audible part of a transmitted signal, they always raise the audio for commercials
phonetic alphabet
sound alphabet
an alphabet of characters intended to represent specific sounds of speech
an upper limit on what is allowed, he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him, there was a roof on salaries, they established a cap for prices
glass ceiling a ceiling based on attitudinal or organizational bias in the work force that prevents minorities and women from advancing to leadership positions
a lower limit, the government established a wage floor
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