
Einstelldruck Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Einstelldruck m; Solldruck m
set pressure
Einstelldruck m; Solldruck m
set pressure
Einstellarbeit f
adjustment work
Einstelllast f; Einstellast f alt
preset yield load
regulierbar, einstellbar
einstellbar, justierbar, nachstellbar, verstellbar, regulierbar, regelbar adj
fest eingestellt
einstellbare Tastenanschlagstärke
einstellbares Komma
adjustable key touch
adjustable point
einstellbar, justierbar
einstellbar; justierbar; nachstellbar; verstellbar; regulierbar; regelbar adj
fest eingestellt
stufenlos verstellbar
einstellbare Tastenanschlagstärke
einstellbares Komma
fully adjustable
adjustable key touch
adjustable point
stimmbar; einstellbar adj
stufenlos einstellbar adj
continuously variable; stepless variable
festlegbar adj
einstellbar adj
abweisbar; einstellbar; verzichtar adj
einstellbar; justierbar; nachstellbar; verstellbar; regulierbar; regelbar adj
fest eingestellt
stufenlos verstellbar
einstellbare Tastenanschlagstärke
einstellbares Komma
fully adjustable; continuously adjustable; infinitely adjustable
adjustable key touch
adjustable point
einstellbare Tastenanschlagstaerke
adjustable key touch
beliebig einstellbare Fahrstraßentaste f (Bahn)
one-way route button (railway)
Regelgröße f (Steuerungstechnik) techn.
Regelgrößen pl
einstellbare Regelgröße
Endregelgröße f
Ersatzregelgröße f
umgeformte Regelgröße
controlled variable; controlled quantity; controlled condition; control variable; regulating variable (of a closed-loop system) (control engineering)
controlled variables; controlled quantities; controlled conditions; control variables; regulating variables
controllable variable
final controlled variable
indirectly controlled variable
converted output quantity
Steuersatz m (Fahrrad)
Steuersatz mit Axiallager
Steuersatz mit einstellbarem Gewindekonus
Steuersatz mit einstellbarer Gewindeschale
ball race head set
adjustable cone head set
adjustable cup head set
Lokomotive f; Lok f ugs. (Bahn)
Lokomotiven pl; Loks pl
Abdrücklokomotive f
Batterielokomotive f; batteriebetriebene Lokomotive f
Bergbahnlokomotive f; Gebirgsbahnlokomotive f
Bremslokomotive f
Dampflokomotive f; Dampflok f
Dampflokomotive mit Ölfeuerung
Dampfspeicherlokomotive f; feuerlose Lokomotive f
Diesellokomotive f; Diesellok f
dieselelektrische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung
dieselhydraulische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit hydraulischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit hydromechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit mechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mittlerer Leistung
Direktauspuff-Lokomotive f
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Wechselstrommotor
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit unmittelbarem Antrieb mit Wechselstrommotor
Doppel-Lokomotive f
Drehgestell-Lokomotive f
Drehstromlokomotive f
Dreifachlokomotive f
Dreistromlokomotive f
Drillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit drei Zylindern
Einphasenwechselstromlokomotive f
Einrahmenlokomotive f
elektrische Lokomotive mit rotierendem Umformer
Elektrodiesellokomotive f
Elektrolokomotive f; elektrische Lokomotive f; E-Lok f
Exzitronlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Exzitron
ferngesteuerte Lokomotive
Gasturbinenlokomotive f (mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung)
Gelenklokomotive f; Gliederlokomotive f; Lenkachslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit einstellbaren Achsen
Gleichrichterlokomotive f
Güterzuglokomotive f
Kleinlokomotive f; K-Lok f; Traktor m Schw.
Lokomotive mit einfacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit dreifacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit gesteuerten Gleichrichtern
Mehrzwecklokomotive f; Lokomotive für gemischten Bahnverkehr
Reibungslokomotive f; Adhäsionslokomotive f
Tenderlokokomotive f
Turbodiesellokomotive f; Diesellokomotive f mit Turboaufladung
Verbundlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zweistufiger Expansion
Verschiebelokomotive f; Verschiebelok f ugs.; Rangierlokomotive f; Rangierlok f ugs.
Zwillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zwei Dampfzylindern
kleine Dampflokomotive; kleine Dampflok hist.
Lokomotive mit Innenrahmen
Leerfahrt f einer Lokomotive; Lok-Leerfahrt f; Fahrt als Lokzug Schw.
Ausbau der Treibstangen einer Lokomotive
eine Dampflok anheizen
eine Lokomotive unter Dampf setzen
locomotive; loco coll.; railroad engine Am.; engine Am. (railway)
locomotives; locos; railroad engines; engines
hump locomotive
battery-operated locomotive
mountain locomotive; mountain engine Am.; Alpine locomotive; Alpine engine Am.
brake locomotive
steam locomotive; steam engine Am.; steam traction unit
oil-burning locomotive
fireless steam locomotive; locomotive without firebox
diesel locomotive; diesel engine Am.
diesel-electric locomotive
diesel-hydraulic locomotive
diesel-hydromechanical locomotive
diesel-mechanical locomotive
small shunting locomotive
non-condensing steam locomotive
direct-drive locomotive
direct-drive locomotive; gearless locomotive
double locomotive
bogie locomotive
locomotive with single-phase three-phase converter set
triple locomotive
three-system locomotive
three-cylinder locomotive
single-phase locomotive; alternating current locomotive
locomotive with single underframe
rotary converter locomotive
electro-diesel locomotive
electric locomotive
excitron locomotive
slave locomotive
gas-turbine locomotive (with electric transmission)
articulated locomotive
rectifier locomotive; locomotive with a.c. d.c. motor converter set
goods locomotive Br.; freight locomotive Am.
small-power locomotive; small shunting locomotive; light rail motor tractor
simple-expansion locomotive
triple expansion locomotive
controlled rectifier locomotive
universal locomotive; mixed-traffic locomotive; mixed-traffic engine Am.
adhesion locomotive
tank locomotive
gas-turbine diesel locomotive
compound locomotive
shunting locomotive; shunting engine Am.; shunter; switcher; switch engine Am.; wildcat Am.
dual-cylinder locomotive; two-cylinder locomotive
pug locomotive Br.; pug Br.
inside framed engine
light running of a locomotive; locomotive running light
removal of locomotive rods
to fire a steam locomotive
to put an engine in steam under steam
Achssatz m; Radsatz m (Bahn)
Achssätze pl; Radsätze pl
Lokomotivradsatz m
Radsatz mit einstellbarer Spurweite; Spurwechselradsatz m; Umspurachse f
wheel and axle set; wheelset (railway)
wheel and axle sets; wheelsets
wheelset for locomotives
wheelset of adjustable gauge
Kontaktthermometer n
einstellbares Kontaktthermometer
contact thermometer
adjustable contact thermometer
Rad n
Räder pl
beidseitig montierbares Rad auto
einstellbares Rad
fünftes Rad
gegossenes Rad
gelenktes Rad
geschmiedetes Rad
verformtes Rad
verstellbares Rad
das Rad neu erfinden, das Rad noch einmal erfinden übtr.
reversible wheel
adjustable wheel
fifth wheel
cast wheel
steered wheel
forged wheel
buckled wheel
adjustable wheel
to reinvent the wheel fig.
einstellbares Komma
adjustable point
Rad n
Räder pl
beidseitig montierbares Rad auto
einstellbares Rad
fünftes Rad
gegossenes Rad
gelenktes Rad
geschmiedetes Rad
verformtes Rad
verstellbares Rad
das Rad neu erfinden; das Rad noch einmal erfinden übtr.
reversible wheel
adjustable wheel
fifth wheel
cast wheel
steered wheel
forged wheel
buckled wheel
adjustable wheel
to reinvent the wheel fig.
Rad n
Räder pl
Holzrad n
beidseitig montierbares Rad auto
einstellbares Rad
fünftes Rad
gegossenes Rad
gelenktes Rad
geschmiedetes Rad
verformtes Rad
verstellbares Rad
das Rad neu erfinden; das Rad noch einmal erfinden übtr.
wooden wheel; wood wheel
reversible wheel
adjustable wheel
fifth wheel
cast wheel
steered wheel
forged wheel
buckled wheel
adjustable wheel
to reinvent the wheel fig.
Verstellbarkeit f, Einstellbarkeit f, Regelbarkeit f
Verstellbarkeit, Einstellbarkeit
Verstellbarkeit f; Einstellbarkeit f; Regelbarkeit f
Einstellbefehl m transp.
adjustment command
Einstellbereich m, Anpassungsbereich m
Einstellbereiche pl, Anpassungsbereiche pl
adjustment range
adjustment ranges
Einstellbereich, Anpassungsbereich
adjustment range
Einstellbereich m; Anpassungsbereich m
Einstellbereiche pl; Anpassungsbereiche pl
adjustment range
adjustment ranges
Einstellbetriebsart f; Einstellmodus m techn.
tune mode
Einstelldrehregler m electr.
Einstelldrehregler pl
preset potentiometer
preset potentiometers
Einstelldruck m; Solldruck m
set pressure
Dosierventil n mit Einstelldüse (Brenner) techn.
adjustable-port proportioning valve
Arbeiter einstellen
take on workers
beschäftigen, einstellen, engagieren
das Verfahren einstellen
close the proceedings
einstellen, anheuern, anwerben
einstellen, nachstellen, anpassen
Fabrikation einstellen
cease manufacture
wieder anheuern, wieder einstellen
wieder einsetzen, wieder einstellen
wieder einstellen
Zahlung einstellen
suspend payment
Einnahme f
Einnahme einstellen, absetzen
to stop taking
Einstellen n, Einstellung f
Einstellung der Waagen mittels geeichter Prüflast
adjusting the scale devices by means of calibrated test load
Einstellung f, Einstellen n, Einregulierung f, Regelung f, Anpassung f, Adaptierung f, Justierung f
Einstellen der Uhrzeit
Einstellen von Ventilatoren während des Betriebes
clock time adjustment
in-flight adjustment of fans
Feuer n, Beschuss m, Schießen n mil.
das Feuer auf jdn. eröffnen
das Feuer einstellen
unter Beschuss geraten
Beschuss der eigenen Truppen, Beschuss durch eigene Truppen
Feuer leiten, Feuer lenken
direktes Schießen, Schießen im direkten Richten
indirektes Schießen, Schießen im indirekten Richten
to open fire on sb.
to cease fire
to come under fire
friendly fire
to direct fire
direct fire
indirect fire
Produktion f, Erzeugung f, Herstellung f
Produktion rationalisieren, modernisieren
Produktion einstellen
alternative Produktion f
automatisierte Produktion f
schlanke Produktion
Einstellung der Produktion
to streamline production
to stop production
alternative production
automated production
lean production
termination of production
abstimmen, sich einstellen (auf)
abstimmend, einstellend
abgestimmt, eingestellt
auf etw. eingestellt
auf etw. eingestellt werden, auf etw. abgestimmt werden
aufeinander eingestimmt sein
to attune (to)
attuned to sth.
to become attuned to sth.
to be attuned to one another
anstellen, einstellen v
anstellend, einstellend
angestellt, eingestellt
to hire
aufstellen, einstellen
aufstellend, einstellend
aufgestellt, eingestellt
to shelve
jdn. einstellen, jdn. anstellen
to hire sb.
einstellen v
stellt ein
stellte ein
to collimate
Personal einstellen v
Personal einstellend
Personal eingestellt
to recruit
Personal einstellen, anstellen v
Personal einstellend, anstellend
Personal eingestellt, angestellt
stellt ein, stellt an
stellte ein, stellte an
to staff
einstellen, anstellen v
einstellend, anstellend
eingestellt, angestellt
stellt ein, stellt an
stellte ein, stellte an
to engage
einstellen v
to tune in
tuning in
tuned in
to set
(Arbeit) einstellen v
to lay off (work)
laying off
laid off
einstellen, aufnehmen v
einstellend, aufnehmend
eingestellt, aufgenommen
to sign up
signing up
signed up
einstellen, justieren, ausrichten
einstellend, justierend, ausrichtend
eingestellt, justiert, ausgerichtet
to justify
einstellen, korrigieren, berichtigen, justieren
einstellend, korrigierend, berichtigend, justierend
eingestellt, korrigiert, berichtigt, justiert
stellt ein, korrigiert, justiert
stellte ein, korrigierte, justierte
to adjust
einstellen v
stellt ein
stellte ein
die Arbeit einstellen, die Arbeiten einstellen
Zahlungen einstellen fin.
to cease
to cease work
to cease payment
konfigurieren, einrichten, einstellen v
konfigurierend, einrichtend, einstellend
konfiguriert, eingerichtet, eingestellt
to configure
neu einstellen
neu einstellend
neu eingestellt
to recalibrate
neu einstellen, neueinstellen
to reorient
optimieren, fein einstellen, verbessern v
optimierend, fein einstellend, verbessernd
optimiert, fein eingestellt, verbessert
to tweak

Deutsche Einstelldruck Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Einstelldruck Synonym nachschlagen

Englische set pressure Synonyme

set  A to Z  A to izzard  Brownian movement  Platonic form  Platonic idea  Zeitgeist  abet  accepted  accommodate  accord  accretion  acrid  aculeate  acuminate  acute  adapt  address  adhere  adherence  adhesion  adjust  adjust to  advance  aesthetic form  affix  affluence  afflux  affluxion  age group  agglomerate  agglomeration  agglutination  aggregate  aim  aim at  air  all  all and sundry  all ready  all set  allocate  allot  alpha and omega  anchor  anchored  angular motion  animus  annex  appoint  appropriate to  aptitude  aptness  archetype  armed  armed and ready  arrange  arranged  art form  ascending  ascent  ascertained  aspect  assemblage  assign  assign to  assigned  assimilate  assured  attach  attested  attitude  attune  authorize  axial motion  azimuth  back number  back-number  backed  backflowing  backing  backward motion  balking  balky  banal  band  barb  base  battalion  battery  be gravid  be knocked up  be pregnant  be seated  be with child  be-all  be-all and end-all  bear  bearing  bearings  bed  beginning and end  belay  bend  bend to  bent  bestow  bet  bevy  bewhiskered  bias  bigoted  block  block out  blood  blueprinted  body  bonded  booted and spurred  borne  bracket  branch  breed  briefed  brigade  broadcast  bromidic  brood  build  build in  bulldogged  bulletheaded  bullheaded  bump  bunch  burden with  cabal  cabinet  cadre  cake  calcified  calculated  callous  calloused  camarilla  candy  career  carry  carry young  carve  case-hardened  cast  caste  category  cave  cave in  celestial navigation  cell  cement  cemented  certain  certified  character  charge  charmed circle  charted  chassis  chisel  chronic  cicatrize  cinch  circle  circumscribed  circumscript  clabber  clamp  clan  clasp  class  cleave  climbing  clinch  cling  cling to  clinging  clique  clock  close  close up  closed circle  clot  clotting  clump  cluster  clustering  coached  coagulate  coagulation  cock  cocked  cohere  coherence  cohesion  cohesiveness  
set about  accept  assume  attack  attempt  begin  blast away  blast off  buckle to  commence  dive in  dive into  embark in  embark upon  endeavor  engage in  enter on  enter upon  fall into  fall to  get busy  get cracking  get going  get to  get under way  get with it  go about  go ahead  go at  go in for  go into  go to it  go upon  have at  head into  hop to it  jump off  jump to it  kick off  launch forth  launch into  lay about  light into  move into  pitch in  pitch into  plunge into  proceed to  sail into  send off  set at  set forward  set going  set in  set out  set sail  set to  set to work  start  start in  start off  start out  tackle  take off  take on  take up  turn to  undertake  venture upon  wade into  
set against  aggravate  alienate  antagonize  come between  disaffect  disunite  divide  embitter  envenom  estrange  exacerbate  fan the flame  heat up  infuriate  irritate  light the fuse  madden  make trouble  pit against  provoke  separate  set at odds  set at variance  set on  sic on  sow dissension  stir up trouble  
set apart  abrupt  abscind  alienate  allocate  allot  amputate  analyze  anatomize  annihilate  appoint  appropriate to  assign  assign to  atomize  ban  bar  be characteristic  beatify  bless  bob  bolt  canonize  cast off  cast out  change  characterize  chop logic  cleanse  clip  commit  consecrate  conserve  contradistinguish  cordon  cordon off  crop  cull  cull out  cut  cut adrift  cut away  cut off  cut out  dedicate  define  delete  demarcate  demark  depart  describe  destine  desynonymize  detail  devote  difference  differentiate  disarticulate  disconnect  discriminate  disengage  disequalize  disjoin  disjoint  dispart  dissociate  distinguish  disunite  diversify  divide  divorce  dock  draw the line  earmark  eject  eliminate  enshrine  enucleate  eradicate  estrange  exalt  except  excise  exclude  expel  extinguish  extirpate  fate  fence off  ghettoize  gin  glorify  hallow  hold back  husband  individualize  individuate  insulate  interspace  interval  isolate  keep  keep apart  keep aside  keep back  keep by one  keep in reserve  keep in store  keep on hand  keynote  knock off  lay aside  lay by  leave  lop  lot  make a distinction  make a space  make assignments  mark  mark off  mark out  mark out for  mark the interface  modify  mutilate  nip  ordain  panel  pare  part  particularize  partition  peel  personalize  pick out  portion off  preserve  prune  pull away  pull back  pull out  purify  put apart  put aside  put by  quarantine  refine a distinction  remove  reserve  restrict  restrict to  retain  riddle  root out  rule out  saint  sanctify  save  save up  schedule  screen  screen out  seclude  segregate  select  separate  sequester  set  set a limit  set aside  set at intervals  set by  set off  set the pace  set the tone  sever  severalize  shave  shear  shut off  sieve  sieve out  sift  sift out  sort  sort out  sound the keynote  space  space out  specialize  split  split hairs  stamp out  stand aloof  stand apart  stand aside  step  
set aside  abandon  abolish  abrogate  abrupt  abscind  adjourn  admit  admit exceptions  alienate  allocate  allot  allow  allow for  amputate  annihilate  annul  appoint  appropriate to  assign  assign to  ban  bar  bob  bolt  brush aside  brush off  cancel  carry away  carry off  cart away  cast off  cast out  clip  concede  conserve  consider  consider the circumstances  consider the source  continue  cordon  cordon off  countermand  counterorder  crop  cull  cull out  cut  cut adrift  cut away  cut off  cut out  defer  delay  delete  delocalize  depart  destine  detail  disannul  disarticulate  disconnect  discount  disengage  disjoin  disjoint  dislodge  dismiss  displace  disregard  dissociate  disunite  divide  divorce  do away with  dock  drag out  drop the subject  earmark  eject  eliminate  enucleate  eradicate  estrange  except  excise  exclude  expel  extend  extinguish  extirpate  fate  forget  forget about it  forget it  ghettoize  gin  grant  hang fire  hang up  hold back  hold off  hold over  hold up  husband  insulate  invalidate  isolate  keep  keep apart  keep aside  keep back  keep by one  keep in reserve  keep in store  keep on hand  knock off  lay aside  lay away  lay by  lay over  leave  let it go  let slip  lift temporarily  lop  lot  make allowance for  make assignments  make void  manhandle  mark off  mark out for  move  mutilate  nip  nullify  ordain  override  overrule  pare  part  peel  pick out  pigeonhole  portion off  postpone  preserve  prolong  prorogate  prorogue  protract  provide for  prune  pull away  pull back  pull out  push aside  put apart  put aside  put away  put by  put in mothballs  put off  put on ice  quarantine  recall  recant  recess  relax  relax the condition  relocate  remove  renege  repeal  rescind  reserve  restrict  restrict to  retain  retract  reverse  revoke  riddle  root out  rule out  save  save up  schedule  screen  seclude  segregate  send  separate  sequester  set  set apart  set by  set off  shave  s  
set back  arrest  backpedal  backwater  bog down  bottle up  brake  bridle  check  clip the wings  constrain  contain  control  cool  cool off  countercheck  curb  curtail  dam up  damp  dampen  decelerate  delay  dent  depress  detain  dimple  dint  dompt  draw rein  ease off  ease up  engrave  enjoin  govern  guard  hang up  hinder  hold  hold at bay  hold back  hold fast  hold in  hold in check  hold in leash  hold up  impede  impress  imprint  indent  inhibit  intercept  interfere  intermeddle  interrupt  intervene  keep  keep back  keep from  keep in  keep in check  keep under control  lay under restraint  let down  let up  lose ground  lose momentum  lose speed  meddle  mire  moderate  notch  obstruct  oppose  pit  pock  pockmark  press in  prohibit  pull  pull in  punch  punch in  recess  reef  rein  rein in  relax  repress  resist  restrain  retard  retrench  scotch  set in  slack off  slack up  slacken  slow  slow down  slow up  snub  stamp  stay  straiten  suppress  take in sail  tamp  throttle down  withhold  
set before  advance  affront  brave  breast  bring before  bring forward  bring up  broach  challenge  choose rather  commend to attention  confront  confront with  dare  defy  encounter  envisage  face  face with  favor  front  have a bias  have preference  have rather  honor before  introduce  launch  lay before  lean towards  like better  make a motion  meet  meet squarely  moot  move  offer  offer a resolution  open up  place before  please  pose  postulate  prefer  prefer to  present  present to  propose  proposition  propound  put forth  put forward  put it to  put to choice  put to vote  rather  recommend  see fit  set forth  start  stem  submit  suggest  think best  think fit  think proper  
set down  abase  abash  account for  accredit with  accrete to  acknowledge  admonish  affirm  allege  announce  annunciate  apply to  argue  ascribe to  assert  assever  asseverate  assign to  attach to  attribute to  aver  avouch  avow  blame  blame for  blame on  book  bring down  bring home to  bring low  bring to book  calendar  call to account  carve  catalog  chalk  chalk up  charge on  charge to  chastise  check in  chide  chronicle  confess  connect with  contend  correct  credit with  crush  cut  debase  declare  degrade  demean  deposit  diminish  docket  dump  dump on  engrave  enroll  enscroll  enter  enunciate  express  fasten upon  father upon  file  fill out  fix on  fix upon  grave  hang on  have  have words with  hold  impanel  impute to  incise  index  inscribe  insert  insist  issue a manifesto  jot down  land  lay  lay down  lay to  lecture  light  list  lodge  log  lower  maintain  make a memorandum  make a note  make an entry  make out  manifesto  mark down  matriculate  minute  note  note down  objurgate  perch  pin on  pinpoint  place upon  place upon record  point to  poll  post  post up  predicate  proclaim  profess  pronounce  protest  put  put down  put in writing  put it  put on paper  put on tape  rate  rebuke  record  reduce  reduce to writing  refer to  register  repose  reposit  reprehend  reprimand  reprove  rest  roost  saddle on  saddle with  say  scold  set down to  set straight  settle  settle upon  sit down  spank  speak  speak out  speak up  stand for  stand on  state  straighten out  submit  tabulate  take down  take to task  tape  tape-record  touch down  trip up  upbraid  videotape  write  write down  write in  write out  write up  
set forth  advance  affect  approve  argue  articulate  assert  attest  be off  bespeak  betoken  brandish  breathe  bring before  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring out  bring to life  bring to notice  bring up  broach  character  characterize  chime  chorus  come out with  commend to attention  communicate  connote  convey  dangle  delineate  deliver  demonstrate  denote  depict  describe  develop  disclose  display  divulge  dramatize  draw  embody  emit  enact  enunciate  evidence  evince  evoke  exhibit  expose to view  express  flaunt  fling off  flourish  formulate  furnish evidence  get off  give  give expression  give indication of  give out with  give sign  give token  give tongue  give utterance  give voice  give words to  go forth  go to show  highlight  illuminate  illustrate  impart  imply  incarnate  indicate  introduce  involve  issue  issue forth  launch  lay before  lay down  let out  limn  lip  make a motion  make clear  make plain  manifest  mark  materialize  mean  moot  move  offer a resolution  open up  out with  outline  outset  outstart  paint  parade  perform  phonate  phrase  picture  point to  portray  pose  posit  postulate  pour forth  predicate  prefer  present  produce  pronounce  propose  proposition  propound  put forth  put forward  put in words  put it to  raise  recommend  render  represent  reveal  roll out  sally  sally forth  say  set before  set forward  set off  set out  show  show forth  show signs of  signalize  signify  sketch  sound  speak for itself  speak volumes  spotlight  start  start off  start out  strike out  submit  suggest  symptomatize  tell  tend to show  throw off  token  trot out  unfold  utter  verbalize  vocalize  voice  wave  whisper  word  write  
set in  bed  begin  blast  blast away  blast off  blow  blow a hurricane  blow great guns  blow over  blow up  bluster  breeze  breeze up  brew  come up  commence  confirm  deep-dye  define  dent  depress  dimple  dint  dive in  ease in  embed  engraft  engrave  entrench  establish  etch  fall to  fix  found  freshen  gather  get to  go ahead  ground  head into  huff  impact  implant  impress  imprint  indent  infix  infuse  ingrain  inject  inoculate  inscribe  insert  insinuate  interject  introduce  intromit  jam  jump off  kick off  lodge  notch  pack  perfuse  pipe up  pit  pitch in  plant  plunge into  pock  pockmark  pop in  press in  print  puff  punch  punch in  put in  rage  recess  root  seat  send off  set  set about  set back  set out  set sail  set to  settle  slip in  squall  stamp  start  start in  start off  start out  stereotype  stick in  storm  take off  tamp  throw in  tuck in  turn to  waft  wedge  whiff  whiffle  whip in  
set in motion  actuate  animate  bundle  bundle off  compel  drive  drive on  energize  float  force  forward  foster  galvanize  give a start  give an impetus  give momentum  goad  impel  incite  kick off  launch  mobilize  motivate  move  move to action  nudge  power  promote  propel  push  put in motion  send  send forth  send off  set afloat  set agoing  set going  set on foot  shove  spark  start  start going  start off  start up  stimulate  thrust  whip on  
set off  actuate  adjoin  adorn  allocate  allot  analogize  analyze  anatomize  appoint  appropriate to  array  assign  assign to  assimilate  atomize  atone for  backfire  balance  be at cross-purposes  be off  be opposed to  bear for  bear up for  bear up to  beautify  become one  bedeck  bedizen  befringe  bind  blast  blazon  blow out  blow up  border  bound  break for  bring into analogy  bring into comparison  burst  bust  change  chop logic  circulate  clash  color  compare  compare and contrast  compare with  conflict  conflict with  confront  contradict  contradistinguish  contrapose  contrast  contrast with  contravene  controvert  counter  counteract  counterbalance  countercheck  counterpoise  counterpose  countervail  counterweigh  counterwork  dandify  dash for  deck  deck out  decorate  demarcate  demark  destine  desynonymize  detail  detonate  difference  differentiate  discharge  discriminate  disequalize  disjoin  distinguish  diversify  divide  dizen  doll up  draw a comparison  draw a parallel  draw the line  dress  dress up  earmark  edge  embellish  emblazon  embroider  enframe  enkindle  enrich  equiponderate  explode  fate  fig out  fire  fix up  frame  fringe  fulminate  furbish  garnish  get off  glamorize  go for  go forth  go off  grace  gussy up  hem  hit for  individualize  individuate  issue  issue forth  juxtapose in opposition  kindle  lap  lay for  lay off  lay out  let off  light the fuse  liken  liken to  line  list  lot  make a distinction  make assignments  make for  make up  make up to  march  marge  margin  marginate  mark  mark off  mark out  mark out for  mark the interface  match  measure against  measure off  measure out  metaphorize  modify  offset  oppose  oppugn  ordain  ornament  outset  outstart  outweigh  pace off  paint  parallel  particularize  personalize  pick out  place against  play at cross-purposes  portion off  prank  prank up  preen  prettify  pretty up  primp  primp up  prink  prink up  purfle  purl  put  
set on  abet  aching for  aggravate  agitate  alienate  ambush  arouse  assail  assault  attack  bed on  bent on  blitz  blow the coals  bottom on  build on  bushwhack  come at  come between  come down on  crack down on  crazy to  dead set on  decided upon  descend on  descend upon  desirous of  determined upon  disaffect  disunite  divide  dying for  dying to  estrange  excite  fain of  fall on  fall upon  fan  fan the flame  feed the fire  ferment  fire  fixed upon  foment  fond of  found on  gang up on  go at  go for  ground on  harry  have at  heat  heat up  hell-bent on  hit  hit like lightning  impassion  incense  incite  inclined toward  inflame  instigate  intent upon  irritate  itching for  jump  keen on  land on  lay at  lay hands on  lay into  leaning toward  light into  light the fuse  mad on  make trouble  mug  nettle  partial to  pique  pit against  pitch into  pounce upon  pound  provoke  put up to  raise  rally  resolved upon  sail into  separate  set  set against  set at odds  set at variance  set upon  settled upon  sic on  sot on  sow dissension  spoiling for  stir the embers  stir up  stir up trouble  strike  surprise  swoop down on  take the offensive  tickle  undergird  underlie  wade into  whet  whip up  wild to  work up  
set out  adorn  align  allocate  allot  apportion  arrange  array  be off  bear  bear for  bear up for  bear up to  beautify  bedeck  bedizen  begin  blast away  blast off  blazon  blueprint  break for  chart  collocate  color  commence  compose  conceive  couch  couch in terms  dandify  dash for  deal  deal out  deck  deck out  decorate  diagram  dispose  distribute  dive in  dizen  doll up  dress  dress up  embellish  emblazon  embody in words  embroider  enrich  express  fall to  fig out  fix  fix up  formularize  formulate  frame  furbish  garnish  get off  get to  give expression to  give words to  go ahead  go for  go forth  grace  graph  gussy up  head  head into  hit for  issue  issue forth  jump off  kick off  lay for  lay off  lay out  light out  line  line up  make  make for  make up to  map  map out  mark off  mark out  marshal  ornament  outset  outstart  paint  paragraph  parcel out  phrase  pitch in  place  plan  plot  plot out  plunge into  prank  prank up  preen  present  prettify  primp  primp up  prink  prink up  put  put forth  put in words  rally  range  redecorate  redo  refurbish  regiment  rhetorize  run for  sail for  sally  sally forth  send off  set about  set forth  set forward  set in  set off  set out for  set sail  set to  sketch  sketch out  smarten  smarten up  space  spruce up  start  start in  start off  start out  state  steer for  strike out  style  take  take off  titivate  trick out  trick up  trim  turn to  word  
set right  accommodate  accord  adapt  adjust  adjust to  amend  assimilate  atone  attune  awaken  break the spell  broaden the mind  burst the bubble  catechize  civilize  compensate  conduct to  coordinate  correct  cover  cut to  debunk  demonstrate  direct  direct to  disabuse  disappoint  disenchant  disillude  disillusion  disillusionize  do penance  edify  educate  emend  enlighten  equalize  expiate  expose  fill up  fit  fix  gear to  give and take  give instruction  give lessons in  give satisfaction  ground  guide  harmonize  homologate  homologize  illumine  indemnify  inform  instruct  key to  lead to  let down easy  let in on  make all square  make amends  make compensation  make good  make plumb  make right  make uniform  make up for  measure  open the eyes  pay back  pay reparations  point out to  point the way  prick the bubble  proportion  put in tune  put right  put straight  put to rights  recompense  reconcile  rectify  redress  reeducate  regulate  remedy  remunerate  repay  requite  retaliate  right  school  set  set straight  set to rights  set up  sharpen the wits  show  show how  show the way  show up  similarize  steer  sync  synchronize  tailor  teach  teach a lesson  teach the rudiments  tell the truth  trim to  true  true up  tune  unblindfold  uncharm  undeceive  unspell  wake up  
set sail  begin  blast away  blast off  clap on  commence  crack on  dive in  fall to  get to  give her beans  go ahead  head into  hoist sail  jump off  kick off  make sail  pack on  pack on sail  pitch in  plunge into  put on sail  send off  set about  set in  set out  set to  spread sail  square away  square the yards  start  start in  start off  start out  take off  trim sail  turn to  
set straight  admonish  amend  awaken  break the spell  bring to book  burst the bubble  call to account  chastise  chide  compensate  conduct to  correct  debunk  direct to  disabuse  disappoint  disenchant  disentangle  disillude  disillusion  disillusionize  emend  enlighten  expose  extend  flatten  give satisfaction  have words with  lead to  lecture  let down easy  let in on  make all square  make good  make right  new-model  objurgate  pay reparations  point out to  point the way  prick the bubble  put right  put straight  put to rights  rate  re-form  rebuke  reclaim  recompense  rectify  redeem  redress  refashion  reform  regenerate  remedy  remodel  remunerate  renew  reprehend  reprimand  reprove  requite  reshape  restore self-respect  right  scold  set down  set right  set to rights  set up  show  show the way  show up  sit up  smooth  spank  stand up  steer  straighten  straighten out  straighten up  take down  take to task  tell the truth  unbend  unblindfold  uncharm  uncurl  undeceive  unkink  unsnarl  unspell  upbraid  wake up  
set to  accept  affix  altercate  anchor  annex  apologetics  apologia  apology  argument  argumentation  assume  attach  attack  attempt  barney  begin  belay  bicker  bickering  blast away  blast off  brawl  broil  buckle to  casuistry  cement  cinch  clamp  clinch  commence  contention  controversy  cramp  defense  differ  disputation  dispute  dive in  dive into  dustup  embark  embark in  embark upon  endeavor  engage in  engraft  enter  enter on  enter upon  fall into  fall to  fasten  feud  fight  fix  flite  flyting  get busy  get cracking  get going  get off  get to  get under way  get with it  go about  go ahead  go at  go in for  go into  go to it  go upon  graft  grapple  hassle  have at  have words  head into  hop to it  hubbub  join issue  jump off  jump to it  kick off  knit  knock-down-and-drag-out  launch  launch forth  launch into  lay about  light into  litigation  logomachy  make fast  moor  move into  open  paper war  passage of arms  pitch in  pitch into  plunge into  polemic  polemics  proceed to  put to  quarrel  rhubarb  row  ruckus  ruction  rumpus  run-in  sail into  scrap  screw up  secure  send off  set  set about  set at  set forward  set going  set in  set out  set sail  set to work  shindy  spar  spat  squabble  start  start in  start off  start out  tackle  take off  take on  take up  tiff  tighten  trice up  trim  turn to  undertake  venture upon  verbal engagement  wade into  war of words  wrangle  wrangling  
set up  abet  aggrandize  aggravate  aid  amend  angel  animate  annoy  apotheose  apotheosize  arouse  arrange  array  assemble  assist  author  avail  back  bail out  bankroll  base  bear  bear a hand  beatify  befriend  beget  benefit  blow  blow to  boost  brace  brace up  breed  bring about  bring forth  bring to effect  bring to pass  bring up  brisk  brisken  bristle  broach  buck up  build  build in  build up  buoy up  calculate  canonize  capitalize  cast  cast up  cause  chafe  cheer  chirk up  christen  comfort  compensate  compose  compound  conceive  concert  concoct  constitute  construct  contrive  cook up  cool off  correct  create  crown  cut out  deify  deploy  design  devise  dispose  do  do good  doctor  ease  effect  effectuate  elaborate  elevate  embitter  emend  engender  enliven  ennoble  enshrine  enthrone  erect  escalate  establish  evolve  exalt  exasperate  excite  exhilarate  extrude  fabricate  fashion  father  favor  figure  finance  fix  float  forecast  form  formulate  fortify  found  frame  frame up  fresh up  freshen  freshen up  fret  fudge together  fund  generate  gestate  get up  give a boost  give a hand  give a lift  give birth to  give help  give occasion to  give origin to  give rise to  give satisfaction  glamorize  glorify  go treat  grade  ground  grubstake  harmonize  heave  heft  heighten  heist  help  hierarchize  hike  hoick  hoist  hold up  huff  immortalize  inaugurate  incense  incept  indite  induct  inflame  initiate  inspire  install  institute  intend  introduce  invest  invigorate  irritate  jerk up  knock up  launch  lay out  lay plans  lay the foundation  lend a hand  lend one aid  levitate  lift  lift up  line up  lionize  lob  loft  magnify  maintain  make  make a projection  make all square  make arrangements  make good  make legendary  make right  make up  manufacture  marshal  materialize  mature  methodize  miff  mold  nettle  normalize  occasion  open  order  organize  originate  pacify  pack  pac  
set upon  ambush  assail  assault  attack  blitz  bushwhack  come at  come down on  crack down on  descend on  descend upon  fall on  fall upon  gang up on  go at  go for  harry  have at  hit  hit like lightning  jump  land on  lay at  lay hands on  lay into  light into  mug  pitch into  pounce upon  pound  sail into  set on  strike  surprise  swoop down on  take the offensive  wade into  

Einstelldruck Definition

(a.) Having or involving a pressure greatly exceeding that of the atmosphere
(a.) Fig.: Urgent
(a.) Having, employing, or exerting, a low degree of pressure.
(n.) The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed
(n.) A contrasting force or impulse of any kind
(n.) Affliction
(n.) Urgency
(n.) Impression
(n.) The action of a force against some obstacle or opposing force

set pressure Bedeutung

the act of pressing, the exertion of pressure, he gave the button a press, he used pressure to stop the bleeding, at the pressing of a button
lubricating system
force-feed lubricating system
force feed
pressure-feed lubricating system
pressure feed
mechanical system of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings
pressure cabin cabin consisting of the pressurized section of an aircraft or spacecraft
pressure cooker autoclave for cooking at temperatures above the boiling point of water
pressure dome a dome-shaped building that is pressurized
pressure gauge
pressure gage
gauge for measuring and indicating fluid pressure
pressure suit protective garment consisting of an inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
acoustic radiation pressure (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
pressure a force that compels, the public brought pressure to bear on the government
pressure point an area on the skin that is highly sensitive to pressure, you must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu
pressure point where problems or difficulties are likely to occur, a key pressure point in the controversy was the building permit
pressure sensation
the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin, the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal
pressure group
third house
a group of people who try actively to influence legislation
pressure point any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point
atmospheric pressure
air pressure
the pressure exerted by the atmosphere
blood pressure the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels, results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart, sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person's health, adult blood pressure is considered normal at
where the first number is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure
systolic pressure the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
diastolic pressure the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) after the contraction of the heart while the chambers of the heart refill with blood
arterial pressure the pressure of the circulating blood on the arteries, arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and vascular resistance
venous pressure the pressure exerted on the walls of the veins by the circulating blood
gas pressure the pressure exerted by a gas
pressure level
force per unit area
the force applied to a unit area of surface, measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit), the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
barometric pressure atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer
compartment pressure the air pressure maintained in an air-tight compartment (as in an aircraft)
sea-level pressure the atmospheric pressure reduced by a formula to the pressure at sea level
intraocular pressure
pressure exerted by the fluids inside the eyeball, regulated by resistance to the outward flow of aqueous humor, glaucoma can result from increased intraocular pressure
oil pressure pressure that keeps oil on the moving parts of an internalombustion engine
osmotic pressure (physical chemistry) the pressure exerted by a solution necessary to prevent osmosis into that solution when it is separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane
radiation pressure
corpuscularadiation pressure
the minute pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a wave
sound pressure
instantaneous sound pressure
the difference between the instantaneous pressure at a point in a sound field and the average pressure at that point
vapor pressure
vapour pressure
the pressure exerted by a vapor, often understood to mean saturated vapor pressure (the vapor pressure of a vapor in contact with its liquid form)
pressure unit a unit measuring force per unit area
standard atmosphere
standard pressure
a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercurymm high at sea level and
degrees centigrade
high blood pressure
a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of
mm Hg or greater)
pressure sore
decubitus ulcer
a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients)
the state of demanding notice or attention, the insistence of their hunger, the press of business matters
pressure an oppressive condition of physical or mental or social or economic distress
pressure-cook cook in a pressure cooker
wash before painting to remove old paint and mildew, pressure-wash the house
squeeze pressure
to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :She forced him to take a job in the city, He squeezed her for information
turn up the heat
turn up the pressure
apply great or increased pressure, The Democrats turned up the heat on their candidate to concede the election
exert pressure on someone through threats
aggressively and persistently persuasive, a hard-hitting advertising campaign, a high-pressure salesman
low-pressure not forceful, a low-pressure salesman, a low-pressure campaign
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