
Elektromagnetventil Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Elektromagnetventil n mach.
Elektromagnetventile pl
solenoid valve
solenoid valves
Elektromagnetventil n mach.
Elektromagnetventile pl
solenoid valve
solenoid valves
Elektromagnet m
Elektromagneten pl, Elektromagnete
Elektromagnet m
Elektromagneten pl; Elektromagnete
Solenoid n; Zylinderspule f (die unter Strom als Elektromagnet wirkt) electr.
Solenoide pl; Zylinderspulen pl
solenoid coil; solenoid
solenoid coils; solenoids
Elektromagnetbandscheider m mach.
Elektromagnetbandscheider pl
electromagnetic belt separator
electromagnetic belt separators
Elektromagnetbiologie f; Magnetbiologie f phys.
electromagnetobiology; magnetobiology
Elektromagnetbremse f techn.
electromagnetic brake
Schenkel m electr.
Schenkel des Elektromagneten
Schenkel des Poljochs
limb of an electromagnet
limb of double yoke
elektromagnetisch adj
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit f
electromagnetic, electromagnetical
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
elektromagnetisch adv
elektromagnetisch em adj electr.
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit f EMV telco.
elektromagnetische Beeinflussung (Brummen) EMB electr.
electromagnetic; electromagnetical
electromagnetic compatibility EMC
electromagnetic interference EMI
elektromagnetisch em adj electr.
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit f EMV telco.
elektromagnetische Beeinflussung (Brummen) EMB electr.
electromagnetic; electromagnetical
electromagnetic compatibility EMC
electromagnetic interference EMI
Interferenz f
elektromagnetische Interferenz f
electromagnetic interference (EMI)
EMB : elektromagnetische Beeinflussung (Brummen)
EMI : electromagnetic interference
Fokussierung f
elektromagnetische Fokussierung
magnetische Fokussierung
focussing; focusing
electromagnetic focusing
magnetic focusing
Interferenz f (bei der Ãœberlagerung von mehreren Wellen) electr. phys.
elektromagnetische Interferenz f
electromagnetic interference EMI
Kraft f; Stärke f; Wucht f phys.
Kräfte pl
die elektromagnetische Kraft
parallel verschobene Kraft
Scheinkraft f
Die SI-Einheit der Kraft ist das Newton.
die Wucht der Explosion
Kraft ausüben
äußere Kraft f
eingeprägte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f; verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller äußeren Kräfte
the electromagnetic force
transposed force
fictitious force
The SI unit of force is the newton.
the force of the explosion
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
Schirmkabine f (für elektromagnetische Wellen) electr.
Schirmkabinen pl
shielded room
shielded rooms
gemischte elektromagnetische Welle f electr.
hybrid electromagnetic wave HEW
Elektromagnetische Federdruckbremse f techn.
electromagnetic spring pressure brake
Interferenz f (bei der Ãœberlagerung von mehreren Wellen) electr. phys.
elektromagnetische Interferenz f
electromagnetic interference EMI
Kraft f; Stärke f; Wucht f phys.
Kräfte pl
die elektromagnetische Kraft
parallel verschobene Kraft
Scheinkraft f
Spitzenkraft f
die Wucht der Explosion
Kraft ausüben
äußere Kraft f
eingeprägte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f; verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller äußeren Kräfte
Die SI-Einheit der Kraft ist das Newton.
the electromagnetic force
transposed force
fictitious force
peak force
the force of the explosion
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
The SI unit of force is the newton.
Mütze f aus Alufolie (als Schutz gegen elektromagnetische Wellen)
an Verfolgungswahn leiden; ein Verschwörungstheoretiker sein
tinfoil hat (to protect against electromagnetic waves)
to wear a tinfoil hat coll. fig.
Radiofrequenzstrahlung f; Radiostrahlung f (elektromagnetische Strahlung kosmischer Objekte) astron.
allgemeine kosmische Radiofrequenzstrahlung; allgemeine galaktische Radiofrequenzstrahlung; galaktische Radiostrahlung; galaktisches Rauschen
nichtthermische Radiofrequenzstrahlung; nichtthermische Radiostrahlung
thermische Radiofrequenzstrahlung; thermische Radiostrahlung
solare Radiofrequenzstrahlung; solare Radiostrahlung; Radiofrequenzstrahlung der Sonne
Radiofrequenzstrahlung der gestörten Sonne; Rauschen bei gestörter Sonne
Radiofrequenzstrahlung der ruhigen Sonne; Rauschen bei ruhiger Sonne
radiofrequency radiation; radio radiation; radio emission (electromagnetic radiation from cosmic objects)
general cosmic radiofrequency radiation; general galactic radiofrequency radiation; galactic radio radiation; galactic noise; cosmic noise; extraterrestrial noise; Jansky noise
non-thermal radiofrequency radiation; non-thermal radio radiation
thermal radiofrequency radiation; thermal radio radiation; thermal radio emission; thermal emission
solar radiofrequency radiation; solar radio radiation; solar radio emission
radiofrequency radiation of disturbed Sun; disturbed Sun noise
radiofrequency radiation of quiet Sun; quiet Sun noise
Schienenbremse f; Gleisbremse f (Bahn)
elektromagnetische Schienenbremse
track brake (railway)
electromagnetic track brake
Welle f phys. telco.
Wellen pl
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
einfallende Welle telco.
elektromagnetische Welle
gedämpfte Welle
interne Welle
stehende Welle; Stehwelle
Unstetigkeitswelle f
decaying wave
dynamic wave
incident wave
electromagnetic wave
damped wave
internal wave
standing wave; stationary wave
discontinuity wave
gemischte elektromagnetische Welle f electr.
hybrid electromagnetic wave HEW
Mitlaufwähler m; Mitlaufwerk n (bei der elektromagnetischen Vermittlung) telco.
Mitlaufwähler pl; Mitlaufwerke pl
selector repeater
selector repeaters
Wählergestell n (bei der elektromagnetischen Vermittlung) telco.
Wählergestelle pl
selector bay; selector frame; selector rack
selector bays; selector frames; selector racks
Wählerkontaktbank f (bei der elektromagnetischen Vermittlung) telco.
selector bank
Wählerrahmen m (bei der elektromagnetischen Vermittlung) telco.
Wählerrahmen pl
Wählerrahmen pl
selector panel; selector shelf
selector panels; selector shelves
selector panels
Wählerschiene f (bei der elektromagnetischen Vermittlung) telco.
Wählerschienen pl
selector bar
selector bars
schritthaltendes Wählsystem (bei der elektromagnetischen Vermittlung) n telco.
selector switches keeping pace with dialling
(elektromagnetischer) Gleichstromerzeuger m; Dynamomaschine f; Dynamo m
Gleichstromerzeuger pl; Dynamomaschinen pl; Dynamos pl
Isotron n (ein elektromagnetischer Isotopentrenner) (Kerntechnik) techn.
Isotronen pl
isotron (an isotope separator) (nuclear engineering)
Feld n phys.
elektromagnetisches Feld
electromagnetic field
Ventil n techn.
Ventile pl
mit Ventilen
doppelt gebogenes Ventil
drehbares Ventil
dreifach gebogenes Ventil
elektromagnetisches Ventil
einfach gebogenes Ventil
einteiliges Ventil
gebogenes 90-Grad-Ventil
handbiegbares Ventil
hängendes Ventil
zweiteiliges Ventil
Rheintalschotter m
Rheodyne-Ventil n
Schrader-Ventil n
Woods-Ventil n
Ventil mit eingebettetem Schaft (Reifen)
Ventil mit großer Bohrung
double-bend valve
earthmover swivel-type valve, swivel valve
triple-bend valve
solenoid valve
single-bend valve
one-piece valve
right-angle valve
hand-bendable valve
overhead valve (OHV)
two-piece valve
Rhine valley gravel deposit
Rheodyne valve
Schrader valve
Woods valve
rubber-covered stem valve
large bore valve
Feld n phys.
elektromagnetisches Feld
erdmagnetisches Feld
electromagnetic field
geomagnetic field; terrestrial-magnetic field; earth's magnetic field
Mikrofon n; Mikrophon n; Mikro n ugs. (Audio)
Mikrofone pl; Mikrophone pl; Mikros pl
elektrodynamisches Mikrofon
elektromagnetisches Mikrofon
gerichtetes Mikrophon
Knopflochmikrofon n
Sprach- und Gesangsmikrofon n
microphone; micro; mike; mic coll.
microphones; micros; mikes; mics
electrodynamic microphone
electromagnetic microphone
line microphone
button microphone; lapel microphone
vocal microphone
elektromagnetisches Ventil n; Magnetventil n techn.
solenoid valve
geophysikalisch adj
elektromagnetisches geophysikalisches Verfahren
electromagnetic geophysical method
Mikrofon n; Mikrophon n; Mikro n ugs. (Audio)
Mikrofone pl; Mikrophone pl; Mikros pl
elektrodynamisches Mikrofon
elektromagnetisches Mikrofon
gerichtetes Mikrophon
Großmembranmikrofon n
Knopflochmikrofon n
Sprach- und Gesangsmikrofon n
Studiomikrofon n
microphone; micro; mike; mic coll.
microphones; micros; mikes; mics
electrodynamic microphone
electromagnetic microphone
line microphone
large diaphragm microphone
button microphone; lapel microphone
vocal microphone
studio microphone
Elektromagnetismus m
Elektromagnetkupplung f mach.
electromagnetic clutch
Elektromagnetschienenbremse f mach. techn.
electromagnetic track brake
Wähler m (bei der elektromagnetsichen Vermittlung) telco.
Wähler pl
Gruppenwähler m
group selector
Elektromagnetventil n mach.
Elektromagnetventile pl
solenoid valve
solenoid valves
Luftwiderstandsverluste pl; Lüftungsverluste pl; Ventilationsverluste pl (Turbine Elektromaschine)
windage loss (turbine; electric machine)
Elektromaschine f mach.
electric machine
Luftwiderstandsverluste pl; Lüftungsverluste pl; Ventilationsverluste pl (Turbine, Elektromaschine)
windage loss (turbine; electric machine)
Elektromaschinenbau m mach.
electrical engineering
Elektromaschinenbauer m techn.
Elektromaschinenbauer pl
electrical machine engineer
electrical machine engineers
Elektromat m techn.
Elektromaterial n techn.
electrical material
Elektromechanik f
Elektromechanikbaugruppe f techn. mach.
electro mechanical assembly
Elektromechaniklabor n
Elektromechaniklabors pl
electromechanics laboratory
electromechanics laboratories
Elektromechaniksystem n techn.
electromechanic system
elektromechanisch adj
elektromechanisch adj

Deutsche Elektromagnetventil Synonyme

Englische solenoid valve Synonyme

Elektromagnetventil Definition

Blow valve
() See Snifting valve.
Double-beat valve
() See under Valve.
D valve
() A kind of slide valve. See Slide valve, under Slide.
Kingston valve
() A conical valve, opening outward, to close the mouth of a pipe which passes through the side of a vessel below the water line.
(n.) An electrodynamic spiral having the conjuctive wire turned back along its axis, so as to neutralize that component of the effect of the current which is due to the length of the spiral, and reduce the whole effect to that of a series of equal and parallel circular currents. When traversed by a current the solenoid exhibits polarity and attraction or repulsion, like a magnet.
(n.) A door
(n.) A lid, plug, or cover, applied to an aperture so that by its movement, as by swinging, lifting and falling, sliding, turning, or the like, it will open or close the aperture to permit or prevent passage, as of a fluid.
(n.) One or more membranous partitions, flaps, or folds, which permit the passage of the contents of a vessel or cavity in one direction, but stop or retard the flow in the opposite direction
(n.) One of the pieces into which a capsule naturally separates when it bursts.
(n.) One of the two similar portions of the shell of a diatom.
(n.) A small portion of certain anthers, which opens like a trapdoor to allow the pollen to escape, as in the barberry.
(n.) One of the pieces or divisions of bivalve or multivalve shells.
(n.) Any fresh-water gastropod of the genus Valvata.

solenoid valve / solenoid valves Bedeutung

valve one of the paired hinged shells of certain molluscs and of brachiopods
valve the entire one-piece shell of a snail and certain other molluscs
throttle valve
a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine
ball valve any valve that checks flow by the seating of a ball
butterfly valve a valve in a carburetor that consists of a disc that turns and acts as a throttle
clack valve
clapper valve
a simple valve with a hinge on one side, allows fluid to flow in only one direction
diode rectifying tube
rectifying valve
a thermionic tube having two electrodes, used as a rectifier
exhaust valve a valve through which burned gases from a cylinder escape into the exhaust manifold
heart valve an implant that replaces a natural cardiac valve
intake valve a valve that controls the flow of fluid through an intake
poppet valve
a mushroom-shaped valve that rises perpendicularly from its seat, commonly used in internalombustion engines
rocker arm
valve rocker
a lever pivoted at the center, used especially to push a valve down in an internalombustion engine
safety valve
relief valve
escape valve
escape cock
a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler), it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level
slide valve valve that opens and closes a passageway by sliding over a port
sluice valve
penstock head gate water gate
regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice
solenoid a coil of wire around an iron core, becomes a magnet when current passes through the coil
tube vacuum tube
thermionic vacuum tube
thermionic tube
electron tube
thermionic valve
electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
valve control consisting of a mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid
valve device in a brass wind instrument for varying the length of the air column to alter the pitch of a tone
valve-in-head engine internalombustion engine having both inlet and exhaust valves located in the cylinder head
mitral valve
bicuspid valve
left atrioventricular valve
valve with two cusps, situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle
tricuspid valve
right atrioventricular valve
valve with three cusps, situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle, allows blood to pass from atrium to ventricle and closes to prevent backflow when the ventricle contracts
atrioventricular valve either of two heart valves through which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles, prevents return of blood to the atrium
aortic valve a semilunar valve between the left ventricle and the aorta, prevents blood from flowing from the aorta back into the heart
pulmonary valve a semilunar valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, prevents blood from flowing from the artery back into the heart
semilunar valve a heart valve with cusps shaped like half-moons, prevents blood from flowing back into the heart
heart valve
cardiac valve
a valve to control one-way flow of blood
valve a structure in a hollow organ (like the heart) with a flap to insure one-way flow of fluid through it
ileocecal valve valve between the ileum of the small intestine and the cecum of the large intestine, prevents material from flowing back from the large to the small intestine
pyloric sphincter
pyloric valve
musculus sphincter pylori
the sphincter muscle of the pylorus that separates the stomach from the duodenum
mitral valve prolapse cardiopathy resulting from the mitral valve not regulating the flow of blood between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart
mitral stenosis
mitral valve stenosis
obstruction or narrowing of the mitral valve (as by scarring from rheumatic fever)
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