
Entfernungstafel Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Entfernungstafel f (Bahn)
Entfernungstafeln pl
distance table (railway)
distance tables
Entfernungstafel f (Bahn)
Entfernungstafeln pl
distance table (railway)
distance tables
Eliminierung, Ausschluss, Entfernung
Ferne, Entfernung
große Entfernung
great distance
wenn die Entfernung gering ist
if the distance is short
Abfuhr f, Behebung f, Beseitigung f, Entfernung f, Umzug m
Adrenalektomie f, Entfernung der Nebenniere(n) med.
adrenalectomy, suprarenalectomy
Brustamputation f, Mammaamputation f med.
Mastektomie f, Entfernung der BrustdrĂŒse
amputation of the breast, breast ablation
Entfernung f, Abtragung f, Abtragen n
Entfernung f
Entfernung f
Entfernungen pl
in einer Entfernung von
at a distance of
Entfernung f, Bereich m
aus kĂŒrzester Entfernung
auf nahe Entfernung
in einer Entfernung von
at point-blank range
at close range
at a range of
Entfernung f
Entfernung f, Entfernen n
Entfeuchtung f, Entfernung f von Feuchtigkeit
Hysterektomia f, operative Entfernung der GebÀrmutter med.
Oophorektomie f, Entfernung eines Eierstockes med.
oophorectomy, removal of an ovary
geraum adj
vor geraumer Zeit
seit geraumer Zeit
aus geraumer Entfernung
ein geraumes Maß an ...
some time, fairly long time
some time ago
for some time
from some distance
a good deal of ...
gleiche Entfernung
zurĂŒcklegen v
eine Entfernung zurĂŒcklegen
ein gutes StĂŒck Weg zurĂŒcklegen
to cover
to cover a distance
to cover quite a distance
Schussentfernung f, Schußentfernung f alt, Entfernung f zum Ziel mil.
Die Liebe wÀchst mit der Entfernung. Sprw.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. prov.
Es ist leicht, aus sicherer Entfernung tapfer zu sein.
It's easy to be brave from a safe distance.
in einer Entfernung von
at a distance of
auf nahe Entfernung
at close range
Abstand, Entfernung
gleiche, Entfernung
Abfuhr, Behebung, Beseitigung, Entfernung
eine Entfernung zuruecklegen
to cover a distance
Abfuhr f; Behebung f; Beseitigung f; Entfernung f; Umzug m
Adrenalektomie f; Entfernung der Nebenniere(n) med.
adrenalectomy; suprarenalectomy
Brustamputation f; Mammaamputation f; Ablatio mammae med.
Mastektomie f; Entfernung der BrustdrĂŒse
amputation of the breast; breast ablation
Entfernung f
Entfernungen pl
in einer Entfernung von
geringe Entfernung
at a distance of
short distance
Entfernung f; Bereich m
aus kĂŒrzester Entfernung
auf nahe Entfernung
in einer Entfernung von
at point-blank range
at close range
at a range of
Entfernung f; Entfernen n
removing; removal; disposal
Entfernung f phil.
Entfeuchtung f; Entfernung f von Feuchtigkeit
Feuchtigkeitsbeschlag-Entfernung f
Hysterektomia f; Hysterektomie f; operative Entfernung der GebÀrmutter med.
LĂ€ngengleichheit f; gleiche Entfernung
NĂ€he f zu etw. (geringe Entfernung)
die NĂ€he des Mondes zur Erde
fĂŒnf Schulen in nĂ€chster NĂ€he zueinander
Wegen seiner NĂ€he zur Hauptstadt ist der See sehr beliebt.
nearness; closeness; vicinity; proximity; propinquity (formal) to sth.
the nearness closeness of the moon to the Earth
five schools in close vicinity proximity to each other
The vicinity proximity of the lake to the capital city makes it very popular.
Oophorektomie f; Entfernung eines Eierstockes med.
oophorectomy; removal of an ovary
Schussentfernung f; Schußentfernung f alt; Entfernung f zum Ziel mil.
diskret; zurĂŒckhaltend; verdeckt adj
in diskreter Entfernung
die verdeckte Beobachtung seiner Reisebewegungen
Was ihr Privatleben betraf war sie immer sehr zurĂŒckhaltend.
Die Polizei fĂŒhrt verdeckte oder gezielte Kontrollen durch.
discreet; unobstrusive
at a discreet distance
the discreet surveillance of his travel movements
She was always very discreet about her personal life.
Police carry out discreet or targeted checks.
(Inventar) einbringen (Mietrecht) v jur.
Entfernung der vom Mieter eingebrachten Sachen
to bring in; to deposit (inventory) (tenancy law)
removal of the objects brought in by the tenant
etw. erkennen; unterscheiden; ausmachen; ausnehmen Ös.
erkennend; unterscheidend; ausmachend; ausnehmend
erkannt; unterschieden; ausgemacht; ausgenommen
Ihre Worte konnte ich nicht verstehen aber sie klang aufgeregt.
In dem schwachen Licht konnte er die Farbe des Autos nicht ausmachen.
Aus dieser Entfernung kann man keine Einzelheiten erkennen.
to distinguish sth.; to differentiate sth.; to make out sth.
distinguishing; differentiating; making out
distinguished; differentiated; made out
I could not distinguish her words but she sounded agitated.
He could not distinguish the colour of the car in the fading light.
You can't distinguish the details from this distance.
geraum adj
vor geraumer Zeit
seit geraumer Zeit
aus geraumer Entfernung
ein geraumes Maß an ...
some time; fairly long time
some time ago
for some time
from some distance
a good deal of ...
mutig; tapfer; wacker; kĂŒhn; heldenhaft adj
mutiger; tapferer
am mutigsten; am tapfersten
Halt Dich tapfer!; Nur Mut!
Es ist leicht aus sicherer Entfernung tapfer zu sein.
Er macht gute Miene zum bösen Spiel.
Be brave!; Have courage!
It's easy to be brave from a safe distance.
He's putting on up a brave face front.
etw. sagen können; etw. sehen; etw. erkennen v (an etw.)
sagen könnend; ersehend; erkennend
sagen gekonnt; ersehen; erkannt
Sag's mir doch!
Wie erkenne ich ob ...?
Vielleicht hatte er auch gelogen. Ich konnte es nicht sagen.
Man kann nie sagen wie er als nÀchstes reagiert.
Es ist schwer zu sagen wie lange das Ganze dauern wird.
Vielleicht mag sie es vielleicht auch nicht. Das kann man bei Frauen nie sagen wissen.
Soweit ich das ĂŒberblicke ist er mit seiner neuen Stelle zufrieden.
Als meine Eltern hereinkamen sah ich sofort dass die Sache nicht gut stand.
An ihrem Tonfall erkannte ich dass Kim enttÀuscht war.
Sie sehen ganz gleich aus. Woran erkennst du was was ist?
Welches Auto jemand fĂ€hrt verrĂ€t viel ĂŒber seine Persönlichkeit.
Ich hoffe man sieht es mir nicht an.
Man sieht es niemandem an ob er eine Infektion hat.
Man sieht ihm den EnglÀnder auf einen Kilometer Entfernung an.
Die Anstrengung steht ihnen ins Gesicht geschrieben.
Man hört ihm an dass er nicht von hier ist.
Man hört ihr an dass sie erkÀltet ist.
Ich schmecke eindeutig einen Unterschied zwischen den beiden Saucen (heraus).
to be able to tell sth. (by from sth.)
Do tell me!
How do I tell if ...?
He might have been lying. I couldn't tell.
You can never tell what his next reaction will be.
It's hard to tell how long things will take.
She might like it or not. You never can tell with females.
As far near as I can tell he is happy at his new job.
The moment my parents walked in I could tell that things were not going well.
I could tell from her tone of voice that Kim was disappointed.
They look exactly the same. How can you tell which is which?
You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of car they drive.
I hope you cannot tell this by looking at me.
You can't tell by looking at someone if they have an infection.
You can tell he's English from a mile away.
You can tell by their face how straining it is.
You can tell by his accent that he doesn't come from around here.
You can tell by her voice that she's got a cold.
I can definitely tell a difference between the two sauces.
Abstand m; Zwischenraum m (zwischen)
AbstÀnde pl; ZwischenrÀume pl
in 25 Meter Abstand
im Abstand von 5 Metern
lichter Abstand
den gebĂŒhrenden Abstand halten
Abstand halten!
Ich folgte ihm mit einigem Abstand.; Ich folgte ihm in einiger Entfernung.
distance (between)
at a distance of 25 metres
5 metres apart
clear distance
to keep the proper distance
Keep a distance!
I followed him at a distance.
Burtonisieren n (Entfernung der Karbonate aus dem Brauwasser mittels Gips)
operative Entfernung f eines Eierstocks; Ovariektomie f; Oophorektomie f med.
surgical removal of an ovary; ovariectomy; oophorectomy
Entfernung f; Bereich m
auf nahe Entfernung
in einer Entfernung von
at close range
at a range of
Entfernung f; Entfernen n
Fremdkörperentfernung f med.
removing; removal; disposal
foreign-body removal
(dumpf) aus der Entfernung aus dem Hintergrund aus dem Off kommend; nicht lokalisierbar (Stimme, GerÀusch) adj
ventriloquial (voice, noise)
Entzundern n; Entzunderung f; Entfernung f der Zunderschicht (Metallurgie) techn.
Strahlentzundern n
descaling (metallurgy)
descaling by means of shot-blasting
Epizentralentfernung f (Entfernung zwischen Beobachtungsort und Epizentrum) geol. phys.
distance of epicentre Br. epicenter Am.
Gissen n aviat. naut.; Koppeln n naut. (ungefĂ€hre Positionsbestimmung anhand von Himmelsrichtung und zurĂŒckgelegter Entfernung)
dead reckoning (estimating the current position on the basis of compass point and distance travelled)
KlĂ€rung f; Schönung f (von Bier, Wein) (Entfernung von TrĂŒbstoffen) agr.
clarification; fining (of beer, wine)
Mittelwert m; Mittel n; Durchschnittswert m; Durchschnitt m (aus A und B) math. statist. phys.
Mittelwerte pl; Mittel pl; Durchschnittswerte pl; Durchschnitte pl
angenommener Mittelwert
arithmetischer Mittelwert; arithmetisches Mittel
bereinigter Mittelwert
geometrischer Mittelwert; geometrisches Mittel
harmonischer Mittelwert; harmonisches Mittel
quadratischer Mittelwert; quadratisches Mittel; Effektivwert (einer periodischen GrĂ¶ĂŸe)
quadratischer Mittelwert der Entfernung
zeitlicher Mittelwert
zeitlich gewichteter Mittelwert; zeitlich gewichtetes Mittel
Jahresmittelwert m
Kollektivmittelwert m (einer stochastischen GrĂ¶ĂŸe)
Kurzzeitmittelwert m
Mittel von Mittelwerten
Mittelwert der Grundgesamtheit
Mittelwert einer Anzahl von 

Mittelwert einer Funktion
average value; average avg ; mean value; mean (of A and B)
average values; averages; mean values; means
assumed average; working mean
arithmetic average; arithmetic mean
corrected mean; modified mean
geometric average, geometric mean
harmonic average; harmonic mean
quadratic average; quadratic mean; root-mean-square value; RMS value; effective value; virtual value rare
distance root mean square DRMS ; distance RMS
time averaged value; time average
time-weighted average
annual average value
ensemble average; ensemble mean
short-time average; short-time mean
grand average
population mean; true mean
mean value of a number of 

mean value of a function
NĂ€he f zu etw. (geringe Entfernung)
die NĂ€he des Mondes zur Erde
fĂŒnf Schulen in nĂ€chster NĂ€he zueinander
Wegen seiner NĂ€he zur Hauptstadt ist der See sehr beliebt.
nearness; closeness; vicinity; proximity; propinquity formal to sth.
the nearness closeness of the moon to the Earth
five schools in close vicinity proximity to each other
The vicinity proximity of the lake to the capital city makes it very popular.
aus nĂ€chster NĂ€he; aus kĂŒrzester Entfernung adv mil.
aus nĂ€chster NĂ€he auf jdn. schießen
einen Schuss aus nÀchster NÀhe abfeuern
at very close range; at point-blank range; point-blank
to fire point-blank at sb.; to shoot sb. at point-blank range
to fire a shot at point-blank range
Nahkampf m; Kampf m auf kurze Entfernung mil.
im Nahkampf; Mann gegen Mann
hand-to-hand combat; hand-to-hand fight; close combat
hand to hand
Nephrektomie f; operative Entfernung einer Niere med.
nephrectomy; surgical removal of a kidney
Schussentfernung f; Schussdistanz f; Entfernung f zum Ziel mil. sport
shooting distance
diskret; zurĂŒckhaltend; verdeckt adj
in diskreter Entfernung
die verdeckte Beobachtung seiner Reisebewegungen
Was ihr Privatleben betraf war sie immer sehr zurĂŒckhaltend.
Die Polizei fĂŒhrt verdeckte oder gezielte Kontrollen durch.
discreet; unobtrusive
at a discreet distance
the discreet surveillance of his travel movements
She was always very discreet about her personal life.
Police carry out discreet or targeted checks.

Deutsche Entfernungstafel Synonyme

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Englische distance table Synonyme

distance  aloofness  ambit  amplitude  angle  area  arena  back  backdrop  background  backwardness  base  bashfulness  blankness  breadth  chill  chilliness  coldness  compass  constraint  coolness  detach  detachment  difference  disassociate  discreetness  discretion  dissemblance  dissimilitude  dissociate  distinction  divergence  divergency  expansion  expressionlessness  extension  extent  field  footage  footing  frigidity  frostiness  gap  get ahead of  ground  guardedness  haughtiness  hauteur  hinterland  hold the field  iciness  impassiveness  impassivity  impersonality  inaccessibility  infinity  interval  introversion  leave behind  length  lengthiness  linear measures  locale  long time  longitude  longness  measure  mileage  mise-en-scene  modesty  offishness  orbit  otherness  outdistance  outpace  outrun  overall length  overpass  pass  perpetuity  perspective  piece  post  purview  radius  range  reach  rear  remoteness  repression  reserve  reservedness  restraint  reticence  reticency  retirement  rigidity  scene  scope  seat  separate  setting  shoot ahead of  size  space  span  spell  spread  stage  stage set  stage setting  stand  standing  standoffishness  station  status  steal a march  stiffness  stretch  subduedness  suppression  surpass  sweep  theater  unaffability  unapproachability  uncongeniality  undemonstrativeness  unexpansiveness  unlikeness  venue  viewpoint  way  ways  withdrawal  withdrawnness  yardage  

Entfernungstafel Definition

(n.) A horizontal row of corbels, with the panels or filling between them
(n.) The space between two objects
(n.) Remoteness of place
(n.) A space marked out in the last part of a race course.
(n.) Relative space, between troops in ranks, measured from front to rear
(n.) Space between two antagonists in fencing.
(n.) The part of a picture which contains the representation of those objects which are the farthest away, esp. in a landscape.
(n.) Ideal disjunction
(n.) Length or interval of time
(n.) The remoteness or reserve which respect requires
(n.) A withholding of intimacy
(n.) Remoteness in succession or relation
(n.) The interval between two notes
(v. t.) To place at a distance or remotely.
(v. t.) To cause to appear as if at a distance
(v. t.) To outstrip by as much as a distance (see Distance, n., 3)
Plane table
() See under Plane, a.
(n.) A road or way consisting of one or more parallel series of iron or steel rails, patterned and adjusted to be tracks for the wheels of vehicles, and suitably supported on a bed or substructure.
(n.) The road, track, etc., with all the lands, buildings, rolling stock, franchises, etc., pertaining to them and constituting one property
(n.) A smooth, flat surface, like the side of a board
(n.) A thin, flat piece of wood, stone, metal, or other material, on which anything is cut, traced, written, or painted
(n.) a memorandum book.
(n.) Any smooth, flat surface upon which an inscription, a drawing, or the like, may be produced.
(n.) Hence, in a great variety of applications: A condensed statement which may be comprehended by the eye in a single view
(n.) A view of the contents of a work
(n.) A list of substances and their properties
(n.) Any collection and arrangement in a condensed form of many particulars or values, for ready reference, as of weights, measures, currency, specific gravities, etc.
(n.) The arrangement or disposition of the lines which appear on the inside of the hand.
(n.) An article of furniture, consisting of a flat slab, board, or the like, having a smooth surface, fixed horizontally on legs, and used for a great variety of purposes, as in eating, writing, or working.
(n.) Hence, food placed on a table to be partaken of
(n.) The company assembled round a table.
(n.) One of the two, external and internal, layers of compact bone, separated by diploe, in the walls of the cranium.
(n.) A stringcourse which includes an offset
(n.) The board on the opposite sides of which backgammon and draughts are played.
(n.) One of the divisions of a backgammon board
(n.) The games of backgammon and of draughts.
(n.) A circular plate of crown glass.
(n.) The upper flat surface of a diamond or other precious stone, the sides of which are cut in angles.
(n.) A plane surface, supposed to be transparent and perpendicular to the horizon
(n.) The part of a machine tool on which the work rests and is fastened.
(v. t.) To form into a table or catalogue
(v. t.) To delineate, as on a table
(v. t.) To supply with food
(v. t.) To insert, as one piece of timber into another, by alternate scores or projections from the middle, to prevent slipping
(v. t.) To lay or place on a table, as money.
(v. t.) In parliamentary usage, to lay on the table
(v. t.) To enter upon the docket
(v. t.) To make board hems in the skirts and bottoms of (sails) in order to strengthen them in the part attached to the boltrope.
(v. i.) To live at the table of another
Tables d'hote
(pl. ) of Table d'hote

distance table (railway) / distance tables Bedeutung

Underground Railroad
Underground Railway
secret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before the American Civil War
table game a game that is played on a table
table tennis
a game (trademark Ping-Pong) resembling tennis but played on a table with paddles and a light hollow ball
altar communion table
Lord's table
the table in Christian churches where communion is given
breakfast table a table where breakfast is eaten
cable railway
funicular railway
a railway up the side of a mountain pulled by a moving cable and having counterbalancing ascending and descending cars
car railcar
railway car
railroad car
a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad, three cars had jumped the rails
card table a small light table with folding legs, can be folded for storage
card table a table for playing cards (as in a casino)
coffee table
cocktail table
low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or cocktails are served
coffee-table book an elaborate oversize book suitable for displaying on a coffee table
cog railway
rack railway
railway for steep mountains, a cogwheel on the locomotive engages cogs on a center rail to provide traction
conference table
council table
council board
the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting
console table
a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall
diningoom table diningoom furniture consisting of a table on which meals can be served
dining table
a table at which meals are served, he helped her clear the dining table, a feast was spread upon the board
dinner table the dining table where dinner is served and eaten
drafting table
drawing table
a worktable with adjustable top
dressing table
dresser vanity
toilet table
low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup
drop-leaf table a table that has a drop-leaf to enlarge its surface
elevated railway
elevated railroad
overhead railway
a railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a track that is raised above the street level
gaming table a table used for gambling, may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips
gateleg table a drop-leaf table with the drop-leaves supported by hinged legs
high table a dining table in a dining-hall raised on a platform, seats are reserved for distinguished persons
kitchen table a table in the kitchen
line railway line
rail line
the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
engine locomotive engine
railway locomotive
a wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks
table napkin
a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing
operating table table on which the patient lies during a surgical operation
Parsons table a sturdy rectangular table with block legs at the four corners, the top and the legs are the same width
pedestal table a table supported by a single central column
pier table a low table set below a pier glass
pinball machine
pin table
game equipment on which pinball is played, in Britain they call a pinball machine a pin table
plane table surveying instrument consisting of a drawing board and a ruler that are mounted on a tripod, used to sight and map topographical details
pool table
billiard table
snooker table
game equipment consisting of a heavy table on which pool is played
railroad track
railroad railway
a line of track providing a runway for wheels, he walked along the railroad track
railroad line
railway line railway system
line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight
railway junction a junction where two or more railway lines meet or cross
railway station
railroad station
railroad terminal
train station
train depot
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
refectory table a long narrow dining table supported by a stretcher between two trestles
Round Table
King Arthur's Round Table
(legend) the circular table for King Arthur and his knights
scenic railway small railway in an amusement park
writing table
a desk used for writing
table service
tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
table a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs, it was a sturdy table
table a piece of furniture with tableware for a meal laid out on it, I reserved a table at my favorite restaurant
table knife a knife used for eating at dining table
table lamp a lamp that sits on a table
table linen
linens for the dining table
table mat
hot pad
a pad for use under a hot dish to protect a table
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