
Entlastungsseil Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Entlastungsseil n
Entlastungsseil für Leitungswagen
strain release wire
strain release wire for cable trolley
Entlastungsseil n
Entlastungsseil für Leitungswagen
strain release wire
strain release wire for cable trolley
Entlastung eines Konkursschuldners
discharge of a bankrupt
Entlastung eines Treuhänders
discharge of a trustee
Entlastung f
easing the burden (of, on)
Entlastung f
relief of the strain (on)
Entlastung f jur.
Entlastung f, Freisprechung f
Entlastung f
easing the burden (of; on)
Entlastung f; Freisprechung f
Entlastung f
relief of load; reduction of load
Entspannung f; Lockerung f; Entlastung f
Lockerung der Kontrollen
relaxation of controls
Schonung f; Entlastung f; pflegliches Behandeln
Vorsicht! Zerbrechlich! (Aufschrift)
Vorsicht Glas! (Aufschrift)
Fragile! Handle with care!
Glass! Handle with care!
Entlastung f einer Probe (bei der Werkstoffprüfung) techn.
unloading of a specimen (in materials testing)
jds. Entlastung f; (moralischer) Freispruch f (von einem Vorwurf)
sb.'s exculpation (from a charge) formal
Entlastungsmaßnahme f zur Vermeidung der Doppelbesteuerung fin. adm.
einseitige Entlastungsmaßnahme; einseitige Entlastung
double taxation relief
unilateral relief
Katharsis f; psychologische Entlastung f; Ausleben n unerwünschter Emotionen psych.
catharsis; psychological relief from undesired emotions
Rehabilitierung f; Entlastung f; Reinwaschen n (einer Person seines Namens usw.)
vindication (of sb. sb.'s name etc.)
Schonung f; Entlastung f; pflegliches Behandeln
Vorsicht! Zerbrechlich! (Aufschrift)
Vorsicht, Glas! (Aufschrift)
Fragile! Handle with care! (displayed notice)
Glass! Handle with care! (displayed notice)
Steuererleichterung f; Steuerbegünstigung f; Steuervergünstigung f; Steuerentlastung f; steuerliche Entlastung f fin.
Steuererleichterungen pl; Steuerbegünstigungen pl; Steuervergünstigungen pl; Steuerentlastungen pl; steuerliche Entlastungen pl
Steuererleichterung für Hypothekenzinszahlungen
Anspruch auf Steuererleichterung haben (Person)
steuerbegünstigt sein (Sache)
steuerliche Berücksichtigung von Abgaben, die im Ausland gezahlt wurden
Steuerbegünstigung für Lebensversicherungen
tax relief; tax concession
tax reliefs; tax concessions
mortgage interest relief at source MIRAS Br. hist.
to qualify for tax relief (person)
to qualify for tax relief (matter)
double tax relief; double taxation relief Br.
life insurance relief
Zyste f med. zool.
Zysten pl
Eierstockzyste f; Ovarialzyste f
Retentionszyste f
Zyste der Zahnwurzelhaut; Wurzelhautzyste f
Entlastung einer Zyste
ovarian cyst; oophoritic cyst
retention cyst
periodontal cyst
drainage of a cyst
Entlastungsbauwerk n (Wasserbau)
Entlastungsbauwerke pl
relief structure (water engineering)
relief structures
Wandentlastung f, Entlastungseisen n techn.
wall relief bracket
Wandentlastung f; Entlastungseisen n techn.
wall relief bracket
Hochwasserentlastungsgerinne n; Hochwasserentlastungskanal m; Entlastungsgerinne n; Entlastungskanal m (Wasserbau)
Hochwasserentlastungsgerinne pl; Hochwasserentlastungskanäle pl; Entlastungsgerinne pl; Entlastungskanäle pl
flood relief channel; flood diversion channel; flood bypass channel; flood bypass; floodway Am.; spillway channel (water engineering)
flood relief channels; flood diversion channels; flood bypass channels; flood bypasses; floodways; spillway channels
Hochwasserrinne f; Entlastungskanal m
Hochwasserrinnen pl; Entlastungskanäle pl
bypass channel
bypass channels
Hochwasserrinne f, Entlastungskanal m
bypass channel
Entlastungsklausel, Rücktrittsklausel
escape clause
Entlastungsklausel f jur.
Entlastungsklauseln pl
exculpatory clause
exculpatory clauses
Entlastungskurve f geol.
Entlastungskurven pl
swelling curve; decompression curve
swelling curves; decompression curves
Entlastungsmethode f
Entlastungsmethoden pl
relaxation method
relaxation methods
Entlastungsmine f mil.
Entlastungsminen pl
tension-release mine
tension-release mines
Entlastungsschacht m min.
Entlastungsschächte pl
relief shaft
relief shafts
Entlastungsseil n
Entlastungsseil für Leitungswagen
strain release wire
strain release wire for cable trolley
(unterirdischer) Hochwasserentlastungsstollen m; Entlastungsstollen m (Wasserbau)
(underground) spillway tunnel (water engineering)
Entlastungsstraße f
Entlastungsstraßen pl
by-pass road
by-pass roads
by pass road
Entlastungsventil n
Entlastungsventile pl
relief valve
relief valves
relief valve
Entlastungsventil n; Ãœberdruckventil n techn.
Entlastungsventile pl; Ãœberdruckventile pl
pressure relief valve; relief valve
pressure relief valves; relief valves
Entlastungszeuge m jur.
Entlastungszeugen pl
witness for the defence
witnesses for the defence
witness for the defence
witnesses for the defence
Entlastungszug m
relief train
relief train
Eisenbahnzug m; Zug m (Bahn)
Eisenbahnzüge pl; Züge pl
abfahrbereiter Zug; fertiggebildeter Zug
abfahrender Zug; Zug bei der Abfahrt
ankommender Zug; eintreffender Zug; Ankunftszug; Zug bei der Ankunft
abgestellter Zug; zurückgestauter Zug
Ausflugszug m; Touristenzug m; Zug aus touristischem Anlass
ausgelasteter Zug
Ausstellungszug m
Autoreisezug m mit Motorradbeförderung; Zug mit begleiteten Motorrädern
Beförderungszug m; besetzter Zug
Belastungszug m; Lastenzug m (für den Brückentest)
Charterzug m; gecharterter Zug; vercharterter Zug Dt.
Dampfzug m; mit Dampflok bespannter Zug
doppelt geführter Zug; Entlastungszug; Verstärkungszug
durchgehender Zug
elektrischer Zug
ganzjährig verkehrender Zug
Ganzzug m; Blockzug m
geschlossener Zug
Gleisbauzug m; Gleisumbauzug m
Gleisbaumaschinenzug m; Oberbau-Erneuerungszug m
grenzüberschreitender Zug; internationaler Zug
kreuzender Zug (auf eingleisiger Strecke); begegnender Zug (auf zweigleisiger Strecke)
Nachtzug m
Panzerzug m; gepanzerter Zug
Postzug; Zug für Postbeförderung
Regionalzug m; Bummelzug m ugs.
Schotterzug m
Städtezug m
Städteschnellzug m; Intercity-Express-Zug m Dt. ICE ; Intercity-Express m ICE ; Städteexpress m (DDR)
Triebwagenzug m
Tunnelhilfszug m
Zug bestehend aus Gliederelementen
Zug des öffentlichen Verkehrs
Zug im Zulauf
Zug mit besonderen Beförderungsaufgaben
Zug mit besonderen Benutzungsbedingungen
Zug mit bestimmten Verkehrstagen
Zug ohne Zwischenhalt
mit dem Zug; mit der Bahn
im Zug
mit dem Zug fahren; mit der Bahn fahren (nach)
den Zug erreichen
den Zug verpassen
gerne Zug fahren
einen Zug abstellen; einen Zug in Ãœberholung nehmen
einen Zug auf Abruf stellen, einen Zug zurückstellen
einen Zug in den Bahnhof aufnehmen
außerplanmäßiger Zug
Züge beobachten und notieren (als Hobby)
train (railway)
train about to depart
departing train
arriving train
waiting train
tourist train
fully-loaded train
exhibition train
train of accompanied motorcycles
general-purpose train
test train (for bridge testing)
charter train; chartered train
steam train
extra train; relief train; second conditional train Am.; second section train Am.
direct train; through train
electric train
regular train
block train
special-purpose train
track-renewal train
mechanised track-relaying train
international train
train running passing in opposite direction; opposing train Am.
overnight train; night train
armoured train Br.; armored train Am.
mail train
regional train; non-express train
ballast train
intercity train
intercity express train ICE
divisible train set; multiple-unit set; MU set
tunnel emergency train
articulated train
revenue-earning train
expected train
single-commodity train
special train
non-regular train
non-stop train
by train
on the train
to go by train; to take the train (to)
to catch the train
to miss the train
to love to ride on trains
to stable a train; to recess a train; to park a train Am.
to hold a train
to accept a train into a station
wildcat train Am.
train spotting

Deutsche Entlastungsseil Synonyme

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Englische strain release wire Synonyme

strain  Spenserian stanza  abrade  affectation  affiliation  agitation  aim  air  all-overs  anacrusis  ancestry  angst  animal kingdom  animus  antistrophe  anxiety  anxiety hysteria  anxiety neurosis  anxious bench  anxious concern  anxious seat  anxiousness  apparentation  apprehension  apprehensiveness  aptitude  aria  back down  balance  balk  bark  bass passage  be determined  belie  bent  bias  bid for  birth  bleed  blemish  blench  bloat  bloating  blood  bloodline  bloody  boggle  bolt  book  bourdon  bracket  brain fag  branch  brand  break  breaking point  breed  bridge  brood  burden  burn  cadence  camouflage  cankerworm of care  canto  cantus  care  cast  caste  category  chafe  character  check  chill  chilliness  chip  chorus  clan  clarify  class  claw  clear  coda  coldness  color  command of language  common ancestry  community  complexion  concern  concernment  consanguinity  constitution  contend for  continue  coolness  couplet  crack  crane  craze  culture  cut  damage  debate  debilitation  debility  decrassify  deliberate  demand  deme  demur  denomination  depurate  derivation  descant  descendants  descent  description  designation  determination  development  diathesis  direct line  disaffinity  discharge  disguise  disposition  disquiet  disquietude  distaff side  distension  distich  distill  distort  distress  disturbance  division  draft  drag  drag out  drain  draw  draw off  draw out  dread  dress up  drift  drive  eccentricity  edulcorate  effort  effuse  elongate  elongation  elute  embellish  embroider  emit  endeavor  enervation  enfeeblement  enmity  envoi  epode  essentialize  estate  ethnic group  evidence  exaggeration  exceed  excrete  exertion  exfiltrate  exposition  expression of ideas  extend  extension  extract  extraction  extravasate  extreme tension  exudate  exude  eyestrain  faintness  falsify  falter  family  fashion  fatigue  fear  feather  feeling for words  female line  fight shy of  figure  filiation  filter  
strained  Herculean  agitated  all-overish  anxious  anxioused up  apprehensive  arduous  artificial  awkward  backbreaking  biased  bothered  burdensome  chill  chilly  cold  concerned  cooked  cool  crushing  difficult  disaccordant  disquieted  distant  disturbed  doctored  dragged out  drawn  drawn out  effortful  elongated  extended  farfetched  fearful  forced  foreboding  frosty  garbled  grueling  hard-earned  hard-fought  heavy  hefty  icy  improbable  in a pucker  in a stew  incompatible  inhospitable  inimical  insincere  killing  labored  laborious  lengthened  misgiving  misquoted  misrepresented  nervous  on tenterhooks  onerous  operose  oppressive  out-of-the-way  overanxious  overapprehensive  painful  perturbed  perverted  prolongated  prolonged  protracted  pulled  punishing  put-on  quite another thing  remote  self-conscious  slanted  solicitous  something else again  spun out  stiff  straggling  strenuous  stretched  stretched out  stretched tight  strung out  suspenseful  taut  tense  tight  toilsome  tortured  tough  troubled  troublesome  twisted  unamiable  unamicable  uncomfortable  uncordial  under a strain  uneasy  unfriendly  ungenial  unharmonious  unnatural  unrelaxed  unsociable  uphill  uptight  wearisome  zealous  
strainer  clarifier  colander  cradle  cribble  cribriformity  cribrosity  filter  honeycomb  lixiviator  net  percolator  porosity  porousness  purifier  refiner  refinery  riddle  rocker  screen  sieve  sievelikeness  sifter  sponge  winnow  winnowing basket  winnowing fan  winnowing machine  
straining  bloat  bloating  bolting  breaking point  cautious  clarification  colature  coloring  confabulation  corruption  demurring  destructive distillation  diffident  distension  distillation  distortion  draining  drudging  edulcoration  effusion  elution  elutriation  equivocation  essentialization  exaggeration  excretion  exfiltration  exhausting  extraction  extravasation  extreme tension  exudation  false coloring  false swearing  falsification  falsifying  faltering  fatiguesome  fatiguing  filtering  filtration  grinding  grubbing  grueling  hardworking  haul  heave  hesitant  hesitating  inflation  jibbing  killing  laboring  leaching  lixiviation  miscoloring  misconstruction  misdirection  misinterpretation  misrepresentation  misstatement  misuse  ooze  oozing  overdistension  overdrawing  overexertion  overexpansion  overextension  overstrain  overstraining  overstress  overstretching  overtaxing  pegging  percolating  percolation  perjury  perversion  plodding  plugging  prevarication  pull  punishing  purification  rack  refinement  riddling  screening  scrupling  seep  seepage  separation  shilly-shallying  sieving  sifting  slanting  slaving  slogging  snapping point  spiritualization  sticking  stickling  strain  stress  stress and strain  stressful  stressfulness  stretch  stretching  striving  struggling  sublimation  sweating  swelling  taxing  tension  tentative  timid  tiresome  tiring  toiling  toilsome  torturing  transudation  trying  tug  weariful  wearing  wearisome  wearying  weep  weeping  winnowing  working  

Entlastungsseil Definition

(n.) A large, strong rope or chain, of considerable length, used to retain a vessel at anchor, and for other purposes. It is made of hemp, of steel wire, or of iron links.
(n.) A rope of steel wire, or copper wire, usually covered with some protecting or insulating substance
(n.) A molding, shaft of a column, or any other member of convex, rounded section, made to resemble the spiral twist of a rope
(v. t.) To fasten with a cable.
(v. t.) To ornament with cabling. See Cabling.
(v. t. & i.) To telegraph by a submarine cable
(v. t.) To lease again
(n.) To let loose again
(n.) To relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses, as from pain, trouble, obligation, penalty.
(n.) To let go, as a legal claim
(n.) To loosen
(n.) The act of letting loose or freeing, or the state of being let loose or freed
(n.) Relief from care, pain, or any burden.
(n.) Discharge from obligation or responsibility, as from debt, penalty, or claim of any kind
(n.) A giving up or relinquishment of some right or claim
(n.) The act of opening the exhaust port to allow the steam to escape.
Sheet cable
() The cable belonging to the sheet anchor.
(n.) Race
(n.) Hereditary character, quality, or disposition.
(n.) Rank
(a.) To draw with force
(a.) To act upon, in any way, so as to cause change of form or volume, as forces on a beam to bend it.
(a.) To exert to the utmost
(a.) To stretch beyond its proper limit
(a.) To injure by drawing, stretching, or the exertion of force
(a.) To injure in the muscles or joints by causing to make too strong an effort
(a.) To squeeze
(a.) To make uneasy or unnatural
(a.) To urge with importunity
(a.) To press, or cause to pass, through a strainer, as through a screen, a cloth, or some porous substance
(v. i.) To make violent efforts.
(v. i.) To percolate
(n.) The act of straining, or the state of being strained.
(n.) A violent effort
(n.) A change of form or dimensions of a solid or liquid mass, produced by a stress.
(n.) A portion of music divided off by a double bar
(n.) Any sustained note or movement
(n.) Turn
(n.) Alt. of Trolly
(n.) A thread or slender rod of metal
(n.) A telegraph wire or cable
(v. t.) To bind with wire
(v. t.) To put upon a wire
(v. t.) To snare by means of a wire or wires.
(v. t.) To send (a message) by telegraph.
(v. i.) To pass like a wire
(v. i.) To send a telegraphic message.
(n.) One who draws metal into wire.
(n.) A disease in the feet of a horse or other beast.
(n.) One who pulls the wires, as of a puppet

strain release wire / strain release wire for cable trolley Bedeutung

liberation release freeing the act of liberating someone or something
release tone ending (music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone
release waiver
a formal written statement of relinquishment
discharge firing liberation release sack
the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
the act of allowing a fluid to escape
the act of singing, with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates
strain straining an intense or violent exertion
an effortful attempt to attain a goal
activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion, she had no other outlet for her feelings, he gave vent to his anger
wire-haired fox terrier a fox terrier with wiry hair
wirehaired terrier
wire-haired terrier
a terrier with wiry hair
griffon wire-haired pointing griffon breed of medium-sized long-headed dogs with downy undercoat and harsh wiry outer coat, originated in Holland but largely developed in France
superbug Bemisia tabaci
poinsettia strain
a strain of pest accidentally imported into Florida from the Middle East then spread to California where it is a very serious pest feeding on almost all vegetable crops and poinsettias
cotton strain feeds primarily on cotton
baling wire wire used to make bales
barbed wire
strong wire with barbs at regular intervals used to prevent passage
cable a very strong thick rope made of twisted hemp or steel wire
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
cable line transmission line a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
cable car
a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway, they took a cable car to the top of the mountain
cable railway
funicular railway
a railway up the side of a mountain pulled by a moving cable and having counterbalancing ascending and descending cars
chicken wire a galvanized wire network with a hexagonal mesh, used to build fences
coaxial cable
coax cable
a transmission line for high-frequency signals
cross hair
cross wire
either of two fine mutually perpendicular lines that cross in the focus plane of an optical instrument and are use for sighting or calibration, he had the target in his cross hairs
electrical cable a cable that provides an electrical connection for telephone or television or power stations
ethernet cable any of several types of coaxial cable used in ethernets
fiber optic cable
fibre optic cable
a cable made of optical fibers that can transmit large amounts of information at the speed of light
ground cable a mooring cable, runs from a buoy to a mooring anchor
guy cable
guy wire
guy rope
a cable, wire, or rope that is used to brace something (especially a tent)
high wire a tightrope very high above the ground
jumper cable
jumper lead
lead booster cable
a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire, it was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads
piano wire thin steel wire of high tensile strength
power line
power cable
cable used to distribute electricity
printer cable a cable between a computer and a printer
release merchandise issued for sale or public showing (especially a record or film), a new release from the London Symphony Orchestra
release button a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism
strain gauge
strain gage
a gauge for measuring strain in a surface
tram tramcar trolley
trolley car
a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity
tea cart
tea trolley
tea wagon
serving cart for serving tea or light refreshments
telephone wire
telephone line telegraph wire
telegraph line
the wire that carries telegraph and telephone signals
tramway tram aerial tramway
cable tramway
a conveyance that transports passengers or freight in carriers suspended from cables and supported by a series of towers
trip wire a wire stretched close to the ground that activates something (a trap or camera or weapon) when tripped over
trolley coach
trackless trolley
a passenger bus with an electric motor that draws power from overhead wires
trolley line a transit line using streetcars or trolley buses
wire ligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc
wire conducting wire a metal conductor that carries electricity over a distance
wire cloth fabric woven of metallic wire
wire cutter an edge tool used in cutting wire
wire gauge
wire gage
gauge for measuring the diameter of wire
wire matrix printer
wire printer
stylus printer
an impact printer in which each character is represented by a pattern of dots made by wires or styli
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