
Entl�ftungshahn Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Folio n; Blatt n f (Zählung in Manuskripten ohne Seitenzahlen) hist.
auf der Verso-Seite von Folio 133; auf der Rückseite von Blatt 133 f133v
folio; sheet f (numbering in manuscripts without page numbers)
on the verso side of folio 133; on the back side of sheet 133 f133v
Faakersee m geogr.
Lake Faak
Ackerbohne f; Saubohne f; Schweinsbohne f; Favabohne f; Dicke Bohne f; Große Bohne f; Pferdebohne f; Viehbohne f; Faberbohne f; Puffbohne f (Vicia faba) bot.
Ackerbohnen pl; Saubohnen pl; Schweinsbohnen pl; Favabohnen pl; Dicke Bohnen pl; Große Bohnen pl; Pferdebohnen pl; Viehbohnen pl; Faberbohnen pl; Puffbohnen pl
Vicia faba; broad bean; fava bean; field bean; bell bean; tic bean
broad beans; fava beans; field beans; bell beans; tic beans
Hülsenfrüchtler pl; Leguminosen pl (Fabaceae Leguminosae) (botanische Familie) bot.
legumes; leguminous plants (botanical family)
Hülsenfrüchtler pl; Schmetterlingsblütler pl; Leguminosen pl (Fabaceae Leguminosae) (botanische Familie) bot.
legumes; pulses; leguminous plants; fabaceous plants; papilionaceous plants; bean family; pea family; legume family (botanical family)
Jochblätter pl (Zygophyllum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bohnenähnliches Jochblatt n (Zygophyllum fabago)
bean-capers (botanical genus)
Syrian bean-caper
Feldgänse pl; Echte Gänse pl (Anser) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Bläßgans f (Anser albifrons)
Graugans f (Anser anser)
Kurzschnabelgans f (Anser brachyrhynchus)
Saatgans f (Anser fabalis)
Zwerggans f (Anser erythropus)
true geese (zoological genus)
greater white-fronted goose
greylag goose
pink-footed goose
bean goose
lesser white-fronted goose
Digital Fabricator m; Fabber m
digital fabricator; fabber
Fabel f
Fabeln pl
Fabel f
Fabeln pl
Fabel f, Fiktion f, Märchen n
Gleichnis n, Allegorie f, moralische Fabel f, didaktische Erzählung f
Fabel f lit.
Fabeln pl
Gleichnis n; Allegorie f; moralische Fabel f; didaktische Erzählung f
Fabelbuch n
Fabelbücher pl
book of fables
books of fables
Fabeldichter m, Fabeldichterin f
write of fables
Fabeldichter m; Fabeldichterin f
Fabeldichter pl; Fabeldichterinnen pl
write of fables; fabulist
writes of fables; fabulists
Meister Grimbart (Fabelfigur) lit.
Brock the Badger; Master Brock (fable character)
Meister Lampe (Fabelfigur) lit.
Master Hare (fable character)
Meister Petz (Fabelfigur) lit.
Bruin the Bear; Master Bruin (fable character)
Reineke Fuchs; Reinecke Fuchs; Meister Reineke (Fabelfigur) lit.
Reynard the Fox (fable character)
gewaltig, überragend, phänomenal, fabelhaft
fabelhaft, klasse, prima, lecker adj
fabelhaft adv
märchenhaft, sagenhaft, fabelhaft adj
am märchenhaftesten
more fabulous
most fabulous
wunderbar, fabelhaft, prächtig, prachtvoll adj
marvellous, marvelous
fabelhaft, wunderbar
fabelhaft; sagenhaft; märchenhaft adj
am fabelhaftesten
sagenhafte Preise
einfach fabelhaft aussehen
fabulous; fab
more fabulous; fabber
most fabulous; fabbest
fabulous prizes
to look absolutely fabulous
fabelhaft; klasse; prima; lecker adj
großartig; fabelhaft; fantastisch; phantastisch; grandios adj ugs.
great; fabulous; fab; fantastic; terrific; grand coll.; brilliant Br.; splendid Br. (old-fashioned); awesome Am. coll.
wunderbar; fabelhaft; prächtig; prachtvoll adj
marvellous Br.; marvelous Am.
großartig; fabelhaft; fantastisch; phantastisch; grandios; beeindruckend; überwältigend adj ugs.
great; fabulous; fab coll.; fantastic; terrific; grand coll.; howling; gorgeous coll.; brilliant Br.; splendid Br. dated; awesome Am. coll.; awesomesauce Am. coll.
Fabelhaftigkeit f
Fabeltier n, Fabelwesen n
Fabeltiere pl, Fabelwesen pl
mythological creature, mythical creature, fabulous animal, fabulous creature, fabulous being
mythological creatures, mythical creatures, fabulous animals, fabulous creatures, fabulous beings
Greif m (Fabeltier)
griffin, griffon, gryphon
Fabeltier n; Fabelwesen n
Fabeltiere pl; Fabelwesen pl
mythological creature; mythical creature; fabulous animal; fabulous creature; fabulous being
mythological creatures; mythical creatures; fabulous animals; fabulous creatures; fabulous beings
Greif m (Fabeltier)
griffin; griffon; gryphon
Einhorn n (Fabeltier) lit.
Einhorne pl; Einhörner pl
unicorn (legendary animal)
Cherub m (Fabelwesen)
Cherubim pl; Cherubinen pl; Cheruben pl
cherubim; cherubs
Hippogryph m (Fabelwesen Mischwesen aus Pferd und Greifvogel)
hippogriff; hippogryph
Mantikor m (Fabelwesen)
Gnom m (Fabelwesen)
Gnome pl; Gnomen pl
gnome (mythological creature)
Fabergé-Ei n (Schmuckgegenstand)
Fabergé egg
Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir
Tannenbäume pl; Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
fir trees; firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir
der; die; das; welche r s selten pron (Relativpronomen)
die Frau, der das Lokal gehört
das Gedicht, das er zuletzt geschrieben hat
das Gedicht, das aus acht Paarreimen besteht, handelt von …
das Jahr, in dem Fabian geboren wurde
ein Kinofilm, der mehrfach ausgezeichnet wurde
jeden, den ich kenne
die Leute, von denen du es bekommen hast
Ist das der Mann, den Sie gestern Abend gesehen haben?
Es ist eine Gesundheitskrise, auf die das Land völlig unvorbereitet ist.
that (person or thing); who (person); which (thing) (relative pronoun)
the woman that who owns the place
the poem that which he wrote most recently; the poem he wrote most recently
The poem, which consists of eight rhyming couplets, is about …
the year that in which Fabian was born
a cinema film, which won several awards
everyone that I know
the people you got it from
Is he the man (that) you saw last night?
It is a public health emergency for which the country is totally unprepared.
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (auch Quintilian, röm. Rhetoriker der Antike) hist.
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (also Quintilian, ancient Roman rhetorician)
ab Fabrik (INCOTERM)
ex factory
automatische Fabrik
push button factory
Fabrik, Fabrikanlage, Betrieb
Inhaber einer Fabrik, Eigentümer einer Fabrik
owner of a factory
Maschinenausstattung einer Fabrik
equipment of a plant
Mühle, Fabrik, Walzwerk
Pflanze, Fabrik (US)
Arbeitsleistung f (einer Fabrik)
Fabrik f
Fabriken pl
gläserne Fabrik
transparent factory
Fabrik f, Werk n, Werksanlage f
Fabriken pl, Werke pl, Werksanlagen pl
Fabrikationsnummer f, Fabrik-Nummer f
serial number
Fabrik-Schild n
manufacturer's plate
Mühle f, Fabrik f
Mühlen pl, Fabriken pl

Deutsche Entl�ftungshahn Synonyme

Englische folio; sheet f Synonyme

folio  acknowledgments  article  back  back matter  bastard title  best seller  bibliography  book  book end  book support  book table  book tray  book truck  bookcase  bookholder  bookrack  bookrest  bookshelf  bookstack  bookstand  bound book  catch line  catchword  chapter  classic  clause  colophon  coloring book  contents  contents page  copyright page  crown  dedication  definitive work  duodecimo  eighteenmo  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  errata  fascicle  flyleaf  folder  fore edge  foreword  front matter  gathering  great work  half-title page  hardback  head  imperial  imprint  index  inscription  introduction  juvenile  juvenile book  leaf  limp-cover book  magnum opus  makeup  medium  nonbook  notebook  novel  number  octavo  octodecimo  opus  opuscule  opusculum  page  paperback  paragraph  passage  phrase  picture book  playbook  pocket book  portfolio  prayer book  preface  preliminaries  production  psalmbook  psalter  publication  quarto  recto  reverso  revolving bookcase  royal  running title  section  sentence  serial  sextodecimo  sheet  signature  sixteenmo  sketchbook  soft-cover  songbook  stack  standard work  storybook  subtitle  super  table of contents  tail  text  title  title page  tome  trade book  trim size  twelvemo  type page  verse  verso  volume  work  writing  

Entl�ftungshahn Definition

(n.) A large shallow vat
(n.) A ferryboat. See Bac, 1.
(n.) In human beings, the hinder part of the body, extending from the neck to the end of the spine
(n.) An extended upper part, as of a mountain or ridge.
(n.) The outward or upper part of a thing, as opposed to the inner or lower part
(n.) The part opposed to the front
(n.) The part opposite to, or most remote from, that which fronts the speaker or actor
(n.) The part of a cutting tool on the opposite side from its edge
(n.) A support or resource in reserve.
(n.) The keel and keelson of a ship.
(n.) The upper part of a lode, or the roof of a horizontal underground passage.
(n.) A garment for the back
(a.) Being at the back or in the rear
(a.) Being in arrear
(a.) Moving or operating backward
(v. i.) To get upon the back of
(v. i.) To place or seat upon the back.
(v. i.) To drive or force backward
(v. i.) To make a back for
(v. i.) To adjoin behind
(v. i.) To write upon the back of
(v. i.) To support
(v. i.) To bet on the success of
(v. i.) To move or go backward
(v. i.) To change from one quarter to another by a course opposite to that of the sun
(v. i.) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed
(adv.) In, to, or toward, the rear
(adv.) To the place from which one came
(adv.) To a former state, condition, or station
(adv.) (Of time) In times past
(adv.) Away from contact
(adv.) In concealment or reserve
(adv.) In a state of restraint or hindrance.
(adv.) In return, repayment, or requital.
(adv.) In withdrawal from a statement, promise, or undertaking
(adv.) In arrear
Back door
() A door in the back part of a building
Back stairs
() Stairs in the back part of a house, as distinguished from the front stairs
Crown side
() See Crown office.
(n.) The salt-marsh terrapin of the Atlantic coast (Malacoclemmys palustris).
(n.) A leaf of a book or manuscript.
(n.) A sheet of paper once folded.
(n.) A book made of sheets of paper each folded once (four pages to the sheet)
(n.) The page number. The even folios are on the left-hand pages and the odd folios on the right-hand.
(n.) A page of a book
(n.) A leaf containing a certain number of words, hence, a certain number of words in a writing, as in England, in law proceedings 72, and in chancery, 90
(n.) A hogback.
(p. pr & vb. n.) of Number
(n.) pl. of Number. The fourth book of the Pentateuch, containing the census of the Hebrews.
(n.) A serving boy

folio; sheet f (numbering in manuscripts without page numbers) / on the verso side of folio 133; on the back side of sheet 133 f133v Bedeutung

back door
a secret or underhand means of access (to a place or a position), he got his job through the back door
back circle a feat in which an acrobat arches the back from a prone position and bends the knees until the toes touch the head
numbers pool
numbers game
numbers racket
an illegal daily lottery
sheet-metal work the craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
back exercise exercise designed to strengthen the back muscles
back (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage
a glance sideways, she shot him an impatient side-glance
push back
the act of forcing the enemy to withdraw
call-back the recall of an employee after a layoff
return paying back
getting even
a reciprocal group action, in return we gave them as good as we got
recession ceding back the act of ceding back
side-blotched lizard
sand lizard Uta stansburiana
one of the most abundant lizards in the arid western United States
c acid
back breaker
dose dot
loony toons
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
pane superman
window pane
street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
back street
a narrow street with walls on both sides
back backrest a support that you can lean against while sitting, the back of the dental chair was adjustable
back the part of a garment that covers the back of your body, they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back
back brace a brace worn to support the back
back door
back entrance
an entrance at the rear of a building
back pack
a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder
back porch a porch for the back door
back room a room located in the rear of an establishment, usually accessible only to privileged groups
back saw
a handsaw that is stiffened by metal reinforcement along the upper edge
book binding
cover back
the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book, the book had a leather binding
cookie sheet
baking tray
a cooking utensil consisting of a flat rectangular metal sheet used for baking cookies or biscuits
dust cover dust sheet a large piece of cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period
fitted sheet
contour sheet
a sheet (usually with elastic edges) tailored to fit a particular mattress
folio a book (or manuscript) consisting of large sheets of paper folded in the middle to make two leaves or four pages, the first folio of Shakespeare's plays
ladder-back the backrest of a chair that consists of two uprights with connecting slats
ladder-back ladder-back chair a chair with a ladder-back
page printer
page-at-a-time printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
pall shroud
burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped
paperback book
paper-back book
softback book
softover book
a book with paper covers
side arm
shooting iron
a firearm that is held and fired with one hand
plate glass
sheet glass
glass formed into large thin sheets
pommel horse
side horse
a gymnastic horse with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright handles (pommels) near the center, held upright by two steel supports, one at each end
the side that goes last or is not normally seen, he wrote the date on the back of the photograph
reverse verso the side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design
canvas canvass sheet
a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
structure where a wall or building narrows abruptly
bed sheet
bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth, used in pairs
sheet tack mainsheet
weather sheet
(nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind
sheet flat solid a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width
sheet anchor
waist anchor
spare anchor for use in emergency
sheet bend
becket bend
weaver's knot
weaver's hitch
a hitch used for temporarily tying a rope to the middle of another rope (or to an eye)
sheet iron plate iron thinner than tank iron
sheet metal sheet of metal formed into a thin plate
sheet pile
sheath pile
sheet piling
a pile in a row of piles driven side by side to retain earth or prevent seepage
sheet web an irregular spider web woven in a single plane and looking like flattened hammocks
side an extended outer surface of an object, he turned the box over to examine the bottom side, they painted all four sides of the house
side chapel a small chapel off the side aisle of a church
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