
Ereignisknotendarstellung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ereignisknotendarstellung f; PERT-Netzplanmethode f (Projektplanung)
project evaluation and review technique; program evaluation and review technique PERT (project planning)
Ereignisknotendarstellung f; PERT-Netzplanmethode f (Projektplanung)
project evaluation and review technique; program evaluation and review technique PERT (project planning)
bestimmtes Ereignis
definite event
Ereignis, Vorkommnis, Vorfall
freudiges Ereignis
happy event
frühester Termin für ein Ereignis
earliest event time
Gelegenheit, Anlass, Ereignis
glückliches Ereignis
fortunate event
Notlage, unvorhergesehenes Ereignis
seltenes Ereignis
rare event
sicheres Ereignis
certain event
trauriges Ereignis
sad event
unsicheres Ereignis
uncertain event
unvermeidbares Ereignis
inevitable event
unvermeidliches Ereignis
inevitable accident
Vorfall, Ereignis
Vorfall, Ereignis, Vorkommnis
zufälliges Ereignis
fortuitous event
Ereignis n, Vorkommnis n, Vorfall m
Ereignisse pl, Vorkommnisse pl, Vorfälle pl
ein tragischer Vorfall
a tragic occurrence
Ereignis n, Geschehnis n
Ereignisse pl, Geschehnisse pl
zufälliges Ereignis
die bisherigen Ereignisse
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
fortuitous event
events so far
the events of the past few days
what has been happening in the past few days
Ereignis n, Geschehnis n, Vorfall m, Vorkommnis n, Zwischenfall m
Ereignisse pl, Geschehnisse pl, Vorfälle pl, Vorkommnisse pl, Zwischenfälle pl
ein kleiner Vorfall, ein kleiner Zwischenfall
a minor incident
Ereignis n
Ereignisse pl
Ereignis n
Ereignis n math.
disjunkte Ereignisse
komplementäres Ereignis
abhängige Ereignisse
disjoint events
complementary event
dependent events
langanhaltendes Ereignis
langwierige Diskussion
...athon coll.
Sensation f
Sensationen pl
eine große Sensation, ein großes Ereignis
a great sensation
Veranstaltung f, Ereignis n, Event n
Veranstaltungen pl, Ereignisse pl, Events pl
Veranstaltung vom
event from
Veranstaltung, Vorfall, Ereignis
Ereignis, stattfindend
Ereignis, Vorfall
ein seltenes Ereignis
a rare event
ein ähnliches Ereignis
a similar event
ein ähnliches Ereignis
a similar occurrence
wegen unvorhergesehener Ereignis
owing to unforeseen events
ohne Ausrutscher (gesellschaftliches Ereignis) soc.
gaffe-free (social event)
Bombe f (überraschendes Ereignis) übtr.
Die Nachricht schlug ein wie eine Bombe.
Dann ließ er die Bombe platzen und gab bekannt dass er schwul ist.
This news was a bombshell.
Then he dropped the bombshell by revealing that he was gay.
Episode f (unbedeutendes Ereignis)
Episoden pl
Ereignis n; Vorkommnis n; Vorfall m
Ereignisse pl; Vorkommnisse pl; Vorfälle pl
ein tragischer Vorfall
a tragic occurrence
Ereignis n; Geschehnis n
Ereignisse pl; Geschehnisse pl
bedeutendes Ereignis
freudiges Ereignis
gesellschaftliches Ereignis
zufälliges Ereignis
die bisherigen Ereignisse
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
major event; important event
happy event
social event
fortuitous event
events so far
the events of the past few days
what has been happening in the past few days
Ereignis n; Geschehnis n; Vorfall m; Vorkommnis n; Zwischenfall m
Ereignisse pl; Geschehnisse pl; Vorfälle pl; Vorkommnisse pl; Zwischenfälle pl
sicherheitsrelevanter Zwischenfall
ein kleiner Vorfall; ein kleiner Zwischenfall
meldepflichtiger Vorfall; Meldefall m
ein ereignisreiches Leben
keine besonderen Vorkommnisse Vorfälle
security incident
a minor incident
reportable incident
a life full of incidents
no serious incidents
langanhaltendes Ereignis n
langwierige Diskussion
...athon coll.
Fehlerspeicher m
Fehlerspeicher pl
Ereignis-Fehlerspeicher m
fault recorder; error memory
fault recorders; error memories
event and fault recorder
die ganze Nacht dauernd (Ereignis); die ganze Nacht geöffnet (Lokal) adj
Presseschau f; Pressespiegel m (zu einem Ereignis)
press review (of an event)
Publikumserfolg m (Ereignis)
crowd-pleaser (event)
Publikumsmagnet m (Person oder Ereignis) soc.
Publikumsmagneten pl
crowd puller (person or event)
crowd pullers
Sensation f soc.
Sensationen pl
eine große Sensation; ein großes Ereignis
für eine Sensation sorgen
a great sensation
to create cause a sensation
Veranstaltung f; Ereignis n; Event n
Veranstaltungen pl; Ereignisse pl; Events pl
Veranstaltung vom
aktuelle Veranstaltungen
aus gegebenem Anlass
event from
current events
in the light of recent events
Vorausdeutung f (von etw.); Ankündigung f (von etw.); Vorgriff f (auf ein zukünftiges Ereignis)
foreshadowing (of a future event)
Wolke f meteo.
Wolken pl
nachtleuchtende Wolke
auf Wolken schweben übtr.
Das Ereignis wurde von der Furcht vor neuerlichen Terroranschlägen überschattet.
noctilucent cloud
to have one's head in the clouds fig.
Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event.
unvorhergesehenes Ereignis; Unvorhergesehenes n; Eventualität n
ein Ereignis abblasen; ausfallen lassen v ugs.
ein Ereignis abblasend; ausfallen lassend
ein Ereignis abgeblasen; ausfallen lassen
to scrub an event coll.
scrubbing an event
scrubbed an event
beginnen; anfangen; einsetzen (Ereignis); starten ugs. v
beginnend; anfangend; einsetzend; startend
begonnen; angefangen; eingesetzt; gestartet
es begönne (begänne); es fänge an
zu sprechen beginnen
Am Nachmittag setzte starker Schneefall ein.
Dort beginnt die Autobahn.
Das Projekt hat ganz bescheiden begonnen.
Meine Sat-Schüssel beginnt zu rosten.
Fang du nicht auch noch an!
to begin {began; begun}; to start
beginning; starting
begun; started
I he she would begin
to start talking
In the afternoon it began to snow heavily.
The motorway starts there.
The project started in a small way.
My minidish is starting to rust.
Don't you start!
einklagbar; gerichtlich durchsetzbar adj (Sache) jur.
ein Ereignis auf das eine Klage gestützt werden kann das einen Klagegrund darstellt
ohne Schadensnachweis einen Klagegrund bilden
(nur) mit Schadensnachweis einen Klagegrund bilden
Menschen wegen ihres Alters zu entlassen kann gerichtlich verfolgt werden.
actionable; suable Am.; enforceable (by legal action) (matter)
an event that is actionable
to be actionable without proof of damage Br. per se Am.
to be actionable on proof of damage Br. per quod Am.
Dismissing people because of their age is actionable.
einschneidend; tiefgreifend; folgenschwer; bedeutsam adj
ein einschneidendes Ereignis
a climacteric event; a climacteric
ein vergangenes Ereignis feiern v; einer Person Sache (feierlich) gedenken v soc.
feiernd; gedenkend
gefeiert; gedacht
feiert; gedenkt
feierte; gedachte
eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen zur Feier des 200-jährigen Bestehens der Stadt
eine Parade zum Gedenken an zur Erinnerung an etw.
eine Bronzestatue zur Erinnerung an Nelson Mandela
to commemorate sb. sth.
a series of events to commemorate the town's bicentenary
a parade commemorating sth.
a bronze statue commemorating Nelson Mandela
sich finden; zu finden sein; zu suchen sein v
sich findend; zu finden seiend; zu suchen seiend
sich gefunden; zu finden gewesen; zu suchen gewesen
Sie ist nirgends zu finden.
Kinderlieder finden sich findet man in jedem Zeitalter und bei allen Völkern.
Die Ursache dafür ist nicht in einem einzelnen Ereignis zu suchen sondern eher in der Gesamtheit der Erlebnisse die sich angesammelt haben.
Die wahren Ursachen sind woanders zu suchen.
to be to be found; can be found
being to be found; can be found
been to be found; been to be found
She is nowhere to be found.
Nursery rhymes can be found in all ages and among all peoples.
The cause of this is to be found will be found not in any single event but rather in the cumulative experiences.
The real causes must be found elsewhere.
etw. mitbekommen; mitkriegen ugs. v (ein Ereignis geistig erfassen)
mitbekommend; mitkriegend
mitbekommen; mitgekriegt
Hast du mitbekommen dass sie geheiratet hat?
to catch sth.
Did you catch that she got married?
noch; noch bevor adv (rechtzeitig vor nachfolgendem Ereignis)
Ich möchte noch meinen Bruder anrufen bevor ich schlafen gehe.
Ich schreibe das noch fertig dann gehe ich.
Ich muss morgen Vormittag noch Schuhe einkaufen (gehen).
Du musst dir noch die Hände waschen bevor wir essen können.
just; still (in time for a subsequent event)
I'd just still like to call my brother before I go to sleep.
I'll just still finish writing this then I'll leave.
I still have need to go shopping tomorrow morning for shoes.
You have need to wash your hands first before we are ready to eat.
öffentlichkeitswirksam adj
ein öffentlichkeitswirksames Ereignis
high-publicity; public-oriented
a high-publicity event
rechtzeitig (vor einem Ereignis) etw. tun v
rechtzeitig einen Parkplatz finden
rechtzeitig die Wintervorbereitungen treffen
rechtzeitig seine Weihnachtseinkäufe erledigen
Ich möchte früher gehen damit ich rechtzeitig vor dem Berufsverkehr wegkomme.
to get gain a jump on sth. Am.
to get a jump on the parking situation
to get a jump on winter preparation
to get a jump on your Christmas shopping
I want to leave early so I can get a jump on the rush-hour traffic.
schwerwiegendes unerwünschtes Ereignis n SUE med. pharm.
serious adverse event SAE
traurig; betrübt adj (über)
am traurigsten
traurig sein
trauriges Ereignis
trauriges Gesicht
sad (at; about)
to feel sad
sad event
sad face
jdm. (vom Schicksal) vergönnt sein v
Es war mir vergönnt ein historisches Ereignis mitzuerleben.
Es war ihr nicht vergönnt ihre Enkelkinder zu sehen.
to have the privilege of sth.; to be for sb. to do sth.
I had the privilege of being part of a historic event.
It was not for her to see her grandchildren.
jdm. einer Sache zu etw. verhelfen v
jdm. zu einer Anstellung verhelfen
jdm. zur Flucht verhelfen
jdm. zu seinem Recht verhelfen
jdm. zum Sieg verhelfen
jdm. zum Erfolg zu seinem Glück verhelfen
einem Institut zu großen Fortschritten verhelfen
einer Firma zur Marktführerschaft verhelfen
der Demokratie zum Durchbruch verhelfen
einem Ereignis zu einem Platz auf der Titelseite der Zeitungen verhelfen
Das Praktikum hat mir zu einer besseren Arbeitsmoral verholfen.
to help sb. sth. (to) achieve sth.; to give sb. sth.; to help sb. on the road to sth.; to enable sb. sth. to achieve sth.
to help sb. find a job
to help sb. escape
to help sb. in securing his rights; to give sb. justice
to help sb. to win; to give sb. victory
to help sb. on the road to success happiness
to help an institution to make vital progress
to help to make a company market leader
help democracy to become established
to bring an event onto the front page of the papers
The traineeship has given me a better work ethic.
ein Ereignis verhindern; verhüten; vermeiden v; einem Ereignis vorbeugen v
verhindernd; verhütend; vermeidend; vorbeugend
verhindert; verhütet; vermeidet; vorgebeugt
um zu verhindern
einer Krankheit Gefahr vorbeugen
Der Unfall hätte verhindert vermieden werden können.
to prevent an event (from happening)
in order to prevent
to prevent an illness danger
The accident could have been prevented.

Deutsche Ereignisknotendarstellung Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Ereignisknotendarstellung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische project evaluation and review technique; program evaluation and review technique PERT Synonyme

project  activity  actualize  adumbrate  adventure  affair  aftertime  afteryears  aim  aim at  aller sans dire  ambition  animus  anticipate  approach  arrange  aspiration  aspire after  aspire to  assignment  attempt  await  be after  be destined  be fated  be imminent  be manifest  be no secret  be to be  be to come  beetle  blast off  blueprint  body forth  bristle up  business  busywork  by-and-by  calculate  cast  chare  charge  chart  chore  chuck  circumambulate  cock up  come  come across  come on  commission  commitment  conceive  concern  concert  concoct  conjure up  contemplate  contract  contrive  cook up  counsel  course ahead  crystal ball  cut out  deal  delineate  demonstrate  describe  desideration  desideratum  design  desire  destine  determination  determine  determinism  devise  diagram  discharge  distant future  dope out  draft  draw near  draw on  draw up  drift  drive at  duty  effect  effort  embody  emprise  engagement  enterprise  envisage  envision  errand  estimate  eventuality  exemplify  exercise  expect  expectation  exploit  extend  extend out  exteriorize  externalize  extrapolate  extrude  feat  feature  figure  fire  fish to fry  fixed purpose  fling  forecast  foresee  foreshadow  foresight  foretell  forward look  frame  function  future  future tense  futurism  futurity  game plan  gest  glare  go for  go without saying  hang out  hang over  harbor a design  have every intention  hereafter  homework  hope  hurl  idea  illustrate  image  imagine  immediate future  immediate prospect  imminence  impend  impend over  impersonate  incarnate  intend  intendment  intent  intention  invent  jaculate  job  job of work  jut  jut out  labor  launch  lay plans  layout  lengthen  lie ahead  lob  look for  look forward to  loom  make a projection  make arrangements  make-work  matter  matters in hand  mean  meander  meaning  methodize  mind  mirror  mission  mooch  motive  near  near future  need no explanation  nisus  objectify  obligat  
projected  advised  aimed  aimed at  approaching  arranged  blueprinted  calculated  charted  coming  conscious  considered  contemplated  contrived  deliberate  deliberated  designed  desired  destinal  destined  determined  devised  emergent  envisaged  envisioned  eventual  extrapolated  fatal  fated  fatidic  figured  forthcoming  future  futuristic  hereafter  hoped-for  imminent  in the works  intended  intentional  knowing  later  meant  meditated  methodized  nearing  of design  on the agenda  on the anvil  on the calendar  on the carpet  on the docket  on the tapis  organized  planned  plotted  predicted  probable  prophesied  proposed  prospective  purposed  purposeful  purposive  rationalized  scheduled  schematized  set  shaped  strategetic  strategic  studied  sur le tapis  systematized  tactical  teleological  to come  to-be  ultimate  voluntary  willful  witting  worked out  
projectile  Irish confetti  ball  ballistic  bola  bolt  boomerang  brickbat  bullet  countermissile  discus  ejecta  ejectamenta  ejective  jaculatory  missile  quoit  rock  rocket  shell  stone  throw stick  throwing-stick  torpedo  trajectile  waddy  
projecting  beetle  beetle-browed  beetling  bold  eminent  emissile  excrescent  excrescential  extruding  impendent  impending  incumbent  jutting  lowering  outstanding  overhanging  overhung  pending  prognathous  prominent  protrudent  protruding  protrusile  protrusive  protuberant  protuberating  salient  superincumbent  
projection  Lambert conformal projection  Mercator projection  Miller projection  acting  actualization  aeronautical chart  alienation  alphabet  archery  art  astronomical chart  atlas  autism  autistic thinking  avoidance mechanism  azimuthal equidistant projection  azimuthal projection  bas-relief  beetling  bellying  blame-shifting  blueprint  boldness  brouillon  buffoonery  bulge  bulging  bump  bunch  business  calculation  cartographer  cartography  cartoon  casting  celestial chart  celestial globe  charactering  characterization  chart  choreography  chorographer  chorography  chucking  climatic chart  cog  comb  compensation  conic projection  contour line  contour map  conventional representation  copy  crag  cylindrical projection  dance notation  decompensation  defense mechanism  delineation  demonstration  depiction  depictment  dereism  dereistic thinking  design  diagram  displacement  display  dissociation  draft  drama  drawing  ebauche  elevation  embossment  eminence  emotional insulation  enactment  escape  escape into fantasy  escape mechanism  escapism  esquisse  estimate  excrescence  excrescency  exemplification  exhibit  exhibition  exposition  exposure  extension  exteriorization  externalization  extrapolation  extrusion  fang  fantasizing  fantasy  figuration  figure  firing  flange  flight  flinging  forecast  gag  game plan  general reference map  gibbosity  gibbousness  globe  gnomonic projection  graph  graphic scale  grid line  ground plan  gunnery  hachure  ham  hammy acting  harrow  heaving  heliographic chart  hieroglyphic  high relief  hoke  hokum  hook  house plan  hurling  hydrographic chart  ichnography  iconography  ideogram  illustration  imagery  imaging  impendence  impendency  impersonation  index  isolation  isoline  jaculation  jag  jut  jutting  knob  latitude  layer tint  ledge  legend  letter  limning  lobbing  logogram  logograph  longitude  low relief  map  map maker  map projection  mapper  mapping  meridian    
projector  Mark  a  architect  bazooka  calliope  cinematograph  contriver  designer  developer  deviser  enterpriser  entrepreneur  framer  hedgehog  kinematograph  launch pad  launcher  launching pad  launching platform  launching tube  magic lantern  mousetrap  organizer  planner  promoter  silo  slide projector  slide viewer  stereopticon  strategian  strategist  tactician  

Ereignisknotendarstellung Definition

(n.) Valuation
(a.) Open
(a.) Lively
(a.) Indecorously free, or presuming
(v. i.) To behave with pertness.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Plan
(n.) Same as Programme.
(n.) The place from which a thing projects, or starts forth.
(n.) That which is projected or designed
(n.) An idle scheme
(v. t.) To throw or cast forward
(v. t.) To cast forward or revolve in the mind
(v. t.) To draw or exhibit, as the form of anything
(v. i.) To shoot forward
(v. i.) To form a project
(imp. & p. p.) of Review
(n.) To view or see again
(n.) To go over and examine critically or deliberately.
(n.) To reconsider
(n.) To go over with critical examination, in order to discover exellences or defects
(n.) To make a formal or official examination of the state of, as troops, and the like
(n.) To reexamine judically
(n.) To retrace
(v. i.) To look back
(n.) A second or repeated view
(n.) An examination with a view to amendment or improvement
(n.) A critical examination of a publication, with remarks
(n.) A periodical containing critical essays upon matters of interest, as new productions in literature, art, etc.
(n.) An inspection, as of troops under arms or of a naval force, by a high officer, for the purpose of ascertaining the state of discipline, equipments, etc.
(n.) The judicial examination of the proceedings of a lower court by a higher.
(n.) A lesson studied or recited for a second time.
(n.) Same as Technic, n.

project evaluation and review technique; program evaluation and review technique PERT (project planning) Bedeutung

program trading a trading technique involving large blocks of stock with trades triggered by computer programs
a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment
diagnostic procedure
diagnostic technique
a procedure followed in making a medical diagnosis
a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation, the program lasted more than two hours
Human Genome Project an international study of the entire human genetic material
scientific research
research project
research into questions posed by scientific theories and hypotheses
split-brain technique brain surgery on animals in which the corpus callosum (and sometimes the optic chiasm) is severed so that communication between the cerebral hemispheres is interrupted
desensitization technique
desensitisation technique
desensitization procedure
desensitisation procedure
systematic desensitization
systematic desensitisation
a technique used in behavior therapy to treat phobias and other behavior problems involving anxiety, client is exposed to the threatening situation under relaxed conditions until the anxiety reaction is extinguished
classroom project a school task requiring considerable effort
pilot project
pilot program
activity planned as a test or trial, they funded a pilot project in six states
task labor
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted, he prepared for great undertakings
Manhattan Project code name for the secret United States project set up in to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II
censoring censorship security review counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy
natural family planning any of several methods of family planning that do not involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs, coitus is avoided during the fertile time of a woman's menstrual cycle
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
ovulation method of family planning
ovulation method
natural family planning in which the fertile period is inferred from changes in the character and quantity of cervical mucus, ovulation is marked by an increase in mucus that becomes sticky and then clearer and slippery
act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of
a formal or official examination, the platoon stood ready for review, we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator
work-study program an educational plan in which students alternate between paid employment and formal study
review brushup practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory
planning the act or process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise
city planning
town planning
urban planning
determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community
water development
water project
water program
making an area of water more useful
projective test
projective device
projective technique
any personality test designed to yield information about someone's personality on the basis of their unrestricted response to ambiguous objects or situations
planning an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action, the planning was more fun than the trip itself
review (law) a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court (especially by an appellate court)
bill of review a proceeding brought to obtain an explanation or an alteration or a reversal of a decree by the court that rendered it
judicial review review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of some other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the decision of a trial court
skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity, practice greatly improves proficiency
technique a practical method or art applied to some particular task
an appraisal of the value of something, he set a high valuation on friendship
a new appraisal or evaluation
the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening, his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties
algorithmic rule
algorithmic program
a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem
heuristic rule
heuristic program
a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
audit program
audit programme
a listing of audit procedures to be performed in completing an audit
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished, they drew up a six-step plan, they discussed plans for a new bond issue
program programme a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need, he proposed an elaborate program of public works, working mothers rely on the day care program
Apollo program a program of space flights undertaken by US to land a man on the Moon, the first lunar landing was achieved by the Apollo program on July ,
Gemini program a program of space flights undertaken by US in and , under the Gemini program each crew had two astronauts
Mercury program a program of rocket-powered flights undertaken by US between and with the goal of putting a man in orbit around the earth, under the Mercury program each flight had one astronaut
defense program
defense policy
defence program
defence policy
a program for defending a country against its enemies
educational program a program for providing education
rehabilitation program a program for restoring someone to good health
space program a technological program intended to explore outer space
Superfund program
the federal government's program to locate and investigate and clean up the worst uncontrolled and abandoned toxic waste sites nationwide, administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, some have intimated that the Superfund's money may have turned into a political slush fund
vocational rehabilitation program a program of rehabilitation through job training with an eye to gainful employment
tax program
tax policy
a program for setting taxes
academic program (education) a program of education in liberal arts and sciences (usually in preparation for higher education)
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127 Bewertungen 4


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