
Ereigniszeitanalyse Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ereigniszeitanalyse f; Ereignisdatenanalyse f; Verweildaueranalyse f; Verlaufsdatenanalyse f statist.
event history analysis; survival analysis
Ereigniszeitanalyse f; Ereignisdatenanalyse f; Verweildaueranalyse f; Verlaufsdatenanalyse f statist.
event history analysis; survival analysis
bestimmtes Ereignis
definite event
Ereignis, Vorkommnis, Vorfall
freudiges Ereignis
happy event
frühester Termin für ein Ereignis
earliest event time
Gelegenheit, Anlass, Ereignis
glückliches Ereignis
fortunate event
Notlage, unvorhergesehenes Ereignis
seltenes Ereignis
rare event
sicheres Ereignis
certain event
trauriges Ereignis
sad event
unsicheres Ereignis
uncertain event
unvermeidbares Ereignis
inevitable event
unvermeidliches Ereignis
inevitable accident
Vorfall, Ereignis
Vorfall, Ereignis, Vorkommnis
zufälliges Ereignis
fortuitous event
Ereignis n, Vorkommnis n, Vorfall m
Ereignisse pl, Vorkommnisse pl, Vorfälle pl
ein tragischer Vorfall
a tragic occurrence
Ereignis n, Geschehnis n
Ereignisse pl, Geschehnisse pl
zufälliges Ereignis
die bisherigen Ereignisse
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
fortuitous event
events so far
the events of the past few days
what has been happening in the past few days
Ereignis n, Geschehnis n, Vorfall m, Vorkommnis n, Zwischenfall m
Ereignisse pl, Geschehnisse pl, Vorfälle pl, Vorkommnisse pl, Zwischenfälle pl
ein kleiner Vorfall, ein kleiner Zwischenfall
a minor incident
Ereignis n
Ereignisse pl
Ereignis n
Ereignis n math.
disjunkte Ereignisse
komplementäres Ereignis
abhängige Ereignisse
disjoint events
complementary event
dependent events
langanhaltendes Ereignis
langwierige Diskussion
...athon coll.
Sensation f
Sensationen pl
eine große Sensation, ein großes Ereignis
a great sensation
Veranstaltung f, Ereignis n, Event n
Veranstaltungen pl, Ereignisse pl, Events pl
Veranstaltung vom
event from
Veranstaltung, Vorfall, Ereignis
Ereignis, stattfindend
Ereignis, Vorfall
ein seltenes Ereignis
a rare event
ein ähnliches Ereignis
a similar event
ein ähnliches Ereignis
a similar occurrence
wegen unvorhergesehener Ereignis
owing to unforeseen events
ohne Ausrutscher (gesellschaftliches Ereignis) soc.
gaffe-free (social event)
Bombe f (überraschendes Ereignis) übtr.
Die Nachricht schlug ein wie eine Bombe.
Dann ließ er die Bombe platzen und gab bekannt dass er schwul ist.
This news was a bombshell.
Then he dropped the bombshell by revealing that he was gay.
Episode f (unbedeutendes Ereignis)
Episoden pl
Ereignis n; Vorkommnis n; Vorfall m
Ereignisse pl; Vorkommnisse pl; Vorfälle pl
ein tragischer Vorfall
a tragic occurrence
Ereignis n; Geschehnis n
Ereignisse pl; Geschehnisse pl
bedeutendes Ereignis
freudiges Ereignis
gesellschaftliches Ereignis
zufälliges Ereignis
die bisherigen Ereignisse
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
major event; important event
happy event
social event
fortuitous event
events so far
the events of the past few days
what has been happening in the past few days
Ereignis n; Geschehnis n; Vorfall m; Vorkommnis n; Zwischenfall m
Ereignisse pl; Geschehnisse pl; Vorfälle pl; Vorkommnisse pl; Zwischenfälle pl
sicherheitsrelevanter Zwischenfall
ein kleiner Vorfall; ein kleiner Zwischenfall
meldepflichtiger Vorfall; Meldefall m
ein ereignisreiches Leben
keine besonderen Vorkommnisse Vorfälle
security incident
a minor incident
reportable incident
a life full of incidents
no serious incidents
langanhaltendes Ereignis n
langwierige Diskussion
...athon coll.
Fehlerspeicher m
Fehlerspeicher pl
Ereignis-Fehlerspeicher m
fault recorder; error memory
fault recorders; error memories
event and fault recorder
die ganze Nacht dauernd (Ereignis); die ganze Nacht geöffnet (Lokal) adj
Presseschau f; Pressespiegel m (zu einem Ereignis)
press review (of an event)
Publikumserfolg m (Ereignis)
crowd-pleaser (event)
Publikumsmagnet m (Person oder Ereignis) soc.
Publikumsmagneten pl
crowd puller (person or event)
crowd pullers
Sensation f soc.
Sensationen pl
eine große Sensation; ein großes Ereignis
für eine Sensation sorgen
a great sensation
to create cause a sensation
Veranstaltung f; Ereignis n; Event n
Veranstaltungen pl; Ereignisse pl; Events pl
Veranstaltung vom
aktuelle Veranstaltungen
aus gegebenem Anlass
event from
current events
in the light of recent events
Vorausdeutung f (von etw.); Ankündigung f (von etw.); Vorgriff f (auf ein zukünftiges Ereignis)
foreshadowing (of a future event)
Wolke f meteo.
Wolken pl
nachtleuchtende Wolke
auf Wolken schweben übtr.
Das Ereignis wurde von der Furcht vor neuerlichen Terroranschlägen überschattet.
noctilucent cloud
to have one's head in the clouds fig.
Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event.
unvorhergesehenes Ereignis; Unvorhergesehenes n; Eventualität n
ein Ereignis abblasen; ausfallen lassen v ugs.
ein Ereignis abblasend; ausfallen lassend
ein Ereignis abgeblasen; ausfallen lassen
to scrub an event coll.
scrubbing an event
scrubbed an event
beginnen; anfangen; einsetzen (Ereignis); starten ugs. v
beginnend; anfangend; einsetzend; startend
begonnen; angefangen; eingesetzt; gestartet
es begönne (begänne); es fänge an
zu sprechen beginnen
Am Nachmittag setzte starker Schneefall ein.
Dort beginnt die Autobahn.
Das Projekt hat ganz bescheiden begonnen.
Meine Sat-Schüssel beginnt zu rosten.
Fang du nicht auch noch an!
to begin {began; begun}; to start
beginning; starting
begun; started
I he she would begin
to start talking
In the afternoon it began to snow heavily.
The motorway starts there.
The project started in a small way.
My minidish is starting to rust.
Don't you start!
einklagbar; gerichtlich durchsetzbar adj (Sache) jur.
ein Ereignis auf das eine Klage gestützt werden kann das einen Klagegrund darstellt
ohne Schadensnachweis einen Klagegrund bilden
(nur) mit Schadensnachweis einen Klagegrund bilden
Menschen wegen ihres Alters zu entlassen kann gerichtlich verfolgt werden.
actionable; suable Am.; enforceable (by legal action) (matter)
an event that is actionable
to be actionable without proof of damage Br. per se Am.
to be actionable on proof of damage Br. per quod Am.
Dismissing people because of their age is actionable.
einschneidend; tiefgreifend; folgenschwer; bedeutsam adj
ein einschneidendes Ereignis
a climacteric event; a climacteric
ein vergangenes Ereignis feiern v; einer Person Sache (feierlich) gedenken v soc.
feiernd; gedenkend
gefeiert; gedacht
feiert; gedenkt
feierte; gedachte
eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen zur Feier des 200-jährigen Bestehens der Stadt
eine Parade zum Gedenken an zur Erinnerung an etw.
eine Bronzestatue zur Erinnerung an Nelson Mandela
to commemorate sb. sth.
a series of events to commemorate the town's bicentenary
a parade commemorating sth.
a bronze statue commemorating Nelson Mandela
sich finden; zu finden sein; zu suchen sein v
sich findend; zu finden seiend; zu suchen seiend
sich gefunden; zu finden gewesen; zu suchen gewesen
Sie ist nirgends zu finden.
Kinderlieder finden sich findet man in jedem Zeitalter und bei allen Völkern.
Die Ursache dafür ist nicht in einem einzelnen Ereignis zu suchen sondern eher in der Gesamtheit der Erlebnisse die sich angesammelt haben.
Die wahren Ursachen sind woanders zu suchen.
to be to be found; can be found
being to be found; can be found
been to be found; been to be found
She is nowhere to be found.
Nursery rhymes can be found in all ages and among all peoples.
The cause of this is to be found will be found not in any single event but rather in the cumulative experiences.
The real causes must be found elsewhere.
etw. mitbekommen; mitkriegen ugs. v (ein Ereignis geistig erfassen)
mitbekommend; mitkriegend
mitbekommen; mitgekriegt
Hast du mitbekommen dass sie geheiratet hat?
to catch sth.
Did you catch that she got married?
noch; noch bevor adv (rechtzeitig vor nachfolgendem Ereignis)
Ich möchte noch meinen Bruder anrufen bevor ich schlafen gehe.
Ich schreibe das noch fertig dann gehe ich.
Ich muss morgen Vormittag noch Schuhe einkaufen (gehen).
Du musst dir noch die Hände waschen bevor wir essen können.
just; still (in time for a subsequent event)
I'd just still like to call my brother before I go to sleep.
I'll just still finish writing this then I'll leave.
I still have need to go shopping tomorrow morning for shoes.
You have need to wash your hands first before we are ready to eat.
öffentlichkeitswirksam adj
ein öffentlichkeitswirksames Ereignis
high-publicity; public-oriented
a high-publicity event
rechtzeitig (vor einem Ereignis) etw. tun v
rechtzeitig einen Parkplatz finden
rechtzeitig die Wintervorbereitungen treffen
rechtzeitig seine Weihnachtseinkäufe erledigen
Ich möchte früher gehen damit ich rechtzeitig vor dem Berufsverkehr wegkomme.
to get gain a jump on sth. Am.
to get a jump on the parking situation
to get a jump on winter preparation
to get a jump on your Christmas shopping
I want to leave early so I can get a jump on the rush-hour traffic.
schwerwiegendes unerwünschtes Ereignis n SUE med. pharm.
serious adverse event SAE
traurig; betrübt adj (über)
am traurigsten
traurig sein
trauriges Ereignis
trauriges Gesicht
sad (at; about)
to feel sad
sad event
sad face
jdm. (vom Schicksal) vergönnt sein v
Es war mir vergönnt ein historisches Ereignis mitzuerleben.
Es war ihr nicht vergönnt ihre Enkelkinder zu sehen.
to have the privilege of sth.; to be for sb. to do sth.
I had the privilege of being part of a historic event.
It was not for her to see her grandchildren.
jdm. einer Sache zu etw. verhelfen v
jdm. zu einer Anstellung verhelfen
jdm. zur Flucht verhelfen
jdm. zu seinem Recht verhelfen
jdm. zum Sieg verhelfen
jdm. zum Erfolg zu seinem Glück verhelfen
einem Institut zu großen Fortschritten verhelfen
einer Firma zur Marktführerschaft verhelfen
der Demokratie zum Durchbruch verhelfen
einem Ereignis zu einem Platz auf der Titelseite der Zeitungen verhelfen
Das Praktikum hat mir zu einer besseren Arbeitsmoral verholfen.
to help sb. sth. (to) achieve sth.; to give sb. sth.; to help sb. on the road to sth.; to enable sb. sth. to achieve sth.
to help sb. find a job
to help sb. escape
to help sb. in securing his rights; to give sb. justice
to help sb. to win; to give sb. victory
to help sb. on the road to success happiness
to help an institution to make vital progress
to help to make a company market leader
help democracy to become established
to bring an event onto the front page of the papers
The traineeship has given me a better work ethic.
ein Ereignis verhindern; verhüten; vermeiden v; einem Ereignis vorbeugen v
verhindernd; verhütend; vermeidend; vorbeugend
verhindert; verhütet; vermeidet; vorgebeugt
um zu verhindern
einer Krankheit Gefahr vorbeugen
Der Unfall hätte verhindert vermieden werden können.
to prevent an event (from happening)
in order to prevent
to prevent an illness danger
The accident could have been prevented.

Deutsche Ereigniszeitanalyse Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Ereigniszeitanalyse Synonym nachschlagen

Englische event history analysis; survival analysis Synonyme

event  accident  achievement  act  action  adventure  affair  aftereffect  aftermath  anyhow  anyway  at any rate  bout  by-product  case  chance  circumstance  come what may  competition  conclusion  condition  conjuncture  consequence  consequent  contest  contingency  corollary  decathlon  deed  delight  derivation  derivative  development  distillate  double-header  doubles  effect  end  end result  episode  eventuality  eventuation  experience  exploit  fact  feat  fortuity  fortune  foursome  fruit  game  games of chance  go  hap  happening  happenstance  harvest  in any case  incident  issue  juncture  landmark  legacy  logical outcome  match  matter of fact  meet  milepost  milestone  occasion  occurrence  offshoot  offspring  outcome  outgrowth  particular  pentathlon  phenomenon  play  play-off  precipitate  product  race  reality  regardless  result  resultant  runoff  sequel  sequela  sequence  sequent  singles  sport  thing  threesome  treat  turn of events  twosome  upshot  
eventful  active  bustling  busy  consequential  exciting  full  full of incident  important  interesting  lively  memorable  momentous  notable  noteworthy  phenomenal  signal  significant  stirring  
eventide  close of day  cockshut  dimpsy  dusk  eve  even  evening  evensong  gloaming  grayness  nightfall  setting sun  shut of day  sundown  sunset  the expiring day  twilight  vesper  
eventual  anticipated  closing  concluding  consequent  destined  due  ending  endmost  ensuing  expected  final  foreordained  hindmost  ineluctable  inevitable  lag  last  latest  latter  likely  predestined  preordained  probable  resultant  resulting  succeeding  terminal  ultimate  unavoidable  
eventuality  accident  aftereffect  aftermath  aftertime  afteryears  aptitude  aptness  bare possibility  by-and-by  by-product  case  chance  circumstance  coming to be  conceivability  conceivableness  condition  conjuncture  consequence  consequent  contingency  contingent  corollary  course ahead  crystal ball  derivation  derivative  determinism  development  distant future  distillate  effect  even chance  event  eventuation  expectation  finality  foresight  forward look  fruit  future  future tense  futureness  futurism  futurity  good chance  good possibility  happening  harvest  hereafter  hope  immediate future  immediate prospect  imminence  incidence  incident  issue  juncture  legacy  liability  liableness  likelihood  likeliness  logical outcome  materialization  near future  obligation  occasion  occurrence  off chance  offing  offshoot  offspring  outcome  outgrowth  outlook  outside chance  outside hope  possibility  possibleness  posteriority  potential  potentiality  precipitate  prediction  probability  product  project  proneness  prophecy  prospect  realization  remote possibility  result  resultant  sequel  sequela  sequence  sequent  small hope  the attainable  the feasible  the future  the morrow  the possible  the sweet by-and-by  thinkability  thinkableness  time ahead  time just ahead  time to come  tomorrow  ultimateness  upshot  virtuality  weakness  what is possible  what may be  what might be  
eventually  after all  as things go  as times go  at last  at length  at long last  at the end  at the last  conclusively  finally  in conclusion  in due course  in due season  in due time  in fine  in time  last  lastly  once for all  someday  sometime  somewhen  sooner or later  ultimately  yet  

Ereigniszeitanalyse Definition

(n.) A resolution of anything, whether an object of the senses or of the intellect, into its constituent or original elements
(n.) The separation of a compound substance, by chemical processes, into its constituents, with a view to ascertain either (a) what elements it contains, or (b) how much of each element is present. The former is called qualitative, and the latter quantitative analysis.
(n.) The tracing of things to their source, and the resolving of knowledge into its original principles.
(n.) The resolving of problems by reducing the conditions that are in them to equations.
(n.) A syllabus, or table of the principal heads of a discourse, disposed in their natural order.
(n.) A brief, methodical illustration of the principles of a science. In this sense it is nearly synonymous with synopsis.
(n.) The process of ascertaining the name of a species, or its place in a system of classification, by means of an analytical table or key.
(n.) That which comes, arrives, or happens
(n.) An affair in hand
(n.) The consequence of anything
(v. t.) To break forth.
(n.) A learning or knowing by inquiry
(n.) A systematic, written account of events, particularly of those affecting a nation, institution, science, or art, and usually connected with a philosophical explanation of their causes
(v. t.) To narrate or record.
(n.) A living or continuing longer than, or beyond the existence of, another person, thing, or event
(n.) Any habit, usage, or belief, remaining from ancient times, the origin of which is often unknown, or imperfectly known.

event history analysis; survival analysis Bedeutung

event something that happens at a given place and time
career life history the general progression of your working or professional life, the general had had a distinguished career, he had a long career in the law
analysis an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole
market analysis marketing research that yields information about the marketplace
chemical analysis
qualitative analysis
the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
quantitative analysis
quantitative chemical analysis
chemical analysis to determine the amounts of each element in the substance
colorimetric analysis
quantitative chemical analysis by color using a colorimeter
volumetric analysis quantitative analysis by the use of definite volumes of standard solutions or reagents
volumetric analysis determination of the volume of gases (or changes in their volume) during combination
gravimetric analysis quantitative analysis by weight
cost analysis breaking down the costs of some operation and reporting on each factor separately
fundamental analysis
fundamentals analysis
(stock exchange) the use of fundamentals as an investment strategy
technical analysis
technical analysis of stock trends
(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes
spectroscopic analysis
spectrum analysis
spectrographic analysis
the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra
analysis depth psychology
a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders, based on the theories of Sigmund Freud, his physician recommended psychoanalysis
self-analysis the application of psychotherapeutic principles to the analysis of your own personality
history lesson a lesson in the facts of history
survival something that survives
sale cutate sale
sales event
an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices, they held a sale to reduce their inventory, I got some great bargains at their annual sale
ancient history knowledge of some recent fact or event that has become so commonly known that it has lost its original pertinence
critical appraisal
critical analysis
an appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation
analytic thinking
the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations
cost-benefit analysis an analysis of the cost effectiveness of different alternatives in order to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs
systems analysis analysis of all aspects of a project along with ways to collect information about the operation of its parts
trend analysis analysis of changes over time
a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives
natural history the scientific study of plants or animals (more observational than experimental) usually published in popular magazines rather than in academic journals
numerical analysis (mathematics) the branch of mathematics that studies algorithms for approximating solutions to problems in the infinitesimal calculus
analysis a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits, sequences and series and integration and differentiation
Fourier analysis
harmonic analysis
analysis of a periodic function into a sum of simple sinusoidal components
analysis situs
the branch of pure mathematics that deals only with the properties of a figure X that hold for every figure into which X can be transformed with a one-to-one correspondence that is continuous in both directions
multivariate analysis a generic term for any statistical technique used to analyze data from more than one variable
regression analysis the use of regression to make quantitative predictions of one variable from the values of another
correlational analysis the use of statistical correlation to evaluate the strength of the relations between variables
factor analysis any of several methods for reducing correlational data to a smaller number of dimensions or factors, beginning with a correlation matrix a small number of components or factors are extracted that are regarded as the basic variables that account for the interrelations observed in the data
analysis of variance
a statistical method for making simultaneous comparisons between two or more means, a statistical method that yields values that can be tested to determine whether a significant relation exists between variables
cladistic analysis
a system of biological taxonomy based on the quantitative analysis of comparative data and used to reconstruct cladograms summarizing the (assumed) phylogenetic relations and evolutionary history of groups of organisms
history the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings, he teaches Medieval history, history takes the long view
art history the academic discipline that studies the development of painting and sculpture
history all that is remembered of the past as preserved in writing, a body of knowledge, the dawn of recorded history, from the beginning of history
methodology methodological analysis the branch of philosophy that analyzes the principles and procedures of inquiry in a particular discipline
analysis a form of literary criticism in which the structure of a piece of writing is analyzed
a record or narrative description of past events, a history of France, he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president, the story of exposure to lead
ancient history a history of the ancient world
case history detailed record of the background of a person or group under study or treatment
family history part of a patient's medical history in which questions are asked in an attempt to find out whether the patient has hereditary tendencies toward particular diseases
medical history
medical record
the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient
life story
life history
an account of the series of events making up a person's life
Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
relational database of the United States National Library of Medicine for the storage and retrieval of bibliographical information concerning the biomedical literature
analysis the use of closedlass words instead of inflections: e.g., `the father of the bride' instead of `the bride's father'
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Ereigniszeitanalyse analyse und Survival-Analyse; engl. Survival Analysis, Analysis of Failure Times und Event History Analysis) ist ein Fach statistischer Analysen, bei der die Zeit bis zu einem bestimmten Ereignis zwischen Gruppen verglichen wird, um die Wirkung von prognostischen Faktoren, medizinischer Behandlung oder schädlichen Einflüssen zu schätzen. Das Ereignis kann dabei Tod sein, jedoch auch beliebige andere Endpunkte, wie Heilung, Erkrankung oder Eintreten einer Komplikation. Beispiele für eine solche Analyse sind der Kaplan-Meier-Schätzer oder die Cox-Regression. Eine zentrale Größe ist die Hazardrate.

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