
Erheblichkeitsschwelle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Erheblichkeitsschwelle f (Kartellrecht) jur.
relevance threshold (anti-trust law)
Erheblichkeitsschwelle f (Kartellrecht) jur.
relevance threshold (anti-trust law)
können erheblich verringert werden
can be much reduced
beachtlich, erheblich, beträchtlich, stattlich, erklecklich adj
am beachtlichsten
more considerable
most considerable
erheblich adj jur.
ganz erheblich
relevant, erheblich, wichtig, bedeutsam, wesentlich, passend, themabezogen, aktuell adj
besonders relevant sein (für)
Das Problem ist auch heute noch aktuell.
to be of particular relevance (to)
The problem is still relevant today.
beachtlich, erheblich
beachtlich; erheblich; beträchtlich; stattlich; ansehnlich; erklecklich adj
am beachtlichsten
more considerable
most considerable
eindrucksvoll; gewaltig; kolossal; ganz erheblich adj
eine eindrucksvolle Leistung
ein kolossaler Irrtum
ein historisch bedeutsamer Sieg
a monumental achievement
a monumental blunder
a monumental victory
relevant; erheblich; von Belang adj (für etw.)
besonders relevant sein (für)
wichtige Urkunden
rechtserheblich sein
rechtserhebliche Tatsachen
rechtserhebliche Erklärungen der Parteien jur.
Das Problem ist auch heute noch aktuell.
Das ist hier unerheblich nicht von Belang.
relevant (to sth.)
to be of particular relevance (to)
relevant documents
to be relevant in law
relevant facts
relevant statements made by the parties
The problem is still relevant today.
That's not relevant.
sich (durch etw. von jdm. etw.) unterscheiden v
sich unterscheidend
sich unterschieden
es unterscheidet sich
es unterschied sich
es hat hatte sich unterschieden
Die neue Fassung unterscheidet sich stark gewaltig deutlich erheblich von der alten.
Seine Ansichten unterscheiden sich kaum von denen seiner Eltern.
Französisch unterscheidet sich in dieser Hinsicht von Italienisch.
Die Vorstellungen der Eltern über die Kinderbetreuung können weit auseinanderklaffen.
Ein Minimalpaar ist ein Wortpaar das sich nur durch ein Element unterscheidet.
Manager unterscheiden sich in ihrer Fähigkeit mit Stress umzugehen.
Die Geschmäcker sind verschieden besonders in Bezug auf Frauen.
to differ (from sb. sth. in sth.)
it differs
it differed
it has had differed
The new version differs widely greatly markedly considerably from the old one.
His views hardly differ from those of his parents.
French differs from Italien in this respect.; French and Italian differ in this respect.
Ideas on childcare may differ significantly between parents.
A minimal pair is a pair of words which differ only in one element contain a difference of only one element.
Managers differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.
Tastes differ especially in women.
weitgehend; weit gehend; erheblich adj
weitergehende Ansprüche; darüber hinausgehende Ansprüche jur.
far-reaching; extensive
more extensive claims
wesentlich; erheblich; grundlegend adj jur.
eine wesentliche Tatsache
in allen wesentlichen Punkten
jdn. über wesentliche Umstände nicht unterrichten
a material fact
in all material respects
to fail to inform sb. about material circumstances
erheblich adj
schwierig adj; kolossal adj
formidable {adj}
formidable {adj}
erheblich adj
extensive {adj}
erheblich adj
significant {adj}
erheblich adj
grave {adj}
erheblich adj
substantial {adj}
erheblich adv
notably {adv}
erheblich adv
substantially {adv}
erheblich adv
extensively {adv}
sehr groß; beachtlich adj; ansehnlich adj; erheblich adj
sizeable {adj}; sizable {adj}
beachtlich; erheblich; beträchtlich; stattlich; ansehnlich; erklecklich adj
am beachtlichsten
considerable; handsome
more considerable
most considerable
beträchtlich; nicht unbeträchtlich; erheblich; erklecklich (Zahlenwert) adj
erhebliche Presskraft
substantial press force
beträchtlich; erheblich adj (Folgen)
beträchtlichen Schaden anrichten
Sie erlitt bei dem Unfall erhebliche Verletzungen.
considerable; extensive; substantial (of consequences)
to cause considerable extensive substantial damage
She suffered extensive injuries in the accident.
deutlich; merklich; erheblich; bemerkenswert; auffallend; frappant; signifikant geh. adv
ein deutlich höheres Risiko; ein deutlich erhöhtes Risiko geh.
sich in den beiden Gruppen deutlich signifikant unterscheiden
durch Abwesenheit glänzen (Person)
Was im Wahlkampf auffallend fehlte, war …
Es wurde im vergangenen Jahr deutlich verbessert.
Das Auto ist in einem für sein Alter bemerkenswert gutem Zustand.
Die beiden Berichte ähneln sich frappant.
Das war kein allzu erfolgreiches Vorhaben.
remarkably; significantly; notably formal
a remarkably significantly higher risk
to differ significantly between the two groups
to be notably absent (of a person)
What was notably noticeably absent in the election campaign was …
It has been significantly notably improved over the past year.
The car is in remarkably good condition for its age.
The two reports are remarkably similar.
This has not been a notably successful project.
in erheblichem Ausmaß; in erheblichem Maße adv
vielgenutzt adj
sich erheblich (voneinander) unterscheiden
extensively used
to differ extensively
maßgeblich; erheblich; relevant; von Belang adj (für etw.)
besonders relevant sein (für)
wichtige Urkunden
rechtserheblich sein
rechtserhebliche Tatsachen
rechtserhebliche Erklärungen der Parteien jur.
Das Problem ist auch heute noch aktuell.
Das ist hier unerheblich nicht von Belang.
relevant (to sth.)
to be of particular relevance (to)
relevant documents
to be relevant in law
relevant facts
relevant statements made by the parties
The problem is still relevant today.
That's not relevant.
sich (durch etw. von jdm. etw.) unterscheiden v
sich unterscheidend
sich unterschieden
es unterscheidet sich
es unterschied sich
es hat hatte sich unterschieden
Die neue Fassung unterscheidet sich stark gewaltig deutlich erheblich von der alten.
Seine Ansichten unterscheiden sich kaum von denen seiner Eltern.
Französisch unterscheidet sich in dieser Hinsicht von Italienisch.
Die Vorstellungen der Eltern über die Kinderbetreuung können weit auseinanderklaffen.
Ein Minimalpaar ist ein Wortpaar, das sich nur durch ein Element unterscheidet.
Manager unterscheiden sich in ihrer Fähigkeit, mit Stress umzugehen.
Die Geschmäcker sind verschieden, besonders in Bezug auf Frauen.
Inwiefern unterscheidet sich das Depositengeschäft vom Emissionsgeschäft?
to differ (from sb. sth. in sth.)
it differs
it differed
it has had differed
The new version differs widely greatly markedly considerably from the old one.
His views hardly differ from those of his parents.
French differs from Italien in this respect.; French and Italian differ in this respect.
Ideas on childcare may differ significantly between parents.
A minimal pair is a pair of words which differ only in one element contain a difference of only one element.
Managers differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.
Tastes differ, especially in women.
How does deposit banking differ from investment banking?; How is deposit banking different from investment banking?
wesentlich; grundlegend; erheblich adv
materially {adv}
wesentliche Gewinne, erhebliche Gewinne
substantial gains
Meinungsverschiedenheit f; Unstimmigkeit f; Dissens m geh.
Meinungsverschiedenheiten pl; Unstimmigkeiten pl; Differenzen geh. pl
eine erhebliche Meinungsverschiedenheit
seine Differenzen mit jdm. beilegen
difference of opinion; divergence of opinion; dissension; disagreement
differences divergences of opinion; differences; dissent; dissensions; disagreements
a clash of opinion
to settle your differences with sb.
gegenwärtig adv
nicht mehr aktuell sein
Die aktuellen Ereignisse zeigen dass ....
ihr jetziger nunmehriger Ehemann und ihre früheren Ehemänner
der Ãœbergang vom alten Referat zur nunmehrigen Abteilung
sicherstellen dass die Daten aktuell und richtig sind
Der nunmehrige Entwurf stellt gegenüber dem letzten Vorschlag eine erhebliche Verbesserung dar.
to be no longer current
Current events show that ...
her present husband and her former husbands
the conversion of the former unit into the department as it is now
to make sure that the data are current and accurate
The present draft represents a considerable improvement on the last proposal.
Meinungsverschiedenheit f; Unstimmigkeit f; Differenz f; Dissens m geh. (mit jdm.)
Meinungsverschiedenheiten pl; Unstimmigkeiten pl; Differenzen pl; Dissense pl
eine erhebliche Meinungsverschiedenheit
seine Differenzen mit jdm. beilegen
difference of opinion; divergence of opinion; disagreement; dissension; beef coll. (with sb.)
differences of opinion; divergences of opinion; disagreements; dissensions; beefs
a clash of opinion
to settle your differences with sb.
derzeitig; jetzig; aktuell; gegenwärtig; nunmehrig geh.; augenblicklich; momentan ugs. adj
nicht mehr aktuell sein
ein dringlicheres und aktuelleres Problem
Die aktuellen Ereignisse zeigen, dass …
ihr jetziger nunmehriger Ehemann und ihre früheren Ehemänner
der Ãœbergang vom alten Referat zur nunmehrigen Abteilung
sicherstellen, dass die Daten aktuell und richtig sind
Dieses Problem ist nicht mehr aktuell.
Der nunmehrige Entwurf stellt gegenüber dem letzten Vorschlag eine erhebliche Verbesserung dar.
current; present
to be no longer current
a more pressing and current problem
Current events show that …
her present husband and her former husbands
the conversion of the former unit into the department as it is now
to make sure that the data are current and accurate
This is no longer a (current) problem.
The present draft represents a considerable improvement on the last proposal.
Schwierigkeit f (bei etw.)
Schwierigkeiten pl
finanzielle Schwierigkeiten
voller Schwierigkeiten
in Schwierigkeiten geraten
Schwierigkeiten bekommen
eine Schwierigkeit meistern
die aufgetretenen Schwierigkeiten beheben
mit erheblichen Schwiergikeiten verbunden sein
auf Schwierigkeiten stoßen; Schwierigkeiten haben
Das Land steht vor großen Schwierigkeiten
difficulty (in doing sth.)
difficulties; difficulty
financial pecuniary difficulties; financial embarassment
fraught with difficulty
to get into difficulty
to run into difficulties
to overcome a difficulty
to overcome remedy the difficulties which have arisen
to involve considerable difficulties
to experience difficulties
The country is faced with serious difficulties.
Schwierigkeit f (bei etw.)
Schwierigkeiten pl
finanzielle Schwierigkeiten
voller Schwierigkeiten
in Schwierigkeiten geraten
Schwierigkeiten bekommen
eine Schwierigkeit meistern
die aufgetretenen Schwierigkeiten beheben
mit erheblichen Schwiergikeiten verbunden sein
auf Schwierigkeiten stoßen; Schwierigkeiten haben
Das Land steht vor großen Schwierigkeiten
difficulty (in doing sth.)
difficulties; difficulty
financial pecuniary difficulties; financial embarrassment
fraught with difficulty
to get into difficulty
to run into difficulties
to overcome a difficulty
to overcome remedy the difficulties which have arisen
to involve considerable difficulties
to experience difficulties
The country is faced with serious difficulties.
Erheblichkeit f
Relevanz f, Wichtigkeit f, Bedeutsamkeit f, Bedeutung f, Erheblichkeit f
diagnostische Relevanz
relevance, relevancy
diagnostic relevance
Anfechtung f (einer Sache); Ablehnung f (einer Person) jur.
Anfechtungen pl; Ablehnungen pl
Anfechtung eines Beschlusses vor dem Höchstgericht
Einwendungen gegen die Echtheit bzw. Erheblichkeit eines Beweismittels machen
Ablehnung sämtlicher Geschworenen
Ablehnung (von Geschworenen) ohne Angabe von Gründen
challenge of sb. sth.
challenge of a decision before in the Supreme Court
to file challenges Am.
challenge to the panel array Am.
peremptory challenge; challenge without (showing) cause
Erheblichkeit f jur.
Relevanz f; Erheblichkeit f; Bedeutung f (für jdn. etw.)
diagnostische Relevanz
Rechtserheblichkeit f
rechtserheblich sein
Der Vertrag hat nicht mehr die Bedeutung die er zum Zeitpunkt des Abschlusses hatte.
relevance; relevancy (for sb. sth.)
diagnostic relevance
relevance in law
to be of legal relevance
The contract has no longer the relevance it had when concluded.
Anfechtung f (einer Sache); Ablehnung f (einer Person) jur.
Anfechtungen pl; Ablehnungen pl
Patentanfechtung f
Anfechtung eines Beschlusses vor dem Höchstgericht
Einwendungen gegen die Echtheit bzw. Erheblichkeit eines Beweismittels machen
Ablehnung sämtlicher Geschworenen
Ablehnung (von Geschworenen) ohne Angabe von Gründen
challenge of sb. sth.
patent challenge
challenge of a decision before in the Supreme Court
to file challenges Am.
challenge to the panel array Am.
peremptory challenge; challenge without (showing) cause
Relevanz f; Erheblichkeit f; Bedeutung f (für jdn. etw.)
diagnostische Relevanz
Rechtserheblichkeit f
rechtserheblich sein
Der Vertrag hat nicht mehr die Bedeutung, die er zum Zeitpunkt des Abschlusses hatte.
relevance; relevancy (for sb. sth.)
diagnostic relevance
relevance in law
to be of legal relevance
The contract has no longer the relevance it had when concluded.
Erheblichkeitsschwelle f (Kartellrecht) jur.
relevance threshold (anti-trust law)

Erheblichkeitsschwelle Definition

() A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of
(a.) Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
(n.) One of party opposed to a federative government
(a.) Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
(n.) Alt. of Relevancy
(n.) Faith in one's self
(n.) The plank, stone, or piece of timber, which lies under a door, especially of a dwelling house, church, temple, or the like
(n.) Fig.: The place or point of entering or beginning, entrance
(n.) Assured resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship, or other sound principle, of another person
(n.) Credit given
(n.) Assured anticipation
(n.) That which is committed or intrusted to one
(n.) The condition or obligation of one to whom anything is confided
(n.) That upon which confidence is reposed
(n.) An estate devised or granted in confidence that the devisee or grantee shall convey it, or dispose of the profits, at the will, or for the benefit, of another
(n.) An organization formed mainly for the purpose of regulating the supply and price of commodities, etc.
(a.) Held in trust
(n.) To place confidence in
(n.) To give credence to
(n.) To hope confidently
(n.) to show confidence in a person by intrusting (him) with something.
(n.) To commit, as to one's care
(n.) To give credit to
(n.) To risk
(v. i.) To have trust
(v. i.) To be confident, as of something future
(v. i.) To sell or deliver anything in reliance upon a promise of payment

relevance threshold (anti-trust law) Bedeutung

breach of trust violation (either through fraud or negligence) by a trustee of a duty that equity requires of him
breach of trust with fraudulent intent larceny after trust rather than after unlawful taking
anti-takeover defense resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
trust busting (law) government activities seeking to dissolve corporate trusts and monopolies (especially under the United States antitrust laws)
anti-G suit
G suit
worn by fliers and astronauts to counteract the forces of gravity and acceleration
anti-inflammatory drug
a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
anti-submarine rocket a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
anti-TNF compound a class of drugs that block the action of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), used in cases of rheumatoid arthritis because TNF instigates inflammation of the joints
the sill of a door, a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway
door room access
the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building, the space that a door can close, he stuck his head in the doorway
fragmentation bomb
antipersonnel bomb
anti-personnel bomb
daisy cutter
a bomb with onlytoper cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments, most effective against troops and vehicles
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids, NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox- and Cox- enzymes
stabilizer bar
anti-sway bar
a rigid metal bar between the front suspensions and between the rear suspensions of cars and trucks, serves to stabilize the chassis
tail rotor
anti-torque rotor
rotor consisting of a rotating airfoil on the tail of a singleotor helicopter, keeps the helicopter from spinning in the direction opposite to the rotation of the main rotor
threshold element
threshold gate
a logic element that performs a threshold operation
virility drug
anti-impotence drug
drug to treat impotence attributable to erectile dysfunction
the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others, the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity
threshold level the intensity level that is just barely perceptible
certainty based on past experience, he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists, he put more trust in his own two legs than in the gun
the smallest detectable sensation
absolute threshold the lowest level of stimulation that a person can detect
pain threshold the lowest intensity of stimulation at which pain is experienced, some people have much higher pain thresholds than do other people
difference threshold
differential threshold
difference limen
differential limen
the smallest change in stimulation that a person can detect
faith trust complete confidence in a person or plan etc, he cherished the faith of a good woman, the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust
the intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people
anti-Catholicism a religious orientation opposed to Catholicism
anti-drug law a law forbidding the sale or use of narcotic drugs
trust deed
deed of trust
a written instrument legally conveying property to a trustee often used to secure an obligation such as a mortgage or promissory note
anti-virus program a computer program that checks a computer for viruses and prevents their spread
al-Rashid Trust a terrorist group organized in after the Taliban took over Afghanistan and part of Osama bin Laden's international system, provides financial support for the Taliban and al-Qaeda and Jaish-i-Mohammed and assists Muslim militants around the world, established a network of madrasas and mosques in Afghanistan
Japanese Red Army
Anti-Imperialist International Brigade
a terrorist group organized into overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world revolution, is said to have close ties with Palestinian terrorists, in the Japanese Red Army was responsible for a massacre at an airport in Israel
National Trust
an organization concerned to preserve historic monuments and buildings and places of historical interest or natural beauty, founded in and supported by endowment and private subscription
investment company
investment trust
investment firm
a financial institution that sells shares to individuals and invests in securities issued by other companies
Real Estate Investment Trust
an investment trust that owns and manages a pool of commercial properties and mortgages and other real estate assets, shares can be bought and sold in the stock market
unit investment trust
unit trust
a regulated investment company consisting of professional managers who issue redeemable securities representing a portfolio of many different securities, you can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $
corporate trust
a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service, they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly
kitchen cabinet
brain trust
an inner circle of unofficial advisors to the head of a government
Anti-Masonic Party a former political party in the United States, founded in in opposition to Freemasonry in public affairs
trust company
trust corporation
an organization (usually with a commercial bank) that is engaged as a trustee or fiduciary or agent in handling trust funds or estates of custodial arrangements or stock transfers or related services
trust territory
a dependent country, administered by another country under the supervision of the United Nations
anti a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.), the antis smelled victory after a long battle
anti-American a person who is opposed to the United States and its policies
someone who hates and would persecute Jews
philistine anti-intellectual
a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
anti-dumping duty a tariff imposed to prevent dumping
trust something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary), he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father
active trust a trust in which the trustee must perform certain duties
blind trust a trust that enables a person to avoid possible conflict of interest by transferring assets to a fiduciary, the person establishing the trust gives up the right to information about the assets
passive trust a trust in which the trustee performs no active duties
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