
Erholungsort Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Erholungsort m
Erholungsorte pl
recreation place; recreation locality; recreation village
recreation places; recreation localities; recreation villages
Erholungsort m
Erholungsorte pl
recreation place; recreation locality; recreation village
recreation places; recreation localities; recreation villages
Erholung, Wiederfinden, Wiedergewinnung
Preiserholung, Erholung der Preise
recovery of prices
Zugabe zur Erholung
allowance for recovery
Zugabe zur Erholung
relaxation allowance
Erholung f, Freizeit und Erholung
Erholung f, Genesung f
Erholung f, Entspannung f, Ruhe f
Erholung im nachbörslichen Verkehr econ.
after hours rally
Rast f, Ausruhen n, Erholung f
Rekonvaleszenz f, Genesung f, Erholung f med.
convalescence, reconvalescence
Wirtschaftsaufschwung m, wirtschaftliche Erholung f
economic recovery
brauchen, benötigen v
brauchend, benötigend
gebraucht, benötigt
sie braucht, er
sie benötigt
sie brauchte, ich
sie benötigte
sie hat
hatte gebraucht, er
sie hat
hatte benötigt
sie bräuchte
Erholung brauchen
to need
she needs
she needed
she has
had needed
she would need
to need a rest
Aktivitäten verbunden mit Erholung
activities combined with recreation
Anzeichen einer Erholung der Geschäfte
there are signs of a revival of business
Erfrischung f; Erholung f; Erquickung f geh.; Labung f poet. (Vorgang)
Der Urlaub dient der Erholung.
refreshment (process)
Holidays are for refreshment.
Erholung f; Freizeit und Erholung
Erholung f; Genesung f
Erholung f; Entspannung f; Ruhe f
Erholung f; Aufschwung m econ.
recovery; revival
Kurserholung f; Auftrieb m (Börse) fin.
Erholung im nachbörslichen Verkehr
rally (stock exchange)
after hours rally
Preiserholung f; Erholung f der Preise
recovery of prices
Rast f; Ausruhen n; Erholung f
Rekonvaleszenz f; Genesung f; Erholung f med.
convalescence; reconvalescence
Wirtschaftsaufschwung m; wirtschaftliche Erholung f
economic recovery
etw. brauchen; benötigen v (Person)
brauchend; benötigend
gebraucht; benötigt
er sie braucht; er sie benötigt
ich er sie brauchte; ich er sie benötigte
wir sie brauchten
er sie hat hatte gebraucht; er sie hat hatte benötigt
er sie bräuchte
Erholung brauchen
to need sth.; to require sth. (person)
needing; requiring
needed; required
he she needs; he she requires
I he she needed; I he she required
we they needed
he she has had needed; er sie has had required
he she would need
to need a rest
sich erholen (von etw.) (zu Kräften kommen) v
sich erholend
sich erholt
zur Erholung ans Meer fahren
Nimm dir nach der Operation frei damit du dich zu Hause erholen kannst.
to convalesce (from sth.)
to travel to the sea in order to convalesce
Take time off work after the surgery so that you can convalesce at home.
Erholung f; Aufschwung m econ. fin.
Baufläche f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
Fläche für Freizeit und Erholung
Wohnbaufläche f
gemischte Baufläche
gewerbliche Baufläche
Sonderbaufläche f
urban land-use category; general land-use area; zoning category Am. (spatial planning)
recreational land use area
residental land use area; housing zone Am.
mixed land use area
industrial land use area
institutional land use area
elastische Erholung f (Materialeigenschaft) techn.
elastic recovery (material property)
sich erholen v; genesen (von etw.) (zu Kräften kommen)
sich erholend
sich erholt
zur Erholung ans Meer fahren
Nimm dir nach der Operation frei, damit du dich zu Hause erholen kannst.
to convalesce (from sth.)
to travel to the sea in order to convalesce
Take time off work after the surgery so that you can convalesce at home.
nächtliche Erholung f
gut schlecht schlafen
besser schlafen
night's rest
to have a good bad night's rest
to have a better night's rest
naturnah adj envir.
naturnahe Aktivitäten
naturnahe Erholung
naturnahe Lebensräume
naturnaher Urlaub
naturnaher Wasserbau
naturnahe Umgebung
naturnahe Bewirtschaftung von Wäldern
Die Erzeugung sollte so naturnah wie möglich sein.
near-natural; semi-natural; nature-orientated; close to nature (postpostive); close to natural conditions (postpostive)
nature-oriented activities
recreation in the natural environment
semi-national habitats
nature-oriented holidays
near-natural hydraulic engineering
near-natural environment; environment close to nature
semi-natural management of forests
The production should be as compatible with nature as possible.
Ruhe..., Erholungs..., zum Relaxen
Ruhe...; Erholungs...; zum Relaxen
Ruhe…; Erholungs…; zum Relaxen
Erholungsurlaub m, Erholungsaufenthalt m
holiday, holiday for convalescence
Urlaubsaufenthalt m; Erholungsaufenthalt m
holiday (recreational stay)
Urlaubsaufenthalt m; Erholungsurlaub m; Urlaub m (bei Berufstätigen); Ferien pl (bei Schülern Studenten); Erholungsaufenthalt m geh.
Ferien pl
Abenteuerurlaub m
Aktivurlaub m
Arbeitsurlaub m (den jemand mit ähnlichen Tätigkeiten verbringt wie im Beruf)
Bootsurlaub m
Campingurlaub m
Golfurlaub m
Pauschalurlaub m
Rucksackurlaub m
Sommerurlaub m; Sommerfrische f veraltend
Sprachferien pl school stud.
Strandurlaub m
Traumurlaub m
Wanderurlaub m
Weihnachtsurlaub m
Winterurlaub m
Urlaub im Wohnwagen
Ferien, bei denen man bei einer Gastfamilie wohnt
im Urlaub; in Urlaub
Urlaub im eigenen Land; Urlaub zu Hause; Urlaub auf Balkonien humor.
im in Urlaub sein; auf Urlaub sein Ă–s.; in den Ferien sein Schw.; Urlaub machen (an einem Ort)
in (den) Urlaub fahren; auf Urlaub fahren Ă–s.; in die Ferien fahren gehen Schw.; Urlaub machen (in)
Urlaub haben
Urlaub nehmen; Urlaub machen; Ferien machen
zwei Wochen Urlaub
Hatten Sie Hattest du einen schönen Urlaub?
Im letzten Urlaub mussten wir im Zelt schlafen.
holiday Br.; vacation Am. (recreational stay)
adventure holiday Br.; adventure vacation Am.
activity holiday Br.; activity vacation Am.
busman's holiday
boating holiday Br.; boating vacation Am.
camping holiday Br.; camping vacation Am.
golfing holiday Br.; golfing vacation Am.
package holiday Br.; package vacation Am.
backpacking holiday Br.; backpacking vacation Am.
summer holiday Br.; summer vacation Am.
language course holidays Br.; language holidays Br.; language course vacation Am.; language vacation Am.
beach holiday Br.; beach vacation Am.
dream holiday Br.; dream vacation Am.
rambling holiday Br.; hiking vacation Am.
Christmas holiday Br.; Christmas vacation Am.
winter holiday Br.; winter vacation Am.
caravan holiday Br.; caravan vacation Am.
homestay holiday
on holiday; on vacation
stay-at-home holiday Br.; stay-at-home vacation Am.; staycation coll.
to be on holiday Br.; to be on (a) vacation Am.; to be vacationing Am. (in a place)
to go on holiday Br. vacation Am. (in at)
to have holiday; to have vacation
to take have a holiday Br. vacation Am.
two weeks' holiday; two weeks' vacation
Did you have a nice holiday vacation?
On our last holiday vacation, we had to sleep in a tent.
erholungsbedĂĽrftig sein v
to be in need of relaxation
erholsam adj; erholungsfördernd adj; stärkend adj
recuperative {adj}
recreation area
Erholungsgebiet n
Erholungsgebiete pl
recreation area, holiday area
recreation areas, holiday areas
Erholungsgebiet n
Erholungsgebiete pl
recreation area; holiday area
recreation areas; holiday areas
Revitalisierung f; Neubelebung f
die Revitalisierung des traditionellen Kunsthandwerks
Zu den Vorhaben gehört auch die Revitalisierung des stillgelegten Industrieareals als naturnahes Erholungsgebiet.
revitalization; revitalisation Br.
the revitalization of the traditional arts and crafts
The projects include the revitalization of the disused industrial zone as semi-natural recreational area.
Erholungsheim n
Erholungsheime pl
recreation home, holiday home
recreation homes, holiday homes
recreation home
Erholungsheim n
Erholungsheime pl
recreation home; holiday home
recreation homes; holiday homes
Erhaltung f; Erhalt m +Gen. envir.
die Erhaltung der lebenden Ressourcen
Erhaltung der Kultur- und Erholungslandschaft
MaĂźnahmen zum Erhalt weitwandernder Tierarten
conservation (of sth.)
the conservation of living resources
countryside conservation Br.; rural conservation Am.
conservation measures for highly migratory animal species
Erholungsort m
Erholungsorte pl
recreation place; recreation locality; recreation village
recreation places; recreation localities; recreation villages
Erholungspause f
Erholungspausen pl
Erholungsphase f
eine Erholungsphase einleiten
recovery; recovery phase
to stage a recovery
Erholungsraum m
Erholungsräume pl
recreation area
recreation areas
Erholungsuchende pl
those seeking recreation
Ferien pl; Urlaub m; Erholungsurlaub m
Ferien pl
im Urlaub; in Urlaub
im in Urlaub sein; auf Urlaub sein Ă–s.; in den Ferien sein Schw.; Urlaub machen (an einem Ort)
in (den) Urlaub fahren; auf Urlaub fahren Ă–s.; in die Ferien fahren gehen Schw.; Urlaub machen (in)
Urlaub daheim
Urlaub haben
Urlaub nehmen; Urlaub machen; Ferien machen
zwei Wochen Urlaub
Hatten Sie Hattest du einen schönen Urlaub?
Im letzten Urlaub mussten wir im Zelt schlafen.
holiday Br.; vacation Am.
on holiday; on vacation
to be on holiday Br.; to be on (a) vacation Am.; to be vacationing Am. (in a place)
to go on holiday Br. vacation Am. (in at)
staycation Am. coll.
to have holiday; to have vacation
to take have a holiday Br. vacation Am.
two weeks' holiday; two weeks' vacation
Did you have a nice holiday vacation?
On our last holiday vacation we had to sleep in a tent.
Erholungsurlaube, Ferien
Erholungsvorsorge f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
provisions for recreation; recreational provisions (spatial planning)
MaĂźnahmen pl fĂĽr die Erholungsvorsorge envir.
recreation policies
Erholungswald m
Erholungswälder pl
recreational forest
recreational forests
Erholungswert m
recreational value
relaxation time
Genesungszeit, Erholungszeit
Erholungszeit f, Erholzeit f
recovery time
Erholungszeit f; Erholzeit f
recovery time
Erholungszeit f nach Ăśberlastung techn.
overload recovery time
relaxation allowance

Erholungsort Definition

Burying place
() The ground or place for burying the dead
(n.) A retired or private place.
(n.) The state, or condition, of belonging to a definite place, or of being contained within definite limits.
(n.) Position
(n.) Limitation to a county, district, or place
(n.) The perceptive faculty concerned with the ability to remember the relative positions of places.
(n.) Any portion of space regarded as measured off or distinct from all other space, or appropriated to some definite object or use
(n.) A broad way in a city
(n.) A position which is occupied and held
(n.) Rank
(n.) Vacated or relinquished space
(n.) A definite position or passage of a document.
(n.) Ordinal relation
(n.) Reception
(n.) Position in the heavens, as of a heavenly body
(n.) To assign a place to
(n.) To put or set in a particular rank, office, or position
(n.) To put out at interest
(n.) To set
(n.) To attribute
(a.) Proud of rank or office.
(n.) The act of recreating, or the state of being recreated
(n.) A small assemblage of houses in the country, less than a town or city.

recreation place; recreation locality; recreation village / recreation places; recreation localities; recreation villages Bedeutung

place kick
(sports) a kick in which the ball is placed on the ground before kicking
activity that refreshes and recreates, activity that renews your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation, time for rest and refreshment by the pool, days of joyous recreation with his friends
an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates, scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists, for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles, drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation
place bet a bet that a horse will finish a race no worse than second
position post
office spot billet
a job in an organization, he occupied a post in the treasury
position place lieu
the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another, can you go in my stead?, took his place, in lieu of
the worship of places
market place
the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold, without competition there would be no market, they were driven from the marketplace
a farm together with its buildings
assembly meeting place
a public facility to meet for open discussion
landing place
structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods
market place
an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up
place mat a mat serving as table linen for an individual place setting
place of business
business establishment
an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
place of worship
house of prayer
house of God
house of worship
any building where congregations gather for prayer
place setting
a table service for one person, a place setting of sterling flatware
Potemkin village something that seems impressive but in fact lacks substance
recreational facility
recreation facility
a public facility for recreation
recreation room
rec room
a room equipped for informal entertaining
eating house
eating place
a building where people go to eat
place an abstract mental location, he has a special place in my thoughts, a place in my heart, a political system with no place for the less prominent groups
imaginary place
mythical place
fictitious place
a place that exists only in imagination, a place said to exist in fictional or religious writings
place name
the name by which a geographical place is known
space blank space
a blank area, write your name in the space provided
place the passage that is being read, he lost his place on the page
place position an item on a list or in a sequence, in the second place, moved from third to fifth position
second-place finish
runner-up finish
a finish in second place (as in a race)
third-place finish a finish in third place (as in a race)
first-place finish a finish in first place (as in a race)
small town
a community of people smaller than a town
jumping-off place
point of departure
a place from which an enterprise or expedition is launched, one day when I was at a suitable jumping-off place I decided to see if I could find him, my point of departure was San Francisco
place of birth
the place where someone was born
birthplace cradle
place of origin
where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence, the birthplace of civilization
place property any area set aside for a particular purpose, who owns this place?, the president was concerned about the property across from the White House
polling place
polling station
a place where voters go to cast their votes in an election
home place where you live at a particular time, deliver the package to my home, he doesn't have a home to go to, your place or mine?
gathering place a favorite haunt where people gather
lurking place a place suitable for lurking
hiding place a place suitable for hiding something (such as yourself)
holy place
sanctum holy
a sacred place of pilgrimage
nesting place a place suitable for nesting
place piazza
a public square with room for pedestrians, they met at Elm Plaza, Grosvenor Place
pride of place the first or highest or most important or most ostentatious place
the particular portion of space occupied by something, he put the lamp back in its place
neck of the woods
a surrounding or nearby region, the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville, it is a rugged locality, he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood, I will drop in on you the next time I am in this neck of the woods
place a general vicinity, He comes from a place near Chicago
seat place a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane), he booked their seats in advance, he sat in someone else's place
topographic point
a point located with respect to surface features of some region, this is a nice place for a picnic, a bright spot on a planet
a settlement smaller than a town
village green a village park consisting of a plot of grassy land
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Mit dem Prädikat Erholungsort oder staatlich anerkannter Erholungsort wird in mehreren deutschen Bundesländern eine Gemeinde oder ein Gemeindeteil ausgestattet aufgrund der als besonders begutachteten Eignung zur Erholung z. B. im Rahmen eines Erholungsurlaubs mit einwandfreier Luftqualität.