
Erwachsenenarbeit Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Erwachsenenarbeit f
adult work
Erwachsenenarbeit f
adult work
erwachsen adj
erwachsen adv
grown up, grown-up
erwachsen werden
erwachsen werdend
to fledge
Er wird einfach nicht erwachsen.
He is a real Peter Pan.
Erwachsener, erwachsen
erwachsen werden
erwachsen werdend
angebaut, erwachsen
grown up
Jugendliche, nicht erwachsen, im Backfischalter
erwachsen werden
grow up
aufwachsen; erwachsen werden
grow up
erwachsen adj
grown up; grown-up
erwachsen werden; groß werden v
erwachsen werdend; groß werdend
erwachsen geworden; groß geworden
Was willst du einmal werden (wenn du groß bist)?
Es wird Zeit dass er erwachsen wird und Verantwortung übernimmt.
Wirst du denn nie erwachsen?
to grow up
growing up
grown up
What are you going to be when you grow up?
It's time for him to grow up and face his responsibilities.
Won't you ever grow up?
rechtskräftig entschiedene Sache f jur.
formelle Rechtskraft
materielle Rechtskraft
subjective Rechtskraft
Einrede der Rechtskraft
Rechtskraft erlangen; in Rechtskraft erwachsen Schw.
Der Streitgegenstand ist schon rechtskräftig entschieden.
res judicata
formal res judicata; unappealability
substantial res judicata; force of a final judgement
moral res judicata
plea of res judicata; defence of res judicata
to become res judicata
The issue in dispute is res judicata.
erwachsen werden volljährig werden
to come of age
Mehrkosten pl; Zusatzkosten pl; zusätzliche Kosten pl econ.
die Mehrkosten, die dem Kunden dadurch erwachsen
additional cost(s); additional charges; additional expenses; extra cost(s); extra charges; extra expenses
the additional costs being incurred by the client
aus etw. entstehen; aus etw. hervorgehen; aus etw. erwachsen geh. (Sache) v
entstehend; hervorgehend; erwachsend
entstanden; hergevorgeht; erwachsen
Dieses Projekt entstand aus der Notwendigkeit, …
Das Theaterstück ging aus einem Bühnenspielprojekt an der Schule hervor.
Die Idee zu diesem Videospiel entstand aus einem persönlichen Erlebnis, das ich letztes Jahr hatte.
to grow out of sth. (of a thing developing from a source)
growing out
grown out
This project grew out of the necessity to …
The play grew out of a drama school project.
The idea for the video game grew out of a personal experience I had last year.
erwachsen werden; groß werden v
erwachsen werdend; groß werdend
erwachsen geworden; groß geworden
Was willst du einmal werden (wenn du groß bist)?
Es wird Zeit, dass er erwachsen wird und Verantwortung übernimmt.
Wirst du denn nie erwachsen?
to grow up
growing up
grown up
What are you going to be when you grow up?
It's time for him to grow up and face his responsibilities.
Won't you ever grow up?
Weiterbildung für Erwachsene (US)
extension studies
Erwachsene m f , Erwachsener
Erwachsenen pl, Erwachsene
Erwachsene m f , Erwachsener
Erwachsenen pl
grown ups
Erw. : Erwachsene
(erwachsene) Begleitperson f (für Jugendliche bei Ausflügen Auftritten Reisen)
chaperone; chaperon Br.
Erwachsene m f; Erwachsener Erw.
Erwachsenen pl; Erwachsene
junge Erwachsene
young adults
Erwachsene m f; Erwachsener
Erwachsenen pl
grown ups
etw. (intuitiv) erfassen (begreifen) v
Kinder erfassen die Darbietung sofort während Erwachsene länger brauchen um sie zu begreifen.
to grok sth.
Children grok this show immediately while adults take longer to get it.
etw. nachempfinden; etw. nachvollziehen v; sich in jdn. etw. hineinversetzen v
nachempfindend; nachvollziehend; sich hineinversetzend
nachempfunden; nachvollzogen; sich hineinversetzt
sich in eine Rolle hineinversetzen
Kennst du diese Situation?
Ich weiß wie es ist auf der Verliererseite zu stehen.
Ich kann gut nachempfinden nachvollziehen was du durchmachst.
Viele Erwachsene können sich nicht in Kinder hineinversetzen.
Unser Produkt braucht ein Image mit dem sich die Leute identifizieren können.
to relate to sth.; to empathize empathise Br. with sth.
relating to; empathizing empathising
related to; empathized empathised
to empathize with a part
Can you relate to this situation?
I can relate to being the loser.
I can really relate to empathize with what you are going through.
Many adults can't relate to children.
Our product needs an image that people can relate to.
(ein Rollenspiel) spielen v
Doktorspiele spielen
Soldat spielen
Kaufmann spielen
Wenn eine 15-jährige eine erwachsene Frau spielt
to play at sth. at being sth. at doing sth. (role play) Br.
to play at doctors and nurses
to play at being soldiers
to play at keeping shop
When a fifteen-year-old plays at being a grown woman
Eintrittspreis m; Eintrittsgebühr f; Eintritt m
Eintrittspreise pl; Eintrittsgebühren pl
Der Eintritt kostet 2 Euro für Erwachsene und 1 Euro für Kinder.
admission fee; admission
admission fees
Admission is EUR 2 for adults and EUR 1 for children.
Erwachsene m,f; Erwachsener Erw.
Erwachsenen pl; Erwachsene
junge Erwachsene
young adults
Erwerb m von Grundkompetenzen für Erwachsene
adult basic education (USA)
Hindernis n; Hemmnis n (für etw.) übtr.
Hindernisse pl; Hemmnisse pl
Das stellt das größte Hindernis für diese Kinder dar, selbständige Erwachsene zu werden.
hindrance; impediment (to sth.) fig.
hindrances; impediments
This poses the greatest hindrance to these children becoming independent adults.
Overall m mit kurzer Hose; Einteiler m mit kurzer Hose (für Erwachsene) textil.
romper (for adults)
etw. (intuitiv) erfassen (begreifen) v
Kinder erfassen die Darbietung sofort, während Erwachsene länger brauchen, um sie zu begreifen.
to grok sth.
Children grok this show immediately, while adults take longer to get it.
erwachsener Mensch m; Erwachsener m (aus Kindersicht) soc.
die Erwachsenen; die großen Leute; die Großen
Ich nehme an, dass meine Leser erwachsene Menschen sind, die sich ihre eigene Meinung bilden können.
the grown-ups
I assume that my readers are grown-ups who can make up their own minds.
etw. nachempfinden; etw. nachvollziehen v; sich in jdn. etw. hineinversetzen v
nachempfindend; nachvollziehend; sich hineinversetzend
nachempfunden; nachvollzogen; sich hineinversetzt
sich in eine Rolle hineinversetzen
Kennst du diese Situation?
Ich weiß, wie es ist, auf der Verliererseite zu stehen.
Ich kann gut nachempfinden nachvollziehen was du durchmachst.
Viele Erwachsene können sich nicht in Kinder hineinversetzen.
Unser Produkt braucht ein Image, mit dem sich die Leute identifizieren können.
to relate to sth.; to empathize empathise Br. with sth.
relating to; empathizing empathising
related to; empathized empathised
to empathize with a part
Can you relate to this situation?
I can relate to being the loser.
I can really relate to empathize with what you are going through.
Many adults can't relate to children.
Our product needs an image that people can relate to.
vorsehen, dass etw. geschieht v (Rechtsvorschrift) adm. jur.
Das Gesetz sieht vor, dass Minderjährige anders behandelt werden als Erwachsene.
to provide; to stipulate that sth. is will be done (legal provision)
The law provides that minors will be treated differently from adults.
Erwachsenenwelt f, Welt der Erwachsenen
adult world, world of adults
grown ups
Erwachsenenwelt f; Welt der Erwachsenen
adult world; world of adults
sich betätigen v; etw. betreiben v
sich betätigend; betreibend
sich betätigt; betrieben
einer Tätigkeit nachgehen; eine Tätigkeit ausüben
Forschung betreiben
Politik machen
sich politisch betätigen
sich kriminell betätigen
Nur 15% der Erwachsenen betreiben regelmäßig Sport.
to engage in sth. in doing sth.
engaging in
engaged in
to engage in an activity
to engage in research
to engage in policy-making
to engage in politics
to engage in criminal activities
Only 15% of adults regularly engage in sports (activities).
Altersgrenze f; Alterslimite f Schw. (Höchstalter bei Erwachsenen) pol. soc.
Altersgrenzen pl; Alterslimits pl
bei Erreichen der Altersgrenze in den Ruhestand treten
die Altersgrenze für den Renteneintritt Dt. Schw. Pensionsantritt Ös. erreichen
age limit
age limits
to retire upon reaching the age limit
to be due for retirement
gesetzliche Vertretung f; gesetzliche Betreuung f Dt.; Erwachsenenvertretung f Ös. Schw.; Sachwalterschaft f Ös. veraltet (für einen schutzbedürftigen Erwachsenen) jur.
adult guardianship; legal guardianship (for a vulnerable adult)
gesetzlicher Vertreter m; gesetzlicher Betreuer Dt.; Erwachsenenvertreter m Ös. Schw.; Sachwalter Ös. veraltet (für einen schutzbedürftigen Erwachsenen) jur.
adult guardian; legal guardian (for a vulnerable adult)
geschlechtlich; sexuell; Sexual… adj
nicht geschlechtlich; nicht sexuell
sexuelle Beziehungen
sexuelle Gesundheit
sexuelle Gewalt
einvernehmliche Sexualkontakte unter Erwachsenen
sexual relationships
sexual health
sexual violence
consensual sexual activity between adults
Erwachsensein n, Erwachsenenalter n
Erwachsensein n; Erwachsenenalter n
Erwachsenenarbeit f
adult work
adult education
further education
Erwachsenenbildung außerhalb der Universität
university extension
Erwachsenenbildung f
adult education
Bildung f (systematische Wissensvermittlung) school stud.
Erwachsenenbildung f
Schulbildung f
höhere Schulbildung
Volksbildung f
formal education; education (systematic instruction)
adult education
academic education
(further) education beyond compulsory schooling
popular education
institution of further education
Betreuungsrecht n Dt.; Erwachsenenschutzrecht n Ös. Schw.; Vormundschaftsrecht n veraltet; Sachwalterschaftsrecht n Ös. veraltet jur.
adult guardianship law
Windel f
Windeln pl
Erwachsenenwindel med.
Windeln wechseln; „trockenlegen“
nappy Br.; diaper Am.; didy coll.
nappies; diapers
adult nappy Br.; adult diaper Am.
to change nappies diapers
Alter n
im Alter von
in meinem Alter
im höheren hohen Alter
bis ins hohe Alter
in diesem Alter
im zarten Alter von
von mittlerem Alter; in mittlerem Alter; mittleren Alters
ein hohes Alter erreichen
in hohem Alter
sich seinem Alter gemäß verhalten
schwieriges Alter
Benimm dich wie ein erwachsener Mensch (und nicht wie ein pubertierender Teenager).
at the age of; aged
at my age
in old age; in great age
till in old great age
at this age
at the tender age of
to attain a great age
at a great age
to act one's age
awkward age
Act your age (and not your shoe size).

Deutsche Erwachsenenarbeit Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Erwachsenenarbeit Synonym nachschlagen

Englische adult work Synonyme

adult  aged  big  full-blown  full-fledged  full-grown  grown  grown up  grown-up  marriable  marriageable  mature  matured  maturescent  nubile  of age  of marriageable age  old  ripe  ripened  
adulterate  alloy  attenuate  baptize  bastardize  canker  cheapen  coarsen  confound  contaminate  cook  corrupt  cut  deacon  debase  debauch  defile  deflower  degenerate  degrade  denaturalize  denature  deprave  desecrate  despoil  devalue  dilute  distort  doctor  doctor up  etherealize  expand  fake  falsify  fortify  infect  irrigate  juggle  lace  load  manipulate  misuse  pack  pervert  plant  poison  pollute  prostitute  rarefy  ravage  ravish  reduce  retouch  rig  salt  sophisticate  spike  stack  subtilize  taint  tamper with  thin  thin out  twist  ulcerate  violate  vitiate  vulgarize  warp  water  water down  weaken  weight  
adulterated  airy  attenuate  attenuated  blemished  cut  damaged  defective  deficient  dilute  diluted  erroneous  ethereal  fallible  faulty  fine  flimsy  found wanting  gaseous  immature  impaired  imperfect  imprecise  impure  inaccurate  inadequate  incomplete  inexact  insubstantial  lacking  makeshift  mediocre  mixed  not perfect  off  partial  patchy  rare  rarefied  reduced  short  sketchy  slight  subtile  subtle  tenuous  thin  thinned  thinned-out  uncompact  uncompressed  undeveloped  uneven  unfinished  unperfected  unsound  unsubstantial  unthorough  vaporous  wanting  watered  watered-down  windy  
adultery  act of love  adulterous affair  affair  amour  aphrodisia  ass  balling  carnal knowledge  climax  cohabitation  coition  coitus  coitus interruptus  commerce  concubinage  congress  connection  copula  copulation  coupling  criminal conversation  cuckoldry  diddling  entanglement  eternal triangle  extracurricular sex  extramarital relations  flirtation  forbidden love  fornication  free love  free-lovism  hanky-panky  illicit love  incest  infidelity  intercourse  intimacy  intrigue  liaison  love affair  lovemaking  making it with  marital relations  marriage act  mating  meat  onanism  orgasm  ovum  pareunia  premarital relations  premarital sex  procreation  relations  romance  romantic tie  screwing  sex  sex act  sexual climax  sexual commerce  sexual congress  sexual intercourse  sexual relations  sexual union  sleeping with  sperm  triangle  unfaithfulness  venery  
adulthood  adultness  age of consent  driving age  flower of age  full age  full bloom  full growth  fullgrownness  grown-upness  legal age  legalis homo  majority  manhood  manlihood  mature age  maturity  prime  prime of life  ripe age  riper years  toga virilis  virility  womanhood  womanlihood  years of discretion  

Erwachsenenarbeit Definition

(a.) Having arrived at maturity, or to full size and strength
(n.) A person, animal, or plant grown to full size and strength
Bantam work
() Carved and painted work in imitation of Japan ware.
(n.) Artificial and ornamental rockwork in imitation of a grotto.
(n.) See Handiwork.
Sabrina work
() A variety of applique work for quilts, table covers, etc.
Sorrento work
() Ornamental work, mostly carved in olivewood, decorated with inlay, made at or near Sorrento, Italy. Hence, more rarely, jig-saw work and the like done anywhere.
(n.) Work done by the piece, as in nonmetaliferous rock, the amount done being usually reckoned by the fathom.
(n.) Exertion of strength or faculties
(n.) The matter on which one is at work
(n.) That which is produced as the result of labor
(n.) Specifically: (a) That which is produced by mental labor
(n.) Structures in civil, military, or naval engineering, as docks, bridges, embankments, trenches, fortifications, and the like
(n.) The moving parts of a mechanism
(n.) Manner of working
(n.) The causing of motion against a resisting force. The amount of work is proportioned to, and is measured by, the product of the force into the amount of motion along the direction of the force. See Conservation of energy, under Conservation, Unit of work, under Unit, also Foot pound, Horse power, Poundal, and Erg.
(n.) Ore before it is dressed.
(n.) Performance of moral duties
(n.) To exert one's self for a purpose
(n.) Hence, in a general sense, to operate
(n.) Hence, figuratively, to be effective
(n.) To carry on business
(n.) To be in a state of severe exertion, or as if in such a state
(n.) To make one's way slowly and with difficulty
(n.) To ferment, as a liquid.
(n.) To act or operate on the stomach and bowels, as a cathartic.
(v. t.) To labor or operate upon
(v. t.) To produce or form by labor
(v. t.) To produce by slow degrees, or as if laboriously
(v. t.) To influence by acting upon
(v. t.) To form with a needle and thread or yarn
(v. t.) To set in motion or action
(v. t.) To cause to ferment, as liquor.

adult work Bedeutung

work flow
progress (or rate of progress) in work being done
work activity directed toward making or doing something, she checked several points needing further work
work load
work that a person is expected to do in a specified time
active work of little value, while he was waiting he filled the days with busywork
welfare work
social service
an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
the occupation for which you are paid, he is looking for employment, a lot of people are out of work
electrical work the craft of an electrician
sheet-metal work the craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
tool-and-die work the craft of making special tools and dies
police work
police investigation
the investigation of criminal activities
detection detecting
detective work
a police investigation to determine the perpetrator, detection is hard on the feet
field work an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a laboratory or headquarters
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
undercover work
the act of keeping a secret watch for intelligence purposes
mission missionary work the organized work of a religious missionary
scut work
trivial, unrewarding, tedious, dirty, and disagreeable chores, the hospital hired him to do scut work
adult education a course (via lectures or correspondence) for adults who are not otherwise engaged in formal study
work-study program an educational plan in which students alternate between paid employment and formal study
work-in occasion when workers continue to work as a protest against e.g. proposed dismissal or closure of the factory
social work any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of children
work to rule a job action in which workers cause a slowdown by doing only the minimum amount required by the rules of the workplace
work stoppage
a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions, the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled
work animal an animal trained for and used for heavy labor
adult any mature animal
work shoe
a thick and heavy shoe
work body of work
the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it), he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre, Picasso's work can be divided into periods
piece of work
a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing, it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works, the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work, he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey, the work of an active imagination, erosion is the work of wind or water over time
work bench
a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic
a horizontal board that provides a supported surface for manual work
work camp
prison camp
prison farm
a camp for trustworthy prisoners employed in government projects
work in progress a piece of work that is not yet finished
work of art art that is a product of one of the fine arts (especially a painting or sculpture of artistic merit)
a place where work is done, he arrived at work early today
work-shirt heavy-duty shirts worn for manual or physical work
work surface a horizontal surface for supporting objects used in working or playing games
work table
a table designed for a particular task
adult body the body of an adult human being
adult female body
woman's body
the body of an adult woman
adult male body
man's body
the body of an adult man
permanent tooth
adult tooth
any of the teeth that replace the deciduous teeth of early childhood and (with luck) can last until old age
study work applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading), mastering a second language requires a lot of work, no schools offer graduate study in interior design
literary composition
literary work
imaginative or creative writing
reference book
reference reference work
book of facts
a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts, he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic
working papers
work papers
work permit
a legal document giving information required for employment of certain people in certain countries
dramatic composition
dramatic work
a play for performance on the stage or television or in a movie etc.
work song a usually rhythmical song to accompany repetitious work
work force
the force of workers available
work party
an organized group of workmen
a fully developed person from maturity onward
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