
Erwartungswertfunktion Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Erwartungswertfunktion f statist.
mean function
Erwartungswertfunktion f statist.
mean function
berufliche Erwartung, Berufserwartung
career expectation
berufliche Erwartung, Berufserwartung
occupational expectation
Erwartung eines Verlustes
expectation of loss
Erwartung von einer Laufbahn
career expectation
in Erwartung Ihrer Versandanzeige
expecting your advice of dispatch
Aussicht f, Chance f, Erwartung f, Sicht f, Perspektive f
Aussichten pl, Chancen pl, Erwartungen pl, Sichten pl, Perspektiven pl
in Aussicht
keine Zukunft haben
etw. in Aussicht stellen
kaum Aussichten haben, geringe Chancen haben
in prospect
to have no prospects
to hold out the prospect of sth.
not to have a prayer coll.
Erwartung f
Erwartungen pl
hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben
seinen Erwartungen entsprechen
jds. Erwartungen gerecht werden
alle Erwartungen übertreffen
den Erwartungen nicht entsprechen
Erwartungen in etw. setzen
Erwartungen wecken
to be falling short of expectations
to come up to one's expectations, to meet one's expectations
to come up to sb.'s expectations
to surpass all expectations
to fall short of one's expectations
to have expectations of sth.
to raise expectations
Erwartung f
Vorausnahme f, Erwartung f
in freudiger Erwartung
in joyful anticipation
Vorausnahme, Erwartung
Aussicht, Erwartung, Sicht, Perspektive
in der Erwartung einer positiven Antwort
hoping to receive a favourable answer
in der Erwartung Ihrer Antwort
awaiting your reply
in der Erwartung Ihrer Aufträge
hoping to be favoured with your orders
in der Erwartung von Ihnen zu hören
trusting to hear from you soon
in der Erwartung weiterer Aufträge
hoping this will lead to further business
in Erwartung Ihrer Annahme
looking forward to your acknowledgment of order
in Erwartung Ihrer Antwort
looking forward to your reply
in Erwartung Ihrer baldigen Antwort
hoping for an early answer
in Erwartung Ihrer baldigen Antwort
looking forward to hearing from you soon
in Erwartung Ihrer baldigen Antwort
looking forward to your early reply
in Erwartung ihrer baldigen Antwort
may we look forward to your early reply
in Erwartung Ihrer definitiven Antwort
expecting your final decision
in Erwartung Ihrer Weisungen
pending your instructions
in Erwartung Ihrere weiteren Aufträge
hoping to receive your further orders
in Erwartung Ihres Auftrags
looking forward to receiving your order
nicht nach unserer Erwartung
the quality does not come up to our expectations
Aussicht f; Chance f; Erwartung f; Sicht f; Perspektive f (auf)
Aussichten pl; Chancen pl; Erwartungen pl; Sichten pl; Perspektiven pl
in Aussicht
keine Zukunft haben
nicht die geringste Chance haben etw. zu erreichen
weitere 50 sind geplant
prospect (of)
in prospect
to have no prospects
not to have a prayer of achieving sth.
a further 50 are in prospect
Befürchtung f; Besorgnis f; Sorge f (wegen etw.) psych.
jdm. Angst machen; jdm. Sorgen machen
in ängstlicher Erwartung von etw.
anxiety (about over sth.); apprehension (at sth.)
to cause sb. anxiety
in apprehension of sth.
Erwartung f; Anspruch m
Erwartungen pl
hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben
seinen Erwartungen entsprechen
jds. Erwartungen gerecht werden
alle Erwartungen übertreffen
den Erwartungen nicht entsprechen
Erwartungen in etw. setzen
Erwartungen wecken
die Erwartungen dämpfen
to be falling short of expectations
to come up to one's expectations; to meet one's expectations
to come up to sb.'s expectations
to surpass all expectations
to fall short of one's expectations
to have expectations of sth.
to raise expectations
to lower expectations; to dampen expectations
Spur f; Hauch m; Nuance f; Kleinigkeit f; Anflug m (von etw.)
eine Bedeutungsnuance
eine Spur Knoblauch
In ihrer Stimme lag ein Anflug von Traurigkeit.
In unserer Partei ist Platz für ein breites Meinungsspektrum.
Der Hauch von Gefahr erfüllte mich mit aufgeregter Erwartung.
note; shade; touch; hint; tinge; whiff (of sth.)
a shade of meaning
a hint of garlic
There was a note tinge of sadness in her voice.
In our party there is room for many shades of opinion.
The whiff of danger filled me with excitement.
Vorausnahme f; Erwartung f
in freudiger Erwartung
in joyful anticipation
etw. tun sein haben sollen v (Vorgabe Erwartung)
Ich soll mich hier melden.
Sollte er nicht im Büro sein?
Du solltest eigentlich im Bett sein.
Wer soll das da auf dem Foto sein?
Eigentlich müsste sie das machen.
Du brauchst nicht alles zu erfahren.
Er darf es nicht erfahren.
Was soll das heißen?
Im Schloss soll es spuken.
Er hat sich angesagt.
to be supposed to do be have sth.
I'm supposed to report here.
Isn't he supposed to be in his office?
You're supposed to be in bed.
Who is that supposed to be in the photograph?
She's the one who's supposed to do it.
You're not supposed to know everything.
He isn't supposed to find out.
What's that supposed to mean?
The castle is supposed to be haunted.
He's supposed to come.
Erwartung f; Anspruch m
Erwartungen pl
Standarderwartung f
hohe Erwartungen haben; hochgespannte Erwartungen haben geh.
hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben
seinen Erwartungen entsprechen
jds. Erwartungen gerecht werden
alle Erwartungen übertreffen
den Erwartungen nicht entsprechen
seine Erwartungen herunterschrauben ugs.
Erwartungen in etw. setzen
Erwartungen wecken
die Erwartungen dämpfen
Unsere Erwartungen waren zu hoch gesteckt.
default expectation
to have high expectations
to be falling short of expectations
to come up to one's expectations; to meet one's expectations
to come up to sb.'s expectations
to surpass all expectations
to fall short of one's expectations
to scale down one's expectations
to have expectations of sth.
to raise expectations
to lower expectations; to dampen expectations
Our expectations were pitched too high.
Erwartung f
Erwartungen pl
etw. erfüllen; einer Sache nachkommen; einer Sache entsprechen geh.; einer Sache willfahren altertümlich v (Erwartung, Wunsch, Bedürfnis) (Person)
erfüllend; einer Sache nachkommend; einer Sache entsprechend; einer Sache willfahrend
erfüllt; einer Sache nachgekommen; einer Sache entsprochen; einer Sache willfahren
einem Ersuchen nachkommen entsprechen willfahren
seine Pflicht erfüllen
Er hat seine Verpflichtungen erfüllt
to fulfil sth. Br.; to fulfill sth. Am.; to satisfy sth.; to meet sth. {met; met} (expectation; desire; need) (of a person)
fulfilling; satisfying; meeting
fulfilled; satisfied; met
to fulfil satisfy meet a request
to fulfil fulfill complete perform your duty
He has fulfilled his obligations.
etw. erwarten v; einer Sache erwartungsvoll entgegensehen v geh. (Geschäftskorrespondenz) adm.
erwartend; einer Sache erwartungsvoll entgegensehend
erwartet; einer Sache erwartungsvoll entgegengesehen
In Erwartung eines baldigen Treffens
In Erwartung Ihrer (baldigen) Antwort verbleibe ich
Ich sehe Ihrer Antwort entgegen.
Wir sehen Ihren weiteren Nachrichten mit Interesse entgegen und verbleiben mit freundlichen Grüßen
Unter den gegebenen Umständen erwarte ich die Überweisung Ihres Mandanten in den nächsten zehn Tagen.
Die Fischereibranche sieht keinen rosigen Zeiten entgegen.
to look forward to be looking forward to sth. to doing sth. formal (business correspondence)
looking forward toto doing
looked forward toto doing
We are looking forward to meeting you soon.
Looking forward to hearing from you (soon).; I look forward to hearing from you (soon).
I look forward to receiving your reply.
We are looking forward to your next correspondence. Yours sincerely
In the circumstances, I look forward to receiving your client's remittance within the next ten days.
The fishing industry is not looking forward to a rosy future.
etw. tun sein haben sollen v (Vorgabe, Erwartung)
Ich soll mich hier melden.
Sollte er nicht im Büro sein?
Du solltest eigentlich im Bett sein.
Wer soll das da auf dem Foto sein?
Eigentlich müsste sie das machen.
Du brauchst nicht alles zu erfahren.
Er darf es nicht erfahren.
Was soll das heißen?
Im Schloss soll es spuken.
Er hat sich angesagt.
Was soll ich denn machen?
Woher sollte ich denn wissen, dass da etwas nicht stimmte?
to be supposed to do be have sth.
I'm supposed to report here.
Isn't he supposed to be in his office?
You're supposed to be in bed.
Who is that supposed to be in the photograph?
She's the one who's supposed to do it.
You're not supposed to know everything.
He isn't supposed to find out.
What's that supposed to mean?
The castle is supposed to be haunted.
He's supposed to come.
What am I supposed to do then?
How was I supposed to know then that something wasn't right here.
Erwartungen wecken
raise expectations
entgegen prp, +Dativ
entgegen meinem Wunsch
entgegen dem Befehl
entgegen allen Erwartungen
contrary to, against
against my wishes
contrary to orders
against all expectations
unterdurchschnittlich abschneiden, hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben
unterdurchschnittlich abschneidend, hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleibend
unterdurchschnittlich abgeschnitten, hinter den Erwartungen zurückgeblieben
to underperform
Die in ihn gesetzten Erwartungen erfüllten sich nicht.
The hopes placed in him were not fulfilled.
Unsere Erwartungen waren zu hoch gesteckt.
Our expectations were pitched too high.
den Erwartungen entsprechend
according to expectations
den Erwartungen entsprechen
come up to one's expectations
den Erwartungen nicht entsprechen
fall short of one's expectations
den Erwartungen entsprechen
meet one's expectations
dies ist unter unseren Erwartungen
this is below our expectations
unseren Erwartungen entspricht
the quality is up to our expectations
Ware unseren Erwartungen entspricht
if your goods come up to our expectations
wenn Ihre Ware unseren Erwartungen entspricht
if your goods meet our expectations
wird Ihren Erwartungen entsprechen
will come up to your expectations
den Ansprüchen genügen
einem Standard genügen; einem Standard entsprechen
jds. Erwartungen genügen
to measure up
to measure up to a standard
to measure up to sb.'s expectations
Hoffnung f (auf)
Hoffnungen pl
eine schwache Hoffnung
Hoffnung geben; ermutigen
sich mit eitlen Hoffnungen tragen
sich Hoffnungen hingeben
eine Hoffnung zerstören
Hoffnungen zerschlagen
bei jdm. falsche Erwartungen wecken
jdn. mit leeren Hoffnungen speisen
ohne jede Hoffnung; nicht zu retten
Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. Sprw.
hope (for)
a slight hope
to give hope
to hug fond hopes
to cherish hopes
to dash a hope
to dash hopes
to feed sb. with vain false hopes
to stuff sb. with vain hopes
past all hope
Hope springs eternal (in the human breast). prov.
Ãœbereinstimmung f; Einklang m (mit etw.)
Die Erwartungen stimmen nicht mit der Realität überein.
Die Sichtweise des Regimes entspricht nicht der Meinung der Weltöffentlichkeit.
kilter; whack Am. Austr. NZ (with sth.)
Expectations are out of whack with reality.
The regime's point of view is out of kilter with world opinion.
jdn. etw. (mit etw.) bedienen (ansprechen) v übtr.
Die Bildersprache wurde so gewählt dass sie das Selbstverständnis des Zielpublikums bedient.
Bei Zeitungen im Kleinformat kann man davon ausgehen dass sie einen anderen Markt bedienen als großformatige Zeitungen.
Das unorthodoxe Design bedient die Erwartungen der jungen Verbraucher.
to appeal to sb. sth. (with sth.)
The imagery was chosen to appeal to the self-image of the target audience.
Newspapers in tabloid format are believed to appeal to a different market than broadsheet newspapers.
The funky design appeals to the expectations of young consumers.
entgegen prp; +Dat.
entgegen meinem Wunsch
entgegen meiner Bitte
entgegen dem Befehl
entgegen allen Erwartungen
contrary to; against
against my wishes
contrary to my request
contrary to orders
against all expectations; contrary to all expectations
(durch etw.) überzeugen; überzeugen können (Sache); zu überzeugen wissen (Person) (beeindrucken die Erwartungen erfüllen) v
Dieses Argument kann nicht überzeugen.
Der Bericht überzeugt durch seine Klarheit und Informationsfülle.
Das Ende des Films hat mich nicht überzeugt.
Das Gerät kann durch seine Form wie auch durch seine Leistung überzeugen.
Diese Software kann durch ihre Benutzerfreundlichkeit überzeugen.
Er überzeugte durch sein großartiges Defensivspiel.
Sie wusste durch ihre starke Persönlichkeit und Führungsqualitäten zu überzeugen.
to be convincing compelling impressive (not used for devices); to impress sb. (by sth.); to win sb. over (with sth.)
This argument is unconvincing is not compelling convincing.
What makes the report so convincing compelling impressive is its clarity and wealth of information.
I didn't find the ending of the film very convincing compelling impressive.
The device will impress you by its design as well as performance.
This software will win you over with its ease of use.
He won us over with his great defensive play.
We have been impressed by her strong personality and leadership.
überzeugend adj (den Erwartungen entsprechend)
nicht überzeugend
überzeugend klingen
überzeugende Vorstellung f
Diese Technik bietet eine Reihe überzeugender Vorteile (gegenüber etw.).
convincing; compelling
to sound convincing
convincing performance
This technology offers a number of convincing compelling advantages (over sth.).
unrealistisch; nicht realistisch adj
unrealistische Erwartungen an die Lehrer haben
to have unrealistic expectations of teachers
unterdurchschnittlich abschneiden; hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben
unterdurchschnittlich abschneidend; hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleibend
unterdurchschnittlich abgeschnitten; hinter den Erwartungen zurückgeblieben
to underperform
verfehlt; falsch nicht richtig erfasst erkannt umgesetzt adj
eine verfehlte Politik
falsche Erwartungen vom Landleben
a misconceived policy
misconceived expectations of country life
vernünftig; rational adj
rationales Verhalten
rationale Erwartungen
rational behaviour behavior
rational expectations
hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben
sein Potenzial nicht ausnutzen
weniger leisten als erwartet
unter Niveau bleiben
to underachieve
to underachieve
to underachieve
to underachieve
zufriedenstellend sein; die Erwartungen erfüllen
to be up to scratch coll.

Deutsche Erwartungswertfunktion Synonyme

Englische mean function Synonyme

mean  Herculean  Lenten  Mickey Mouse  OK  Spartan  abject  abominable  absolutely  abstemious  abstruse  abysmal  ace-high  add up to  affect  agency  agent  ailing  aim  aim at  allegorize  allude to  amidships  apparatus  approach  arduous  argue  arrant  ascetic  aspire after  aspire to  assets  assume  assuredly  at all events  at any cost  atrocious  attest  augur  austere  authoritarian  avenue  average  backing  bad  bad-tempered  baleful  banal  bang-up  base  base-minded  baseborn  be after  be construed as  be indicative of  be significant of  be symptomatic of  bearish  beggarly  below the salt  beneath contempt  bespeak  betoken  bigot  bigoted  bitchy  bonzer  borne  boss  brandish  breathe  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring out  bring to mind  bring to notice  brutal  bully  bundle  but good  by all means  by dint of  by means of  by no means  by way of  cankered  cantankerous  capital  carry  center  central  certainly  channel  characterize  cheap  cheesy  churlish  close  closed  coarse  cockney  common  commonplace  communicate  complex  compromise  connote  constricted  contemplate  contemptible  convey  cool  core  corking  count  course  crabbed  crackerjack  cramped  cranky  creedbound  critical  cross  cross-grained  cruel  crummy  crusty  cussed  dandy  dangle  deaf  deaf to reason  debased  declasse  deficient  definitely  degenerate  degraded  delicate  delicious  demanding  demonstrate  denominate  denote  depraved  design  designate  desire  despicable  destine  determine  develop  diameter  diaphragm  differentiate  difficile  difficult  dirty  disagreeable  disclose  disgraceful  disgusting  dismal  disobliging  display  divine  divulge  donsie  dramatize  dreary  drive at  ducky  dwarfed  dwarfish  effective  embody  enact  entail  equator  equatorial  equidistant  equipment  estate  evidence  evince  exacting  excellent  exceptional  excitable  execrable  exhibit  exiguous  expect  expose to view  express  fab  fair  
meander  Chinese puzzle  Gordian knot  Rube Goldberg contraption  S-curve  ambages  amble  anfractuosity  bat around  bend  bending  bends  bow  bowing  bum  can of worms  circuitousness  circumambages  circumbendibus  circumlocution  circumvolution  coils  complex  conflexure  contort  convolution  corkscrew  count ties  crinkle  crinkling  curves  deflection  divagate  drift  err  excurse  flection  flex  flexuosity  flexuousness  flexure  flit  gad  gad about  gallivant  geanticline  geosyncline  go about  go adrift  go astray  go the rounds  hairpin turn  hit the road  hit the trail  hobo  inflection  intorsion  intort  involution  jaunt  jungle  knock about  knock around  knot  labyrinth  loops  maze  meandering  mesh  mess  mooch  mosey  nomadize  oxbow  peregrinate  pererrate  perplex  prowl  ramble  range  ravel  reflection  rivulation  roam  rove  run about  saunter  scallop  screw  serpentine  sinuation  sinuosity  sinuousness  slink  slinkiness  snafu  snake  snake pit  snakiness  snarl  straggle  stray  stroll  sweep  swirl  tangle  tangled skein  torsion  tortility  tortuosity  tortuousness  traipse  tramp  turn  turning  twine  twirl  twist  twist and turn  twisting  undulation  vagabond  vagabondize  walk the tracks  wander  wave  waving  wayfare  webwork  wheels within wheels  whirl  whorl  wilderness  wind  winding  worm  wring  zigzag  
meandering  Byzantine  O-shaped  aberrant  aberrative  affluent  aimlessness  ambages  ambagious  anfractuosity  anfractuous  backhanded  balled up  bent  billowing  billowy  circling  circuition  circuitous  circuitousness  circuitry  circular  circularity  circulation  circumambages  circumambience  circumambiency  circumambulation  circumbendibus  circumflexion  circumforaneous  circumlocution  circumlocutory  circummigration  circumnavigation  circumvolution  complex  complicated  confluent  confounded  confused  convoluted  convolution  convolutional  coursing  crabbed  crinkle  crinkling  crooked  curvaceous  curvate  curvated  curve  curved  curvesome  curviform  curvilineal  curvilinear  curving  curvy  daedal  decurrent  defluent  departing  desultoriness  desultory  deviance  deviancy  deviant  deviating  deviation  deviative  deviatory  devious  deviousness  diffluent  digression  digressive  digressiveness  discursive  discursiveness  divagatory  drifting  elaborate  embrangled  entangled  errant  erratic  excursion  excursive  excursus  flexuose  flexuosity  flexuous  flexuousness  flitting  floating  flowing  fluent  fluxional  fluxive  footloose  footloose and fancy-free  fouled up  fugitive  gadding  geosynclinal  gulfy  gushing  gypsy-like  gypsyish  gyre  gyring  helical  implicated  incurvate  incurvated  incurved  incurving  indirect  indirection  intorsion  intricate  involute  involuted  involution  involutional  involved  knotted  labyrinthian  labyrinthine  landloping  loused up  many-faceted  matted  maundering  mazy  meander  meandrous  messed up  migrational  migratory  mixed up  mucked up  multifarious  nomad  nomadic  oblique  orbit  orbital  orbiting  out-of-the-way  perplexed  planetary  pouring  profluent  racing  rambling  ramified  ranging  recurvate  recurvated  recurved  recurving  rivose  rivulation  rivulose  roaming  rotary  round  roundabout  roundaboutness  rounding  roving  ruffled  running  rushing  screwed up  serpentine    
meanie  SOB  bastard  bugger  creep  fart  heel  hood  hooligan  jerk  louse  mother  pill  rat  shit  shithead  shitheel  stinkard  stinker  turd  
meaning  acceptation  aim  allegory  allusion  ambition  animus  arcane meaning  aspiration  assumption  balefulness  banefulness  bodefulness  characterization  coloration  connotation  construction  content  counsel  definition  denomination  denotation  description  desideration  desideratum  design  designation  desire  determination  diagnosis  differentiation  direness  disclosure  doomfulness  drift  effect  essence  explanation  expression  fatality  fatefulness  fingering  fixed purpose  force  function  gist  hint  idea  identification  implication  implied meaning  import  indication  indicativeness  inference  innuendo  intendment  intent  intention  interpretation  intimation  ironic suggestion  manifestation  message  metaphorical sense  mind  motive  naming  nisus  nuance  occult meaning  ominousness  overtone  picking out  plan  point  pointing  pointing out  pointing to  portent  portentousness  presagefulness  presumption  presupposition  project  proposal  prospectus  purport  purpose  reading  resolution  resolve  sake  selection  sense  show  showing  significance  significancy  signification  sinisterness  specification  spirit  striving  study  subsense  subsidiary sense  substance  suggestion  suggestiveness  sum and substance  supposition  symbolism  symptomaticness  tenor  tinge  touch  undercurrent  undermeaning  understanding  undertone  value  view  way of seeing  will  
meaningful  allegorical  associational  augural  big  connotational  connotative  consequential  considerable  deep  definable  demonstrative  denominative  denotational  denotative  designative  diagnostic  eloquent  emblematic  evidential  exhibitive  expressive  extended  extensional  facund  figural  figurative  forerunning  foreshadowing  foreshowing  foretokening  forewarning  full of meaning  full of point  full of substance  graphic  heavy with meaning  identifying  ideographic  idiosyncratic  imaginative  implicative  important  indicating  indicative  indicatory  individual  intelligible  intensional  interpretable  intuitive  material  meaning  meaty  metaphorical  momentous  monitory  naming  pathognomonic  peculiar  pithy  pointed  precursive  precursory  predictive  prefigurative  pregnant  preindicative  premonitory  presageful  presaging  prognostic  prognosticative  readable  referential  relevant  representative  rich  semantic  semiotic  sententious  serious  signalizing  significant  significative  signifying  sober  substantial  substantive  suggestive  symbolic  symbolistic  symbological  symptomatic  symptomatologic  telling  transferred  typical  valid  vivid  warning  weighty  
meaningfully  ardently  effectively  eloquently  expressively  fervently  fluently  forcefully  glibly  glowingly  graphically  impressively  in glowing terms  indicatively  meaningly  passionately  powerfully  significantly  smoothly  spiritedly  strikingly  suggestively  tellingly  vehemently  vigorously  vividly  warmly  
meaningfulness  articulateness  command of language  command of words  effective style  eloquence  eloquent tongue  expression  expressiveness  facundity  felicitousness  felicity  gift of expression  gift of gab  glibness  graphicness  intelligibility  interpretability  meatiness  oratory  pithiness  pregnancy  readability  rhetoric  sententiousness  significance  significancy  significantness  silver tongue  slickness  smoothness  suggestiveness  vividness  
meaningless  absurd  aimless  amorphous  asinine  blank  bootless  capricious  casual  designless  desultory  disarticulated  discontinuous  disinclined to communicate  disjunct  disordered  dispersed  disproportionate  empty  erratic  fatuous  feckless  fitful  foolish  formless  frivolous  fustian  garbled  good-for-nothing  gratuitous  haphazard  hit-or-miss  hollow  immethodical  importless  impotent  inane  inchoate  incoherent  inconsequential  indiscriminate  ineffective  ineffectual  inefficacious  insignificant  insubstantial  irregular  irrelevant  misshapen  no go  nonconnotative  nondenotative  nonsensical  nonsymmetrical  nonsystematic  nonuniform  nugatory  null  of no use  orderless  paltry  phatic  planless  pointless  preposterous  promiscuous  puny  purportless  purposeless  random  ridiculous  scrambled  secretive  senseless  shapeless  silly  spasmodic  sporadic  straggling  straggly  superfluous  systemless  trifling  trivial  unarranged  unavailing  unclassified  uncommunicative  unconversable  undirected  ungraded  unimportant  unjoined  unmeaning  unmethodical  unordered  unorganized  unpurposed  unsignificant  unsociable  unsorted  unsubstantial  unsymmetrical  unsystematic  ununiform  useless  vacant  vacuous  vague  vain  valueless  wandering  worthless  
meanly  abjectly  abominably  arrantly  atrociously  balefully  basely  closefistedly  commonly  contemptibly  despicably  execrably  flagrantly  foully  grossly  harmfully  hatefully  heinously  illiberally  in spite  inferiorly  iniquitously  invidiously  maleficently  malevolently  maliciously  malignantly  miserably  monstrously  nastily  nefariously  niggardly  noxiously  obnoxiously  odiously  ornerily  pettily  poorly  scurvily  shabbily  shoddily  sordidly  spitefully  stingily  tightfistedly  ungenerously  vilely  wickedly  with bad intent  with malice aforethought  with malice prepense  wretchedly  
meanness  Lenten fare  abjectness  abominableness  atrociousness  austerity  authoritarianism  baseness  bearishness  beggarliness  bigotry  bitchiness  blind side  blind spot  blinders  cantankerousness  cheapness  churlishness  closed mind  coarseness  commonness  commonplaceness  contemptibility  contemptibleness  crabbedness  cramped ideas  crankiness  crossness  crumminess  crustiness  cussedness  daintiness  debasement  deficiency  degradation  delicacy  depravity  despicableness  devilment  devilry  deviltry  diminutiveness  disagreeability  enormity  evil intent  excitability  execrableness  exiguity  exiguousness  failure  fanaticism  fewness  foulness  fourth-rateness  fractiousness  fulsomeness  gaudiness  grossness  harmfulness  hatefulness  heinousness  helotism  helotry  hideboundness  homeliness  huffiness  huffishness  humbleness  humility  ignobility  illiberality  imperfection  inadequacy  incompetence  inconsequentiality  inconsiderableness  inferiority  inferiorness  ingloriousness  iniquitousness  innocuousness  insignificance  insufficiency  insularism  insularity  invidiousness  irascibility  irritability  jejuneness  jejunity  leanness  little-mindedness  littleness  lowlihood  lowliness  lowness  maladroitness  maleficence  malice  malice aforethought  malice prepense  maliciousness  malignance  malignancy  malignity  meagerness  mean mind  mediocrity  meekness  menialness  meretriciousness  meritlessness  minginess  minuteness  miserableness  miserliness  moderateness  modesty  monstrousness  narrow sympathies  narrow views  narrow-mindedness  narrowness  nastiness  nearsightedness  nefariousness  niggardliness  noxiousness  obnoxiousness  odiousness  odium theologicum  ordinariness  orneriness  paltriness  parochialism  parsimony  penuriousness  peonage  perversity  pettiness  petty mind  picayunishness  pitiableness  pitifulness  plainness  plebeianism  pokiness  poorness  provincialism  puniness  purblindness  rankness  sadness  scabbine  
means  MO  Swiss bank account  action  ad hoc measure  algorithm  answer  apparatus  approach  artifice  assessed valuation  assets  assets and liabilities  attack  available means  balance  bank account  bottom dollar  budget  capital  capital goods  capitalization  cash reserves  checking account  circumstances  command of money  contraption  contrivance  countermove  coup  course  course of action  current assets  deferred assets  demarche  device  dodge  effort  exchequer  expedient  fashion  finances  fixed assets  form  frozen assets  fund  funds  gadget  gimcrack  gimmick  gizmo  grist  guise  hand tool  holdings  implement  improvisation  instrument  intangible assets  intangibles  jury-rig  jury-rigged expedient  kitty  last expedient  last resort  last shift  life savings  line  line of action  lines  liquid assets  makeshift  maneuver  manner  manner of working  material assets  measure  mechanical device  method  methodology  mode  mode of operation  mode of procedure  modus operandi  moneys  move  nest egg  net assets  net worth  order  pecuniary resources  pis aller  pocket  pool  power tool  practice  precision tool  procedure  proceeding  process  property  purse  quick assets  reserves  resort  resource  resources  routine  savings  savings account  shake-up  shift  solution  speed tool  step  stock  stock-in-trade  stopgap  stratagem  stroke  stroke of policy  style  substance  supply  system  tack  tactic  tangible assets  tangibles  technique  temporary expedient  the drill  the how  the way of  tone  tool  treasure  trick  trump  unregistered bank account  utensil  way  wealth  wherewithal  wise  working hypothesis  working proposition  
means to an end  ability  action  ad hoc measure  answer  artifice  capacity  capital  contrivance  countermove  coup  course of action  demarche  device  devices  disposable resources  dodge  effort  expedient  funds  gimmick  improvisation  jury-rig  jury-rigged expedient  last expedient  last resort  last shift  makeshift  maneuver  means  measure  method  move  pis aller  power  recourses  resort  resorts  resource  resources  shake-up  shift  solution  step  stock  stopgap  stratagem  stroke  stroke of policy  supply  tactic  temporary expedient  trick  trump  ways  ways and means  wherewith  wherewithal  working hypothesis  working proposition  
meant  advised  aimed  aimed at  assumed  calculated  conscious  considered  contemplated  deliberate  deliberated  designed  envisaged  envisioned  hinted  implicated  implied  indicated  inferred  intended  intentional  intimated  involved  knowing  meditated  of design  planned  presumed  presupposed  projected  proposed  purposed  purposeful  purposive  studied  suggested  supposed  teleological  voluntary  willful  witting  
meanwhile  ad interim  at a stretch  between acts  betweentimes  betweenwhiles  during the interval  during the time  en attendant  for a time  for the meantime  for the moment  for the nonce  in the interim  in the meanwhile  interim  interval  meantime  pendente lite  temporarily  the while  until then  while  

Erwartungswertfunktion Definition

(n.) The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling
(n.) The appropriate action of any special organ or part of an animal or vegetable organism
(n.) The natural or assigned action of any power or faculty, as of the soul, or of the intellect
(n.) The course of action which peculiarly pertains to any public officer in church or state
(n.) A quantity so connected with another quantity, that if any alteration be made in the latter there will be a consequent alteration in the former. Each quantity is said to be a function of the other. Thus, the circumference of a circle is a function of the diameter. If x be a symbol to which different numerical values can be assigned, such expressions as x2, 3x, Log. x, and Sin. x, are all functions of x.
(v. i.) Alt. of Functionate

mean function Bedeutung

office part role
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group, the function of a teacher, the government must do its part, play its role
what something is used for, the function of an auger is to bore holes, ballet is beautiful but what use is it?
localization of function
localisation of function
localization principle
localisation principle
(physiology) the principle that specific functions have relatively circumscribed locations in some particular part or organ of the body
derived function
differential coefficient
first derivative
the result of mathematical differentiation, the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another, df(x)
sentential function formal expression containing variables, becomes a sentence when variables are replaced by constants
function word
closedlass word
a word that is uninflected and serves a grammatical function but has little identifiable meaning
a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
function call a call that passes control to a subroutine, after the subroutine is executed control returns to the next instruction in main program
characteristic curve
characterisic function
(electronics) graph showing how a particular characteristic of a device varies with other parameters
occasion social occasion
social function
a vaguely specified social event, the party was quite an affair, an occasion arranged to honor the president, a seemingly endless round of social functions
domain domain of a function (mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined
range range of a function
(mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined, the image of f(x) x^ is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers
function a formal or official social gathering or ceremony, it was a black-tie function
bodily process
body process
bodily function
an organic process that takes place in the body, respiratory activity
control operation
control function
an operation that controls the recording or processing or transmission of interpretation of data, a control operation started the data processing
function a relation such that one thing is dependent on another, height is a function of age, price is a function of supply and demand
mathematical function
single-valued function
(mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function)
inverse function a function obtained by expressing the dependent variable of one function as the independent variable of another, f and g are inverse functions if f(x)y and g(y)x
metric function
a function of a topological space that gives, for any two points in the space, a value equal to the distance between them
trigonometric function
circular function
function of an angle expressed as a ratio of the length of the sides of right-angled triangle containing the angle
threshold function a function that takes the value if a specified function of the arguments exceeds a given threshold and
exponential function
a function in which an independent variable appears as an exponent
perform duties attached to a particular office or place or function, His wife officiated as his private secretary
work operate go
perform as expected when applied, The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in, Does this old car still run well?, This old radio doesn't work anymore
serve function c serve a purpose, role, or function, The tree stump serves as a table, The female students served as a control group, This table would serve very well, His freedom served him well, The table functions as a desk
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