
Ess Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Apfel m bot. cook.
Äpfel pl
glasierter Apfel
Essapfel m
für einen Apfel und ein Ei; für ein Butterbrot übtr.
Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen übtr.
ein Bestechungsversuch
Einen Apfel pro Tag mit dem Doktor keine Plag. Sprw.
Der kommt garantiert todsicher wieder.
toffie apple Br.; candy apple
eating apple
for peanuts; for next to nothing
to compare apples and oranges fig.
an apple for the teacher fig.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. prov.
As sure as (God made) little green apples he'll be back. fig.
Apfel m bot. cook.
Äpfel pl
glasierter Apfel
Essapfel m
einen Apfel schälen
für einen Apfel und ein Ei; für ein Butterbrot übtr.
Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen
ein Bestechungsversuch
Einen Apfel pro Tag, mit dem Doktor keine Plag. Sprw.
Der kommt garantiert todsicher wieder.
toffie apple Br.; candy apple
eating apple
to peel an apple
for peanuts; for next to nothing
to compare apples and oranges Am.; to compare apples to oranges Am.
an apple for the teacher fig.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. prov.
As sure as (God made) little green apples he'll be back. fig.
Essstörung f med.
Essstörungen pl
Essstörung mit Heißhungeranfällen Essattacken
eating disorder
eating disorders
binge eating; binge eating disorder
Essay n
Essays pl
Aufsatz, Essay
Essayist m; Essayistin f; Verfasser in von Essays
Essayisten pl; Essayistinnen pl; Verfasser in von Essays
nicht essbar
Pilz m, Schwammerl n, Schwamm m Ös. (essbar)
Pilze pl
Pilze suchen
wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen
wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen übtr.
to go mushrooming
to mushroom (up)
to spring up like mushrooms fig.
essbar, genießbar adj (i.a. auch wohlschmeckend)
essbar adj (nicht unbedingt wohlschmeckend)
essbar adj
fit to eat
ungenießbar, nicht essbar adj
am ungenießbarsten
more uneatable
most uneatable
fit to eat
anders adv (als)
nicht anders als; genauso wie
eher überbezahlt als andersrum
Pilze seien sie essbar oder nicht
der 'CO2-Fußabdruck' auch 'ökologischer Fußabdruck' genannt
aus anderen Gründen als grober Fahrlässigkeit; sofern das nicht in grober Fahrlässigkeit begründet ist
Ich sehe das anders.; Ich bin da anderer Meinung.
otherwise (than)
not otherwise than
rather overpaid than otherwise
mushrooms edible and otherwise
the 'carbon footprint' otherwise called the 'ecological footprint'.
otherwise than by reason of gross negligence
I think otherwise.
essbar; genießbar adj (i.a. auch wohlschmeckend)
ungenießbar; nicht essbar adj cook.
uneatable; inedible
essbar adj
comestible {adj} geh.; edible {adj}
anders adv (als)
nicht anders als; genauso wie
eher überbezahlt als andersrum
Pilze, seien sie essbar oder nicht
der 'CO2-Fußabdruck', auch 'ökologischer Fußabdruck' genannt
aus anderen Gründen als grober Fahrlässigkeit; sofern das nicht in grober Fahrlässigkeit begründet ist
Ich sehe das anders.; Ich bin da anderer Meinung.
otherwise (than)
not otherwise than
rather overpaid than otherwise
mushrooms edible and otherwise
the 'carbon footprint', otherwise called the 'ecological footprint'.
otherwise than by reason of gross negligence
I think otherwise.
essbar; genießbar adj cook.
noch genießbar sein
eatable; edible; fit-to-eat; comestible formal humor.
to be still fit to eat
essbare Muschel f, Klaffmuschel f
Muscheln sammeln
to clam
Schnecke f zool.
Schnecken pl
Speiseschnecke f; essbare Schnecke
edible snail
in unter etw. nach etw. stöbern; in etw. herumstöbern v
stöbernd; herumstöbernd
gestöbert; herumgestöbert
Er stöberte in der Lade nach seinen Schlüsseln.
Ich werde mal im Kühlschrank nach etwas Essbarem stöbern.
to root; to rifle; to rake Br.; to ferret around round about in among sth. for sth.
rooting; rifling; raking; ferreting
rooted; rifled; raked; ferreted
He rooted rifled raked ferreted around in the drawer for his keys.
I think I'll root around for something to eat in the fridge.
nach etwas Essbarem suchen v (Person)
to forage (for food) (person)
Okra f, essbarer Eibisch, Ladyfinger m bot.
okra, lady's-finger
(essbarer) Pilz m; Schwamm m Bayr. Ös. Schw.; Schwammerl m Bayr.; Schwammerl n Ös. biol. cook.
Pilze pl
wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen
wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen übtr.
to mushroom (up)
to spring up like mushrooms fig.
Christbaumschmuck m; Weihnachtsbaumschmuck m; Baumschmuck m; Christbaumbehang m; Weihnachtsbaumbehang m; Baumbehang m
süßer Baumschmuck; essbarer Baumschmuck
Christmas tree decorations; Christmas tree ornaments
sweet Christmas tree decoration
(essbarer) Pilz m; Schwamm m Bayr. Ös. Schw.; Schwammerl m Bayr.; Schwammerl n Ös. myc. cook.
Pilze pl
Wildpilz m
wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen
wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen übtr.
wild mushroom
to mushroom (up)
to spring up like mushrooms fig.
etw. (Essbares) vertragen; essen können v cook.
Rohe Austern vertrage ich nicht.; Ich kann keine rohen Austern essen.
to stomach sth.
I can't stomach raw oysters.
Essbereich m (in einem Gebäude) arch.
eating space (in a building)
Besteck n, Essbesteck n
Bestecke pl
sets of cutlery
Tischbesteck n, Essbesteck n
Besteck, Essbesteck
Essbesteck n; Tischbesteck n; Besteck n cook.
Essbestecke pl; Tischbestecke pl; Bestecke pl
Besteckgarnitur f; Besteckset n
cutlery (set); flatware Am.; dinnerware Am.
canteen of cutlery Br.
Essbesteck n; Tischbesteck n; Besteck n cook.
Essbestecke pl; Tischbestecke pl; Bestecke pl
normales Essbesteck
Fischbesteck n
Kinderbesteck n
Kuchenbesteck n
Silberbesteck n
Tafelbesteck n
Besteckgarnitur f; Garnitur Essbesteck f; Besteckset n
ganze Besteckkoffer
cutlery; flatware Am.; silverware Am. (eating utensils collectively)
household cutlery
fish cutlery
children's cutlery
cake cutlery
silver cutlery
valuable cutlery
cutlery set; cutlery service; canteen of cutlery Br.; flatware service Am.; silverware service Am.
entire canteens of cutlery Br.
Esse f (Schmiede) techn.
(smith's) hearth
Rauchfang m, Esse f, Abzug m, Abzugsrohr n
Rauchfänge pl, Essen pl, Abzüge pl, Abzugsrohre pl
ich esse
du isst (ißt alt)
sie aß
sie aßen
ich habe
hatte gegessen
sie äße
sich satt essen
schnell etw. essen
viel essen
to eat {ate, eaten}
I eat
you eat
she ate
they ate
I have
had eaten
she would eat
to eat one's fill
to snatch a quick meal
to eat like a horse coll.
esse, essen
Fabriksschornstein m; Fabriksschlot m; Esse f techn.
Fabriksschornsteine pl; Fabriksschlote pl; Essen pl
factory chimney; chimney stalk; (industrial) smoke stack
factory chimneys; chimney stalks; smoke stacks
Rauchfang m; Esse f; Abzug m; Abzugsrohr n
Rauchfänge pl; Essen pl; Abzüge pl; Abzugsrohre pl
Schmiedeesse f; Esse f (Schmiede) techn.
Schmiedeessen pl; Essen pl
smith's hearth; hearth (forge)
smith's hearths; hearths
allzu adv
nicht allzu viele
nicht allzu früh
nicht allzu oft
nicht allzu sehr
allzu viele Fehler
Sie war nicht allzu begeistert.
Ich esse zwar Fisch aber nicht allzu gern.
all too; far too; too
not all that many coll.; not too many
not too early
not too often; not all that often coll.
not too much; not all that much coll.
far too many mistakes
She was not too enthusiastic.; She was not all that enthusiastic.
I'll eat fish but I'm not all that fond not overfond of it.
essen v v
ich esse
du isst (ißt alt)
ich er sie aß
wir sie aßen
ich habe hatte gegessen
ich er sie äße
sich satt essen
schnell etw. essen
Hast du nichts gegessen?
essen wie ein Scheunendrescher übtr.; viel essen
Was hat sie denn heute?; Was ist denn heute mit ihr los?
to eat {ate; eaten}
I eat
you eat
I he she ate
we they ate
I have had eaten
I he she would eat
to eat one's fill
to snatch a quick meal
Haven't you eaten anything?
to eat like a horse coll. fig.
What's eating her today?
auf etw. verzichten; sich etw. nicht gönnen; sich etw. verbieten; sich etw. versagen geh. v
verzichtend; sich nicht gönnend; sich verbietend; sich versagend
verzichtet; sich nicht gegönnet; sich verbietet; sich versagt
Ich verzichte nicht auf das was ich gerne esse sondern nehme einfach nur kleinere Mengen davon zu mir.
to deny yourself sth.
denying yourself
denied yourself
I'm not denying myself the foods that I love I'm just eating smaller amounts.
sich wegen jdm. etw. Gedanken Sorgen machen; sich um jdn. Sorgen machen; sich um jdn. wegen etw. sorgen v; wegen jdm. etw. um jdn. besorgt sein v
um jds. Wohlergehen besorgt sein
Ich machte mir langsam Gedanken, ob ich das Richtige getan hatte.
Meine Mutter macht sich Sorgen darüber, wie wenig ich esse.
Ich höre mit Sorge, dass …
Ich erfahre mit Sorge, dass …
Ihre Gesundheit macht mir große Sorgen.
Die Regierung ist besorgt über die Lage in …
Machen Sie sich keine Gedanken Sorgen!; Keine Sorge!
Mach dir keine Gedanken. Sie wird bald zu Hause sein.
Ich soll mir seinetwegen keine Sorgen machen.
In dem ärztlichen Befund steht nichts, weswegen man sich Sorgen machen müsste.
Was mich am meisten beunruhigt, ist nicht, dass er es gesagt hat, sondern dass er überzeugt ist, dass es in Ordnung ist, so etwas zu sagen.
to worry about sb. sth. for sb. sth.; to be worried about sb. sth.; to concern yourself about sb. sth.; to be concerned about sth.
to be concerned for sb.'s welfare
I began to worry whether I had done the right thing.
My mother is concerned about how little food I eat.
I'm concerned to hear that …
I'm concerned to learn that …
I'm very concerned about her health.
The government is concerned about the situation in …
Don't worry!; Don't concern yourself!
Don't concern yourself. She'll be home soon.
He told me not to concern myself about him.
There's nothing in the doctor's report to concern yourself about.
What worries me most is not that he said it, but that he is convinced there is nothing wrong in saying it.
Kamin m Mittelwestdt. Süddt. Ös.; Schornstein m Dt.; Esse f Sachsen; Schlot m Franken; Rauchfang m Bayr. Ostös.; Chämi n Schw. constr.
Kamine pl; Schornsteine pl; Essen pl; Schlote pl; Rauchfänge pl; Chämi pl
allzu adv
nicht allzu viele
nicht allzu früh
nicht allzu oft
nicht allzu sehr
allzu viele Fehler
Sie war nicht allzu begeistert.
Ich esse zwar Fisch aber nicht allzu gern.
all too; far too; too
not all that many coll.; not too many
not too early
not too often; not all that often coll.
not too much; not all that much coll.
far too many mistakes
She was not too enthusiastic.; She was not all that enthusiastic.
I'll eat fish but I'm not all that fond not overfond of it.
essen v v cook.
ich esse
du isst (ißt alt)
ich er sie aß
wir sie aßen
ich habe hatte gegessen
ich er sie äße
zu Hause essen
auswärts essen; essen gehen
sich satt essen
schnell etw. essen
wie ein Ferkel Schwein essen
Hast du nichts gegessen?
essen wie ein Scheunendrescher übtr.; viel essen
Was hat sie denn heute?; Was ist denn heute mit ihr los?
to eat {ate; eaten}
I eat
you eat
I he she ate
we they ate
I have had eaten
I he she would eat
to eat in
to eat out
to eat one's fill
to snatch a quick meal
to eat like a pig
Haven't you eaten anything?
to eat like a horse coll. fig.
What's eating her today?
etw. mitessen v (genauso wie das Ãœbrige essen) cook.
Kann man die Rinde vom Käse mitessen?
Normalerweise esse ich die Haut beim Brathuhn nicht mit.
to eat sth. too; to eat sth. as well; to eat sth. along with the rest (of sth.)
Can you eat the cheese rind as well?; Can you eat the rind along with the cheese?
I don't usually eat the skin on my roast chicken.
auf etw. verzichten; sich etw. nicht gönnen; sich etw. verbieten; sich etw. versagen geh. v
verzichtend; sich nicht gönnend; sich verbietend; sich versagend
verzichtet; sich nicht gegönnet; sich verbietet; sich versagt
Ich verzichte nicht auf das, was ich gerne esse, sondern nehme einfach nur kleinere Mengen davon zu mir.
to deny yourself sth.
denying yourself
denied yourself
I'm not denying myself the foods that I love, I'm just eating smaller amounts.
Essecke f
Essecken pl
Essecke f; Essnische f arch.
Essecken pl; Essnischen pl
dining recess; dinette Am.
dining recesses; dinettes
Näherung f; Approximation f math.
erste Näherung
in erster Näherung
Näherung nach Esseen
Näherung durch Polynome
Harleysche Approximation
Näherung durch Potenzreihenentwicklung
Satterthwaite-Approximation; Satterthwaite-Test
stochastisches Näherungsverfahren
beschleunigte stochastische Approximation
Dvoretskysches Theorem über stochastische Näherung
first-order approximation
in the first approximation
Blum approximation
Borges' approximation
Burkholder approximation
Camp-Paulson approximation
Hastings approximation
Laplace approximation
Merrington-Pearson approximation
Esseen-type approximation
polynominal approximation
Harley approximation
power series approximation
Poisson approximation
saddle point approximation
Satterthwaite's approximation; Satterthwaite's test
stochastic approximation procedure
accelerated stochastic approximation
Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem
Näherung f; Approximation f math.
erste Näherung
in erster Näherung
Näherung nach Esseen
Näherung durch Polynome
Harley'sche Approximation
Näherung durch Potenzreihenentwicklung
Satterthwaite-Approximation; Satterthwaite-Test
beschleunigte stochastische Approximation
Dvoretsky'sches Theorem über stochastische Näherung
first-order approximation
in the first approximation
Bayes' approximation
Blum approximation
Borges' approximation
Burkholder approximation
Camp-Paulson approximation
Hastings approximation
Laplace approximation
Merrington-Pearson approximation
Esseen-type approximation
polynominal approximation
Harley approximation
power series approximation
Poisson approximation
saddle point approximation
Satterthwaite's approximation; Satterthwaite's test
accelerated stochastic approximation
Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem
zuviel Essen
excessive eating
Abendessen n, Abendbrot n
Abendessen pl
Abendbrot essen
Abendbrot essen, zu Abend essen
Abendessen inbegriffen
supper, evening meal
to have (one's) supper, to have one's evening meal
to have tea Sc.
evening meal included
Abendessen n (als Hauptmahlzeit)
zu Abend essen
to be having one's dinner
Essen n
Essen und Trinken
Essen zum Mitnehmen
food and drink
takeaway food
Essen n, Mahl n, Mahlzeit f
Essen mit fünf Gängen
das Essen fertig machen
Essen auf Rädern
essen gehen
ein bestimmtes Essen, ein bestimmtes Gericht
five-course meal
fix the meal
meals on wheels
to go for a meal
a certain meal, a particular meal
Essen n im Freien
Fastfoodrestaurant n
Fastfoodrestaurant mit besonders schlechtem Essen
fastfood restaurant
chew-'n'-spew coll.
Futter n ugs., Essen n
scran slang
Gang m (beim Essen)
Gänge pl
course (of a meal)
three courses menue
Hauptgang m (beim Essen) cook.
main course, entree, entrée
Kerzenlicht n, Kerzenschein m
im Kerzenschein, bei Kerzenlicht
Essen bei Kerzenlicht
by candlelight
candlelight dinner

Ess Definition

Adam's apple
() See under Adam.
(n.) The fleshy pome or fruit of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus malus) cultivated in numberless varieties in the temperate zones.
(n.) Any tree genus Pyrus which has the stalk sunken into the base of the fruit
(n.) Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or supposed to resemble, the apple
(n.) Anything round like an apple
(v. i.) To grow like an apple
(a.) Having a round, broad face, like an apple.
(n.) Apple brandy.
(n.) A kind of apple which by keeping becomes much withered
Apple pie
() A pie made of apples (usually sliced or stewed) with spice and sugar.
(n.) A pimp
(n.) A large shallow vat
(n.) A ferryboat. See Bac, 1.
(n.) In human beings, the hinder part of the body, extending from the neck to the end of the spine
(n.) An extended upper part, as of a mountain or ridge.
(n.) The outward or upper part of a thing, as opposed to the inner or lower part
(n.) The part opposed to the front
(n.) The part opposite to, or most remote from, that which fronts the speaker or actor
(n.) The part of a cutting tool on the opposite side from its edge
(n.) A support or resource in reserve.
(n.) The keel and keelson of a ship.
(n.) The upper part of a lode, or the roof of a horizontal underground passage.
(n.) A garment for the back
(a.) Being at the back or in the rear
(a.) Being in arrear
(a.) Moving or operating backward
(v. i.) To get upon the back of
(v. i.) To place or seat upon the back.
(v. i.) To drive or force backward
(v. i.) To make a back for
(v. i.) To adjoin behind
(v. i.) To write upon the back of
(v. i.) To support
(v. i.) To bet on the success of
(v. i.) To move or go backward
(v. i.) To change from one quarter to another by a course opposite to that of the sun
(v. i.) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed
(adv.) In, to, or toward, the rear
(adv.) To the place from which one came
(adv.) To a former state, condition, or station
(adv.) (Of time) In times past
(adv.) Away from contact
(adv.) In concealment or reserve
(adv.) In a state of restraint or hindrance.
(adv.) In return, repayment, or requital.
(adv.) In withdrawal from a statement, promise, or undertaking
(adv.) In arrear
Back door
() A door in the back part of a building
Back stairs
() Stairs in the back part of a house, as distinguished from the front stairs
Bottle green
() A dark shade of green, like that of bottle glass.

apple / apples / toffie apple [Br.]; candy apple / eating apple / for peanuts; for next to nothing / to compare apples and oranges [fig.] / an apple for the teacher [fig.] / An apple a day keeps the doctor away. [prov.] / As sure as (God made) little green apples hell be back. [fig.] Bedeutung

back door
a secret or underhand means of access (to a place or a position), he got his job through the back door
doctor children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physician's office, the children explored each other's bodies by playing the game of doctor
back circle a feat in which an acrobat arches the back from a prone position and bends the knees until the toes touch the head
back exercise exercise designed to strengthen the back muscles
back (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage
noisy and unrestrained mischief, raising blazes
the act of consuming food
push back
the act of forcing the enemy to withdraw
call-back the recall of an employee after a layoff
raising hell
hell raising
making trouble just for the fun of it
return paying back
getting even
a reciprocal group action, in return we gave them as good as we got
recession ceding back the act of ceding back
sin hell violent and excited activity, they began to fight like sin
blue-green algae
predominantly photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms containing a blue pigment in addition to chlorophyll, occur singly or in colonies in diverse habitats, important as phytoplankton
yellow-green algae any alga of the division Chrysophyta with its chlorophyll masked by yellow pigment
green algae
algae that are clear green in color, often growing on wet ricks or damp wood or the surface of stagnant water
great white shark
white shark
man-eating shark
Carcharodon carcharias
large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas, known to attack humans
green-tailed towhee
Chlorura chlorura
towhee of the Rocky Mountains
green frog
spring frog Rana clamitans
similar to bullfrog, found in or near marshes and ponds, of United States and Canada
Eurasian green toad
Bufo viridis
Eurasian toad with variable chiefly green coloring
American green toad
Bufo debilis
small green or yellow-green toad with small black bars and stripes
green turtle
Chelonia mydas
large tropical turtle with greenish flesh used for turtle soup
green lizard
Lacerta viridis
a common Eurasian lizard about a foot long
green snake grass snake either of two North American chiefly insectivorous snakes that are green in color
smooth green snake
Opheodrys vernalis
of western and central United States
rough green snake
Opheodrys aestivus
of southern and eastern United States
green snake any of numerous African colubrid snakes
green mamba green phase of the black mamba
green peafowl
Pavo muticus
peafowl of southeast Asia
green woodpecker
Picus viridis
woodpecker of Europe and western Asia
green-winged teal
Anas crecca
common teal of Eurasia and North America
crab-eating opossum South American opossum
green gland one of a pair of glands (believed to have excretory functions) in some crustaceans near the base of the large antennae
green plover
peewit pewit
large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs
crabeater seal
crab-eating seal
silvery grey Antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans
crab-eating dog
crab-eating fox
Dusicyon cancrivorus
wild dog of northern South America
green June beetle
large greenish June beetle of southern United States
apple maggot
railroad worm
Rhagoletis pomonella
larvae bore into and feed on apples
apple aphid
green apple aphid
Aphis pomi
bright green aphid, feeds on and causes curling of apple leaves
green peach aphid yellowish green aphid that is especially destructive to peaches
woolly apple aphid
American blight
Eriosoma lanigerum
primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees
green lacewing
stink fly
pale green unpleasant-smelling lacewing fly having carnivorous larvae
darning needle
devil's darning needle
sewing needle
snake feeder
snake doctor
mosquito hawk
skeeter hawk
slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest, adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
green monkey
African green monkey
Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus
common savannah monkey with greenish-grey back and yellow tail
crab-eating macaque
croo monkey
Macaca irus
monkey of southeast Asia, Borneo and the Philippines
crab-eating raccoon
Procyon cancrivorus
a South American raccoon
fish doctor
Gymnelis viridis
brightly colored scaleless Arctic eelpout
Acanthurus chirurgus
surgeon fish of the West Indies
Acapulco gold
Mexican green
a particularly potent variety of marijuana
c acid
back breaker
dose dot
loony toons
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
pane superman
window pane
street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
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