
Expertenteam Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Expertenteam n; Spezialistenteam n
Expertenteams pl; Spezialistenteams pl
team of experts; expert team; team of specialist; specialist team
teams of experts; expert teams; teams of specialist; specialist teams
Expertenteam n; Spezialistenteam n
Expertenteams pl; Spezialistenteams pl
team of experts; expert team; team of specialist; specialist team
teams of experts; expert teams; teams of specialist; specialist teams
Experte m, Expertin f, Sachverständige m f , Sachverständiger
Experten pl, Expertinnen pl, Sachverständigen pl, Fachleute pl
Experte auf dem Gebiet sein
to be an expert on the subject
Der Artikel wendet sich an Experten.
The article is intended for experts.
Er hält sich für einen Experten.
He fancies himself as an expert.
Fachgelehrte m f; Fachgelehrter; Experte m; Expertin f; Pandit m
Fachgelehrten pl; Fachgelehrte; Experten pl; Expertinnen pl; Panditen pl
Fachmann m; Fachfrau f; Fachkraft f; Experte m; Expertin f
Fachmänner pl; Fachfrauen pl; Fachkräfte pl; Experten pl; Expertinnen pl
specialist; expert
specialists; experts
Fernsehexperte m; Fernsehexpertin f; Experte m im Fernsehen
Fernsehexperten pl; Fernsehexpertinnen pl; Experten pl im Fernsehen
TV pundit
TV pundits
Mitwirkung f Mitw. (an etw.)
unter Mitwirkung vieler Experten
Mitwirkung an der Ausarbeitung einer Strategie
Die Mitwirkung aller Länder wäre zweckmäßig.
Er hat durch seine Mitwirkung am Schulleben Verantwortung gezeigt.
contribution (to sth.); collaboration (on sth.)
in collaboration with many experts
contributing to mapping out a strategy
It would be appropriate for all countries to contribute.
He has shown responsibility by contributing to the corporate life of the school.
etw. neuerlich erneut tun; etw. erneuern v
sein Gelübde erneuern
sich neuerlich bemühen erneute Anstrengungen unternehmen etw. zu erreichen
Die Truppen griffen die Hauptstadt erneut an.
Dieses Treffen lässt mich wieder hoffen dass eine Lösung gefunden werden kann.
Die Kanzlerin hat ihr Versprechen erneuert diese Gesetzesbestimmung ganz abzuschaffen.
Experten haben neuerlich ein Verbot von Finanzspekulationen mit Lebensmitteln gefordert.
Der Vorfall hat die Feindseligkeiten wieder aufleben lassen.
Ich habe diese Musik wieder neu (für mich) entdeckt.
Die hohen Ölpreise haben das Interesse an Holzheizungen wieder geweckt.
to renew sth. (begin it again after an interruption)
to renew your vow
to renew efforts to achieve sth.
The troops renewed their assault on the capital.
This meeting has renewed my hope of finding a solution.
The Chancellor renewed her promise to abolish this statutory provision altogether.
Experts have renewed calls for a ban on financial speculation on food.
The incident has renewed hostilities between the groups.
I renewed my acquaintance with this music.
High oil prices have renewed interest in wood-burning stoves.
etw. in Frage stellen; infrage stellen; in Zweifel ziehen; bezweifeln; beanstanden v
in Frage stellend; infrage stellend; in Zweifel ziehend; bezweifelnd; beanstandend
in Frage gestellt; infrage gestellt; in Zweifel gezogen; bezweifelt; beanstandet
Es steht uns nicht zu seine Entscheidungen in Frage zu stellen.
Experten bezweifeln dass ein Neustart möglich ist.
Ich habe die Wasserwerke angerufen und meine Rechnung beanstandet.
to question sth.; to query sth.
questioning; querying
questioned; queried
It is not for us to question query his decisions.
Experts are questioning querying whether a fresh start is possible.
I rang the water company to question query my bill.
Experte m; Beobachter m; Kommentator m (der in den Medien zu Wort kommt)
Experten pl; Beobachter pl; Kommentatoren pl
Fernsehexperte m; Fernsehkommentator m
Politikexperte m; Politexperte m; Politikbeobachter m; Politikkommentator m
television pundit; TV pundit
political pundit
Fachgröße f; Kapazität f; Autorität f; Experte m
Fachgrößen pl; Kapazitäten pl; Autoritäten pl; Experten pl
Fachmann m; Fachfrau f; Fachkraft f; Experte m; Expertin f; Fachexperte m; Fachexpertin f
Fachmänner pl; Fachfrauen pl; Fachkräfte pl; Experten pl; Expertinnen pl; Fachexperten pl; Fachexpertinnen pl
Computerfachmann m
Energieexperte m
Literaturfachmann m
Wirtschaftsexperte m
Experte auf dem Gebiet sein
specialist; expert
specialists; experts
computer specialist; computer expert
energy expert
literary expert
economic expert
to be an expert on the subject
Kriminaltechniker m; kriminaltechnischer Fachmann m; kriminaltechnischer Experte m
Kriminaltechniker pl; kriminaltechnische Fachmänner pl; kriminaltechnische Experten pl
forensic expert
forensic experts
Mitwirkung f Mitw. (an etw.)
unter Mitwirkung vieler Experten
Mitwirkung an der Ausarbeitung einer Strategie
Die Mitwirkung aller Länder wäre zweckmäßig.
Er hat durch seine Mitwirkung am Schulleben Verantwortung gezeigt.
contribution (to sth.); collaboration (on sth.)
in collaboration with many experts
contributing to mapping out a strategy
It would be appropriate for all countries to contribute.
He has shown responsibility by contributing to the corporate life of the school.
Rechtsexperte m; Experte m für Rechtsfragen; Jurist m (als Fachausbildung) jur.
Rechtsexperten pl; Experten pl für Rechtsfragen; Juristen pl
Kirchenrechtler m; Kanonist m geh.
Verfassungsjurist m
legal expert; expert in law; jurist
legal experts; expert in laws; jurists
church jurist; canon jurist; canonist; expert in canon law
constitutional expert; constitutional jurist
etw. neuerlich erneut tun; etw. erneuern v
sein Gelübde erneuern
sich neuerlich bemühen erneute Anstrengungen unternehmen, etw. zu erreichen
Die Truppen griffen die Hauptstadt erneut an.
Dieses Treffen lässt mich wieder hoffen, dass eine Lösung gefunden werden kann.
Die Kanzlerin hat ihr Versprechen erneuert, diese Gesetzesbestimmung ganz abzuschaffen.
Experten haben neuerlich ein Verbot von Finanzspekulationen mit Lebensmitteln gefordert.
Der Vorfall hat die Feindseligkeiten wieder aufleben lassen.
Ich habe diese Musik wieder neu (für mich) entdeckt.
Die hohen Ölpreise haben das Interesse an Holzheizungen wieder geweckt.
to renew sth. (begin it again after an interruption)
to renew your vow
to renew efforts to achieve sth.
The troops renewed their assault on the capital.
This meeting has renewed my hope of finding a solution.
The Chancellor renewed her promise to abolish this statutory provision altogether.
Experts have renewed calls for a ban on financial speculation on food.
The incident has renewed hostilities between the groups.
I renewed my acquaintance with this music.
High oil prices have renewed interest in wood-fuelled heating.
sogenannte r s; so genannte r s; angebliche r s; selbsternannte r s (Person) adj (Ausdruck des inhaltlichen Infragestellens eines Ausdrucks)
sogenannte Experten; selbsternannte Experten
deine sogenannten Freunde
Diese sogenannte angebliche Therapie hat sein Leben ruiniert.
alleged; so-called (used to express your view that an expression is inappropriate in substance)
so-called experts
your so-called friends
This so-called therapy has ruined his life.
etw. in Frage stellen; infrage stellen; in Zweifel ziehen; bezweifeln; beanstanden v
in Frage stellend; infrage stellend; in Zweifel ziehend; bezweifelnd; beanstandend
in Frage gestellt; infrage gestellt; in Zweifel gezogen; bezweifelt; beanstandet
Es steht uns nicht zu, seine Entscheidungen in Frage zu stellen.
Experten bezweifeln, dass ein Neustart möglich ist.
Ich habe die Wasserwerke angerufen und meine Rechnung beanstandet.
to question sth.; to query sth.
questioning; querying
questioned; queried
It is not for us to question query his decisions.
Experts are questioning querying whether a fresh start is possible.
I rang the water company to question query my bill.
vor etw. warnen v
Experten warnen vor Steuererhöhungen.
to caution against sth.
Experts are cautioning against tax increases.
Sachkenner m; Experte m; Expertin f
Sachkenner pl; Experten pl; Expertinnen pl
Expertenauftritte pl; Expertenmeinungen pl; Expertenkommentare pl (in den Medien)
Expertenebene f
auf Expertenebene
expert level
at expert level
Expertengremium n
Gremium n; Gruppe f; Kommission f; Team n (ausgewählte Personengruppe) adm.
Gremien pl; Gruppen pl; Kommissionen pl
ein Expertengremium; eine Expertenrunde
beratendes Gremium
Sachverständigengremium n; Sachverständigengruppe f; Expertengruppe f
a panel of experts
advisory panel
G 10 Panel
expert panel; panel of experts; group of experts
Sachverständigengremium n; Sachverständigengruppe f; Expertengruppe f
expert panel; panel of experts
externe Expertengruppe f (zur Bewertung organisationsinterner Strukturen Maßnahmen)
red team
Expertengutachten (US)
Expertenkommission f
Expertenkommissionen pl
think tank
think tanks
Expertenkommission f
think-tank; thinktank; think tank
Expertenkommission f pol. adm.
Expertenkommissionen pl
commission of experts
commissions of experts
Kurs m; Kursus m Dt.; Lehrgang m school
Kurse pl; Lehrgänge pl
Anfängerkurs m
Auffrischungskurs m
Computerkurs m
Expertenkurs m
Fortgeschrittenenkurs m; Kurs m Lehrgang m für Fortgeschrittene; Leistungskurs m Dt.
Kochkurs m; Kochseminar n
Nähkurs m
Tauchkurs m
Vorkurs m
überbuchter Kurs
einen Kurs belegen
Sie besucht einen Töpferkurs.
Machst du noch deinen Abendkurs in Italienisch?
course; class
courses; classes
beginners' course; course for beginners
refresher course
computer course
expert course
advanced course; extension course
cookery course
sewing course; sewing class
diving course
pre-course; preparation course; preparatory course
oversubscribed course
to take a course; to register for a course class
She's been taking classes in pottery.
Are you still doing your Italian evening class?
Expertenmeinung f
Expertenmeinungen pl
expert opinion
expert opinions
Expertenrat m (Gremium)
expert board; expert panel
Rat m; Ratschlag m geh.; Ratschläge pl geh.; (fachliche) Auskunft f; Beratung f (zu etw.; in Sachen X)
ein (guter) Rat; ein Ratschlag geh., ein Tipp von mir ihm ihr ugs.
Expertenrat m
sein weiser Rat
wissenschaftliche Beratung
ein kleiner Tipp
mit Rat und Tat helfen
um Rat fragen
jdm. einen Rat Ratschläge geben erteilen geh.
von jdm. einen Rat annehmen
jds. Rat Ratschläge befolgen; jds. Rat folgen geh.
jds. Rat beherzigen
jds. Rat Ratschläge in den Wind schlagen
den Rat eines Fachmanns einholen
eine Rechtsauskunft einholen
Beratung (zu bei etw.) anbieten; (in Fragen +Gen.) beraten
jdn. besuchen, um seinen Rat einzuholen
Er braucht einen Rat zu seinem Computer.
Ich bräuchte einen Rat von Ihnen.
Wir werden sie vermissen, denn wir schätzen ihre Ratschläge.
Ich würde dir raten, deinen alten Laptop zu verkaufen und dir einen neuen anzuschaffen.
Ich kann (Dir Ihnen Euch) nur raten, dieses Lokal zu meiden.
advice; counsel formal (about on concerning sth.) (used without article)
a bit of advice; a piece of advice; a word of advice
expert advice
his wise counsel
scientific advice
a quick word of advice
to help with words and deeds
to ask for advice
to give offer provide advice counsel
to take advice counsel from sb.
to act on follow sb.'s advice counsel
to heed sb.'s advice counsel
to disregard ignore turn a deaf ear to sb.'s advice counsel
to seek expert advice; to seek expert counsel
to obtain legal advice
to give advice; to offer advice (about on sth.)
to visit sb. for advice counsel
He needs some advice about his computer.
May I ask your advice on something?
We'll miss her because we value her counsel.
My advice is to sell your old laptop and get a new one.
Take my advice and avoid this place.
Schätzung f, Annahme f
Schätzungen pl, Annahmen pl
eine vage Schätzung
vorläufige Schätzung
Expertenschätzung f, auf Erfahrung basierende Annahme
estimate, guess
a long guess
preliminary estimate
educated guess
Schätzung f; Annahme f
Schätzungen pl; Annahmen pl
eine vage Schätzung
vorläufige Schätzung
Expertenschätzung f; auf Erfahrung basierende Annahme
estimate; guess
a long guess
preliminary estimate
educated guess
Expertensystem n comp.
Expertensysteme pl
expert system
expert systems
Expertensystem (EDV)
expert system
Metaregel f (Expertensystem) comp.
metainference (expert system)
Schlussfolgern n; logisches Folgern n; logisches Schließen n; Schluss m (als Vorgang) (Ableiten einer Schlussfolgerung aus einer Prämisse) ling. math. phil.
abduktives Schlussfolgern; abduktiver Schluss; Abduktionsschluss m; Abduktion f; Apagoge f; hypothetisches Folgern; Schließen auf eine erklärende Hypothese
automatisierte Schlussfolgerung; Inferenz f comp. statist.
deduktives Schlussfolgern; deduktiver Schluss, Deduktionsschluss m; Deduktion f; Schließen vom Allgemeinen zum Besonderen
induktives Schlussfolgen; induktiver Schluss, Induktionsschluss m; verallgemeinerndes Folgern; Schließen vom Besonderen auf das Allgemeine
kaskadierte Inferenz
monotones Schlussfolgern; monotones Folgern (Expertensystem)
nichtmonotones Schlussfolgern; nichtmonotones Folgern (Expertensystem)
plausibles Folgern; plausibles Schließen; plausibler Schluss
probabilistisches Folgern; unsicheres Schließen; probabilistischer Schluss
statistischer Schluss
Analogieschluss m; analoges Schließen n; Analogieverfahren n
Schluss Rückschluss auf die beste Erklärung
Vernunftschluss m
Verstandesschluss m
logical inference; inference (deriving a conclusion from a premise)
abductive inference; abduction; apagoge
automated inference
deductive inference; deduction; inference from the general to the particular
inductive inference; induction; inference from the particular to the general
cascaded inference
monotonic inference; monotonic reasoning (expert system)
non-monotonic inference; non-monotonic reasoning (expert system)
plausible inference
probabilistic inference
statistical inference
analogical inference; inference by analogy
inference to the best explanation IBE
inference of reason; rational inference
inference of the understanding
Schlussfolgerung f; Folgerung f; Schlussfolge f; Schluss m; Rückschluss m; logische Konsequenz f; Conclusio f geh. (Ergebnis einer logischen Überlegung) ling. math. phil.
Schlussfolgerungen pl; Folgerungen pl; Schlussfolgen pl; Schlüsse pl; Rückschlüsse pl; logische Konsequenzen pl
automatisiertes Schlussfolgern; Inferenz comp. statist.
monotone Schlussfolgerung (Expertensystem)
nichtmonotone Schlussfolgerung (Expertensystem)
in logischer Konsequenz
aus etw. Schlüsse ziehen
aus etw. für etw. Schlüsse Rückschlüsse ziehen
seine eigenen Schlüsse ziehen
den Rückschluss ziehen, dass …
zu der Feststellung kommen gelangen, dass …
die Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen der Vergleichskommission
den Schluss nahelegen, dass …
voreilige Schlüsse ziehen
Ziehe bloß keine voreiligen Schlüsse.
Ich kann nicht nachvollziehen, wieso dieser Schluss zwingend ist.
Bist du zu einem Schluss gekommen, welches Format es sein soll?
conclusion; inference; logical consequence; entailment (result of an inference process)
conclusions; inferences; logical consequences; entailments
automated inference
monotonic conclusion; monotonic inference (expert system)
non-monotonic conclusion; non-monotonic inference (expert system)
by inference
to draw conclusions from sth.; to draw inferences from sth.
to draw conclusions from sth. for sth.; to draw inferences from sth. for sth. rare
to draw your own conclusions; to draw your own inferences rare
to conclude that…; to infer that …; to draw the conclusion inference that…
to come to the conclusion that …
the conclusions and recommendations of the conciliation commission
to point to the conclusion that …
to jump to conclusions
Don't just jump to conclusions.
I can't see why this conclusion necessarily follows.
Have you come to a conclusion on what the format will be?
logische Schlussfolgerungen pl pro Sekunde (Expertensystem) comp.
logical inferences per second LIPS (expert system)
Ableitungsregel f; Deduktionsregel f; Inferenzregel f (eines Expertensystems) comp.
Ableitungsregeln pl; Deduktionsregeln pl; Inferenzregeln pl
inference rule (of an expert system)
inference rules
Inferenznetz n (eines Expertensystems) comp.
Inferenznetze pl
inference network; inference net (of an expert system)
inference networks; inference nets
Inferenzprozessor m (eines Expertensystems) comp.
Inferenzprozessoren pl
inference processor (of an expert system)
inference processors
Schlussfolgerungsalgorithmus m; Inferenzalgorithmus m (eines Expertensystems) comp.
Schlussfolgerungsalgorithmen pl; Inferenzalgorithmen pl
inference algorithm (of an expert system)
inference algorithms
Schlussfolgerungskomponente f; Inferenzkomponente f (eines Expertensystems) comp.
Schlussfolgerungskomponenten pl; Inferenzkomponenten pl
inference component; inference system; inference engine (of an expert system)
inference components; inference systems; inference engines
Expertenteam n; Spezialistenteam n
Expertenteams pl; Spezialistenteams pl
team of experts; expert team; team of specialist; specialist team
teams of experts; expert teams; teams of specialist; specialist teams
Expertentum n
Expertenwissen n
expert know-how
Praxiswissen n; praktisches Wissen n; Know-how n (über etw.)
Unternehmenswissen n econ.
praktisches Expertenwissen n
bereits vorhandenes Know-how
sich praktisches Wissen aneignen; Know-how erwerben
jdm. das nötige Praxiswissen vermitteln, um erfolreich zu sein
know-how (of sth.)
corporate know-how
expert know-how
pre-existing know-how
to build up know-how
to provide sb. with the requisite know-how to succeed

Deutsche Expertenteam Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Expertenteam Synonym nachschlagen

Englische team of experts; expert team; team of specialist; specialist team Synonyme

team  age group  band  battalion  bevy  body  both  brace  bracket  brigade  bunch  cabal  cast  clique  cohort  collaborate  combine  company  complement  conjugate  conspire  contingent  cooperate  corps  coterie  couple  couple up  couplet  covey  crew  crowd  detachment  detail  distich  division  double harness  double-harness  double-team  doublet  duad  duet  duo  dyad  eight  eleven  equipage  faction  first string  first team  five  fleet  four-in-hand  gang  group  grouping  groupment  in-group  join together  join up  junta  link up  match  mate  mates  mob  movement  nine  out-group  outfit  pack  pair  pair off  party  peer group  phalanx  platoon  posse  randem  regiment  reserves  rig  rowing crew  salon  second string  second team  set  set of two  side  span  spike  spike team  squad  stable  string  tandem  team up  the two  third string  three-up  tribe  troop  troupe  turnout  twain  two  twosome  unicorn  unite  varsity  wing  yoke  
team spirit  accord  accordance  affinity  agape  agreement  amity  bipartisanship  bonds of harmony  brotherly love  caritas  cement of friendship  charity  coaction  coadjuvancy  coadministration  coagency  cochairmanship  codirectorship  collaboration  collaborativeness  collectivism  collusion  commensalism  common effort  common enterprise  communalism  communion  communism  communitarianism  community  community of interests  compatibility  complicity  concert  concord  concordance  concurrence  congeniality  cooperation  cooperativeness  correspondence  duet  duumvirate  ecumenicalism  ecumenicism  ecumenism  empathy  esprit  esprit de corps  feeling of identity  fellow feeling  fellowship  frictionlessness  good vibes  good vibrations  happy family  harmony  identity  joining of forces  joint effort  joint operation  kinship  like-mindedness  love  mass action  morale  mutual assistance  mutualism  mutuality  octet  oneness  peace  pooling  pooling of resources  pulling together  quartet  quintet  rapport  rapprochement  reciprocity  septet  sextet  sharing  solidarity  symbiosis  sympathy  symphony  synergism  synergy  teamwork  trio  triumvirate  troika  understanding  union  unison  united action  unity  
team up  act in concert  act together  act with  affiliate  affiliate with  align with  ally  amalgamate  associate  band  band together  be in cahoots  be in league  bracket  bunch  bunch up  cabal  cement a union  centralize  club  club together  coact  coalesce  collaborate  collude  combine  come into  come together  concert  concord  concur  confederate  conjugate  consociate  consolidate  conspire  cooperate  couple  couple up  creep in  do business with  double-harness  double-team  enlist  enroll  enter  federalize  federate  flock to  fuse  gang  gang up  get heads together  get into  get together  get together with  go along with  go in partners  go in partnership  go in with  go into  go partners  go with  hang together  harmonize  hold together  hook up  hook up with  join  join forces  join fortunes with  join hands with  join in  join together  join up  join up with  join with  keep pace with  keep together  league  league together  league with  line up with  make common cause  marry  match  mate  merge  organize  pair  pair off  partner  play ball  pull together  put heads together  rally round  range with  reciprocate  run parallel to  side with  sign on  sign up  sneak in  span  stand in with  stand together  stand up with  strike in with  string along with  swing in with  take out membership  take part with  take sides with  take up membership  team  team up with  team with  throw in together  throw in with  tie in  tie in with  tie up  tie up with  unionize  unite  unite efforts  unite with  wed  work together  yoke  
teamed  affiliate  affiliated  allied  associate  associated  cabalistic  confederate  confederated  conspiratorial  corporate  coupled  enleagued  federate  federated  in cahoots  in league  in partnership  in with  leagued  married  paired  partners with  wed  wedded  
teammate  ace  amigo  associate  bedfellow  bedmate  benchfellow  birthmate  bosom buddy  buddy  bunkie  bunkmate  butty  camarade  chamberfellow  chum  classmate  clubmate  co-worker  colleague  comate  companion  company  compeer  comrade  confrere  consociate  consort  copartner  copemate  copesmate  couchmate  cradlemate  crony  cupmate  fellow  fellow student  fellow worker  general partner  girl friend  gossip  jailmate  mate  messmate  old crony  pal  pard  pardner  partner  pewmate  playfellow  playmate  roommate  schoolfellow  schoolmate  secret partner  shelfmate  shipmate  shopmate  side partner  sidekick  sidekicker  silent partner  sleeping partner  special partner  tablemate  tentmate  watchmate  waymate  workfellow  yokefellow  yokemate  
teamster  Jehu  Sunday driver  backseat driver  bullwhacker  bus driver  busman  cabby  cabdriver  cabman  cameleer  carter  cartman  charioteer  chauffeur  coachman  coachy  cocher  cochero  drayman  driver  elephant driver  gharry-wallah  hack  hackdriver  hackman  hacky  harness racer  hit-and-run driver  jitney driver  joyrider  mahout  motorist  mule skinner  muleteer  reinsman  road hog  skinner  speeder  stage coachman  taxidriver  truck driver  trucker  truckman  vetturino  voiturier  wagoner  wagonman  whip  
teamwork  bipartisanship  coaction  coadjuvancy  coadministration  coagency  cochairmanship  codirectorship  collaboration  collaborativeness  collectivism  collusion  commensalism  common effort  common enterprise  communalism  communism  communitarianism  community  complicity  concert  concord  concordance  concurrence  cooperation  cooperativeness  duet  duumvirate  ecumenicalism  ecumenicism  ecumenism  esprit  esprit de corps  fellow feeling  fellowship  harmony  joining of forces  joint effort  joint operation  mass action  morale  mutual assistance  mutualism  mutuality  octet  pooling  pooling of resources  pulling together  quartet  quintet  reciprocity  septet  sextet  solidarity  symbiosis  synergism  synergy  team spirit  trio  triumvirate  troika  united action  

Expertenteam Definition

(a.) Taught by use, practice, or experience, experienced
(n.) An expert or experienced person
(n.) A specialist in a particular profession or department of science requiring for its mastery peculiar culture and erudition.
(n.) A sworn appraiser.
(v. t.) To experience.
(n.) One who devotes himself to some specialty
(n.) A group of young animals, especially of young ducks
(n.) Hence, a number of animals moving together.
(n.) Two or more horses, oxen, or other beasts harnessed to the same vehicle for drawing, as to a coach, wagon, sled, or the like.
(n.) A number of persons associated together in any work
(n.) A flock of wild ducks.
(n.) A royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto.
(v. i.) To engage in the occupation of driving a team of horses, cattle, or the like, as in conveying or hauling lumber, goods, etc.
(v. t.) To convey or haul with a team

team of experts; expert team; team of specialist; specialist team / teams of experts; expert teams; teams of specialist; specialist teams Bedeutung

team sport a sport that involves competition between teams of players, baseball is a team sport by golf is not
team teaching a method of coordinated classroom teaching involving a team of teachers working together with a single group of students
esprit de corps
team spirit
the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed
team two or more draft animals that work together to pull something
defense team
defense lawyers
the defendant and his legal advisors collectively, the defense called for a mistrial
A-team a group of elite soldiers or a leadership group of advisors or workers in an organization
major-league team
major-league club
a team that plays in a major league
minor-league team
minor-league club
a team that plays in a minor league
farm team
farm club
a minor-league team that is owned by a major-league team (especially in baseball)
baseball team a team that plays baseball
basketball team
a team that plays basketball
football team
a team that plays football
hockey team a team that plays ice hockey
varsity first team a team representing a college or university
defense defence defending team (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring, his teams are always good on defense
a cooperative unit (especially in sports)
little-league team a team that plays in a little league
SWAT team
SWAT squad
Special Weapons and Tactics team
Special Weapons and Tactics squad
a squad of policemen who have been trained to deal with violent and dangerous situations
expert a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
heart specialist
heart surgeon
a specialist in cardiology, a specialist in the structure and function and disorders of the heart
computer expert
computer guru
an authority on computers and computing
ear doctor
ear specialist
a physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases
economic expert
an expert in the science of economics
efficiency expert
efficiency engineer
an expert in increasing the efficient use of machines and personnel
escape expert
an entertainer who is expert in the art of escaping
expert witness a witness who has knowledge not normally possessed by the average person concerning the topic that he is to testify about
fingerprint expert
fingerprint specialist
fingerprint man
a specialist in identifying fingerprints
handwriting expert
a specialist in inferring character from handwriting
legal expert
a legal scholar versed in civil law or the law of nations
macroeconomic expert
an economist who specializes in macroeconomics
microeconomic expert
an economist who specializes in microeconomics
an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
specialist medical specialist practices one branch of medicine
team up
form a team, We teamed up for this new project
double-team cover with two defensive players
having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude, adept in handicrafts, an adept juggler, an expert job, a good mechanic, a practiced marksman, a proficient engineer, a lesser-known but no less skillful composer, the effect was achieved by skillful retouching
technical expert of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood, technical terminology, a technical report, technical language
like an expert
in an expert manner, he repaired the TV set expertly
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