
Explosionsstampfer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Explosionsstampfer m constr.
Explosionsstampfer pl
trench compactor; frog rammer
trench compactors; frog rammers
Explosionsstampfer m constr.
Explosionsstampfer pl
trench compactor; frog rammer
trench compactors; frog rammers
Versicherung gegen Explosion
explosion insurance
Bombe f, Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben n
schmutzige Bombe, radiologische Waffe, Sprengsatz, der bei seiner Explosion radioaktives Material verteilt
(versteckte) Sprengbombe am Straßenrand
bomb, bombshell
dirty bomb, radiological dispersal device (RDD)
roadside bomb
Druckwelle f, Explosion f, Knall m
Druckwellen pl, Explosionen pl
Explosion einer Bombe
bomb blast
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Explosion f, Bruch m
burst, bursting
zur Explosion bringen, sprengen
zur Explosion bringend, sprengend
zur Explosion gebracht, gesprengt
to detonate
Windstoss, Explosion, schlagen, sprengen, vernichten
Explosion, Bruch, platzen, zum Platzen bringen
zur Explosion bringen, sprengen
to detonate
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Bombenexplosion f
bomb explosion
zur Explosion bringen; sprengen
zur Explosion bringend; sprengend
zur Explosion gebracht; gesprengt
to detonate
Kraft f; StÀrke f; Wucht f phys.
KrÀfte pl
die elektromagnetische Kraft
parallel verschobene Kraft
Scheinkraft f
Die SI-Einheit der Kraft ist das Newton.
die Wucht der Explosion
Kraft ausĂŒben
Ă€ußere Kraft f
eingeprÀgte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f; verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller Ă€ußeren KrĂ€fte
the electromagnetic force
transposed force
fictitious force
The SI unit of force is the newton.
the force of the explosion
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
(glĂŒcklicher) Zufall m; GlĂŒcksfall m; GlĂŒck n
durch einen glĂŒcklichen Zufall
ein seltener GlĂŒcksfall
Das dritte Tor war ein Zufallstreffer.
Ihr zweiter Meistertitel beweist dass ihr erster kein reiner Zufall kein reines GlĂŒck war.
Es war reiner Zufall reines GlĂŒck dass bei der Explosion niemand verletzt wurde.
Durch einen seltsamen Zufall sind wir dann beide bei derselben Firma gelandet.
by a fluke
a rare fluke
The third goal was a fluke.
Her second championship shows that the first one was no mere fluke.
It was a sheer fluke that no one was hurt in the blast.
By some strange fluke we ended up working for the same company.
etw. auslösen; etw. in Gang setzen v
eine Explosion auslösen
to set off () sth.
to set off an explosion
jdn. etw. in einem bestimmten Zustand zurĂŒcklassen
Der Vorfall hinterließ bei ihr ein GefĂŒhl der KrĂ€nkung.
Dann habe ich ja Zeit zum Einkaufen.
Vorige Woche hatte ich eine ErkĂ€ltung von der ein Husten zurĂŒckblieb von der ich den Husten behielt.
Auf der Speisekarte ist dieses Gericht als mĂ€ĂŸig scharf beschrieben sodass ich mich frage wie dann wohl "sehr scharf" schmecken wĂŒrde.
Durch seinen Tod geriet sie in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten.
Durch das neue Gesetz hat sich die Lage fĂŒr viele Leute verschlechtert.
Bei der Explosion kam ein Arbeiter ums Leben und vier wurden verletzt.
Nach dem Verkehrsunfall war ihr Gesicht entstellt.
to leave sb. sth. (in a certain condition)
The incident left her feeling hurt.
This leaves me free to go shopping.
I had a cold last week and was left with a cough.
The menu describes this dish as medium hot which leaves me wondering what a very hot dish would taste like.
His death left her with financial problems.
The new law has left many people worse off.
The explosion left one worker dead and four injured.
The road accident left her face disfigured.
etw. (in die Luft) sprengen; etw. zersprengen; etw. zur Explosion bringen
sprengend; zersprengend; zur Explosion bringend
gesprengt; zersprengt; zur Explosion gebracht
to blow {blew; blown} sth. up
blowing up
blown up
ungenau; vage; grob adj
ungenauer; vager
am ungenauesten; am vagesten
Ich habe nur eine ungenaue vage Vorstellung wie es funktioniert.
Die Angaben zu dem Unfall sind noch etwas vage.
Bisher liegen uns nur ungenaue Angaben ĂŒber die Ursache der Explosion vor.
Er gab uns nur einen groben Bericht ĂŒber seinen Besuch.
I have only a sketchy idea of how it works.
The details about the accident are still a little sketchy.
So far we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.
He gave us only a sketchy account of his visit.
Nach einer Explosion Schwaden nicht einatmen. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Avoid breathing the fumes if an explosion occurs. (safety note)
kambrische Artenexplosion f; kambrische Explosion f; kambrische Radiation f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
Cambrian explosion of animal life; Cambrian explosion; Cambrian radiation (evolutionary biology)
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Bombenexplosion f
Gasexplosion f
Gruppenexplosion f
Mehrfachexplosion f
Versuchsexplosion f
verschleierte Explosionen mil.
Explosion mit Kraterbildung
Explosion mit niedrigem Detonationswert
bomb explosion
gas explosion
group explosion
multiple explosion
test explosion
evasive explosions
cratering explosion
low-yield explosion
Grubenluft f; Wetter pl min.
Brandwetter n; brandige Wetter; detonierende Wetter; wildes Feuer; feurige Schwaden; Nachschwaden (nach einem Grubenbrand oder einer Explosion)
explosive Grubenluft; explosive Wetter
faulige Wetter (Grubenluft mit Schwefelwasserstoff)
Frischwetter n; frische Wetter; gute Wetter
Giftwetter n; giftige Wetter; böse Wetter (Grubenluft mit Kohlenmonoxid)
Schlagwetter n; schlagende Wetter (Grubengas mit Methan)
Stickwetter n; erstickende Wetter; matte Wetter (Grubenluft mit Kohlendioxid)
Schlagwetter löschen
mine atmosphere; mine air; air
afterdamp; fumes (after a fire or an explosion in a mine)
explosive mine atmosphere
foul air; stink damp (mine air containing hydrogen sulphide)
fresh mine air; fresh intake air; good intake air
noxious air; white damp (mine air containing carbon monoxide)
sharp gas; firedamp; fulminating damp rare; dirt Br. (mine gas containing methane)
choke damp; black damp; dead air (mine air containing carbon dioxide)
to douse firedamp; to dowse firedamp
Knall m (einer Schusswaffe Explosion) mil.
report (loud noise of a gun explosion)
Kraft f; StÀrke f; Wucht f phys.
KrÀfte pl
die elektromagnetische Kraft
parallel verschobene Kraft
Scheinkraft f
Spitzenkraft f
die Wucht der Explosion
Kraft ausĂŒben
Ă€ußere Kraft f
eingeprÀgte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f; verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller Ă€ußeren KrĂ€fte
Die SI-Einheit der Kraft ist das Newton.
the electromagnetic force
transposed force
fictitious force
peak force
the force of the explosion
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
The SI unit of force is the newton.
Supernova f (Explosion eines massereichen Sterns) astron.
Supernovae pl; SupernovÀ pl
supernova (explosion of a massive star)
supernovae; supernovas
(glĂŒcklicher) Zufall m; GlĂŒcksfall m; GlĂŒck n
durch einen glĂŒcklichen Zufall
ein seltener GlĂŒcksfall
Das dritte Tor war ein Zufallstreffer.
Ihr zweiter Meistertitel beweist, dass ihr erster kein reiner Zufall kein reines GlĂŒck war.
Es war reiner Zufall reines GlĂŒck, dass bei der Explosion niemand verletzt wurde.
Durch einen seltsamen Zufall sind wir dann beide bei derselben Firma gelandet.
by a fluke
a rare fluke
The third goal was a fluke.
Her second championship shows that the first one was no mere fluke.
It was a sheer fluke that no one was hurt in the blast.
By some strange fluke we ended up working for the same company.
etw. einschließen; umgrenzen; abschotten; verdĂ€mmen v
einschließend; umgrenzend; abschottend; verdĂ€mmend
eingeschlossen; umgrenzt; abgeschottet; verdÀmmt
Explosion einer verdÀmmten Ladung mil.
to confine sth.
confined explosion
jdn. etw. in einem bestimmten Zustand zurĂŒcklassen v
Der Vorfall hinterließ bei ihr ein GefĂŒhl der KrĂ€nkung.
Dann habe ich ja Zeit zum Einkaufen.
Vorige Woche hatte ich eine ErkĂ€ltung, von der ein Husten zurĂŒckblieb von der ich den Husten behielt.
Auf der Speisekarte ist dieses Gericht als mĂ€ĂŸig scharf beschrieben, sodass ich mich frage, wie dann wohl „sehr scharf“ schmecken wĂŒrde.
Durch seinen Tod geriet sie in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten.
Durch das neue Gesetz hat sich die Lage fĂŒr viele Leute verschlechtert.
Bei der Explosion kam ein Arbeiter ums Leben und vier wurden verletzt.
Nach dem Verkehrsunfall war ihr Gesicht entstellt.
to leave sb. sth. (in a certain condition)
The incident left her feeling hurt.
This leaves me free to go shopping.
I had a cold last week and was left with a cough.
The menu describes this dish as medium hot, which leaves me wondering what a very hot dish would taste like.
His death left her with financial problems.
The new law has left many people worse off.
The explosion left one worker dead and four injured.
The road accident left her face disfigured.
etw. (in die Luft) sprengen; etw. zersprengen; etw. zur Explosion bringen v
sprengend; zersprengend; zur Explosion bringend
gesprengt; zersprengt; zur Explosion gebracht
to blow {blew; blown} sth. up
blowing up
blown up
ungenau; vage; grob adj
ungenauer; vager
am ungenauesten; am vagesten
Ich habe nur eine ungenaue vage Vorstellung, wie es funktioniert.
Die Angaben zu dem Unfall sind noch etwas vage.
Bisher liegen uns nur ungenaue Angaben ĂŒber die Ursache der Explosion vor.
Er gab uns nur einen groben Bericht ĂŒber seinen Besuch.
I have only a sketchy idea of how it works.
The details about the accident are still a little sketchy.
So far we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.
He gave us only a sketchy account of his visit.
atmosphÀrisch adj (die ErdatmophÀre betreffend) meteo. phys.
Meteoren-Explosionen in der ErdatmosphÀre
Atomwaffenversuche in der ErdatmosphÀre
atmospheric; atmospherical
atmospheric meteor explosions
atmopheric nuclear weapon testing
atmosphÀrisch adj (die ErdatmosphÀre betreffend) meteo. phys.
Meteoren-Explosionen in der ErdatmosphÀre
Atomwaffenversuche in der ErdatmosphÀre
atmospheric; atmospherical
atmospheric meteor explosions
atmopheric nuclear weapon testing
explosiv adj; Explosions...; Spreng.... mil.
am explosivsten
nicht explosiv
ein hochexplosives Gas
In trockenem Zustand explosionsgefÀhrlich. (Gefahrenhinweis)
more explosive
most explosive
a highly explosive gas
Explosive when dry. (hazard note)
Explosions- und Brandgase nicht einatmen. (Sicherheitshinweis)
In case of fire and or explosion do not breathe fumes. (safety note)
explosiv adj; Explosions
; Spreng
am explosivsten
nicht explosiv
ein hochexplosives Gas
In trockenem Zustand explosionsgefÀhrlich. (Gefahrenhinweis)
more explosive
most explosive
a highly explosive gas
Explosive when dry. (hazard note)
Explosionszeichnung f, Explosionsansicht f
exploded view
Explosionsansicht f; Perspektivschnitt m (Zeichnen)
exploded view; blown-up view (drawing)
explosiv, explosionsartig adj
am explosivsten
nicht explosiv
more explosive
most explosive
kometenhaft; explosionsartig adv
explosionsartig steigen
to rise meteorically
explosionsartig adv auch ĂŒbtr.
explosively {adv} also fig.
explosionsartig adj auch ĂŒbtr.
explosive {adj} also fig.
explosionsartig adj (auch ĂŒbtr.)
explosive (also fig.)
explosionsartig adv ĂŒbtr.
explosionsartig ansteigen
explosively fig.
to grow explosively
Explosionsdarstellung f, Explosionsbild n (Darstellungsart)
Explosionsdarstellungen pl, Explosionsbilder pl
exploded view, exploded diagram
exploded views, exploded diagrams
Explosionsdarstellung f; Explosionsbild n (Darstellungsart)
Explosionsdarstellungen pl; Explosionsbilder pl
exploded view; exploded diagram
exploded views; exploded diagrams
Explosionszeichnung f; Explosionsdarstellung f (Darstellung in aufgelösten Einzelteilen)
Explosionszeichnungen pl; Explosionsdarstellungen pl
exploded view drawing; blown-up drawing
exploded view drawings; blown-up drawings
Explosionsdruck m; Gasschlag m mil.
Explosionsdruck m techn.
explosion pressure
explosionsdruckerzeugende Waffe f mil.
blast weapon
Explosionsdruckschutz m
blast protection
Explosionsdruckwelle f; Druckwelle f; Detonationswelle f
Explosionsdruckwellen pl; Druckwellen pl; Detonationswellen pl
detonation wave; blast wave
detonation waves; blast waves
Explosionsdruckwirkung f; Explosionswirkung f
blast effect
Beim ErwÀrmen explosionsfÀhig. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Heating may cause an explosion. (hazard note)
Mit und ohne Luft explosionsfÀhig. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Explosive with or without contact with air. (hazard note)
Dampf-Luftgemisch Gas-Luftgemisch explosionsfÀhig. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Vapour-air mixture Gas-air mixture explosive. (hazard note)
Dampf-Luftgemisch Gas-Luftgemisch explosionsfÀhig. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Vapour-air mixture Gas-air mixture explosive. (hazard note)
Kann explosionsfÀhige Peroxide bilden. (Gefahrenhinweis)
May form explosive peroxides. (hazard note)
Von explosionsfÀhigen Stoffen fernhalten. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Keep away from explosive substances. (safety note)
Bei Gebrauch Bildung explosionsfĂ€higer leicht entzĂŒndlicher Dampf-Luftgemische möglich. (Gefahrenhinweis)
In use may form flammable explosive vapour-air mixture. (hazard note)
Bei Gebrauch Bildung explosionsfĂ€higer leicht entzĂŒndlicher Dampf-Luftgemische möglich. (Gefahrenhinweis)
In use, may form flammable explosive vapour-air mixture. (hazard note)
explosionsgefÀhrdeter Bereich, Ex-Bereich m
area with potentially explosive atmosphere, area subject to explosion hazards
explosionsgefÀhrdeter Bereich; Ex-Bereich m
area with potentially explosive atmosphere; area subject to explosion hazards

Deutsche Explosionsstampfer Synonyme

Englische trench compactor; frog rammer Synonyme

trench  Bassalia  abri  abysm  abyss  abyssal zone  adit  air-raid shelter  approach  approach trench  aqueduct  arroyo  barge in  bathyal zone  benthos  bomb shelter  bombproof  bore  bottom  bottom glade  bottom waters  bottomless depths  bottoms  box canyon  breach  break  break in  break in upon  bunker  burrow  burst in  butt in  canal  canalization  canalize  canyon  carve  cave  cavity  chamfer  channel  channelize  chap  charge in  chasm  check  chimney  chink  chisel  cleave  cleft  cleuch  clough  col  concealment  conduct  conduit  convey  corrugate  coulee  couloir  countermine  coupure  course  cover  covert  coverture  crack  cranny  crash  crash in  crash the gates  creep in  crevasse  crevice  crimp  crowd in  cut  cut apart  cut in  cwm  cyclone cellar  dado  dale  defile  dell  delve  dig  dig out  dike  dingle  ditch  donga  double sap  drain  draw  dredge  drill  drive  duct  dugout  earth  edge in  egress  elbow in  encroach  engrave  entrance  entrench  entrenchment  excavate  excavation  exit  fallout shelter  fault  fire trench  fissure  flaw  flume  flute  flying sap  foist in  fortified tunnel  fosse  foxhole  fracture  funk hole  funnel  furrow  gallery  gap  gape  gash  gill  glen  goffer  gorge  gouge  gouge out  groove  ground  grove  grub  gulch  gulf  gully  gutter  ha-ha  hole  horn in  impinge  impose  impose on  impose upon  incise  incision  infiltrate  infringe  ingress  inner space  insinuate  interfere  interlope  interpose  intervale  intervene  intrude  invade  irrupt  joint  kennel  kloof  leak  lower  lunar rill  mine  moat  notch  nullah  obtrude  ocean bottom  ocean depths  ocean floor  open  opening  parallel  pass  passage  passageway  pelagic zone  pipe  pleat  plow  press in  push in  put on  put through  put upon  quarry  rabbet  ravine  rent  rifle  rift  rime  rive  rupture  rush in  rut  safety zone  sap  scissure  scoop  scoop out  score  scrabble  scrape  scratch  seam  shelter  shovel  sink  siphon  slink in  s  
trench foot  Minamata disease  altitude sickness  anoxemia  anoxia  anoxic anoxia  anthrax  black lung  caisson disease  chilblain  decompression sickness  frostbite  immersion foot  itai  jet lag  lead poisoning  mercury poisoning  motion sickness  pneumoconiosis  radiation sickness  radionecrosis  red-out  sunstroke  the bends  
trench mouth  African lethargy  Asiatic cholera  Chagres fever  German measles  Haverhill fever  acute articular rheumatism  ague  alkali disease  amebiasis  amebic dysentery  anthrax  bacillary dysentery  bastard measles  black death  black fever  blackwater fever  breakbone fever  brucellosis  bubonic plague  cachectic fever  cerebral rheumatism  chicken pox  cholera  cowpox  dandy fever  deer fly fever  dengue  dengue fever  diphtheria  dumdum fever  dysentery  elephantiasis  encephalitis lethargica  enteric fever  erysipelas  famine fever  five-day fever  flu  frambesia  glandular fever  grippe  hansenosis  hepatitis  herpes  herpes simplex  herpes zoster  histoplasmosis  hookworm  hydrophobia  infantile paralysis  infectious mononucleosis  inflammatory rheumatism  influenza  jail fever  jungle rot  kala azar  kissing disease  lepra  leprosy  leptospirosis  loa loa  loaiasis  lockjaw  madness  malaria  malarial fever  marsh fever  measles  meningitis  milzbrand  mumps  ornithosis  osteomyelitis  paratyphoid fever  parotitis  parrot fever  pertussis  pneumonia  polio  poliomyelitis  polyarthritis rheumatism  ponos  psittacosis  rabbit fever  rabies  rat-bite fever  relapsing fever  rheumatic fever  rickettsialpox  ringworm  rubella  rubeola  scarlatina  scarlet fever  schistosomiasis  septic sore throat  shingles  sleeping sickness  sleepy sickness  smallpox  snail fever  splenic fever  spotted fever  strep throat  swamp fever  tetanus  thrush  tinea  trench fever  tuberculosis  tularemia  typhoid  typhoid fever  typhus  typhus fever  undulant fever  vaccinia  varicella  variola  venereal disease  viral dysentery  whooping cough  yaws  yellow fever  yellow jack  zona  zoster  
trenchant  acerb  acerbate  acerbic  acid  acidic  acidulent  acidulous  acrid  acrimonious  active  acute  aggressive  animated  apperceptive  appercipient  argute  asperous  astringent  astute  biting  bitter  brisk  caustic  clear-cut  cogent  corroding  corrosive  crisp  cutting  discerning  double-edged  driving  dynamic  edged  effective  energetic  enterprising  enthusiastic  escharotic  farseeing  farsighted  fierce  forceful  forcible  foreseeing  foresighted  forethoughted  forethoughtful  full of pep  go-go  gutsy  harsh  hearty  imperative  impetuous  impressive  incisive  ingoing  intense  irritating  keen  kinetic  lively  living  longheaded  longsighted  lusty  mettlesome  mordacious  mordant  nervous  nose-tickling  penetrating  peppy  perceptive  percipient  perspicacious  perspicuous  piercing  piquant  poignant  pointed  powerful  probing  provident  punchy  pungent  rigorous  robust  rough  sagacious  salty  sarcastic  sardonic  satiric  scalding  scathing  scorching  sensational  severe  sharp  sinewed  sinewy  slashing  smacking  snappy  sour  spanking  spirited  stabbing  stinging  strenuous  strident  striking  stringent  strong  take-charge  take-over  tart  telling  understanding  vehement  vibrant  vigorous  violent  virulent  vital  vitriolic  vivacious  vivid  withering  zestful  zesty  zippy  
trencherman  Brillat-Savarin  Lucullus  belly-god  board-and-roomer  boarder  bon vivant  cannibal  carnivore  connoisseur of food  consumer  cormorant  diner  diner-out  eater  eater-out  epicure  feeder  flesh-eater  fruitarian  gastronome  glutton  gorger  gormand  gormandizer  gourmand  gourmandizer  gourmet  grain-eater  graminivore  granivore  greedy eater  greedygut  greedyguts  guttler  herbivore  high liver  hog  hungry mouth  husky eater  lactovegetarian  luncher  man-eater  meat-eater  mouth  omnivore  omophagist  pantophagist  phytophage  picnicker  pig  plant-eater  predacean  trencherwoman  vegetarian  

Explosionsstampfer Definition

(n.) An amphibious animal of the genus Rana and related genera, of many species. Frogs swim rapidly, and take long leaps on land. Many of the species utter loud notes in the springtime.
(n.) The triangular prominence of the hoof, in the middle of the sole of the foot of the horse, and other animals
(n.) A supporting plate having raised ribs that form continuations of the rails, to guide the wheels where one track branches from another or crosses it.
(n.) An oblong cloak button, covered with netted thread, and fastening into a loop instead of a button hole.
(n.) The loop of the scabbard of a bayonet or sword.
(v. t.) To ornament or fasten (a coat, etc.) with trogs. See Frog, n., 4.
(n.) One who, or that which, rams or drives.
(n.) An instrument for driving anything with force
(n.) A rod for forcing down the charge of a gun
(n.) An implement for pounding the sand of a mold to render it compact.
(v. t.) To cut
(v. t.) To fortify by cutting a ditch, and raising a rampart or breastwork with the earth thrown out of the ditch
(v. t.) To cut furrows or ditches in
(v. t.) To dig or cultivate very deeply, usually by digging parallel contiguous trenches in succession, filling each from the next
(v. i.) To encroach
(v. i.) To have direction
(v. t.) A long, narrow cut in the earth
(v. t.) An alley
(v. t.) An excavation made during a siege, for the purpose of covering the troops as they advance toward the besieged place. The term includes the parallels and the approaches.
(v. t.) Alt. of Trench-plough
(v. t.) To plow with deep furrows, for the purpose of loosening the land to a greater depth than usual.

trench compactor; frog rammer / trench compactors; frog rammers Bedeutung

frog kick a swimming kick, knees are drawn upward and outward so the legs can be brought together when fully extended
trench warfare a type of armed combat in which the opposing troops fight from trenches that face each other, instead of the war ending quickly, it became bogged down in trench warfare
trench warfare a struggle (usually prolonged) between competing entities in which neither side is able to win, the hope that his superior campaigning skills would make a difference evaporated in the realization that electioneering had become a form of trench warfare
toad frog
any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping, semiaquatic and terrestrial species
true frog
insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs
wood frog
Rana sylvatica
wideanging light-brown frog of moist North American woodlands especially spruce
leopard frog
spring frog Rana pipiens
common North American green or brownish frog having white-edged dark oval spots
green frog
spring frog Rana clamitans
similar to bullfrog, found in or near marshes and ponds, of United States and Canada
cascades frog
Rana cascadae
mountain frog found near water, of United States Northwest to California
goliath frog
Rana goliath
largest living frog, up to a foot and weighing up tolbs, Africa
pickerel frog
Rana palustris
a meadow frog of eastern North America
tarahumara frog
Rana tarahumarae
Mexican frog found within a jump or two of water
grass frog
Rana temporaria
a common semiterrestrial European frog
leptodactylid frog
toothed frogs: terrestrial or aquatic or arboreal
robber frog small terrestrial frog of tropical America
barking frog
robber frog Hylactophryne augusti
of southwest United States and Mexico, call is like a dog's bark
tree frog tree-frog any of various Old World arboreal frogs distinguished from true frogs by adhesive suckers on the toes
tailed frog
bell toad
ribbed toad
tailed toad
Ascaphus trui
western North American frog with a taillike copulatory organ
tree toad
tree frog tree-frog
arboreal amphibians usually having adhesive disks at the tip of each toe, of southeast Asia and Australia and America
chameleon tree frog a form of tree toad
cricket frog either of two frogs with a clicking call
northern cricket frog
Acris crepitans
a cricket frog of eastern and central United States
eastern cricket frog
Acris gryllus
a cricket frog of eastern United States
chorus frog any of several small North American frogs having a loud call
lowland burrowing treefrog
northern casque-headed frog
Pternohyla fodiens
terrestrial burrowing nocturnal frog of grassy terrain and scrub forests having very hard upper surface of head, of the United States southwest
sheep frog mostly of Central America
tongueless frog almost completely aquatic frog native to Africa and Panama and northern South America
African clawed frog
Xenopus laevis
a tongueless frog native to Africa, established in the United States as result of release of laboratory and aquarium animals
horned lizard
horned toad horny frog
insectivorous lizard with hornlike spines on the head and spiny scales on the body, of western North America
approach trench
communication trench
a trench that provides protected passage between the rear and front lines of a defensive position
fire trench a trench especially constructed for the delivery of small-arms fire
frog a decorative loop of braid or cord
trench mortar
a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that fires shells at high elevations for a short range
rammer a tool for driving something with force
slit trench narrow trench for shelter in battle
trench a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth
trench any long ditch cut in the ground
trench coat a military style raincoat, belted with deep pockets
trench knife a knife with a double-edged blade for hand-to-hand fighting
frog legs hind legs of frogs used as food, resemble chicken and cooked as chicken
Atacama Trench a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile
Bougainville Trench a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean between New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
Japan Trench a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean to the northeast of Japan that reaches depths of , feet
oceanic abyss
a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor
a person of French descent
frog orchid Coeloglossum viride orchid having hooded long-bracted green to yellow-green flowers suffused with purple
frog orchid any of several green orchids of the genus Habenaria
family Hydrocharitaceae
family Hydrocharidaceae
frogbit family
frog's-bit family
simple nearly stemless freshwater aquatic plants, widely distributed
Hydrocharis morsusanae
European floating plant with roundish heart-shaped leaves and white flowers
frog's lettuce very similar to Potamogeton, of western Africa, Asia, and Europe
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