
Explosionstrauma Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Explosionstrauma n; Explosionsschock m med.
Explosionstrauma n; Explosionsschock m med.
Versicherung gegen Explosion
explosion insurance
Bombe f, Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben n
schmutzige Bombe, radiologische Waffe, Sprengsatz, der bei seiner Explosion radioaktives Material verteilt
(versteckte) Sprengbombe am Straßenrand
bomb, bombshell
dirty bomb, radiological dispersal device (RDD)
roadside bomb
Druckwelle f, Explosion f, Knall m
Druckwellen pl, Explosionen pl
Explosion einer Bombe
bomb blast
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Explosion f, Bruch m
burst, bursting
zur Explosion bringen, sprengen
zur Explosion bringend, sprengend
zur Explosion gebracht, gesprengt
to detonate
Windstoss, Explosion, schlagen, sprengen, vernichten
Explosion, Bruch, platzen, zum Platzen bringen
zur Explosion bringen, sprengen
to detonate
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Bombenexplosion f
bomb explosion
zur Explosion bringen; sprengen
zur Explosion bringend; sprengend
zur Explosion gebracht; gesprengt
to detonate
Kraft f; StÀrke f; Wucht f phys.
KrÀfte pl
die elektromagnetische Kraft
parallel verschobene Kraft
Scheinkraft f
Die SI-Einheit der Kraft ist das Newton.
die Wucht der Explosion
Kraft ausĂŒben
Ă€ußere Kraft f
eingeprÀgte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f; verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller Ă€ußeren KrĂ€fte
the electromagnetic force
transposed force
fictitious force
The SI unit of force is the newton.
the force of the explosion
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
(glĂŒcklicher) Zufall m; GlĂŒcksfall m; GlĂŒck n
durch einen glĂŒcklichen Zufall
ein seltener GlĂŒcksfall
Das dritte Tor war ein Zufallstreffer.
Ihr zweiter Meistertitel beweist dass ihr erster kein reiner Zufall kein reines GlĂŒck war.
Es war reiner Zufall reines GlĂŒck dass bei der Explosion niemand verletzt wurde.
Durch einen seltsamen Zufall sind wir dann beide bei derselben Firma gelandet.
by a fluke
a rare fluke
The third goal was a fluke.
Her second championship shows that the first one was no mere fluke.
It was a sheer fluke that no one was hurt in the blast.
By some strange fluke we ended up working for the same company.
etw. auslösen; etw. in Gang setzen v
eine Explosion auslösen
to set off () sth.
to set off an explosion
jdn. etw. in einem bestimmten Zustand zurĂŒcklassen
Der Vorfall hinterließ bei ihr ein GefĂŒhl der KrĂ€nkung.
Dann habe ich ja Zeit zum Einkaufen.
Vorige Woche hatte ich eine ErkĂ€ltung von der ein Husten zurĂŒckblieb von der ich den Husten behielt.
Auf der Speisekarte ist dieses Gericht als mĂ€ĂŸig scharf beschrieben sodass ich mich frage wie dann wohl "sehr scharf" schmecken wĂŒrde.
Durch seinen Tod geriet sie in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten.
Durch das neue Gesetz hat sich die Lage fĂŒr viele Leute verschlechtert.
Bei der Explosion kam ein Arbeiter ums Leben und vier wurden verletzt.
Nach dem Verkehrsunfall war ihr Gesicht entstellt.
to leave sb. sth. (in a certain condition)
The incident left her feeling hurt.
This leaves me free to go shopping.
I had a cold last week and was left with a cough.
The menu describes this dish as medium hot which leaves me wondering what a very hot dish would taste like.
His death left her with financial problems.
The new law has left many people worse off.
The explosion left one worker dead and four injured.
The road accident left her face disfigured.
etw. (in die Luft) sprengen; etw. zersprengen; etw. zur Explosion bringen
sprengend; zersprengend; zur Explosion bringend
gesprengt; zersprengt; zur Explosion gebracht
to blow {blew; blown} sth. up
blowing up
blown up
ungenau; vage; grob adj
ungenauer; vager
am ungenauesten; am vagesten
Ich habe nur eine ungenaue vage Vorstellung wie es funktioniert.
Die Angaben zu dem Unfall sind noch etwas vage.
Bisher liegen uns nur ungenaue Angaben ĂŒber die Ursache der Explosion vor.
Er gab uns nur einen groben Bericht ĂŒber seinen Besuch.
I have only a sketchy idea of how it works.
The details about the accident are still a little sketchy.
So far we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.
He gave us only a sketchy account of his visit.
Nach einer Explosion Schwaden nicht einatmen. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Avoid breathing the fumes if an explosion occurs. (safety note)
kambrische Artenexplosion f; kambrische Explosion f; kambrische Radiation f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
Cambrian explosion of animal life; Cambrian explosion; Cambrian radiation (evolutionary biology)
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Bombenexplosion f
Gasexplosion f
Gruppenexplosion f
Mehrfachexplosion f
Versuchsexplosion f
verschleierte Explosionen mil.
Explosion mit Kraterbildung
Explosion mit niedrigem Detonationswert
bomb explosion
gas explosion
group explosion
multiple explosion
test explosion
evasive explosions
cratering explosion
low-yield explosion
Grubenluft f; Wetter pl min.
Brandwetter n; brandige Wetter; detonierende Wetter; wildes Feuer; feurige Schwaden; Nachschwaden (nach einem Grubenbrand oder einer Explosion)
explosive Grubenluft; explosive Wetter
faulige Wetter (Grubenluft mit Schwefelwasserstoff)
Frischwetter n; frische Wetter; gute Wetter
Giftwetter n; giftige Wetter; böse Wetter (Grubenluft mit Kohlenmonoxid)
Schlagwetter n; schlagende Wetter (Grubengas mit Methan)
Stickwetter n; erstickende Wetter; matte Wetter (Grubenluft mit Kohlendioxid)
Schlagwetter löschen
mine atmosphere; mine air; air
afterdamp; fumes (after a fire or an explosion in a mine)
explosive mine atmosphere
foul air; stink damp (mine air containing hydrogen sulphide)
fresh mine air; fresh intake air; good intake air
noxious air; white damp (mine air containing carbon monoxide)
sharp gas; firedamp; fulminating damp rare; dirt Br. (mine gas containing methane)
choke damp; black damp; dead air (mine air containing carbon dioxide)
to douse firedamp; to dowse firedamp
Knall m (einer Schusswaffe Explosion) mil.
report (loud noise of a gun explosion)
Kraft f; StÀrke f; Wucht f phys.
KrÀfte pl
die elektromagnetische Kraft
parallel verschobene Kraft
Scheinkraft f
Spitzenkraft f
die Wucht der Explosion
Kraft ausĂŒben
Ă€ußere Kraft f
eingeprÀgte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f; verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller Ă€ußeren KrĂ€fte
Die SI-Einheit der Kraft ist das Newton.
the electromagnetic force
transposed force
fictitious force
peak force
the force of the explosion
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
The SI unit of force is the newton.
Supernova f (Explosion eines massereichen Sterns) astron.
Supernovae pl; SupernovÀ pl
supernova (explosion of a massive star)
supernovae; supernovas
(glĂŒcklicher) Zufall m; GlĂŒcksfall m; GlĂŒck n
durch einen glĂŒcklichen Zufall
ein seltener GlĂŒcksfall
Das dritte Tor war ein Zufallstreffer.
Ihr zweiter Meistertitel beweist, dass ihr erster kein reiner Zufall kein reines GlĂŒck war.
Es war reiner Zufall reines GlĂŒck, dass bei der Explosion niemand verletzt wurde.
Durch einen seltsamen Zufall sind wir dann beide bei derselben Firma gelandet.
by a fluke
a rare fluke
The third goal was a fluke.
Her second championship shows that the first one was no mere fluke.
It was a sheer fluke that no one was hurt in the blast.
By some strange fluke we ended up working for the same company.
etw. einschließen; umgrenzen; abschotten; verdĂ€mmen v
einschließend; umgrenzend; abschottend; verdĂ€mmend
eingeschlossen; umgrenzt; abgeschottet; verdÀmmt
Explosion einer verdÀmmten Ladung mil.
to confine sth.
confined explosion
jdn. etw. in einem bestimmten Zustand zurĂŒcklassen v
Der Vorfall hinterließ bei ihr ein GefĂŒhl der KrĂ€nkung.
Dann habe ich ja Zeit zum Einkaufen.
Vorige Woche hatte ich eine ErkĂ€ltung, von der ein Husten zurĂŒckblieb von der ich den Husten behielt.
Auf der Speisekarte ist dieses Gericht als mĂ€ĂŸig scharf beschrieben, sodass ich mich frage, wie dann wohl „sehr scharf“ schmecken wĂŒrde.
Durch seinen Tod geriet sie in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten.
Durch das neue Gesetz hat sich die Lage fĂŒr viele Leute verschlechtert.
Bei der Explosion kam ein Arbeiter ums Leben und vier wurden verletzt.
Nach dem Verkehrsunfall war ihr Gesicht entstellt.
to leave sb. sth. (in a certain condition)
The incident left her feeling hurt.
This leaves me free to go shopping.
I had a cold last week and was left with a cough.
The menu describes this dish as medium hot, which leaves me wondering what a very hot dish would taste like.
His death left her with financial problems.
The new law has left many people worse off.
The explosion left one worker dead and four injured.
The road accident left her face disfigured.
etw. (in die Luft) sprengen; etw. zersprengen; etw. zur Explosion bringen v
sprengend; zersprengend; zur Explosion bringend
gesprengt; zersprengt; zur Explosion gebracht
to blow {blew; blown} sth. up
blowing up
blown up
ungenau; vage; grob adj
ungenauer; vager
am ungenauesten; am vagesten
Ich habe nur eine ungenaue vage Vorstellung, wie es funktioniert.
Die Angaben zu dem Unfall sind noch etwas vage.
Bisher liegen uns nur ungenaue Angaben ĂŒber die Ursache der Explosion vor.
Er gab uns nur einen groben Bericht ĂŒber seinen Besuch.
I have only a sketchy idea of how it works.
The details about the accident are still a little sketchy.
So far we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.
He gave us only a sketchy account of his visit.
atmosphÀrisch adj (die ErdatmophÀre betreffend) meteo. phys.
Meteoren-Explosionen in der ErdatmosphÀre
Atomwaffenversuche in der ErdatmosphÀre
atmospheric; atmospherical
atmospheric meteor explosions
atmopheric nuclear weapon testing
atmosphÀrisch adj (die ErdatmosphÀre betreffend) meteo. phys.
Meteoren-Explosionen in der ErdatmosphÀre
Atomwaffenversuche in der ErdatmosphÀre
atmospheric; atmospherical
atmospheric meteor explosions
atmopheric nuclear weapon testing
explosiv adj; Explosions...; Spreng.... mil.
am explosivsten
nicht explosiv
ein hochexplosives Gas
In trockenem Zustand explosionsgefÀhrlich. (Gefahrenhinweis)
more explosive
most explosive
a highly explosive gas
Explosive when dry. (hazard note)
Explosions- und Brandgase nicht einatmen. (Sicherheitshinweis)
In case of fire and or explosion do not breathe fumes. (safety note)
explosiv adj; Explosions
; Spreng
am explosivsten
nicht explosiv
ein hochexplosives Gas
In trockenem Zustand explosionsgefÀhrlich. (Gefahrenhinweis)
more explosive
most explosive
a highly explosive gas
Explosive when dry. (hazard note)
Explosionszeichnung f, Explosionsansicht f
exploded view
Explosionsansicht f; Perspektivschnitt m (Zeichnen)
exploded view; blown-up view (drawing)
explosiv, explosionsartig adj
am explosivsten
nicht explosiv
more explosive
most explosive
kometenhaft; explosionsartig adv
explosionsartig steigen
to rise meteorically
explosionsartig adv auch ĂŒbtr.
explosively {adv} also fig.
explosionsartig adj auch ĂŒbtr.
explosive {adj} also fig.
explosionsartig adj (auch ĂŒbtr.)
explosive (also fig.)
explosionsartig adv ĂŒbtr.
explosionsartig ansteigen
explosively fig.
to grow explosively
Explosionsdarstellung f, Explosionsbild n (Darstellungsart)
Explosionsdarstellungen pl, Explosionsbilder pl
exploded view, exploded diagram
exploded views, exploded diagrams
Explosionsdarstellung f; Explosionsbild n (Darstellungsart)
Explosionsdarstellungen pl; Explosionsbilder pl
exploded view; exploded diagram
exploded views; exploded diagrams
Explosionszeichnung f; Explosionsdarstellung f (Darstellung in aufgelösten Einzelteilen)
Explosionszeichnungen pl; Explosionsdarstellungen pl
exploded view drawing; blown-up drawing
exploded view drawings; blown-up drawings
Explosionsdruck m; Gasschlag m mil.
Explosionsdruck m techn.
explosion pressure
explosionsdruckerzeugende Waffe f mil.
blast weapon
Explosionsdruckschutz m
blast protection
Explosionsdruckwelle f; Druckwelle f; Detonationswelle f
Explosionsdruckwellen pl; Druckwellen pl; Detonationswellen pl
detonation wave; blast wave
detonation waves; blast waves
Explosionsdruckwirkung f; Explosionswirkung f
blast effect
Beim ErwÀrmen explosionsfÀhig. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Heating may cause an explosion. (hazard note)
Mit und ohne Luft explosionsfÀhig. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Explosive with or without contact with air. (hazard note)
Dampf-Luftgemisch Gas-Luftgemisch explosionsfÀhig. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Vapour-air mixture Gas-air mixture explosive. (hazard note)
Dampf-Luftgemisch Gas-Luftgemisch explosionsfÀhig. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Vapour-air mixture Gas-air mixture explosive. (hazard note)
Kann explosionsfÀhige Peroxide bilden. (Gefahrenhinweis)
May form explosive peroxides. (hazard note)
Von explosionsfÀhigen Stoffen fernhalten. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Keep away from explosive substances. (safety note)
Bei Gebrauch Bildung explosionsfĂ€higer leicht entzĂŒndlicher Dampf-Luftgemische möglich. (Gefahrenhinweis)
In use may form flammable explosive vapour-air mixture. (hazard note)
Bei Gebrauch Bildung explosionsfĂ€higer leicht entzĂŒndlicher Dampf-Luftgemische möglich. (Gefahrenhinweis)
In use, may form flammable explosive vapour-air mixture. (hazard note)
explosionsgefÀhrdeter Bereich, Ex-Bereich m
area with potentially explosive atmosphere, area subject to explosion hazards
explosionsgefÀhrdeter Bereich; Ex-Bereich m
area with potentially explosive atmosphere; area subject to explosion hazards

Deutsche Explosionstrauma Synonyme

Englische shell-shock Synonyme

Explosionstrauma Definition

(n.) One of the sessile cirripeds
Argus shell
() A species of shell (Cypraea argus), beautifully variegated with spots resembling those in a peacock's tail.
Ark shell
() A marine bivalve shell belonging to the genus Arca and its allies.
Boat shell
() A marine gastropod of the genus Crepidula. The species are numerous. It is so named from its form and interior deck.
Boat shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Cymba.
Bubble shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Bulla and allied genera, belonging to the Tectibranchiata.
(n.) A flattened marine univalve shell of the genus Haliotis
(n.) A marine univalve shell of the genus Pyrula, or Ficula, resembling a fig in form.
Goroon shell
() A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell (Triton femorale).
(a.) Unyielding
Ioqua shell
() The shell of a large Dentalium (D. pretiosum), formerly used as shell money, and for ornaments, by the Indians of the west coast of North America.
Maara shell
() A large, pearly, spiral, marine shell (Turbo margaritaceus), from the Pacific Islands. It is used as an ornament.
(n.) A chiton.
Mask shell
() Any spiral marine shell of the genus Persona, having a curiously twisted aperture.
(n.) A small British and American pond snail (Bulinus hypnorum).
(n.) Any one of numerous species of small white polished marine shells of the genus Olivella.
(n.) A hard outside covering, as of a fruit or an animal.
(n.) The covering, or outside part, of a nut
(n.) A pod.
(n.) The hard covering of an egg.
(n.) The hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of mollusks, crustaceans, and some other invertebrates. In some mollusks, as the cuttlefishes, it is internal, or concealed by the mantle. Also, the hard covering of some vertebrates, as the armadillo, the tortoise, and the like.
(n.) Hence, by extension, any mollusks having such a covering.
(n.) A hollow projectile, of various shapes, adapted for a mortar or a cannon, and containing an explosive substance, ignited with a fuse or by percussion, by means of which the projectile is burst and its fragments scattered. See Bomb.
(n.) The case which holds the powder, or charge of powder and shot, used with breechloading small arms.
(n.) Any slight hollow structure
(n.) A coarse kind of coffin
(n.) An instrument of music, as a lyre, -- the first lyre having been made, it is said, by drawing strings over a tortoise shell.
(n.) An engraved copper roller used in print works.
(n.) The husks of cacao seeds, a decoction of which is often used as a substitute for chocolate, cocoa, etc.
(n.) The outer frame or case of a block within which the sheaves revolve.
(n.) A light boat the frame of which is covered with thin wood or with paper
(v. t.) To strip or break off the shell of
(v. t.) To separate the kernels of (an ear of Indian corn, wheat, oats, etc.) from the cob, ear, or husk.
(v. t.) To throw shells or bombs upon or into
(v. i.) To fall off, as a shell, crust, etc.
(v. i.) To cast the shell, or exterior covering
(v. i.) To be disengaged from the ear or husk
(n.) Alt. of Shellac
(a.) Having no shell.
(n.) A pile or assemblage of sheaves of grain, as wheat, rye, or the like, set up in a field, the sheaves varying in number from twelve to sixteen
(n.) A lot consisting of sixty pieces
(v. t.) To collect, or make up, into a shock or shocks
(v. i.) To be occupied with making shocks.
(n.) A quivering or shaking which is the effect of a blow, collision, or violent impulse
(n.) A sudden agitation of the mind or feelings
(n.) A sudden depression of the vital forces of the entire body, or of a port of it, marking some profound impression produced upon the nervous system, as by severe injury, overpowering emotion, or the like.
(n.) The sudden convulsion or contraction of the muscles, with the feeling of a concussion, caused by the discharge, through the animal system, of electricity from a charged body.
(v.) To give a shock to
(v.) To strike with surprise, terror, horror, or disgust
(v. i.) To meet with a shock

shell-shock Bedeutung

shock therapy
shock treatment
treatment of certain psychotic states by the administration of shocks that are followed by convulsions
insulin shock
insulin shock therapy
insulin shock treatment
the administration of sufficient insulin to induce convulsions and coma
metrazol shock
metrazol shock therapy
metrazol shock treatment
the administration of sufficient Metrazol to induce convulsions and coma
shell game
a swindling sleight-of-hand game, victim guesses which of three things a pellet is under
electric shock
electrical shock
a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body, subjects received a small electric shock when they made the wrong response, electricians get accustomed to occasional shocks
shell collecting
the collection and study of mollusc shells
electric shock the use of electricity to administer punishment or torture, they used cattle prods to administer electric shocks
shock impact the violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat, the armies met in the shock of battle
grass parakeet
lovebird shell parakeet
Melopsittacus undulatus
small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
shell cuticle
shield a
hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
shell the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc or a brachiopod
scallop shell a shell of a scallop
oyster shell a shell of an oyster
tooth shell
tusk shell
any of various seashore mollusks having a tapering tubular shell open at each end and a foot pointed like a spade for burrowing
any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior
scorpion shell any of numerous tropical marine snails that as adults have the outer lip of the aperture produced into a series of long curved spines
moon shell
marine gastropods having smooth rounded shells that form short spires
bubble shell marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell
coat-of-mail shell
sea cradle
primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates
soft-shell clam
steamer clam
long-neck clam
Mya arenaria
an edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe
hard-shell clam
hard clam
round clam
Venus mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
an edible American clam, the heavy shells were used as money by some American Indians
ark shell marine bivalve mollusk having a heavy toothed shell with a deep boat-like inner surface
hard-shell crab edible crab that has not recently molted and so has a hard shell
soft-shell crab
soft-shelled crab
edible crab that has recently molted and not yet formed its new shell
lamp shell
marine animal with bivalve shell having a pair of arms bearing tentacles for capturing food, found worldwide
artillery shell a shell fired by artillery
dummy blank shell
a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
gas shell (military) bomb consisting of an explosive projectile filled with a toxic gas that is released when the bomb explodes
mess jacket
monkey jacket
shell jacket
waist-length jacket tapering to a point at the back, worn by officers in the mess for formal dinners
plate scale shell a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
racing skiff
single shell
a shell for a single oarsman
shell ammunition consisting of a cylindrical metal casing containing an explosive charge and a projectile, fired from a large gun
shell case casing the housing or outer covering of something, the clock has a walnut case
shell racing shell a very light narrow racing boat
shell plating the plates covering the frame of a steel ship and corresponding to the planking of a wooden ship
shell stitch a crochet stitch
shock absorber
a mechanical damper, absorbs energy of sudden impulses, the old car needed a new set of shocks
shotgun shell a shell containing lead shot, used in shotguns
sugar spoon
sugar shell
a spoon for serving sugar, often made in the shape of a seashell
tank shell a shell fired by the cannon on a tank
whizbang whizzbang whizbang shell a small high-velocity shell, it makes a whizzing sound followed by a bang when it hits
culture shock a condition of disorientation affecting someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes
star shell an artillery shell containing an illuminant
shock blow an unpleasant or disappointing surprise, it came as a shock to learn that he was injured
a sudden jarring impact, the door closed with a jolt, all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers
shock wave
blast wave
a region of high pressure travelling through a gas at a high velocity, the explosion created a shock wave
seismic disturbance
an instance of agitation of the earth's crust, the first shock of the earthquake came shortly after noon while workers were at lunch
shock stupor
the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally, his mother's death left him in a daze, he was numb with shock
pie crust
pie shell
pastry used to hold pie fillings
patty shell
shell of puff paste
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