
Fahrbahnrost Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Fahrbahnrost m; Fahrbahngerippe f (Brücke) constr.
floor grid; floor framing; floor skeleton (bridge)
Fahrbahnrost m; Fahrbahngerippe f (Brücke) constr.
floor grid; floor framing; floor skeleton (bridge)
Fahrbahn f
Fahrbahn f
Fahrbahnen pl
Fahrbahn f, Laufbahn f (beim Kran)
Fahrbahnen pl, Laufbahnen pl
Reifen-Fahrbahn-Geräusch n
tyre noise
Reibbeiwert m der Fahrbahn
coefficient of friction
Ansteigen n; Geländeanstieg m; Steigung f; ansteigendes Gelände n; ansteigender Verlauf m geogr.
Anstieg des Festlandrands
ein leichtes Ansteigen der Fahrbahn
incline; upward slope; upgrade Am.
rise of the continental margin
a slight upgrade in the roadway
Fahrbahn f; Laufbahn f (beim Kran)
Fahrbahnen pl; Laufbahnen pl
runway (crane)
Fahrbahn f; Fahrdamm m auto
Fahrbahnen pl; Fahrdämme pl
falsche Fahrbahn
unebene Fahrbahn
verengte Fahrbahn
Fahrbahn mit drei Fahrstreifen
von der Fahrbahn abkommen
plötzlich auf die Fahrbahn laufen
roadway; road
roadways; roads
wrong side of the road
uneven bumpy road
narrow road
three-lane roadway
to come run off the road
to make a dash into the road
Fahrradstreifen m; Radfahrstreifen m; Velostreifen m Schw. (auf der Fahrbahn) auto
on-road cycle path Br.; cycle lane Br.; bike lane Am.
Kabelschacht m; Kabelbrunnen m electr. telco.
Kabelschächte pl; Kabelbrunnen pl
Fahrbahn-Kabelschacht m
cable pit; cable shaft; cable manhole
cable pits; cable shafts; cable manholes
carriageway manhole
Schnellstraße f; mehrspurige Fahrbahn f auto
Schnellstraßen pl; mehrspurige Fahrbahnen pl
dual carriageway Br.; divided highway Am.
dual carriageways; divided highways
Weg m; Pfad m; Stecke f geogr. übtr.
feste Fahrbahn
slab track
obenliegende Fahrbahn f (Brücke) constr.
upper deck (bridge)
Ansteigen n; Steigung f; ansteigender Verlauf m (von etw.) geogr. constr.
Anstieg des Festlandrands
ein leichtes Ansteigen der Fahrbahn
incline; upgrade Am. (of sth.)
rise of the continental margin
a slight upgrade in the roadway
Fahren n auf abgetrennter getrennter Fahrbahn; Verkehr m auf eigener Fahrbahn (Bahn)
running on right of way; transport on right of way (railway)
Fahrbahn f; Fahrdamm m auto
Fahrbahnen pl; Fahrdämme pl
falsche Fahrbahn
unebene Fahrbahn
verengte Fahrbahn
Fahrbahn mit einem zwei drei Fahrstreifen; einspurige zweispurige dreispurige Fahrbahn
von der Fahrbahn abkommen
plötzlich auf die Fahrbahn laufen
roadway; road
roadways; roads
wrong side of the road
uneven bumpy road
narrow road
single-lane two-lane three-lane roadway
to come run off the road
to make a dash into the road
Gehweg m Dt.; Bürgersteig m Dt.; Gehsteig m Bayr. Ös.; Trottoir n Süddt. Schw. (neben der Fahrbahn) auto
Gehwege pl; Bürgersteige pl; Gehsteige pl; Trottoirs pl
pavement Br.; footpath Br.; sidewalk Am. (alongside the roadway)
pavements; footpaths; sidewalks
Mittelstrich m; Mittellinie f (auf der Fahrbahn) auto
Mittelstriche pl; Mittellinien pl
centre line Br.; centerline Am. (centre-line) (centreline) (center-line) (center line)
centre lines; centerlines
Wanne f (im Höhenverlauf der Fahrbahn) auto
von der Fahrbahn abkommen v auto
von der Fahrbahn abkommend
von der Fahrbahn abgekommen
vom Kurs abkommen
Der Bus kam von der Straße ab.
to swerve; to veer off the road
swerving; veering off the road
swerved; veered off the road
to veer off course
The bus swerved veered off the road.
griffig adj (Boden, Fahrbahn, Reifen)
anti-skidding; anti-skid; non-skid; non-slip
(von der Fahrbahn abkommen und) über gegen in einen Ort schlittern; an einen Ort geraten v auto
über gegen in einen Ort schlitternd; an einen Ort geratend
über gegen in einen Ort geschlittert; an einen Ort geraten
Das Auto scherte brach nach links aus
Er verlor die Kontrolle über sein Auto und schlitterte gegen einen Baum.
Der Lenker musste sein Fahrzeug verreißen.
Der Bus geriet auf die andere Straßenseite.
to swerve; to veer across towards into onto a place
swerving; veering across towards into onto a place
swerved; veered across towards into onto a place
The car veered to the left.
He lost control of the car and swerved towards a tree.
The driver was forced to veer sharply.
The bus veered onto the wrong side of the road.
Vollsperrung f (einer Fahrbahn)
full closure
Fahrbahnabdeckung f (Brücke) constr.
road surface; road carpet (bridge)
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinie f auto
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinien pl
roadside border line
roadside border lines
Straßenbelag m; Straßendecke f; Fahrbahnbelag m constr.
rutschiger Straßenbelag
glatte Straßenoberfläche f
road surface; topping; pavement; crust
slippery road surface
smooth road
Fahrbahnbelag m; Straßenbelag m; Straßendecke f (Straßenbau) constr.
Betonbelag m; Betonfahrbahn f; Betondecke f
rutschiger Straßenbelag
glatte Straßenoberfläche f
road surface; road topping; road pavement (road building)
concrete road pavement; concrete pavement; rigid pavement
slippery road surface
smooth road
Rüttelstreifen m (im Fahrbahnbelag) auto
rumble strip; sleeper line; audible line (in the road surface)
Fahrbahnbelastung f (Straßenbau) constr.
load on roadway (road building)
Fahrbahnbeleuchtung f auto
roadway illumination
Fahrbahnbreite f auto constr.
roadway width
(Straße) befestigen, mit Fahrbahndecke versehen v
befestigend, mit Fahrbahndecke versehend
befestigt, mit Fahrbahndecke versehen
to seal
Fahrbahndecke f; Fahrbahntafel f; Fahrbahnplatte f (Brückenbau) constr.
bridge deck; bridge floor; bridge plate; floor plate; floor slab
eine Straße chaussieren; makadamisieren; mit einer festen Fahrbahndecke versehen v (Straßenbau) constr.
to macadamize; to tarmac Br. a road
Fahrbahnentwässerung f (Brücke) constr.
road draining (bridge)
Fahrbahngeräusch n
road noise
Fahrbahnrost m; Fahrbahngerippe f (Brücke) constr.
floor grid; floor framing; floor skeleton (bridge)
Fahrbahnkontakt m auto
road feel
Fahrbahnmarkierung f
Fahrbahnmarkierungen pl
road marking
road markings
Fahrbahnmarkierung f auto
Fahrbahnmarkierungen pl
road marking; marking of roadway; marking of pavement Am.
road markings; markings of roadway; markings of pavement
Fahrbahnmarkierungsfarbe f auto
road marking paint
Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschine f auto
Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschinen pl
stripe painter; pavement marking machine Am.
stripe painters; pavement marking machines
Fahrbahnoberfläche f auto constr.
Fahrbahnoberflächen pl
travel surface
travel surfaces
Fahrbahnrand m auto constr.
Fahrbahnränder pl
road verge
road verges
Fahrbahnrand m (auf mehrspurigen Straßen) auto
Fahrbahnränder pl
edge of the lane (on multilane roads)
edges of the lane
Straßenrand m; Fahrbahnrand m (auf Überlandstraßen)
am Straßenrand
edge of the road; road verge (on highways)
on the edge of the road; on the road verge
jdm. etw. zu nahe kommen; zu dicht an jdn. etw. heranrücken; jdm. auf die Pelle rücken Norddt. Mitteldt. ugs. v
schon fast auf der Mittellinie fahren auto
schon fast auf dem Randstreifen fahren; viel zu nah am Fahrbahnrand fahren auto
Gehen Sie bitte ein Stück zurück. Sie sind mir zu nahe.
Halten Sie Abstand – es ist genug Platz.
to crowd sb. Am. (stand move too close to sb.)
to crowd the center line
to crowd the shoulder
Please move back. You're crowding me.
Stop crowding me Don't crowd me – there's plenty of room.
Fahrbahnschwelle f; Bremsschwelle f; Holperschwelle f; Rüttelschwelle f; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen auto
Fahrbahnschwellen pl; Bremsschwellen pl; Holperschwellen pl; Rüttelschwellen pl; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen
speed bump; speed hump Br.; sleeping policeman Br.
speed bumps; speed humps; sleeping policemen
Fahrbahnschwelle f; Bremsschwelle f; Holperschwelle f; Rüttelschwelle f; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen n auto
Fahrbahnschwellen pl; Bremsschwellen pl; Holperschwellen pl; Rüttelschwellen pl; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen pl
speed bump; speed hump Br.; sleeping policeman Br.; judder bar NZ
speed bumps; speed humps; sleeping policemen; judder bars
Absinken n; Absenkung f; Einsenkung f; Senkung f constr. geol.
Absenkungen pl; Einsekungen pl; Senkungen pl
gleichmäßiges Senkung
Einsenkungen in Bergwerksgebieten
die Senkung eines Bauwerks
Senkung durch Ablösung
Einsenkung des Hangenden min.
Fahrbahnsenkung f (Straßenbau)
Pfastereinsenkung f (Straßenbau)
regular subsidence
mining subsidence
the subsidence of a structure
solution subsidence
roof subsidence
carriageway subsidence Br.; roadway subsidence Am. (road building)
subsidence of pavement (road building)
Fahrbahnstabilität f
path firmness
Verkehrsinsel f; Fahrbahnteiler m auto
Verkehrsinseln pl; Fahrbahnteiler pl
Verkehrsinsel für Fußgänger; Fußgängerinsel f; Fußgängerschutzinsel f Ös. Schw.; Schutzinsel f Ös. Schw.
traffic island
traffic islands
pedestrian island; pedestrian refuge; street refuge Br.; safety island Am.
Fahrbahnträger m (Brücke) constr.
bridge beam; girder of a bridge (bridge)
Fahrbahnträgerbrücke f constr.
Fahrbahnträgerbrücken pl
platform girder bridge
platform girder bridges
Fahrbahnübergang m (Brücke) constr.
Fahrbahnübergänge pl
road joint (bridge)
road joints
Bodenwelle f; Fahrbahnunebenheit f auto
Bodenwellen pl; Fahrbahnunebenheiten pl
auf eine Bodenwelle auffahren
to hit a bump
Fahrbahnverengung f auto
Fahrbahnverengungen pl
Fahrbahnverengung! (Warnschild)
narrow section of road
narrow sections of road
Road narrows! (warning sign)
Spurwechsel m, Fahrbahnwechsel m
einfacher Fahrbahnwechsel
zweifacher Spurwechsel
change of lane, evasive lane change
evasive lane change
double lane change
Spurwechsel m; Fahrstreifenwechsel m; Fahrbahnwechsel m auto
Spurwechsel pl; Fahrstreifenwechsel pl; Fahrbahnwechsel pl
einfacher Spurwechsel
zweifacher Spurwechsel
plötzlicher Spurwechsel
Fahrstreifenwechsel ohne Blinkzeichen
change of lane; lane change manoeuvre; lane change
changes of lane; lane change manoeuvres; lane changes
single lane change
double lane change
abrupt lane change
unsignalled lane change

Deutsche Fahrbahnrost Synonyme

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Englische floor grid; floor framing; floor skeleton Synonyme

floor  addle  agora  amaze  amphitheater  answer  answer conclusively  arena  argue down  asphalt  astonish  astound  athletic field  auditorium  background  baffle  balcony  bamboozle  band  base  basement  basin  basis  bear garden  bearing wall  beat  bed  bedding  bedrock  belt  best  bewilder  billiard table  blacktop  blow down  blow over  boarding  boggle  border line  bottom  bottom price  bound  boundary  boundary condition  boundary line  bourn  bowl  bowl down  bowl over  bowling green  boxing ring  break boundary  breakoff point  bring down  buffalo  bull ring  bulldog  business index  campus  canvas  carpet  cast down  catafalque  causeway  ceiling  ceiling price  cement  channel  chop down  circumscription  circus  clerestory  cobblestone  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  compass  concrete  confine  confound  confuse  confute  conquer  consumer price index  contradict  controvert  cost-of-living index  couche  coulee  course  cover  crush  cut down  cutoff  cutoff point  dais  dash down  daze  dead flat  dead level  deadline  deck  defeat  delimitation  demand curve  demolish  deny  destroy  determinant  disconcert  dismiss  dispose of  division line  down  drop  drub  dumbfound  earth  emplacement  end  entresol  esplanade  estrade  extremity  fell  fetch down  field  finish  first floor  flag  flat  flatland  flatten  floor covering  floor price  flooring  fond  footing  forum  foundation  frontier  fuddle  fundament  fundamental  gallery  get  ground  ground floor  grounds  groundwork  gym  gymnasium  hall  hardpan  hedge  heliport  hew down  high-water mark  hippodrome  homaloid  horizontal  horizontal axis  horizontal fault  horizontal line  horizontal parallax  horizontal plane  horizontal projection  hustings  inflation  inflationary spiral  interface  keep in suspense  knock down  knock over  landing  landing pad  landing stage  launching pad  lay level  lay low  lay out  layer  ledge  level  level line  level plane  lick  limen  limit  limitation  
floored  addled  all up with  armored  at a loss  baffled  bamboozled  beat  beaten  bested  buffaloed  cased  ceiled  cloaked  clouded  coated  confounded  coped  covered  covert  cowled  curtained  dazed  defeated  discomfited  done for  done in  down  eclipsed  encapsulated  encapsuled  encased  enveloped  enwrapped  fallen  filmed  fixed  fuddled  hooded  hors de combat  housed  in a dilemma  in suspense  lambasted  lathered  licked  loricate  loricated  mantled  masked  muddled  muffled  mystified  nonplussed  obscured  occulted  on tenterhooks  on the skids  outdone  overborne  overcome  overmastered  overmatched  overpowered  overridden  overthrown  overturned  overwhelmed  packaged  panicked  paved  perplexed  put to rout  puzzled  roofed-in  routed  ruined  scattered  screened  scummed  settled  sheathed  shelled  shielded  shrouded  silenced  skinned  skinned alive  stampeded  stuck  stumped  swathed  tented  thrown  trimmed  trounced  under cover  undone  upset  veiled  walled  walled-in  whelmed  whipped  worsted  wrapped  
floorer  Chinese puzzle  baffling problem  brain twister  clincher  conclusive argument  crossword puzzle  crusher  crux  enigma  enigmatic question  finisher  jigsaw puzzle  knockdown argument  knot  knotty point  mind-boggler  mystery  nut to crack  perplexed question  perplexity  poser  problem  puzzle  puzzlement  puzzler  question  question mark  settler  sixty-four dollar question  sockdolager  sticker  stumper  tough proposition  vexed question  why  
flooring  adobe  ashlar  base  basement  basis  bearing wall  bed  bedding  bedrock  brick  bricks and mortar  carpet  carpeting  cement  clinker  concrete  cover  covering materials  deck  doormat  drop cloth  duckboards  earth  ferroconcrete  firebrick  flag  flagstone  floor  floor covering  floorboards  fond  footing  foundation  fundament  fundamental  ground  ground cloth  ground-sheet  grounds  groundwork  hardpan  lath and plaster  masonry  mat  mortar  parquet  pave  pavement  paving  paving material  plasters  prestressed concrete  principle  radical  riprap  rock bottom  roofage  roofing  rudiment  rug  seat  siding  sill  solid ground  solid rock  stereobate  stone  stylobate  substratum  substruction  substructure  surfacing  terra firma  tile  tiling  underbuilding  undercarriage  undergirding  underpinning  understruction  understructure  walling  welcome mat  
floorwalker  Big Brother  agent  auditor  boatswain  boss  chief  clerk  comptroller  controller  floor manager  floorman  foreman  gaffer  ganger  head  headman  inspector  monitor  noncommissioned officer  overman  overseer  proctor  sales agent  sales engineer  sales force  sales manager  sales personnel  salesclerk  salesgirl  saleslady  salesman  salespeople  salesperson  saleswoman  scalper  seller  selling agent  shop assistant  shop clerk  sirdar  slave driver  store clerk  straw boss  subforeman  super  superintendent  supervisor  surveyor  taskmaster  ticket scalper  visitor  

Fahrbahnrost Definition

(n.) A structure, usually of wood, stone, brick, or iron, erected over a river or other water course, or over a chasm, railroad, etc., to make a passageway from one bank to the other.
(n.) Anything supported at the ends, which serves to keep some other thing from resting upon the object spanned, as in engraving, watchmaking, etc., or which forms a platform or staging over which something passes or is conveyed.
(n.) The small arch or bar at right angles to the strings of a violin, guitar, etc., serving of raise them and transmit their vibrations to the body of the instrument.
(n.) A device to measure the resistance of a wire or other conductor forming part of an electric circuit.
(n.) A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc.
(v. t.) To build a bridge or bridges on or over
(v. t.) To open or make a passage, as by a bridge.
(v. t.) To find a way of getting over, as a difficulty
(n.) A bridge keeper
(n.) The principal ward of a key.
(n.) The bottom or lower part of any room
(n.) The structure formed of beams, girders, etc., with proper covering, which divides a building horizontally into stories. Floor in sense 1 is, then, the upper surface of floor in sense 2.
(n.) The surface, or the platform, of a structure on which we walk or travel
(n.) A story of a building. See Story.
(n.) The part of the house assigned to the members.
(n.) The right to speak.
(n.) That part of the bottom of a vessel on each side of the keelson which is most nearly horizontal.
(n.) The rock underlying a stratified or nearly horizontal deposit.
(n.) A horizontal, flat ore body.
(v. t.) To cover with a floor
(v. t.) To strike down or lay level with the floor
(v. t.) To finish or make an end of
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Frame
(n.) The act, process, or style of putting together a frame, or of constructing anything
(n.) A framework, or a sy/ of frames.
(n.) A grating of thin parallel bars, similar to a gridiron.
(n.) The bony and cartilaginous framework which supports the soft parts of a vertebrate animal.
(n.) The more or less firm or hardened framework of an invertebrate animal.
(n.) A very thin or lean person.
(n.) The framework of anything
(n.) The heads and outline of a literary production, especially of a sermon.
(a.) Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton
(n.) That part of the skeleton connected with the sense organs and the viscera.
Water bridge
() See Water table.
Wheatstone's bridge
() See under Bridge.

floor grid; floor framing; floor skeleton (bridge) Bedeutung

bridge any of various card games based on whist for four players
bridge whist the earliest form of bridge, the dealer could name the trump suit
auction auction bridge a variety of bridge in which tricks made in excess of the contract are scored toward game, now generally superseded by contract bridge
contract contract bridge a variety of bridge in which the bidder receives points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid
floor show
a series of acts at a night club
framing formulation of the plans and important details, the framing of judicial decrees
skeleton shrimp small amphipod crustacean having a grotesque form suggestive of the praying mantis, found chiefly on seaweed
Angostura Bridge a suspension bridge across the Orinoco River at Ciudad Bolivar
Bailey bridge a temporary bridge designed for rapid construction
Baton Rouge Bridge a cantilever bridge across the Mississippi at Baton Rouge
Bayonne Bridge a steel arch bridge connecting New Jersey and Staten Island at Bayonne, New Jersey
Benjamin Franklin Bridge a suspension bridge across the Delaware River
Bosporus Bridge a suspension bridge across the Bosporus at Istanbul
a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.
bridge bridge deck an upper deck where a ship is steered and the captain stands
bridge nosepiece the link between two lenses, rests on the nose
bridge bridgework a denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth
bridge a wooden support that holds the strings up
bridge bridge circuit a circuit consisting of two branches ( arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a meter is connected
Bronx-Whitestone Bridge a suspension bridge across the East River in New York City
Brooklyn Bridge a suspension bridge across the East River in New York City, opened in
cantilever bridge bridge constructed of two cantilevers that meet in the middle
cattle guard
cattle grid
a bridge over a ditch consisting of parallel metal bars that allow pedestrians and vehicles to pass, but not cattle
Commodore John Barry Bridge a cantilever bridge in Chester, Pennsylvania
covered bridge a bridge whose passageway is protected by a roof and enclosing sides
dance floor a bare floor polished for dancing
Delaware Memorial Bridge a suspension bridge across the Delaware River
lift bridge
a bridge that can be raised to block passage or to allow boats or ships to pass beneath it
the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure), they needed rugs to cover the bare floors, we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent
floor level storey
a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale, what level is the office on?
floor trading floor a large room in a exchange where the trading is done, he is a floor trader
floor the legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business, there was a motion from the floor
floor board
a board in the floor
floor cover
floor covering
a covering for a floor
floor joist joist that supports a floor
floor lamp a lamp that stands on the floor
floor plan scale drawing of a horizontal section through a building at a given level, contrasts with elevation
fly gallery
fly floor
a narrow raised platform at the side of a stage in a theater, stagehands can work the ropes controlling equipment in the flies
flying bridge
fly bridge
monkey bridge
the highest navigational bridge on a ship, a small (often open) deck above the pilot house
pedestrian bridge
a bridge designed for pedestrians
a framework that supports and protects a picture or a mirror, the frame enhances but is not itself the subject of attention, the frame was much more valuable than the miror it held
George Washington Bridge a suspension bridge across the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey
Golden Gate Bridge a suspension bridge across the Golden Gate
Greater New Orleans Bridge twin cantilever bridges across the Mississippi at New Orleans
a cooking utensil of parallel metal bars, used to grill fish or meat
grid control grid an electrode placed between the cathode and anode of a vacuum tube to control the flow of electrons through the tube
grid storage-battery grid a perforated or corrugated metal plate used in a storage battery as a conductor and support for the active material
reference grid a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines that provide coordinates for locating points on an image or a map
ground floor
first floor
ground level
the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building
Humber Bridge a suspension bridge at Hull, England, , feet long
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