
Fermi Dirac Statistik Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Fermi-Dirac-Statistik f; Fermi-Statistik f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi-Dirac statistics; Fermi statistics (nuclear engineering)
amtliche Statistik
official statistics
saisonbereinigte Statistik
seasonally adjusted statistics
Statistik der Bevölkerungsentwicklung
vital statistics
Statistik der Erwerbstätigkeit
employment statistics
Dirac-Impuls m math.
Erhebungsgrundlage f (Statistik)
Statistik f
Statistiken pl
angewandte Statistik
statistics, stat
applied statistics
angewandte Statistik
applied statistics
Femtometer n; Fermi f (veraltet) phys. fm (Längenmaß) n
femtometre Br.; femtometer Am.; fermi phys. fm (unit of length)
Fermion n; Fermi-Teilchen n (Elementarteilchen mit halbzahligem Spin) phys.
Fermionen pl; Fermi-Teilchen pl
fermion (elementary particle with half-integer spin)
Fermi'sche Alterstheorie f phys.
Fermi age theory
Fermi-Alter n (Kerntechnik)
Fermi age; neutron age (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Alter-Gleichung f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi age equation (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Diagramm n (Kerntechnik)
Fermi plot; Kurie plot (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Dirac-Sommerfeld-Geschwindigkeitsverteilungsgesetz f; FDS-Gesetz n phys.
Fermi-Dirac-Sommerfeld law; FDS law
Fermi-Dirac-Statistik f; Fermi-Statistik f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi-Dirac statistics; Fermi statistics (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Dirac-Verteilung f; Fermi-Verteilung f (Halbleiter) electr.
Fermi-Dirac distribution; Fermi distribution (semi-conductors)
Fermi-Energie f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi energy (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Fläche f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi surface (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Funktion f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi function (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Gas n
Fermi gas
Fermi-Konstante f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi constant (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Niveau n; Fermi-Grenze f; Fermi-Kante f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi level (nuclear engineering)
Fermi-Resonanz f chem. phys.
Fermi resonance
Statistik f (von etw.); statistische Angaben pl (zu etw.) statist.
Statistiken pl
angewandte Statistik
eine aktuelle Statistik
eine amtliche Statistik
eine saisonbereinigte Statistik
Tagesstatistik f
Wochenstatistik f
Monatsstatistik f
Jahresstatistik f
unterjährige Statistik
Bevölkerungsstatistik f
die weiblichen Maße
laut Statistik
wie (ein Blick auf) die Statistik zeigt ...
eine Statistik von etw. erstellen
Die Statistik ist ein Zweig der Mathematik.
Trau keiner Statistik die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast. Sprw.
statistics; stat coll. (on sth.)
applied statistics
current statistics
official statistics
seasonally adjusted statistics
daily statistics
weekly statistics
monthly statistics
annual statistics
infra-annual statistics
population demographic statistics; vital statistics
vital statistics Br. coll.
according to (the) statistics
as statistics show suggest ...
to compile (a set of) statistics on sth.; to make a statistical survey of sth.
Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
Lies damned lies and statistics. prov.
Todesopfer n; Toter m (Statistik)
Todesopfer pl; Toten pl
Kriegstote pl
Unfalltote pl
Der Unfall forderte drei Todesopfer.
Der Zusammenstoß forderte einen Toten und mehrere Schwerverletzte.
80 Prozent der Todesfälle bei Fußgängern ereignen sich in verbautem Gebiet.
fatality (statistics)
war fatalities
accident fatalities
The accident claimed three lives.
The crash caused one fatality and several serious injuries.
80 per cent of pedestrian fatalities occur in built-up areas.
etw. ausweisen (dokumentieren) v
wie die Statistik ausweist
Die Mehrwertsteuer ist gesondert auszuweisen.
to show sth. (document)
as statistics show
Value Added Tax must be shown separately as a separate item.
etw. erstellen; anlegen (Liste Tabelle Statistik etc.) adm.
erstellend; anlegend
erstellt; angelegt
Daten neu anlegen comp.
to compile; to create; to draw up () sth.; to set up () sth. (list table statistics etc.)
compiling; creating; drawing up; setting up
compiled; created; drawn up; set up
to create new items
gleichbleibend; unverändert adj
stationäre Bevölkerung (Statistik)
Mein Gewicht blieb unverändert.
Die Märkte sind nun schon seit Monaten unverändert geblieben.
stationary population (statistics)
My weight remained stationary.
The markets have remained stationary for several months now.
sprechen v (Dinge die etw. aussagen) v
Das spricht Bände.
Die Art wie sie sich anzieht sagt viel über sie aus.
Aus ihren Augen sprach die Verzweiflung.
Aus seinen Worten spricht der blanke Neid.
Diese Statistik spricht für sich (selbst).
Taten sagen mehr als Worte.
Das Vorgehen bei dem Raubüberfall lässt auf Insiderwissen schließen.
to speak {spoke; spoken} (things indicating sth.)
That speaks volumes.
What she wears speaks volumes about her.
Her eyes spoke volumes of despair.
There's pure jealousy in his every word.
These statistics speak for themselves.
Actions speak louder than words.
The way the robbery was committed speaks of inside knowledge.
statistische Variable f; Maßzahl f; Statistik f statist.
abgeleitete statistische Variable
bedingte statistische Variable; bedingte Statistik
Hilfsmaßzahl f; anzilläre statistische Variable
Klassierungsmaßzahl f; Zuordnungsmaßzahl f
g-Maßzahl f
D²-Abstandsmaßzahl f; verallgemeinerter Abstand nach Mahalanobis
Chi-Quadrat-Statistk f
Ordnungsstatistik f
Stichproben-Statistik f
derived statistic
conditional statistic
ancillary statistic
classification statistic
D²-statistic; Mahalanobis' generalized distance
chi-squared statistic
order statistic
sample statistic
bimodal adj; zweigipflig adj Statistik
bimodal {adj}
Erstellen n; Erstellung f; Anlegen n (einer Liste, Tabelle, Statistik usw.) adm.
compilation; creation; drawing-up; setting-up (of a list, a table, statistics etc.)
Fermi-Dirac-Sommerfeld-Geschwindigkeitsverteilungsgesetz n; FDS-Gesetz n phys.
Fermi-Dirac-Sommerfeld law; FDS law
Meter m,n
Meter pl
Kilometer m,n km
Hektometer m,n (unüblich)
Dekameter m,n
Dezimeter m,n dm
Zentimeter m,n cm
Millimeter m,n mm
Mikrometer m,n µm ; Mikron n
Nanometer m,n nm
Pikometer m,n pm
Femtometer m,n fm ; Fermi n phys.
laufender Meter
metre Br.; meter Am.
metres; meters
kilometre; kilometer km
hectometre; hectometer rare
decimetre; decimeter dm
centimetre; centimeter cm
millimetre; millimeter mm
micrometre; micrometer; micron
nanometre; nanometer; milli-micron
picometre; picometer
femtometre Br.; femtometer Am.; fermi phys.
serial meter
Statistik f (von etw.); statistische Angaben pl (zu etw.) statist.
Statistiken pl
angewandte Statistik
Anzeigenstatistik f (Kriminologie)
eine aktuelle Statistik
eine amtliche Statistik
eine saisonbereinigte Statistik
Fehlerstatistik f
Tagesstatistik f
Wochenstatistik f
Monatsstatistik f
Jahresstatistik f
unterjährige Statistik
Bevölkerungsstatistik f
die weiblichen Maße
laut Statistik
wie (ein Blick auf) die Statistik zeigt …
eine Statistik von etw. erstellen
Trau keiner Statistik, die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast. Sprw.
statistics; stat coll. (on sth.) (used with plural verb forms)
applied statistics
crime report statistics (criminology)
current statistics
official statistics
seasonally adjusted statistics
error statistics
daily statistics
weekly statistics
monthly statistics
annual statistics
infra-annual statistics
population demographic statistics; vital statistics
vital statistics Br. coll.
according to (the) statistics
as statistics show suggest …
to compile (a set of) statistics on sth.; to make a statistical survey of sth.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics. prov.
Statistik f (Fachgebiet) sci.
analytische Statistik; schließende Statistik
beschreibende Statistik; deskriptive Statistik
Biostatistik f
mathematische Statistik; induktive Statistik
multivariate Statistik
nichtparametrische Statistik
parametrische Statistik
Statistik stochastischer Prozesse
Die Statistik ist ein Zweig der Mathematik.
statistics (science) (used with singular verb forms)
inferential statistics
descriptive statistics
mathematical statistics
multivariate statistics
non-parametric statistics
parametric statistics
statistics of stochastic processes
Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
aussagen; sagen; sprechen v (Sache) v
Das spricht Bände.
Die Art, wie sie sich anzieht, sagt viel über sie aus.
Aus ihren Augen sprach die Verzweiflung.
Aus seinen Worten spricht der blanke Neid.
Diese Statistik spricht für sich (selbst).
Taten sagen mehr als Worte.
Das Vorgehen bei dem Raubüberfall lässt auf Insiderwissen schließen.
to speak {spoke; spoken} (of a thing)
That speaks volumes.
What she wears speaks volumes about her.
Her eyes spoke volumes of despair.
There's pure jealousy in his every word.
These statistics speak for themselves.
Actions speak louder than words.
The way the robbery was committed speaks of inside knowledge.
etw. ausweisen (dokumentieren) v
wie die Statistik ausweist
Die Mehrwertsteuer ist gesondert auszuweisen.
to show sth. (document)
as statistics show
Value Added Tax must be shown separately as a separate item.
etw. erstellen; anlegen v (Liste, Tabelle, Statistik usw.) adm.
erstellend; anlegend
erstellt; angelegt
Daten neu anlegen comp.
to compile; to create; to draw up () sth.; to set up () sth. (list, table, statistics etc.)
compiling; creating; drawing up; setting up
compiled; created; drawn up; set up
to create new items
nichtparametrisch; parameterfrei; verteilungsfrei adj statist.
nichtparametrisches Verfahren
parameterfreier Test
verteilungsfreie Statistik
non-parametric method
non-parametric test
non-parametric statistics
statistische Variable f; Maßzahl f; Statistik f statist.
abgeleitete statistische Variable
aggregierende Variable; aggregierende Maßzahl
bedingte statistische Variable; bedingte Statistik
Hilfsmaßzahl f; anzilläre statistische Variable
Klassierungsmaßzahl f; Zuordnungsmaßzahl f
g-Maßzahl f
D²-Abstandsmaßzahl f; verallgemeinerter Abstand nach Mahalanobis
Chi-Quadrat-Statistk f
Ordnungsstatistik f
Stichproben-Statistik f
derived statistic
summary statistic
conditional statistic
ancillary statistic
classification statistic
D²-statistic; Mahalanobis' generalized distance
chi-squared statistic
order statistic
sample statistic
etw. fälschen; etw. frisieren ugs. v (Zahlen, Statistik)
to doctor sth. (figures, statistics)

Deutsche Fermi Dirac Statistik Synonyme

Daten  ÂDatenmaterial  ÂStatistik  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Fermi Synonym nachschlagen

Englische Fermi-Dirac statistics; Fermi statistics Synonyme

Fermi Dirac Statistik Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Engineer
(n.) Originally, the art of managing engines
(a.) Of or pertaining to a nucleus
(n.) The science which has to do with the collection and classification of certain facts respecting the condition of the people in a state.
(n.) Classified facts respecting the condition of the people in a state, their health, their longevity, domestic economy, arts, property, and political strength, their resources, the state of the country, etc., or respecting any particular class or interest
(n.) The branch of mathematics which studies methods for the calculation of probabilities.

Fermi-Dirac statistics; Fermi statistics (nuclear engineering) Bedeutung

somatic cell nuclear transplantation
somatic cell nuclear transfer
nuclear transplantation
moving a cell nucleus and its genetic material from one cell to another
nuclear terrorism the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials, assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism
the practical application of science to commerce or industry
aeronautical engineering the activity of designing and constructing aircraft
automotive technology
automotive engineering
the activity of designing and constructing automobiles
chemical engineering the activity of applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems
nuclear deterrence the military doctrine that an enemy will be deterred from using nuclear weapons as long as he can be destroyed as a consequence, when two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction
atomic warhead
nuclear warhead
thermonuclear warhead
the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
engine room
a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located
nuclear submarine
nuclear-powered submarine
a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
nuclear-powered ship ship whose motive power comes from the energy of a nuclear reactor
nuclear reactor
(physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements
nuclear rocket a rocket engine in which a nuclear reactor is used to heat a propellant
nuclear weapon
atomic weapon
a weapon of mass destruction whose explosive power derives from a nuclear reaction
Bose-Einstein statistics (physics) statistical law obeyed by a system of particles whose wave function is not changed when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle does not apply)
Fermi-Dirac statistics (physics) law obeyed by a systems of particles whose wave function changes when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle applies)
statistics a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters
vital statistics data relating to births and deaths and health and diseases and marriages
correlation correlational statistics a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other
nonparametric statistics the branch of statistics dealing with variables without making assumptions about the form or the parameters of their distribution
nuclear medicine the branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials either to image a patient's body or to destroy diseased cells
nuclear chemistry
the chemistry of radioactive substances
nuclear physics
atomic physics
the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei
engineering science
applied science
the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems, he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study
aeronautical engineering the branch of engineering science concerned with the design and construction of aircraft
genetic engineering
recombinant DNA technology
the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism
chemical engineering the branch of engineering that is concerned with the design and construction and operation of the plants and machinery used in industrial chemical processes
civil engineering the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of such public works as dams or bridges
hydraulic engineering the branch of civil engineering dealing with the use and control of water in motion
electrical engineering
the branch of engineering science that studies the uses of electricity and the equipment for power generation and distribution and the control of machines and communication
architectural engineering the branch of engineering that deals with the construction of buildings (as distinguished from architecture as a design art)
industrial engineering
industrial management
the branch of engineering that deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people and materials and energy in productive ways
mechanical engineering the branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction and operation of machinery
nuclear engineering the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction and operation of nuclear reactors
naval engineering the branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction and operation of ships
Bachelor of Science in Engineering a bachelor's degree in engineering
Master of Science in Engineering a master's degree in engineering
nuclear explosion
atomic explosion
the explosion of an atomic bomb
nuclear club the nations possessing nuclear weapons
nuclear family
conjugal family
a family consisting of parents and their children and grandparents of a marital partner
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
an independent federal agency created in to license and regulate nuclear power plants
Bureau of Justice Statistics
the agency in the Department of Justice that is the primary source of criminal justice statistics for federal and local policy makers
polytechnic institute
engineering school
a technical school offering instruction in many industrial arts and applied sciences
nuclear chemist
a chemist who specializes in nuclear chemistry
nuclear physicist a physicist who specializes in nuclear physics
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
English theoretical physicist who applied relativity theory to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of antimatter and the positron (-)
Enrico Fermi
Italian nuclear physicist (in the United States after ) who worked on artificial radioactivity caused by neutron bombardment and who headed the group that in produced the first controlled nuclear reaction (-)
atomic energy
nuclear energy
the energy released by a nuclear reaction
atomic power
nuclear power
nuclear energy regarded as a source of electricity for the power grid (for civilian use)
nuclear winter a long period of darkness and extreme cold that scientists predict would follow a full-scale nuclear war, a layer of dust and smoke in the atmosphere would cover the earth and block the rays of the sun, most living organisms would perish
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