
Feststoffpotenzial Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Feststoffpotenzial n; mobilisierbare Feststoffmenge f geol.
sediment yield potential; sediment production potential
Feststoffpotenzial n; mobilisierbare Feststoffmenge f geol.
sediment yield potential; sediment production potential
Feststoff m, fester Stoff
Feststoffe pl, feste Stoffe
solid, solid matter
Feststoff m
Feststoff-Bilanz-Modell n
sediment budget model
Feststoff m; fester Stoff m; fester Bestandteil m
Feststoffe pl; feste Stoffe; feste Bestandteile
Festtreibstoff m; Feststoff m (Raumfahrt)
Feststoffe in Flüssigkeiten
schwer löslicher Feststoff (Öl)
die wasserlöslichen festen Bestandteile des Kaffees
solid; solid matter
sold propellant; solid fuel (astronautics)
suspended solids
propping agent
the water-soluble solids of coffee
Feststoff m; fester Stoff m; fester Bestandteil m chem.
Feststoffe pl; feste Stoffe; feste Bestandteile
Feststoffe in Flüssigkeiten
schwer löslicher Feststoff (Öl)
die wasserlöslichen festen Bestandteile des Kaffees
solid; solid matter; solid substance
suspended solids
propping agent
the water-soluble solids of coffee
Feststoff-Feststoff-Reaktion f chem.
solid-solid reaction
Festtreibstoff m; Feststoff m (Raumfahrt)
sold propellant; solid fuel (astronautics)
Feststoffabfall m (Reaktor)
solid waste (reactor)
Feststoffablagerung f; Sedimentablagerung f; Ablagerung f; Sedimentakkumulation f; Akkumulation f (abgelagertes Lockergestein) geol.
Flussablagerung f; Flussanschwemmung f; alluviale Ablagerung f; Alluvion f
Geschiebeablagerung f
Murablagerung f; Murenablagerung f; Murschutt; Murgangablagerung Schw.; Ãœbermurung f Schw.
Wildbachablagerung f
die Bildung von Ablagerungen verhindern
Ablagerung terrestrischer Herkunft
allochthone Ablagerung
eisenhaltige Ablagerung
eiszeitliche Ablagerung; glaziale Ablagerung
sediment deposit; deposit; sediment accumulation; accumulation; sediment
river deposit; fluvial deposit; alluvial deposit; alluvium
bedload deposit; bedload accumulation
mudslide deposit; mudflow deposit; debris flow deposit
torrent deposit; torrential deposit
to prevent deposit build-up
earthformed sediment
allochthonous deposit
ochreous deposit
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacial accumulation
Feststoffablagerung f (Vorgang) geol.
deposition of sediment; sediment deposition; sedimentation (process)
Abscheiden n; Abscheidung f chem.
akustisches Abscheiden
elektrisches Abscheiden
Feststoffabscheidung f
precipitation; separation
sonic precipitation
electrostatic precipitation; electrical precipitation
separation of solid particles; solids separation
Feststoffabtrag m; Materialabtrag m; Geschiebeabtrag m; Geschiebeabfuhr f (aus einem Gewässerbett) geol.
sediment output; sediment yield (from a stream bed)
Akkumulator m; Akku m electr.
Akkumulatoren pl; Akkus pl
alkalischer Akkumulator
Feststoffakkumulator m; Feststoffakku m; Festkörperakkumulator m; Festkörperakku m; Feststoffbatterie f; Festkörperbatterie f
gasdichter Akku
accumulator; battery; power pack; rechargeable battery
accumulators; batteries; power packs; rechargeable batteries
alkaline storage battery
solid-state battery
sealed storage battery
(laufender) Feststoffanfall m chem.
solids flux
Feststoffanteil m; Feststoffkonzentration f (in einem Gewässer) envir.
proportion of sediments; proportion of solids; sediment concentration: concentration of solids (in a body of water)
Feststoffgehalt m; Festgehalt m; Feststoffanteil m chem.
solids content
Feststoffaufnahmevermögen n chem.
solids-holding capacity
Ausbeute f
Biogasausbeute f envir.
Feststoffausbeute f (einer Zentrifuge) chem.
Laborausbeute f
Lichtausbeute f
Milchleistung f
biogas yield
solids recovery; solids yield (of a centrifuge)
laboratory yield
light yield
milk yield
Feststoffausbringen n min.
yield of solids
Feststoffausstoß m; Partikelemission f envir.
particulates emission
Feststoffbelastung f chem.
solids loading; solids load
Feststoffbett n chem.
bewegtes Feststoffbett
ruhendes Feststoffbett; statisches Feststoffbett; Festbett
solid bed
moving bed
fixed bed; static bed; packed bed; dense bed
Feststoffhaushalt m; Feststoffbilanz f (Gewässerkunde)
sediment budget; sediment balance (hydrology)
Feststoffdichte f
sediment density
Feststoffdichte f (in einer Flüssigkeit) chem.
particle density; sediment density (in a liquid)
Feststoffdichte f (eines Materials)
true density (of a material)
Feststoffdifferenz f zwischen Ein- und Auslauf (Klärbecken) envir.
solids budget (clearing basin)
Feststoffdurchsatz m chem.
solids throughput
Feststoffdurchsatzleistung f chem.
solids-handling capacity
Schwebstoffe pl; Feststoffe pl (in Flüssigkeiten Gasen) phys.
particulates; particulate matter material PM
Ablagerung f (abgelagerte Feststoffe) geol. envir.
Gezeitenablagerung f geol.
Schwebstoffablagerung f (Gewässerkunde)
Seeablagerung f
deposit; sediment (deposited particulates)
tidal mud deposit
deposit of suspended sediment; suspended sediment deposit (hydrology)
lake deposit
Bodensatz m; Satz m ugs.; Niederschlag m; Ablagerung f; abgelagerte Feststoffe pl (in einer Flüssigkeit) chem.
sediment; deposit
Feststoffe pl (in einem Gewässer)
stream load; solids; sediment (in a body of water)
Geschiebe n (Feststoffe, die an der Gewässersohle bewegt werden) envir.
bed-load; bedload; traction load; bottom load rare (solid material carried by a stream along its bed)
Schwebstoffe pl; Feststoffe pl; Feststoffteilchen pl (in Flüssigkeiten, Gasen) phys.
particulates; particulate matter PM ; particulate material PM
Feststoffeintrag m; Materialeintrag m; Geschiebeeintrag m; Geschiebezufuhr f (in ein Gewässerbett) geol.
sediment input; sediment delivery; sediment yield (to a stream bed)
Ausziehen n; Auslaugen n; Digerieren n (löslicher Bestandteile aus Feststoffen) chem. pharm.
Dampf m; Nebel m (Ausgasung aus Flüssigkeiten Feststoffen) chem.
Benzindämpfe pl
Lösungsmitteldämpfe pl
vapour (outgassing from liquids solids)
petrol vapours
solvent vapours
Erosion f; Abtragung f; Abtrag m (Abtragung und Verfrachtung von Feststoffen an der Erdoberfläche) geol.
großflächige Abtragung; Gesteinsentblößung f; Denudation f
rückschreitende Erosion; Rückwärtserosion f
latente Erosion; unterbrochene Erosion
Oberflächenerosion f; Flächenerosion f; flächenhafte Erosion f; flächenhafte Abtragung f; Schichterosion f
Tiefenerosion f; Tiefenschurf m; Linearerosion f; lineare Erosion; linienhafte Erosion; linienhafte Abtragung
Bodenerosion f; Bodenabtragung f; Bodenabtrag m
Flusserosion f; Fluvialerosion f; fluviale Erosion f; fluviatile Erosion f
Seitenerosion; Seitenschliff m; Seitenschurf m; Lateralerosion f
Flusssohlenerosion f; Sohlenerosion f
Gletschererosion f; Glazialerosion f; glaziale Erosion; Exaration f
Ufererosion f; Abtragung von Ufermaterial
Rillenerosion f (durch abfließendes Wasser)
Rinnenerosion f; Runsenerosion f; Grabenerosion f (durch Fließwasser)
Wassererosion f; aquatische Erosion; Auswaschung durch Fließgewässer
Winderosion f; äolische Erosion; Windabtragung f; Abblasung f; Deflation f
erosion; truncation (removal and transportation of solid matter from Earth's surface)
backward erosion; headward erosion; headcut erosion; retrograde erosion; retrogressive erosion; knickpoint retreat
potential erosion; interrupted erosion
surface erosion; sheet erosion; sheet wash
vertical erosion; downcutting; degradation
soil erosion; land erosion
river erosion; stream erosion; fluvial erosion; fluviatile erosion
lateral erosion
river bed erosion; streambed erosion; bed erosion; stream-channel erosion; channel scour
glacial erosion; exaration
streambank erosion; bank erosion; washing of a bank
rill erosion; rill wash (by run-off water)
gully erosion; gullying (by running water)
water erosion; wash
wind erosion; blowing erosion; aeolian erosion; eolation; deflation
Korngrößenverteilung f; Kornverteilung f (in Feststoffen, Schüttgut, Mahlgut)
grain size distribution; particle size distribution (in solid and bulk material)
Zerkleinerung f von Feststoffen (Abwasserklärung) envir.
maceration of solids (sewage treatment)
Feststoffentfernung f chem.
solids removal
Feststoffentwässerung f (Abwasserbehandlung) envir.
sludge dewatering (sewage treatment)
Feststoffextraktion f chem.
liquid-solid extraction; solid extraction: solid-phase extraction
Feststofffracht f; Sedimentfracht f geol.
total sediment load
Feststoffführung f; Feststofftransportrate f (eines Fließgewässers)
sediment transport rate; sediment discharge rate (of a watercourse)
Feststoffgehalt m
solids content
Feststoffquelle f; Feststoffherd n (Gewässerkunde)
sediment source; debris source; debris source area (hydrology)
Feststoffmenge f; Feststoffvolumen n; Feststoffkubatur f (Gewässerkunde)
amount of sediment sediment volume (hydrology)
Feststoffleistung f (einer Zentrifuge) chem.
capture performance; recovery performance (of a centrifuge)
Feststoffpotenzial n; mobilisierbare Feststoffmenge f geol.
sediment yield potential; sediment production potential
Feststoffmobilisierung f; Geschiebemobilisierung f (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
mobilization of sediments; mobilization of bed-load (in a stream)
Feststoffprobe f
Feststoffproben pl
sediment sample
sediment samples
relative Dichte f; spezifische Dichte f; Rohdichte f; Raumgewicht n (eines Feststoffs)
wahre relative Dichte
scheinbare relative Dichte
relative density; specific gravity; volume weight, weight of unit volume (of solid matter)
true relative density
apparent relative density
Korndichte f (eines Feststoffs)
grain density; closeness of grain; specific gravity (of solid matter)
Feststoffspeicherung f
solid storage
Feststofftransport m
sediment transport
Feststofftransport m; Sedimenttransport m; Sedimentumlagerung f geol.
sediment transport; sediment discharge
Feststofftrieb m; spezifischer Feststofftransport m (Gewässerkunde)
unit sediment transport; unit sediment discharge (hydrology)
Feststofftransportvermögen n; Feststofftransportkapazität f (Gewässerkunde)
sediment transport capacity sediment discharge capacity (hydrology)
Feststoffverfrachtung f; Feststoffverlagerung f; Materialverlagerung f; Materialumlagerung f; Massenverlagerung f; Massenumlagerung f (Gewässerkunde)
sediment displacement; mass displacement (hydrology)
Krätze f; Gekrätz n; Abstrich m (Feststoffverunreinigungen in der Metallschmelze) techn.
dross; scum

Deutsche Feststoffpotenzial Synonyme

Englische sediment yield potential; sediment production potential Synonyme

sediment  alluvion  alluvium  ash  bottoms  cinder  clinker  debris  deposit  deposition  deposits  detritus  diluvium  draff  dregs  drift  dross  ember  feces  froth  grounds  lees  loess  moraine  offscum  precipitate  precipitation  remains  residue  residuum  scoria  scree  scum  sedimentate  settlings  silt  sinter  slag  smut  soot  sublimate  

Feststoffpotenzial Definition

(a.) Being potent
(a.) Existing in possibility, not in actuality.
(n.) Anything that may be possible
(n.) In the theory of gravitation, or of other forces acting in space, a function of the rectangular coordinates which determine the position of a point, such that its differential coefficients with respect to the coordinates are equal to the components of the force at the point considered
(n.) The energy of an electrical charge measured by its power to do work
(n.) The act or process or producing, bringing forth, or exhibiting to view
(n.) That which is produced, yielded, or made, whether naturally, or by the application of intelligence and labor
(n.) The act of lengthening out or prolonging.
(n.) The matter which subsides to the bottom, frrom water or any other liquid
(n.) The material of which sedimentary rocks are formed.
(v. t.) To give in return for labor expended
(v. t.) To furnish
(v. t.) To give up, as something that is claimed or demanded
(v. t.) To admit to be true
(v. t.) To permit
(v. t.) To give a reward to
(v. i.) To give up the contest
(v. i.) To comply with
(v. i.) To give way
(v. i.) To give place, as inferior in rank or excellence
(n.) Amount yielded

sediment yield potential; sediment production potential Bedeutung

dramatic production
dramatic performance
the act of performing a drama, the group joined together in a dramatic production
production (law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law, the appellate court demanded the production of all documents
production the act or process of producing something, Shakespeare's production of poetry was enormous, the production of white blood cells
production the creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services
production (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale, he introduced more efficient methods of production
mass production the production of large quantities of a standardized article (often using assembly line techniques)
production of a certain amount
oil production
the act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum
artistic creation
artistic production
the creation of beautiful or significant things, art does not need to be innovative to be good, I was never any good at art, he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully
potential divider
voltage divider
resistors connected in series across a voltage source, used to obtain a desired fraction of the voltage
an artifact that has been created by someone or some process, they improve their product every year, they export most of their agricultural production
production line
assembly line
mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it
an amount of a product
production order an order that initiates the manufacturing process
production a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television, have you seen the new production of Hamlet?
theatrical production
the production of a drama on the stage
speaking speech production the utterance of intelligible speech
production a display that is exaggerated or unduly complicated, she tends to make a big production out of nothing
action potential the local voltage change across the cell wall as a nerve impulse is transmitted
alluvial sediment
alluvial deposit
clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down
matter that has been deposited by some natural process
brain wave
cortical potential
(neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of voltage between parts of the cerebral cortex that are detectable with an electroencephalograph
elastic energy
elastic potential energy
potential energy that is stored when a body is deformed (as in a coiled spring)
electric potential
potential difference
potential drop
the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts
evoked potential the electrical response of the central nervous system produced by an external stimulus, he measured evoked potentials with an electroencephalogram
resting potential the potential difference between the two sides of the membrane of a nerve cell when the cell is not conducting an impulse
potential energy
the mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its position, stored energy
the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property, the average return was about %
production cost combined costs of raw material and labor incurred in producing goods
junk bond
high-yield bond
a (speculative) bond with a credit rating of BB or lower, issued for leveraged buyouts and other takeovers by companies with questionable credit
pair production
pair creation
pair formation
the transformation of a gammaay photon into an electron and a positron when the photon passes close to an atomic nucleus
steel production making steel from pig iron
potential unit a measure of the potential energy of a unit charge at a given point in a circuit relative to a reference point (ground)
the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time), production was up in the second quarter
the inherent capacity for coming into being
give way yield end resistance, as under pressure or force, The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram
give in succumb
knuckle under
buckle under
consent reluctantly
concede yield grant be willing to concede, I grant you this much
yield cease opposition, stop fighting
be flexible under stress of physical force, This material doesn't give
give or supply, The cow brings in liters of milk, This year's crop yielded ,bushels of corn, The estate renders some revenue for the family
give yield cause to happen or be responsible for, His two singles gave the team the victory
move over
give way
ease up
move in order to make room for someone for something, The park gave way to a supermarket, `Move over,' he told the crowd
sediment settle as sediment
sediment deposit as a sediment
yield up surrender, as a result of pressure or force
pay bear ,c
bring in, interest-bearing accounts, How much does this savings certificate pay annually?
yield cede grant
give over, surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
yield give afford be the cause or source of, He gave me a lot of trouble, Our meeting afforded much interesting information
be fatally overwhelmed
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