
Feuerwehrweg Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Feuerwehrweg m; Feuergasse f BW auto
Feuerwehrwege pl; Feuergassen pl
fire path Br.; fire lane Am.
fire paths; fire lanes
Feuerwehrweg m; Feuergasse f BW auto
Feuerwehrwege pl; Feuergassen pl
fire path Br.; fire lane Am.
fire paths; fire lanes
fire brigade
Feuerwehr f
Feuerwehren pl
fire brigade Br., fire department Am.
fire brigades, fire departments
Mannschaftstransportwagen m (MTW) (Feuerwehr)
Mannschaftstransportwagen pl
crew car (fire department)
crew cars
Schlauchmannschaft f (Feuerwehr)
Schlauchmannschaften pl
hose crew
hose crews
ausrücken v (Feuerwehr)
to be called out
being called out
been called out
fire department
fire service
in Aktion treten; loslegen; rasch aktiv werden; zum Einsatz kommen (Person); sich in Bewegung setzen; zum Einsatz kommen (Dinge); anlaufen (Vorgang) v
Sobald der Chef zur Tür hereinkam entfalteten alle eine plötzliche Betriebsamkeit.
Feuerwehr- und Rettungsfahrzeuge setzten sich in Bewegung.
Wir sind bereit jeden Augenblick loszulegen.
In der Früh springt sie immer gleich aus dem Bett und legt los.
Die Rettungsaktion lief unverzüglich an.
to go into action; to spring into action; swing into action; to leap into action
As soon as the boss came in the door everyone sprang into action.
Fire and rescue vehicles swung into action.
We are ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.
Every morning she jumps out of bed and springs into action.
The rescue operation went swung into action immediately.
Bergeschere f (Feuerwehr)
rescue shears (fire brigade)
Drehleiter f (Feuerwehr)
Drehleitern pl
turntable ladder; turntable fire-escape (fire brigade)
turntable ladders; turntable fire-escapes
Fangleine f (Feuerwehr)
Fangleinen pl
belt line (fire brigade)
belt lines
Feuerwehr f
freiwillige Feuerwehr
fire brigade Br.; fire department Am.; fire and rescue service
volunteer fire brigade Br.; volunteer fire department VFD Am.
Hilfsfrist f (Rettungsdienst; Feuerwehr)
response time
Löschkanone f; Monitor m (Feuerwehr)
Löschkanonen pl; Monitore pl
fire monitor; deluge gun (fire brigade)
fire monitors; deluge guns
Mannschaftstransportwagen m MTW (Feuerwehr)
Mannschaftstransportwagen pl
crew car (fire department)
crew cars
Mehrzweckstrahlrohr n (Feuerwehr)
Mehrzweckstrahlrohre pl
jet-spray branch pipe (fire brigade)
jet-spray branch pipes
Ort m des Geschehens; Schauplatz
Die Feuerwehr war sofort zur Stelle.
Zwei Hubschrauber trafen gleichzeitig am Ort des Geschehens ein.
Die Beatles traten 1962 auf den Plan.
Sie verschwanden schnell wieder von der Bildfläche.
Firefighters were on the scene immediately.
Two helicopters arrived on the scene at the same time.
The Beatles arrived appeared on the scene in 1962.
They swiftly disappeared from the scene.
Personenrettungsschlauch m; Rettungsschlauch m (Feuerwehr)
Personenrettungsschläuche pl; Rettungsschläuche pl
fire escape chute; escape chute (fire brigade)
fire escape chutes; escape chutes
Rüst- und Gerätewagen m (Feuerwehr) auto
vehicle for tools and gears (fire brigade)
Schaum m; Schaumstoff m
halbharter Schaumstoff; zähharter Schaumstoff
Beständigkeit von Schaum
Die Feuerwehr setzte Wasser und Schaum ein.
foam; foamed material
semi-rigid foam
persistence of foam
Firefighters used water and foam.
Sprungrettungsgerät n (Feuerwehr)
jumping rescue equipment (fire brigade)
Strahlrohr n (Feuerwehr)
Strahlrohre pl
spout; jet pipe; fire nozzle (fire brigade)
spouts; jet pipes; fire nozzles
teilnehmen (an etw.); etw. besuchen (Veranstaltung); einen Ort aufsuchen v
teilnehmend; besuchend; einen Ort aufsuchend
teilgenommen; besucht; einen Ort aufgesucht
nimmt teil; besucht
nahm teil; besuchte
nicht kaum besucht
Er wird an der Konferenz nicht teilnehmen.
Die Sitzung wurde von 90% der Aktionäre besucht.
Der Club ist gut besucht.
Ich muss zu einem Begräbnis.
Im Vorjahr rückte die Feuerwehr zu 100 Fehlalarmen aus.
Wir saßen stundenlang fest während die Rettungskräfte im Einsatz waren.
to attend sth. (event scene)
He won't be attending the conference.
The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.
The club is well attended.
I have to attend a funeral.
Last year the fire services attended 100 false alarms.
We were trapped for hours while the rescue services attended the scene.
Einsatzwagen m (Polizei)
Einsatzwagen m (Notarzt)
Einsatzwagen m (Feuerwehr)
police car; squad car
fire engine
in Aktion treten; loslegen; rasch aktiv werden; zum Einsatz kommen (Person); sich in Bewegung setzen; zum Einsatz kommen (Dinge); anlaufen (Vorgang) v
Sobald der Chef zur Tür hereinkam, entfalteten alle eine plötzliche Betriebsamkeit.
Feuerwehr- und Rettungsfahrzeuge setzten sich in Bewegung.
Wir sind bereit, jeden Augenblick loszulegen.
In der Früh springt sie immer gleich aus dem Bett und legt los.
Die Rettungsaktion lief unverzüglich an.
to go into action; to spring into action; swing into action; to leap into action
As soon as the boss came in the door, everyone sprang into action.
Fire and rescue vehicles swung into action.
We are ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.
Every morning, she jumps out of bed and springs into action.
The rescue operation went swung into action immediately.
Atemschutzgerät n; Atemgerät n ugs. (für die Feuerwehr oder Industriearbeiter)
Atemschutzgeräte pl; Atemgeräte pl
respiratory protective device; respiratory protection equipment RPE ; respiratory protective equipment RPE ; respiratory equipment; respirator system; respirator; airpack (for firefighters or industrial workers)
respiratory protective devices; respiratory protection equipments; respiratory protective equipments; respiratory equipments; respirator systems; respirators; airpacks
Ausrückzeit f (der Feuerwehr)
turnout time (of the fire brigade)
Feuerwehr f
Berufsfeuerwehr f
Betriebsfeuerwehr f; Werksfeuerwehr f; Werkfeuerwehr f
freiwillige Feuerwehr
Jugendfeuerwehr f
Ölwehr f
Wasserwehr f
fire brigade Br.; fire department Am.; fire and rescue service; firefighters
professional fire brigade Br.; professional fire department Am.
plant fire brigade; works fire brigade Br.; industrial fire brigade Am.
volunteer fire brigade Br.; volunteer fire department VFD Am.; volunteer fire company Am. (in small towns)
youth fire brigade; youth fire department
section of the fire brigade for dealing with oil spillages
flood-fighting brigade; water rescue crew
Feuerwehrfahrzeug n; Feuerwehreinsatzwagen m; Einsatzwagen m der Feuerwehr; Feuerwehrwagen m; Feuerwehrauto n; Kraftfahrspritze f veraltet
Feuerwehrfahrzeuge pl; Feuerwehreinsatzwagen pl; Einsatzwagen pl der Feuerwehr; Feuerwehrwagen pl; Feuerwehrautos pl; Kraftfahrspritzen pl
Feuerwehrfahrzeug mit hydraulisch ausfahrbarem Rettungskorb
fire-fighting vehicle; fire vehicle; fire engine; fire-fighting truck; fire truck coll.
fire-fighting vehicles; fire vehicles; fire engines; fire-fighting trucks; fire trucks
bucket truck
Hilfsfrist f (Rettungsdienst; Feuerwehr)
response time (ambulance service; fire brigade)
Mannschaftstransportwagen m MTW (Feuerwehr)
Mannschaftstransportwagen pl
crew car (fire department)
crew cars
Outfit n; Kleidung f (für einen speziellen Zweck); Sachen f; Zeug n (in Zusammensetzungen) textil.
Einsatzkleidung f (Feuerwehr)
Laufsachen pl
gear; outfit; togs Br. coll. becoming dated
turnout gear; bunker gear coll. (fire brigade)
running togs
Vollbrand m (Feuersbrunst)
Als die Feuerwehr eintraf, stand das Gebäude bereits in Vollbrand.
fully developed fire
When firefighters arrived they found the fire had fully developed blaze.; When firefighters arrived the fire was already fully developed.
teilnehmen v (an etw.); etw. besuchen (Veranstaltung); einen Ort aufsuchen v
teilnehmend; besuchend; einen Ort aufsuchend
teilgenommen; besucht; einen Ort aufgesucht
nimmt teil; besucht
nahm teil; besuchte
nicht kaum besucht
gut besucht schwach besucht sein
Er wird an der Konferenz nicht teilnehmen.
Die Sitzung wurde von 90% der Aktionäre besucht.
Der Club ist gut besucht.
Ich muss zu einem Begräbnis.
Im Vorjahr rückte die Feuerwehr zu 100 Fehlalarmen aus.
Wir saßen stundenlang fest, während die Rettungskräfte im Einsatz waren.
to attend sth. (event, scene)
to be well attended poorly attended
He won't be attending the conference.
The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.
The club is well attended.
I have to attend a funeral.
Last year the fire services attended 100 false alarms.
We were trapped for hours while the rescue services attended the scene.
Feuerwehraxt f
Feuerwehräxte pl
fireman's axe
fireman's axes
Feuerwehrfahrzeug n, Feuerwehrauto n
Feuerwehrfahrzeuge pl, Feuerwehrautos pl
Feuerwehrfahrzeug mit hydraulisch ausfahrbarem Rettungskorb
fire-fighting vehicle, fire engine, fire truck coll.
fire-fighting vehicles, fire engines, fire trucks
bucket truck
fire engine
Feuerwehrfahrzeug n; Feuerwehrauto n
Feuerwehrfahrzeuge pl; Feuerwehrautos pl
Feuerwehrfahrzeug mit hydraulisch ausfahrbarem Rettungskorb
fire-fighting vehicle; fire engine; fire truck coll.
fire-fighting vehicles; fire engines; fire trucks
bucket truck
Feuerwehreinsatz m
fire brigade emergency response Br.; fire department emergency response Am.
Einsatzleitung f (Beschriftung auf Feuerwehrfahrzeug)
Command Unit Am.
Fest n
Feste pl
Feuerwehrfest n
Frühlingsfest n
firemen's festival
spring festival
Feuerwehrmann m
Feuerwehrleute pl; Feuerwehrmänner pl
Feuerwehrfrau f
firefighter; fireman; firey Austr. coll.
firefighters; firemen
female firefighter; firewoman
Feuerwehrgerätehaus n
Feuerwehrgerätehäuser pl
fire hall
fire halls
Feuerwehrgerätehaus n; Feuerwehrhaus n; Zeughaus n Ös.; Feuerwehrlokal n Schw.; Feuerwehrmagazin n Schw.; Feuerwehrhalle f Südtirol
Feuerwehrgerätehäuser pl; Feuerwehrhäuser pl; Zeughäuser pl; Feuerwehrlokale pl; Feuerwehrmagazine pl; Feuerwehrhallen pl
fire station appliance bay
fire station appliance bays
Marschall m, Polizeidirektor m, Feuerwehrhauptmann m
Marschall m; Polizeidirektor m; Feuerwehrhauptmann m
Feuerwehrleute pl
fire fighters
Feuerwehrmann m
Feuerwehrmänner pl
fireman, firefighter
firemen, firefighters
Feuerwehrmann m
Feuerwehrmänner pl
fireman; firefighter
firemen; firefighters
Feuerwehrschlauch m
Feuerwehrschläuche pl
fire hose, firehose
fire hoses, firehoses
Feuerwehrschlauch m
Feuerwehrschläuche pl
fire hose; firehose
fire hoses; firehoses
Feuerwehrschlauch m; Feuerlöschschlauch m
Feuerwehrschläuche pl; Feuerlöschschläuche pl
fire hose; firehose
fire hoses; firehoses
Feuerwehrübung f, Brandschutzübung f
fire exercise, fire drill
Feuerwehrübung f
fire drill (for firemen)
Feuerwehrübung f; Brandschutzübung f
fire exercise; fire drill
Feuerwehrwache f
fire station
fire station
Feuerwehrweg m; Feuergasse f BW auto
Feuerwehrwege pl; Feuergassen pl
fire path Br.; fire lane Am.
fire paths; fire lanes
Rettungsspreizer m, Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Rettungsspreizer m; Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm

Deutsche Feuerwehrweg Synonyme

Englische fire path ; fire lane Synonyme

fire  abandon  afflatus  afire  aflame  aggressiveness  agitate  aim at  air  air-dry  alight  anhydrate  animate  animating spirit  animation  animus  annoy  antiaircraft fire  ardency  ardent  ardor  arouse  aroused  atom  atomic particles  awake  awaken  ax  axe  backfire  bake  balefire  bang  bank  barbecue  barrage  baste  beacon  beacon fire  begin  blanch  blast  blast away  blast off  blaze  blaze up  blazing  blitz  blot  blow out  blow the coals  blow up  boil  bombard  bombardment  bonfire  boot  boot out  bounce  bowl  braise  break  brew  broadside  broil  brown  brush  brute matter  building block  bump  burn  burning  burning ghat  burning pain  burst  bust  calenture  call forth  call up  campfire  can  candle  cannon  cannonade  cashier  cast  cast at  catapult  chafe  charge  charring  cheerful fire  chemical element  childbed fever  chuck  chuck at  chunk  cock  coddle  combustion  commence  commence firing  commitment  committedness  component  conflagrate  conflagration  constituent  continued fever  cook  corposant  cozy fire  crackling fire  crematory  cross fire  cure  curry  curtain fire  dart  dash  death fire  dedication  defrock  degrade  dehumidify  dehydrate  delay  delirium  demote  deplume  depose  deprive  desiccate  detonate  devil  devotedness  devotion  devoutness  direct fire  disbar  discharge  disemploy  dismiss  displace  displume  dive in  divine afflatus  do  do to perfection  drain  drive  drop  drum out  dry  dry fire  dynamize  eager  eagerness  earnestness  earth  eclat  ecstasy  eject  elan  electric light bulb  electric-heat  electrify  element  elementary particle  elementary unit  embue  energize  energy  enfilade  enkindle  enliven  enlivenment  enrage  enterprise  enthuse  enthusiasm  enthusiastic  eruptive fever  evaporate  exalt  excite  excited  excitement  exhilarate  exhilaration  expel  explode  exsiccate  faith  faithfulness  fall to  fan  fan the fire  fan the flame  febricity  febrility  feed  feed the fi  
fire bell  Klaxon  Mayday  SOS  air-raid alarm  alarm  alarm bell  alarm clock  alarm signal  alarum  alert  all clear  beacon  bell  blinking light  burglar alarm  buzzer  chimes  church bell  clapper  cowbell  crostarie  dinner bell  dinner gong  doorbell  fiery cross  fire alarm  fire flag  five-minute gun  flashing light  fog bell  fog signal  foghorn  gale warning  gong  gong bell  hand bell  hooter  horn  hue and cry  hurricane warning  jingle bell  lighthouse  note of alarm  occulting light  passing bell  police whistle  sacring bell  sheepbell  signal of distress  siren  sleigh bell  small-craft warning  still alarm  storm cone  storm flag  storm warning  telephone bell  tintinnabulum  tocsin  tongue  triangle  two-minute gun  upside-down flag  whistle  
fire eater  Mafioso  Tartar  Young Turk  adventurer  adventuress  bear  beast  beldam  berserk  berserker  bomber  brazenface  brute  crank  crosspatch  daredevil  demon  devil  dragon  feist  fiend  fire brigade  fire department  fire fighter  fire warden  fire-chaser  firebrand  fireman  forest fire fighter  fury  goon  gorilla  grizzly bear  grouch  gunsel  hardnose  harum-scarum  hell-raiser  hellcat  hellhound  hellion  holy terror  hood  hoodlum  hothead  hotspur  incendiary  killer  mad dog  madbrain  madcap  monster  mugger  rantipole  rapist  revolutionary  savage  she-wolf  smokechaser  smokejumper  sorehead  spitfire  termagant  terror  terrorist  tiger  tigress  tough  tough guy  ugly customer  vamp  violent  virago  vixen  volunteer fireman  wild beast  wild man  witch  wolf  
fire escape  back stairs  bolt-hole  companion  companionway  ejection seat  emergency exit  escalier  escape hatch  flight of steps  incline  inflatable slide  landing  landing stage  life buoy  life net  life raft  lifeboat  lifeline  perron  ramp  sally port  slide  spiral staircase  staircase  stairs  stairway  stepping-stones  steps  stile  treads and risers  
fire extinguisher  Foamite  acid  automatic sprinkler  carbon tet  carbon tetrachloride  carbon-dioxide foam  deck gun  deluge set  extinguisher  fire apparatus  fire engine  fire hose  fire hydrant  fireplug  foam  foam extinguisher  hook-and-ladder  ladder pipe  pumper  snorkel  soda  sprinkler  sprinkler head  sprinkler system  super-pumper  water  water cannon  wet blanket  
fire hydrant  Foamite  acid  automatic sprinkler  carbon tet  carbon tetrachloride  carbon-dioxide foam  deck gun  deluge set  extinguisher  fire apparatus  fire engine  fire hose  fireplug  foam  foam extinguisher  hook-and-ladder  hydrant  ladder pipe  plug  pumper  snorkel  soda  sprinkler  sprinkler head  sprinkler system  super-pumper  water  water cannon  water plug  wet blanket  
fire tactics  aerial tactics  airborne tactics  applied tactics  armored tactics  barrier tactics  cavalry tactics  defensive strategy  diversion  encirclement  feint  infantry tactics  infiltration  investment  mob tactics  mobile tactics  pincers movement  shock tactics  strategy  tactics  
fire worship  Druidism  Parsiism  Sabaism  Zoroastrianism  animal worship  arson  demonism  demonolatry  devil worship  fetishism  fire-raising  heathenism  hero worship  iconoduly  iconolatry  idol worship  idolatrousness  idolatry  idolism  idolodulia  idolomancy  image worship  incendiarism  paganism  phallic worship  phallicism  pyrolatry  pyromania  pyrophilia  snake worship  star worship  sun worship  tree worship  
firearm  automatic  blowgun  blowpipe  flamethrower  gat  gun  handgun  heater  musket  peashooter  piece  pistol  repeater  revolver  rifle  rod  sawed-off shotgun  shooting iron  shotgun  six-gun  six-shooter  
fireball  Jupiter Fulgur  Thor  aerolite  alcohol  ball lightning  benzine  bolide  bolt  bolt of lightning  briquette  burnable  butane  carbon  chain lightning  charcoal  chondrite  coal  coke  combustible  cosmic dust  dark lightning  dope  ethane  ethanol  firebolt  firing  flammable  flammable material  flying flame  forked lightning  fuel  fuel additive  fuel dope  fulguration  fulmination  gas  gas carbon  gasoline  heptane  hexane  inflammable  inflammable material  isooctane  jet fuel  kerosene  levin bolt  lightning  meteor  meteor crater  meteor dust  meteor shower  meteor swarm  meteor trail  meteor train  meteoric shower  meteorite  meteoroid  meteorolite  methane  methanol  micrometeorite  micrometeoroid  natural gas  oak-cleaving thunderbolts  octane  oil  paraffin  peat  pentane  propane  propellant  radiant  radiant point  rocket fuel  sheet lightning  shooting star  siderite  siderolite  stroke of lightning  tektite  thunderball  thunderbolt  thunderstroke  turf  
firebrand  Mafioso  Young Turk  agent provocateur  agitator  agitprop  beast  beldam  berserk  berserker  bomber  brand  brute  burning ember  butane lighter  catalyst  cigarette lighter  cinder  coal  demagogue  demon  devil  dragon  ember  exciter  fiend  fire-eater  flambeau  flint  flint and steel  fomenter  fury  goon  gorilla  gunsel  hardnose  hell-raiser  hellcat  hellhound  hellion  holy terror  hood  hoodlum  hothead  hotspur  igniter  incendiary  inciter  inflamer  instigator  killer  light  lighter  live coal  mad dog  madcap  mischief-maker  monster  mugger  portfire  provocateur  provoker  rabble-rouser  rapist  revolutionary  ringleader  rouser  savage  seditionary  seditionist  she-wolf  sparker  spill  spitfire  taper  termagant  terror  terrorist  tiger  tigress  torch  tough  tough guy  troublemaker  ugly customer  urger  violent  virago  vixen  wild beast  witch  wolf  
firebrick  adobe  ashlar  biscuit  bisque  bowl  brick  bricks and mortar  cement  ceramic ware  ceramics  china  clinker  concrete  covering materials  crock  crockery  enamelware  ferroconcrete  flag  flagstone  flooring  glass  jug  lath and plaster  masonry  mortar  pavement  paving  paving material  plasters  porcelain  pot  pottery  prestressed concrete  refractory  roofage  roofing  siding  stone  tile  tiling  urn  vase  walling  
firecracker  Klaxon  Roman candle  boiler factory  boiler room  bomb  bull-roarer  cap  catcall  cherry bomb  clack  clacker  clapper  cracker  cricket  flare  flowerpot  girandole  horn  ladyfinger  noisemaker  pinwheel  rattle  rattlebox  rocket  serpent  siren  skyrocket  snake  snapper  sparkler  squib  steam whistle  ticktack  torpedo  whistle  whizgig  whizzer  
fired  afire  agog  aquiver  aroused  atingle  atwitter  baked  boiled  braised  broiled  browned  bursting  carried away  coddled  cooked  curried  deviled  ebullient  effervescent  excited  exhilarated  fricasseed  fried  grilled  heated  high  hopped up  impassioned  inflamed  inspired  keyed up  lathered up  manic  moved  on fire  oven-baked  pan-broiled  parboiled  poached  ready to burst  roast  roasted  roused  sauteed  scalloped  seared  shirred  steamed  steamed up  stewed  stimulated  stirred  stirred up  thrilled  tingling  tingly  toasted  turned-on  whipped up  worked up  wrought up  yeasty  
firedamp  afterdamp  blackdamp  breath  chokedamp  cloud  coal gas  damp  effluvium  exhalation  exhaust  exhaust gas  fetid air  flatus  fluid  fume  malaria  mephitis  miasma  puff of smoke  reek  smoke  smudge  steam  vapor  volatile  water vapor  
firefly  blink  blinking  candle fly  coruscation  fire beetle  fireworm  glimmer  glimmering  glisten  glister  glitter  glittering  glowworm  lampyrid  lantern fly  lightning bug  luciferase  luciferin  luminophor  phosphor  scintilla  scintillation  shimmer  shimmering  spangle  spark  sparkle  stroboscopic light  tinsel  twinkle  twinkling  
fireguard  Argus  Charley  airplane spotter  chimney  chimney corner  fender  fire patrolman  fire screen  fire warden  fireboard  fireplace  fireside  flue  forward observer  hearth  hearthstone  hob  hub  ingle  inglenook  ingleside  lookout  lookout man  night watchman  patrol  patroller  patrolman  picket  roundsman  scout  sentinel  sentry  smokehole  spotter  vedette  watch  watcher  watchkeeper  watchman  
fireman  baggage man  bakehead  black gang  boilerman  brakeman  brakie  bungs  butcher  cabin boy  chips  commissary steward  complement  conductor  deckhand  deckie  dispatcher  fire brigade  fire department  fire fighter  fire warden  fire-chaser  fire-eater  footplate man  forest fire fighter  guard  gun loader  gunner  hand  hospital steward  landing signalman  lineman  mail orderly  navigator  oiler  porter  purser  radio operator  railroad man  railroader  redcap  roustabout  smoke agent  smokechaser  smokejumper  snip  snips  sparks  stationmaster  steward  stewardess  stoker  switchman  torpedoman  trainboy  trainman  trainmaster  vamp  volunteer fireman  watch  yardman  yardmaster  yeoman  
fireplace  ancestral halls  chimney  chimney corner  family homestead  fender  fire screen  fireboard  fireguard  fireside  flue  foyer  hearth  hearth and home  hearthstone  hob  home  home place  home roof  home sweet home  homestead  household  hub  ingle  inglenook  ingleside  menage  paternal roof  roof  rooftree  smokehole  toft  
fireplug  Foamite  acid  automatic sprinkler  carbon tet  carbon tetrachloride  carbon-dioxide foam  deck gun  deluge set  extinguisher  fire apparatus  fire engine  fire hose  fire hydrant  foam  foam extinguisher  hook-and-ladder  hydrant  ladder pipe  plug  pumper  snorkel  soda  sprinkler  sprinkler head  sprinkler system  super-pumper  water  water cannon  water plug  wet blanket  

Feuerwehrweg Definition

Anthony's Fire
() See Saint Anthony's Fire, under Saint.
(n.) A low fire used in chemical operations.
(n.) A private lane, or one opening out of the usual road.
Elmo's fire
() See Corposant
(n.) The evolution of light and heat in the combustion of bodies
(n.) Fuel in a state of combustion, as on a hearth, or in a stove or a furnace.
(n.) The burning of a house or town
(n.) Anything which destroys or affects like fire.
(n.) Ardor of passion, whether love or hate
(n.) Liveliness of imagination or fancy
(n.) Splendor
(n.) Torture by burning
(n.) The discharge of firearms
(v. t.) To set on fire
(v. t.) To subject to intense heat
(v. t.) To inflame
(v. t.) To animate
(v. t.) To feed or serve the fire of
(v. t.) To light up as if by fire
(v. t.) To cause to explode
(v. t.) To drive by fire.
(v. t.) To cauterize.
(v. i.) To take fire
(v. i.) To be irritated or inflamed with passion.
(v. i.) To discharge artillery or firearms
Fire beetle
() A very brilliantly luminous beetle (Pyrophorus noctilucus), one of the elaters, found in Central and South America
(a.) Injured as by fire
(a.) Fresh from the forge
(n.) A set of fire irons, including, commonly, tongs, shovel, and poker.
Knobbling fire
() A bloomery fire. See Bloomery.
(a.) Alone.
(n.) A passageway between fences or hedges which is not traveled as a highroad
(pl. ) of Path
(n.) A trodden way
(n.) A way, course, or track, in which anything moves or has moved
(v. t.) To make a path in, or on (something), or for (some one).
(v. i.) To walk or go.

fire path [Br.]; fire lane [Am.] / fire paths; fire lanes Bedeutung

fire control preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
enfilade fire
gunfire directed along the length rather than the breadth of a formation
way of life
a course of conduct, the path of virtue, we went our separate ways, our paths in life led us apart, genius usually follows a revolutionary path
primrose path a life of ease and pleasure
line of least resistance
path of least resistance
the easiest way, In marrying him she simply took the path of least resistance
fire watching (during World War II in Britain) watching for fires started by bombs that dropped from the sky
fire drill an exercise intended to train people in duties and escape procedures to be followed in case of fire
reconnaissance by fire a method of reconnaissance in which fire is placed on a suspected enemy position in order to cause the enemy to disclose his presence by moving or returning fire
the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy, hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes, they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire
antiaircraft fire firing at enemy aircraft
barrage fire
battery bombardment
the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target, they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops, the shelling went on for hours without pausing
call fire fire delivered on a specific target in response to a request from the supported unit
close supporting fire fire on enemy troops or weapons or positions that are near the supported unit and are the most immediate and serious threat to it
cover covering fire fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations, artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal
deep supporting fire fire on objectives not in the immediate vicinity of your forces but with the objective of destroying enemy reserves and weapons and interfering with the enemy command and supply and communications
direct supporting fire fire delivered in support of part of a force (as opposed to general supporting fire delivered in support of the force as a whole)
concentrated fire
massed fire
fire from two or more weapons directed at a single target or area (as fire by batteries of two or more warships)
counterbattery fire fire delivered to neutralize or destroy indirect fire weapon systems
countermortar fire mortar fire intended to destroy or neutralize enemy weapons
counterpreparation fire intensive prearranged fire delivered when the immanence of enemy attack is discovered
destruction fire fire delivered for the sole purpose of destroying material objects
direct fire fire delivered on a target that is visible to the person aiming it
distributed fire fire dispersed so as to engage effectively an area target
friendly fire
fire that injures or kills an ally
hostile fire fire that injures or kills an enemy
grazing fire fire approximately parallel to the ground, the center of the cone of fire does rise above meter from the ground
harassing fire fire designed to disturb the rest of enemy troops and to curtail movement and to lower enemy morale
indirect fire fire delivered on a target that is not itself used as the point of aim for the weapons
interdiction fire fire directed to an area to prevent the enemy from using that area
neutralization fire fire that is delivered in order to render the target ineffective or unusable
observed fire fire for which the point of impact (the burst) can be seen by an observer, fire can be adjusted on the basis of the observations
preparation fire fire delivered on a target in preparation for an assault
radar fire gunfire aimed a target that is being tracked by radar
registration fire fire delivered to obtain accurate data for subsequent effective engagement of targets
scheduled fire prearranged fire delivered at a predetermined time
searching fire fire distributed in depth by successive changes in the elevation of the gun
supporting fire fire delivered by supporting units to protect or assist a unit in combat
suppressive fire fire on or about a weapon system to degrade its performance below what is needed to fulfill its mission objectives
unobserved fire fire for which the point of impact (the bursts) cannot be observed
artillery fire
cannon fire
fire delivered by artillery
high-angle fire fire from a cannon that is fired at an elevation greater than that for the maximum range
mortar fire artillery fire delivered by a mortar
zone fire artillery or mortar fire delivered in a constant direction at several quadrant elevations
the worship of fire
fire sale a sale of merchandise supposedly damaged by fire
fire sale a sale of assets at very low prices typically when the seller faces bankruptcy
European fire salamander
Salamandra salamandra
a kind of European salamander
spotted salamander fire salamander
Salamandra maculosa
European salamander having dark skin with usually yellow spots
fire-bellied toad
Bombina bombina
toad of central and eastern Europe having red or orange patches mixed with black on its underside
firefly fire beetle
Pyrophorus noctiluca
tropical American click beetle having bright luminous spots
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