
Firma Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

fest, Firma
Fa. : Firma
seriöse Firma
reliable company
Name der Firma
name of firm
Geschäft, Firma
Kapital der Firma
company funds
der Ruf der Firma
the standing of the firm
die frühere Firma
the late firm
ausländische Firma
foreign corporation
obenerwähnte Firma
above-mentioned company
Schulden der Firma
company debts
Schulden der Firma
debts of the company
Arbeitgeber, Firma
der besagten Firma
of the said company
der besagten Firma
of the said firm
der Name der Firma
the name of the company
die benannte Firma
the firm you name
die erwähnte Firma
the firm mentioned
die Firma gilt als
the firm is reputed to be
Anteil an der Firma
share in the company
Bonität einer Firma
reliability of a company
Leitung einer Firma
direction of a company
zu Kosten der Firma
at company expense
die fragliche Firma
the firm in question
Schulden einer Firma
debts of a company
angeschlossene Firma
affiliated company
eine Firma übernehmen
take over a company
Vorstand m (Firma)
board of directors, managing board
Nachwuchs m (Firma)
junior staff; trainees
Eintragung einer Firma
incorporation of a company
Stillegung einer Firma
closure of a firm
Nachwuchs m (Firma)
junior staff, trainees
es heißt die Firma sei
the firm is reported to be
es heißt die Firma sei
the firm is said to be
über die besagte Firma
about the firm in question
in eine Firma eintreten
join a company
die Auflösung der Firma
the liquidation of the business
eine zuverlässige Firma
a reliable firm
irgendeine andere Firma
any other firm
das Vermögen einer Firma
assets of a company
die Firma Schwung halten
keep the company going
den Ruf der Firma wahren
to maintain the reputation of the firm
es scheint die Firma sei
the firm appears to be
ideeller Wert einer Firma
goodwill of a company
vertrauenerweckende Firma
responsible firm
Die Firma ging Bankrott.
The company went belly up.
für die Firma zu zeichnen
to sign on behalf of the company
die Firma ist uns unbekannt
the firm is unknown to us
wie lange besteht die Firma
how long has the firm been established
wie lange besteht die Firma
how long has the firm been in business
wie lange besteht die Firma
how long has the firm been in existence
wie lange besteht die Firma
how long has the firm been known to exist
eingetragener Sitz der Firma
registered office
eine Firma mit gutem Ansehen
a company of good standing
hat uns Ihre Firma empfohlen
recommended your firm to us
Information über diese Firma
information about this company
in einer Firma angestellt sein
serve in a business
die finanzielle Lage der Firma
the financial state of the firm
Bestellfirma, bestellende Firma
ordering firm
die Zahlungsfähigkeit der Firma
the solvency of the firm
er wird für unsere Firma reisen
he will travel for our company
es wird berichtet die Firma sei
the firm is reported to be
Krankengeld n (von der Firma)
sickpay; sick pay
Anteil an der Firma, am Geschäft
share in the business
Firma mit bankartigen Geschäften
banking company
Firma, Unternehmen, Unternehmung
Krankengeld n (von der Firma)
sickpay, sick pay
dessen sich unsere Firma erfreut
which our company has enjoyed
die Firma wegen der Sie anfragen
the firm about which you inquire
unsere Firma wird umgewandelt in
our firm is being converted into
umfirmieren v (Firma) econ.
to change its name or legal form (company)
Firma, geschäftliches Unternehmen
business concern
Sitz der Firma, Gesellschaftssitz
place of business
bei einer anderen Firma bestellen
to place our orders with another firm
das Zeichnungsrecht für die Firma
the right to sign for the company
die finanziellen Mittel der Firma
the means of the firm
die Firma gilt als sehr angesehen
the firm is considered highly respectable
die Firma wurde von ... begründet
the firm was founded by
werden Sie unsere Firma vertreten
will you represent our house
im Handelsregister gelöschte Firma
defunct company
Inhaber einer Firma, Firmeninhaber
owner of a firm
Leistungsbilanz f (einer Firma)
current balance including investments
Er hat seiner Firma treu gedient.
He served his company well.
Aufbauorganisation f einer Firma
company organisation structure
sich aus unserer Firma zurückziehen
to retire from our company
welchen Kredit verdient diese Firma
what credit does this firm deserve
(eine Firma) umkrempeln v ugs.
to shake up (a company) coll.
befreundete Firma f econ. soc.
business connection
die beständige Zunahme unserer Firma
the constant expansion of our firm
angesehene Wohnlage, angesehene Firma
good address
er hört auf unsere Firma zu vertreten
he ceases to represent our company
Ertragslage f (einer Firma) econ.
profit situation; profit position; earnings situation; operating results (of a company)
Geschäftsgründung, Gründung einer Firma
formation of a company
er steht in Diensten unserer Firma seit
he has been serving our firm since
Auftragnehmer m, beauftragte Firma f
Geschäft n, Unternehmen n, Firma f
die Firma wird finanziell unterstützt von
the firm is supported financially by
Ihrer Firma einen großen Auftrag erteilen
place a large order with your firm
Leerübertragung f (einer Firma) econ.
transfer of a company name without the business
Gründung f; Eröffnung f (einer Firma)
launch; launching (of a company)
Gründung f, Eröffnung f (einer Firma)
launch, launching (of a company)
Einnahme f, Einkünfte pl (einer Firma)
stark überbewertete Firma f (Börse) fin.
bubble company; bubble (stock exchange)
Übernahme einer Firma verhindernde Maßnahmen
poison pill
Anlaufverluste pl einer Firma (Steuerrecht)
start-up losses of a company (fiscal law)
Tag des Eintritts in die Firma, Eintrittsdatum
date of joining the company
Arbeitgeber m, Firma f
Arbeitgeber pl
eine Niederlassung eröffnen
eine Firma gründen
to set up shop
to set up shop
betreffen, Angelegenheit, Firma, Sache, Besorgnis
Direktor m (einer Firma nicht offiziell ernannt)
associate director
Direktor m (einer Firma, nicht offiziell ernannt)
associate director
Leitbild n (einer Institution Firma)
Leitbilder pl
mission statement (of an institution company)
mission statements
Internet-Aktie f, Aktie einer im Internet aktiven Firma stock
Geschäftsentwicklung f
Geschäftsentwicklung einer Firma
business development
company's performance
Einigungsstelle f (in einer Firma)
Einigungsstellen pl
settlement board (in a company)
settlement boards
strategisch adj
die strategische Ausrichtung einer Firma
the strategic direction of a company
Auskünfte über unsere Firma können von ... eingeholt werden.
Information on
about our company can be obtained from ...
(= company), .com (Abkürzung für "Firma" in Internetadressen)
Außenstelle f (einer Firma Organisation)
Außenstellen pl
outstation (of a company organization)
Umgründung f einer Firma; Umwandlung f einer Firma econ.
transformation of a company
(gesamtes) Werbebudget n; Werbeetat n (einer Firma) econ.
advertising budget; ad budget
(eingetragener) Geschäftszweck m (einer Firma) adm. econ.
objects (of a company)
effizient; schlank übtr. adj (Organisation)
schlanke Firma
lean company
börsenunnotierte börseunnotierte Ös. Firma adj econ. fin.
unlisted company (stock exchange)
eine Firma entfusionieren v econ.
to demerge a company
Tauziehen f (um etw.) übtr.
ein Tauziehen um die Macht in der Firma
tussle (for sth.) fig.
a tussle for control of the company
Beteiligung f der Mitarbeiter am Aktienkapital der Firma econ. fin.
share ownership for employees; employees' share ownership; employees' stock ownership Am.
Neugründung f; Existenzgründung f; Gründung f (einer Firma) econ.
start-up (of a company)
Beretta f (Firmenname stellvertretend für eine Schusswaffe dieser Firma)
mit Sitz in ... (z. B. Firma); aus ... (Person)
ein Journalist aus London
...-based {adj}
a London-based journalist
(ein Unternehmen) umfirmieren v econ.
eine Firma in eine AG umfirmieren
to change (a company's) name or legal form
to turn a company into a public limited company Br. stock corporation Am.
(ein Unternehmen) umfirmieren v econ.
eine Firma in eine AG umfirmieren
to change (a company's) name or legal form
to turn a company into a public limited company Br. stock corporation Am.
Einnahme f; Einkünfte pl (einer Firma)
Einnahmen pl aus Ticketverkäufen
gate receipts
firmieren v
Die Firma ABC firmiert nun unter XYZ.
to operate under a certain name
operating under a certain name
operated under a certain name
The company ABC operates now under the new name XYZ.
weltweit führendes Land Unternehmen usw.
Diese Firma ist weltweit führend in …
global leader
This company is a global leader in …
firmieren v
Die Firma ABC firmiert nun unter als XYZ.
to operate trade under a certain name
operating trading under a certain name
operated traded under a certain name
The company ABC operates now under the new name XYZ.
weltweit führendes Land Unternehmen etc.
Diese Firma ist weltweit führend in ...
global leader
This company is a global leader in ...
einen Fuß in die Tür bekommen v übtr. (nützlichen Zugang zu einer Firma bekommen)
to get a foot in the door fig.
Nägel mit Köpfen machen übtr.; Mittel für eine Firma oder ein Produkt bereitstellen
to put wood behind the arrow fig.
Nägel mit Köpfen machen übtr., Mittel für eine Firma oder ein Produkt bereitstellen
to put wood behind the arrow fig.
Abfallbeauftragter m (einer Firma oder Gebietskörperschaft)
Abfallbeauftragte pl
waste manager; waste disposal officer (of a company or territorial authority)
waste managers; waste disposal officers
Messeauftritt m econ.
Messeauftritte pl
den Messeauftritt der Firma betreuen
trade fair appearance; trade show appearance; trade fair presentation; trade show presentation
trade fair appearances; trade show appearances; trade fair presentations; trade show presentations
to man the company's booth at the trade fair
Kapitalaufstockung f; Sanierung f econ.
das Kapital einer Firma aufstocken v
recapitalization eAm.; recapitalisation Br.
to recapitalize recapitalise Br. a company
Kapitalaufstockung f; Sanierung f econ.
das Kapital einer Firma aufstocken v
recapitalization eAm.; recapitalisation Br.
to recapitalize recapitalise Br. a company
etw. verschlingen v (schnell verbrauchen)
etw. schlucken übtr. (Firma übernehmen)
to gobble up () sth. coll.
to gobble up () sth. coll.
jdn. an etw. beteiligen v fin.
jdn. an einer Firma beteiligen
to give sb. a share interest in sth.
giving a share interest
given a share interest
to give sb. a share interest in a company
Aufbauorganisation f
Aufbauorganisation f einer Firma
besondere Aufbauorganisation BAO
organisational structure Br.; organizational structure Am.
company organization structure eAm.; company organisation structure Br.
special organisational structure Br.; special organizational structure eAm. SOS

Deutsche Firma Synonyme

Betrieb  ÂFirma  ÂUnternehmen  
Besetzung  ÂEinkünfte  (einer  Firma)  ÂEinnahme  ÂKapern  
terra firma  acres  alluvion  alluvium  arable land  base  basement  basis  bearing wall  bed  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Firma Synonym nachschlagen

Englische company Synonyme

company  Aktiengesellschaft  KP  ace  acting company  actors  affiliation  age group  agency  aggregation  aktiebolag  amigo  army  army group  assemblage  assembly  associate  associates  association  atelier  attend  attendance  band  barbershop  battalion  battery  battle group  bear  beauty parlor  beauty shop  bedfellow  bedmate  bench  bevy  body  body corporate  bosom buddy  brigade  bring  buddy  bunch  bunkie  bunkmate  business  business establishment  butcher shop  butty  cabal  cadre  caller  camarade  camaraderie  carry  cartel  cast  cast of characters  chamber of commerce  chamberfellow  chaperon  characters  chorus  chum  circle  circus troupe  classmate  clique  club  cohort  colleague  collection  column  comate  combat command  combat team  combine  commercial enterprise  community  compagnie  companion  companions  companionship  compeer  complement  comrade  comrades  comradeship  concern  conduct  confrere  conglomerate  conglomerate corporation  congregation  consociate  consociation  consolidating company  consort  consort with  consortium  consortship  contingent  convention  convoy  cooperation  copartner  copartnership  corporate body  corporation  corps  corps de ballet  coterie  covey  crew  crony  crowd  desk  detachment  detail  diversified corporation  division  dramatis personae  eight  eleven  ensemble  enterprise  entourage  establishment  facility  faction  fellow  fellow student  fellowship  field army  field train  file  firm  first string  first team  five  fleet  flock  flying column  followers  following  fraternity  fraternization  freeloader  frequenter  friends  gang  garrison  gate-crasher  gathering  girl friend  gossip  group  grouping  groupment  guest  guests  habitue  holding company  horde  house  in-group  industry  installation  institution  joint-stock association  joint-stock company  junta  kitchen police  legion  loft  maniple  mate  membership  messmate  mob  moocher  movement  muster  nine  old crony  operat  

Firma Definition

(n.) The state of being a companion or companions
(n.) A companion or companions.
(n.) An assemblage or association of persons, either permanent or transient.
(n.) Guests or visitors, in distinction from the members of a family
(n.) Society, in general
(n.) An association of persons for the purpose of carrying on some enterprise or business
(n.) Partners in a firm whose names are not mentioned in its style or title
(n.) A subdivision of a regiment of troops under the command of a captain, numbering in the United States (full strength) 100 men.
(n.) The crew of a ship, including the officers
(n.) The body of actors employed in a theater or in the production of a play.
(v. t.) To accompany or go with
(v. i.) To associate.
(v. i.) To be a gay companion.
(v. i.) To have sexual commerce.

company Bedeutung

steamship company
steamship line
a line responsible for the operation of a fleet of steamships
company name the name by which a corporation is identified
broadcasting company a company that manages tv or radio stations
car company
auto company
a company that makes and sells automobiles
dot com
dot com company
a company that operates its business primarily on the internet using a URL that ends in `.com'
drug company
pharmaceutical company
a company that makes and sells pharmaceuticals
East India Company an English company formed in to develop trade with the new British colonies in India and southeastern Asia, in the th century it assumed administrative control of Bengal and held it until the British army took over in after the Indian Mutiny
electronics company a company that makes and sells electronic instruments
film company a company that makes, advertises, and distributes movies
food company a company that processes and sells food
furniture company a company that sells furniture
mining company a company that owns and manages mines
shipping company a company that provides shipping services
steel company a company that makes and sells steel
subsidiary company
a company that is completely controlled by another company
transportation company a company providing transportation
trucking company a company that ships goods or possessions by truck
company an institution created to conduct business, he only invests in large well-established companies, he started the company in his garage
consulting firm
consulting company
a firm of experts providing professional advice to an organization for a fee
publishing house
publishing firm
publishing company
a firm in the publishing business
oil company a company that sells oil
packaging company
packaging concern
a company that packages goods for sale or shipment or storage
pipeline company a company that operates oil pipelines for the oil industry
printing concern
printing business
printing company
a company that does commercial printing
insurance company
insurance firm
insurance underwriter
a financial institution that sells insurance
investment company
investment trust
investment firm
a financial institution that sells shares to individuals and invests in securities issued by other companies
mutual fund
mutual fund company
open-end fund
open-end investment company
a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares
closed-end fund
closed-end investment company
a regulated investment company that issues a fixed number of shares which are listed on a stock market
face-amount certificate company a regulated investment company that pays a stated amount to certificate holders on a stated maturity date
target company
takeover target
a company that has been chosen as attractive for takeover by a potential acquirer
company a unit of firefighters including their equipment, a hook-and-ladder company
fire brigade
fire company
a private or temporary organization of individuals equipped to fight fires
company a social gathering of guests or companions, the house was filled with company when I arrived
limited company
a company that is organized to give its owners limited liability
holding company a company with controlling shares in other companies
bank holding company a holding company owning or controlling one or more banks
multibank holding company a bank holding company owning several banks
public utility
public utility company
public-service corporation
a company that performs a public service, subject to government regulation
telephone company
telephone service
phone company
phone service
a public utility that provides telephone service
power company
power service
electric company
light company
a public utility that provides electricity
water company
a public utility that provides water
gas company
gas service
a public utility that provides gas
bus company
bus service
a public utility providing local transportation
livery company one of the chartered companies of London originating with the craft guilds
company troupe organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical), the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel
opera company a company that produces operas
theater company a company that produces plays
stock company repertory company a theatrical company that performs plays from a repertoire
ballet company a company that produces ballets
company small military unit, usually two or three platoons
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126 Bewertungen 3


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Eine Firma ist der Name, unter dem ein Kaufmann seine Geschäfte betreibt, seine Unterschrift leistet und unter dem er klagen und verklagt werden kann . Man spricht auch von einer Firmierung. Im Markenrecht wird die Firma dem Begriff der Unternehmenskennzeichen zugeordnet, § 5 Abs. 2 MarkenG. Freiberufler und Kleingewerbetreibende treten im Geschäftsleben dagegen unter ihrem bürgerlichen Namen auf oder führen eine Geschäftsbezeichnung.

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