
Folie Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Folie f
Folie, Metallfolie
Einschweißen n (in Folie)
Overhead-Projektor-Folie f; Overheadfolie f
OHP transparency; overhead transparency; overhead
Folie f; Metallfolie f
Folien pl; Metallfolien pl
Folie f, Metallfolie f
Folien pl, Metallfolien pl
beschichtet adj
beschichtete Folie f
beschichtetes Gewebe n
coated; plated
coated film
coated fabric
Folie f; Overheadfolie f; Overhead-Projektor-Folie f
Folien pl
overhead transparency; OHP transparency
OHP transparencies
Folie f, Overheadfolie f, Overhead-Projektor-Folie f
Folien pl
overhead transparency, OHP transparency
OHP transparencies
Spurenabnahme f (Kriminaltechnik)
Spurenabnahme mit elektrostatischer Folie
Spurenabnahme mit Gelatinefolie
trace lifting (forensics)
electrostatic lifting
gelatine lifting; gel lifting
Folie f
Polyesterfolie f; biaxial orientierte Polyesterfolie; BO-PET-Folie; Stabilfolie f selten
Scheibenfolie f
Sonnenschutzfolie f
Tönungsfolie f
polyester film; biaxially-oriented polyester film; BoPET film; mylar film ®; melinex film ®
window film
sunshade film
tint film
(zugeschnittene) Kunststofffolie f; Plastikfolie f; Folie f (in Zusammensetzungen) (Dicke: > 0,25 mm)
Azetatfolie f; Acetatfolie f
Polyethylenfolie f; PE-Folie f
plastic sheet (thickness ) 0.25 mm)
acetate sheet
polyethene sheet; PE sheet
etw. (von einem Medium auf ein anderes) übertragen v
nicht übertragen
eine Zeichnung von Papier auf Folie übertragen
die Daten vom Tablet-Computer wieder auf den Tischcomputer zurückübertragen
to transfer sth. (from one medium to another)
to transfer a drawing from paper to transparency
to transfer back the data from the tablet PC to the desktop PC
Metallfolie f; Folie f (in Zusammensetzungen)
Metallfolien pl; Folien pl
Alufolie f; Aluminiumfolie f
Backfolie f cook.
Dachdämmfolie f; Dachisolierfolie f; Dachfolie f constr.
Isolierfolie f constr.
Zinnfolie f; Stanniolfolie f; Stanniolpapier n; Stanniol n; Silberpapier n ugs.
(elektrisch) leitende Folie
aluminium foil; aluminum foil Am.
baking foil
roofing foil; roof foil
insulating foil
tin foil; tinfoil; silver paper
(electrically) conductive foil

Deutsche Folie Synonyme

Folie  ÂOverhead-Projektor-Folie  ÂOverheadfolie  
Folie  (eines  Geschehens)  ÂHintergrund  
Folie (eines Geschehens)  Hintergrund  
Folie  Overhead-Projektor-Folie  Overheadfolie  
folie  aberration  abnormality  alienation  brain damage  brainsickness  clouded mind  craziness  daftness  dementedness  
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Englische film Synonyme

film  3-D  Cinemascope  Cinerama  London fog  London special  Photostat  Rabelaisianism  Technicolor  Western  X-rated movie  X-ray  Xerox  actor-proof  all-star  animated cartoon  apply to  backing  ballet  balletic  bawdiness  bawdry  bibliofilm  bipack  black-and-white film  blanket  blear  block  blue movie  blur  bulletin board  calotype  canopy  capture on film  card  cartoon  cartridge  catalog card  chiller  cine  cinema  cinematic  cinematographic  cloak  clothe  cloud  coat  coating  collop  color film  color negative film  cope  cover  cover up  covering  cowl  creepie  curtain  cut  deal  defocus  dim  dirt  dirtiness  dirty movie  disc  disk  documentary  documentary film  dope  dramatic  dramatical  dramaturgic  drisk  drizzling mist  dry plate  dusting  eclipse  educational film  emulsion  enamel  erotic art  erotic literature  erotographomania  facing  fade away  feature  fescenninity  feuille  file  filing card  filmic  filth  filthiness  flap  flick  flicker  fog  foil  fold  foulness  frame  frost smoke  fur  gauze  glaze  ham  hammy  haze  haziness  histrionic  hood  horror picture  horse opera  iconolagny  index card  integument  lacquer  lamella  lamina  laminated glass  laminated wood  lap  lay on  lay over  layer  leaf  legitimate  lewdness  library catalog  lose resolution  magnetic tape  mantle  mask  melodramatic  membrane  microcard  microdot  microfiche  microfilm  milked  mist  mistiness  monochromatic film  monodramatic  motion picture  motion-picture film  motion-picture show  movie  moving picture  muffle  mug  murkiness  nastiness  negative  newsreel  nudie  obduce  obscenity  obscure  occult  offensiveness  operatic  orthochromatic film  overacted  overlay  overplayed  overspread  pack  paint  pale  pan  panchromatic film  pane  panel  patina  pea soup  pea-soup fog  peasouper  peel  pellicle  phonograph record  photodrama  photograph  photographic paper  photomap  photoplay  pic  picture  picture show  plait  plank  plate  plating  
filmy  attenuate  attenuated  beclouded  blear  bleared  bleary  blurred  blurry  clear  clear as crystal  clouded  cloudy  cobwebby  confused  crystal  crystal-clear  crystalline  dainty  dark  delicate  diaphane  diaphanous  dim  downy  faint  feeble  fine  fine-drawn  fine-grained  finespun  flimsy  fluffy  foggy  foliaceous  foliated  fuzzy  gauzy  gossamer  gossamery  half-seen  half-visible  hazy  ill-defined  in layers  inconspicuous  indefinite  indistinct  indistinguishable  insubstantial  lamellar  lamellate  lamellated  lamelliform  laminate  laminated  laminous  leaflike  leafy  light  light-pervious  limpid  low-profile  lucid  membranous  merely glimpsed  milky  misty  murky  nonopaque  obscure  opalescent  out of focus  pale  pearly  peekaboo  pellucid  pubescent  refined  revealing  satin  satiny  scummy  see-through  semivisible  shadowy  sheer  silky  smooth  spathic  spathose  stratified  stratiform  thin  thin-spun  three-ply  translucent  transparent  transpicuous  two-ply  uncertain  unclear  unclouded  undefined  unplain  unrecognizable  vague  velutinous  velvety  weak  wiredrawn  

Folie Definition

(n.) A thin skin
(n.) A slender thread, as that of a cobweb.
(v. t.) To cover with a thin skin or pellicle.

film Bedeutung

film festival a cinematic festival that features films (usually films produced during the past year)
movie making
film making
the production of movies
film editing
the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film
film a thin coating or layer, the table was covered with a film of dust
film photographic film photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion, used to make negatives or transparencies
film plastic film a thin sheet of (usually plastic and usually transparent) material used to wrap or cover things
film advance a mechanism for advancing film in a camera or projector
motion-picture film
movie film
photographic film several hundred feet long and wound on a spool, to be used in a movie camera
movie projector
cine projector
film projector
projects successive frames from a reel of film to create moving pictures
orthochromatic film a photographic film sensitive to green and blue and violet light
panchromatic film photographic film sensitive to light of all colors (including red)
roll film photographic film wound on a spool
cling film
Saran Wrap
a thin plastic film made of saran (trade name Saran Wrap) that sticks to itself, used for wrapping food
soap film a film left on objects after they have been washed in soap
sound film motion-picture film with sound effects and dialogue recorded on it
Xay film photographic film used to make Xay pictures
a medium that disseminates moving pictures, theater pieces transferred to celluloid, this story would be good cinema, film coverage of sporting events
a movie
film picture moving picture
moving-picture show
motion picture
motion-picture show
picture show
a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement, they went to a movie every Saturday night, the film was shot on location
feature film
the principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater, the feature tonight is `Casablanca'
collage film a movie that juxtaposes different kinds of footage
documentary film
a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event
film noir a movie that is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, menace, and cynical characters, film noir was applied by French critics to describe American thriller or detective films in the s
pilot program
pilot film
a program exemplifying a contemplated series, intended to attract sponsors
film clip a strip of motion picture film used in a telecast
film company a company that makes, advertises, and distributes movies
film industry
movie industry
the entertainment industries involved in producing and distributing movies
film director
the person who directs the making of a film
film maker
film producer
movie maker
a producer of motion pictures
film star
movie star
a star who plays leading roles in the cinema
film writer
someone who writes screenplays
filmy fern
film fern
any fern of the genus Hymenophyllum growing in tropical humid regions and having translucent leaves
shoot take
make a film or photograph of something, take a scene, shoot a movie
film record in film, The coronation was filmed
film-make make films, be a film maker
film over
glaze over
become glassy, lose clear vision, Her eyes glazed over from lack of sleep
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Unter einer Folie wird heute meist ein sehr dünnes Metall- oder Kunststoffblatt verstanden.