
Fraktionierturm Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Fraktionierturm m (Ölraffination) chem. techn.
Fraktioniertürme pl
bubble column (oil refining)
bubble columns
Fraktionierturm m (Ölraffination) chem. techn.
Fraktioniertürme pl
bubble column (oil refining)
bubble columns
Fraktion f (Parlament)
Labourfraktion f, Fraktion der Labour-Partei
parliamentary party Br., congressional party Am.
Parliamentary Labour Party
Fraktion f (Untergruppe)
Fraktion f chem.
Fraktion f (Parlament)
Fraktionen pl
Labourfraktion f; Fraktion der Labour-Partei
parliamentary party Br.; congressional party Am.; parliamentary group
parliamentary parties; congressional parties; parliamentary groups
Parliamentary Labour Party
Fraktion f (Untergruppe)
Er gehört wohl zur Fraktion "..."
His motto seems to be: "..."
Fraktionszugehörigkeit f; Klubzugehörigkeit f Ös. (im Parlament) pol.
aus der Fraktion dem Klub Ös. der Konservativen ausscheiden
membership of the parliamentary party group; the whip Br. (in Parliament)
to resign the Tory whip Br.
Rote-Armee-Fraktion f RAF hist.
Red Army Faction
DNS-Sequenzfraktion f; DNS-Fraktion f biochem.
DNS-Satellitenfraktion f; Satellitenfraktion f; Satelliten-DNS
DNA sequence fraction; DNA fraction
satellite DNA fraction; satellite fraction; satellite DNA
Fraktion f chem.
alveolengängige Staubfraktion f; alevolengängige Fraktion; A-Fraktion; alveolengängiger Staubanteil; alveolengängiger Staub; A-Staub
einatembare Staubfraktion; einatembare Fraktion; E-Fraktion; einatembarer Staubanteil; einatembarer Staub; E-Staub
thoraxgängige Staubfraktion; thoraxgängige Fraktion; T-Fraktion; thoraxgängiger Staubanteil; thoraxgängiger Staub; T-Staub
respirable fraction; respirable dust
inhalable fraction; inhalable dust
thoracic fraction; thoracic dust
die Fraktionszugehörigkeit Dt. Schw.; die Klubzugehörigkeit Ös. (im Parlament) f pol.
die Fraktion den Klub Ös. verlassen; aus der Fraktion dem Klub Ös. austreten
aus der Fraktion dem Klub Ös. der Konservativen ausscheiden
einen Abgeordneten aus der Fraktion dem Klub Ös. ausschließen
the party whip Br.; the whip Br. (membership of a parliamentary group)
to resign the whip
to resign the Tory whip Br.
to withdraw the whip from an MP
Rote-Armee-Fraktion f RAF hist.
Red Army Faction
sich erkälten; sich verkühlen Mittelostdt. Süddt. Ös. v med.
sich erkältend; sich verkühlend
sich erkältet; sich verkühlt
er sie erkältet sich
ich erkältete mich; er sie erkältete sich
er sie hat hatte sich erkältet
sich eine schlimme Erkältung holen; sich schwer erkälten
Dass du dich nur ja nicht erkältest!
Sie liegt mit einer schweren Erkältung im Bett.
Er gehört wohl zum Erkälte-dich-täglich-Club.; Er gehört wohl zur Fraktion „Verkühle dich täglich“. Süddt. Ös.
to catch a cold; to catch cold; to get a cold; to catch a chill; to catch chill
catching a cold; catching cold; getting a cold; catching a chill; catching chill
caught a cold; caught cold; got a cold; caught a chill; caught chill
he she catches (a) cold; he she gets a cold
I he she caught (a) cold; I he she got a cold
he she has had caught (a) cold; he she has had got a cold
to catch a bad cold; to catch a serious cold
Now, don't go and catch a cold!
She is confined to bed with a severe chill.
His motto seems to be: "You must brave the chill to get the thrill".
niedrigsiedend; tiefsiedend; mit niedrigen Siedepunkt (nachgestellt) (Flüssigkeit) adj chem.
niedrigsiedende Fraktion; tiefsiedende Fraktion
low-boiling; low-boiling-point …; with a low boiling point (postpositive) (of a fluid)
low-boiling fraction; low-boiling-point fraction
Fraktionierung f, Fraktionieren n
Fraktionierung f; Fraktionieren n
fraktionieren v
to fractionate; to separate into fractions
fractionating; separating into fractions
fractionated; separated into fractions
fraktionierende Destillation f; fraktionierte Destillation f; Destillation f mit stufenweiser Trennung; fraktionierende Auftrennung f; Fraktionierung f; Fraktionieren n; Rektifizierung f; Rektifikation f chem. techn.
fractional distillation; differential distillation; fractionation; rectification
Aufkocher m; Verdampfer m (bei der fraktionierenden Destillation) chem. techn.
Aufkocher pl; Verdampfer pl
Kesselverdampfer m
Naturumlaufverdampfer m
reboiler (in fractional distillation)
kettle-type reboiler; kettle reboiler
thermosyphon reboiler; natural-circulation calandria; calandria
fraktioniert adj
Spinalanästhesie f; Liquorblockade f; Liquorsperre f med.
extradurale peridurale epidurale Spinalanästhesie
fraktionierte Spinalanästhesie
subarachnoidale Liquorblockade
spinal anaesthesia; rachianaesthesia; rachianalgesia; intraspinal block
extradural peridural epidural spinal anaesthesia
fractional spinal anaesthesia
subarachnoid block
fraktionierte Destillation f; Franktionierung f; stufenweise Trennung f chem. techn.
fractional distillation; differential distillation
Fraktionierturm m (Ölraffination) chem. techn.
Fraktioniertürme pl
bubble column (oil refining)
bubble columns
Pilat-Fraktionierung m (Asphalt) techn.
Pilat process
Pilat-Fraktionierung f (Asphalt) techn.
Pilat process
Fraktionschef m
Fraktionschef m
leader of a parliamentary party
chairman of a parliamentary party
Fraktionsdisziplin f Dt.; Fraktionszwang Dt.; Klubzwang m Ös.; Fraktionstreue f Schw. (im Parlament) pol.
dem Fraktionszwang unterliegen
sich der Fraktionsdisziplin beugen unterwerfen
sich der Franktionsdisziplin widersetzen
Der Fraktionszwang ist aufgehoben.
party discipline; party whip Br. (in Parliament)
to be subject to party discipline; to be under subject to the party whip Br.
to submit to the party discipline whip Br.
to defy the party whip Br.
The whips are off. Br.
Fraktionsdisziplin f Dt.; Fraktionszwang Dt.; Klubzwang m Ös.; Fraktionstreue f Schw. (im Parlament) pol.
dem Fraktionszwang unterliegen
sich der Fraktionsdisziplin beugen unterwerfen
sich über die Fraktionsdisziplin hinwegsetzen
Der Fraktionszwang ist aufgehoben.
party discipline; party whip Br. (in Parliament)
to be subject to party discipline; to be under subject to the party whip Br.
to submit to the party discipline whip Br.
to defy the party whip Br.
The whips are off. Br.
Fraktionsvorsitzende m f , Fraktionsvorsitzender, Fraktionsführer m, Fraktionsführerin f pol.
party whip, whip, floor leader, political group chairman
Fraktionsvorsitzender m; Fraktionsführer m; Klubobmann m Ös.; Fraktionspräsident m Schw. (im Parlament) pol.
parliamentry group party leader; chief whip Br.; party whip Br.; floor leader Am. (in Parliament)
Fraktionsvorsitzender m; Fraktionsvorsitzende f; Fraktionsführer m; Fraktionsführerin f; Klubobmann m Ös.; Fraktionspräsident m Schw. (im Parlament) pol.
Fraktionsvorsitzenden pl; Fraktionsvorsitzende pl; Fraktionsführer pl; Fraktionsführerinnen pl; Klubobmänner pl; Fraktionspräsidenten pl
parliamentary group leader; parliamentary party leader; chief whip; floor leader Am. (in Parliament)
parliamentary group leaders; parliamentary party leaders; chief whips; floor leaders
Fraktionsgeschäftsführer m; Fraktionsgeschäftsführerin f pol.
Parliamentary Secretary
fraktionslos adj pol.
unattached; independent; non-attached; without party affiliation
Fraktionsmitglied n pol.
member of a parliamentary party group
Fraktionssammler m
Fraktionssammler pl
fraction collector
fraction collectors
Fraktionssitzung f
Fraktionssitzungen pl
Fraktionssitzung f pol.
Fraktionssitzungen pl
Fraktionssitzung der Labour-Partei
group meeting; parliamentary group party meeting; meeting of a political group
group meetings; parliamentary group party meetings; meetings of a political group
Labour group meeting
Fraktionssprecher m; Fraktionssprecherin f pol.
parliamentary group paety spokesperson spokesman spokeswoman
Fraktionssprecher m; Fraktionssprecherin f pol.
parliamentary group paety spokesperson spokesman spokeswoman
Fraktionsvorgaben pl; Parteivorgaben pl; schriftliche Instruktionen pl (für Abstimmungen im Parlament) pol.
(schriftliche) Instruktionen für wichtige Abstimmungen
party whip Br.; whip Br. (written directives for parliamentary votes)
three-line whip
Fraktionszwang m pol.
(one-, two, three-) line whip Br.
Fraktionszwang m pol.
(one- two three-) line whip Br.

Deutsche Fraktionierturm Synonyme

Englische bubble column Synonyme

bubble  air  air pocket  airy hope  airy nothing  apparition  autism  babble  ball  balloon  be enthusiastic  bilge  bladder  blain  bleb  blister  blob  blubber  boil  boil over  boll  bolus  boss  bow  brainchild  bubble over  bubble up  bubbles  bulb  bulbil  bulblet  bulge  bulla  bump  bunch  burble  burl  button  cahot  carbonation  carry on over  chaff  chimera  china  chine  chip  churn  clump  cobweb  condyle  convex  cork  daydream  deception  delirium  deluded belief  delusion  dereism  dowel  down  dream  dream vision  dreamland  dreamworld  droplet  dust  ear  effervesce  effervescence  eggshell  eidolon  ellipsoid  enthuse  ephemera  ephemeral  ephemerid  ephemerides  ephemeris  ether  fairy  false belief  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  feather  ferment  fiction  figment  fizz  fizzle  flange  flap  flue  fluff  foam  froth  fuzz  gall  geoid  glass  glass house  globe  globelet  globoid  globule  glomerulus  gnarl  go on over  gob  gobbet  golden dream  gossamer  guggle  gurgle  gush  gush over  hallucination  handle  hill  hiss  house of cards  hump  hunch  ice  idle fancy  ignis fatuus  illusion  imagery  imagination  imagining  insubstantial image  invention  jog  joggle  knob  knot  knur  knurl  lap  lather  lip  loop  lump  maggot  make much of  make-believe  matchwood  mayfly  misbelief  misconception  mist  moil  mole  mote  mountain  myth  nevus  nub  nubbin  nubble  oblate spheroid  old paper  orb  orbit  orblet  papilloma  parchment  peg  pellet  phantasm  phantom  piecrust  pipe  pipe dream  plash  plop  prolate spheroid  purl  quixotic ideal  rainbow  rave  rave about  rhapsodize  rib  ridge  ring  ripple  romance  rondure  seethe  self-deceit  self-deception  self-delusion  shadow  shoulder  sick fancy  simmer  slosh  smoke  smolder  snows of yesteryear  sparkle  sphere  spheroid  spherule  spine  spirit  splash  sponge  spume  stir  straw  stud  style  suds  swash  swish  tab  take on over  thick-coming fancies  thin air  thistledown  trick  

Fraktionierturm Definition

(n.) A thin film of liquid inflated with air or gas
(n.) A small quantity of air or gas within a liquid body
(n.) A globule of air, or globular vacuum, in a transparent solid
(n.) A small, hollow, floating bead or globe, formerly used for testing the strength of spirits.
(n.) The globule of air in the spirit tube of a level.
(n.) Anything that wants firmness or solidity
(n.) A person deceived by an empty project
(n.) To rise in bubbles, as liquids when boiling or agitated
(n.) To run with a gurgling noise, as if forming bubbles
(n.) To sing with a gurgling or warbling sound.
Bubble shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Bulla and allied genera, belonging to the Tectibranchiata.
(n.) A kind of pillar
(n.) Anything resembling, in form or position, a column in architecture
(n.) A body of troops formed in ranks, one behind the other
(n.) A small army.
(n.) A number of ships so arranged as to follow one another in single or double file or in squadrons
(n.) A perpendicular set of lines, not extending across the page, and separated from other matter by a rule or blank space
(n.) A perpendicular line of figures.
(n.) The body formed by the union of the stamens in the Mallow family, or of the stamens and pistil in the orchids.
(n.) A tobacco pipe, so arranged that the smoke passes through water, making a bubbling noise, whence its name. In India, the bulb containing the water is often a cocoanut shell.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Refine

bubble column (oil refining) / bubble columns Bedeutung

bubble bath a bath in which you add something to foam and scent the bath water
bubble dance a solo dance similar to a fan dance except large balloons are used instead of fans
bubble shell marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell
blister pack
bubble pack
packaging in which a product is sealed between a cardboard backing and clear plastic cover
bubble a dome-shaped covering made of transparent glass or plastic
bubble chamber an instrument that records the tracks of ionizing particles
bubble jet printer
bubble-jet printer
a kind of ink-jet printer
pillar a
(architecture) a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure
column pillar a vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument)
column chromatography column a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography, a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands
b hookah
water pipe
an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water, a bipolar world with the hookah and Turkish coffee versus hamburgers and Coca Cola
lally column
support column consisting of a steel cylinder filled with concrete
magnetic bubble memory a nonvolatile storage device that holds information in the form of bubbles on a thin film of magnetic silicate, no longer used in most computers
support column a column that supports a heavy weight
column any tubular or pillar-like supporting structure in the body
spinal column
vertebral column
back rachis
the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord, the fall broke his back
bubble an impracticable and illusory idea, he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble
house of cards
a speculative scheme that depends on unstable factors that the planner cannot control, his proposal was nothing but a house of cards, a real estate bubble
column a page or text that is vertically divided, the newspaper devoted several columns to the subject, the bookkeeper used pages that were divided into columns
newspaper column
an article giving opinions or perspectives
agony column a newspaper column devoted to personal problems
bubble gum a kind of chewing gum that can be blown into bubbles
bubble and squeak leftover cabbage fried with cooked potatoes and sometimes meat
oil industry
refining industry
oil business
an industry that produces and delivers oil and oil products
fifth column
Trojan horse
a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage, an enemy in your midst
column a line of units following one after another
column a vertical array of numbers or other information, he added a column of numbers
air bubble a bubble of air
bubble a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide)
soap bubble a bubble formed by a thin soap film
column chromatography chromatography that uses selective adsorption by a column of powders
the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)
column inch
a unit of measurement for advertising space
column tower
anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower, the test tube held a column of white powder, a tower of dust rose above the horizon, a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite
bubble gum dermatitis an allergic contact dermatitis developed around the lips of children who chew bubble gum
expel gas from the stomach, In China it is polite to burp at the table
bubble form, produce, or emit bubbles, The soup was bubbling
bubble cause to form bubbles, bubble gas through a liquid
bubble over
spill over
overflow with a certain feeling, The children bubbled over with joy, My boss was bubbling over with anger
bubble rise in bubbles or as if in bubbles, bubble to the surface
bubble up
move upwards in bubbles, as from the effect of heating, also used metaphorically, Gases bubbled up from the earth, Marx's ideas have bubbled up in many places in Latin America
flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise, babbling brooks
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