
Freiheitsrechte Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Freiheitsrechte f
civil rights and liberties
Freiheitsrechte f
civil rights and liberties
Freiheit wiedergewinnen
resume one's liberty
Gesetz zum Schutze der persönlichen Freiheit
Habeas Corpus Act
Beinfreiheit f, Freiheit für die Beine
Freiheit f
Freiheiten pl, Vorrechte pl
Freiheit f, Ungebundenheit f, Ungezwungenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
academic freedom
personal freedom
Gesetz zum Schutze der persönlichen Freiheit jur.
Habeas Corpus Act
dichterisch adj
dichterische Freiheit, Dichterfreiheit f
poetic licence Br., poetic license Am.
Freiheit ist überall zu finden, aber ich bin ausgerechnet hier.
Freedom is everywhere but I'm here.
Freiheit, Ungebundenheit
Beinfreiheit f; Freiheit für die Beine
Freiheit f
Freiheiten pl; Vorrechte pl
Freiheit f; Ungebundenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
Freiheit der Fischerei
Freiheit der Schifffahrt
Freiheit des Ãœberflugs
Transitfreiheit f
seine Freiheit wiedererlangen
academic freedom
personal freedom
freedom of fishing
freedom of navigation
freedom of overflight
freedom of transit
to be set free again
Lehrfreiheit f; Freiheit f der Lehre
freedom of teaching
einen Tunnel graben bohren treiben (durch unter in etw.) v
Insekten hatten Löcher in den Baum gebohrt.
Die Gefangenen versuchten sich einen Weg in die Freiheit zu graben.
to tunnel (through under into sth.)
Insects had tunneled into the tree.
The prisoners tried to tunnel their way out.
ganz allgemein (gesprochen); abstrakt gesprochen; theoretisch adv
über Freiheit ganz allgemein reden
Politiker sind in der Theorie immer besser als in der Praxis.
in a general way; in the abstract
to talk about freedom in the abstract
Politicians are always better in the abstract than in reality.
befreien; in Freiheit setzen; (vorzeitig) entpflichten v
to enfranchise; to affranchise obs.
enfranchising; affranchising
enfranchised; affranchised
dichterisch adj
dichterische Freiheit; Dichterfreiheit f
poetic licence Br.; poetic license Am.
jdn. freilassen; jdn. auf freien Fuß setzen v
ein Tier freilassen; einem Tier die Freiheit schenken
to set sth. free loose
to set an animal free
künstlerisch adj
künstlerische Freiheit f
artistic; artistical
artistic licence
'Freiheit in Krähwinkel' (von Nestroy Werktitel) lit.
'Liberty comes to Krähwinkel' (by Nestroy work title)
'Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen' (von Luther Werktitel) relig.
'On the Freedom of a Christian' (by Luther work title)
Freiheit f; Ungebundenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
Medienfreiheit f
Freiheit der Fischerei
Freiheit der Schifffahrt
Freiheit des Ãœberflugs
Transitfreiheit f
seine Freiheit wiedererlangen
academic freedom
personal freedom
media freedom
freedom of fishing
freedom of navigation
freedom of overflight
freedom of transit
to be set free again
Freiheit f; Freiheiten pl (Vorrechte)
künstlerische Freiheit
unternehmerische Freiheit econ.
jdm. zu viele Freiheiten geben einräumen
sich aufgrund einer Sache Freiheiten herausnehmen erlauben
licence Br.; license Am. (privileges)
artistic licence
entrepreneurial licence
to give sb. too much licence
to take licence from sth.
einen Tunnel graben bohren treiben (durch unter in etw.) v
Insekten hatten Löcher in den Baum gebohrt.
Die Gefangenen versuchten, sich einen Weg in die Freiheit zu graben.
to tunnel (through under into sth.)
Insects had tunneled into the tree.
The prisoners tried to tunnel their way out.
akademisch adj (den Hochschulbetrieb betreffend) stud.
akademischer Beruf
akademischer Grad
akademische Freiheit; Freiheit von Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre
akademischer Titel
in akademischen Kreisen
academic (relating to university life)
graduate occupation; graduate profession
academic degree
academic freedom
academic rank
in academic circles.
dichterisch; poetisch adj ling. lit.
dichterische Freiheit; Dichterfreiheit f
poetic; poetical
poetic licence Br.; poetic license Am.
jdn. freilassen; jdn. auf freien Fuß setzen v
ein Tier freilassen; einem Tier die Freiheit schenken
to set sth. free loose
to set an animal free
künstlerisch adj
künstlerische Freiheit f
eine künstlerische Begabung
artistic; artistical
artistic licence
an artistic talent
etw. dazu nutzen nützen Süddt. Ös. Schw., etw. zu tun v
Sie nutzen die neue Freiheit dazu, ihre Aktivitäten auszudehnen.
to take advantage of sth. to do sth.
They take advantage of the new freedom to expand their activities.
teuer adv (verlustreich) übtr.
Diese Freiheit ist teuer erkauft.
Wenn du mit uns nicht zusammenarbeitest, wirst du das teuer bezahlen.
Diese Fehlentscheidung ist die Firma teuer zu stehen gekommen.
dearly (with much loss)
This freedom has been bought dearly.
If you refuse to cooperate with us, you will pay dearly for it.
This mistake cost the company dearly dear.
Die Freiheit winkte ihm.
Freedom beckoned him.
'Freiheit in Krähwinkel' (von Nestroy Werktitel) lit.
'Liberty comes to Krähwinkel' (by Nestroy work title)
'Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen' (von Luther Werktitel) relig.
'On the Freedom of a Christian' (by Luther work title)
Freiheiten, Vorrechte
etw. erkämpfen v
hart erkämpfte soziale Rechte
hart erkämpfte Freiheiten
die hart erkämpfte Pressefreiheit
to achieve sth.; to win sth.
achieving; winning
achieved; won
social rights achieved after a long battle
hard-won liberties
hard-earned press freedom
Eingriff m (in etw.); Ãœbergriff m (auf etw.)
Eingriffe pl; Ãœbergriffe pl
kleinere Eingriffe in unsere persönlichen Freiheiten
encroachment; impingement (on sth.)
encroachments; impingements
minor encroachments on our individual liberties
in etw. eindringen; in etw. eingreifen; einen Eingriff in etw. darstellen v
eindringend; eingreifend; einen Eingriff darstellend
eingedrungen; eingegriffen; einen Eingriff in dargestellt
in jds. Privatsphäre eindringen
in jds. Domäne eindringen
Gesetze, die in die bürgerlichen Freiheiten eingreifen
Der Bund greift in Länderkompetenzen ein. pol.
to encroach on sth.; to impinge on sth.
encroaching; impinging
encroached; impinged
to encroach on sb.'s privacy
to encroach on sb.'s territory
legislation which impinges on civil liberties
The Federation encroaches on the legislative competence of the states.
erkämpft adj (in Zusammensetzungen)
hart erkämpfte soziale Rechte
hart erkämpfte Freiheiten
die hart erkämpfte Pressefreiheit
ihre erkämpften Rechte
manche der erkämpften Kompromisse
achieved; won (in compounds)
social rights achieved after a long battle
hard-won liberties
hard-earned press freedom
the rights they have fought for
some of the compromises they have won
freiheitlich adj
am freiheitlichsten
more liberal
most liberal
liberalistisch, freiheitlich adj pol.
libertär; extrem freiheitlich adj phil. pol.
more liberal
most liberal
Freiheitsbegriff m
concept of freedom
false imprisonment
Freiheitsberaubung f
deprivation of liberty
deprivation of liberty
Freiheitsberaubung f; Freiheitsentzug m; Freiheitsentziehung f jur. (Straftatbestand)
deprivation of liberty; unlawful detention; false imprisonment (criminal offence)
ETA f (Nationale baskische Freiheitsbewegung)
ETA (Basque National Liberation Movement)
Verfügung f; Anordnung f adm. jur.
freiheitsentziehende Maßnahme
custodial disposal
Er wurde zu lebenslänglichem Freiheitsentzug verurteilt.
He was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Freiheitsentzug m; Gefängnis n; Haft f (Strafart) jur.
lebenslange Haft f
hinter Schloss und Riegel
Er wurde zu zwei Jahren Freiheitsentzug Gefängnis Haft verurteilt.
Sie wurde nach sechsmonatiger Haft entlassen.
imprisonment; durance obs. (type of sentence)
life imprisonment
in durance vile
He was sentenced to two years' imprisonment.
She was released after six months' imprisonment.
Freiheitsentzug m; Gefängnis n; Haft f; Kerkerhaft f veraltet (Strafart) jur.
lebenslange Haft f
hinter Schloss und Riegel
Er wurde zu zwei Jahren Freiheitsentzug Gefängnis Haft verurteilt.
Sie wurde nach sechsmonatiger Haft entlassen.
imprisonment; incarceration; durance obs. (type of sentence)
life imprisonment
in durance vile
He was sentenced to two years' imprisonment.
She was released after six months' imprisonment.
lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe f; lebenslange Haftstrafe f; lebenslange Haft f jur.
lebenslanger Freiheitsentzug unter Ausschluss vorzeitiger Entlassung
life sentence; sentence of life imprisonment
life sentence with a 'whole life order Br.; whole-life sentence; life sentence without (the possibility of) parole Am.
Freiheitsgrad m math.
Freiheitsgrade pl, Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
degree of freedom
degrees of freedom
Freiheitsgrad m math.
Freiheitsgrade pl; Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
degree of freedom
degrees of freedom
Freiheitsgrad m chem. phys.
Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
System mit einem Freiheitsgrad
mechanisches System mit mehreren Freiheitsgraden
Schwingungsfreiheitsgrad (von Molekülen usw.) chem.
Schwingungssystem mit endlich vielen Freiheitsgraden; mehrfacher Schwinger
degree of freedom df
number of degrees of freedom; variability
one-degree-of-freedom system
multi-degree-of-freedom mechanical system; multiple-degree-of-freedom mechanical system
vibrational degree of freedom (of molecules etc.)
vibrating system with several degrees of freedom, multi-degree-of-freedom vibrator
Freiheitsgrad m statist.
System mit mehreren Freiheitsgraden
Die Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade ist die Anzahl der Werte, die frei variiert werden können.
degree of freedom
multi-degree-of-freedom system; multiple-degree-of-freedom system
The number of degrees of freedom is the number of values that are free to vary.
Roboter m techn.
Roboter pl
Industrieroboter m
Nanoroboter m; Nanobot m
Pendelroboter m
Portalroboter m; Industrieroboter in kartesischer Koordinatenbauweise
Rasenmähroboter m; Mähroboter m
Schweißroboter m
Roboter mit Erkennungssystem
Freiheitsgrad eines Roboters
Freiheitsgradachse eines Roboters
Nachgiebigkeit eines Roboters (gegenüber Krafteinwirkung)
anhand rechtwinkeliger Koordinaten arbeitender Roboter
industrial robot
nanorobot; nanobot
oscillating robot
gantry robot; Cartesian coordinate robot
robot lawnmower; lawnmower robot; lawn-mowing robot rare; robomower rare
welding robot
horizontal articulated robot
vertically articulated robot; jointed-arm robot
feeling and seeing robot
degree of freedom of a robot
axis of freedom of a robot
compliance of a robot
Cartesian coordinate robot; linear robot
invariant; ohne Freiheitsgrad adj chem. phys.
invariant; non-variant
univariant; mit einem Freiheitsgrad adj chem. phys.
univariant; monovariant
multivariant; mit mehreren Freiheitsgraden adj chem. phys.
trivariant; mit drei Freiheitsgraden adj chem. phys.
tervariant; trivariant
zweifachfrei; bivariant; divariant; mit zwei Freiheitsgraden adj chem. phys.
divariantes Gleichgewicht
bivariant; two-degree-of-freedom
bivariant equilibrium
Freiheitskampf m
Freiheitskämpfe pl
struggle for freedom
struggles for freedom

Deutsche Freiheitsrechte Synonyme

Englische civil rights and liberties Synonyme

civil  absolute  accommodating  affable  agreeable  amiable  appropriate  aristocratic  attentive  authoritarian  autocratic  autonomous  becoming  bland  bureaucratic  civic  civilian  civilized  clubbable  clubbish  clubby  common  communal  communicative  companionable  companionate  compatible  complaisant  congenial  congregational  considerate  constitutional  cordial  cosmopolitan  courteous  courtly  cultivated  decent  decorous  deferential  democratic  despotic  dictatorial  diplomatic  domestic  fair  fascist  federal  federalist  federalistic  felicitous  fit for society  fitting  fond of society  formal  friendly  general  genial  genteel  governmental  graceful  gracious  gregarious  gubernatorial  happy  heteronomous  hospitable  impolite  internal  international  laic  laical  lay  mannered  mannerly  matriarchal  matriarchic  meet  monarchal  monarchial  monarchic  monocratic  national  nonclerical  nonecclesiastical  nonministerial  nonordained  nonpastoral  nonreligious  obliging  official  oligarchal  oligarchic  parliamentarian  parliamentary  patriarchal  patriarchic  pluralistic  polished  polite  politic  political  popular  proper  public  refined  republican  respectful  right  secular  secularist  secularistic  seemly  self-governing  sociable  social  social-minded  societal  solicitous  state  suave  suitable  supranational  tactful  temporal  theocratic  thoughtful  totalitarian  ungracious  urbane  well-bred  well-mannered  
civil ceremony  Gretna Green wedding  banns  bridal  bridal suite  bridechamber  chuppah  church wedding  civil wedding  elopement  epithalamium  espousals  espousement  forced marriage  honeymoon  hymen  hymeneal  hymeneal rites  marriage  nuptial apartment  nuptial mass  nuptial song  nuptials  prothalamium  saffron veil  shotgun wedding  spousals  wedding  wedding canopy  wedding song  wedding veil  
civilian  AG  DA  KC  QC  SSC  US attorney  attorney general  citizen  corporation lawyer  court-appointed lawyer  criminal lawyer  defense counsel  district attorney  junior counsel  law agent  leader  mouthpiece  nonbelligerent  noncombatant  nonresistant  nonresister  private attorney  prosecuting attorney  prosecutor  public prosecutor  publicist  silk  silk gown  solicitor general  special pleader  stuff gown  stuff-gownsman  
civility  acculturation  act of courtesy  affability  agreeableness  amenities  amenity  amiability  appropriateness  attention  becomingness  bienseance  ceremonies  civilities  civilization  clubbability  clubbishness  clubbism  comity  communicativeness  companionability  compatibility  complaisance  conformity  congeniality  considerateness  consideration  convenance  convention  conventional usage  conventionalism  conventionality  cordiality  correctness  courteousness  courtesy  courtliness  cultivation  culture  custom  decencies  decency  decorousness  decorum  deference  dignities  diplomacy  diplomatic code  education  elegance  elegancies  enculturation  enlightenment  etiquette  exquisite manners  familiarity  favor  felicity  fitness  fittingness  fondness for society  form  formalities  formality  friendliness  geniality  genteelness  gentilities  gentility  good form  good manners  graceful gesture  gracefulness  graces  graciousness  gregariousness  happiness  hospitality  intimacy  manners  meetness  mores  natural politeness  point of etiquette  polish  polite act  politeness  politesse  properness  proprieties  propriety  protocol  punctilio  quiet good manners  refinement  respect  respectfulness  rightness  rites  rituals  rules of conduct  seemliness  sociability  sociableness  social code  social conduct  social convention  social grace  social graces  social procedures  social usage  sociality  socialization  solicitousness  solicitude  suitability  tact  tactfulness  thoughtfulness  urbanity  
civilization  acculturation  civility  complex  cultivation  cultural drift  culture  culture area  culture center  culture complex  culture conflict  culture contact  culture pattern  culture trait  customs  edification  education  enculturation  enlightenment  ethos  folkways  key trait  mores  polish  refinement  socialization  society  sophistication  trait  trait-complex  
civilize  acculturate  advance  ameliorate  amend  anthropomorphize  better  boost  bring forward  broaden  broaden the mind  catechize  demonstrate  direct  domesticate  edify  educate  elevate  emend  enhance  enlighten  enrich  fatten  favor  forward  foster  give instruction  give lessons in  go straight  ground  guide  humanize  illumine  improve  improve upon  inform  instruct  lard  lift  make an improvement  make human  meliorate  mend  nurture  open the eyes  polish  promote  raise  reeducate  refine  refine upon  reform  school  set right  sharpen the wits  show  show how  socialize  straighten out  tame  teach  teach a lesson  teach the rudiments  transfigure  transform  upgrade  uplift  
civilized  Christian  abstruse  advanced  ameliorated  beautified  becoming  befitting  bettered  bland  comme il faut  conforming  converted  correct  cultivated  cultured  dainty  decent  deep  delicate  developed  discriminating  done  educated  elegant  embellished  encyclopedic  enhanced  enriched  erudite  fastidious  fine  graceful  gracile  gracious  improved  learned  lettered  literate  nice  pansophic  perfected  polished  polyhistoric  polymath  polymathic  profound  refined  reformed  scholarly  scholastic  smooth  sophisticated  studious  subtle  transfigured  transformed  urbane  wise  

Freiheitsrechte Definition

(a.) Pertaining to a city or state, or to a citizen in his relations to his fellow citizens or to the state
(a.) Subject to government
(a.) Performing the duties of a citizen
(a.) Having the manners of one dwelling in a city, as opposed to those of savages or rustics
(a.) Pertaining to civic life and affairs, in distinction from military, ecclesiastical, or official state.
(a.) Relating to rights and remedies sought by action or suit distinct from criminal proceedings.
(pl. ) of Liberty

civil rights and liberties Bedeutung

civil death
cancellation of civil rights
civil wrong
(law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought
civil censorship military censorship of civilian communications (correspondence or printed matter of films) entering or leaving of circulating within territories controlled by armed forces
civil defense activities organized by civilians for their own protection in time of war or disaster
civil war a war between factions in the same country
civil marriage a marriage performed by a government official rather than by a clergyman
accordance of rights
the act of granting rights, the accordance to Canada of rights of access
civil disobedience a group's refusal to obey a law because they believe the law is immoral (as in protest against discrimination), Thoreau wrote a famous essay justifying civil disobedience
civil contempt a failure to follow a court order that benefits someone else
civil suit a lawsuit alleging violations of civil law by the defendant
civil action legal action to protect a private civil right or to compel a civil remedy (as distinguished from criminal prosecution)
American Civil War
United States Civil War
War between the States
civil war in the United States between the North and the South, -
English Civil War civil war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I, -
Spanish Civil War civil war in Spain in which Franco succeeded in overthrowing the republican government, during the war Spain became a battleground for fascists and socialists from all countries, -
civil right right or rights belonging to a person by reason of citizenship including especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the th and th amendments and subsequent acts of Congress including the right to legal and social and economic equality
civil liberty fundamental individual right protected by law and expressed as immunity from unwarranted governmental interference
states' rights the rights conceded to the states by the United States constitution
civil engineering the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of such public works as dams or bridges
states' rights a doctrine that federal powers should be curtailed and returned to the individual states
Roman law
Justinian code
civil law jus civile
the legal code of ancient Rome, codified under Justinian, the basis for many modern systems of civil law
Bill of Rights a statement of fundamental rights and privileges (especially the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution)
rights offering
rights issue
an offering of common stock to existing shareholders who hold subscription rights or pre-emptive rights that entitle them to buy newly issued shares at a discount from the price at which they will be offered to the public later, the investment banker who handles a rights offering usually agrees to buy any shares not bought by shareholders
States' Rights Democratic Party
a former political party in the United States, formed in by Democrats from southern states in order to oppose to the candidacy of Harry S Truman
Commission on Human Rights the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with human rights
International Civil Aviation Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation
civil service government workers, usually hired on the basis of competitive examinations
civil law the body of laws established by a state or nation for its own regulation
Civil Rights movement movement in the United States beginning in the s and led primarily by Blacks in an effort to establish the civil rights of individual Black citizens
civic leader
civil leader
a leader in municipal affairs
civil engineer an engineer trained to design and construct and maintain public works (roads or bridges or harbors etc.)
civil libertarian a libertarian who is actively concerned with the protection of civil liberties
civil rights leader
civil rights worker
civil rights activist
a leader of the political movement dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority groups
civil servant a public official who is a member of the civil service
civil authority
civil officer
a person who exercises authority over civilian affairs
special drawing rights
paper gold
reserve assets in the International Monetary Fund, designed to supplement reserves of gold and convertible currencies used to maintain stability in the foreign exchange market
Civil List a sum of money voted by British Parliament each year for the expenses of the British royal family
civil death the legal status of a person who is alive but who has been deprived of the rights and privileges of a citizen or a member of society, the legal status of one sentenced to life imprisonment
civil union a voluntary union for life (or until divorce) of adult parties of the same sex, parties to a civil union have all the same benefits, protections, and responsibilities under Vermont law as spouses in a marriage
civil order
the form of government of a social organization
civil liberty
political liberty
one's freedom to exercise one's rights as guaranteed under the laws of the country
civil time
standard time
local time
the official time in a local region (adjusted for location around the Earth), established by law or custom
calendar day
civil day
a day reckoned from midnight to midnight
calendar year
civil year
the year (reckoned from January to December ) according to Gregorian calendar
civil of or in a condition of social order, civil peoples
civil-libertarian having or showing active concern for protection of civil liberties protected by law
not rude, marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others, even if he didn't like them he should have been civil- W.S. Maugham
civil (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life, the civil calendar, a civil day begins at mean midnight
civil applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military, civil authorities
of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals, civil rights, civil liberty, civic duties, civic pride
civil of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state, civil affairs, civil strife, civil disobedience, civil branches of government
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Freiheitsrechte bilden neben den Gleichheits-, den Verfahrens- und den Teilhaberechten eine Kategorie der Grundrechte. Damit ein Staat völkerrechtlich anerkannt wird, muss dieser auf seinem Staatsgebiet die Staatsgewalt über sein Staatsvolk ausüben. Diese Macht des Staates steht jedoch im Gegensatz zur Freiheit des Einzelnen. Um ein Ausufern staatlicher Gewalt zu verhindern, werden in Rechtsstaaten die Eingriffsrechte des Staates begrenzt. Dies geschieht, indem dem Menschen subjektive Rechte etwa auf Leben, persönliche Freiheit oder Eigentum gewährt werden.