
Friaul Julisch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Friaul-Julisch Venetien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italian region)
Friaul-Julisch Venetien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italian region)
Jabalpur (Stadt in Indien)
Jabalpur (city in India)
Friaul-Julisch Venetien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italian region)
Jabalpur (Stadt in Indien) geogr.
Jabalpur (city in India)
Jabiru m ornith.
Jabiru m (Jabiru mycteria) ornith.
Jaborandisträucher pl (Pilocarpus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Jaborandistrauch m; Pernambuco-Jaborandistrauch m; Jaborandiblatt n (Pilocarpus jaborandi)
Maranhao-Jaborandistrauch m (Pilocarpus microphyllus)
jaborandi bushes (botanical genus)
Pernambuco jaborandi; Maranham jaborandi; Paraguay jaborandi
Maranhao jaborandi
Baumstammkirsche f; Jaboticaba f (Myrciaria cauliflora) bot.
Brazilian grape tree; jaboticaba; jabuticaba
Jacaranda pl (botanische Gattung) bot.
Jacaranda f (botanische Gattung) bot.
jacaranda (botanical genus)
Jacarandaholz n
jacaranda wood
Jacariniammer f ornith.
Blue-black Grassquit
Weißbüscheläffchen n; Weißbüschelaffe m (Callithrix jacchus) zool.
common marmoset; cotton-eared marmoset
Jacht f, Yacht f
Jachten pl, Yachten pl
Jacht f; Yacht f
Jachten pl; Yachten pl
Verdeck n; bewegliches Dach n; (Cabriolet Beiwagen Jacht) auto naut.
Beiwagenverdeck n auto
Cabrioverdeck n auto
weiches Verdeck
steifes Verdeck; Stahlverdeck n
abnehmbares Verdeck auto
wegklappbares Verdeck; Klappverdeck n; Klappdach n auto
convertible top; top; convertible hood Br. (of a cabriolet sidecar yacht)
sidecar convertible top
cabriolet convertible top
soft top; hood Br.
detatchable hardtop
folding top hood roof; retractable top hood roof; collapsible top hood roof; convertible top hood
der Segelsport m; Segeln n sport
Alleinsegeln n; Einhandsegeln n
Jachtensegeln n
solo sailing; single-handed sailing
Jachthafen m naut.
Union Jack m, britische Fahne
Union Jack
Lazy-Jack m; Faulenzer m naut.
Lazy-Jacks pl; Faulenzer pl
lazy jack
lazy jacks
Union Jack m; britische Fahne
Union Jack
Blackjack n; Black Jack n (Kartenspiel)
blackjack (card game)
Hauptrolle f art
Hauptrollen pl
die jugendliche Hauptrolle
die Hauptrolle spielen
in der Hauptrolle Jack Lemmon (Filmvorspann)
leading role; main role; lead
leading roles; main roles; leads
the juvenile lead
to play the leading role; to play the lead; to play the main part; to star
starring Jack Lemmon (film title sequence)
'König Alkohol' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'John Barleycorn' (by Jack London work title)
'Ruf der Wildnis' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Call of the Wild' (by Jack London work title)
'Die eiserne Ferse' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Iron Heel' (by Jack London work title)
'Der Seewolf' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Sea-Wolf' (by Jack London work title)
'Lockruf des Goldes' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'Burning Daylight' (by Jack London work title)
'Die Meuterei auf der Elsinore' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Mutiny of the Elsinore' (by Jack London work title)
'Das Mordbüro' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Assassination Bureau Ltd' (by Jack London work title)
Jackalberry-Baum m bot.
jackal-berry tree
Jackblock-Bauweise f constr.
jack block construction method
Blockbauweise f constr.
Jackblock-Bauweise f
block construction
jack block construction method
Jacke f
Jacken pl
Mantel m, Jacke f, Jackett n
Mäntel pl, Jacken pl
Schlitz m (in Mantel, Jacke)
vent (in coat)
Wams m (alt Jacke)
doublet, jerkin
Das ist Jacke wie Hose.
That's six of one and half a dozen of another.
Es ist mir Jacke wie Hose.
I don't give a hoot one way or the other.
einhuellen, Huelle, Jacke
Arm m anat.
Arme pl
Arm in Arm
ein gebrochener Arm
Die Jacke ist an den Armen zu eng.
arm in arm
a broken arm
The jacket is too tight in the arms.
Hemdsärmelwetter n; mildes Wetter
Obwohl es Januar ist kann man heute ohne Jacke rausgehen.
shirtsleeve weather Am. coll.
It's January but we had shirtsleeve weather today.
Jacke f textil.
Jacken pl
Stoffjacke f
cloth jacket
Schlitz m (in Mantel; Jacke)
vent (in coat)
Wams m (obs. Jacke)
doublet; jerkin
ablegen; abwerfen v
ablegend; abwerfend
abgelegt; abgeworfen
legt ab; wirft ab
legte ab; warf ab
eine Spielkarte ablegen
Er legte seine Jacke ab weil es so heiß war.
to discard
to discard a playing card
He discarded his jacket because of the heat.
(Hut) absetzen; (Kleider) ausziehen v
absetzend; ausziehend
abgesetzt; ausgezogen
jdm. die Jacke ausziehen
von der Tagesordnung absetzen
to take off
taking off
taken off
to take off sb.'s jacket
to take off the agenda
fehlend; ausbleibend adj
An der Jacke fehlt ein Knopf.
Ihm fehlen zwei Zähne.
The jacket has one button missing.
He has two teeth missing.
gestreift adj textil.
bunt gestreift
eine blau-weiß gestreifte Jacke
striped; stripy; stripey Br.
brightly striped
a blue and white striped jacket; a jacket with blue and white stripes
sich eine Jacke überhängen
to put a jacket round one's shoulders
Das ist Jacke wie Hose.; Das ist gehupft wie gesprungen.
That's six of one and half a dozen of another.; It is six in one hand and half-a-dozen in the other.
Spenzer m; Spenser m; Spencer m (eng anliegende kurze Jacke) textil.
sich jdm. etw. überhängen (Jacke Mantel etc.)
to put sth. round one's sb.'s shoulders
Jacke f textil.
Jacken pl
Stoffjacke f
Wendejacke f
Winterjacke f
wetterfeste Jacke
Jacke für jede Jahreszeit
cloth jacket
reversible jacket
winter jacket
all-weather jacket
all-season jacket
(ein Kleidungsstück) ablegen; ausziehen; (Schmuck) abnehmen v
ablegend; ausziehend; abnehmend
abgelegt; ausgezogen; abgenommen
jdm. die Jacke ausziehen
Zieh deine nassen Sachen nasse Kleidung aus.
Er legte seine Jacke ab, weil es so heiß war.
to take off; to discard; to shed {shed; shed} (a garment jewellery)
taking off; discarding; shedding
taken off; discarded; shed
to take off sb.'s jacket
Take off your wet clothes.
He discarded his jacket because of the heat.
dazupassend; passend adj
eine grüne Jacke und ein dazupassender Rock
matching (corresponding in pattern design colour)
a green jacket and matching skirt
gestreift; steifig adj textil.
bunt gestreift
eine blau-weiß gestreifte Jacke
striped; stripy; stripey Br.
brightly striped
a blue and white striped jacket; a jacket with blue and white stripes
gewachsenes Lammfell n textil.
Jacke aus gewachsenem Lammfell
Lammfellstiefel pl
shearling jacket
shearling boots
milder Tag m (im Vorfrühling) meteo.
Heute kann man ohne Jacke gehen.
shirtsleeve weather Am. coll.
We have shirtsleeve weather today.
sich eine Jacke überhängen v
to put a jacket round one's shoulders
sich jdm. etw. überhängen (Jacke, Mantel)
to put sth. round one's sb.'s shoulders
Spenzer m; Spenser m; Spencer m (eng anliegende, kurze Jacke) textil.

Deutsche Friaul Julisch Synonyme

Englische Friuli-Venezia Giulia Synonyme

Friaul Julisch Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to Italy, or to its people or language.
(n.) A native or inhabitant of Italy.
(n.) The language used in Italy, or by the Italians.
(n.) One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided
(n.) Tract, part, or space, lying about and including anything
(n.) The upper air
(n.) The inhabitants of a district.
(n.) Place

Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italian region) Bedeutung

Italian greyhound a toy dog developed from the greyhound
Italian bee yellowish honeybee resembling the Carniolan bee in its habits
a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve, in the abdominal region
cortical area
cortical region
any of various regions of the cerebral cortex
motor area
motor region
motor cortex
Rolando's area
excitable area
the cortical area that influences motor movements
sensorimotor area
sensorimotor region
an area of the cortex including the precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus and combining sensory and motor functions
pubic region
the lower part of the abdomen just above the external genital organs
Hell Hades
infernal region netherworld
(religion) the world of the dead, No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth-Theognis
Inferno infernal region
nether region
(Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil, where sinners suffer eternal punishment, Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell- John Milton, a demon from the depths of the pit, Hell is paved with good intentions-Dr. Johnson
red region
a place of eternal fire envisaged as punishment for the damned
a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about, it was a limited realm of discourse, here we enter the region of opinion, the realm of the occult
Petrarchan sonnet
Italian sonnet
a sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba, followed by a sestet with the rhyme pattern cdecde or cdcdcd
Italian the Romance language spoken in Italy
Old Italian the Italian language up to the middle of the th century
a Rhaeto-Romance dialect spoken in northeastern Italy
Italian bread unsweetened yeastaised bread made without shortening and baked in long thick loaves with tapered ends
f bomber
hero sandwich
Cuban sandwich
Italian sandwich
poor boy
submarine sandwich
a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments), different names are used in different sections of the United States
Italian dressing a vinaigrette with garlic and herbs: oregano and basil and dill
Italian rice
rice cooked with broth and sprinkled with grated cheese
sweet vermouth
Italian vermouth
sweet dark amber variety
Frigid Zone
polar zone
polar region
the part of the Earth's surface forming a cap over a pole, characterized by frigid climate
geographical area
geographic area
geographical region
geographic region
a demarcated area of the Earth
biogeographical region an area of the Earth determined by distribution of flora and fauna
D region
the lowest region of the ionosphere ( tomiles up) that reflects low-frequency radio waves
Appleton layer
F layer
F region
the highest region of the ionosphere (fromto miles up) which contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for longange radio transmission
Heaviside layer
Kennelly-Heaviside layer
E layer
E region
a region of the ionosphere (fromtomiles up) that reflects radio waves of medium length
the extended spatial location of something, the farming regions of France, religions in all parts of the world, regions of outer space
region a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth, penguins inhabit the polar regions
unknown region
terra incognita
an unknown and unexplored region, they came like angels out the unknown
Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
an autonomous province in far northwestern China on the border with Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the largest province in the People's Republic of China and the homeland of the Uighur people
Italian Peninsula a boot-shaped peninsula in southern Europe extending into the Mediterranean Sea
Italian Republic
a republic in southern Europe on the Italian Peninsula, was the core of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire between the th century BC and the th century AD
Italian region Italy is divided intoregions for administrative purposes
Friuli-Venezia Giulia a region in northeastern Italy
Eternal City
Italian capital
capital of Italy
capital and largest city of Italy, on the Tiber, seat of the Roman Catholic Church, formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
a region of northeastern Italy on the Adriatic
the provincial capital of Veneto, built on islands within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice, has canals instead of streets, one of Italy's major ports and a famous tourist attraction
Lothian Region a district in southeast central Scotland (south side of the Firth of Forth) and the location of Edinburgh
French region a geographical subdivision of France
Tidewater region
the coastal plain of the South: eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia
Bluegrass Country
Bluegrass Region
an area in central Kentucky noted for it bluegrass and thoroughbred horses
Italian a native or inhabitant of Italy
Italian cypress
Mediterranean cypress
Cupressus sempervirens
tall Eurasian cypress with thin grey bark and ascending branches
crimson clover
Italian clover
Trifolium incarnatum
southern European annual with spiky heads of crimson flower, extensively cultivated in United States for forage
Italian ryegrass
Italian rye
Lolium multiflorum
European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure
foxtail millet
Italian millet
Hungarian grass
Setaria italica
coarse droughtesistant annual grass grown for grain, hay, and forage in Europe and Asia and chiefly for forage and hay in United States
Italian vegetable marrow
squash plant having dark green fruit with skin mottled with light green or yellow
Italian honeysuckle
Italian woodbine
Lonicera caprifolium
deciduous climbing shrub with fragrant yellow-white flowers in axillary whorls
Italian parsley
flat-leaf parsley
Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum
a variety of parsley having flat leaves
Italian monetary unit monetary unit in Italy
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Friaul ist eine Landschaft im Nordosten Italiens um die Stadt Udine und bildet den Großteil der autonomen Region Friaul-Julisch Venetien. Die Landschaft umfasst die Provinzen Udine, Pordenone und die Provinz Görz. Auch Sappada in der Provinz Belluno sowie 11 Gemeinden der Provinz Venedig zählen zum historischen Friaul, gehören aber politisch zur Region Veneto.

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