
Funktionskode Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Funktionskode m für Tabulator und Wagenrücklauf (Lochkartenmaschine) comp. hist.
punch tab and carriage return (punch card machine)
Funktionskode m für Tabulator und Wagenrücklauf (Lochkartenmaschine) comp. hist.
punch tab and carriage return (punch card machine)
amtieren, in öffentlicher Funktion tätig sein
in amtlicher Funktion
in official capacity
in beratender Funktion
in a consultative capacity
in beratender Funktion
in an advisory capacity
in leitender Funktion
in a managerial capacity
in professioneller Funktion
in a professional capacity
Ableitung f math.
Ableitungen pl
totale Ableitung f
partielle Ableitung f
Ableitung der Funktion f, f', f Strich
Zeitableitung einer Funktion
total derivative
partial derivative
f', f-prime, derivative of function f
time derivative of a function
Eulersche Phi-Funktion f math.
Euler's totient function, totient function
Fähigkeit f, Funktion f
Fähigkeiten pl, Funktionen pl
Funktion f
Funktionen pl
angewandte Funktion
automatische Funktion f
beratende Funktion, Beratungsfunktion f
in Funktion treten
applied function
automatic function
advisory function
to start to function
Funktion f math.
implizite Funktion
implicit function
Funktion f
Funktion f, Rolle f
role, rôle
Lagrangesche Funktion f math.
Lagrangian function
Sprungstelle f (einer Funktion) math.
Stelle f, Stellung f, Position f, Funktion f
den Anforderungen für eine Stelle genügen
feste Stelle
eine Funktion übernehmen
to qualify for a position
permanent position
to take up a position
ableiten, differenzieren v math.
ableitend, differenzierend
abgeleitet, differenziert
eine Funktion f(x) nach x ableiten
to differentiate
to differentiate the function f(x) with respect to x, to differentiate the function f(x) w.r.t. x
algebraisch, mathematisch adj math.
algebraische Zahl f
algebraische Funktion f
algebraisches Komplement
algebraische Hülle f
algebraic number
algebraic function
algebraic complement
algebraic closure, algebraic hull
analytisch adj
analytische Arbeitsbewertung
analytischer Beweis
analytische Funktion
analytischer Satz
analytische Zeitschätzung
analytic, analytical
analytic job evaluation
analytic proof
analytic function
analytic proposition
analytical estimating
arithmetisch adj
arithmetische Anweisung f
arithmetische Funktion f
arithmetische Gleichung f, Ausdruck m
arithmetische Prüfung f
arithmetische Reihe f
arithmetischer Befehl
arithmetischer Block
arithmetischer Elementarausdruck, Rechenwerk n
arithmetischer Ãœberlauf
arithmetisches Mittel
arithmetisches Unterprogramm
arithmetic, arithmetical
arithmetic statement
arithmetic function
arithmetic expression
arithmetic check
arithmetic series
arithmetical instruction
arithmetic block
arithmetic element
arithmetic overflow
arithmetic mean
arithmetic subroutine
berechenbare Funktion f
evaluable function
beratende Funktion
advisory function
algebraische Funktion
algebraic function
analytische Funktion
analytic function
angewandte Funktion
applied function
arithmetische Funktion
arithmetic function
automatische Funktion
automatic function
Ableitung, Funktion, abgeleitet
funktionieren, Funktion
Funktion, Rolle
Sprungstelle (einer Funktion)
Ableitung f math.
Ableitungen pl
totale Ableitung f
partielle Ableitung f
Ableitung der Funktion f; f'; "f Strich"
Zeitableitung einer Funktion
total derivative
partial derivative
f'; "f-prime"; derivative of function f
time derivative of a function
Amt n; Funktion f; Stellung f; Aufgabe f adm.
seine Funktionen ausüben wahrnehmen
alle seine Funktionen zurücklegen
Regulierungs- und Kontrollaufgaben
function; post; task
to perform exercise one's functions
to resign from lay down all one's functions
functions of regulation and control
Argument n; unabhängige Variable (einer Funktion)
Argumente pl; unabhängige Variablen
unzulässiges Argument
argument (of a function)
invalid argument
eine zweite Funktion haben; eine Doppelfunktion haben; einem zweiten Zweck dienen; auch als etw. dienen v
Mein Wohnzimmer dient (mir) auch als Büro.
Der Küchentisch dient auch als mein Schreibtisch.
Die Schule wurde im Krieg auch als Krankenhaus verwendet.
to double as sth.
My living room doubles as a home office.
The kitchen table doubles as my desk.
The school doubled as a hospital during the war.
Einschränkung f (einer Funktion Relation) math.
restriction (of a function relation)
Ernennung f; Berufung f (zu einer Funktion)
Ernennungen pl; Berufungen pl
Ernennung f auf Lebenszeit
Berufung in ein Ehrenamt
Berufung in ein öffentliches Amt
Ich möchte Ihnen zu Ihrer Ernennung zum Vorsitzenden gratulieren.
appointment (to a position)
appointment for life
honorary appointment
appointment to a public office
Let me congratulate you on your appointment as chairman.
Euler'sche Phi-Funktion f math.
Euler's totient function; totient function
Fähigkeit f; Funktion f
Fähigkeiten pl; Funktionen pl
Fermi-Funktion f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi function (nuclear engineering)
Funktion f
Funktionen pl
angewandte Funktion
automatische Funktion f
beratende Funktion; Beratungsfunktion f
in Funktion treten
applied function
automatic function
advisory function
to start to function
Funktion f math.
implizite Funktion
erzeugende Funktion
implicit function
generating function
Funktion f; Rolle f soc.
Funktionen pl; Rollen pl
eine kulturspezifische und sozial bedingte Rolle
role; rôle
roles; rôles
a culturally specific and socially constructed role
Posten m; Stelle f; Stellung f
Posten pl; Stellen pl; Stellungen pl
eine leitende Stellung; Kaderposition f Schw.
ein guter Posten; eine gute Stelle
gehobene Stellung
einen Posten neu besetzen
in leitender Funktion tätig sein
Bewerber für einen Posten
Befähigung für einen Posten
beherrschende Stellung
Posten der durch Wahl besetzt wird
auf verlorenem Posten stehen
post; position
posts; positions
an executive position
a good post
high position; senior position
to fill a vacancy
to work in an executive position
candidate for a position
qualification for a position
dominant position
elective post
to be the last to hold the fort
Rückruf m telco.
Rückrufe pl
automatischer Rückruf
automatischer Rückruf bei Besetzt (ISDN-Funktion)
Rückruf bei Nichtmelden
automatische Rückruf bei Nichtmelden
Er bittet um Rückruf.
Danke für den Rückruf.
callback; ring back
callbacks; rings back
automatic callback
automatic call back on busy; completion of calls to busy subscriber CCBS
call back on no reply CCNR
automatic callback on no reply
He asked to be called back.
Thank you for calling back.
Sonnenschutz m (Funktion)
konstruktiver Sonnenschutz m constr.
sun protection; protection from against the sun
building sun protection
Stelle f; Stellung f; Position f; Funktion f (Rang Arbeitsplatz)
Stellen pl; Stellungen pl; Positionen pl; Funktionen pl
den Anforderungen für eine Stelle genügen
feste Stelle
eine Funktion übernehmen
to qualify for a position
permanent position
to take up a position
Surjektion f; surjektive Funktion f math.
surjection; surjective function
Umkehrfunktion f; inverse Funktion f math.
Umkehrfunktionen pl; inverse Funktionen pl
inverse; inverse function
inverses; inverse functions
Vorsitzführung f (bei etw.) (Funktion) adm.
chairing (of sth.)
ableiten; differenzieren v math.
ableitend; differenzierend
abgeleitet; differenziert
eine Funktion f(x) nach x ableiten
to differentiate
to differentiate the function f(x) with respect to x; to differentiate the function f(x) w.r.t. x
ähnlich und ähnlich gelegen; homothetisch adj math.
homothetische Funktion
homothetic function
etw. aktivieren v (Funktion Option Schaltfläche) comp.
die Firewall eines Computers aktivieren
ein Laptop mit aktivierter Funkübertragung
to enable sth. (function; option; button)
to enable a computer's firewall
a wireless-enabled laptop
algebraisch; mathematisch adj math.
algebraische Funktion f
algebraische Geometrie f
algebraische Gleichung f
algebraische Hülle f
algebraisches Komplement n
algebraische Struktur f
algebraische Zahl f
algebraic function
algebraic geometry
algebraic equation
algebraic closure; algebraic hull
algebraic complement
algebraic structure
algebraic number
als conj (Funktion Eigenschaft)
als Politiker Künstler
als Kind
Du als Ältester
als Amerikaner Deutscher
als Geschenk
als Beweis für etw.
Er starb als Märtyrer Held.
as (function; capacity)
as a politician as an artist
as a child
you as the eldest
being an American a German
as a gift present
as proof of sth.
He died (as) a martyr hero.
analytisch adj
analytische Arbeitsbewertung
analytischer Beweis
analytische Funktion
analytischer Satz
analytische Zeitschätzung
analytic; analytical
analytic job evaluation
analytic proof
analytic function
analytic proposition
analytical estimating
arithmetisch adj
arithmetische Anweisung f
arithmetische Funktion f
arithmetische Gleichung f; Ausdruck m
arithmetische Prüfung f
arithmetische Reihe f
arithmetischer Befehl
arithmetischer Block
arithmetischer Elementarausdruck; Rechenwerk n
arithmetischer Ãœberlauf
arithmetisches Unterprogramm
arithmetic; arithmetical
arithmetic statement
arithmetic function
arithmetic expression
arithmetic check
arithmetic series
arithmetical instruction
arithmetic block
arithmetic element
arithmetic overflow
arithmetic subroutine
asymptotisch adj math.
asymptotische Analyse f
asymptotische Entwicklung f
asymptotische Folge f
asymptotische Stabilität f
asymptotisches Verhalten (einer Funktion) n
asymptotic analysis
asymptotic expansion
asymptotic series; asymptotic expansion; Poincaré expansion
asymptotic response
asymptotic behaviour (of a function)
etw. schwer beschädigen; teilweise außer Funktion setzen v techn.
schwer beschädigend; teilweise außer Funktion setzend
schwer beschädigt; teilweise außer Funktion gesetzt
teilfunktionsfähig adj
Notbetrieb m
eingeschränkte abgespeckte Programmversion comp.
to cripple sth.
crippled mode
crippled stripped-down pared-down version of a program
eine Stelle Stellung besetzen; einnehmen; innehaben; bekleiden adm.
besetzend; einnehmend; innehabend; bekleidend
besetzt; eingenommen; innegehabt; bekleidet
er sie hat inne
ich er sie hatte inne
er sie hat hatte innegehabt
eine Machtposition innehaben
eine Funktion drei Jahre lang innehaben
Stellen die traditionell von Männern besetzt sind
Bevor er Premierminister wurde hatte er schon mehrere Kabinettsposten bekleidet.
to hold; to occupy a job position
holding; occupying
held; occupied
he she hold; he she occupies
I he she held; I he she occupied
he she has had held; he she has had occupied
to hold occupy a position of power
to hold occupy a position for three years
jobs that have traditionally been held occupied by men
Before becoming prime minister he had already held occupied several cabinet posts.
als etw. dienen; als etw. fungieren v
dienend; fungierend
gedienet; fungiert
von Nutzen sein; sinnvoll sein
dazu dienen etw. zu tun; die Funktion haben etw. zu tun
Er fungierte als Dolmetscher.
Das Sofa musste als Bett herhalten.
Sein Tod sollte anderen jungen Leuten als Warnung dienen.
Schweiß hat die Funktion den Körper abzukühlen.
Der Angriff scheiterte und hatte nur zur Folge dass der Feind gewarnt wurde.
Womit kann ich dienen?
Erzählungen über die Vergangenheit können dazu dienen die Erinnerung wachzuhalten.
to serve as sth.; to function as sth.
serving; functioning
served; functioned
to serve a useful purpose
to serve to do sth.; to function to do sth.
He served functioned as an interpreter.
The sofa had to serve function as a bed.
His death should serve as a warning to other young people.
Sweat serves functions to cool down the body.
The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy.
Can I help you?
Narratives about the past may serve to maintain memories.
jdn. zu etw. ernennen; bestellen; als etw. einsetzen (Funktion); jdn. in etw. berufen (Gremium) v adm.
ernennend: bestellend; einsetzend; berufend
ernannt; bestellt; eingesetzt; berufen
ernennt; bestellt; setzt ein; beruft
ernannte; bestellte; setzte ein; berief
jdn. zum Richter berufen
to appoint sb. as sth. (function) to sth. (body) {vt}
to appoint sb. judge
fungieren v (als jmd. etw.) (Funktion ausüben)
to act (as sb. sth.) (person)
holomorph adj math.
holomorphe Funktion
holomorphic function
homogen adj math.
homogene Funktion
homogenes Gut
linear homogen
homogeneous; homogenous
homogenous function
homogenous good
linear homogenous
nächstkleinere Ganzzahl-Funktion f; Ganzteilfunktion f math.
floor function
operandenlos adj math.
operandlose Funktion
niladic function

Deutsche Funktionskode Synonyme

Englische punch tab and carriage return Synonyme

punch  Mickey  Mickey Finn  aggressiveness  amperage  aperitif  armipotence  assault  auger  authority  awl  bang  bash  bat  bear  bear upon  bearing  beating  beef  belt  biff  bite  bitingness  black power  blaze  blaze a trail  blemish  blotch  blow  bodkin  bonk  boost  bop  bore  box  brace and bit  brand  briskness  broach  brute force  buck  buffet  bull  bulldoze  bump  bump against  bunt  burin  butt  butt against  cast  chalk  chalk up  charge  charisma  chaser  check  check off  chop  cicatrize  clap  clip  clobber  clout  clump  cocktail  cogence  cogency  coldcock  compulsion  countersink  crack  cram  crowd  cuff  cut  cuttingness  dapple  dash  deal  deal a blow  deck  define  delimit  demarcate  dent  depress  die  dig  dimple  dint  discolor  doch-an-dorrach  dot  drill  drink  drive  drub  drubbing  drumming  duress  effect  effectiveness  effectuality  elbow  empierce  energy  engrave  engraving tool  enterprise  etching ball  etching ground  etching needle  etching point  eye-opener  fetch  fetch a blow  fire  fix  fleck  flower power  force  force majeure  forcefulness  form  freckle  full blast  full force  fusillade  gash  get-up-and-go  getup  ginger  go  goad  gore  gouge  gouge out  graver  gusto  guts  hatch  haymaker  head  highball  hit  hit a clip  hole  honeycomb  hotness  hurtle  hustle  impact  impale  impress  impressiveness  imprint  incisiveness  indent  influence  initiative  intaglio  it  jab  jam  jog  joggle  jolt  jostle  kick  knock  knock cold  knock down  knock out  knockout drops  lambaste  lance  last  left  let have it  lick  life  line  liveliness  main force  main strength  make a mark  mana  mark  mark off  mark out  matrix  might  might and main  mightiness  mint  mixed drink  mold  mordancy  mottle  moxie  muscle power  needle  negative  nervosity  nervousness  nick  nightcap  nip  nippiness  notch  nudge  oomph  parting cup  paste  pelt  pencil  penetrate  pep  pepper  pepperiness  perforate  pierce  pile drive    
punch bowl  John Barleycorn  alcohol  alcoholic beverage  alcoholic drink  alveolation  alveolus  antrum  aqua vitae  ardent spirits  armpit  basin  beverage  booze  bowl  brew  cavity  concave  concavity  crater  crypt  cup  depression  dip  drink  fold  follicle  funnel chest  grog  hard liquor  hole  hollow  hollow shell  inebriant  intoxicant  intoxicating liquor  lacuna  liquor  little brown jug  pit  pocket  potable  potation  rum  schnapps  scoop  shell  sink  sinus  social lubricant  socket  spirits  strong drink  strong waters  the Demon Rum  the bottle  the cup  the flowing bowl  the luscious liquor  the ruddy cup  toxicant  trough  vug  water of life  
punch in  accomplish  achieve  approach  arrive  arrive at  arrive in  attain  attain to  be received  blow in  bob up  check in  check off  check out  clock in  clock out  come  come in  come to  come to hand  dent  depress  dimple  dint  engrave  fetch  fetch up at  find  gain  get in  get there  get to  hit  hit town  impress  imprint  indent  make  make it  notch  pit  pock  pockmark  pop up  press in  pull in  punch  punch out  punch the clock  reach  recess  ring in  ring out  roll in  set back  set in  show up  sign in  stamp  tamp  time in  time out  turn up  
puncher  broncobuster  buckaroo  caballero  cattleman  cavalier  cavalryman  chevalier  circus rider  cowboy  cowgirl  cowhand  cowherd  cowman  cowpuncher  drover  equestrian  equestrienne  gaucho  goatherd  gooseboy  gooseherd  herder  herdsman  hogherd  horse soldier  horse wrangler  horseback rider  horsebacker  horseherd  horseman  horsewoman  jockey  knight  mounted policeman  pigman  postboy  postilion  rider  roughrider  sheepherder  sheepman  shepherd  shepherdess  steeplechaser  swanherd  swineherd  trick rider  vaquero  waddy  wrangler  
punchy  acid  bedazzled  biting  corrosive  cutting  dazed  dazzled  dopey  driving  effective  forceful  forcible  groggy  gutsy  imperative  impressive  in a daze  incisive  knocked silly  mazed  mordant  nervous  penetrating  piercing  poignant  powerful  punch-drunk  sensational  silly  sinewed  sinewy  slaphappy  slashing  striking  strong  telling  trenchant  vigorous  vital  woozy  

Funktionskode Definition

Burring machine
() A machine for cleansing wool of burs, seeds, and other substances.
(n.) A piece of pasteboard, or thick paper, blank or prepared for various uses
(n.) A published note, containing a brief statement, explanation, request, expression of thanks, or the like
(n.) A paper on which the points of the compass are marked
(n.) A perforated pasteboard or sheet-metal plate for warp threads, making part of the Jacquard apparatus of a loom. See Jacquard.
(n.) An indicator card. See under Indicator.
(v. i.) To play at cards
(n.) An instrument for disentangling and arranging the fibers of cotton, wool, flax, etc.
(n.) A roll or sliver of fiber (as of wool) delivered from a carding machine.
(v. t.) To comb with a card
(v. t.) To clean or clear, as if by using a card.
(v. t.) To mix or mingle, as with an inferior or weaker article.
(n.) That which is carried
(n.) The act of carrying, transporting, or conveying.
(n.) The price or expense of carrying.
(n.) That which carries of conveys,
(n.) A wheeled vehicle for persons, esp. one designed for elegance and comfort.
(n.) A wheeled vehicle carrying a fixed burden, as a gun carriage.
(n.) A part of a machine which moves and carries of supports some other moving object or part.
(n.) A frame or cage in which something is carried or supported
(n.) The manner of carrying one's self
(n.) The act or manner of conducting measures or projects
(n.) A small, strong carriage for conveying materials on a railroad.
Gramme machine
() A kind of dynamo-electric machine
(n.) In general, any combination of bodies so connected that their relative motions are constrained, and by means of which force and motion may be transmitted and modified, as a screw and its nut, or a lever arranged to turn about a fulcrum or a pulley about its pivot, etc.
(n.) Any mechanical contrivance, as the wooden horse with which the Greeks entered Troy
(n.) A person who acts mechanically or at will of another.
(n.) A combination of persons acting together for a common purpose, with the agencies which they use
(n.) A political organization arranged and controlled by one or more leaders for selfish, private or partisan ends.
(n.) Supernatural agency in a poem, or a superhuman being introduced to perform some exploit.
(v. t.) To subject to the action of machinery
(n.) A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice of lemon, with spice or mint
(n.) The buffoon or harlequin of a puppet show.
(n.) A short, fat fellow
(n.) One of a breed of large, heavy draught horses
(v. t.) To thrust against
(n.) A thrust or blow.
(n.) A tool, usually of steel, variously shaped at one end for different uses, and either solid, for stamping or for perforating holes in metallic plates and other substances, or hollow and sharpedged, for cutting out blanks, as for buttons, steel pens, jewelry, and the like
(n.) An extension piece applied to the top of a pile
(n.) A prop, as for the roof of a mine.
(n.) To perforate or stamp with an instrument by pressure, or a blow
(v. i.) To turn back
(v. i.) To come back, or begin again, after an interval, regular or irregular
(v. i.) To speak in answer
(v. i.) To revert
(v. i.) To go back in thought, narration, or argument.
(v. t.) To bring, carry, send, or turn, back
(v. t.) To repay
(v. t.) To give in requital or recompense
(v. t.) To give back in reply

punch tab and carriage return (punch card machine) Bedeutung

the act of someone appearing again, his reappearance as Hamlet has been long awaited
return homecoming a coming to or returning home, on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party
return restoration regaining
getting something back again, upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing
lick biff
(boxing) a blow with the fist, I gave him a clout on his nose
knockout punch
KO punch
Sunday punch
a hard punch that renders the opponent unable to continue boxing
rabbit punch a short chopping blow to the back of the neck
sucker punch an unexpected punch
return the act of going back to a prior location, they set out on their return to the base camp
card game
a game played with playing cards
card trick a trick performed with playing cards
return (American football) the act of running back the ball after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble
return a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player, he won the point on a crossourt return
carriage trade trade from upperlass customers
punch-up a fistfight, the quarrel ended in a punch-up
return paying back
getting even
a reciprocal group action, in return we gave them as good as we got
coach dog
carriage dog
a large breed having a smooth white coat with black or brown spots, originated in Dalmatia
adding machine
a calculator that performs simple arithmetic functions
addressing machine
a printer that automatically prints addresses on letters for mailing
answering machine an electronic device that answers the telephone and records messages
automatic rifle
automatic machine rifle
light machine gun
baby buggy
baby carriage
carriage perambulator
a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around
barbette carriage a gun carriage elevated so that the gun can be fired over the parapet
baseball card a trading card with a picture of a baseball player and information about his playing record
bathhouse bathing machine a building containing dressing rooms for bathers
breathing device
breathing apparatus
breathing machine
a device that facilitates breathing in cases of respiratory failure
Browning machine gun
a belt-fed machine gun capable of firing more than rounds per minute, used by United States troops in World War II and the Korean War
burp gun
machine pistol
a fully automatic pistol, a small submachine gun
calculating machine
a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations
machine motorcar
a motor vehicle with four wheels, usually propelled by an internal combustion engine, he needs a car to get to work
card one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes, he collected cards and traded them with the other boys
card index
card catalog
card catalogue
an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a library) with a separate card for each item
card table a small light table with folding legs, can be folded for storage
card table a table for playing cards (as in a casino)
a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses
carriage a machine part that carries something else
carriage bolt a roundheaded bolt for timber, threaded along part of the shank, inserted into holes already drilled
carriage wrench a wrench designed for use with carriage bolts
cash machine
cash dispenser
automated teller machine
automatic teller machine
automated teller
automatic teller
an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses money when a personal coded card is used
center punch a tool with a conical point that is used to make indentations in metal (especially to mark points for drilling)
circuit board
circuit card
board card plug-in
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
coach house
carriage house
a small building for housing coaches and carriages and other vehicles
compass card
mariner's compass
compass in the form of a card that rotates so that
degrees or North points to magnetic north
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
dialysis machine
a medical instrument for separating substances in solution by unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranes
diathermy machine a medical instrument for local heating of bodily tissues for medical purposes
dish washer
dishwashing machine
a machine for washing dishes
drawing card
loss leader
a featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in order to draw customers
electrostatic generator
electrostatic machine
Wimshurst machine
Van de Graaff generator
electrical device that produces a high voltage by building up a charge of static electricity
face card
picture card
court card
one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face
facsimile machine
duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio
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102 Bewertungen 3


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