
Gas Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ghazzah, Gasa (Stadt in PalÀstina)
Ghazzah, Gasa (city in Palestine)
Ghazzah; Gasa (Stadt in PalÀstina) geogr.
Ghazzah; Gasa (city in Palestine)
Gasabgabe f; Ausgasen n; Ausgasung f (Vakuum)
outgassing (vacuum)
Erdschicht f; Schicht f geol.
Erdschichten pl; Schichten pl
abbauwĂŒrdige Schicht
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
ausstreichende Schicht
dĂŒnne Schicht
durchgehende Schicht
durchlÀssige Schicht
einfallende Schicht
eingelagerte Schicht
eingeschobene Schicht
einschließende Schicht
einseitig aufgerichtete Schicht
einseitig geneigte Schicht
erdölspeichernde Schicht
faltbare Schicht
feste Schicht
flachliegende Schicht
gasabgebende Schicht
gasfĂŒhrende Schicht
gebogene Schicht
gekippte Schicht
gestauchte Schicht
gestörte Schicht
hangende Schicht
kohlefĂŒhrende Schicht
liegende Schicht
obere Schicht
oberste Schicht
schallharte Schicht
schallharte dĂŒnne Schicht
tiefere Schicht
ĂŒberlagernde Schicht
unberĂŒhrte Schicht
unterlagernde Schicht
unterste Schicht
verbogene Schicht
verfestigte Schicht
versetzte Schicht
verwitternde Schicht
verworfene Schicht
wasserdurchlÀssige Schicht
wasserfĂŒhrende Schicht
Aufrichtung der Schichten
stratum; layer; bed
strata; layers; beds (stratums)
workable bed
upturned bed; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed; straightened-up layer
superposed bed
outcropping bed; exposed stratum
sheet; lamina
persistent stratum
permeable bed; permeable layer; pervious bed; pervious stratum
dipping bed
interstratified bed
intercalated bed
enclosing bed
homoclinal bed
oil storer
foldable layer
rough sheet
flat-lying stratum
gas-bearing stratum; gas stratum
bent stratum
tilted stratum
contorted bed; convoluted bed
dislocated bed
capping bed
coal measure
subjacent bed
superstratum; cledge
top layer; uppermost bed
high-speed layer
superimposed bed stratum; high-angle dipping stratum; stratum; cover; capping; superficial layer
virgin layer
subjacent stratum; underlayer; sublayer
lowermost bed; bench floor
warped stratum; flexed stratum; crumpled stratum
concretionary horizon
displaced stratum
weathering layer
disrupted bed; faulted stratum
permeable stratum
water-bearing layer; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; water-bearing stratum; carrier of water
uplift of strata
Gasabsaugbohrung f; Entgasungsbohrung f geol. min.
methane drainage boring
Gasabsaugung f; Entgasung f min.
methane drainage
Gasabscheider m techn.
gas separator
Gasabzugsbohrung f min.
gas drain
Gasanalyse f chem.
gas analysis
Gasangriff m mil.
Gasangriffe pl
gas attack
gas attacks
gas attack
gas attacks
Gasanzeichen n
gas show
GasanzeigegerÀt n techn.
GasanzeigegerÀte pl
gas indicator; gas detector
gas indicators; gas detectors
Gasanzeiger m; Gasdetektor m techn.
Gasanzeiger pl; Gasdetektoren pl
gas escape detector; gas detector
gas escape detectors; gas detectors
gasartig, luftförmig adj chem.
gasförmig, gasartig adj
gasartig; luftförmig adj chem.
gasartig adj
gasförmig; gasartig adj
nicht gasförmig adj
gaseous; gasiform
militÀrische AufklÀrung f; AufklÀrung f mil.
AllwetteraufklÀrung f
ArtillerieaufklÀrung f
FÀcheraufklÀrung f
FernaufklÀrung f
GasaufklÀrung f
GefechtsaufklÀrung f
GefechtsfeldaufklÀrung f
GegenaufklÀrung f
InfrarotaufklÀrung f
JagdaufklÀrung f
KampfaufklÀrung f
KontaktaufklÀrung f
KĂŒstenaufklĂ€rung f
LuftaufklÀrung f
MarschaufklÀrung f
NahaufklÀrung f
PanzeraufklÀrung f
PionieraufklÀrung f
SatellitenaufklÀrung f
SeeaufklÀrung f
bewaffnete AufklÀrung
elektronische AufklÀrung
AufklÀrung bei Tageslicht; TagaufklÀrung f
AufklÀrung bei Nacht; NachtaufklÀrung f
reconnaissance; recce Br. coll.; recon Am. coll.; military scouting (rare)
all-weather reconnaissance
artillery reconnaissance
fanwise reconnaissance
distant reconnaissance
gas reconnaissance
battle reconnaissance; combat reconnaissance
battlefield reconnaissance
infrared reconnaissance; IR reconnaissance
fighter reconnaissance
combat reconnaissance
contact reconnaissance
coast reconnaissance; coastal reconnaissance
air reconnaissance; aerial reconnaissance
march reconnaissance
close reconnaissance; local reconnaissance
armoured Br. armored Am. reconnaissance
engineer reconnaissance
satellite reconnaissance
naval reconnaissance
armed reconnaissance
electronic reconnaissance
daylight reconnaissance
night reconnaissance
militÀrische AufklÀrung f; AufklÀrung f mil.
AllwetteraufklÀrung f
ArtillerieaufklÀrung f
FÀcheraufklÀrung f
FernaufklÀrung f
GasaufklÀrung f
GefechtsaufklÀrung f
GefechtsfeldaufklÀrung f
GegenaufklÀrung f
InfrarotaufklÀrung f
JagdaufklÀrung f
KampfaufklÀrung f
KontaktaufklÀrung f
KĂŒstenaufklĂ€rung f
LuftaufklÀrung f
MarschaufklÀrung f
NahaufklÀrung f
PanzeraufklÀrung f
PionieraufklÀrung f
SatellitenaufklÀrung f
SeeaufklÀrung f
bewaffnete AufklÀrung
elektronische AufklÀrung
AufklÀrung bei Tageslicht; TagaufklÀrung f
AufklÀrung bei Nacht; NachtaufklÀrung f
reconnaissance; recce Br. coll.; recon Am. coll.; military scouting rare
all-weather reconnaissance
artillery reconnaissance
fanwise reconnaissance
distant reconnaissance
gas reconnaissance
battle reconnaissance; combat reconnaissance
battlefield reconnaissance
infrared reconnaissance; IR reconnaissance
fighter reconnaissance
combat reconnaissance
contact reconnaissance
coast reconnaissance; coastal reconnaissance
air reconnaissance; aerial reconnaissance
march reconnaissance
close reconnaissance; local reconnaissance
armoured Br. armored Am. reconnaissance
engineer reconnaissance
satellite reconnaissance
naval reconnaissance
armed reconnaissance
electronic reconnaissance
daylight reconnaissance
night reconnaissance
Gasausbruch m geol.
GasausbrĂŒche pl
gas eruption; gas blow-out; blast of gas; outburst of gas
gas eruptions; gas blow-outs; blasts of gas; outbursts of gas
Gasausstoß m
gas emission
Gasaustausch m
gas exchange; exchange of gases
Gasaustritt m
gas seep; gas spurt; gas escape
Gasaustritt m
gas escape
Solfatare f (postvulkanische Gasaustrittsstelle) geol.
Solfataren pl
GasbehÀlter m
gas tank
gas tank
GasbehÀlter m; Gastank m
GasbehÀlter pl; Gastanks pl
gas tank; gas holder
gas tanks; gas holders
Gasometer n; GasbehÀlter m techn.
gasometer; gas holder; gasholder
GasbehÀlter m; Gastank m; Gasometer m veraltend
GasbehÀlter pl; Gastanks pl; Gasometer pl
gas holder; gas tank; gasometer
gas holders; gas tanks; gasometers
Gasbeleuchtung f
gas light
gas light
Gasbeleuchtung f; Gaslicht n
gas lighting; gas illumination
Gasbeton m, Leichtbeton m constr.
gas concrete, aerated concrete
Gasbeton m; Leichtbeton m constr.
gas concrete; aerated concrete
Gasbeton m; Luftporenbeton m; Porenbeton m; Leichtbeton m; Ytong tm constr.
gas concrete; cellular concrete, porous concrete, lightweight concrete; aerated concrete; autoclaved concrete; autoclaved aerated concrete AAC , autoclaved cellular concrete ACC ; autoclaved lightweight concrete ALC ; aircrete tm; ytong tm
Gasbetonblock m constr.
Gasbetonblöcke pl
gaseous concrete block
gaseous concrete blocks
gasbetrieben adj
gas-powered {adj}; gas-driven {adj}
gasfĂŒhrende Schicht f; GasblĂ€ser m min.
Gasblase f
Gasblase f (Gussfehler bei der Sandformerei) (Gießerei) techn.
sandblow (casting defect in sand moulding) (foundry)
Gasblase f; Gaspore f; Blase f (beim Schweißen) techn.
Gasblasen pl; Gasporen pl; Blasen pl
gas pocket (in welding)
gas pockets
Gaseinschluss m; Gasblase f; Blase f (beim Schweißen) techn.
GaseinschlĂŒsse pl; Gasblasen pl; Blasen pl
gas pocket; pocket; blowhole (in welding)
gas pockets; pockets; blowholes
Gashohlraum m; Gasblase f; Galle f (Gussfehler in der Gießerei) techn.
GashohlrÀume pl; Gasblasen pl; Gen pl
blowhole; gas hole; gas pocket; gas cavity (casting defect in the foundry)
blowholes; gas holes; gas pockets; gas cavities
Gaseinschluss m; Gasblase f; Blase f; Gaspore f (beim Schweißen) techn.
GaseinschlĂŒsse pl; Gasblasen pl; Blasen pl; Gasporen pl
gas pocket; pocket; blowhole (in welding)
gas pockets; pockets; blowholes
aufsteigen v (Gasblasen)
to bubble up; to rise (gas)
bubbling up; rising
bubbled up; risen
Gasbohrung f min.
Gasbohrungen pl
gas well; gasser
gas wells; gassers
Gasbohrung f (Vorgang)
gas drilling
Bohrung f geol.
eine Bohrung ausfĂŒhren
ein Verbot von Öl- und Gasbohrungen
drehende Bohrung f; Rotary-Bohrung f min.
schlagende Bohrung f; Rammkern-Bohrung f
drilling; boring
to make a drilling boring
a ban on drilling for oil and gas
rotary drilling boring; drilling with rotary table
percussive drilling boring
Bohrung f geol.
eine Bohrung ausfĂŒhren
ein Verbot von Öl- und Gasbohrungen
drehende Bohrung f; Rotary-Bohrung f min.
schlagende Bohrung f; Rammkern-Bohrung f
drilling; boring
to make a drilling boring
a ban on drilling for oil and gas
rotary drilling boring; drilling with rotary table
percussive drilling boring
Gasbombe f mil.
Gasbomben pl
gas bomb
gas bombs
gas bomb
gas bombs
Gasbrand m; GasgangrÀn n; Gasödem n; Gasphlegmone f; Clostridium-Myositis med.
gas gangrene; clostridial myonecrosis
gangrÀnöse Nekrose f; GrangÀn f; Brand m (Gangraena) med.
emphysematöse GangrÀn; emphysematöser Brand
feuchte GangrÀn; feuchter Brand; Faulbrand m
GasgangrÀn f; Gasbrand m
trockene GangrÀn; trockener Brand
gangrenous necrosis; grangene
emphysematous grangene
wet grangene; moist grangene
gas grangene
dry grangene
Gasbrenner m
Gasbrenner m
atmosphÀrischer Gasbrenner
gas burner
atmospheric burner, venturi burner
Mitteldruck-Gasbrenner m
atmospheric burner, LPG burner
gas burner
Gasbrenner m
Gasbrenner pl
atmosphÀrischer Gasbrenner
gas burner
gas burners
atmospheric burner; venturi burner
Mitteldruck-Gasbrenner m
atmospheric burner; LPG burner
BrennschneidegerĂ€t n; Brennschneider m; Schneidbrenner m; Gasbrenner m (Schweißen) techn.
BrennschneidegerÀte pl; Brennschneider pl; Schneidbrenner pl; Gasbrenner pl
metal cutting torch; cutting torch; flame cutter; gas torch; blowtorch coll. (welding)
metal cutting torches; cutting torches; flame cutters; gas torches; blowtorches
Gaschemie f
gas chemistry

Deutsche Gas Synonyme

Englische Ghazzah Gasa Synonyme

Gas Definition

(n.) A large town.
(n.) A corporate town
(n.) The collective body of citizens, or inhabitants of a city.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a city.

Ghazzah Gasa (city in Palestine) Bedeutung

city planning
town planning
urban planning
determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community
city hall a building that houses administrative offices of a municipal government
city university an urban university in a large city
Celestial City
City of God
Heavenly City
Holy City
phrases used to refer to Heaven, the Celestial City was Christian's goal in Bunyan's `Pilgrim's Progress'
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
a Marxist-Leninist group that believes Palestinian goals can only be achieved by revolutionary change, in the DFLP took over a schoolhouse and massacred Israeli schoolchildren
a Hizballah
Lebanese Hizballah
Party of God
Islamic Jihad Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
Revolutionary Justice Organization
Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
a Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran, seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon, car bombs are the signature weapon
Palestine Islamic Jihad
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami al-Filastini
a militant Palestinian terrorist group created in and committed to the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine and to the destruction of Israel, smaller and more exclusively militant that Hamas
Palestine Liberation Front
Jabat al-Tahrir al-Filistiniyyah
a terrorist group formed in as the result of a split with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, became a satellite of al-Fatah, made terrorist attacks on Israel across the Lebanese border
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
a terrorist group of limited popularity formed in after the Six-Day War, combined Marxist-Leninist ideology with Palestinian nationalism, used terrorism to gain attention for their cause, hoped to eliminate the state of Israel
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command
a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that conducted several attacks in western Europe
the City used to allude to the securities industry of Great Britain
city desk
city room
the editorial department of a newspaper that edits the local news
city state
a state consisting of a sovereign city
people living in a large densely populated municipality, the city voted for Republicans in
city council a municipal body that can pass ordinances and appropriate funds etc.
Palestine Liberation Organization
a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine, when formed in it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah, in Arafat became chairman, received recognition by the United Nations and by Arab states in as a government in exile, has played a largely political role since the creation of the Palestine National Authority
Palestine National Authority
Palestinian National Authority
Palestine Authority
combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political unit with limited autonomy and a police force, created in by an agreement between Israel and the PLO
city line the boundary of a city
city center
city centre
central city
the central part of a city
urban center
a large and densely populated urban area, may include several independent administrative districts, Ancient Troy was a great city
city district a district of a town or city
city an incorporated administrative district established by state charter, the city raised the tax rate
city limit
city limits
the limits of the area occupied by a city or town
inner city the older and more populated and (usually) poorer central section of a city
city block
a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings, he lives in the next block
Forbidden City a walled section of Beijing that encloses the palace that was formerly the residence of the emperor of China
Guatemala City
capital of Guatemala
the capital and largest city of Guatemala
Panama City
capital of Panama
Panamanian capital
the capital and largest city of Panama
Mexico City
Ciudad de Mexico
Mexican capital
capital of Mexico
the capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial center, one of the world's largest cities
Holy Land
Promised Land
an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism
Palestine a former British mandate on the east coast of the Mediterranean, divided between Jordan and Israel in
Eternal City
Italian capital
capital of Italy
capital and largest city of Italy, on the Tiber, seat of the Roman Catholic Church, formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
Quebec Quebec City the French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec, situated on the Saint Lawrence River
City of Bridges
a city in northwestern Belgium that is connected by canal to the North Sea, in the th century it was a leading member of the Hanseatic League, the old city (known as the City of Bridges) is a popular tourist attraction
City of London
the City
the part of London situated within the ancient boundaries, the commercial and financial center of London
City of Westminster
a borough of Greater London on the Thames, contains Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey
capital of Tibet
Forbidden City
the sacred city of Lamaism, known as the Forbidden City for its former inaccessibility and hostility to strangers
Naha City the chief city in the Ryukyu Islands
Kuwait Kuwait City
Koweit capital of Kuwait
a seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait
City of Light
French capital
capital of France
the capital and largest city of France, and international center of culture and commerce
Luxembourg Luxemburg Luxembourg City
capital of Luxembourg
the capital and largest city of Luxembourg
Cebu City
an important seaport on the island of Cebu in the Philippines
Quezon City city on Luzon adjoining Manila
Sun City a residential suburb of Phoenix
Los Angeles
City of the Angels
a city in southern California, motion picture capital of the world, most populous city of California and second largest in the United States
Mile-High City
capital of Colorado
the state capital and largest city of Colorado, located in central Colorado on the South Platte river
Panama City a resort and fishing town on the Gulf of Mexico in northwest Florida
Windy City
largest city in Illinois, a bustling Great Lakes port that extends miles along the southwestern shoreline of Lake Michigan
Mason City a town in north central Iowa
Sioux City a city in northeastern Iowa where the Big Sioux River joins the Missouri
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Neben fest und flĂŒssig ist gasförmig einer der drei klassischen AggregatzustĂ€nde. Eine Substanz ist dann ein Gas, wenn sich deren Teilchen in großem Abstand voneinander frei bewegen und den verfĂŒgbaren Raum gleichmĂ€ĂŸig ausfĂŒllen. Im Vergleich zum Festkörper oder zur FlĂŒssigkeit nimmt die gleiche Masse als Gas unter Normalbedingungen den rund tausend- bis zweitausendfachen Raum ein.