
Gefechtsstation Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gefechtsstation f mil.
Alle Mann auf Gefechtsstation! (Marinebefehl)
battle station
All hands to General Quarters!; General Quarters! (Navy command)
Gefechtsstation f mil.
Alle Mann auf Gefechtsstation! (Marinebefehl)
battle station
All hands to General Quarters!; General Quarters! (Navy command)
militärische Aufklärung f; Aufklärung f mil.
Allwetteraufklärung f
Artillerieaufklärung f
Fächeraufklärung f
Fernaufklärung f
Gasaufklärung f
Gefechtsaufklärung f
Gefechtsfeldaufklärung f
Gegenaufklärung f
Infrarotaufklärung f
Jagdaufklärung f
Kampfaufklärung f
Kontaktaufklärung f
Küstenaufklärung f
Luftaufklärung f
Marschaufklärung f
Nahaufklärung f
Panzeraufklärung f
Pionieraufklärung f
Satellitenaufklärung f
Seeaufklärung f
bewaffnete Aufklärung
elektronische Aufklärung
Aufklärung bei Tageslicht; Tagaufklärung f
Aufklärung bei Nacht; Nachtaufklärung f
reconnaissance; recce Br. coll.; recon Am. coll.; military scouting (rare)
all-weather reconnaissance
artillery reconnaissance
fanwise reconnaissance
distant reconnaissance
gas reconnaissance
battle reconnaissance; combat reconnaissance
battlefield reconnaissance
infrared reconnaissance; IR reconnaissance
fighter reconnaissance
combat reconnaissance
contact reconnaissance
coast reconnaissance; coastal reconnaissance
air reconnaissance; aerial reconnaissance
march reconnaissance
close reconnaissance; local reconnaissance
armoured Br. armored Am. reconnaissance
engineer reconnaissance
satellite reconnaissance
naval reconnaissance
armed reconnaissance
electronic reconnaissance
daylight reconnaissance
night reconnaissance
militärische Aufklärung f; Aufklärung f mil.
Allwetteraufklärung f
Artillerieaufklärung f
Fächeraufklärung f
Fernaufklärung f
Gasaufklärung f
Gefechtsaufklärung f
Gefechtsfeldaufklärung f
Gegenaufklärung f
Infrarotaufklärung f
Jagdaufklärung f
Kampfaufklärung f
Kontaktaufklärung f
Küstenaufklärung f
Luftaufklärung f
Marschaufklärung f
Nahaufklärung f
Panzeraufklärung f
Pionieraufklärung f
Satellitenaufklärung f
Seeaufklärung f
bewaffnete Aufklärung
elektronische Aufklärung
Aufklärung bei Tageslicht; Tagaufklärung f
Aufklärung bei Nacht; Nachtaufklärung f
reconnaissance; recce Br. coll.; recon Am. coll.; military scouting rare
all-weather reconnaissance
artillery reconnaissance
fanwise reconnaissance
distant reconnaissance
gas reconnaissance
battle reconnaissance; combat reconnaissance
battlefield reconnaissance
infrared reconnaissance; IR reconnaissance
fighter reconnaissance
combat reconnaissance
contact reconnaissance
coast reconnaissance; coastal reconnaissance
air reconnaissance; aerial reconnaissance
march reconnaissance
close reconnaissance; local reconnaissance
armoured Br. armored Am. reconnaissance
engineer reconnaissance
satellite reconnaissance
naval reconnaissance
armed reconnaissance
electronic reconnaissance
daylight reconnaissance
night reconnaissance
Gefechtsausbildung f
combat training
combat training
Gefechtsausbildung f mil.
combat training
Vorüben n in voller Gefechtsausrüstung mil.
full dress rehearsal
gefechtsbereit adj
ready for action, ready for combat
gefechtsbereit adj
ready for action; ready for combat
Gefechtsbereitschaft f
in Gefechtsbereitschaft
in Gefechtsbereitschaft versetzen
Gefechtsbereitschaft befehlen, Alarm auslösen
readiness for action, readiness for battle
fully operational
to alert
to give the alert
Gefechtsbereitschaft f mil.
in Gefechtsbereitschaft
in Gefechtsbereitschaft versetzen
Gefechtsbereitschaft befehlen; Alarm auslösen
readiness for action; readiness for battle
fully operational
to alert
to give the alert
Abriegelung f mil.
Gefechtsfeldabriegelung f
Abriegelung aus der Luft
battle field interdiction
air interdiction
Atomwaffe f; A-Waffe f; Atomsprengkörper m; Kernwaffe f; Nuklearwaffe f mil.
Atomwaffen pl; A-Waffen pl; Atomsprengkörper pl; Kernwaffen pl; Nuklearwaffen pl
atomare nukleare Gefechtsfeldwaffen
atomic weapon; nuclear weapon; nuke coll.
atomic weapons; nuclear weapons; nukes
battlefield nuclear weapons
Atomwaffe f; A-Waffe f; Atomsprengkörper m; Kernwaffe f; Nuklearwaffe f mil.
Atomwaffen pl; A-Waffen pl; Atomsprengkörper pl; Kernwaffen pl; Nuklearwaffen pl
atomare Implosionswaffe
atomare nukleare Gefechtsfeldwaffen
einsatzbereite Atomwaffen
Miniatomsprengkörper m
saubere Atomwaffen
strategische Atomwaffen
taktische Atomwaffe; taktischer Atomsprengkörper; taktische Kernwaffe
Staaten ohne Atomwaffen
atomic weapon; nuclear weapon; nuke coll.
atomic weapons; nuclear weapons; nukes
nuclear implosion weapon
battlefield nuclear weapons
operational nuclear weapons
clean nuclear weapons
strategic nuclear weapons
tactical nuclear weapon; theatre nuclear weapon
non-nuclear weapon states
Schlachtordnung f; Gefechtsgliederung f mil.
in Schlachtordnung aufstellen
battle order
to embattle
Helm m
Helme pl
Gefechtshelm m mil.
Helm m mit Spitze; Pickelhaube f ugs. mil. hist.
combat helmet
spiked helmet
Gefechtskopf m mil.
Gefechtsköpfe pl
Gefechtskopf m; Sprengkopf m mil.
Gefechtsköpfe pl; Sprengköpfe pl
atomarer Gefechtskopf m; Atomsprengkopf m; Nuklearsprengkopf m mil.
atomare Gefechtsköpfe pl; Atomsprengköpfe pl; Nuklearsprengköpfe pl
nuclear warhead; atomic warhead; nuke
nuclear warheads; atomic warheads; nukes
Gefechtskopf m; Sprengkopf m (eines schweren Geschosses) mil.
Gefechtsköpfe pl; Sprengköpfe pl
Neutronengefechtskopf m; Neutronensprengkopf m
Raketengefechtskopf m
thermonuklearer Sprengkopf
Torpedo-Gefechtskopf m
atomarer Gefechtskopf; Atomsprengkopf m; Nuklearsprengkopf m
warhead (of a projectile)
neutron warhead
missile warhead
thermo-nuclear warhead
torpedo warhead
nuclear warhead; atomic warhead
Aufstellung f; In-Stellung-Bringen n; Dislozierung f (von Truppen oder Waffen); Stationierung f (von Truppen) mil.
die Dislozierung von atomaren Gefechtsköpfen
deployment (of troops or weapons); stationing (of troops)
the deployment of nuclear warheads
Wiedereintrittskörper m (Sprengkopf einer Interkontinentalrakete) mil.
Wiedereintrittskörper pl
manövrierbarer Wiedereintrittskörper
Wiedereintrittskörper mit mehreren Gefechtsköpfen
getrennte Ziele ansteuerbarer Mehrfach-Wiedereintrittskörper
re-entry vehicle (warhead of an intercontinental missile)
re-entry vehicles
manoeuvrable re-entry vehicle MARV
multiple re-entry vehicle MRV
multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle MIRV
Umrüstung f auf MIRV-Gefechtskopf mil.
ausschwärmen v; die Gefechtsposition einnehmen mil.
ausschwärmend; die Gefechtsposition einnehmend
ausgeschwärmt; die Gefechtsposition eingenommen
to deploy
Befehlsstand m, Befehlsstelle f, Gefechtsstand m mil.
Befehlsstände pl, Befehlsstellen pl, Gefechtsstände pl
fliegender Befehlsstand
luftbewegliche Befehlsstelle, luftbeweglicher Gefechtsstand mil.
vorgeschobener Gefechtsstand
Befehlsstelle des Einsatzleiters
command post
command posts
airborne command post
airborne battlefield command and control center (ABCCC) Am.
advance command post
operation command post
Befehlsstand m; Befehlsstelle f; Gefechtsstand m mil.
Befehlsstände pl; Befehlsstellen pl; Gefechtsstände pl
fliegender Befehlsstand
luftbewegliche Befehlsstelle; luftbeweglicher Gefechtsstand mil.
vorgeschobener Gefechtsstand
Befehlsstelle des Einsatzleiters
command post
command posts
airborne command post
airborne battlefield command and control center ABCCC Am.
advance command post
operation command post
Befehlsstand m; Befehlsstelle f; Gefechtsstand m mil.
Befehlsstände pl; Befehlsstellen pl; Gefechtsstände pl
fliegender Befehlsstand
luftbewegliche Befehlsstelle; luftbeweglicher Gefechtsstand mil.
vorgeschobener Gefechtsstand
Befehlsstelle des Einsatzleiters
command post
command posts
airborne command post
airborne battlefield command and control center ABCCC Am.
advance command post
operation command post
Gefechtsstation f mil.
Alle Mann auf Gefechtsstation! (Marinebefehl)
battle station
All hands to General Quarters!; General Quarters! (Navy command)
Geschützturm m, Panzerturm m, Gefechtsturm m mil.
Geschütztürme pl, Panzertürme pl, Gefechtstürme pl
Geschützturm m; Gefechtsturm m; Panzerturm m mil.
Geschütztürme pl; Gefechtstürme pl; Panzertürme pl
gun turret; armoured Br. armored Am. turret
gun turrets; armoured armored turrets
Gefechtsverband m mil.
Gefechtsverbände pl
multinationaler Verband
gemischter Gefechtsverband
task force
task forces
multi-national force
battle group
Kampfgruppe f; Einsatzverband m; (gemischter) Gefechtsverband m mil.
Kampfgruppen pl; Einsatzverbände pl; Gefechtsverbände pl
multinationaler Verband
battle group Br.; task force Am.; combined arms team
battle groups; task forces; combined arms teams
multi-national force
Kampfgruppe f; Einsatzverband m; (gemischter) Gefechtsverband m mil.
Kampfgruppen pl; Einsatzverbände pl; Gefechtsverbände pl
atomarer Einsatzverband
multinationaler Verband
battle group Br.; task force Am.; combined arms team
battle groups; task forces; combined arms teams
nuclear strike force
multi-national force
vorgeschobener Posten m; Vorposten m; Feldposten m mil.
Gefechtsvorposten m
kleiner Feldposten
combat outpost
Kampfgebiet n; Kampfzone f; Gefechtszone f mil.
Kampfgebiete pl; Kampfzonen pl; Gefechtszonen pl
combat zone; battle zone
combat zones; battle zones

Deutsche Gefechtsstation Synonyme

Englische battle station Synonyme

battle  Actium  Adrianople  Aegates Isles  Aegospotami  Agincourt  Antietam  Anzio  Arbela-Gaugamela  Ardennes  Austerlitz  Ayacucho  Balaclava  Bannockburn  Bataan-Corregidor  Bismarck Sea  Blenheim  Bosworth Field  Bouvines  Boyne  Brunanburh  Bunker Hill  Cannae  Caporetto  Chancellorsville  Crecy  Dunkirk  El Alamein  Flodden  Fontenoy  Fredericksburg  Gaza  Gettysburg  Granicus River  Guadalcanal  Hampton Roads  Hastings  Hohenlinden  Inchon  Long Island  Marathon  Midway  Poitiers  Sedan  Singapore  Solferino  Waterloo  action  aerial combat  affray  agonize  all-out war  altercation  antagonize  appeal to arms  argument  arm  armed combat  armed conflict  armor  armor-plate  armored combat  assail  assault  attack  bank  barricade  battle royal  beat against  beat up against  belligerence  belligerency  blockade  bloodshed  bombard  box  brawl  breast the wave  broil  brush  buck  buffet  buffet the waves  bullfight  bulwark  campaign  carry on hostilities  castellate  clash  clash of arms  close  close with  cockfight  collide  combat  come to blows  compete with  competition  conflict  contend  contend against  contest  crenellate  crusade  cut and thrust  dig in  dispute  dogfight  duel  embattle  embroilment  encounter  engage in hostilities  engagement  entrench  exchange blows  exchange of blows  fence  feud  fight  fight a duel  fight against  fighting  fire fight  fortify  fracas  fray  garrison  give and take  give satisfaction  grapple  grapple with  ground combat  grunt and sweat  hand-to-hand combat  hand-to-hand fight  hassle  hostilities  hot war  house-to-house combat  huff and puff  join battle with  jostle  joust  la guerre  labor against  make war  man  man the garrison  melee  might of arms  military operations  militate against  mine  mix it up  naval combat  offer resistance  onset  onslaught  open hostilities  open war  oppugn  palisade  passage of arms  pitched battle  quarrel  rassle  reluct  reluctate  resort to arms  riot  rival  rum  
battle cry  Angelus  Angelus bell  alarm  alarum  bark  bawl  bellow  bid to combat  birdcall  bugle call  call  call to arms  call-up  catchword  caterwaul  challenge  cheer  clarion  clarion call  conscription  cry  dare  defi  defy  double dare  exhortation  gage  gage of battle  gauntlet  glove  go for broke  gung ho  halloo  holler  hollo  hoot  howl  hurrah  last post  levy  mobilization  moose call  motto  muster  rally  rallying cry  rebel yell  recruitment  reveille  roar  scream  screech  shout  shriek  slogan  squall  squeal  summons  taps  trumpet call  war cry  war whoop  watchword  whistle  whoop  yammer  yap  yawl  yawp  yell  yelp  yo-ho  yowl  
battle fatigue  accident neurosis  anaphylactic shock  anxiety hysteria  anxiety neurosis  association neurosis  blast neurosis  combat fatigue  compensation neurosis  compulsion neurosis  conversion hysteria  conversion neurosis  expectation neurosis  fixation neurosis  fright neurosis  homosexual neurosis  hypochondria  hypochondriasis  hypoglycemic shock  hysteria  mental shock  neurogenic shock  neurosis  neuroticism  obsessional neurosis  occupational neurosis  pathoneurosis  phobia  protein shock  psychasthenia  psychoneurosis  psychoneurotic disorder  psychopathia martialis  regression neurosis  secondary shock  serum shock  shell shock  shock  situational neurosis  surgical shock  thanatosis  trauma  traumatism  war neurosis  wound shock  
battle royal  action  aerial combat  affray  armored combat  battle  brush  bullfight  clash  clash of arms  cockfight  combat  conflict  dogfight  embroilment  exchange of blows  fight  fire fight  fray  ground combat  hand-to-hand combat  hand-to-hand fight  house-to-house combat  naval combat  passage of arms  pitched battle  quarrel  rumble  running fight  scramble  scrimmage  scuffle  shoving match  skirmish  stand-up fight  street fight  struggle  tauromachy  tug-of-war  tussle  
battledore  Lastex  abecedarium  abecedary  agate  alphabet book  baleen  ball  baseball bat  bat  bauble  blocks  casebook  checkerboard  chessboard  chewing gum  club  cockhorse  cricket bat  cue  doll  doll carriage  elastic  elastomer  exercise book  gewgaw  gimcrack  golf club  gradus  grammar  gum  gum elastic  handball  hobbyhorse  hornbook  jack-in-the-box  jacks  jackstones  jackstraws  jumping jack  kickshaw  knickknack  manual  manual of instruction  marble  marionette  mig  paper doll  pick-up sticks  pinwheel  plaything  primer  puppet  racket  rag doll  reader  rocking horse  rubber  rubber ball  rubber band  schoolbook  spandex  speller  spelling book  sport  spring  springboard  steelie  stretch fabric  t  taw  teetotum  text  top  toy  toy soldier  trampoline  trinket  whalebone  whim-wham  workbook  
battlefield  DMZ  aceldama  battle line  battle site  battleground  combat area  combat zone  enemy line  field  field of battle  field of blood  firing line  front line  killing ground  landing beach  line  line of battle  seat of war  shambles  the front  theater  theater of operations  theater of war  zone of communications  
battlement  abatis  advanced work  balistraria  bank  banquette  barbed-wire entanglement  barbican  barricade  barrier  bartizan  bastion  breastwork  bulwark  casemate  castellation  cheval-de-frise  circumvallation  contravallation  counterscarp  crenel  curtain  demibastion  dike  drawbridge  earthwork  embrasure  enclosure  entanglement  escarp  escarpment  fence  fieldwork  fortalice  fortification  glacis  loophole  lunette  machicolation  mantelet  merlon  mound  outwork  palisade  parados  parapet  portcullis  postern gate  rampart  ravelin  redan  redoubt  sally port  scarp  sconce  stockade  tenaille  vallation  vallum  work  

Gefechtsstation Definition

(n.) The chief law officer of the state, empowered to act in all litigation in which the law-executing power is a party, and to advise this supreme executive whenever required.
(a.) Fertile. See Battel, a.
(v. t.) A general action, fight, or encounter, in which all the divisions of an army are or may be engaged
(v. t.) A struggle
(v. t.) A division of an army
(v. t.) The main body, as distinct from the van and rear
(n.) To join in battle
(v. t.) To assail in battle
(n.) Alt. of Battle-axe
(n.) A kind of broadax formerly used as an offensive weapon.
(n.) A factotum.
Brigadier general
() An officer in rank next above a colonel, and below a major general. He commands a brigade, and is sometimes called, by a shortening of his title, simple a brigadier.
(v. t.) To order with authority
(v. t.) To exercise direct authority over
(v. t.) To have within a sphere of control, influence, access, or vision
(v. t.) To have power or influence of the nature of authority over
(v. t.) To direct to come
(v. i.) To have or to exercise direct authority
(v. i.) To have a view, as from a superior position.
(n.) An authoritative order requiring obedience
(n.) The possession or exercise of authority.
(n.) Authority
(n.) Power to dominate, command, or overlook by means of position
(n.) Control
(n.) A body of troops, or any naval or military force or post, or the whole territory under the authority or control of a particular officer.
(a.) Relating to a genus or kind
(a.) Comprehending many species or individuals
(a.) Not restrained or limited to a precise import
(a.) Common to many, or the greatest number
(a.) Having a relation to all
(a.) As a whole
(a.) Usual
(a.) The whole
(a.) One of the chief military officers of a government or country
(a.) The roll of the drum which calls the troops together
(a.) The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule.
(a.) The public
Governor general
() A governor who has lieutenant or deputy governors under him
(n.) A name given to several plants of the Goosefoot family, sometimes used as pot herbs, as Chenopodium album and Atriplex patulsa.
Lieutenant general
() An army officer in rank next below a general and next above a major general.
Major general
() An officer of the army holding a rank next above that of brigadier general and next below that of lieutenant general, and who usually commands a division or a corps.
(n.) A fleet of ships
(n.) The whole of the war vessels belonging to a nation or ruler, considered collectively
(n.) The officers and men attached to the war vessels of a nation
(pl. ) of Postmaster-general
(n.) The chief officer of the post-office department of a government. In the United States the postmaster-general is a member of the cabinet.
(n.) Control over one's own feelings, temper, etc.
(n.) The second law officer in the government of Great Britain
(n.) In France, before the Revolution, the assembly of the three orders of the kingdom, namely, the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate, or commonalty.
(n.) In the Netherlands, the legislative body, composed of two chambers.

battle station / All hands to General Quarters!; General Quarters! (Navy command) Bedeutung

laying on of hands laying hands on a person's head to invoke spiritual blessing in Christian ordination
general election a national or state election, candidates are chosen in all constituencies
battle royal
a noisy riotous fight
Attorney General
Attorney General of the United States
the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, the post of Attorney General was created in
Secretary of the Navy
Navy Secretary
head of a former executive department, combined with the War Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in
laying on of hands the application of a faith healer's hands to the patient's body
signal caller
field general
(American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team, quarterback is the most important position on the team
struggle battle an energetic attempt to achieve something, getting through the crowd was a real struggle, he fought a battle for recognition
command guidance a method of controlling the flight of a missile by commands originating from the ground or from another missile
(with `in') guardianship over, in divorce cases it is the right to house and care for and discipline a child, my fate is in your hands, too much power in the president's hands, your guests are now in my custody, the mother was awarded custody of the children
conflict fight engagement
a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war, Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga, he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement
pitched battle a fierce battle fought in close combat between troops in predetermined positions at a chosen time and place
naval battle a pitched battle between naval fleets
struggle battle
an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals), the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph--Thomas Paine, police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs
battle of wits a contest in which intelligence rather than violence is used
custody battle litigation to settle custody of the children of a divorced couple
general verdict an ordinary verdict declaring which party prevails without any special findings of fact
battle of Atlanta
a siege in which Federal troops under Sherman cut off the railroads supplying the city and then burned it,
battle of Austerlitz
a decisive battle during the Napoleonic campaigns (), the French under Napoleon defeated the Russian armies of Czar Alexander I and the Austrian armies of Emperor Francis II
Battle of Britain the prolonged bombardment of British cities by the German Luftwaffe during World War II and the aerial combat that accompanied it
Battle of Kerbala a battle inin which the grandson of Mohammed and his followers were killed, the Battle of Kerbala is the basis for the Ta'ziyehs that are performed annually
Battle of the Ardennes Bulge
Battle of the Bulge
Ardennes counteroffensive
a battle during World War II, in December von Rundstedt launched a powerful counteroffensive in the forest at Ardennes and caught the Allies by surprise
Battle of the Marne
Belleau Wood
Marne River
a World War I battle in northwestern France where the Allies defeated the Germans in
Bismarck Sea
battle of the Bismarck Sea
a naval battle in World War II, Allied land-based bombers destroyed a Japanese convoy in the Bismarck Sea in March
battle of Boyne
a battle in the War of the Grand Alliance in Ireland in , William III defeated the deposed James II and so ended the Catholicism that had been reintroduced in England by the Stuarts
battle of Brunanburh
a battle in when Athelstan defeated the Scots
Bull Run
Battle of Bull Run
either of two battles during the American Civil War ( and ), Confederate forces defeated the Federal army in both battles
Bunker Hill
battle of Bunker Hill
the first important battle of the American War of Independence () which was fought at Breed's Hill, the British defeated the colonial forces
battle of Caporetto
battle of World War I (), Italians were defeated by the Austrian and German forces
battle of Chattanooga
in the American Civil War () the Union armies of Hooker, Thomas, and Sherman under the command of Ulysses S. Grant won a decisive victory over the Confederate Army under Braxton Bragg
battle of Chickamauga
a Confederate victory in the American Civil War (), Confederate forces under Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces
Coral Sea
battle of the Coral Sea
a Japanese defeat in World War II (May ), the first naval battle fought entirely by planes based on aircraft carriers
battle of Cowpens
battle in the American Revolution, Americans under Daniel Morgan defeated the British
battle of Crecy
the first decisive battle of the Hundred Years' War, in the English under Edward III defeated the French under Philip of Valois
battle of Cunaxa
battle inBC when the Artaxerxes II defeated his younger brother who tried to usurp the throne
battle of Cynoscephalae
the battle that ended the second Macedonian War ( BC), the Romans defeated Philip V who lost his control of Greece
El Alamein
Al Alamayn
Battle of El Alamein
a pitched battle in World War II () resulting in a decisive Allied victory by British troops under Montgomery over German troops under Rommel
Battle of Flodden Field
a battle in , the English defeated the invading Scots and James IV was killed
Battle of Fontenoy
a battle in in which the French army under Marshal Saxe defeated the English army and their allies under the duke of Cumberland
Battle of Fredericksburg
an important battle in the American Civil War (), the Union Army under A. E. Burnside was defeated by the Confederate Army under Robert E. Lee
Battle of Gettysburg
a battle of the American Civil War (), the defeat of Robert E. Lee's invading Confederate Army was a major victory for the Union
Battle of Granicus River
the battle in which Alexander won his first major victory against the Persians ( BC)
Battle of Guadalcanal
a battle in World War II in the Pacific (-), the island was occupied by the Japanese and later recaptured by American forces
battle of Hastings
the decisive battle in which William the Conqueror (duke of Normandy) defeated the Saxons under Harold II () and thus left England open for the Norman Conquest
battle of Hohenlinden
a battle during the Napoleonic Wars (), the French defeated the Austrians
battle of Ipsus
a battle between the successors of Alexander the Great ( BC), Lysimachus and Seleucus defeated Antigonus and Demetrius
battle of Issus
a battle ( BC) in which Alexander the Great defeated the Persians under Darius III
battle of Ivry
Ivry la Bataille
a battle () in which the Huguenots under Henry IV defeated the Catholics under the duke of Mayenne
Battle of Jena
the battle inin which Napoleon decisively defeated the Prussians
battle of Jutland
an indecisive naval battle in World War I (), fought between the British and German fleets off the northwestern coast of Denmark
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