
Gelbe Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gelbe Seiten, Branchenverzeichnis n
yellow pages, business directory
gelbe Seiten, Branchenadressbuch der Post
yellow pages
Gelbe Korallengrundel f (Gobiodon okinawae) zool.
yellow clown goby
Leberdystrophie f med.
akute gelbe Leberatrophie
hepatic dystrophy
acute yellow dystrophy of the liver
Gelbe Seiten; Branchenverzeichnis n; Branchenbuch n
yellow pages; business directory
Gelbe Symbiosegrundel f (Cryptocentrus cinctus) zool.
yellow watchman goby
gelbe Kletten pl (Amsinckia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
fiddlenecks (botanical genus)
die gelbe Gefahr (unterstellte Bedrohung durch China Südostasien) pol.
the yellow peril (threat regarded as being posed by China SE Asia)
Quarantäneflagge f; gelbe Flagge f
Quarantäneflaggen pl; gelbe Flaggen pl
quarantine flag; yellow flag
quarantine flags; yellow flags
Verwarnung f, gelbe Karte f sport
eine Verwarnung erhalten, eine gelbe Karte erhalten
booking, yellow card
to be booked
Gelbe Trompetenblume f; Gelber Trompetenbaum m; Gelber Trompetenstrauch m (Tecoma stans)
yellow trumpetbush; yellow bells; yellow elder; ginger-thomas
Gelbe Seegurke f, Gelbe Seewalze f (Colochirus robustus, Colochirus quadrangularis) zool.
yellow cucumber
Gelbe Haarqualle f; Gelbe Nesselqualle f; Löwenmähnenqualle f; Feuerqualle f (Cyanea capillata) zool.
lion's mane jellyfish; hair jelly
Gelbe Haarqualle f; Gelbe Nesselqualle f; Löwenmähnenqualle f; Feuerqualle f (Cyanea capillata) zool.
lion's mane jellyfish; giant jellyfish; hair jelly
Zwergsterne pl; Zwerge pl astron.
weiße Zwerge
gelbe Zwerge
braune Zwerge
rote Zwerge
dwarf stars; dwarfs
white dwarf stars; white dwarfs
yellow dwarf stars; yellow dwarfs
brown dwarf stars; brown dwarfs
red dwarf stars; red dwarfs
Moorlilien pl; Ährenlilien pl; Ährenrinsen pl (Narthecium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gelbe Moorlilie; Beinbrech (Narthecium ossifragum)
narthecium (botanical genus)
bog asphodel bastard asphodel; Lancashire asphodel
Moorlilien pl; Ährenlilien pl; Ährenrinsen pl (Narthecium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gelbe Moorlilie; Beinbrech (Narthecium ossifragum)
narthecium (botanical genus)
bog asphodel, bastard asphodel; Lancashire asphodel
Colochirus-Seegurken pl (Colochirus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Gelbe Seewalze (Colochirus robustus)
Gelbe Seegurke (Colochirus quadrangularis)
colochirus sea cucumbers (zoological genus)
robust sea cucumber; yellow cucumber
thorny sea cucumber
Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfisch m; Gelber Seebader m (Zebrasoma flavescens) zool.
Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfische pl; Gelbe Seebader pl
yellow tang
yellow tangs
Bohne f bot. cook.
Bohnen pl
fadenlose Bohne
gelbe Bohne
grüne Bohne; Gartenbohne; Stangenbohne; Fisole Ös.; Strankerl Ös.
weiße Bohne
stringless bean
wax bean
string bean; runner bean; French bean
haricot bean; navy bean Am.
Narzissen pl (Narcissus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gelbe Narzisse f; Trompeten-Narzisse f; Osterglocke f; Osterglöckchen n (Narcissus pseudonarcissus)
daffodils; jonquils; narcissus (botanical genus)
wild daffodil; Lent lily
Feuerameisen pl (Solenopsis) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Rote Feuerameise f (Solenopsis invicta)
Diebsameise f (Solenopsis molesta)
Gelbe Diebsameise f; Diebische Zwergameise f (Solenopsis fugax)
fire ants (zoological genus)
red fire ant
thief ant
yellow thief ant
Teichrosen pl (Nuphar) bot.
Gelbe Teichrose f; Gelbe Teichmummel f; Teichmummel f; Teichkandel f (Nuphar lutea)
Kleine Teichrose f; Zwergteichrose f bot. (Nuphar pumila)
Amerikanische Teichrose f (Nuphar advena)
pond lilies; water-lilies Br.; spatterdocks Am.
yellow water-lily; brandy-bottle
small yellow pond-lily; least water-lily; dwarf water-lily
yellow pond lily; cow lily; spatterdock Am.
Bohne f cook.
Bohnen pl
Stangenbohnen pl
Buschbohnen pl
Dickbohnen pl
gelbe Bohnen; Wachsbohnen pl
Perlbohnen pl
Pintobohnen pl
rote Bohnen
Trockenkochbohnen pl; Kernbohnen pl
weiße Bohnen
fadenlose Bohnen
climbing beans; pole beans Am.
bush beans
white kidney beans; cannellini beans Am.
wax beans
pearl beans
pinto beans
red kidney bean; red beans
dry beans
white pea beans; pea beans; haricot beans; navy beans Am.
stringless beans
Verwarnung f; gelbe Karte f sport
gelb-rote Karte (Fussball)
eine Verwarnung erhalten; eine gelbe Karte erhalten
einem Spieler die gelbe Karte zeigen
vom Schiedsrichter die gelbe Karte erhalten (wegen)
Er erhielt die gelbe Karte wegen Behinderung des Gegners.
booking; yellow card
second yellow card
to be booked; to be yellow carded
to yellow card a player
to be yellow carded by the referee (for)
He got the yellow card for blocking an opponent.
Karotte f; Gartenmöhre f; Wurzel f Norddt.; Möhre f Mitteldt.; Mohrrübe f Ostdt.; gelbe Rübe f Süddt.; Gelbrübe f BW; Rüebli n Schw. (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) agr. cook.
Karotten pl; Gartenmöhren pl; Wurzeln pl; Möhren pl; Mohrrüben pl; gelbe Rüben pl; Gelbrüben pl; Rüebli pl
garden carrot
garden carrots
jdn. von jdm. etw. unterscheiden; jdn. gegenüber jdm. etw. kennzeichnen v
unterscheidend; kennzeichnend
unterschieden; gekennzeichnet
unterscheidet; kennzeichnet
unterschied; kennzeichnet
Was unterscheidet den Menschen vom Affen?
Das Sprechvermögen unerscheidet den Menschen vom Tier.
Der gelbe Schnabel unterscheidet das Männchen vom Weibchen.
to distinguish; to differentiate sb. from sb. sth.
distinguishing; differentiating
distinguished; differentiated
distinguishes; differentiates
distinguished; differentiated
What distinguishes humans from apes?
The power of speech distinguishes human beings from animals.
The male's yellow beak differentiates it from the female.
Verwarnung f; gelbe Karte f; Gelb n ugs. sport
gelb-rote Karte (Fussball)
eine Verwarnung erhalten; eine gelbe Karte erhalten
einem Spieler die gelbe Karte zeigen
vom Schiedsrichter die gelbe Karte erhalten (wegen)
Er erhielt die gelbe Karte wegen Behinderung des Gegners.
Der Stürmerstar hat in den ersten zwei Spielen (jeweils) Gelb gesehen.
booking; yellow card
second yellow card
to be booked; to be yellow carded
to yellow card a player
to be yellow carded by the referee (for)
He got the yellow card for blocking an opponent.
In the first two matches the star striker has gone into the book twice. has been booked twice. has picked up two yellow cards. has got Br. gotten Am. been shown two yellow cards.
Karotte f; Gartenmöhre f; Möhre f Dt.; Mohrrübe f Nordostdt.; Wurzel f Norddt. ugs.; gelbe Rübe f Süddt. ugs.; Gelbrübe f BW ugs.; Rüebli n Schw. (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) agr. cook.
Karotten pl; Gartenmöhren pl; Möhren pl; Mohrrüben pl; Wurzeln pl; gelbe Rüben pl; Gelbrüben pl; Rüebli pl
Jungkarrotte f; Babykarrotte f; Möhrchen n Dt.; Babyrüebli n Schw.
garden carrot
garden carrots
baby carrot
Eichen pl (Quercus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Flaumeiche f (Quercus pubescens lanuginosa)
gelbe Eiche f (Quercus muehlenbergii)
Kastanieneiche f (Quercus montana)
Korbeiche f (Quercus michauxii)
Korkeiche f (Quercus suber)
Roteiche f (Quercus rubra)
Steineiche f (Quercus ilex)
Stieleiche f; Sommereiche; deutsche Eiche f (Quercus robur pedunculata)
Traubeneiche f (Quercus petraea sessilis)
oaks (botanical genus)
downy oak; pubescent oak
chinkapin oak; chinquapin oak
chestnut oak
swamp chestnut oak
cork oak
red oak
holm oak; holly oak
English oak; French oak; pedunculate oak
sessile oak; cornish oak; durmast oak
Eichenbäume pl; Eichen pl (Quercus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Flaumeiche f (Quercus pubescens lanuginosa)
gelbe Eiche f (Quercus muehlenbergii)
Kastanieneiche f (Quercus montana)
Korbeiche f (Quercus michauxii)
Korkeiche f (Quercus suber)
Roteiche f (Quercus rubra)
Steineiche f (Quercus ilex)
Stieleiche f; Sommereiche; deutsche Eiche f (Quercus robur pedunculata)
Traubeneiche f (Quercus petraea sessilis)
oak trees; oaks (botanical genus)
downy oak; pubescent oak
chinkapin oak; chinquapin oak
chestnut oak
swamp chestnut oak
cork oak
red oak
holm oak; holly oak
English oak; French oak; pedunculate oak
sessile oak; cornish oak; durmast oak
Gewebsschwund m; Gewebsschrumpfung f; Schwund m; Schrumpfung f (in Zusammensetzungen); Atrophie f med.
akuter Schwund des Lebergewebes; akute gelbe Atrophie
arthritische Gewebsschrumpfung
blaue Atrophie
braune Atrophie
chronische spinale muskuläre Atrophie
fazioskapulohumerale Atrophie
graue Atrophie
hemifaziale Atrophie
hemilinguale Atrophie
idiopathische muskuläre Atrphie
interstitielle Atrophie
ischämische muskuläre Atrophie
juvenile muskuläre Atrophie
muskulärer Gewebsschwund
neuropathische Atrophie
neurotrophische Atrophie
olivopontozerebellare Atrophie
krankhafte Gewebsschrumpfung; pathologische Atrophie
physiologische Atrophie
progressive muskuläre Atrophie
progressive spinale muskuläre Atrophie
pseudohypertrophe muskuläre Atrophie
rote Atrophie
Sudeck'sche Atrophie
Wurzelhautatrophie f; Gewebsschwund der Zahnwurzel
shrinking of tissue; tissue shrinking; atrophy
acute shrinking of the liver tissue; acute yellow atrophy
arthritic shrinking of tissue
blue atrophy
brown atrophy
chronic spinal muscular atrophy
facioscapulohumeral atrophy; Landouzy-Déjerine dystrophy
grey atrophy
hemifacial atrophy
hemilingual atrophy
idiopathic muscular atrophy
interstitial atrophy
ischaemic muscular atrophy; Volkman's contracture
juvenile muscular atrophy; pseudohypertrophic muscular paralysis
muscular tissue shrinking
neural atrophy; neuropathic atrophy
neurotrophic atrophy; trophoneurotic atrophy
olivopontocerebellar atrophy
pathological shrinking of tissue Br.; pathologic atrophy Am.
physiological atrophy
progressive muscular atrophy; Cruveilhier's atrophy
progressive spinal muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne myelopathic atrophy
pseudohypertophic muscular atrophy; pseudohypertophic muscular dystrophy
red atrophy
Sudeck's atrophy
periodontal tissue shrinking; periodontal atrophy
Kulturpflaume f; Pflaume f (Prunus domestica) bot. cook.
Echte Zwetschge f; Zwetschge f Dt. Schw.; Zwetsche f Norddt.; Pflaume f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Quetsche f Süddt.; Zwetschke f Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. domestica)
Halbzwetschge f; Halbzwetsche f Norddt.; Halbpflaume f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Halbzwetschke f Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. intermedia)
Kriechenpflaume f; Haferpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)
Edelpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. italica)
Ringlotte f; Reneklode f; Reineclaude f; Ringlo f Süddt. (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. claudiana)
Edelrundpflaume f; Rundpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. subrotunda)
Mirabelle f; Gelbe Zwetschge f (Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca)
Gelber Spilling; Spilling; Spenling; Spönling Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. pomariorum)
Zibarte; Ziparte; Zibertle BW; Ziberli Schw. (Prunus domestica subsp. prisca)
European plum
common plum; plum
egg plum
damson plum; damson; Damask plum
gage plum; gage
greengage plum; greengage; reine claude
round plum
mirabelle plum; mirabelle
spilling plum
zibarte plum
Kulturpflaume f; Pflaume f (Prunus domestica) bot. cook.
Echte Zwetschge f; Zwetschge f Dt. Schw.; Zwetsche f Norddt.; Pflaume f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Quetsche f Süddt.; Zwetschke f Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. domestica)
Edelrundpflaume f; Rundpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. subrotunda)
Edelpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. italica)
Halbzwetschge f; Halbzwetsche f Norddt.; Halbpflaume f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Halbzwetschke f Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. intermedia)
Katharinenpflaume f; Spille f; Gelber Spilling m; Spilling m; Spenling m; Spönling m Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. pomariorum)
Kriechenpflaume f; Krieche f; Kriecherl n Ös.; Schlehenpflaume f; Haferschlehe f; Haferpflaume f; Damaszenerpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)
Mirabelle f; Gelbe Zwetschge f (Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca)
Reneklode f Dt.; Reineclaude f BW Schw.; Ringlotte f Ös.; Ringlo f Bayr. Tirol (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. claudiana)
Zibarte; Ziparte; Zibertle BW; Ziberli Schw. (Prunus domestica subsp. prisca)
European plum
common plum; plum
round plum
gage plum; gage
egg plum
spilling plum
damson plum; damson; Damask plum
mirabelle plum; mirabelle
greengage plum; greengage; gage; reine claude
zibarte plum

Deutsche Gelbe Synonyme

Branchenverzeichnis  ÂGelbe  Seiten  
Gelbe  Rübe  ÂKarotte  ÂWurzel  
Gelbe Rübe  Karotte  Wurzel  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Gelbe Synonym nachschlagen

Englische yellow pages business directory Synonyme

yellow  Amytal  Amytal pill  Barnumesque  Cassel yellow  Claude tint  Demerol  Dolophine  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Paris yellow  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  acid yellow  afraid  albumen  alcohol  amber  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  anodyne  arsenic yellow  aureate  aureateness  aureolin  auric  aurify  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  begild  beige  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  blue velvet  buff  buff-yellow  butter  cadmium yellow  calmative  canary  canary-yellow  caviar  chamois  champagne  chartreuse yellow  chicken  chickenhearted  chloral hydrate  chrome  chrome lemon  chrome yellow  chrysophenin  citron  citron-yellow  cloak-and-dagger  codeine  codeine cough syrup  coward  cowardly  cowed  crash  craven  cream  creamy  crocus  dandelion  daunted  depressant  depressor  dismayed  distrustful  dolly  downer  ecru  egg  egg white  eggshell  engild  envious  fainthearted  fallow  fallowness  fearful  fish eggs  flax  flaxen  funking  funky  gamboge  gild  gilded  gilt  glair  gold  gold-colored  golden  golden pheasant  goofball  green  green with jealousy  green-eyed  grege  gutless  hard stuff  henhearted  heroin  honey  honey yellow  hop  horn-mad  horse  hypnotic  intimidated  invidious  jaundice  jaundice-eyed  jaundiced  jealous  jonquil  junk  knockout drops  laudanum  lemon  lemon chrome  lemon-yellow  lily-livered  liquor  lotus  lurid  luteolous  lutescent  madder yellow  maize  massicot  melodramatic  meperidine  metanil yellow  methadone  methyl yellow  milk-livered  milksoppish  milksoppy  morphia  morphine  mousy  naphthol yellow  narcotic  ocherish  ocherous  ochery  ochreous  ochroid  ochrous  ochry  oil yellow  old gold  old ivory  olivesheen  opiate  opium  or  orpiment  overtimid  overtimorous  ovule  pacifier  pain killer  panic-prone  panicky  paregoric  peach  pebble  pen yan  phenobarbital  phenobarbital sodium  phosphine  pigeonhearted  primrose  pr  
yellow fever  African lethargy  Asiatic cholera  Chagres fever  German measles  Haverhill fever  acute articular rheumatism  ague  alkali disease  amebiasis  amebic dysentery  anthrax  bacillary dysentery  bastard measles  black death  black fever  blackwater fever  breakbone fever  brucellosis  bubonic plague  cachectic fever  cerebral rheumatism  chicken pox  cholera  cowpox  dandy fever  deer fly fever  dengue  dengue fever  diphtheria  dumdum fever  dysentery  elephantiasis  encephalitis lethargica  enteric fever  erysipelas  famine fever  five-day fever  flu  frambesia  glandular fever  grippe  hansenosis  hepatitis  herpes  herpes simplex  herpes zoster  histoplasmosis  hookworm  hydrophobia  infantile paralysis  infectious mononucleosis  inflammatory rheumatism  influenza  jail fever  jungle rot  kala azar  kissing disease  lepra  leprosy  leptospirosis  loa loa  loaiasis  lockjaw  madness  malaria  malarial fever  marsh fever  measles  meningitis  milzbrand  mumps  ornithosis  osteomyelitis  paratyphoid fever  parotitis  parrot fever  pertussis  pneumonia  polio  poliomyelitis  polyarthritis rheumatism  ponos  psittacosis  rabbit fever  rabies  rat-bite fever  relapsing fever  rheumatic fever  rickettsialpox  ringworm  rubella  rubeola  scarlatina  scarlet fever  schistosomiasis  septic sore throat  shingles  sleeping sickness  sleepy sickness  smallpox  snail fever  splenic fever  spotted fever  strep throat  swamp fever  tetanus  thrush  tinea  trench fever  trench mouth  tuberculosis  tularemia  typhoid  typhoid fever  typhus  typhus fever  undulant fever  vaccinia  varicella  variola  venereal disease  viral dysentery  whooping cough  yaws  yellow jack  zona  zoster  
yellow jacket  Amytal  Amytal pill  Demerol  Dolophine  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  alcohol  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  anodyne  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  bee  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  blue velvet  bumblebee  calmative  chloral hydrate  codeine  codeine cough syrup  depressant  depressor  dolly  downer  drone  goofball  hard stuff  heroin  honeybee  hop  hornet  horse  hypnotic  junk  knockout drops  laudanum  liquor  lotus  meperidine  methadone  morphia  morphine  narcotic  opiate  opium  pacifier  pain killer  paregoric  pen yan  phenobarbital  phenobarbital sodium  purple heart  queen  queen bee  quietener  rainbow  red  scag  secobarbital sodium  sedative  shit  sleep-inducer  sleeper  sleeping draught  sleeping pill  smack  sodium thiopental  somnifacient  soother  soothing syrup  soporific  tar  tranquilizer  turps  wasp  white stuff  worker  yellow  
yellow journalism  blood and thunder  demonstrativeness  emotional appeal  emotionalism  emotionality  emotionalization  emotionalizing  emotiveness  emotivity  histrionics  human interest  love interest  making scenes  melodrama  melodramatics  nonrationalness  sensationalism  theatricality  theatrics  unreasoningness  visceralness  
Yellow Pages  Baedeker  bibliography  business directory  catalog  checklist  city directory  classified directory  directory  finding list  guidebook  handbook  handlist  index  itinerary  phone book  reference book  road map  roadbook  telephone book  telephone directory  
yellow race  Alpine race  Australoid race  Bushman race  Mediterranean race  Melanesian race  Nilotic race  Nordic race  Papuan race  Polynesian race  Pygmoid race  black race  brown race  icterus  jaundice  melanochroi  prehistoric races  sallowness  white race  xanthochroi  xanthochroism  yellow complexion  yellow skin  

Gelbe Definition

(n.) That which busies one, or that which engages the time, attention, or labor of any one, as his principal concern or interest, whether for a longer or shorter time
(n.) Any particular occupation or employment engaged in for livelihood or gain, as agriculture, trade, art, or a profession.
(n.) Financial dealings
(n.) That which one has to do or should do
(n.) Affair
(n.) The position, distribution, and order of persons and properties on the stage of a theater, as determined by the stage manager in rehearsal.
(n.) Care
(a.) Containing directions
(n.) A collection or body of directions, rules, or ordinances
(n.) A book containing the names and residences of the inhabitants of any place, or of classes of them
(n.) A body of directors
(n.) Direction
Naples yellow
() See under Yellow.
(superl.) Being of a bright saffronlike color
(n.) A bright golden color, reflecting more light than any other except white
(n.) A yellow pigment.
(v. t.) To make yellow
(v. i.) To become yellow or yellower.
(a.) Covered or bound in yellow paper.
(a.) Having yellow eyes.
(n.) A certain plant, probably the yellow oxeye.

yellow pages business directory Bedeutung

business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
loose end
unfinished business
work that is left incomplete
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
monkey business mischievous or deceitful behavior
commercial enterprise
business enterprise
the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects, computers are now widely used in business
business activity
commercial activity
activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise
business the volume of commercial activity, business is good today, show me where the business was today
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
employee-owned enterprise
employee-owned business
a commercial enterprise owned by the people who work for it
discount business the business of selling merchandise at a discount
real-estate business the business of selling real estate
meat packing
meat-packing business
wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
deal trade business deal a particular instance of buying or selling, it was a package deal, I had no further trade with him, he's a master of the business deal
going-out-of-business sale a sale of all the tangible assets of a business that is about to close, during the Great Depression going-out-of-business sales were very common
onion yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of onion plants
potato yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants
yellow-green algae any alga of the division Chrysophyta with its chlorophyll masked by yellow pigment
yellowhammer yellow bunting
Emberiza citrinella
European bunting the male being bright yellow
yellow-breasted bunting
Emberiza aureola
common in Russia and Siberia
yellow warbler
golden warbler
yellowbird Dendroica petechia
yellow-throated American wood warbler
yellow-breasted chat
Icteria virens
American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds
yellow-bellied terrapin
Pseudemys scripta
freshwater turtle of United States and South America, frequently raised commercially, some young sold as pets
yellow-shafted flicker
Colaptes auratus
large flicker of eastern North America with a red neck and yellow undersurface to wings and tail
yellow-bellied sapsucker
Sphyrapicus varius
eastern North American sapsucker having a pale yellow abdomen
yellow-fever mosquito
Aedes aegypti
mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue
yellow jacket
yellow hornet
Vespula maculifrons
small yellow-marked social wasp commonly nesting in the ground
yellow-throated marten
Charronia flavigula
large yellow and black marten of southern China and Burma
yellow perch
Perca flavescens
North American perch
yellow bass
Morone interrupta
North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass
yellow jack
Caranx bartholomaei
fish of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
yellow goatfish
Mulloidichthys martinicus
schooling goatfish, greyish with yellow stripe
tub gurnard
yellow gurnard
Trigla lucerna
a kind of gurnard
airline business
a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers
business suit a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen
line product line
line of products
line of merchandise
business line
line of business
a particular kind of product or merchandise, a nice line of shoes
business office
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed, he rented an office in the new building
pentobarbital sodium
yellow jacket
a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and antispasmodic
place of business
business establishment
an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
yellow jack yellow flag hoist on a ship in quarantine
yellow color or pigment, the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons
canary yellow
a moderate yellow with a greenish tinge
brownish yellow a yellow color of low lightness with a brownish tinge
lemon yellow
a strong yellow color
orange yellow
a shade of yellow tinged with orange
pale yellow
a variable yellow tint, dull yellow, often diluted with white
greenish yellow a shade of yellow tinged with green
yellow green
yellowish green
Paris green
pea green
a shade of green tinged with yellow
yellow marrow
yellow bone marrow
bone marrow that is yellow with fat, found at the ends of long bones in adults
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119 Bewertungen 3


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