
Geldmittelbestand Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Geldmittelbestand m; Kassenlage f; Liquiditätslage f; Barliquidität f; Barposition f fin.
liquid cash resources; cash position
Geldmittelbestand m; Kassenlage f; Liquiditätslage f; Barliquidität f; Barposition f fin.
liquid cash resources; cash position
flüssige Geldmittel
Fond, Geldmittel
Mittel, Geldmittel
Finanzmittel pl, Geldmittel pl
financial resources
Geldmittel pl
Geldmittel pl
pecuniary resources
Havariefonds pl, Geldmittel für den Katastrophenfall
disaster funds
Einfuhr österreichischer Geldmittel
import of Austrian currency
Geldmittel pl; Gelder pl; Mittel pl fin.
eigene Mittel
öffentliche Mittel
Gelder parken (vorübergehend deponieren)
Die Gelder wurden von ihm in dieser Firma auf diesem Konto zwischengeparkt.
own funds
public funds; public ressources
to park funds (deposit them temporarily)
He parked the funds temporarily in this company account.
Geldmittel pl; Finanzmittel pl fin.
aufgenommene Geldmittel
Geldmittel anfordern
means; financial resources; pecuniary resources
money borrowed
to request funds pecuniary resources
Havariefonds pl; Geldmittel für den Katastrophenfall
disaster funds
etw. an etw. knüpfen (zur Voraussetzung machen)
ein Angebot bei dem der Rabatt an den Kauf einer Reiseversicherung geknüpft wird
Die Verwendung weiterer Sprachen ist an die Bedingung geknüpft dass damit keine Zusatzkosten verbunden sind.
Die Steuererleichterung ist an ein bestehendes aufrechtes Ös. Beschäftigungsverhältnis gebunden.
Das Visum ist an den Nachweis ausreichender Geldmittel für den Aufenthalt gebunden.
Einige Sparformen sind indexgebunden.
to link sth. to sth. (make it depend on sth.)
an offer whereby the discount is linked to the purchase of a travel insurance
The use of other languages is linked to the condition that it entail no additional expense.
The tax relief is linked to employment status.
The visa is linked to proof of adequate funds to cover the stay.
Some savings schemes are index-linked.
sich refinanzieren v (Geldmittel aufnehmen um selbst Kredite zu vergeben) fin.
to refinance oneself
etw. nach sich ziehen; zur Folge haben; mit sich bringen; mit einschließen; mit etw. verbunden sein; dabei mitspielen eine Rolle spielen (Sache)
nach sich ziehend; zur Folge habend; mit sich bringend; mit einschließend; dabei mitspielen eine Rolle spielend
nach sich gezogen; zur Folge gehabt; mit sich gebracht; mit eingeschlossen; dabei mitgespielt eine Rolle gespielt
Das zieht den ganzen Rattenschwanz an ... nach sich.
ein Gen das bem Entstehen der Alzheimer-Krankheit eine Rolle spielt
Dieser Auftrag schließt viele Überstunden mit ein.
In diesen Fällen spielen fast immer fehlende Geldmittel eine Rolle.
Es war mir nicht bewusst dass der Betrieb eines Gästehauses mit so viel Arbeit verbunden ist die man nicht sieht.
Was wird bei einer Laser-Augenoperation alles gemacht?
to involve sth.; to implicate sth.; to entail sth. (matter)
involving; implicating; entailing
involved; implicated; entailed
It entails the whole stream of ...
a gene that is involved implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease
This assignment involves a lot of overtime.
These cases almost always involve a lack of funds.
I didn't realize running a guesthouse involved so much unseen work it involved so much unseen work to run a guesthouse.
What does laser eye surgery involve?
Finanzmittel pl; Geldmittel pl; Mittel pl (einer Körperschaft für einen bestimmten Zweck) pol. fin.
wegen fehlender Finanzmittel
Forschungsmittel pl
Rentenmittel pl Dt.; Pensionsmittel pl Ös.
staatliche Finanzmittel
Steuermittel pl
zusätzliche Mittel
Er rief die internationale Staatengemeinschaft zur Bereitstellung von Ressourcen und Finanzmitteln auf.
funding mass noun (funds provided by a corporate entity for a particular purpose)
because of a lack of funding
research funding; research funds (from the provider's perspective)
state pension funding
government funding
tax funding
extra funding
He called on the international community to help provide resources and funding.
Geldmittel pl; Gelder pl; Mittel pl fin.
eigene Mittel
öffentliche Mittel
Gelder parken (vorübergehend deponieren)
Die Gelder wurden von ihm in dieser Firma auf diesem Konto zwischengeparkt.
own funds
public funds; public resources
to park funds (deposit them temporarily)
He parked the funds temporarily in this company account.
Geldmittel pl; Finanzmittel pl fin.
aufgenommene Geldmittel
Geldmittel anfordern
über die nötigen Gelder verfügen
means; financial resources; pecuniary resources
money borrowed
to request funds pecuniary resources
to have the necessary means
brachliegende Gelder pl; anlagebereite Geldmittel pl; Kriegskasse f ugs. econ.
idle money balance; idle balance
in gleicher Höhe Zahl; in der erforderlichen Höhe Zahl (nachgestellt) econ.
Geldmittel in der erforderlichen Höhe; entsprechende Geldmittel
matching (equal in number or amount)
matching funds
etw. an etw. knüpfen v (zur Voraussetzung machen)
ein Angebot, bei dem der Rabatt an den Kauf einer Reiseversicherung geknüpft wird
Die Verwendung weiterer Sprachen ist an die Bedingung geknüpft, dass damit keine Zusatzkosten verbunden sind.
Die Steuererleichterung ist an ein bestehendes aufrechtes Ös. Beschäftigungsverhältnis gebunden.
Das Visum ist an den Nachweis ausreichender Geldmittel für den Aufenthalt gebunden.
Einige Sparformen sind indexgebunden.
to link sth. to sth. (make it depend on sth.)
an offer whereby the discount is linked to the purchase of a travel insurance
The use of other languages is linked to the condition that it entail no additional expense.
The tax relief is linked to employment status.
The visa is linked to proof of adequate funds to cover the stay.
Some savings schemes are index-linked.
sich refinanzieren v (Geldmittel aufnehmen, um selbst Kredite zu vergeben) fin.
to refinance oneself
ungenutzt adj econ. jur.
ungenutztes Kapital; totes Kapital
umsatzloses Konto
bei Gericht hinterlegte, unverzinste Geldmittel
unemployed; dormant
dormant capital; unemployed capital
dormant account
dormant funds in court
wirksam; wirkungsvoll; effektiv adv
wirksamer gegen Gesetzesverstöße vorgehen
die richtigen Fragen stellen
die Geldmittel besser bestmöglich einsetzen
to deal more effectively with offending behaviour
to ask effectively
to utilise the funds more most effectively
etw. nach sich ziehen; zur Folge haben; mit sich bringen; mit einschließen; mit etw. verbunden sein; dabei mitspielen eine Rolle spielen v (Sache)
nach sich ziehend; zur Folge habend; mit sich bringend; mit einschließend; dabei mitspielen eine Rolle spielend
nach sich gezogen; zur Folge gehabt; mit sich gebracht; mit eingeschlossen; dabei mitgespielt eine Rolle gespielt
Das zieht den ganzen Rattenschwanz an … nach sich.
ein Gen, das bem Entstehen der Alzheimer-Krankheit eine Rolle spielt
Dieser Auftrag schließt viele Überstunden mit ein.
In diesen Fällen spielen fast immer fehlende Geldmittel eine Rolle.
Es war mir nicht bewusst, dass der Betrieb eines Gästehauses mit so viel Arbeit verbunden ist, die man nicht sieht.
Was wird bei einer Laser-Augenoperation alles gemacht?
Die Operation birgt doch gewisse Riskien ist doch mit gewissen Risiken verbunden.
Dieses Delikt ist mit Freiheitsstrafe mit einer Geldstrafe bedroht.
to involve sth.; to implicate sth.; to entail sth.; to carry sth. (matter)
involving; implicating; entailing; carrying
involved; implicated; entailed; carried
It entails the whole stream of …
a gene that is involved implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease
This assignment involves a lot of overtime.
These cases almost always involve a lack of funds.
I didn't realize running a guesthouse involved so much unseen work it involved so much unseen work to run a guesthouse.
What does laser eye surgery involve?
The surgery does carry certain risks.
This offence entails carries a prison term a fine.
appropriation of funds
Geldmittelbestand m; Kassenlage f; Liquiditätslage f; Barliquidität f; Barposition f fin.
liquid cash resources; cash position
Verteilung von Geldmitteln
appropriation of funds
Anwendung f; Verwendung f; Gebrauch m; Einsatz m; Einsatzfall m
Anwendungen pl; Verwendungen pl; Einsatzfälle pl
gewerbliche Anwendung
kommerzielle Anwendung
weitere Anwendung
die Verwendung von Geldmitteln
der Einsatz neuer Technologien
industrial application
business application
additional application
the application of funds
the application of new technology
Zweckbindung f (von Geldmitteln) fin.
Zweckbindung Zweckwidmung von Mitteln
Die Regierung hat zugesagt die Finanzmittel für Bildung mit einer Zweckbindung zu versehen.
appropriation; earmark; ring fence Br.
The government has promised to put a ring fence around funding for education. Br.
Allokation f; Zuweisung f (von Geldmitteln Ressourcen)
Zweckbindung f (von Geldmitteln) fin.
Zweckbindung Zweckwidmung von Mitteln
Die Regierung hat zugesagt, die Finanzmittel für Bildung mit einer Zweckbindung zu versehen.
appropriation; earmark; ring fence Br.
The government has promised to put a ring fence around funding for education. Br.

Deutsche Geldmittelbestand Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Geldmittelbestand Synonym nachschlagen

Englische liquid cash resources; cash position Synonyme

liquid  accented  alcoholic drink  allophone  alveolar  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  aquatic  aqueous  articulated  articulation  aspiration  assimilated  assimilation  back  barytone  beverage  bilabial  blood  bright  brilliant  broad  cacuminal  central  cerebral  check  checked  clear  close  consonant  consonantal  continuant  convertible  dental  diphthong  dissimilated  dissimilation  dorsal  drink  drinkable  epenthetic vowel  explosive  flat  flowing  fluent  fluid  fluid extract  fluid mechanics  fluidal  fluidic  fluxible  fluxile  fluxional  fluxionary  front  frosted  frosted shake  glide  glossal  glottal  glottalization  golden  guttural  hard  heavy  high  honeyed  hydrated  hydraulic  hydraulics  hydrogeology  hydrous  intonated  juice  juicy  labial  labialization  labiodental  labiovelar  laryngeal  lateral  latex  lax  light  limpid  lingual  liquefied  liquid extract  liquidy  liquor  low  malt  manner of articulation  mellifluent  mellow  melted  mid  milk  modification  molten  monophthong  monophthongal  morphophoneme  mute  muted  narrow  nasal  nasalized  negotiable  occlusive  open  oxytone  palatal  palatalized  parasitic vowel  peak  pharyngeal  pharyngealization  pharyngealized  phone  phoneme  phonemic  phonetic  phonic  pitch  pitched  plashy  plosive  pop  posttonic  potable  potation  profitable  prothetic vowel  retroflex  rounded  running  runny  sap  sappy  segmental phoneme  semiliquid  semivowel  shake  shining  sloppy  soda  soda pop  soda water  soft  soft drink  solution  solvent  sonant  sonority  speech sound  splashy  stop  stopped  stressed  strong  succulent  surd  swashy  syllabic  syllabic nucleus  syllabic peak  syllable  tense  thick  throaty  tonal  tonic  transition sound  translucent  transparent  triphthong  twangy  unaccented  unrounded  unstressed  velar  vocable  vocalic  vocoid  voice  voiced  voiced sound  voiceless  voiceless sound  voicing  vowel  vowellike  water  waterish  watery  weak  whey  w  
liquid assets  assessed valuation  assets  assets and liabilities  available funds  available means  balance  balance in hand  capital  capital goods  capitalization  cash  cash in hand  cash supply  circumstances  current assets  deferred assets  fixed assets  frozen assets  fund  funds  grist  holdings  immediate resources  intangible assets  intangibles  material assets  means  money in hand  net assets  net worth  property  quick assets  ready money  resource  resources  stock  stock-in-trade  supply  tangible assets  tangibles  the ready  treasury  wealth  
liquid oxygen  Dry Ice  Freon  ammonia  carbon dioxide  charge  coolant  ether  ethyl chloride  exhaust  freezing mixture  fuel  ice  ice cubes  jet propulsion  liquid air  liquid helium  propellant  propulsion charge  reaction propulsion  refrigerant  rocket propulsion  thrust  
liquidate  abstract  amortize  annihilate  assassinate  bereave of life  break  bump off  bust  carry away  carry off  cash  cash in  cashier  cast off  cast out  chloroform  chuck  clear  clear away  clear off  clear out  clear the decks  clear the trade  close out  convert  convert into cash  cool  cut down  cut off  cut out  deconsecrate  defrock  deport  depose  deprive of life  deracinate  destroy  dethrone  disbar  discharge  discrown  disenthrone  dismiss  dispatch  dispel  displace  dispose of  do away with  do for  do in  do to death  drum out  dump  dust off  eject  elide  eliminate  end  eradicate  excommunicate  execute  exile  expatriate  expel  exterminate  extirpate  finish  finish off  fling off  get quit of  get rid of  get shut of  give the gate  honor  immolate  kick upstairs  kill  knock off  launch into eternity  lift  lynch  make accounts square  make away with  martyr  martyrize  murder  oust  outlaw  overthrow  pay  pay in full  pay off  pay the bill  pay the shot  pay up  pension  pension off  pick out  poison  purge  put away  put down  put to death  put to sleep  quit  read out of  redeem  remove  remove from life  remove from office  retire  root out  root up  sacrifice  satisfy  sell  sell out  sell short  settle  shake off  shoo  slay  square  square accounts  starve  strike a balance  strike off  strike out  strip of office  strip of rank  superannuate  suspend  sweep away  take life  take off  take up  terminate the account  throw away  throw off  throw over  throw overboard  unchurch  unfrock  unload  unsaddle  unseat  unthrone  uproot  weed out  wipe out  
liquidated  acquitted  banned  barred  debarred  deported  discharged  ejected  excluded  exiled  expelled  expended  hired  left out  not in it  not included  paid  paid in full  postpaid  precluded  prepaid  prohibited  purged  receipted  remitted  salaried  settled  shut out  spent  tabooed  waged  
liquidation  abolishment  abolition  acquitment  acquittal  acquittance  agiotage  amortization  amortizement  annihilation  annulment  arbitrage  assassination  binder  bloody murder  bumping-off  buying in  cash  cash payment  cashiering  choking  choking off  clearance  debt service  deconsecration  defrayal  defrayment  defrocking  deportation  deposal  deposit  deposition  deprivation  deracination  detachment  dethronement  disbarment  disbarring  disbursal  discard  discharge  discrownment  disenthronement  disjunction  dismissal  displacement  disposal  disposition  doling out  down payment  earnest  earnest money  ejection  elimination  equity capital  eradication  excommunication  exile  expatriation  expulsion  extermination  extinction  extinguishment  extirpation  firing  flier  flutter  forced resignation  foul play  hire purchase  hire purchase plan  homicide  impeachment  installment  installment plan  interest payment  kicking upstairs  manslaughter  monthly payments  murder  negation  never-never  nullification  ostracism  ousting  outlawing  outlawry  overthrow  overthrowal  paying  paying off  paying out  paying up  payment  payment in kind  payoff  pensioning off  plunge  prepayment  profit taking  purge  purging  quarterly payments  quittance  regular payments  remittance  removal  retirement  riddance  rooting out  round trade  satisfaction  scalping  settlement  severance  silencing  sinking-fund payment  snuffing out  speculation  spot cash  spot sale  stifling  stockjobbery  stockjobbing  strangulation  suffocation  superannuation  suppression  suspension  thuggee  thuggery  thuggism  turn  unchurching  unfrocking  unseating  uprooting  venture  venture capital  voiding  weekly payments  withdrawal  
liquidator  accountant  auditor  bookkeeper  bursar  cashier  cashkeeper  chamberlain  compensator  comptroller  controller  curator  defrayer  depositary  depository  financial officer  payer  paymaster  purse bearer  purser  ratepayer  receiver  recompenser  remunerator  steward  taxpayer  treasurer  trustee  

Geldmittelbestand Definition

(n.) A place where money is kept, or where it is deposited and paid out
(n.) Ready money
(n.) Immediate or prompt payment in current funds
(v. t.) To pay, or to receive, cash for
(v. t.) To disband.
(n.sing & pl.) A Chinese coin.
(a.) Flowing freely like water
(a.) Being in such a state that the component parts move freely among themselves, but do not tend to separate from each other as the particles of gases and vapors do
(a.) Flowing or sounding smoothly or without abrupt transitions or harsh tones.
(a.) Pronounced without any jar or harshness
(a.) Fluid and transparent
(a.) Clear
(n.) A substance whose parts change their relative position on the slightest pressure, and therefore retain no definite form
(n.) A letter which has a smooth, flowing sound, or which flows smoothly after a mute
(n.) The state of being posited, or placed
(n.) The spot where a person or thing is placed or takes a place
(n.) Hence: The ground which any one takes in an argument or controversy
(n.) Relative place or standing
(n.) A method of solving a problem by one or two suppositions
(v. t.) To indicate the position of

liquid cash resources; cash position Bedeutung

position the act of positing, an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom
position post
office spot billet
a job in an organization, he occupied a post in the treasury
position place lieu
the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another, can you go in my stead?, took his place, in lieu of
position (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player, what position does he play?
location locating
the act of putting something in a certain place
cash bar a counter at a large party where you can purchase drinks by the glass
cash machine
cash dispenser
automated teller machine
automatic teller machine
automated teller
automatic teller
an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses money when a personal coded card is used
cash register
a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions, used in shops to add up the bill
dishwasher detergent
dishwashing detergent
dishwashing liquid
a low-sudsing detergent designed for use in dishwashers
liquid crystal display
a digital display that uses liquid crystal cells that change reflectivity in an applied electric field, used for portable computer displays and watches etc.
liquid detergent a detergent in liquid form
liquid metal reactor a nuclear reactor using liquid metal as a coolant
liquid soap soap in liquid form
soap scoop max
liquid ecstasy
grievous bodily harm
Georgia home boy
easy lay
street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate
spatial relation
the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated, the position of the hands on the clock, he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage
position posture
the arrangement of the body and its limbs, he assumed an attitude of surrender
ballet position classical position of the body and especially the feet in ballet
lithotomy position a position lying on your back with knees bent and thighs apart, assumed for vaginal or rectal examination
lotus position a sitting position with the legs crossed, used in yoga
missionary position a position for sexual intercourse, a man and woman lie facing each other with the man on top, soalled because missionaries thought it the proper position for primitive peoples
superiority favorable position
favourable position
the quality of being at a competitive advantage
inferiority unfavorable position the quality of being a competitive disadvantage
liquid body substance
bodily fluid
body fluid
the liquid parts of the body
cash cow
a project that generates a continuous flow of money
principle of liquid displacement (hydrostatics) the volume of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid
position stance
a rationalized mental attitude
view perspective
a way of regarding situations or topics etc., consider what follows from the positivist view
place position an item on a list or in a sequence, in the second place, moved from third to fifth position
cleanup position
cleanup spot
(baseball) the fourth position in the batting order (usually filled by the best batter on the team)
position paper
a memorandum summarizing the items of an agreement (used especially in diplomatic communications)
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute, there are two sides to every question
liquid a frictionless continuant that is not a nasal consonant (especially `l' and `r')
position paper a report that explains or justifies or recommends some particular policy
clear liquid diet a diet of fluids with minimal residues (fat-free broth or strained fruit juices or gelatin), cannot be used for more than one day postoperative
liquid diet a diet of foods that can be served in liquid or strained form (plus custards or puddings), prescribed after certain kinds of surgery
pole position the most favorable position at the start of a race
the particular portion of space occupied by something, he put the lamp back in its place
position the appropriate or customary location, the cars were in position
military position
a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons
Johnny Cash
John Cash
United States country music singer and songwriter (-)
position effect (genetics) the effect on the expression of a gene that is produced by changing its location in a chromosome
cash crop a readily salable crop that is grown and gathered for the market (as vegetables or cotton or tobacco)
cash flow the excess of cash revenues over cash outlays in a give period of time (not including nonash expenses)
cash surrender value the amount that the insurance company will pay on a given life insurance policy if the policy is cancelled prior to the death of the insured
spot price
cash price
the current delivery price of a commodity traded in the spot market
natural resource
natural resources
resources (actual and potential) supplied by nature
labor resources resources of available manpower
land resources natural resources in the form of arable land
mineral resources natural resources in the form of minerals
liquid assets
current assets
quick assets
assets in the form of cash (or easily convertible into cash)
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