
Gemach(e) Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gemach n obs.
Gemächer pl
chamber; room
chambers; rooms
Gemach n obs.
Gemächer pl
chamber; room
chambers; rooms
Gemach n obs.
Gemächer pl
chamber; room
chambers; rooms
Natriumcitrat n; Trinatriumcitrat n (E331) chem.
trisodium citrate
Europäisches Unterstützungsbüro n für Asylfragen EASO
European Asylum Support Office EASO
Ostlondoner m; Londoner vom East End
Ostlondoner pl
von; von … her; von … aus; aus prp; +Dat. (als Ausdruck der Herkunft)
von außen
von der Straße her
der Zug aus Eastbourne
eine Münze aus seiner Tasche
eine Urkunde aus dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert
ein Brief von meiner Tante
ein Foto von Doris; ein Foto, das ich von Doris (bekommen) habe
Auskünfte von Zeugen
der Mann von der Versicherung
Der Tee von heute morgen ist noch übrig.
Er beobachtete uns von der anderen Straßenseite aus.
Der Hund kam unter dem Tisch hervor.
Meine Familie kommt (ursprünglich) aus Slowenien.
Woher kommst du? Woher bist du? ugs.
Von hier sind es 50 Kilometer bis zur nächsten Stadt.
Wein wird aus Weintrauben gemacht, Stahl wird aus Eisen gemacht.
from (used to express origin)
from the outside
from the street
the train from Eastbourne
a coin from his pocket
a document from the sixteenth century
a letter from my aunt
a photo from Doris
information from witnesses
the man from the insurance company
The tea is still there from this morning.
He watched us from across the street.
The dog came out from under the table.
My family is comes (originally) from Slovenia.
Where are you from?; Where do you come from?
It's 50 kilometres from here to the nearest town.
Wine is made from grapes, steel is made from iron.
Contopus-Tyrannen pl (Contopus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Braunbauchtyrann m (Contopus caribaeus)
Einfarbtyrann m (Contopus nigrescens)
Fichtentyrann m; Olivflanken-Schnäppertyrann (Contopus cooperi)
Großer Schnäppertyrann m (Contopus pertinax)
Hispaniola-Schnäppertyrann m (Contopus hispaniolensis)
Jamaika-Schnäppertyrann m (Contopus pallidus)
Ockerbrusttyrann m; Ockergelb-Schnäppertyrann m (Contopus ochraceus)
Östlicher Waldtyrann m (Contopus eastern virens)
Rostbauchtyrann m (Contopus latirostris)
Schiefertyrann m (Contopus fumigatus)
Silberkehltyrann m (Contopus albogularis)
Spixtyrann m (Contopus cinereus)
Trauerschnäppertyrann m (Contopus lugubris)
Waldschnäppertyrann m (Contopus punensis)
Westlicher Waldtyrann m (Contopus sordidulus)
contopus flycatchers; pewees; peewees Sc. Am. Austr. (zoological genus)
crescent-eyed pewee; crescent-eyed peewee; Cuban pewee; Cuban peewee
blackish pewee; blackish peewee
olive-sided flycatcher
greater pewee; greater peewee
Hispaniolan pewee; Hispaniolan peewee
Jamaican pewee; Jamaican peewee
ochraceous pewee; ochraceous peewee
eastern wood pewee; eastern wood peewee
lesser Antillean pewee; lesser Antillean peewee
smoke-coloured pewee; smoke-coloured peewee
white-throated pewee; white-throated peewee
tropical pewee; tropical peewee
dark pewee; dark peewee
Tumbes pewee; Tumbes peewee
western wood pewee; western wood peewee
Rauhschnitt m; beraufter Schnitt m; ebarbierter Schnitt m (Buch) print
shaved edge; shaved edges (book)
Ebbedauer f; Ebbdauer f geogr. phys.
ebb tide duration; duration of ebb tide
Ebbdelta n
ebb delta
Ebbestromdelta n; Ebbstromdelta n; Ebbedelta n; Ebbdelta n geogr. phys.
ebb-tide delta
Ebbe f, ablaufendes Wasser
ebb, ebb tide
Ebbe f, Niedrigwasser n
low tide
Flut f
Ebbe und Flut
ebb and flow, the tides
low tide
Flut und Ebbe
high and low tide
Ebbe f; Ebbestrom m; Ebbstrom m; Ebbeströmung f; Ebbströmung f; Tideniedrigwasser n; Niedrigwasser n; ablaufendes Wasser geogr. phys.
Die Ebbe kommt.; Es ebbt.
Es ist Ebbe.
ebb; ebb tide; ebb-tidal current; ebb current; low tide; low water
The tide begins to ebb.; The water begins to ebb.
The tide is on the ebb.
Gezeiten pl; Tiden pl (Ebbe und Flut) geogr. phys.
tides (ebb and flow)
Ebben, Gezeiten
Ebbephase f; Ebbphase f geogr. phys.
Ebbephasen pl; Ebbphasen pl
ebb phase; ebb period
ebb phases; ebb periods
Ebbestromdauer f; Ebbstromdauer f geogr. phys.
ebb current duration
Ebbestromgeschwindigkeit f; Ebbstromgeschwindigkeit f geogr. phys.
ebb current velocity
Ebbestromvolumen n; Ebbstromvolumen n geogr. phys.
ebb current volume
Ebbetor n (Wasserbau)
Ebbetore pl
ebb tide gate (water engineering)
ebb tide gates
Ebbeweg m geogr.
ebb path
verebben, abebben
verebbend, abebbend
verebbt, abgeebbt
verebbt, ebbt ab
verebbte, ebbte ab
to ebb away
ebbing away
ebbed away
ebbs away
ebbed away
verringern, vermindern, nachlassen, sich legen (Sturm), abebben
verringernd, vermindernd, nachlassend, sich legend, abebbend
verringert, vermindert, nachgelassen, gelegt, abgeebbt
verringert, vermindert, lässt nach, legt sich, ebbt ab
verringerte, verminderte, ließ nach, legte sich, ebbte ab
to abate
verebben; abebben v
verebbend; abebbend
verebbt; abgeebbt
verebbt; ebbt ab
verebbte; ebbte ab
to ebb away
ebbing away
ebbed away
ebbs away
ebbed away
verringern; vermindern; nachlassen; sich legen (Sturm); abebben
verringernd; vermindernd; nachlassend; sich legend; abebbend
verringert; vermindert; nachgelassen; gelegt; abgeebbt
verringert; vermindert; lässt nach; legt sich; ebbt ab
verringerte; verminderte; ließ nach; legte sich; ebbte ab
to abate
verebben; abebben v (Gefühl)
verebbend; abebbend
verebbt; abgeebbt
verebbt; ebbt ab
verebbte; ebbte ab
to ebb away (feeling)
ebbing away
ebbed away
ebbs away
ebbed away
abschließend mit, eben, auf gleicher Ebene
flush with
eben, gleich, quitt
Hinsicht f, Beziehung f
in dieser Hinsicht
in gewisser Hinsicht, gewissermaßen
in mancher Beziehung
in jeder Hinsicht, in jeder Beziehung
in beiderlei Hinsicht
in jeder Hinsicht, im Grunde
in vieler Hinsicht
in Hinsicht auf das eben Erwähnte
in this respect, in this regard
in a sense, in a way
in some respects, in certain respects
in every respect, in all respects, in every sense, on all counts
on both counts
in a manner of speaking
in many respects
in these premises
Schlagrichtung f
eben quer zur Schlagrichtung
impact direction
cross-coplanar to impact direction
bündig, eben (mit) adj
flush (with)
eben jetzt, soeben adv
just now
eben, flach adj
planar, flat
eben, gerade, gleichmäßig adj
eben, flach, waagerecht adj
flach, eben adj
ebene Flächen
plane surfaces
so gut sie es eben versteht
according to her lights
jetzt, nun, nunmehr, eben adv
jetzt, jetzt schon, mittlerweile
by now
nun einmal, eben, halt adv ugs.
Das ist halt so., Das ist nun einmal so.
simply, just
That's just the way it is.
Du wirst dich eben damit abfinden müssen.
If you don't like it you can lump it.
Er ist eben angekommen.
He just arrived.
Er soll mal eben ans Telefon kommen.
Tell him he's wanted on the phone.
Ich pfeife eben darauf.
I couldn't care less about it.
Ich wollte eben weggehen.
I was just about to leave.
Sie kam eben wieder zu sich.
She regained consciousness.
er ist eben angekommen
he just arrived
eben jetzt
just now
nun, jetzt, eben
eben erst
only just
eben, flach
die Strasse wird eben ausgebessert
the road is under repair
gerade, eben
Schlagrichtung f
Schlagrichtungen pl
eben quer zur Schlagrichtung
impact direction
impact directions
cross-coplanar to impact direction
ansonsten; sonst adv (vom eben Gesagten abgesehen)
Sie waren müde aber ansonsten gesund.
Ich hörte die Grillen zirpen. Ansonsten war alles ruhig.
Damit war die sonst ausgezeichnete Aufführung verpatzt.
otherwise (except for what has just been said)
They were tired but otherwise in good health.
I heard the crickets chirping. Otherwise all was still.
This spoiled an otherwise excellent performance.
bündig; eben; plan; fluchtgerecht adj (mit)
mit etw. auf gleicher Ebene
flush (with)
flush with sth.
dann eben; dann halt (wohl oder übel)
Dann musst du halt leider warten. ugs.
then ... just
You'll just have to wait then I'm afraid.
darum; drum adv
eben darum
for that reason
for that very reason; that's exactly why
eben jetzt; soeben adv
just now

Deutsche Gemach(e) Synonyme

Gelass  ÂGemach  ÂKammer  ÂRaum  ÂStube  ÂZimmer  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Gemach(e) Synonym nachschlagen

Englische chamber; room Synonyme

chamber  British Cabinet  Geiger counter  Sanhedrin  US Cabinet  Wilson chamber  advisory body  alpha pulse analyzer  apartment  assembly  association  atom counter  ballroom  bedchamber  bedpan  bedroom  bench  board  body  body of advisers  booth  boron counter  borough council  boudoir  box  brain trust  cabinet  camarilla  can  cavity  cell  cellule  chamber pot  chambre  chemical closet  chemical toilet  city council  cloud chamber  commode  common council  compartment  conference  congress  consortium  consultative assembly  cosmic ray counter  council  council fire  council of ministers  council of state  council of war  counting tube  county council  court  crapper  crib  crypt  cubicle  cubiculum  deliberative assembly  diet  directory  divan  dormitory  electronic counter  enclosed space  expansion chamber  gamma ray counter  grand ballroom  haven  heavy particle counter  hold  hole  hollow  house  ion counter  ionization chamber  jerry  john  johnny  jordan  judicature  judiciary  junta  kitchen cabinet  latrine  legislature  manger  niche  nook  nursery  parish council  particle counter  pew  piss pot  potty  potty-chair  privy council  reception room  roof  room  rotunda  salle  shelter  shield  sleeping room  soviet  staff  stall  stool  syndicate  synod  throne  thunder mug  toilet  tribunal  tube counter  urinal  vault  water closet  
chamber music  Nachtmusik  absolute music  adaptation  air varie  aleatory  aleatory music  arrangement  chamber orchestra  composition  descant  electronic music  etude  exercise  harmonization  incidental music  instrumental music  invention  nocturne  opus  orchestration  piece  production  program music  ricercar  score  sonata  sonatina  string orchestra  string quartet  study  theme and variations  trio  variation  work  
chamber of commerce  Aktiengesellschaft  aktiebolag  body corporate  business  business establishment  cartel  combine  commercial enterprise  compagnie  company  concern  conglomerate  conglomerate corporation  consolidating company  consortium  copartnership  corporate body  corporation  diversified corporation  enterprise  firm  holding company  house  industry  joint-stock association  joint-stock company  operating company  partnership  plunderbund  pool  public utility  stock company  syndicate  trade association  trust  utility  
chamber pot  bedpan  can  chamber  chemical closet  chemical toilet  commode  crapper  jerry  john  johnny  jordan  latrine  piss pot  potty  potty-chair  stool  throne  thunder mug  toilet  urinal  water closet  
chamberlain  accountant  auditor  bookkeeper  bursar  butler  cashier  cashkeeper  comptroller  controller  curator  depositary  depository  financial officer  house steward  housekeeper  liquidator  majordomo  paymaster  purse bearer  purser  receiver  seneschal  steward  treasurer  trustee  
chambermaid  abigail  amah  au pair girl  ayah  betweenmaid  biddy  chaperon  companion  cook  duenna  femme de chambre  fille de chambre  gentlewoman  girl  handmaid  handmaiden  hired girl  housemaid  kitchenmaid  lady-help  lady-in-waiting  live-in maid  live-out maid  maid  maidservant  nursemaid  parlormaid  scullery maid  servant girl  servitress  soubrette  tweeny  upstairs maid  waiting maid  wench  
chambers  apartment  booking office  box office  branch  branch office  cabinet  chancellery  chancery  closet  cold-water flat  consulate  corporate headquarters  den  duplex apartment  embassy  executive office  flat  garden apartment  headquarters  home office  legation  lodgings  main office  office  penthouse  railroad flat  rental  rooms  set of rooms  shop  study  suite  tenement  ticket office  

Gemach(e) Definition

Air chamber
() A chamber or cavity filled with air, in an animal or plant.
Air chamber
() A cavity containing air to act as a spring for equalizing the flow of a liquid in a pump or other hydraulic machine.
Amber room
() A room formerly in the Czar's Summer Palace in Russia, which was richly decorated with walls and fixtures made from amber. The amber was removed by occupying German troops during the Second World War and has, as of 1997, never been recovered. The room is being recreated from old photographs by Russian artisans.
(n.) A private room or apartment.
(n.) A retired room, esp. an upper room used for sleeping
(n.) Apartments in a lodging house.
(n.) A hall, as where a king gives audience, or a deliberative body or assembly meets
(n.) A legislative or judicial body
(n.) A compartment or cell
(n.) A room or rooms where a lawyer transacts business
(n.) A chamber pot.
(n.) That part of the bore of a piece of ordnance which holds the charge, esp. when of different diameter from the rest of the bore
(n.) A cavity in a mine, usually of a cubical form, to contain the powder.
(n.) A short piece of ordnance or cannon, which stood on its breech, without any carriage, formerly used chiefly for rejoicings and theatrical cannonades.
(v. i.) To reside in or occupy a chamber or chambers.
(v. i.) To be lascivious.
(v. t.) To shut up, as in a chamber.
(v. t.) To furnish with a chamber
(n.) A room appropriated for the reception of company
(n.) The company assembled in such a room
(n.) Unobstructed spase
(n.) A particular portion of space appropriated for occupancy
(n.) Especially, space in a building or ship inclosed or set apart by a partition
(n.) Place or position in society
(n.) Possibility of admission
(v. i.) To occupy a room or rooms
(a.) Spacious
Sea room
() Room or space at sea for a vessel to maneuver, drive, or scud, without peril of running ashore or aground.
(n.) An ancient high court exercising jurisdiction in certain cases, mainly criminal, which sat without the intervention of a jury. It consisted of the king's council, or of the privy council only with the addition of certain judges. It could proceed on mere rumor or examine witnesses
(n.) The room or place where players dress for the stage.
(n.) A room for retirement from another room, as from a dining room

chamber; room / chambers; rooms Bedeutung

adjoining room a hotel room that shares a wall with another hotel room
anechoic chamber a chamber having very little reverberation
back room a room located in the rear of an establishment, usually accessible only to privileged groups
sleeping room
sleeping accommodation
chamber bedchamber
a room used primarily for sleeping
bedsitting room
a furnished sitting room with sleeping accommodations (and some plumbing)
billiard room
billiard saloon
billiard parlor
billiard parlour
billiard hall
a room in which billiards is played
council chamber
a room where a committee meets (such as the board of directors of a company)
boron chamber an ionization chamber lined with boron or filled with boron trifluoride gas for counting low velocity neutrons
bubble chamber an instrument that records the tracks of ionizing particles
burial chamber
a chamber that is used as a grave
chamber a natural or artificial enclosed space
chamber a room where a judge transacts business
child's room a bedroom for a child
clean room
white room
a room that is virtually free of dust or bacteria, used in laboratory work and in assembly or repair of precision equipment
cloud chamber
Wilson cloud chamber
apparatus that detects the path of high-energy particles passing through a supersaturated vapor, each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track
common room a sitting room (usually at school or university)
conference room a room in which a conference can be held
connecting room a hotel room that shares a wall with an adjoining room and is connected by a private door
control room a room housing control equipment (as in a recording studio)
cremation chamber
a furnace where a corpse can be burned and reduced to ashes
cutting room a room where films or tapes are edited (by cutting out unwanted parts)
cylinder piston chamber a chamber within which piston moves
dining room
a room used for dining
door room access
the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building, the space that a door can close, he stuck his head in the doorway
dormitory dormitory room
dorm room
a large sleeping room containing several beds
drawing room
withdrawing room
a formal room where visitors can be received and entertained
drawing room a private compartment on a sleeping car with three bunks and a toilet
dressing room a room in which you can change clothes
echo chamber an enclosed space for producing reverberation of a sound
emergency room
a room in a hospital or clinic staffed and equipped to provide emergency care to persons requiring immediate medical treatment
engine room
a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located
family room a recreation room in a private house
firing chamber
gun chamber
chamber that is the part of a gun that receives the charge
furnace room a room (usually in the basement of a building) that contains a furnace for heating the building
gas chamber
death chamber
instrument of execution consisting of a sealed chamber into which poison gas is introduced, used to kill people or animals
gun room military quarters of midshipmen and junior officers on a British warship
home room
a classroom in which all students in a particular grade (or in a division of a grade) meet at certain times under the supervision of a teacher who takes attendance and does other administrative business
hospital room a room in a hospital for the care of patients
hotel room a bedroom (usually with bath) in a hotel
hyperbaric chamber a large chamber in which the oxygen pressure is above normal for the atmosphere, used in treating breathing disorders or carbon monoxide poisoning
ionization chamber
ionization tube
a measuring instrument that measures the amount of ionizing radiation
ladies' room
powder room
a woman's restroom in a public (or semipublic) building
laminar flow clean room a clean room free of all extraneous particles, used in fabricating microprocessors
lecture room classroom where lectures are given
living room
sitting room
front room
parlor parlour
a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax
lock lock chamber enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level, used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it
locker room a room (as at an athletic facility or workplace) where you can change clothes and which contains lockers for the temporary storage of your clothing and personal possessions
waiting room
waiting area
a room (as in a hotel or airport) with seating where people can wait
lumber room a storeroom in a house where odds and ends can be stored (especially furniture)
men's room
a public toilet for men
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