
Gerbstoff Fleck Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gerbstoff-Fleck m (Leder) textil.
tan stain (leather)
Fleck, beflecken, beschmutzen
Platz, Stelle, Fleck, ausfindig machen
Bluterguss m, Hämatom n, blauer Fleck med.
blaue Flecke bekommen
haematoma, bruise
to bruise
Fleck m
Flecken pl
Flecken bekommen, fleckig werden
Flecken hinterlassen, Flecken verursachen, schmutzen
to stain
to stain, to leave a stain
Fleck m
Flecken pl
Flecken bekommen, schmutzen
ein schönes Fleckchen Erde
to spot
a lovely spot
Fleck m, kleine Stelle f
Flecken pl, kleine Stellen pl
kleines Stück Land
patch of land
nicht vom Fleck kommen
to make no headway, not to be getting anywhere
sich nicht vom Fleck rühren
not to budge
am falschen Fleck
in the wrong place
Gerbstoff m, Tannin n, Gerbsäure f
Gerbstoffe pl, Tannine pl, Gerbsäuren pl
Klecks m, Fleck m, Flecken m
Kleckse pl, Flecken pl
mit Flecken und Anhäufungen von Punkten
splotch, splodge, blot, blotch
splotches, splodges, blots, blotches
with blotches and clusters of spots
Makula f, gelber Fleck, Stelle des schärfsten Sehens im Auge anat.
macula, yellow spot
Makula f, kleiner Fleck auf der Haut med.
macule, macula
Mal n, Fleck m
Male pl
Spur f, Fleck m, Mal n
Spuren pl, Flecke pl, Male pl
Stelle f, Punkt m, Tupfen m
auf der Stelle, an Ort und Stelle
an Ort und Stelle sein
schwache Stelle f
tote Stelle, weißer Fleck
on the spot
to be on the spot
weak spot
dead spot
sich nicht vom Fleck rühren
to stay put
verschwommener Fleck
Du hast das Mundwerk am rechten Fleck.
You know all the answers.
Wir kommen nicht vom Fleck.
We're not making any headway.
dunkler Fleck (eines Wals oder Delfins) zool.
cape (of a whale or dolphin)
Klecks, Fleck, klecksen
verschwommener Fleck, verwischen, verschleiern
Bluterguss, blauer Fleck, verletzen
nicht vom Fleck kommen
to make no headway
Bluterguss m; Hämatom n; blauer Fleck med.
blaue Flecke bekommen
haematoma; bruise
to bruise
Fleck m
Flecken pl
Flecken bekommen; fleckig werden
Flecken hinterlassen; Flecken verursachen; schmutzen
to stain
to stain; to leave a stain
Fleck m
Flecken pl
Flecken bekommen; schmutzen
ein schönes Fleckchen Erde
to spot
a lovely spot
nicht vom Fleck kommen
to make no headway; not to be getting anywhere
auf etw. Flecken machen hinterlassen v; etw. beflecken v
Der Rotwein hat auf dem Teppich einen Fleck gemacht.
Sei vorsichtig: Kirschsaft macht Flecken.
to stain sth.
The red wine stained the carpet.
Be careful: cherry juice stains.
sich an einem Körperteil einen blauen Fleck holen v med.
Er ist vom Rad gestürzt und hat sich am Knie einen blauen Fleck geholt.
to bruise your part of the body
He fell off his bike and bruised his knee.
Flicken m; Lappen m; Fleck m textil.
Flicken pl; Lappen pl; Flecken pl
ein Sakko mit Lederflecken an den Ellbogen
Sein zweiter Film kommt an den ersten nicht heran.
a jacket with leather patches at the elbows
His second film isn't a patch on the first. Br.
Gerbstoff m; Tannin n; Gerbsäure f
Gerbstoffe pl; Tannine pl; Gerbsäuren pl
Gerbstoff m; Gerbmittel n; Lohe f; Gerberlohe f
Klecks m; Fleck m; Flecken m
Kleckse pl; Flecken pl
mit Flecken und Anhäufungen von Punkten
splotch; splodge; blot; blotch
splotches; splodges; blots; blotches
with blotches and clusters of spots
Makel m; Fleck m
tarnish fig.
Makula f; gelber Fleck; Stelle des schärfsten Sehens im Auge anat.
macula; yellow spot
Makula f; kleiner Fleck auf der Haut med.
macule; macula
Mal n; Fleck m
Male pl
Spur f; Fleck m; Mal n
Spuren pl; Flecke pl; Male pl
Stelle f; Punkt m; Tupfen m
an Ort und Stelle; vor Ort
an Ort und Stelle sein
schwache Stelle f
tote Stelle; weißer Fleck
on the spot
to be on the spot
weak spot
dead spot
Ungenügend n; Nichtgenügend n Ös. Schw.; Fünfer m Ös.; Fleck Ös. ugs.; Pinsch Ös. ugs. (Schulnote)
Ich habe in Biologie ein Ungenügend ein Nichtgenügend Ös. Schw. eine Sechs ugs. einen Fünfer Ös. ugs. bekommen.
fail (school grade)
I got a fail in biology.
sich von der Stelle bewegen; sich (vom Fleck) rühren v
sich von der Stelle bewegend; sich rührend
sich von der Stelle bewegt; sich gerührt
sich nicht vom Fleck rühren
to budge
not to budge
verschwommener Fleck m
Fleck m; Flecken m; Tupfen m
Fleck m
Flecken pl
hartnäckige Flecken
Flecken bekommen; fleckig werden
Flecken hinterlassen; Flecken verursachen; schmutzen
Wie bekommt man Weinflecken aus einem Tischtuch heraus?
stubborn stains
to stain
to stain; to leave a stain
How do you get wine stains out of a tablecloth?
Fleck m; Tupfer m; Tupfen m (Licht, Farbe)
Flecken pl; Tupfer pl; Tupfen pl
Lichtfleck m
Farbtupfer m; Farbtupfen m
dash; dapple (of light or colour)
dashes; dapples
dash of light
dash of colour Br.; dash of color Am.
blinder Fleck in der Realitätswahrnehmung; Skotomisierung (Psychoanalyse) f psych.
blind spot in perception of reality; scotomization (psychoanalysis)
schwarzer Fleck f (auf etw.) übtr.
der einzige schwarze Fleck auf seinem sonst untadeligen Charakter
ein Schandfleck (in) der europäischen Geschichte
blot (on sth.) fig.
the only blot on his otherwise reproachless character
a shameful blot on Europe's history
nicht vom Fleck kommen v
to make no headway; not to be getting anywhere
Flicken m; Lappen m; Fleck m textil.
Flicken pl; Lappen pl; Flecken pl
ein Sakko mit Lederflecken an den Ellbogen
a jacket with leather patches at the elbows
Gerbstoff m chem.
Gerbstoffe pl
natürlicher Gerbstoff; pflanzlicher Gerbstoff; Pflanzengerbstoff m; Vegetabilgerbstoff m; Tannin n
künstlicher Gerbstoff; synthetischer Gerbstoff m; Syntan n
kondensierter Pflanzengerbstoff; kondensiertes Tannin; Brenzkatechin-Gerbstoff; Katechin-Gerbstoff
blumebildender Gerbstoff; hydrolysierbarer Gerbstoff
gebundener Gerbstoff
tanning substance; tanning compound
tanning substances; tanning compounds
natural tanning substance; natural tanning compound; vegetable tanning substance; tannin; tannoid
artificial tanning substance; synthetic tanning substance; syntannin; syntan
condensed tannin; catechol-type tannin; catecholtannin
hydrolysable tannin; ellagitannin
combined tannin
Gerbstoff-Fleck m (Leder) textil.
tan stain (leather)
schwarzer Punkt m; kleiner schwarzer Fleck m (von Flüssigkeiten)
speck (from liquids)
Ungenügend n; Nichtgenügend n Ös. Schw.; Fünfer m Ös.; Fleck Ös. ugs.; Pinsch Ös. ugs. (Schulnote)
Ich habe in Biologie ein Ungenügend ein Nichtgenügend Ös. Schw. eine Sechs ugs. einen Fünfer Ös. ugs. bekommen.
die Lückenhaftigkeit unseres Wissens über mikrobiologische Vorgänge
fail (school grade)
I got a fail in biology.
the sketchiness of our knowledge of microbiological processes
sich von der Stelle bewegen; sich (vom Fleck) rühren; wegrücken v (in negativen Aussagen)
sich von der Stelle bewegend; sich rührend; wegrückend
sich von der Stelle bewegt; sich gerührt; weggerückt
sich nicht vom Fleck rühren
Der Esel rührte sich nicht vom Fleck.
Die Kellertüre rührte sich nicht.
Die Schlange vor dem Schalter ist noch immer dieselbe.
to budge (an inch) (used in negative statements)
not to budge
The donkey refused to budge.
The cellar door wasn't budging.
The queue in front of the desk hasn't budged.
sich nicht vom Fleck rühren v
to stay put
vorankommen v; vorangehen v; weiterkommen v; Fortschritte machen erzielen v; etwas erreichen v
vorankommend; vorangehend; weiterkommend; Fortschritte machend erzielend; etwas erreichend
vorangekommen; vorangegangen; weitergekommen; Fortschritte gemacht erzielt; etwas erreicht
kommt voran; geht voran; kommt weiter; macht Fortschritte; erreicht
kam voran; ging voran; kam weiter; machte Fortschritte; erreichte
ein gutes Stück weiterkommen; ein gutes Stück vorankommen
Sie kommen nur langsam voran.
Bei den Verhandlungen kommen wir nur langsam voran.
Wegen der entgegenströmenden Flut kam das Boot kaum voran.
Wir kommen nicht vom Fleck.
to make progress; to make headway
making progress; making headway
made progress; made headway
makes progress; makes headway
made progress; made headway
to make considerable progress; to make considerable headway
Their progress is slow.
We are making little headway with the negotiations.
The boat was unable to make much headway against the tide.
We're not making any headway.
Fleck m; Klecks m

Deutsche Gerbstoff Fleck Synonyme

Fleck  ÂMal  ÂZeichen  
Fleck  ÂKlecks  ÂMakel  
blauer  Fleck  ÂBluterguss  ÂHämatom  
gelber  Fleck  ÂMakula  (fachsprachlich)  ÂStelle  des  schärfsten  Sehens  im  Auge  
Fleck  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂLage  ÂLocation  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂOrt  ÂPosition  ÂPunkt  ÂStandort  ÂStelle  
Fleck (umgangssprachlich)  Lage  Location (umgangssprachlich)  Ort  Position  Punkt  Standort  Stelle  
Fleck  Klecks  
Fleck  Mal  Zeichen  
blauer Fleck  Bluterguss  Hämatom  
gelber Fleck  Makula (fachsprachlich)  Stelle des schärfsten Sehens im Auge  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Gerbstoff Synonym nachschlagen

Englische tan stain Synonyme

tan  arrange  beige  bronze  brown  brownish  brownish-yellow  brunet  burn  chocolate  cinnamon  clear for action  clear the decks  cocoa  cocoa-brown  coffee  coffee-brown  cure  deploy  drab  dress  dress down  dun  dun-brown  dun-drab  ecru  embrown  fawn  fawn-colored  fix  fix up  flax  fuscous  get ready  give a dressing-down  grege  hazel  hide  infuscate  khaki  larrup  lather  leather  lick  lurid  make arrangements  make preparations  make ready  marshal  mobilize  nut-brown  olive-brown  olive-drab  paddle  plan  prearrange  prep  prepare  pretreat  process  provide  put in shape  ready  ready up  rust  seal  seal-brown  sepia  settle preliminaries  snuff-colored  sorrel  sunburn  suntan  taupe  tawny  toast  toast-brown  treat  trim  try out  umber  umber-colored  wallop  walnut  walnut-brown  welt  whale  yellowish-brown  
tandem  back to back  behind  behind the scenes  equipage  four-in-hand  in back of  in the background  in the rear  pair  randem  rig  span  spike  spike team  team  three-up  turnout  unicorn  
tang  aftertaste  aroma  attribute  badge  beesting  bite  bitter  brand  briskness  cachet  cast  character  characteristic  configuration  cut  dab  dart  differentia  differential  distinctive feature  earmark  edge  fang  feature  figure  flavor  ginger  gust  guts  hallmark  hint  hotness  idiocrasy  idiosyncrasy  impress  impression  index  individualism  keynote  kick  lineaments  liveliness  mannerism  mark  marking  mold  nature  nip  nippiness  odor  palate  particularity  peculiarity  pepperiness  pin  piquancy  poignancy  projection  prong  property  punch  pungency  quality  quirk  raciness  relish  salt  sapidity  sapor  savor  savoriness  seal  shank  shape  sharpness  singularity  smack  smattering  smell  snakebite  snap  snappiness  soupcon  sour  specialty  spice  spiciness  spike  stamp  sting  stinger  stomach  strip  suggestion  sweet  tab  taint  tanginess  taste  tine  tinge  token  tongue  tooth  touch  trace  trait  trick  twang  zest  zestfulness  zip  
tangent  abutter  adjoiner  air line  approach  asymptote  axis  beeline  borderer  bottleneck  bystander  chord  collision course  concentralization  concentration  concourse  concurrence  confluence  conflux  congress  convergence  converging  crossing  diagonal  diameter  direct line  directrix  edge  focalization  focus  funnel  great-circle course  hub  immediate neighbor  looker-on  meeting  mutual approach  narrowing gap  neighbor  neighborer  normal  onlooker  perpendicular  radius  radius vector  right line  secant  segment  shortcut  side  spokes  straight  straight course  straight line  straight stretch  straightaway  streamline  transversal  vector  
tangential  approaching  asymptotic  brushing  centripetal  centrolineal  concurrent  confluent  confocal  connivent  contacting  contingent  converging  digressive  divergent  extraneous  focal  glancing  grazing  impingent  impinging  in contact  irrelevant  meeting  mutually approaching  nudging  osculatory  peripheral  radial  radiating  rubbing  tangent  touching  uniting  unrelated  
tangibility  apparentness  body  clearness  concreteness  crystal-clearness  density  distinctness  durability  evidence  evidentness  firmness  manifestness  mass  materiality  obviousness  openness  openness to sight  overtness  palpability  patentness  perspicuity  plainness  ponderability  solidity  soundness  stability  steadiness  stoutness  strength  sturdiness  substance  substantiality  substantialness  tactility  touchableness  toughness  unmistakableness  unquestionability  visibility  
tangible  actual  apparent  appreciable  assessed valuation  assets  assets and liabilities  atoms  bodily  circumstances  clear  clear as crystal  concrete  corporeal  crystal-clear  current assets  deferred assets  detectable  discernible  distinct  embodied  evident  explicit  express  fabric  fixed assets  frozen assets  funds  gross  indisputable  indubitable  intangible assets  intangibles  liquid assets  manifest  material  material assets  matter  means  medium  net assets  net worth  noticeable  objective  observable  obvious  open-and-shut  ostensive  palpable  patent  perceivable  perceptible  perspicuous  phenomenal  physical  plain  plain as day  ponderable  quick assets  real  resources  seeable  self-evident  self-explaining  self-explanatory  sensible  solid  somatic  stock  stock-in-trade  stuff  substance  substantial  substantive  tactile  tangible assets  tangibles  to be seen  touchable  unmistakable  visible  wealth  
tangle  Chinese puzzle  Gordian knot  Rube Goldberg contraption  a outrance  absorb  allure  bag  bait the hook  ball up  bandy with  battle  battle it out  birdlime  bump heads  burden  can of worms  catch  catch out  catch up  catch up in  coil  come up against  complex  complexity  complicate  complication  concern  confound  confuse  confusion  contend with  cope with  cramp  cripple  cross swords with  cumber  decoy  disagree with  dispute  draw in  embarrass  embrangle  embroil  encumber  engage  engage with  enmesh  ensnare  ensnarl  entangle  entanglement  entoil  entrammel  entrap  entwine  enweb  exchange shots  fetter  fight against  fight like devils  fight with  foul  foul up  gin  gnarl  go to loggerheads  grapple with  hamper  hamstring  handicap  harpoon  have it out  hobble  hook  hook in  impede  implicate  interest  interlace  intertwine  intertwist  interweave  inveigle  involve  jam  jumble  jungle  kink  knot  labyrinth  lame  land  lasso  lime  lock horns  louse up  lumber  lure  maze  meander  measure swords with  medley  mesh  mess  mess up  mishmash  mix up  mix-up  morass  muck  muck up  muddle  nail  net  noose  perplex  press down  puzzle  ramify  ravel  rope  sack  saddle with  scramble  screw up  settle it  shackle  shuffle  skein  snafu  snag  snake pit  snare  snarl  snarl up  sniggle  spear  spread the toils  strive with  struggle with  suck into  take  tangle up with  tangle with  tangled skein  tilt with  toil  trammel  trap  trip  try conclusions with  twist  web  webwork  weigh down  wheels within wheels  wilderness  wind  wrestle with  
tangled  Byzantine  balled up  complex  complicated  confounded  confused  convoluted  crabbed  daedal  devious  elaborate  embrangled  entangled  fouled up  implicated  intricate  involuted  involved  knotted  labyrinthian  labyrinthine  loused up  many-faceted  matted  mazy  meandering  messed up  mixed up  mucked up  multifarious  perplexed  ramified  roundabout  screwed up  snarled  subtle  tangly  twisted  
tangy  brisk  burning  curried  high-seasoned  hot  hot as pepper  lively  nippy  peppery  racy  seasoned  snappy  spiced  spicy  with a kick  zestful  zesty  zippy  
tank  Pullman  Pullman car  archives  armory  arsenal  artificial lake  attic  bag  baggage car  bank  barrel  basement  basket  bay  bayou lake  bin  bonded warehouse  bookcase  bottle  box  box up  boxcar  bunker  buttery  caboose  can  capsule  car  cargo dock  carriage  carton  case  cask  cellar  chair car  chest  cistern  closet  coach  coal car  conservatory  covered waggon  crate  crib  cupboard  dam  day coach  dead water  depository  depot  dike  diner  dinghy  dining car  dock  drawer  drawing room  dump  encase  encyst  etang  exchequer  farm pond  fishpond  flat  flatcar  freshwater lake  glacial lake  glory hole  godown  gondola  hamper  hold  hutch  inland sea  jar  lagoon  laguna  lake  lakelet  landlocked water  library  linn  local  loch  locker  lough  luggage van  lumber room  lumberyard  magasin  magazine  mail car  mail van  mere  millpond  millpool  nyanza  oxbow lake  pack  package  palace car  parcel  parlor car  passenger car  plash  pond  pondlet  pool  pot  puddle  rack  railway car  reefer  refrigerator car  repertory  repository  reservoir  rick  roomette  sack  salina  salt pond  shelf  sleeper  smoker  smoking car  stack  stack room  stagnant water  standing water  still water  stock room  stockcar  storage  store  storehouse  storeroom  sump  supply base  supply depot  tarn  tender  tidal pond  tin  treasure house  treasure room  treasury  truck  van  vat  vault  volcanic lake  waggon  warehouse  water hole  water pocket  well  wine cellar  
tanked  afflicted  bent  boiled  bombed  boozy  canned  cockeyed  cockeyed drunk  crocked  crocko  disguised  drunk  elevated  fried  fuddled  half-seas over  high  illuminated  inebriated  lit  lit up  loaded  lubricated  lushy  muddled  muzzy  oiled  organized  pickled  pie-eyed  pissed  pissy-eyed  pixilated  plastered  polluted  potted  raddled  shellacked  skunk-drunk  smashed  soaked  soused  squiffy  stewed  stinko  swacked  tight  
tanker  argosy  ark  bathyscaphe  caravel  cargo ship  coast guard cutter  coaster  collier  derelict  dredge  fishing boat  freighter  hydrofoil  icebreaker  lash  lightship  liner  merchant ship  merchantman  oiler  packet  packet boat  paddle steamer  picket ship  refrigeration ship  revenue cutter  rotor  rotor ship  screw steamer  self-propelled barge  ship  side-wheeler  slaver  spar-decker  steam schooner  steam yacht  steamer  stern-wheeler  storeship  tank corpsman  tank crewman  tender  tramp steamer  transport  trawler  turbine  weather ship  whaler  
tanned  beige  brown  brownish  brownish-yellow  brunet  chocolate  cinnamon  cocoa  cocoa-brown  coffee  coffee-brown  drab  dun  dun-brown  dun-drab  ecru  fawn  fawn-colored  fuscous  grege  hazel  khaki  lurid  nut-brown  olive-brown  olive-drab  seal  seal-brown  sepia  snuff-colored  sorrel  tan  taupe  tawny  toast  toast-brown  umber  umber-colored  walnut  walnut-brown  yellowish-brown  
tannery  armory  arsenal  assembly line  assembly plant  atomic energy plant  bindery  boatyard  boilery  bookbindery  brewery  brickyard  cannery  creamery  dairy  defense plant  distillery  dockyard  factory  factory belt  factory district  feeder plant  flour mill  industrial park  industrial zone  main plant  manufactory  manufacturing plant  manufacturing quarter  mill  mint  munitions plant  oil refinery  packing house  plant  pottery  power plant  production line  push-button plant  refinery  sawmill  shipyard  subassembly plant  sugar refinery  winery  yard  yards  
tantalize  affect the interest  allure  annoy  appeal  attract  badger  baffle  bait  balk  be attractive  becharm  beckon  bedevil  beleaguer  bewitch  bilk  captivate  carry away  cast down  charm  concern  cross  dash  defeat  defeat expectation  disappoint  disillusion  dissatisfy  draw on  enamor  endear  engage  enrapture  excite  excite interest  fascinate  fetch  foil  frustrate  gnaw  harass  harry  hold in thrall  infatuate  inflame with love  interest  invite  involve in  let down  pester  pique  plague  provoke  seduce  stimulate  summon  taunt  tease  tempt  thwart  tickle  titillate  torment  torture  vamp  whet the appetite  
tantalizing  acceptable  adorable  agitating  agreeable  alluring  appealing  appetizing  attractive  beguiling  bewitching  blandishing  breathtaking  cajoling  captivating  catching  charged  charismatic  charming  cliff-hanging  coaxing  come-hither  coquettish  delightful  desirable  disappointing  disquieting  distracting  disturbing  electric  enchanting  engaging  enravishing  enthralling  enticing  entrancing  enviable  exciting  exhilarating  exotic  exquisite  falling short  fascinating  fetching  flirtatious  galvanic  glamorous  heady  heart-expanding  heart-robbing  heart-stirring  heart-swelling  heart-thrilling  hypnotic  impressive  inflammatory  interesting  intoxicating  intriguing  inviting  irresistible  jarring  jolting  juicy  likable  lively  lovable  lovely  luxurious  maddening  mesmeric  mind-blowing  mouth-watering  moving  overcoming  overmastering  overpowering  overwhelming  perturbing  piquant  pleasing  prepossessing  provocative  provoking  provoquant  racy  ravishing  readable  rich  second best  seducing  seductive  sensuous  siren  sirenic  soul-stirring  spellbinding  spellful  spicy  spirit-stirring  stimulating  stimulative  stirring  striking  succulent  suspenseful  suspensive  taking  teasing  telling  tempting  thought-challenging  thought-inspiring  thought-provoking  thrilling  thrilly  tickling  titillating  titillative  to be desired  toothsome  troubling  unobjectionable  unsatisfactory  unsettling  upsetting  voluptuous  winning  winsome  witching  worth having  
tantamount  alike  all one  all the same  analogous  answering  coequal  complemental  complementary  convertible  coordinate  correspondent  corresponding  duplicate  equal  equiparant  equipollent  equivalent  homologous  identic  identical  indistinguishable  like  much the same  reciprocal  reciprocative  selfsame  uniform  very  
tantrum  cat fit  conniption  conniption fit  convulsion  duck fit  eruption  explosion  fit  fit of anger  fit of temper  flare-up  fury  outburst  paddy  paroxysm  rage  storm  temper tantrum  wax  

Gerbstoff Fleck Definition

(n.) The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, tanned, tawed, or otherwise dressed for use
(n.) The skin.
(v. t.) To beat, as with a thong of leather.
(v. t.) To discolor by the application of foreign matter
(v. t.) To color, as wood, glass, paper, cloth, or the like, by processess affecting, chemically or otherwise, the material itself
(v. t.) To spot with guilt or infamy
(v. t.) To cause to seem inferior or soiled by comparison.
(v. i.) To give or receive a stain
(n.) A discoloration by foreign matter
(n.) A natural spot of a color different from the gound.
(n.) Taint of guilt
(n.) Cause of reproach
(n.) A tincture

tan stain (leather) Bedeutung

an act that brings discredit to the person who does it, he made a huge blot on his copybook
Gram's method
Gram method
Gram's procedure
Gram's stain
Gram stain
a staining technique used to classify bacteria, bacteria are stained with gentian violet and then treated with Gram's solution, after being decolorized with alcohol and treated with safranine and washed in water, those that retain the gentian violet are Gram-positive and those that do not retain it are Gram-negative
leather carp scaleless domestic carp
imitation leather
fabric made to look like leather
leather strip implement consisting of a strip of leather
piece of leather a separate part consisting of leather
saddle soap
leather soap
a mild soap for cleansing and conditioning leather
a soiled or discolored appearance, the wine left a dark stain
mud stain a stain produced by mud
oil stain a stain produced by oil
port-wine stain
nevus flammeus
a flat birthmark varying from pink to purple
mark stigma
brand stain
a symbol of disgrace or infamy, And the Lord set a mark upon Cain--Genesis
leather flower Clematis versicolor woody vine of the southern United States having purple or blue flowers with leathery recurved sepals
leather flower vase-fine
vase vine
Clematis viorna
scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals
leather fern leatherleaf fern
ten-day fern
Rumohra adiantiformis
Polystichum adiantiformis
widely distributed fern of tropical southern hemisphere having leathery pinnatifid fronds
golden fern leather fern Acrostichum aureum stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides
filth grime
the state of being covered with unclean things
leather an animal skin made smooth and flexible by removing the hair and then tanning
ooze leather a very soft leather made from the skins of calves and having a suede finish on the flesh side
Russia leather a smooth leather tanned with willow, birch, or oak, and scented on the flesh side with birch oil
white leather
whit leather
a leather that has been treated with alum and
chamois leather
chammy leather
shammy leather
a soft suede leather formerly from the skin of the chamois antelope but now from sheepskin
wash leather piece of chamois used for cleaning and polishing
crushed leather
leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated
glove leather leather suitable for making gloves
patent leather leather with a hard glossy surface
shoe leather leather used to make shoes
suede leather
leather with a napped surface
stain (microscopy) a dye or other coloring material that is used in microscopy to make structures visible
stain color for microscopic study, The laboratory worker dyed the specimen
stain color with a liquid dye or tint, Stain this table a beautiful walnut color, people knew how to stain glass a beautiful blue in the middle ages
stain produce or leave stains, Red wine stains the table cloth
leather whip with a leather strap
stain maculate
make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air, also used metaphorically, The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air, Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man
having leathery leaves
hell-for-leather at breakneck speed, they were travelling hell-for-leather
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