
Geschiebepotenzial Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Geschiebepotenzial n; Geschiebepotential n (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
available bed-load; stored bed-load (in a stream)
Geschiebepotenzial n; Geschiebepotential n (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
available bed-load; stored bed-load (in a stream)
(größeres) Geröll n, Geschiebe n
boulders {pl}
Geschiebe n (Sedimente in Flüssen)
Geschiebe n (Sedimente in Flüssen) geol.
bed load
Rollsteine pl; Geröll n; Geschiebe n geol.
Ablationsgeröll n; Ablationsgeschiebe n
pebbles; rubbles; boulders; debris; detritus; drift; bowlder; slide Am.
ablation debris
Drängeln n; Drängen n; Gedränge n; Geschiebe n
Geschiebe n (Gesteinsbrocken am Gletschergrund) geol.
Ablationsgeröll n; Ablationsgeschiebe n
glacial debris; glacial scree (rock fragments at the base of a glacier)
ablation debris
Geschiebe n (Feststoffe, die an der Gewässersohle bewegt werden) envir.
bed-load; bedload; traction load; bottom load rare (solid material carried by a stream along its bed)
Feststoffabtrag m; Materialabtrag m; Geschiebeabtrag m; Geschiebeabfuhr f (aus einem Gewässerbett) geol.
sediment output; sediment yield (from a stream bed)
Ablation f (Abschmelzen von Schnee oder Eis) meteo.
geschiebeablagernde Ablation
ablation (melting of snow or ice)
Feststoffablagerung f; Sedimentablagerung f; Ablagerung f; Sedimentakkumulation f; Akkumulation f (abgelagertes Lockergestein) geol.
Flussablagerung f; Flussanschwemmung f; alluviale Ablagerung f; Alluvion f
Geschiebeablagerung f
Murablagerung f; Murenablagerung f; Murschutt; Murgangablagerung Schw.; Ãœbermurung f Schw.
Wildbachablagerung f
die Bildung von Ablagerungen verhindern
Ablagerung terrestrischer Herkunft
allochthone Ablagerung
eisenhaltige Ablagerung
eiszeitliche Ablagerung; glaziale Ablagerung
sediment deposit; deposit; sediment accumulation; accumulation; sediment
river deposit; fluvial deposit; alluvial deposit; alluvium
bedload deposit; bedload accumulation
mudslide deposit; mudflow deposit; debris flow deposit
torrent deposit; torrential deposit
to prevent deposit build-up
earthformed sediment
allochthonous deposit
ochreous deposit
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacial accumulation
Geschiebeablagerungsplatz m; Geschiebeablagerungsgebiet n (in einem Gewässerbett) envir.
Geschiebeablagerungsplätze pl; Geschiebeablagerungsgebiete pl
sedimentation area; sediment deposition zone (in a stream bed)
sedimentation areas; sediment deposition zones
Geschiebeabrieb m (Verkleinerung der Geschiebekörner beim Transport im fließenden Wasser) envir.
bedload abrasion (loss in volume of sediment particles while being transported in flowing water)
Geschiebeaufbereitung f; Geschiebeproduktion f (im Entwässerungsgebiet eines Fließgewässers) envir.
sediment production; bed-load production (in the drainage area of a stream)
Geschiebebank f (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
Geschiebebänke pl
alternierende Geschiebebänke
sediment bar (in a stream)
sediment bars
alternating bars; alternate bars
Geschiebebaggerung f (Wasserbau)
bed-load dredging (water engineering)
Geschiebebewirtschaftung f (Wasserbau)
sediment management (water engineering)
Geschiebehaushalt m; Geschiebebilanz f (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
bed-load sediment budget; bed-load sediment balance (in a stream)
Geschiebedeckensand m; Geschiebesand m; Decksand m geol.
glacial sand
Geschiebedefizit n (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
bed-load deficit; lack of bed-load (in a stream)
Feststoffeintrag m; Materialeintrag m; Geschiebeeintrag m; Geschiebezufuhr f (in ein Gewässerbett) geol.
sediment input; sediment delivery; sediment yield (to a stream bed)
Geschiebeentnahme f (Wasserbau)
excavation of bed-load; bed-load excavation (water engineering)
Geschieberückhaltebecken n; Geschiebesammler m; Geschiebefang m (Wasserbau)
Geschieberückhaltebecken pl; Geschiebesammler pl; Geschiebefänge pl
sediment retention basin; debris basin; sediment trap; bed-load trap (water engineering)
sediment retention basins; debris basins; sediment traps; bed-load traps
Geschiebefalle f
bed-load trap
Geschiebefalle f geol.
bed-load trap
verfrachtete Geschiebemenge f; Geschiebefracht f; Schwerstoff-Fracht f; Geschiebeführung f (eines Fließgewässers, gemessen in m3 s) envir.
Geschiebetrieb m (Geschiebeführung pro Meter Gerinnebreite, gemessen in m3 s pro Min)
bed-load transport rate; bed-load discharge; sediment discharge; discharge of solids; toal bed-load; total traction load (in a stream) (measured in m3 s)
unit bed-load discharge (bed-load transport per unit wideth of the stream channel)
geschiebeführend adj (Hochwasser usw.) envir.
sediment-bearing; sediment-laden (flood etc.)
Geschiebeführung f geol.
bed-load discharge; bed-load transport; transport of detritus (of a river)
Geschiebeführung f; Geschiebetransport m; Geschiebeverfrachtung f; Geschiebeverlagerung f; Geschiebeumlagerung f (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
bed-load discharge; bed-load transport (in a stream)
Geschiebehaushalt m
bed-load balance
Geschiebehaushalt m geol.
bed-load balance
Geschiebequelle f; Geschiebeherd m (im Entwässerungsgebiet eines Fließgewässers) envir.
Geschiebequellen pl; Geschiebeherde pl
bed-load source area; source of bed-load (in the drainage area of a stream)
bed-load source areas; sources of bed-load
Geschiebelehm m geol.
boulder clay, till
Geschiebelehm m geol.
(boulder; glacial; clay) till; drift clay; boulder clay
Geschiebelehm m; Blocklehm geol.
glacial loam
Geschiebemenge f geol.
sediment discharge; discharge of solids; bed-load transport; traction load (of a river)
Geschiebemenge f; Geschiebevolumen n (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
amount of bed-load; volume of bed-load; bed-load volume (in a stream)
Geschiebemergel m; Till m (eiszeitliche Sedimentablagerung) geol.
boulder-clay Br.; glacial till Am.; till Am. (glacial sediment deposit)
Feststoffmobilisierung f; Geschiebemobilisierung f (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
mobilization of sediments; mobilization of bed-load (in a stream)
Geschiebepotenzial n; Geschiebepotential n (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
available bed-load; stored bed-load (in a stream)
Geschieberegime n
bed-load regime
Geschieberegime n geol.
bed-load regime
Geschieberückhalt m (Wasserbau)
sediment retention; bed-load retention (water engineering)
Staudamm m; Talsperre f; Sperre f; Sperrenbauwerk n Schw. (Wasserbau)
Staudämme pl; Talsperren pl; Sperren pl; Sperrenbauwerke pl
gerade Sperre; geradlinige Sperre
offene Sperre; Entleerungssperre f; Dosiersperre f; Sortiersperre f
gebogene Sperre; bogenförmige Sperre; Bogensperre f
Talsperre mit Vielfachkuppeln
Talsperre mit festem Ãœberfall
Auslaufsperre f; Abschlusssperre f
Balkensperre f
Betonsperre f
Drahtschottersperre f; Steinkorbsperre f
Einlaufsperre f
Faschinendamm m; Wurstdamm m
Holzsperre f
Rechensperre f
Schlitzsperre f
Seilsperre f; Netzsperre f
Steinsperre f
Vorsperre f; Gegensperre f
Geschieberückhaltesperre f; Geschiebestausperre f; Geschiebesperre f (in einem Fließgewässer)
impoundment dam; impounding dam; retaining dam; dam; barrage fixe (water engineering)
impoundment dams; impounding dams; retaining dams; dams
linear dam
open dam; permeable dam; self-flushing dam; debris-sorting dam
curved dam; arch dam
multiple dome dam
permanent overfall weir
outlet dam
beam dam; log dam
concrete dam
gabion dam
inlet dam
sausage dam
wooden dam; timber dam
screen dam
slit dam
cable net dam
stone dam; masonry dam
foredam; subsidiary dam; auxiliary dam
bed-load retention dam; sediment retention structure; sediment control dam; debris dam (in a stream)
Geschiebetransport m
bed-load discharge
Geschiebetransport m geol.
bed-load discharge
Geschiebetriebbeginn m; Geschiebetransportbeginn m (in einem Fließgewässer) envir.
initiation of sediment movement; incipient motion; threshhold motion (in a stream)
Transportvermögen n; Transportkapazität f (eines Fließgewässers) envir.
Geschiebetransportvermögen n; Geschiebetransportkapazität f
transporting capacity; transport capacity (of a stream)
bed-load transport capacity
Geschiebetrieb m geol.
dislodging of sediment; picking-up of sediment
Grenzgeschwindigkeit f (eines Fließgewässers für Geschiebeverfrachtung) envir.
threshold velocity; entrainment velocity (of a stream for bed-load discharge)
Wasserführung f; Gerinneabfluss m; Abfluss m; Durchfluss m eines Gerinnes envir.
Dotierwassermenge f; Dotierwasser n; Pflichtwasser n
Grenzabfluss m (für Geschiebeverfrachtung)
Hochwasserführung f; Hochwasserabfluss m; hoher Wasserabfluss
Mittelwasserführung f; Mittelwasserabfluss m; mittlerer Abfluss
Niedrigwasserführung f; Niedrigwasserabfluss m; niedriger Abfluss
Restwasserabführung f; Restwasserabfluss m; Restwassermenge f; Restwasser n
stream flow; channel flow; stage of a watercourse
minimum instream flow; minimum acceptable flow
threshold flow; entrainment discharge (for bed-load discharge)
flood flow; high-water flow
mean water flow; average flow
low water flow
residual flow; instream flow

Geschiebepotenzial Definition

(v.) A burden
(v.) The quantity which can be carried or drawn in some specified way
(v.) That which burdens, oppresses, or grieves the mind or spirits
(v.) A particular measure for certain articles, being as much as may be carried at one time by the conveyance commonly used for the article measured
(v.) The charge of a firearm
(v.) Weight or violence of blows.
(v.) The work done by a steam engine or other prime mover when working.
(v. t.) To lay a load or burden on or in, as on a horse or in a cart
(v. t.) To adulterate or drug
(v. t.) To magnetize.
(imp. & p. p.) of Store
(a.) Collected or accumulated as a reserve supply
(n.) A current of water or other fluid
(n.) A beam or ray of light.
(n.) Anything issuing or moving with continued succession of parts
(n.) A continued current or course
(n.) Current
(v. i.) To issue or flow in a stream
(v. i.) To pour out, or emit, a stream or streams.
(v. i.) To issue in a stream of light
(v. i.) To extend
(v. t.) To send forth in a current or stream
(v. t.) To mark with colors or embroidery in long tracts.
(v. t.) To unfurl.

available bed-load; stored bed-load (in a stream) Bedeutung

the act of flowing or streaming, continuous progression
work load
work that a person is expected to do in a specified time
case load the number of cases handled in a given period of time (as by a court or agency)
load-shedding cutting off the electric current on certain lines when the demand becomes greater than the supply
load loading
goods carried by a large vehicle
dead load a constant load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) due to the weight of the supported structure itself
live load
a variable load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) such as moving traffic
loading burden
weight to be borne or conveyed
load electrical device to which electrical power is delivered
payload load
the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents
blood stream
the blood flowing through the circulatory system
stream of consciousness the continuous flow of ideas and feelings that constitute an individual's conscious experience
burden load
an onerous or difficult concern, the burden of responsibility, that's a load off my mind
stream of consciousness a literary genre that reveals a character's thoughts and feeling as they develop by means of a long soliloquy
stored program a program that is stored in the memory of the computer that executes it
a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes), the raft floated downstream on the current, he felt a stream of air, the hose ejected a stream of water
violent stream
a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid), the houses were swept away in the torrent
dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas, two streams of development run through American history, stream of consciousness, the flow of thought, the current of history
load line
Plimsoll line
Plimsoll mark
waterlines to show the level the water should reach when the ship is properly loaded
a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth
tidal river
tidewater river
tidal stream
tidewater stream
a stream in which the effects of the tide extend far upstream
a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks
load the power output of a generator or power plant
jet stream a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing from west to east near the top of the troposphere, has important effects of the formation of weather fronts
Gulf stream a warm ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico northward through the Atlantic Ocean
meteor shower
meteor stream
a transient shower of meteors when a meteor swarm enters the earth's atmosphere
stream orchid
giant helleborine
Epipactis gigantea
orchid growing along streams or ponds of western North America having leafy stems and greenish-brown and pinkish flower in the axil of each upper leaf
load an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate, he got a load on and started a brawl
a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time, the system broke down under excessive loads
load factor (aeronautics) the ratio of an external load to the weight of the aircraft (measured in g)
something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously, a stream of people emptied from the terminal, the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors
stream exude profusely, She was streaming with sweat, His nose streamed blood
load adulterate
stretch f dilute debase
corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance, often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones, adulterate liquor
pack load down load with a pack
load lade laden load up fill or place a load on, load a car, load the truck with hay
load charge provide (a device) with something necessary, He loaded his gun carefully, load the camera
load put (something) on a structure or conveyance, load the bags onto the trucks
stream teem
move in large numbers, people were pouring out of the theater, beggars pullulated in the plaza
well out
flow freely and abundantly, Tears streamed down her face
stream to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind, their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind
take a look
have a look
get a load
look at with attention, Have a look at this!, Get a load of this pretty woman!
load c transfer from a storage device to a computer's memory
rain cats and dogs
rain buckets
rain heavily, Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!
capable of bearing a structural load, a supporting wall
stored-program of or concerning programs stored in the computer's own memory
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