
Glaubensfrage Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Glaubensfrage f
Glaubensfragen pl
in Glaubensfragen
question of faith
questions of faith
in questions of faith
Glaubensfrage f
Glaubensfragen pl
in Glaubensfragen
question of faith
questions of faith
in questions of faith
Das Wunder ist des Glaubens liebstes Kind.
Wonder is the dearest child of faith.
Angehöriger des weißen amerikanischen Bürgertums (protestantischen Glaubens)
WASP : White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
Glaube m (religiöse Überzeugung und Religionsbekenntnis) relig.
der Glaube an Gott
Menschen jeden Glaubens
der christliche jüdische muslimische hinduistische Glaube
sich frei zu seinen Überzeugungen und zu seinem Glauben bekennen können
Mein Glaube hat mir die Kraft gegeben mit diesem Schicksalsschlag fertig zu werden.
Er hat zum Glauben gefunden.
faith (religious belief and confession)
the faith in God
people of all faiths
the Christian Jewish Muslim Hindu faith
to be able to freely profess one's beliefs and to practise one's faith
My faith has given me the strength to deal with this calamity.
He has found faith.
Verfechter m; Verteidigerin f; Beschützer m; Beschützerin f (von etw.) übtr.
Verfechter pl; Verteidigerinnen pl; Beschützer pl; Beschützerinnen pl
ein eiserner leidenschaftlicher Verfechter der Menschenrechte
Beschützer des Glaubens (engl. Königstitel)
defender (of sth.) fig.
a staunch passionate defender of human rights
Defender of the Faith
Angehöriger des weißen amerikanischen Bürgertums (protestantischen Glaubens)
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant WASP
Glaube m (religiöse Überzeugung und Religionsbekenntnis) relig.
der Glaube an Gott
Menschen jeden Glaubens
der christliche jüdische muslimische hinduistische Glaube
der christliche Osterglaube
sich frei zu seinen Überzeugungen und zu seinem Glauben bekennen können
Mein Glaube hat mir die Kraft gegeben, mit diesem Schicksalsschlag fertig zu werden.
Er hat zum Glauben gefunden.
faith (religious belief and confession)
the faith in God
people of all faiths
the Christian Jewish Muslim Hindu faith
the Christian Easter faith
to be able to freely profess one's beliefs and to practise one's faith
My faith has given me the strength to deal with this blow of fate.
He has found faith.
Angehöriger des weißen amerikanischen Bürgertums (protestantischen Glaubens)
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant WASP
Glaubensbekenntnis n
Glaubensbekenntnisse pl
creed, credo
Glaubensbekenntnis n
profession of faith, confession of faith
Glaubensbekenntnis n
profession of faith; confession of faith
Glaubensbekenntnis n relig.
Glaubensbekenntnisse pl
Creed; Credo
Apostolisches Glaubensbekenntnis n; Apostolikum n relig.
Apostles' Creed
das Glaubensbekenntnis n; das Credo n geh. relig.
das athanasianische Glaubensbekenntnis
das apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis; das Apostolikum
das nizänische Glaubensbekenntnis; das Bekenntnis von Nicäa
the Creed; the Credo
the Athanasian Creed
the Apostles' Creed; the Symbol of the Apostles
the Nicene Creed
religiöse Intoleranz f; Fanatismus; übertriebener Glaubenseifer m relig.
Glaubensfeldzug m, Missionsfeldzug m
Glaubensfrage f
Glaubensfragen pl
in Glaubensfragen
question of faith
questions of faith
in questions of faith
Glaubensfreiheit f
religious freedom, freedom of worship
religious freedom
Glaubensfreiheit f
religious freedom; freedom of worship
Religionsgemeinschaft f; Glaubensgemeinschaft f relig.
religious community
Gemeinschaft f; Glaubensgemeinschaft f
Glaubensgenosse m
fellow believer
fellow believer
Glaubensgenosse m relig.
Glaubensgenossen pl
fellow believer
fellow believers
Glaubensinhalt m relig.
Glaubenskrieg m; Glaubenskampf m
Glaubenskriege pl; Glaubenskämpfe pl
religious war; war of religion
religious wars; wars of religion
Glaubenskampf m
Glaubenskämpfe pl
faith struggle
faith struggles
Glaubenskrieg m, Glaubenskampf m
religious war, war of religion
Krieg m (gegen jdn. etw.) mil.
Kriege pl
Angriffskrieg m; Aggressionskrieg m
Atomkrieg m
Befreiungskrieg m
Blitzkrieg m
Bruderkrieg m
Bürgerkrieg m
Drohnenkrieg m
Eroberungskrieg m
Gebirgskrieg m
Glaubenskrieg m; Religionskrieg m; Glaubenskampf m
Grabenkrieg m
Guerillakrieg m; Partisanenkrieg m
Krieg gegen Aufständische
Krieg gegen Guerillagruppen; Krieg gegen Partisanenverbände
Landkrieg m
Luftkrieg m
Mehrfrontenkrieg m
Präventivkrieg m
Revolutionskrieg m
schmutziger Krieg
Seekrieg m
Stellungskrieg m
Stellvertreterkrieg m
U-Boot-Krieg m
Unabhängigkeitskrieg m
Vernichtungskrieg m
Verteidigungskrieg m
Wüstenkrieg m
Zermürbungskrieg m; Abnutzungskrieg m
Zweifrontenkrieg m
der Hundertjährige Krieg hist.
im Krieg
begrenzter strategischer Krieg
durch Zufall ausgelöster Krieg
jdm. den Krieg erklären
in einem Krieg kämpfen
einen Krieg gewinnen verlieren
Krieg führen (gegen jdn. etw.)
vom Krieg betroffen
Krieg geringer Intensität
(gegen jdn.) in den Krieg ziehen
1920 waren Polen und Russland nach wie vor im Kriegszustand.
Krieg ist die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln. (Clausewitz)
Du siehst ja ganz schön ramponiert aus.
war (on against sb. sth.)
war of aggression; aggressive war
nuclear war
war of liberation; liberation war
blitzkrieg; blitz; fast moving war
fratricidal war
civil war
drone war
war of conquest
mountain war
war of religion; religious war
trench war
guerilla war; partisan war
counterinsurgency war
counter-guerilla war; counter-partisan war
land war
aerial war
multi-front war; multiple-front war
preventive war
revolutionary war
dirty war
naval war
static war
proxy war
submarine war
war of independence
war of extermination; destructive war
defensive war
desert war
war of attrition
two-front war
the Hundred Years' War
at war
limited strategic war
accidental war
to declare war on sb.
to fight in a war
to win lose a war
to fight wage (a) war (on against sb. sth.)
low-intensity war
to go to war (with sb.)
In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war.
War is the continuation of politics by other means. (Clausewitz)
You look like you've been in the wars. Br.
Kongregation f (ständiger Ausschuss in der katholischen Kirche) relig.
Kongregationen pl
Kardinalskongregation f
Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre; Glaubenskongregation f
congregation; Congregation (permanent committee in the Catholic Church)
College of Cardinals
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Congregation of the Faith
Kongregation f für die Glaubenslehre; Glaubenskongregation f (Vatikan) relig.
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Congregation of Faith (Vatican)
Glaubenskrise f
religious crisis
(eine Glaubenslehre) rechtfertigend; apologetisch adj relig.
Glaubenslehre f relig. school
Glaubenslehre f
religious instruction
Orden m, Glaubensorden m relig.
order, holy order
Orden m; religiöser Orden m; Glaubensorden m relig.
der Benediktinerorden
der Franziskanerorden
der Jesuitenorden
der Zisterzienserorden
order; holy order
the Benedictine Order
the Franciscan Order; the Order of Franciscans
the Jesuit Order; the Order of Jesuits
the Cistercian Order; the Order of Cistercians
Philosophie f phil.
Philosophie des Absurden
alexandrinische Philosophie
Philosophie des Als-Ob
Philosophie der Antike; aktike Philosophie
Aufklärungsphilosophie f
Begriffsphilosophie f
Bewusstseinsphilosophie f
Bildphilosophie f
Philosophie der Biologie
Chaosphilosophie f
Philosophie der Differenz
Emergenzphilosophie f
Entwicklungsphilosophie f
Erlebnisphilosophie f
Friedensphilosophie f
Gefühlsphilosophie f
Philosophie des Geistes
Philosophie der Geisteswissenschaft
Philosophie der Geschichte; Geschichtsphilosophie f
Gesellschaftsphilosophie f; Sozialphilosophie f
Glaubensphilosophie f
Handlungsphilosophie f; Philosophie der Tat
Identitätsphilosophie f
Kinderphilosophie f
Philosophie der Kultur; Kulturphilosophie f
Philosophie der Kunst; Kunstphilosophie f
Lebensphilosophie f
Philosophie der Logik
Philosophie der Mathematik
Philosophie der Musik
Philosophie der Natur; Naturphilosophie f
Philosophie der Neuen Musik
Philosophie der Politik
praktische Philosophie
Rechtsphilosophie f
Reflexionsphilosophie f
Religionsphilosophie f
Sportphilosophie f
Sprachphilosophie f
Philosophie der gewöhnlichen Sprache
Staatsphilosophie f
Philosophie des Subjekts
Philosophie der Technik; Technikphilosophie f
Philosophie der technisierten Zivilisation
Philosophie des Unbewussten
Wertphilosophie f
Wesensphilosophie f
Zeichenphilosophie f
Praktischwerden der Philosophie
eine bestimmte Philosophie verfolgen
philosophy of the Absurd
Alexandrian Philosophy
philosophy of the as if; philosophy of as if; as-if philosophy
philosophy of antiquity; ancient philosophy
philosophy of the Enlightenment
philosophy of concepts; conceptual philosophy
philosophy of consciousness
philosophy of image; philosophy of pictures
philosophy of biology
philosophy of chaos
philosophy of difference
philosophy of emergence; emergence philosophy
philosophy of development
philosophy of experience
philosophy of peace
philosophy of sentiment
philosophy of mind; philosophy of spirit
philosophy of the human sciences; philosophy of the humanities
philosophy of history
social philosophy
philosophy of belief
philosophy of action
philosophy of identity
philosophy for children
philosophy of culture; cultural philosophy
philosophy of art
philosophy of life
philosophy of logic
philosophy of mathematics
philosophy of music
philosophy of nature; nature-philosophy
philosophy of modern music
philosophy of politics; political philosophy
practical philosophy
philosophy of law; legal philosophy
philosophy of reflection; reflective philosophy
philosophy of religion
philosophy of sport
philosophy of language
philosophy of ordinary language; ordinary language philosophy
philosophy of the state; civil philosophy
philosophy of the subject
philosophy of technology
philosophy of mechanized civilization
philosophy of the unconscious
philosophy of values
philosophy of essence
philosophy of signs
philosophy becoming a practical activity
to follow a certain philosophy
Glaubensrichtung f
confession; persuasion
Konvertit m (von etw. zu etw.) relig.
Konvertiten pl
Konvertiten von anderen Glaubensrichtungen
ein Konvertit zum Islam
convert (from sth. to sth.)
converts from other faiths
a convert to Islam
viele verschiedene Glaubensrichtungen betreffend
multi-faith {adj}
Bekehrter m; Konvertit m; Proselyt m selten (von etw. zu etw.) relig.
Bekehrten pl; Konvertiten pl; Proselyten pl
Konvertiten von anderen Glaubensrichtungen
ein Konvertit zum Islam
convert; proselyte (from sth. to sth.)
converts; proselytes
converts from other faiths
a convert to Islam
Glaubenssatz m relig. phil.
Glaubenssatz m
Glaubensstreit m
religious controversy
Glaubenssystem n
Glaubensverein m
Glaubensvereine pl
religious association
religious associations

Deutsche Glaubensfrage Synonyme

Englische question of faith Synonyme

question  Chinese puzzle  Parthian shot  Pyrrhonism  absurd  address  affirmation  agonize over  allegation  answer  apostrophe  apprehension  approach  ask  ask a question  ask about  ask questions  assertion  assuredly  at issue  averment  awake a doubt  baffling problem  basis  be at sea  be curious  be diffident  be doubtful  be dubious  be skeptical  be uncertain  beat about  bill  blind bargain  bone of contention  borderline case  brain twister  bring into question  burden  burn with curiosity  calendar  call in question  case  catechism  catechize  certainly  challenge  chance  chapter  clause  comment  communicate with  companion bills amendment  concern  confusion  contact  contest  contingency  correspond  crack  cross-interrogatory  cross-question  crossword puzzle  crux  debatable  debating point  declaration  definitely  demand  demurral  demurrer  dictum  difficulty  diffidence  dig around for  dig up  dispute  distrust  distrustfulness  double contingency  doubt  doubtful  doubtfulness  doubtlessly  dragnet clause  dubiety  dubiousness  enacting clause  enigma  enigmatic question  enquiry  escalator clause  essence  establish connection  examine  exclamation  expression  feel unsure  feeler  focus of attention  focus of interest  gamble  gape  gawk  get to  gist  greet with skepticism  greeting  grill  grope  guess  half believe  half-belief  harbor suspicions  have reservations  head  heading  hold-up bill  impossible  in doubt  in question  inconceivable  indubitably  inquire  inquire of  inquiry  insupportable  interjection  interpellate  interrogate  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  interview  issue  jigsaw puzzle  joker  knot  knotty point  leader  leading question  leeriness  living issue  main point  maintain connection  make advances  make contact with  make inquiry  make overtures  make up to  matter  matter in hand  meat  mention  mind-boggler  misdoubt  misgive  misgiving  mistrust  mistrustfulness  moot point  motif  motion  m  
question mark  Chinese puzzle  baffling problem  bone of contention  brain twister  catechism  cross-interrogatory  cross-question  crossword puzzle  crux  debating point  demand  enigma  enigmatic question  feeler  floorer  inquiry  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  issue  jigsaw puzzle  knot  knotty point  leader  leading question  mind-boggler  moot point  mystery  nut to crack  perplexed question  perplexity  point at issue  point in question  poser  problem  puzzle  puzzlement  puzzler  query  question  question at issue  quodlibet  sixty-four dollar question  sticker  stumper  topic  tough proposition  trial balloon  vexed question  why  
questionable  a bit thick  a bit thin  absurd  ambiguous  amoral  arguable  at issue  beguiling  beyond belief  borderline  catchy  confutable  conjectural  conscienceless  contestable  controversial  controvertible  corrupt  corrupted  criminal  crooked  dark  debatable  deceiving  deceptive  delusive  delusory  deniable  devious  dishonest  dishonorable  disputable  doubtable  doubtful  dubious  dubitable  equivocal  evasive  fallacious  false  felonious  fishy  fly-by-night  fraudulent  hallucinatory  hard of belief  hard to believe  hardly possible  iffy  ill-got  ill-gotten  illusive  illusory  immoral  implausible  improbable  in dispute  in doubt  in dubio  in question  inconceivable  incredible  indirect  insidious  misleading  mistakable  moot  more than doubtful  not deserving belief  not kosher  obscure  open to doubt  open to question  open to suspicion  passing belief  preposterous  problematic  problematical  refutable  ridiculous  rotten  shady  shameless  shifty  sinister  slippery  speculative  staggering belief  suppositional  suspect  suspicious  tall  thick  thin  trickish  tricksy  tricky  trustless  unbelievable  uncertain  unconscienced  unconscientious  unconscionable  unconvincing  undependable  underhand  underhanded  unearthly  unethical  ungodly  unimaginable  unlikely  unprincipled  unpromising  unreliable  unsavory  unscrupulous  unstraightforward  unsure  unthinkable  untrustworthy  untrusty  unworthy of belief  vague  without remorse  without shame  
questioner  Paul Pry  Peeping Tom  asker  busybody  catechist  cross-interrogator  cross-questioner  detective  eavesdropper  examiner  gossip  inquirer  inquisitionist  inquisitive  inquisitor  interlocutor  interpellator  interrogator  interrogatrix  interviewer  nosy Parker  opinion-sampler  poller  pollster  prober  pry  querier  querist  questionist  quidnunc  quizzer  rubberneck  rubbernecker  sampler  scopophiliac  secret agent  sightseer  snoop  snooper  voyeur  yenta  
questioning  Pyrrhonic  Socratic method  agnostic  answering  asking  bringing into question  catechetical method  catechistic  catechization  catechizing  challenge  communicating  communicational  communional  conversational  curious  disbelieving  dispute  distrustful  doubtful  doubting  dubious  examination  from Missouri  in doubt  inquiring  inquisitional  inquisitorial  interacting  interactional  interactive  intercommunicational  intercommunicative  intercommunional  interpellation  interresponsive  interrogation  interrogational  interrogative  interrogatory  investigative  leery  linguistic  mistrustful  mistrusting  oral  probing  pumping  query  querying  question  quiz  quizzical  quizzing  responsive  scrupulous  seeking  shy  skeptical  speech  suspecting  suspicious  telepathic  transmissional  unbelieving  uncertain  untrusting  verbal  wary  
questionnaire  agenda  beadroll  cadastre  calendar  canvass  census  census report  checklist  checkroll  conduct a poll  consumer research  consumer-preference survey  docket  dramatis personae  head count  honor roll  inquiry  jury list  jury panel  lineup  make a survey  muster  muster roll  nose count  opinion poll  order of business  poll  program  property roll  public-opinion poll  questionary  returns  roll  roll call  roster  rota  sample  scroll  survey  tax roll  

Glaubensfrage Definition

(v. t.) To cross-examine
(n.) Belief
(n.) The assent of the mind to the statement or proposition of another, on the ground of the manifest truth of what he utters
(n.) The belief in the historic truthfulness of the Scripture narrative, and the supernatural origin of its teachings, sometimes called historical and speculative faith.
(n.) The belief in the facts and truth of the Scriptures, with a practical love of them
(n.) That which is believed on any subject, whether in science, politics, or religion
(n.) Fidelity to one's promises, or allegiance to duty, or to a person honored and beloved
(n.) Word or honor pledged
(n.) Credibility or truth.
(interj.) By my faith
I' faith
() In faith
(n.) The act of asking
(n.) Discussion
(n.) Examination with reference to a decisive result
(n.) That which is asked
(n.) Hence, a subject of investigation, examination, or debate
(n.) Talk
(n.) To ask questions
(n.) To argue
(v. t.) To inquire of by asking questions
(v. t.) To doubt of
(v. t.) To raise a question about
(v. t.) To talk to

question of faith / questions of faith / in questions of faith Bedeutung

faith healing
faith cure
care provided through prayer and faith in God
faith loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person, keep the faith, they broke faith with their investors
uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something, the dubiousness of his claim, there is no question about the validity of the enterprise
good faith
having honest intentions, he acted in good faith, doubt was expressed as to the good faith of the immigrants
strong belief
article of faith
an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence
faith trust complete confidence in a person or plan etc, he cherished the faith of a good woman, the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust
religious belief
a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny, he lost his faith but not his morality
article of faith
(Christianity) any of the sections into which a creed or other statement of doctrine is divided
Defender of the Faith a title that Leo X bestowed on Henry VIII and later withdrew, parliament restored the title and it has been used by English sovereigns ever since
full faith and credit a guarantee to pay interest and principal on debt, usually issued by the United States Treasury
rhetorical question a statement that is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answered, he liked to make his points with rhetorical questions
question head the subject matter at issue, the question of disease merits serious discussion, under the head of minor Roman poets
question of fact
matter of fact
a disputed factual contention that is generally left for a jury to decide
question of law
matter of law
a disputed legal contention that is generally left for a judge to decide
question mark
interrogation point
a punctuation mark (?) placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a question
question an informal reference to a marriage proposal, he was ready to pop the question
motion question a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote, he made a motion to adjourn, she called for the question
previous question a motion calling for an immediate vote on the main question under discussion by a deliberative assembly
inquiry enquiry
an instance of questioning, there was a question about my training, we made inquiries of all those who were present
cross-question a question asked in cross-examination
leading question a question phrased in such a way as to suggest the desired answer, a lawyer may ask leading questions on cross-examination
yes-no question a question that can be answered by yes or no
question interrogation interrogative
interrogative sentence
a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply, he asked a direct question, he had trouble phrasing his interrogations
test paper
examination paper
exam paper
question sheet
a written examination
calling into question
demand for explanation
a challenge to defend what someone has said
organized religion
an institution to express belief in a divine power, he was raised in the Baptist religion, a member of his own faith contradicted him
question master
the host or chairman of a radio or tv quiz show or panel game
question time a period during a parliamentary session when members of British Parliament may ask questions of the ministers
pose a question
cross examine
cross question
question closely, or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side, The witness was cross-examined by the defense
pose a series of questions to, The suspect was questioned by the police, We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion
conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting
question oppugn
call into question
challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of, We must question your judgment in this matter
propose declare oneself
offer pop the question
ask (someone) to marry you, he popped the question on Sunday night, she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months, The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman
wonder question place in doubt or express doubtful speculation, I wonder whether this was the right thing to do, she wondered whether it would snow tonight
in question(p)
open to doubt or suspicion, the candidate's doubtful past, he has a dubious record indeed, what one found uncertain the other found dubious or downright false, it was more than dubitable whether the friend was as influential as she thought- Karen Horney
out of the question
totally unlikely
on faith with trust and confidence, we accepted him on faith
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Glaubensfrage ist ein Spielfilm des US-amerikanischen Regisseurs und Dramatikers John Patrick Shanley aus dem Jahr 2008. Das Drama basiert auf Shanleys preisgekröntem Bühnenstück Doubt: A Parable und stellt die Direktorin einer katholischen Schule in den Mittelpunkt, die einen populären Priester des Kindesmissbrauchs bezichtigt. Der Film wurde von Scott Rudin produziert und startete am 5. Februar 2009 in den deutschen Kinos.

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