
Gletscherzunge Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gletscherzunge f
Gletscherzungen pl
glacier tongue; glacier snout
glacier tongues; glacier snouts
Gletscherzunge f
Gletscherzungen pl
glacier tongue; glacier snout
glacier tongues; glacier snouts
Gletscher m
Gletscher pl
der größte Gletscher
the largest glacier
Gletscher m geol.
Gletscher pl
Vorrücken der Gletscher
glacier advance
glacial {adj}
Gletscher m geol.
Gletscher pl
Rückgang der Gletscher
Vorrücken der Gletscher
wenn Gletscher ins Meer kalben
glacier retreat
glacier advance
when glaciers calve into the sea
Rückzug m; Rückgang m; Zurückgehen n der Gletscher; Gletscherrückzug m envir.
glacier recession; glacier shrinkage; glacier retreat
Gelände queren v (Hang, Piste, Gletscher usw.) sport
Gelände querend
Gelände gequert
to traverse terrain (slope; glacier etc.)
traversing terrain
traversed terrain
Gletscherablagerung f geol.
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacier accumulation
Abrasion f; Korrasion f; Schleiferosion f; schleifende Erosion f (Abtragung durch abschleifende Einwirkung fester Partikel) geol.
Meeresabrasion f; marine Erosion; limnische Erosion; Abtragung durch Meeresbrandung; Korrasion durch Meeresbrandung
Gletscherabrasion f; Gletscherschliff m; Detersion f (Vorgang)
Windabrasion f; Windschliff m; Sandschliff m (Vorgang)
abrasion; abrasive erosion; corrasion (erosive action of solid particles)
wave abrasion; corrasion by wave action
glacial polishing; glacial striation; ice striation; detersion
wind polishing; wind abrasion; wind corrasion; corrasion by wind action
Gletscherbach m
Gletscherbäche pl
glacial stream
glacial streams
Gletscherbach m geol.
Gletscherbäche pl
glacial stream
glacial streams
Gletscherbahn f
Gletscherbahnen pl
glacier lift
glacier lifts
Gletschereis n
glacial ice
Erosion f; Abtragung f; Abtrag m (Abtragung und Verfrachtung von Feststoffen an der Erdoberfläche) geol.
großflächige Abtragung; Gesteinsentblößung f; Denudation f
rückschreitende Erosion; Rückwärtserosion f
latente Erosion; unterbrochene Erosion
Oberflächenerosion f; Flächenerosion f; flächenhafte Erosion f; flächenhafte Abtragung f; Schichterosion f
Tiefenerosion f; Tiefenschurf m; Linearerosion f; lineare Erosion; linienhafte Erosion; linienhafte Abtragung
Bodenerosion f; Bodenabtragung f; Bodenabtrag m
Flusserosion f; Fluvialerosion f; fluviale Erosion f; fluviatile Erosion f
Seitenerosion; Seitenschliff m; Seitenschurf m; Lateralerosion f
Flusssohlenerosion f; Sohlenerosion f
Gletschererosion f; Glazialerosion f; glaziale Erosion; Exaration f
Ufererosion f; Abtragung von Ufermaterial
Rillenerosion f (durch abfließendes Wasser)
Rinnenerosion f; Runsenerosion f; Grabenerosion f (durch Fließwasser)
Wassererosion f; aquatische Erosion; Auswaschung durch Fließgewässer
Winderosion f; äolische Erosion; Windabtragung f; Abblasung f; Deflation f
erosion; truncation (removal and transportation of solid matter from Earth's surface)
backward erosion; headward erosion; headcut erosion; retrograde erosion; retrogressive erosion; knickpoint retreat
potential erosion; interrupted erosion
surface erosion; sheet erosion; sheet wash
vertical erosion; downcutting; degradation
soil erosion; land erosion
river erosion; stream erosion; fluvial erosion; fluviatile erosion
lateral erosion
river bed erosion; streambed erosion; bed erosion; stream-channel erosion; channel scour
glacial erosion; exaration
streambank erosion; bank erosion; washing of a bank
rill erosion; rill wash (by run-off water)
gully erosion; gullying (by running water)
water erosion; wash
wind erosion; blowing erosion; aeolian erosion; eolation; deflation
Geschiebe n (Gesteinsbrocken am Gletschergrund) geol.
Ablationsgeröll n; Ablationsgeschiebe n
glacial debris; glacial scree (rock fragments at the base of a glacier)
ablation debris
Hochwasser n; Ãœberschwemmungen pl; Ãœberflutungen pl envir.
höchstes Hochwasser; Höchsthochwasser; Maximalhochwasser
plötzlich einsetzendes Hochwasser; Flutwelle f (in einem Fließgewässer)
Gletscherhochwasser n
Jahrhunderthochwasser n; hundertjährliches Hochwasser
Jahrtausendhochwasser n; tausendjährliches Hochwasser; 1000-jährliches Hochwasser
Katastrophenhochwasser n
außergewöhnliches Hochwasser; außerordentliches Hochwasser
extremes Hochwasser; Extremhochwasser n
historisches Hochwasser
höchstes wahrscheinliches Hochwasser; wahrscheinlich höchstes Hochwasser; wahrscheinliches Maximalhochwasser
mittleres jährliches Hochwasser
Hochwasser infolge der Schneeschmelze (im Frühjahr)
Ansteigen des Hochwassers; Hochwasseranstieg m
Auftreten von Hochwasser; Eintreten von Hochwasserereignissen
Rückgang Abklingen des Hochwassers; Hochwasserabfall m
vom Hochwasser betroffene Bürger
flood water; flood; floods; inundations; deluges
maximum flood; record flood; flood of record
flash flood; flash flooding; spate Br.
glacier flood; glacial flood; glacial outburst flood; glacier lake outburst flood
hundred-year flood; 100-year flood
thousand-year flood; 1000-year flood
catastrophic flood; disastrous flood
exceptional flood; extraordinary flood
extreme flood; superflood Am.
historical flood
probable maximum flood PMF ; probable record flood
mean annual flood
increase of flood
flood occurrence; occurrence of flood events
flood recession
citizens affected by floods
Gletscherkalben n envir.
glacier calving; iceberg calving; ice calving
Glaziologie f (Gletscherkunde)
glaciology (study of glaciers)
Leiche f; Leichnam m poet. relig.
Leichen pl; Leichname pl
Gletscherleiche f
eine Leiche im Keller haben übtr.
eine Leiche fleddern
Du siehst aus wie eine Leiche.
dead body; body; corpse; cadaver med. poet.; stiff coll.
dead bodies; bodies; corpses; cadavers; stiffs
glacier body; glacier corpse rare
to have a skeleton in the cupboard Br. closet Am. fig.
to rob a dead body
You look like death.
Gletschermilch f geol.
glacial meal; rock milk; rock flour
Gletschermoräne f; Moräne f geol.
Gletschermoränen pl; Moränen pl
Gletschermühle f
Gletschermühlen pl
glacial mill, moulin
glacial mills, moulins
Gletschermühle f geol.
Gletschermühlen pl
glacier mill; moulin; glacier well
glacial mills; moulins; glacier wells
Gletschern, Gletschers
der Zusammenfluss m; die Einmündung f; die Konfluenz f geh. (von zwei Fließgewässern Gletschern) geogr.
Zusammenflüsse pl; Einmündungen pl
the confluence; the conflux; the junction (of two watercourses glaciers); the watersmeet
confluences; junctions
Gletscherrückzug m
glacier recession; glacier shrinkage; glacier retreat
Abschmelzgebiet n; Zehrgebiet n; Ablationsgebiet n (eines Gletschers) geogr.
Abschmelzgebiete pl; Zehrgebiete pl; Ablationsgebiete pl
ablation area; ablation zone (of a glacier)
ablation areas; ablation zones
Ernährung f des Gletschers geol.
nourishment of the glacier
Randkluft f (eines Gletschers Schneefelds) envir.
rimaye; randkluft rare (of a glacier snowfield)
ewiges Eis n geogr.
das ewige Eis des Gletschers
das ewige Eis der Arktis
eternal ice
the eternal ice of the glacier
the eternal ice of the Arctic
Gletscherschliff m geol.
glacial action: glacial polish(ing); glacial scratch; glacial groove; glacial fluting; ice mark; ice striation
Gletscherschliff m; Glazialbildung f (Ergebnis) geol.
glacial polish, ice sour; glacial action marks
Gletscherschmelze f; Eisschmelze f meteo.
glacier melt; ice melt
Gletscherschramme f
Gletscherschrammen pl
glacial stria; glacial groove
glacial striae; glacial grooves
Gletscherschrammen pl geol.
striae; striation
Gletscherschrammen pl geol.
glacial scratch marks; glacial striae; striation
Gletscherschutt m
glacial drift
Gletschersee m
Gletscherseen pl
glacial lake; glacier lake
glacial lakes; glacier lakes
Gletscherspalte f
Gletscherspalten pl
Gletscherspalte f geol.
Gletscherspalten pl
glacial crevasse; glacier crater
glacial crevasses; glacier craters
Gletschertal n
Gletschertäler pl
glacier valley; glacial valley; glacial-carved valley; glacier-filled valley
glacier valleys; glacial valleys; glacial-carved valleys; glacier-filled valleys
durch Gletschertätigkeit Glazialerosion geformt geprägt (worden) sein v geol.
to be affected by glacial action; to be glaciated
Gletschertätigkeit; Glazialerosion f geol.
glacial action
durch Gletschertätigkeit Glazialerosion geformt geprägt (worden) sein v geol.
to be affected by glacial action; to be glaciated
Gletschertisch m geol.
glacier table
Gletschertisch m geol.
Gletschertische pl
glacier table
glacier tables
Gletschertopf m geol.
Gletschertöpfe pl
glacial pothole; giant's kettle; giant's cauldron
glacial potholes; giant's kettles; giant's cauldrons
Gletschertor n geol.
glacier snout
Gletschertor n
Gletschertore pl
glacier outlet; glacier cave; ice cave; glacier snout
glacier outlets; glacier caves; ice caves; glacier snouts
Gletschervorschub m geol.
glacial advance
Glaziologe m; Glaziologin f; Gletscherwisenschaftler m; Gletscherwisenschaftlerin f ~Glaziologie
Glaziologen pl; Glaziologinnen pl; Gletscherwisenschaftler pl; Gletscherwisenschaftlerinnen pl
glaciologist ~glaciology
Glaziologe m; Glaziologin f; Gletscherwissenschaftler m; Gletscherwissenschaftlerin f ~Glaziologie
Glaziologen pl; Glaziologinnen pl; Gletscherwissenschaftler pl; Gletscherwissenschaftlerinnen pl
glaciologist ~glaciology
Gletscherzunge f
Gletscherzungen pl
glacier tongue; glacier snout
glacier tongues; glacier snouts

Gletscherzunge Definition

(n.) A genus of ferns (Ophioglossum), whose seeds are produced on a spike resembling a serpent's tongue.
(n.) The yellow dogtooth violet.
(n.) The knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare).
(n.) A plant (Liatris odoratissima) whose fleshy leaves give out a fragrance compared to vanilla.
(n.) Hound's-tongue.
(n.) Deceit
(n.) A fungus of the genus Geoglossum.
(n.) An immense field or stream of ice, formed in the region of perpetual snow, and moving slowly down a mountain slope or valley, as in the Alps, or over an extended area, as in Greenland.
(n.) A common British fern (Scolopendrium vulgare), rare in America.
(n.) A West Indian fern, the Polypodium Phyllitidis of Linnaeus. It is also found in Florida.
(n.) A biennial weed (Cynoglossum officinale), with soft tongue-shaped leaves, and an offensive odor. It bears nutlets covered with barbed or hooked prickles. Called also dog's-tongue.
(n.) The wryneck.
(n.) Same as Adder's-tongue.
(n.) The long, projecting nose of a beast, as of swine.
(n.) The nose of a man
(n.) The nozzle of a pipe, hose, etc.
(n.) The anterior prolongation of the head of a gastropod
(n.) The anterior prolongation of the head of weevils and allied beetles.
(v. t.) To furnish with a nozzle or point.
(n.) an organ situated in the floor of the mouth of most vertebrates and connected with the hyoid arch.
(n.) The power of articulate utterance
(n.) Discourse
(n.) Honorable discourse
(n.) A language
(n.) Speech
(n.) A people having a distinct language.
(n.) The lingual ribbon, or odontophore, of a mollusk.
(n.) The proboscis of a moth or a butterfly.
(n.) The lingua of an insect.
(n.) Any small sole.
(n.) That which is considered as resembing an animal's tongue, in position or form.
(n.) A projection, or slender appendage or fixture
(n.) A projection on the side, as of a board, which fits into a groove.
(n.) A point, or long, narrow strip of land, projecting from the mainland into a sea or a lake.
(n.) The pole of a vehicle
(n.) The clapper of a bell.
(n.) A short piece of rope spliced into the upper part of standing backstays, etc.
(n.) Same as Reed, n., 5.
(v. t.) To speak
(v. t.) To chide
(v. t.) To modulate or modify with the tongue, as notes, in playing the flute and some other wind instruments.
(v. t.) To join means of a tongue and grove
(v. i.) To talk
(v. i.) To use the tongue in forming the notes, as in playing the flute and some other wind instruments.
(n.) A great talker.
(a.) Shaped like a tongue
(n.) Any species of Lingula.
(n.) Impeded motion of the tongue because of the shortness of the fraenum, or of the adhesion of its margins to the gums.
(v. t.) To deprive of speech or the power of speech, or of distinct articulation.
(a.) Destitute of the power of distinct articulation

glacier tongue; glacier snout / glacier tongues; glacier snouts Bedeutung

tongue worm
wormlike arthropod having two pairs of hooks at the sides of the mouth, parasitic in nasal sinuses of mammals
snout beetle small weevil having a prolonged snout, destructive to e.g. grains and nuts
a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal's head, especially the nose
snout rostrum beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils
left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point, of little commercial value
bull tongue a heavy plow with a single wide blade, used chiefly in cotton fields
metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side
a decorative molding, a series of egg-shaped figures alternating with another shape
tongue the flap of material under the laces of a shoe or boot
tongue and groove joint a mortise joint made by fitting a projection on the edge of one board into a matching groove on another board
tongue depressor a thin depressor used to press the tongue down during an examination of the mouth and throat
a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity
snout schnozzle
informal terms for the nose
rebuking a person harshly
slip of the tongue an accidental and usually trivial mistake in speaking
natural language
a human written or spoken language used by a community, opposed to e.g. a computer language
mother tongue
maternal language
first language
one's native language, the language learned by children and passed from one generation to the next
tongue a manner of speaking, he spoke with a thick tongue, she has a glib tongue
sharp tongue a bitter or critical manner of speaking
tongue twister an expression that is difficult to articulate clearly, `rubber baby buggy bumper' is a tongue twister
tongue the tongue of certain animals used as meat
beef tongue the tongue of a cow eaten as meat
calf's tongue the tongue of a calf eaten as meat
Alpine glacier
Alpine type of glacier
a glacier that moves down from a high valley
continental glacier a glacier that spreads out from a central mass of ice
glacier a slowly moving mass of ice
Mendenhall Glacier
Great Mendenhall Glacier
a glacier of the Piedmont type near Juneau in Alaska
Piedmont glacier
Piedmont type of glacier
a type of glaciation characteristic of Alaska, large valley glaciers meet to form an almost stagnant sheet of ice
polar glacier a glacier near the Arctic or Antarctic poles
a narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea
devil's tongue
snake palm
umbrella arum
Amorphophallus rivieri
foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix
dumb cane
mother-in-law plant
mother-in-law's tongue Dieffenbachia sequine
an evergreen plant with large showy dark green leaves, contains a poison that swells the tongue and throat hence the name
orchid having blue to purple flowers with tongue-shaped or strap-shaped protuberances (calli) at the lip base
yellow adder's tongue
trout lily
Erythronium americanum
eastern North American dogtooth having solitary yellow flowers marked with brown or purple and spotted interiors
glacier lily
snow lily
Erythronium grandiflorum
dogtooth violet of western North America having bright yellow flowers
mother-in-law's tongue snake plant
Sansevieria trifasciata
stemless plant having narrow rigid leaves often cultivated as a houseplant
hound's-tongue Cynoglossum officinale biennial shrub of Europe and western Asia having coarse tongue-shaped leaves and dark reddish-purple flowers
hound's-tongue Cynoglossum virginaticum perennial shrub of North America having coarse tongue-shaped leaves and pale-blue to purple flowers
painted tongue
Salpiglossis sinuata
Chilean herb having velvety funnel-shaped yellowish or violet flowers with long tonguelike styles at the corolla throat
adder's tongue
adder's tongue fern
ferns with fertile spikes shaped like a snake's tongue
Florida strap fern
cow-tongue fern
hart's-tongue fern
common epiphytic or sometimes terrestrial fern having pale yellow-green strap-shaped leaves, Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Uruguay
felt fern
tongue fern
Pyrrosia lingua
Cyclophorus lingua
east Asian fern having fronds shaped like tongues, sometimes placed in genus Cyclophorus
hart's-tongue fern Asplenium scolopendrium
Phyllitis scolopendrium
Eurasian fern with simple lanceolate fronds
hart's-tongue hart's-tongue fern Olfersia cervina
Polybotrya cervina
Polybotria cervina
tropical American terrestrial fern with leathery lanceolate fronds, sometimes placed in genus Polybotrya
any club-shaped fungus of the genus Geoglossum
any long thin projection that is transient, tongues of flame licked at the walls, rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark
hairy tongue
furry tongue
black tongue
a benign side effect of some antibiotics, dark overgrowth of the papillae of the tongue
tongue tie
a congenital anomaly in which the mucous membrane under the tongue is too short limiting the mobility of the tongue
speak in tongues speak unintelligibly in or as if in religious ecstasy, The parishioners spoke in tongues
verbalize verbalise utter give tongue to
articulate, either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise, She expressed her anger, He uttered a curse
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