
Grundwasserflurabstand Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Grundwasserflurabstand m (Abstand zwischen Grundwasseroberfläche und Geländeoberkante) geol.
depth of groundwater table (distance between phreatic surface and ground surface)
Grundwasserflurabstand m (Abstand zwischen Grundwasseroberfläche und Geländeoberkante) geol.
depth of groundwater table (distance between phreatic surface and ground surface)
Grundwasser n
stehendes Grundwasser
stagnant groundwater
ground water
Flurabstandsgleiche f (Grundwasser)
ground water level curve (referred to ground elevation)
Grundwasser n
stehendes Grundwasser
Zufluss m (zum Grundwasser)
groundwater; underground water; subsoil water; subterranean water; level water; underwater
stagnant groundwater
direct intake (to the ground water)
Versalzung f (von Grundwasser; Erde)
Grundwasser n geol. envir.
freies Grundwasser; ungespanntes Grundwasser
gespanntes Grundwasser; unter Druck stehendes Grundwasser
stehendes Grundwasser
uferfiltriertes Grundwasser; Uferfiltrat n
Ausbeutung des Grundwassers; Grundwasserausbeutung f
Erschöpfung des Grundwassers; Grundwassererschöpfung f
Entnahme des Grundwassers; Grundwasserentnahme f; Grundwasserförderung f
Ergiebigkeit des Grundwassers; Grundwasserergiebigkeit f
Fließgeschwindigkeit f des Grundwassers
Neubildung von Grundwasser; Grundwasserneubildung f; Grundwassererneuerung f; Grundwassereintrag m; Grundwasserergänzung f; Grundwasserregeneration f; Grundwasserspende f
künstliche Grundwasseranreicherung
Verschmutzung des Grundwassers; Grundwasserverschmutzung f; Grundwasserverunreinigung f; Grundwasserkontamination f
Grundwasserzufluss m; Grundwasserzustrom m (aus einem anderen Grundwasserabschnitt)
groundwater; ground water Br.; underground water; subsoil water; subterranean water
free groundwater; unconfined groundwater; phreatic water
confined groundwater
stagnant groundwater
bank seepage groundwater
groundwater exploitation; groundwater depletion
groundwater exhaustion
groundwater extraction; groundwater withdrawal
groundwater yield
velocity of groundwater flow; groundwater velocity
groundwater replenishment; groundwater recharge; groundwater regeneration
artificial groundwater replenishment; artificial groundwater recharge
groundwater pollution; groundwater contamination
groundwater inflow
Grundwasserboden m; Boden m mit oberflächennahem Grundwasser; Gley m geol.
groundwater soil; gley
Informationssystem n
Informationssysteme pl
Gebäude-Informationssystem n
Geo-Informationssystem n; geografisches Informationssystem GIS
Grundwasser-Informationssystem n envir.
Visa-Informationssystem n VIS (EU) pol.
information system
information systems
building information system
geographical information system GIS
groundwater information system
visa information system VIS (EU)
Wasser n
abtropfbares Wasser
adsorbiertes Wasser
destilliertes Wasser; Aqua purificata
drückendes Wasser
dystrophes Wasser
entspanntes Wasser
entbastes Wasser
fließendes Wasser; fließend Wasser
fossiles Wasser; fossiles Grundwasser geol.
Fremdwasser n
gebundenes Wasser
gebundenes Wasser
gespanntes Wasser
hartes Wasser
hygroskopisches Wasser
juveniles Wasser
kohlensäurereiches Wasser
schlammhaltiges Wasser
stehendes Wasser
umlaufendes Wasser
unterirdisches Wasser
weiches Wasser
durch Stollen gelöstes Wasser
auf dem Wasser; zu Wasser
über Wasser
jdm. nicht das Wasser reichen können übtr.
Wasser treten (beim Schwimmen)
Wasser treten (bei der Kneippkur)
Wasseranwendungen durchführen (Heilquelle)
Wo Wasser ist, ist Leben.
Die kochen auch nur mit Wasser. übtr.
gravitational water
aggressive water; corrosive water
purified water; distilled water; aqua purificata
pressing water
dystrophic water
wetted water
decationized water
running water
connate water; fossil water
external water; other water
combined water
constitutional water
artesian water
hard water
hygroscopic water; hygroscopic moisture; absorbed water
primitive water; juvenile water
acid water
muddy water
stagnant water
circulating water
subsurface water; underground water; subterranean water
soft water
can't hold a candle to sb. fig.
to tread water
to paddle (in kneippism)
to take the waters Br.
Where there is water, there is life.
They still put their trousers Br. pants Am. on one leg at a time (like everybody else just like you we do). fig.
Grundwasserabfluss m
groundwater runoff
Grundwasserabfluss m; Grundwasserabfluß m alt
groundwater runoff; ground-water discharge
Abflussmenge f; Abfluss m (abfließende Wassermenge) envir.
Gebietsabflussmenge f; Gebietsabfluss m (Abflussmenge eines Einzugsgebiets)
Grundwasserabfluss m
Hochwasserabfluss m; Hochwasserabführung f; Hochwasserfracht f
höchster Hochwasserabfluss; Höchstabfluss; Maximalabfluss
Normalabfluss m
Abflussmenge des Niederschlags
Abflussmenge eines Wasserlaufs
jährliche Abflussmenge; Jahresabflussmenge
mittlere Abflussmenge; Mittelwasserabfluss
niedrige Abflussmenge; Niedrigwasserabfluss; Niederwasserabfluss Schw.
niedrigster Niedrigwasserabfluss; niedrigster Niederwasserabfluss Schw.
unterirdischer Abflussmenge; bodeninnere Abflussmenge
Abflussmenge aus dem Ãœberschwemmungsgebiet
Abflussmenge pro Flächeneinheit (des Einzugsgebiets); spezifische Abflussmenge; spezifischer Abfluss; Abflussspende f (gemessen in m3 s km2)
discharge rate; discharge; outflow rate; outflow
depth of run-off; depth of runoff (run-off volume of a drainage basin)
groundwater discharge; groundwater outflow
flood discharge; high-water discharge
maximum flood discharge; maximum discharge
normal discharge; normal outflow
rainfall excess
stream discharge; river discharge
yearly discharge; annual discharge
mean discharge; average discharge
low-water discharge
minimum discharge
subsurface discharge
flood plain discharge
discharge per unit area (of the drainage basis); unit discharge; specific discharge (measured in m3 s km2)
Grundwasserabsenkung f
water table drawdown
Grundwasserabsenkung f geol.
ground-water lowering; lowering of the ground-water surface; lowering of subsoil water; subsidence of ground-water level; recession of ground-water level
Grundwasseroberfläche f; Grundwasserspiegel m (obere Begrenzung eines Grundwasserkörpers) geol. envir.
schwebender Grundwasserspiegel
sinkender Grundwasserspiegel
Absenkung des Grundwasserspiegels; Senkung des Grundwasserspiegels; Grundwasserabsenkung
Absinken des Grundwasserspiegels, natürliche Grundwasserabsenkung; Rückgang des Grundwasserspiegels; Grundwasserrückgang
Anhebung des Grundwasserspiegels; künstliche Grundwasserspiegelhebung
Ansteigen der Grundwasseroberfläche; Grundwasseranstieg
den Grundwasserspiegel absenken
groundwater table; water table; groundwater surface; phreatic surface
perched water table
sinking groundwater level
lowering of the groundwater table groundwater surface; ground-water lowering; drawdown of the water table; water table drawdown; lowering of subsoil water
phreatic decline; decline of water table; groundwater recession
artificial raising of the groundwater table
natural rise of groundwater level
to lower the groundwater table
Grundwasserzutritt m; Grundwasserandrang m (Wasserbau)
groundwater inrush (water engineering)
Grundwasserangebot n; Grundwasserdargebot n (für die Nutzung) geol. envir.
available groundwater resources
künstliche Grundwasseranreicherung f
artificial recharge
Grundwasseraustritt m
Grundwasseraustritte pl
submarine Grundwasseraustritte
groundwater leakage
groundwater leakages
submarine groundwater leakage
(natürlicher) Grundwasseraustritt m; Austritt m des Grundwassers (an der Oberfläche) geogr. geol.
diffuser Austritt des Grundwassers; diffuser Grundwasseraustritt
submariner Grundwasseraustritt
groundwater emergence; natural groundwater discharge
groundwater leakage; groundwater seepage; effluent seepage
submarine groundwater leakage
Sickerwasserquelle f; Sickerquelle f; flächiger Grundwasseraustritt f (aus durchlässigem Gestein) geol.
Sickerwasserquellen pl; Sickerquellen pl; flächige Grundwasseraustritte pl
seepage spring; filtration spring (outflow of permeable layers)
seepage springs; filtration springs
Grundwasserbeobachtungsbrunnen m envir.
Grundwasserbeobachtungsbrunnen pl
groundwater observation well
groundwater observation wells
Grundwasserbrunnenriegel m (Wasserbau)
barrier extraction wells; groundwater extraction wells (water engineering)
Grundwassereintrag m
groundwater regeneration
Grundwassereinzugsgebiet n
groundwater basin, groundwater catchment area
Grundwassereinzugsgebiet n
Grundwassereinzugsgebiete pl
groundwater basin; groundwater catchment area
groundwater basins; groundwater catchment areas
Grundwassereinzugsgebiet n; Einzugsgebiet n eines Grundwasserleiters geol.
Grundwassereinzugsgebiete pl; Einzugsgebiete pl eines Grundwasserleiters
groundwater catchment area; aquifer recharge area
groundwater catchment areas; aquifer recharge areas
Grundwasserneubildungsrate f; Grundwassererneuerungsrate f envir.
groundwater recharge rate; groundwater regeneration rate
Grundwassererschließung f geol.
capture of underground water
Tierwelt f; Fauna f zool.
wildlebende Tiere
Fischfauna f
Grundwasserfauna f
Zersetzerfauna f
Avifauna f (alle Vogelarten einer Region)
Entomofauna f; Insektenfauna f (alle Insektenarten einer Region)
Herpetofauna f (alle Amphibien- und Reptilienarten einer Region)
Ichthyofauna f (alle Fischarten einer Region)
wild fauna
fish fauna
groundwater fauna
decomposer fauna
Grundwasserflurabstand m (Abstand zwischen Grundwasseroberfläche und Geländeoberkante) geol.
depth of groundwater table (distance between phreatic surface and ground surface)
Grundwasserfluss m; Grundwasserstrom m (im Gestein) geol.
groundwater flow (in the rock)
Grundwasserfragen pl
groundwater issues
Grundwasserleiter m; Grundwasserträger m; grundwasserführende Schicht f (Gesteinskörper) geol.
Porengrundwasserleiter m
Karstgrundwasserleiter m
Kluftgrundwasserleiter m
groundwater aquifer; aquifer (body of rock)
pore aquifer
karst aquifer
joint aquifer
Gefahr f; Risiko n; Gefährdung f
Biogefährdung f; biologisches Risiko
Grundwassergefährdung f
Strahlungsgefahr f; Strahlungsgefährdung f
Verkehrsgefährdung f
Erhöhung der Gefahren
moralisches Risiko
die Gefahr herbeiführen, dass …
biohazard; biological hazard
groundwater pollution hazard; risk of groundwater pollution
hazard of radiation; radiological hazard
traffic hazard
increase of hazards
moral hazard
to create the hazard that …
Höhenschichtlinie f; Höhenlinie f; Schichtlinie f; Gefälllinie f; Niveaulinie f; Isohypse f (Vermessungswesen, Kartografie)
Höhenschichtlinien pl; Höhenlinien pl; Schichtlinien pl; Gefälllinien pl; Niveaulinien pl; Isohypsen pl
Grundwasserhöhenlinie f; Grundwassergleiche f; Grundwasserisohypse f
mit Höhenlinien versehen
contour line; contour gradient; surface contour line; topographic contour (line); contour; isohypsometric line; isohypse; isoheight (surveying, map making)
contour lines; contour gradients; surface contour lines; topographic contours; contours; isohypsometric lines; isohypses; isoheights
water table contour; water table isohypse
to contour
Wasserqualität f; Wassergüte f envir.
Grundwassergüte f
Beurteilung der Wasserqualität; Feststellung der Wassergüte
water quality
groundwater quality
water quality assessment
Grundwasserhaushalt m
groundwater balance
Grundwasserhaushalt m; Grundwasserregime n envir.
groundwater regime
Höffigkeit f (von Lagerstätten) min.
Höffigkeit einer Kohlenstofflagerstätte
Grundwasserhöffigkeit f
prospectivity; presumable occurrence; potential of deposits; potential yield
hydrocarbon prospectivity
potential groundwater yield
Bodenschicht f; Erdschicht f; Schicht f; Bodenhorizont m geol.
Bodenschichten pl; Erdschichten pl; Schichten pl; Bodenhorizonte pl
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
einseitig geneigte Schicht
fossiler Bodenhorizont
Grundwasserhorizont m
verfestigte Schicht
verworfene Schicht
wasserführende Schicht
ground layer; layer; ground stratum; stratum; bed; ground formation; formation; soil horizon; horizon
ground layers; layers; ground strata; strata; beds; ground formations; formations; soil horizons; horizons
upturned bed; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed; straightened-up layer
superposed bed
homoclinal bed
groundwater horizon; water-bearing horizon
concretionary horizon
disrupted bed; faulted stratum
water-bearing layer; water-bearing stratum; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; carrier of water
Grundwasserinformationssystem n
Grundwasserinformationssysteme pl
ground water information system
ground water information systems
Grundwasserkörper m geol. envir.
groundwater body
Quellen- und Grundwasserkunde f; Hydrogeologie f; Geohydrologie f geol.
hydrogeology; geohydrology
Laterit m geol.
Grundwasserlaterit m
groundwater laterite
Grundwasserleiter m, wasserführende Schicht im Boden
Grundwasserleiter m; wasserführende Schicht im Boden geol.
aquifer; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; permeable bed
plötzliches Absinken des Wasserspiegels (im Grundwasserleiter)
drawdown (in an acquifer)
Grundwasserstockwerk n (oben und unten begrenzter Grundwasserleiter in einer Abfolge von Bodenschichten) geol.
Grundwasserstockwerk mit mehreren verbundenen Grundwasserleitern
groundwater body horizon; confined aquifer
multiaquifer formation
Grundwasserstauer m (untere, undurchlässige Schicht eines Grundwasserleiters) geol.
aquiclude; aquifuge; impermeable stratum; impermeable bed (of an aquifer)
Grundwasserneubildung f; Grundwasserspende f
groundwater recharge
Grundwasserneubildungsrate f
groundwater recharge rate
Grundwasserrückgang m
groundwater recession
Grundwasserscheide f; unterirdische Wasserscheide f
Grundwasserscheiden pl; unterirdische Wasserscheiden pl
phreatic divide
phreatic divides
Wasserscheide f geogr.
Wasserscheiden pl
kontinentale Wasserscheide f
unterirdische Wasserscheide; Grundwasserscheide f
watershed divide; watershed; water divide Am.; drainage divide; catchment divide; water parting
watershed divides; watersheds; water divides; drainage divides; catchment divides; water partings
continental divide (USA)
phreatic divide
Grundwasserschutz m envir.
groundwater protection
Grundwasserthematik f; Fragen pl des Grundwasserschutzes envir.
groundwater issues
Grundwasserschwankungen pl; Schwankungen pl des Grundwasserstands; Grundwasserstandsbewegungen pl envir.
fluctuations of groundwater level; groundwater level fluctuations
Grundwassersohlschicht f geol.
Grundwassersohlschichten pl
groundwater confining layer; confining stratum; confining bed; aquitard
groundwater confining layers; confining strata; confining beds; aquitards
Grundwasserspeicher m geol.
ground-water reservoir
Grundwasserspeicher m (Gestein) geol.
groundwater reservoir; groundwater storage (rock)
Grundwasserspiegel m, Grundwasserstand m
sinkender Grundwasserspiegel
Absinken des Grundwasserspiegels
groundwater level, water table, phreatic surface
sinking groundwater level
phreatic decline, decline of water table
absenken v (Grundwasserspiegel)
to lower
Grundwasserspiegel m; Grundwasserstand m
Grundwasserspiegel pl; Grundwasserstände pl
sinkender Grundwasserspiegel
Absinken des Grundwasserspiegels
Zone oberhalb des Grundwasserspiegels geol.
groundwater level; water table; phreatic surface; subsoil water level; phreatic nappe
groundwater levels; water tables; phreatic surfaces
sinking groundwater level
phreatic decline; decline of water table
gathering zone
absenken; erniedrigen v (Grundwasserspiegel)
absenkend; erniedrigend
abgesenkt; erniedrigt
to lower
Grundwasserstand m; Grundwasserspiegel m geol. envir.
groundwater level; subsoil water level; groundwater stage
Grundwasserspiegelgefälle n geol.
water-table gradient
Absenkung f (des Grundwasserspiegels)
lowering (of the groundwater level)

Deutsche Grundwasserflurabstand Synonyme

Englische depth of groundwater table Synonyme

depth  French pitch  Sophia  abstruseness  abysm  abyss  acumen  amplitude  area  astuteness  bigness  bodily size  body  bottomless pit  brain  breadth  brightness  brilliance  brilliancy  broad-mindedness  bulk  caliber  cavity  chasm  classical pitch  coarseness  complexity  comprehensively  corpulence  coverage  crater  crevasse  deep  deeply  deepness  deeps  depths  diameter  dimension  dimensions  distance through  draft  drop  erudition  expanse  expansion  extension  extensively  extent  fatness  gauge  girth  good understanding  greatness  grossness  gulf  height  high pitch  hole  hollow  in detail  innerness  inness  insight  intellect  intelligence  intensity  intensively  interiority  internality  internalization  intricacy  intrinsicality  introversion  intuition  inwardness  keenness  key  largeness  length  low pitch  lowness  magnitude  mass  measure  measurement  mellow wisdom  nadir  new philharmonic pitch  note  obscurity  penetration  perception  perspicaciousness  perspicacity  philharmonic pitch  philosophical pitch  pit  pitch  profoundly  profoundness  profundity  proportion  proportions  radius  range  reach  reconditeness  register  richness  ripe wisdom  sagacity  sageness  sapience  scale  scope  seasoned understanding  sense  shaft  sharpness  size  sound understanding  sounding  spread  standard pitch  strength  the third dimension  thickness  thoroughly  tonality  tone  tune  understanding  vividness  volume  well  width  wisdom  wiseness  yawning abyss  
depthless  ankle-deep  cursory  epidermal  few  footling  inconsequential  inconsiderable  insignificant  jejune  knee-deep  light  little  low  meager  miniature  negligible  no great shakes  not deep  on the surface  petty  picayune  picayunish  shallow  shallow-rooted  shoal  short  sketchy  skin-deep  slight  small  superficial  surface  thin  tiny  trifling  trivial  uncritical  unprofound  

Grundwasserflurabstand Definition

Burying ground
() Alt. of Burying place
(n.) A horizontal row of corbels, with the panels or filling between them
(n.) The quality of being deep
(n.) Profoundness
(n.) Lowness
(n.) That which is deep
(n.) The number of simple elements which an abstract conception or notion includes
(n.) A pair of toothed wheels which work together.
(n.) The space between two objects
(n.) Remoteness of place
(n.) A space marked out in the last part of a race course.
(n.) Relative space, between troops in ranks, measured from front to rear
(n.) Space between two antagonists in fencing.
(n.) The part of a picture which contains the representation of those objects which are the farthest away, esp. in a landscape.
(n.) Ideal disjunction
(n.) Length or interval of time
(n.) The remoteness or reserve which respect requires
(n.) A withholding of intimacy
(n.) Remoteness in succession or relation
(n.) The interval between two notes
(v. t.) To place at a distance or remotely.
(v. t.) To cause to appear as if at a distance
(v. t.) To outstrip by as much as a distance (see Distance, n., 3)
(imp. & p. p.) of Grind
(n.) The surface of the earth
(n.) A floor or pavement supposed to rest upon the earth.
(n.) Any definite portion of the earth's surface
(n.) Land
(n.) The basis on which anything rests
(n.) That surface upon which the figures of a composition are set, and which relieves them by its plainness, being either of one tint or of tints but slightly contrasted with one another
(n.) In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief.
(n.) In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied
(n.) A gummy composition spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle.
(n.) One of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which moldings, etc., are attached
(n.) A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody.
(n.) The tune on which descants are raised
(n.) A conducting connection with the earth, whereby the earth is made part of an electrical circuit.
(n.) Sediment at the bottom of liquors or liquids
(n.) The pit of a theater.
(v. t.) To lay, set, or run, on the ground.
(v. t.) To found
(v. t.) To instruct in elements or first principles.
(v. t.) To connect with the ground so as to make the earth a part of an electrical circuit.
(v. t.) To cover with a ground, as a copper plate for etching (see Ground, n., 5)
(v. i.) To run aground
() imp. & p. p. of Grind.
(n.) That part of a picture between the foreground and the background.
(a.) Subterranean
Plane table
() See under Plane, a.
(n.) The exterior part of anything that has length and breadth

depth of groundwater table (distance between phreatic surface and ground surface) Bedeutung

ground ball
(baseball) a hit that travels along the ground
table game a game that is played on a table
table tennis
a game (trademark Ping-Pong) resembling tennis but played on a table with paddles and a light hollow ball
ground stroke a tennis return made by hitting the ball after it has bounced once
dark ground illumination
dark field illumination
a form of microscopic examination of living material by scattered light, specimens appear luminous against a dark background
analysis depth psychology
a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders, based on the theories of Sigmund Freud, his physician recommended psychoanalysis
ground attack an attack by ground troops
huge herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous found in western North America
ground snake
Sonora semiannulata
small shy brightlyinged terrestrial snake of arid or semiarid areas of western North America
eastern ground snake
Potamophis striatula
Haldea striatula
in some classifications placed in genus Haldea, small reddish-grey snake of eastern North America
ground rattler
massasauga Sistrurus miliaris
small pygmy rattlesnake
ground roller Madagascan roller with terrestrial and crepuscular habits that feeds on e.g. insects and worms
ground beetle
carabid beetle
predacious shining black or metallic terrestrial beetle that destroys many injurious insects
ground squirrel
gopher spermophile
any of various terrestrial burrowing rodents of Old and New Worlds, often destroy crops
mantled ground squirrel
Citellus lateralis
common black-striped reddish-brown ground squirrel of western North America, resembles a large chipmunk
Richardson ground squirrel
Citellus richardsoni
of sagebrush and grassland areas of western United States and Canada
Arctic ground squirrel
parka squirrel
Citellus parryi
large ground squirrel of the North American far north
eastern chipmunk
striped squirrel
ground squirrel Tamias striatus
small striped semiterrestrial eastern American squirrel with cheek pouches
barren ground caribou
Rangifer arcticus
of tundra of northern Canada, in some classifications included in the species Rangifer tarandus
ground sloth
gigantic extinct terrestrial sloth-like mammal of the Pliocene and Pleistocene in America
control surface
a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air, can lift or control a plane in flight
air-to-ground missile
air-to-surface missile
a missile designed to be launched from an airplane at a target on the ground
altar communion table
Lord's table
the table in Christian churches where communion is given
ground tackle
a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving
breakfast table a table where breakfast is eaten
card table a small light table with folding legs, can be folded for storage
card table a table for playing cards (as in a casino)
coffee table
cocktail table
low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or cocktails are served
coffee-table book an elaborate oversize book suitable for displaying on a coffee table
conference table
council table
council board
the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting
console table
a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall
depth charge
depth bomb
a bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water, antisubmarine device
depth finder navigational instrument used to measure the depth of a body of water (as by ultrasound or radar)
depth gauge
depth gage
a gauge for measuring the depth of grooves or holes or other concavities
diningoom table diningoom furniture consisting of a table on which meals can be served
dining table
a table at which meals are served, he helped her clear the dining table, a feast was spread upon the board
dinner table the dining table where dinner is served and eaten
drafting table
drawing table
a worktable with adjustable top
dressing table
dresser vanity
toilet table
low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup
drop-leaf table a table that has a drop-leaf to enlarge its surface
flat coat
primer priming primer coat
priming coat
the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface
gaming table a table used for gambling, may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips
gateleg table a drop-leaf table with the drop-leaves supported by hinged legs
ground (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting
ground earth a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)
ground bait bait scattered on the water to attract fish
ground cable a mooring cable, runs from a buoy to a mooring anchor
ground control a communication system for sending continuous radio messages to an airplane pilot who is making a groundontrolled approach to landing
ground floor
first floor
ground level
the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building
ground plan a floor plan for the ground level of a building
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