
Deutsche Hydrofon {n} Synonyme

Englische hydrophone; underwater microphone Synonyme

Hydrofon {n} Definition

(n.) An instrument for intensifying and making audible very feeble sounds. It produces its effects by the changes of intensity in an electric current, occasioned by the variations in the contact resistance of conducting bodies, especially of imperfect conductors, under the action of acoustic vibrations.

hydrophone; underwater microphone / hydrophones; underwater microphones Bedeutung

boom microphone boom a pole carrying an overhead microphone projected over a film or tv set
cardioid microphone a directional microphone with a cardioid pattern of sensitivity
condenser microphone
capacitor microphone
microphone consisting of a capacitor with one plate fixed and the other forming the diaphragm moved by sound waves
crystal microphone a microphone in which sound waves vibrate a piezoelectric crystal that generates a varying voltage
directional microphone a microphone that is designed to receive sound from a particular direction
device for converting sound waves into electrical energy
marine archeology
marine archaeology
underwater archeology
underwater archaeology
the archeology of underwater sites
Naval Underwater Warfare Center
the agency that provides scientific and engineering and technical support for submarine and undersea warfare systems
diver frogman
underwater diver
someone who works underwater
subaquatic submerged submersed underwater
growing or remaining under water, viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat, submerged leaves
submerged submersed underwater beneath the surface of the water, submerged rocks
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