
Lagerst�ttenumriss Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Lagerstabilität f
storage stability
Lagerstätte f
diggings {pl}
Lagerstätte f, Lager n, Vorkommen n geol.
Lagerstätten pl, Lager pl, Vorkommen pl
Abbau m; Gewinnung f; Förderung f; Ausbeutung f (von etw.) min.
Großraumförderung f
die Förderung von Kohle
die Gewinnung von Mineralien
Abbau von Rohstoffen
Abbau des Flözes in voller Mächtigkeit
Abbau im Ausbiss einer Lagerstätte
Abbau in regelmäßigen Abständen
Abbau von Uran
Abbau mit Bergversatz
Abbau mit Druckwasser
Abbau mit Schappe
Abbau mit Versatz
Abbau unter Tage
stufenweiser Abbau
völliger Abbau
vollständiger Abbau
vom Ausstrich ansetzender Abbau
mining; winning extraction; winning; extracting; extraction; recovery; exploitation (of sth.)
large-volume extraction
the extraction of coal
the recovery of minerals
exploitation of resources
full-seam extraction
level free workings
open stope with pillar
uranium mining
mining with filling
hydraulic mining
auger mining
stowing exploitation
underground stoping
benching work(ing)
complete extraction
Lagerstätte f; Lager n; Vorkommen n min. geol.
Lagerstätten pl; Lager pl; Vorkommen pl
abbauwürdige Lagerstätte; abbauwürdiges Vorkommen
adernförmige Lagerstätte
antiklinale Lagerstätte
ausgebeutete Lagerstätte
erkundete Lagerstätte
gangartige Lagerstätte
gangförmiges Vorkommen
hydrothermale Lagerstätte
intrusive Lagerstätte
kontaktmetamorphe Lagerstätte
lagerförmiges Vorkommen
linsenförmige Lagerstätte
nesterförmiges Vorkommen
oberflächennahe Lagerstätte
stockförmiges Vorkommen
subvulkanische Lagerstätte
supergene Lagerstätten
verworfene Lagerstätte
wasserführende Lagerstätte
als Porenraumfüllung ausgebildete Lagerstätte
payable deposit; workable deposit
network deposit
anticlinal reservoir
depleted field
proved deposit
gangue deposit
occurrence in veins
hydrothermal deposit
intrusive deposit
contact-metamorphic deposit
occurrence in beds
lenticulat deposit
occurrence in pockets
superficial deposit
occurrence in floor
subvolcanic depposit
supergene deposits
faulted deposit
water-bearing deposit
interstitial deposit
abbauwürdig; bauwürdig; abbaufähig adj (Lagerstätte) min.
nicht abbauwürdig; abbauunwürdig
minable mineable; workable; paying; worthy of being mined worked (deposits)
Anfahren n einer Lagerstätte geol.
strike of a deposit; intersection of a deposit
erstrecken (Lagerstätte) min.
to run
Abbau m; Gewinnung f; Förderung f; Ausbeutung f (von etw.) min.
Kohleabbau m
Braunkohleabbau m
Großraumförderung f
die Förderung von Kohle
die Gewinnung von Mineralien
Abbau von Rohstoffen
Abbau des Flözes in voller Mächtigkeit
Abbau im Ausbiss einer Lagerstätte
Abbau in regelmäßigen Abständen
Abbau von Uran
Abbau mit Bergversatz
Abbau mit Druckwasser
Abbau mit Schappe
Abbau mit Versatz
Abbau unter Tage
stufenweiser Abbau
völliger Abbau
vollständiger Abbau
vom Ausstrich ansetzender Abbau
mining; winning extraction; winning; extracting; extraction; recovery; exploitation (of sth.)
coal mining
lignite mining
large-volume extraction
the extraction of coal
the recovery of minerals
exploitation of resources
full-seam extraction
level free workings
open stope with pillar
uranium mining
mining with filling
hydraulic mining
auger mining
stowing exploitation
underground stoping
benching work(ing)
complete extraction
Erschließung f einer Lagerstätte; Grubenaufschluss m; Aufschluss m (Vorgang) min.
opening up; development; exposure of a deposit
Lagerort m; Lagerstätte f; Speicherstätte f
Lagerorte pl; Lagerstätten pl; Speicherstätten pl
storage location; inventory location; storage site
storage locations; inventory locations; storage sites
Lagerstätte f; Lager n; Vorkommen n min. geol.
Lagerstätten pl; Lager pl; Vorkommen pl
Natursteinvorkommen n
abbauwürdige Lagerstätte; abbauwürdiges Vorkommen
adernförmige Lagerstätte
antiklinale Lagerstätte
ausgebeutete Lagerstätte
erkundete Lagerstätte
gangartige Lagerstätte
gangförmiges Vorkommen
hydrothermale Lagerstätte
intrusive Lagerstätte
kontaktmetamorphe Lagerstätte
lagerförmiges Vorkommen
linsenförmige Lagerstätte
nesterförmiges Vorkommen
oberflächennahe Lagerstätte
stockförmiges Vorkommen
subvulkanische Lagerstätte
supergene Lagerstätten
verworfene Lagerstätte
wasserführende Lagerstätte
als Porenraumfüllung ausgebildete Lagerstätte
natural stone deposit
payable deposit; workable deposit
network deposit
anticlinal reservoir
depleted field
proved deposit
gangue deposit
occurrence in veins
hydrothermal deposit
intrusive deposit
contact-metamorphic deposit
occurrence in beds
lenticulat deposit
occurrence in pockets
superficial deposit
occurrence in floor
subvolcanic deposit
supergene deposits
faulted deposit
water-bearing deposit
interstitial deposit
abbauwürdig; bauwürdig; abbaufähig adj (Lagerstätte) min.
nicht abbauwürdig; abbauunwürdig
abbauwürdige Gesteinsschicht
minable mineable; workable; paying; worthy of being mined worked (deposits)
workable bed
Lager n; Lagerstätte f
Aufsuchung f; Erkundung f; Prospektion f (von Lagerstätten) geol. min.
Erdölaufsuchung f; Erdölerkundung f
Schlichprospektion f
geophysikalische Prospektion
seismische Prospektion
exploratory search; prospection; prospecting (for mineral deposits)
prospection for petroleum
prospection of concentrates
geophysical prospection
seismic prospection
Höffigkeit f (von Lagerstätten) min.
Höffigkeit einer Kohlenstofflagerstätte
Grundwasserhöffigkeit f
prospectivity; presumable occurrence; potential of deposits; potential yield
hydrocarbon prospectivity
potential groundwater yield
Lagerstättenarchiv n min.
deposit archive
Lagerstättenbedampfung f (Ölförderung)
oil field steam flooding; oil reservoir steam flooding (oil production)
Lagerstättenbewertung f min.
deposiit evaluation; mineevaluation
Lagerstättendruck m min.
formation pressure; reservoir pressure
Erdgas n
Flüssigerdgas n; verflüssigtes Erdgas n
komprimiertes Erdgas
Erdgas unter Lagerstättendruck
natural gas; rock gas
liquefied natural gas LNG
compressed natural gas CNG
geopressurized rock gas
Rückgang m; Abfall m; Abnahme f; Schwund m; Nachgeben n
Rückgang der Wälder
Nachgeben der Kurse
stetiger Abfall des Lagerstättendruckes min.
forest decline
decline in prices
steady pressure decline in the reservoir
haltig adj (Lagerstättenkunde) min.
Lagerstättenkunde f min. geol.
geology of mineral deposits; economic(al) geology
Lagerstättenkunde f; Lagerstättenlehre f; Wirtschaftsgeologie f geol.
economic geology
Geologe m; Geologin pl
Geologen pl; Geologinnen pl
Wirtschaftsgeologe m; Lagerstättenkundler m
economic geologist
Untersuchung f geol.
faziell-ökologische Untersuchung
gefügekundliche Untersuchung
statistische Gerölluntersuchung; geröllstatistische Untersuchung
isotopengeochemische Untersuchung
lagerstättenkundliche Untersuchung
tiefseismische Untersuchung
investigation; study; analyzation
investigation of the facies and ecology
investigation of fabrics
statistical boulder analysis
isotope geochemical study
tectonic investigation of deposits
deep seismic sounding
Untersuchung f geol.
faziell-ökologische Untersuchung
gefügekundliche Untersuchung
statistische Gerölluntersuchung; geröllstatistische Untersuchung
isotopengeochemische Untersuchung
lagerstättenkundliche Untersuchung
tiefseismische Untersuchung
investigation; analysis
investigation of the facies and ecology
investigation of fabrics
statistical boulder analysis
isotope geochemical study
tectonic investigation of deposits
deep seismic sounding
Lagerstättenumriss m
deposit outline
Lagerstelle f techn.
Lagerstellen pl
bearing position; bearing location
bearing positions; bearing locations
Verwahrungsort m; Lagerstelle f
Tierstreu f; Lagerstreu f; Einstreu f; Strohlage f agr.
animal bedding; bedding; litter
Kräuselmyrten pl; Kreppmyrten pl (Lagerstroemia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
crape myrtles; crepe myrtles (botanical genus)
Lagerstuhl m techn.
Lagerstühle pl
bearing block
bearing blocks
Lagerstuhl m techn. (Behälterunterstützung)
cradle support
bearing block

Deutsche Lagerst�ttenumriss Synonyme

Englische storage stability Synonyme

storage  RAM  admission  admission fee  allocation  anchorage  archives  armory  arsenal  assignment  attic  bank  basement  bay  bin  bonded warehouse  bookcase  box  brokerage  bunker  buttery  carfare  cargo dock  cellar  cellarage  charge  charges  chest  closet  cold storage  collocation  conservation  conservatory  cover charge  crate  crib  cupboard  custody  dead storage  demand  deployment  deposit  deposition  depository  depot  disk memory  disposition  dock  dockage  drawer  drum memory  dry storage  dues  dump  emplacement  entrance fee  exaction  exactment  exchequer  fare  fee  glory hole  godown  guardianship  high-speed memory  hire  hold  hutch  lading  library  license fee  loading  localization  locating  location  locker  lumber room  lumberyard  magasin  magazine  memory  memory tubes  packing  pilotage  pinpointing  placement  placing  portage  positioning  posting  preservation  putting  rack  repertory  reposition  repository  reservoir  rick  safekeeping  salvage  scot  scot and lot  shelf  shelf-room  shot  situation  spotting  stack  stack room  stationing  stock room  storage space  storage system  storage unit  store  storehouse  storeroom  stowage  supply base  supply depot  tank  tape memory  toll  towage  treasure house  treasure room  treasury  vat  vault  warehouse  warehousing  wharfage  wine cellar  

Lagerst�ttenumriss Definition

(a.) The state or quality of being stable, or firm
(a.) Steadiness or firmness of character, firmness of resolution or purpose
(a.) Fixedness
(n.) The act of depositing in a store or warehouse for safe keeping
(n.) Space for the safe keeping of goods.
(n.) The price changed for keeping goods in a store.

storage stability Bedeutung

allocation storage allocation (computer science) the assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or instructions
storage warehousing
depositing in a warehouse, they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn, my car is in storage, publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of warehousing
storage the act of storing something
storage the commercial enterprise of storing goods and materials
cold storage refrigerated storage for preservation
acoustic storage a storage device consisting of acoustic delay lines
auxiliary storage
external storage
secondary storage
a data storage device that is not the main memory of a computer
buffer buffer storage
buffer store
(computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device, used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer system
cabinet locker
storage locker
a storage compartment for clothes and valuables, usually it has a lock
cargo area
cargo deck
cargo hold
hold storage area
the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
grid storage-battery grid a perforated or corrugated metal plate used in a storage battery as a conductor and support for the active material
computer memory
storage computer storage
store memory board
an electronic memory device, a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached
memory device
storage device
a device that preserves information for retrieval
non-volatile storage
nonvolatile storage
computer storage that is not lost when the power is turned off
push-down storage
push-down store
a storage device that handles data so that the next item to be retrieved is the item most recently stored (LIFO)
read-only memory
read-only storage
fixed storage
(computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed
real storage the main memory in a virtual memory system
storage battery
a voltaic battery that stores electric charge
storage cell
secondary cell
a cell that can be recharged
storage ring container consisting of a set of magnets set in a doughnut-shaped ring around which charged particles from an accelerator can be kept circulating until they are used
storage space the area in any structure that provides space for storage
depot entrepot storage
a depository for goods, storehouses were built close to the docks
storage room
a room in which things are stored
storage tank
a large (usually metallic) vessel for holding gases or liquids
virtual memory
virtual storage
(computer science) memory created by using the hard disk to simulate additional random-access memory, the addressable storage space available to the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses
volatile storage computer storage that is erased when the power is turned off
storage warehouse
a storehouse for goods and merchandise
the quality of being enduring and free from change or variation, early mariners relied on the constancy of the trade winds
the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast
storage medium
data-storage medium
a medium for storing information
magnetic storage medium
magnetic medium
magnetic storage
any storage medium in which different patterns of magnetization are used to represent stored bits or bytes of information, the hard disk in you computer is magnetic storage
storage (computer science) the process of storing information in a computer memory or on a magnetic tape or disk
stability a stable order (especially of society)
cold storage in a state of abeyance or postponement
iron-storage disease
iron overload
bronzed diabetes
pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues, characterized by bronzed skin and enlarged liver and diabetes mellitus and abnormalities of the pancreas and the joints
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