
Landschaftsbedarf Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Landschaftsbedarf m (für ein Bauvorhaben) envir.
open land requirement (for a building project)
Landschaftsbedarf m (für ein Bauvorhaben) envir.
open land requirement (for a building project)
gefällige Landschaft
pleasing landscape
Landschaft f
die Landschaft um Chemnitz
the countryside around Chemnitz
Landschaft f (im Gemälde)
Landschaft f
Landschaften pl
politische Landschaft
landscape, scene
political landscape, political scene
Landschaft f
Versteppung f (der Landschaft)
Basel-Landschaft (BL) (Kanton der Schweiz, Hauptort: Liestal) geogr.
Basle-Country (canton of Switzerland)
alpine Landschaft, Alpenlandschaft
Alpine scenery
inmitten einer beeindruckenden Landschaft
amidst impressive scenery
beherrschen die Landschaft
dominate the landscape
historische Landschaft
historically distinct landscape
herrliche Landschaft
superb landscape
einzigartige Landschaft
unique landscape
Land, Landschaft
Gegend f; Landschaft f (als optischer Eindruck)
Wir hielten am Bergpass an um die Gegend Landschaft zu bewundern.
We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery.
Hässlichkeit f; Schandfleck m; Schandmal n geh.; Beleidigung f für das Auge
Das Windrad ist ein Schandfleck in der Landschaft.
eyesore; blot
The wind wheel is a blot on the landscape.
Hervorhebung f; Betonung f (optisch)
Blaue Hervorhebung (stammt) vom Autor.
Das Kleid betonte ihre Figur.
Die gezeichneten Schatten lassen die Landschaft deutlicher hervortreten.
Blue emphasis added by the author.
The dress gave emphasis to the shape of her.
The shadows drawn give more emphasis to the shape of the landscape.
Kolorit n; Gesicht n; Erscheinungsbild n
Politiker aller Couleurs
ein Schritt der die politische Landschaft im Land veränderte
einer Sache ein neues anderes Gesicht geben
Das Erscheinungsbild der Stadt hat sich gewandelt.
Das lässt die Sache in ganz neuem Licht erscheinen.
Damit bekommt die Sache gleich ein anderes Gesicht.
complexion fig.
politicians of every political complexion
a move that changed the political complexion of the country
to put a new fresh different complexion on sth.
The complexion of the city has changed.
That puts a whole new complexion on the case.
That puts a fresh complexion on the matter.
das Land n; die Landschaft (Gebiet außerhalb von Städten) geogr.
auf dem Land Lande leben
the countryside; the country (area outside towns and cities)
to live in the countryside in the country
idyllische Landschaft f; Land n
die Landschaft um Chemnitz
das offene Land
auf dem Lande
the countryside around Chemnitz
the open countryside
in the countryside
Landschaft f; Landschaftsbild n geogr. art
Er malt hauptsächlich Landschaften.
Der Wechsel von Wald und Feld ist typisch für die englische Landschaft
He mostly paints landscapes.
The pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape.
Landschaft f übtr.
Landschaften pl
politische Landschaft f; Politiklandschaft f; Politlandschaft f Ös. Schw.
landscape; scene fig.
political landscape; political scene
Raubbau m (an etw.)
Raubbau am Baumbestand
Raubbau an der Landschaft
overexploitation; predatory ruthless destructive exploitation (of sth.)
despoliation of the countryside
Strich m in der Landschaft; Grispindl n Ös.; Krispindl Ös. m
whisp of a boy girl man woman
Ãœppigkeit f
die üppige Landschaft rundherum
the lushness of the surrounding countryside
Versteppung f (der Landschaft)
steppization eAm.; steppisation Br.
angenehm; gefällig; anziehend; erfreuend; wohlgefällig adj
angenehmer; gefälliger; anziehender
am angenehmsten; am gefälligsten; am anziehendsten
gefällige Landschaft
more pleasing
most pleasing
pleasing landscape
etw. an eine andere Form anpassen v
eine Straße etc. an die Landschaft Höhenlinien anpassen constr.
ein körperangepasster Sitz
to contour sth.
to contour a road etc.
a contoured seat
etw. kreuz und quer überziehen v
kreuz und quer mit Narben übersät sein
Eisenbahnlinien überziehen die Landschaft kreuz und quer.
to criss-cross sth.
to be criss-crossed with scars
Railway lines criss-cross the countryside.
öde; öd; trostlos; unerfreulich adj
eine trostlose Landschaft
a bleak landscape
trostlos adj
eine trostlose Landschaft
a desolate landscape
verwaist; gottverlassen; ausgestorben; menschenleer; trostlos; trist adj
eine menschenleere Landschaft
eine trostlose Gegend
Das Haus machte einen heruntergekommenen tristen Eindruck.
forlorn (empty and sad)
a forlorn landscape
a forlorn area
The house looked run-down and forlorn.
Basel-Landschaft BL (Kanton der Schweiz; Hauptort: Liestal) geogr.
Basle-Country (canton of Switzerland)
Livland n (hist. Landschaft im Baltikum) geogr.
Wucherung f eines Stadtgebiets
Zersiedlung f (der Landschaft)
urban sprawl
urban sprawl
leicht hügelig (bspw. Landschaft); sanft geschwungen (bspw. Berge)
rolling {adj}
Abfall verstreuen; etw. verschmutzen v
Abfall verstreuend; verschmutzend
Abfall verstreut; verschmutzt
vermüllte Straßen und Plätze
Schmutzige Wäsche lag über den Boden verstreut.
Bitte halten Sie den Rasen sauber und verstreuen Sie keinen Abfall!
Bitte nehmen Sie Ihren Abfall mit und verschmutzen Sie die Landschaft nicht!
to litter
roads and public areas littered with rubbish
Dirty clothes littered the floor.
Please keep the lawn clean and do not litter!
Take your rubbish home and never litter the countryside, please!
Ausplünderung f; Ausbeutung f; Raubbau m
Raubbau an der Landschaft
spoliation; despoliation formal; despoilment formal
despoliation of the countryside
Bestandsaufnahme f; Bestandserfassung f; Ist-Stand-Erhebung; Ist-Aufnahme f; Bestandsinventur geh. (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
Bestandsaufnahme von Böden; Bodenaufnahme f
Bestandsaufnahme von Grünflächen; Bestandserfassung der Grünflächen
Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Aufnahme Bestandskartierung einer Landschaft
Bestandsaufnahme des Umweltzustands (eines Gebiets)
Bestandsaufnahme der Vegetation; großräumige Vegetationsaufnahme
Bestandsaufnahme der städtischen Bausubstanz; städtebauliche Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Stand-Erhebung
regionalplanerische Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Stand-Erhebung Ist-Aufnahme
Bestandsaufnahme Aufnahme Bestandsinventur der Tier- und Pflanzenarten (eines Gebiets)
survey (spatial planning)
soil survey
green space survey
landscape survey
environmental survey
vegetation survey; plant ecological survey
survey of the built-up area of the town city; town planning survey
regional survey
survey of the fauna and flora (of an area)
Bodengesellschaft f (Böden einer Landschaft) geogr. agr.
Bodengesellschaften pl
soil association
soil associations
Doris f (altgriechische Landschaft) geogr. hist.
Doris (ancient Green region)
Farbenpracht f
die farbenprächtige Landschaft
vibrancy (brightness of colour)
the vibrancy of the landscape
Gegend f; Landschaft f (als optischer Eindruck)
Wir hielten am Bergpass an, um die Gegend Landschaft zu bewundern.
We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery.
Kolorit n; Gesicht n; Erscheinungsbild n
Politiker aller Couleurs
ein Schritt, der die politische Landschaft im Land veränderte
einer Sache ein neues anderes Gesicht geben
Das Erscheinungsbild der Stadt hat sich gewandelt.
Das lässt die Sache in ganz neuem Licht erscheinen.
Damit bekommt die Sache gleich ein anderes Gesicht.
complexion fig.
politicians of every political complexion
a move that changed the political complexion of the country
to put a new fresh different complexion on sth.
The complexion of the city has changed.
That puts a whole new complexion on the case.
That puts a fresh complexion on the matter.
idyllische Landschaft f; Land n
die Landschaft um Chemnitz
auf dem Lande
the countryside around Chemnitz
in the countryside
Landschaft f; Landschaftsbild n geogr. art
Heckenlandschaft f; Knicklandschaft f Norddt.
Modelllandschaft f
zersiedelte Landschaft
Wiederherstellung des ursprünglichen Landschaftsbildes
Er malt hauptsächlich Landschaften.
Der Wechsel von Wald und Feld ist typisch für die englische Landschaft.
hedgerow landscape
model landscape
landscape of proliferated housing
restoring the landscape to its original form
He mostly paints landscapes.
The pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape.
freie Landschaft f; offenes Land n; freies Feld n (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
auf freiem Feld
open countryside; open country; open field (spatial planning)
in the open countryside
Strich m in der Landschaft; Grispindl n Ös.; Krispindl m Ös.
whisp of a boy girl man woman
Zersiedlung f; Zersiedelung f der Landschaft geogr.
housing proliferation; housing sprawl
adaptive Landschaft f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
adaptive landscape (evolutionary biology)
etw. an eine andere Form anpassen v
eine Straße usw. an die Landschaft Höhenlinien anpassen constr.
ein körperangepasster Sitz
to contour sth.
to contour a road etc.
a contoured seat
etw. beeinträchtigen; beschädigen v; sich auf etw. negativ auswirken v (Sache)
beeinträchtigend; beschädigend; sich negativ auswirkend
beeinträchtigt; beschädigt; sich negativ ausgewirkt
die Aussicht beeinträchtigen
die Landschaft beeinträchtigen
Die Rechte der Mehrheit beeinträchtigen die der Minderheit.
to intrude on sth. (of a thing)
intruding on
intruded on
to intrude on the view
to intrude on the landscape
The rights of the majority intrude on the minority.
dürr; spindeldürr; knochendürr; klapperdürr; spillerig Norddt. Mitteldt.; zaundürr Bayr. Ös.; brandmager Schw. ugs. adj (Person, Körperteil) anat.
eine spindeldürre alte Frau
spindeldürr sein; knochendürr sein; ein Strich in der Landschaft sein humor.
skinny; scrawny; scraggy; spindly; twiggy thin; (as) thin as a rake coll.; weedy Br. (of a person or body part)
a scrawny old woman
to be skinny as a stick; to be a stick
etw. (Abstraktes) einfangen; festhalten; wiedergeben v
einfangend; festhaltend; wiedergebend
eingefangen; festgehalten; wiedergegeben
fängt ein; hält fest; gibt wieder
fing ein; hielt fest; gab wieder
die allgemeine Stimmung einfangen
die Schönheit der Landschaft einfangen
to capture sth.; to encapsulate sth. (abstract)
capturing; encapsulating
captured; encapsulated
captures; encapsulates
captured; encapsulated
to capture the general mood
to encapsulate the beauty of the landscape
sich in etw. einfügen; zu etw. passen v
sich einfügend; passend
sich eingefügt; gepasst
sich in die Landschaft einfügen
Das Wetter passt zu meiner Stimmung.
to be in sympathy with sth.
being in sympathy
been in sympathy
to be in sympathy with the surrounding landscape
The weather is in sympathy with my mood.
etwas (Bestimmtes) an sich haben v (Sache)
Die Landschaft hat etwas Mythisches an sich.
have the attributes of sth.; to have the qualities of sth.; to partake of sth. formal (of a thing)
The landscape partakes of the mythic.
sich durch etw. schlängeln v
sich schlängelnd
sich geschlängelt
sich zu jdm. etw. durchschlängeln
sich durch die Menge schlängeln
Der Zug schlängelte sich durch die schneebedeckte Landschaft.
to thread wind weave through sth.; to thread wind weave your way through sth.
threading winding weaving through
threaded wound weaved through
to thread wind weave your way through to sb. sth.
to to thread wind weave your way through the crowd
The train weaved through the snow-covered countryside.
verwaist; gottverlassen; ausgestorben; menschenleer; trostlos; trist adj
eine menschenleere Landschaft
eine trostlose Gegend
Das Haus machte einen heruntergekommenen, tristen Eindruck.
forlorn (empty and sad)
a forlorn landscape
a forlorn area
The house looked run-down and forlorn.
wild adj (unzivilisiert)
wilde Tiere
ein wilder Stamm
eine wilde Landschaft
wild; ferocious; savage (uncivilized)
wild animals; ferocious animals; savage beasts
a wild savage tribe
a wild savage landscape
Basel-Landschaft BL (Schweizer Kanton; Hauptort: Liestal) geogr.
Basle-Country (Swiss canton)
leicht hügelig (Landschaft); sanft geschwungen (Berge) adj
kahl adj (Landschaft)
denuded {adj} (landscape) formal
Landschaften im Ruhezustand
landscapes in repose
Chaldäa (Name zweier Landschaften des Altertums) geogr. hist.
Chaldea; Chaldaea
landschaftlich, szenisch

Deutsche Landschaftsbedarf Synonyme

Englische open land requirement Synonyme

open  Spartan  abandoned  aboveboard  absolute  accented  acceptable  accessible  activate  admissible  admissive  admissory  adumbrate  advertise  affirmed  afford  agape  agreeable  air  ajar  aloof  altruistic  alveolar  ambiguous  amenable  amiable  announce  announced  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  apparent  approachable  appropriate  arguable  articulated  artless  ascetic  assimilated  at issue  attainable  austere  authentic  available  back  bald  bare  barytone  be a gas  be a hit  begin  beholdable  beneficent  bighearted  bilabial  bill  billow  blatant  bluff  blunt  bomb  bona fide  born yesterday  bounteous  bountiful  branch  branch out  brazen  breach  break  break the seal  bring out  bring to light  broach  broad  broadcast  broken  brought to notice  brusque  cacuminal  campestral  campestrian  candid  central  cerebral  champaign  charitable  check  checked  childlike  chink  circulated  clear  cleared  cleave  close  come-at-able  commence  common  common knowledge  common property  commonplace  communicate  communicative  conditional  conditioned  confiding  consonant  consonantal  conspicuous  contingent  continuant  contribute  conversable  cordial  cover  crack  crevasse  current  cut  cut apart  cut open  debatable  declared  dehiscent  deltoid  demonstrative  dental  denuded  dependent  depending  deploy  deserted  detached  detectable  develop  diffused  dilate  direct  discernible  disclose  disclosed  disconnected  discontinuous  discover  discrete  dismask  dispart  disperse  display  disposed  disrupt  disseminated  dissimilated  distend  distributed  ditch  divaricate  divide  divulge  dorsal  downright  dramatize  draw the veil  dry  dubious  dubitable  dull  effusive  embark  employable  equivocal  establish  evident  exhibit  expand  expansive  explain  explicit  expose  exposed  exposed to view  extend  extended  extensive  extroverted  fail  fair  fair and square  fan  fan out  fan-shape  fan-shaped  fanlike  fanned  fa  
open air  aerial  aeriform  aery  airish  airlike  airy  alfresco  atmospheric  breezy  ethereal  exposed  light  open  out  out-of-door  out-of-doors  outdoor  outside  pneumatic  roomy  tropospheric  without  
open and aboveboard  aboveboard  authentic  bona fide  fair and square  foursquare  genuine  good-faith  on the level  on the square  on the up-and-up  open  single-hearted  square  square-dealing  square-shooting  straight  straight-shooting  up-and-up  veritable  
open classroom school  alternate  alternative school  blab school  boarding school  central school  consolidated school  continuation school  correspondence school  country day school  dame school  day school  evening school  extension  finishing school  free school  informal school  night school  nongraded school  pensionat  platoon school  private school  progressive school  public school  school without walls  special school  storefront school  street academy  summer school  union school  vacation school  
open door  Eisenhower Doctrine  Monroe Doctrine  Nixon Doctrine  Truman Doctrine  access  amiability  appeasement  balance of power  bonhomie  brinkmanship  coexistence  colonialism  compromise  containment  cordiality  detente  deterrence  diplomacy  diplomatic  diplomatics  dollar diplomacy  dollar imperialism  entrance  entree  entry  expansionism  foreign affairs  foreign policy  friendliness  generosity  geniality  good-neighbor policy  graciousness  heartiness  hospitableness  hospitality  imperialism  in  internationalism  isolationism  liberality  manifest destiny  militarism  nationalism  neighborliness  neocolonialism  neutralism  nonresistance  open arms  open-door policy  openheartedness  opening  peace offensive  peaceful coexistence  preparedness  receptiveness  shirt-sleeve diplomacy  shuttle diplomacy  spheres of influence  the big stick  tough policy  warmheartedness  warmness  warmth  world politics  
open eyed  Argus-eyed  advertent  agape  aghast  agog  alert  all agog  all ears  all eyes  amazed  assiduous  astonished  astounded  at gaze  attentive  aux aguets  aware  awed  awestruck  beguiled  bewildered  bewitched  breathless  burning with curiosity  captivated  careful  concentrated  confounded  conscious  consumed with curiosity  curious  custodial  diligent  dumbfounded  dumbstruck  eagle-eyed  earnest  enchanted  enraptured  enravished  enthralled  entranced  fascinated  finical  finicking  finicky  flabbergasted  gaping  gauping  gazing  ghoulish  gossipy  guarded  hawk-eyed  heedful  hypnotized  in awe  in awe of  inquiring  inquisitive  intense  intent  intentive  interested  itchy  keen-eyed  lidless  lost in wonder  marveling  mesmerized  meticulous  mindful  morbid  morbidly curious  nice  niggling  observant  observing  on guard  on the ball  on the job  on the lookout  on the watch  open-eared  openmouthed  overcurious  overwhelmed  popeyed  prudent  prurient  puzzled  quizzical  rapt in wonder  regardful  scopophiliac  sharp-eyed  sleepless  spellbound  staggered  staring  stupefied  supercurious  surprised  thunderstruck  under a charm  unsleeping  untold  vigilant  voyeuristic  wakeful  wary  watchful  wide-awake  wide-eyed  with open eyes  wonder-struck  wondering  
open fire  aim at  barrage  blast  blitz  bombard  breach  cannon  cannonade  commence firing  enfilade  fire a volley  fire at  fire upon  fusillade  mortar  open  open up  open up on  pepper  pop at  rake  shell  shoot  shoot at  snipe  snipe at  strafe  take aim at  torpedo  zero in on  
open forum  agora  airing  amphitheater  analysis  arena  athletic field  auditorium  background  bear garden  bowl  boxing ring  bull ring  buzz session  campus  canvas  canvassing  circus  cockpit  coliseum  colloquium  colosseum  conference  consideration  course  debate  debating  deliberation  dialectic  dialogue  discussion  discussion group  examination  exchange of views  field  floor  forum  ground  gym  gymnasium  hall  hippodrome  investigation  joint discussion  lists  locale  logical analysis  logical discussion  marketplace  mat  milieu  open discussion  palaestra  panel  panel discussion  parade ground  pit  place  platform  precinct  prize ring  public square  purlieu  range  rap  rap session  review  ring  round table  scene  scene of action  scenery  seminar  setting  site  sphere  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  study  symposium  terrain  theater  tilting ground  tiltyard  town meeting  treatment  ventilation  walk  wrestling ring  
open market  Dow-Jones Industrial Average  Wall Street  auto show  bazaar  boat show  commercial complex  competitive market  emporium  exposition  fair  flea fair  flea market  long market  market  market index  market overt  marketplace  mart  plaza  rialto  shopping center  shopping mall  shopping plaza  show  spotty market  staple  steady market  stiff market  stock market  stock price index  street market  strong market  the market  ticker market  top-heavy market  trade fair  unsteady market  weak market  
open minded  accessible  admissive  amenable  broad-minded  freethinking  impressionable  influenceable  latitudinarian  liberal  libertarian  libertine  malleable  movable  open  persuadable  persuasible  pervious  plastic  pliable  pliant  receptive  responsive  suasible  suggestible  susceptible  swayable  tolerant  unbigoted  weak  
open sesame  Rasputin  Svengali  VIP  abracadabra  access  bad influence  big wheel  bottle opener  can opener  church key  clavis  conjuration  corkscrew  countersign  court  eminence grise  five-percenter  friend at court  good influence  gray eminence  heavyweight  hidden hand  hocus-pocus  incantation  influence  influence peddler  influencer  ingroup  key  kingmaker  latchkey  latchstring  lobby  lobbyist  lords of creation  magic formula  magic words  man of influence  manipulator  master key  mumbo jumbo  opener  passkey  password  powers that be  pressure group  secret grip  shibboleth  sinister influence  skeleton key  special interests  special-interest group  tessera  the Establishment  ticket  tin opener  token  very important person  watchword  wheeler-dealer  wire-puller  
open to  accessible  answerable for  approachable  apt to  attainable  available  capable of  come-at-able  dependent on  exposed to  findable  getatable  gettable  in danger of  incident to  liable to  likely to  naked to  obliged to  obtainable  open  penetrable  pervious  procurable  prone to  reachable  ready for  responsible for  securable  standing to  subject to  susceptive to  to be had  within range of  within reach  
open to question  arguable  at issue  confutable  conjectural  contestable  controversial  controvertible  debatable  deniable  disputable  doubtable  doubtful  dubious  dubitable  iffy  in dispute  in doubt  in dubio  in question  mistakable  moot  open to doubt  problematic  questionable  refutable  speculative  suppositional  suspect  suspicious  
open up  acknowledge  admit  admit everything  advance  aid  air  allow  appear  avow  bare  branch  branch out  breach  break the seal  bring before  bring forward  bring to light  bring up  broach  chink  clear the way  cleave  come clean  come forth  commend to attention  concede  confess  cop a plea  crack  crevasse  cut  cut loose  cut open  deploy  develop  disclose  discover  dismask  dispart  disperse  display  divaricate  divide  divulge  draw the veil  ease  expand  expedite  explain  expose  extend  facilitate  fan  fan out  fissure  flare  fly open  give out  give way to  go all out  go flat out  go unrestrained  grant  grease  grease the ways  grease the wheels  hasten  have no secrets  help along  impart  incise  introduce  launch  lay bare  lay before  lay open  let daylight in  let go  let loose  let on  let out  loose  lubricate  make a motion  make clear  make known  make public  make way for  manifest  materialize  moot  move  offer a resolution  oil  ope  open  open fire  open the way  out with it  outspread  outstretch  overgrow  overrun  own  own up  part  pave the way  plead guilty  pose  postulate  prefer  prepare the way  propose  proposition  propound  put forth  put forward  put it to  put out  quicken  raise the curtain  ramify  recommend  remove friction  rent  reveal  rift  rip  rive  run interference for  run wild  separate  set before  set forth  show  show up  simplify  slit  smooth  smooth the way  soap the ways  speak out  speak up  speed  spill  spill it  spit it out  splay  split  spraddle  sprangle  sprawl  spread  spread like wildfire  spread out  spring open  start  strip bare  submit  suggest  swing open  take a stand  tap  tear  tear open  tell all  tell the truth  throw open  unbar  unblock  uncloak  unclog  uncover  undrape  unfold  unfurl  unjam  unkennel  unmask  unpack  unroll  unscreen  unsheathe  unshroud  unveil  unwrap  ventilate  widen  
open-and-shut  apparent  ascertained  assured  attested  certified  clear  clear as crystal  crystal-clear  decided  determinate  determined  discernible  distinct  established  evident  explicit  express  fixed  guaranteed  in the bag  indisputable  indubitable  made sure  manifest  nailed down  noticeable  observable  obvious  on ice  palpable  patent  perceivable  perceptible  perspicuous  plain  plain as day  proved  secure  seeable  self-evident  self-explaining  self-explanatory  set  settled  stated  straightforward  tangible  tested  to be seen  tried  unmistakable  visible  warranted  
opener  bottle opener  can opener  church key  clavis  coming out  corkscrew  curtain raiser  debut  embarkation  embarkment  first appearance  floating  flotation  inaugural address  inauguration  induction  initiation  installation  installment  introduction  key  latchkey  latchstring  launching  maiden speech  master key  open sesame  passkey  preliminary  skeleton key  tin opener  unveiling  
openhanded  apparent  big  bighearted  bounteous  bountiful  chivalrous  distinct  elevated  evident  exalted  free  freehanded  freehearted  generous  giving  gracious  great  great of heart  greathearted  handsome  heroic  high  high-minded  hospitable  idealistic  knightly  large  largehearted  lavish  liberal  lofty  magnanimous  manifest  munificent  noble  noble-minded  obvious  open  openhearted  palpable  patent  plain  princely  profuse  stintless  straightforward  sublime  ungrudging  unselfish  unsparing  unstinted  unstinting  
openhearted  amiable  artless  bighearted  bluff  blunt  born yesterday  bounteous  bountiful  broad  brusque  candid  childlike  confiding  cordial  direct  downright  explicit  forthright  frank  frankhearted  free  free-speaking  free-spoken  free-tongued  freehanded  freehearted  friendly  generous  genial  genuine  giving  gracious  greathearted  guileless  handsome  heart-to-heart  hearty  hospitable  ingenu  ingenuous  innocent  large  largehearted  lavish  liberal  magnanimous  munificent  naive  neighborly  open  openhanded  outspoken  plain  plain-spoken  princely  profuse  receptive  round  simple  simplehearted  simpleminded  sincere  single-hearted  single-minded  stintless  straight  straight-out  straightforward  transparent  trustful  trusting  unchecked  unconcealed  unconstrained  undisguised  undissembled  undissembling  unequivocal  ungrudging  unguarded  unreserved  unrestrained  unselfish  unsophisticated  unsparing  unstinted  unstinting  unsuspicious  unvarnished  unwary  warm  warmhearted  welcoming  
opening  a leg up  abysm  abyss  access  adit  air lock  aisle  alley  alpha  ambulatory  aperture  apparition  appearance  appearing  appointment  approach  arcade  arising  arroyo  artery  avatar  avenue  bareness  barrenness  beginning  berth  billet  birth  blankness  blast-off  bleakness  blowhole  box canyon  breach  break  canyon  cavity  chance  channel  chap  chasm  check  chimney  chink  chute  clear stage  cleft  cleuch  cloister  clough  col  colonnade  coming  coming into being  coming-forth  commencement  communication  conduit  connection  corridor  coulee  couloir  covered way  crack  cranny  creation  crevasse  crevice  cut  cutting edge  cwm  dawn  dawning  debouch  debut  defile  dell  demonstration  desertedness  desolateness  dike  disclosure  discontinuity  display  ditch  donga  door  draw  edge  egress  emergence  employment  emptiness  emunctory  enactment  engagement  entrance  entranceway  entree  entry  entryway  epiphany  escape  establishment  estuary  excavation  exhaust  exhibit  exhibition  exit  exposition  exposure  fair field  fair game  fault  ferry  fissure  flaw  floodgate  flume  flying start  foothold  ford  forthcoming  foundation  fracture  fresh start  furrow  gallery  gangplank  gangway  gap  gape  gash  gig  gorge  groove  gulch  gulf  gully  hall  hole  hollowness  in  inanition  inauguration  incarnation  incision  incumbency  ingress  initiation  inlet  institution  intake  interchange  intersection  issuance  job  joint  jump-off  junction  kick-off  kloof  lane  launch  leading edge  leak  liberty  look-in  loophole  manifestation  materialization  materializing  means of access  moat  moonlighting  new departure  noninhabitance  nonoccupance  nonoccupancy  nonresidence  notch  nullah  occasion  occurrence  office  oncoming  onset  open arms  open door  opportunism  opportunity  orifice  origin  origination  ostentation  out  outbreak  outcome  outfall  outgate  outgo  outlet  outset  outstart  overpass  pass  passa  
opening move  alpha  breaking-in  first  first blush  first glance  first impression  first inning  first lap  first move  first round  first sight  first stage  first step  gambit  initial  initiative  le premier pas  prime  primitiveness  primitivity  warming-up  

Landschaftsbedarf Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Build
(n.) The act of constructing, erecting, or establishing.
(n.) The art of constructing edifices, or the practice of civil architecture.
(n.) That which is built
(n.) Urine. See Lant.
(n.) The solid part of the surface of the earth
(n.) Any portion, large or small, of the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract.
(n.) Ground, in respect to its nature or quality
(n.) The inhabitants of a nation or people.
(n.) The mainland, in distinction from islands.
(n.) The ground or floor.
(n.) The ground left unplowed between furrows
(n.) Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc., and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc., or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc.
(n.) The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat
(n.) In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, as the level part of a millstone between the furrows, or the surface of the bore of a rifled gun between the grooves.
(v. t.) To set or put on shore from a ship or other water craft
(v. t.) To catch and bring to shore
(v. t.) To set down after conveying
(v. i.) To go on shore from a ship or boat
(a.) Pecuniarily embarrassed through owning much unprofitable land.
No-man's land
() A space amidships used to keep blocks, ropes, etc.
No-man's land
() Fig.: An unclaimed space or time.
(a.) Free of access
(a.) Free to be used, enjoyed, visited, or the like
(a.) Free or cleared of obstruction to progress or to view
(a.) Not drawn together, closed, or contracted
(a.) Without reserve or false pretense
(a.) Not concealed or secret
(a.) Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing water ways, blocking roads, etc.
(a.) Not settled or adjusted
(a.) Free
(a.) Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the articulating organs
(a.) Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure, as in uttering s.
(a.) Not closed or stopped with the finger
(a.) Produced by an open string
(n.) Open or unobstructed space
(v. t.) To make or set open
(v. t.) To spread
(v. t.) To disclose
(v. t.) To make known
(v. t.) To enter upon
(v. t.) To loosen or make less compact
(v. i.) To unclose
(v. i.) To expand
(v. i.) To begin
(v. i.) To bark on scent or view of the game.
(a.) Taking place in the open air
(a.) With eyes widely open
(a.) Generous
(a.) Bareheaded.

open land requirement (for a building project) Bedeutung

open sesame any very successful means of achieving a result
open primary a primary in which any registered voter can vote (but must vote for candidates of only one party)
open frame
any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare, the break in the eighth frame cost him the match
land reform a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action)
farming land agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life, farming is a strenuous life, there's no work on the land any more
anaerobic exercise
muscle building
exercise that builds muscles through tension
Human Genome Project an international study of the entire human genetic material
scientific research
research project
research into questions posed by scientific theories and hypotheses
open-heart surgery heart surgery in which the rib cage is spread open, the heart is stopped and blood is detoured through a heart-lung machine while a heart valve or coronary artery is surgically repaired
classroom project a school task requiring considerable effort
pilot project
pilot program
activity planned as a test or trial, they funded a pilot project in six states
task labor
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted, he prepared for great undertakings
Manhattan Project code name for the secret United States project set up in to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II
the act of constructing something, during the construction we had to take a detour, his hobby was the building of boats
ship building
the construction of ships
land development making an area of land more useful
water development
water project
water program
making an area of water more useful
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
construction building the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones, their main business is home construction, workers in the building trades
jerry-building construction of inferior buildings for a quick profit
morale building
morale booster
anything that serves to increase morale, the sight of flowers every morning was my morale builder
land rail
Crex crex
common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
apartment building
apartment house
a building that is divided into apartments
bank building
a building in which the business of banking transacted, the bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon
a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place, there was a three-story building on the corner, it was an imposing edifice
building block a block of material used in construction work
building complex
a whole structure (as a building) made up of interconnected or related structures
building supply store
building supply house
a store where builders can purchase materials for building houses and related structures
Capitol Building
the government building in Washington where the United States Senate and the House of Representatives meet
church building
a place for public (especially Christian) worship, the church was empty
diplomatic building government building in which diplomats live or work
Empire State Building a skyscraper built in New York City in ,feet tall
farm building a building on a farm
fireplace hearth open fireplace an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built, the fireplace was so large you could walk inside it, he laid a fire in the hearth and lit it, the hearth was black with the charcoal of many fires
government building a building that houses a branch of government
land line
a telephone line that travels over terrestrial circuits, a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave
land mine
ground-emplaced mine
booby trap
an explosive mine hidden underground, explodes when stepped on or driven over
land office a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted
medical building
health facility
healthcare facility
building where medicine is practiced
office building
office block
a building containing offices where work is done
open-air market
open-air marketplace
market square
a public marketplace where food and merchandise is sold
open circuit an incomplete electrical circuit in which no current flows
open-end wrench
tappet wrench
a wrench having parallel jaws at fixed separation (often on both ends of the handle)
open-hearth furnace a furnace for making steel in which the steel is placed on a shallow hearth and flames of burning gas and hot air play over it
open sight rear gunsight having an open notch instead of a peephole or telescope
open weave a weave in which warp threads never come together, leaving interstices in the fabric
Polaroid camera
Polaroid Land camera
a camera that develops and produces a positive print within seconds
Roman building a building constructed by the ancient Romans
telecom hotel
telco building
a building that houses telecommunications equipment, the telecom hotels are prime targets for bombing
twilight zone
no man's land
the ambiguous region between two categories or states or conditions (usually containing some features of both), but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal, in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity, in that no man's land between negotiation and aggression
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