
Layard Schnabelwal Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Layard-Schnabelwal m zool.
strap-toothed whale, strap-toothed beaked whale, Layard's beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardii)
Layard-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon layardii) zool.
strap-toothed whale; strap-toothed beaked whale; Layard's beaked whale
Andrew-Schnabelwal m zool.
Andrew's beaked whale, Bowdoin's beaked whale, deep-crest beaked whale, splay-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon bowdoini)
Baird-Schnabelwal m zool.
Baird's beaked whale, northern giant bottlenose whale, North Pacific bottlenose whale, giant four-toothed whale (Berardius bairdii)
Blainvilles-Schnabelwal m zool.
Blainville's beaked whale, Atlantic beaked whale, dense beaked whale, tropical beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris)
Cuvier-Schnabelwal m zool.
Cuvier's beaked whale, Cuvier's whale, goose-beaked whale, goose-beak whale (Ziphius cavirostris)
Gervais-Zweizahnwal m, Gervais-Schnabelwal m zool.
Gervais' beaked whale, Gulf Stream beaked whale, European beaked whale, Antillean beaked whale (Mesoplodon europaeus)
Gray-Schnabelwal m zool.
Gray's beaked whale, scamperdown whale, southern beaked whale (Mesoplodon grayi)
Hector-Schnabelwal m zool.
Hector's beaked whale, New Zealand beaked whale, skew-beaked whale (Mesoplodon hectori)
Hubb-Schnabelwal m zool.
Hubb's beaked whale, arch-beaked whale (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi)
Indopazifischer Schnabelwal m zool.
Longman's beaked whale, Pacific beaked whale, Indo-Pacific beaked whale (Mesoplodon pacificus)
Japanischer Schnabelwal m zool.
ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Japanese beaked whale (Mesoplodon ginkgodens)
Layard-Schnabelwal m zool.
strap-toothed whale, strap-toothed beaked whale, Layard's beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardii)
Peru-Schnabelwal m (auf Deutsch noch nicht endgültig entschieden) zool.
lesser beaked whale, Peruvian beaked whale, pygmy beaked whale (Mesoplodon peruvianus)
Sowerby-Zweizahnwal m, Sowerby-Schnabelwal m zool.
Sowerby's beaked whale, North Sea beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens)
Stejneger-Schnabelwal m zool.
Stejneger's beaked whale, sabre-toothed beaked whale, Bering Sea beaked whale, North Pacific beaked whale (Mesoplodon stejnegeri)
Südlicher Schnabelwal m zool.
Arnoux's beaked whale, southern four-toothed whale, southern beaked whale, New Zealand beaked whale, southern giant bottlenose whale, southern porpoise whale (Berardius arnuxii)
Tasmanischer Schnabelwal m, Shepherd-Wal zool.
Shepherd's beaked whale, Tasman whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi)
True-Schnabelwal m zool.
True's beaked whale (Mesoplodon mirus)
Andrew-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon bowdoini) zool.
Andrew's beaked whale; Bowdoin's beaked whale; deep-crest beaked whale; splay-toothed beaked whale
Baird-Schnabelwal m (Berardius bairdii) zool.
Baird's beaked whale; northern giant bottlenose whale; North Pacific bottlenose whale; giant four-toothed whale
Blainvilles-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon densirostris) zool.
Blainville's beaked whale; Atlantic beaked whale; dense beaked whale; tropical beaked whale
Cuvier-Schnabelwal m (Ziphius cavirostris) zool.
Cuvier's beaked whale; Cuvier's whale; goose-beaked whale; goose-beak whale
Gervais-Zweizahnwal m; Gervais-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon europaeus) zool.
Gervais' beaked whale; Gulf Stream beaked whale; European beaked whale; Antillean beaked whale
Gray-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon grayi) zool.
Gray's beaked whale; scamperdown whale; southern beaked whale
Hector-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon hectori) zool.
Hector's beaked whale; New Zealand beaked whale; skew-beaked whale
Hubb-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi) zool.
Hubb's beaked whale; arch-beaked whale
Indopazifischer Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon pacificus) zool.
Longman's beaked whale; Pacific beaked whale; Indo-Pacific beaked whale
Japanischer Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon ginkgodens) zool.
ginkgo-toothed beaked whale; Japanese beaked whale
Layard-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon layardii) zool.
strap-toothed whale; strap-toothed beaked whale; Layard's beaked whale
Peru-Schnabelwal m (Name nicht endgültig entschieden) (Mesoplodon peruvianus) zool.
lesser beaked whale; Peruvian beaked whale; pygmy beaked whale
Sowerby-Zweizahnwal m; Sowerby-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon bidens) zool.
Sowerby's beaked whale; North Sea beaked whale
Stejneger-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) zool.
Stejneger's beaked whale; sabre-toothed beaked whale; Bering Sea beaked whale; North Pacific beaked whale
Südlicher Schnabelwal m (Berardius arnuxii) zool.
Arnoux's beaked whale; southern four-toothed whale; southern beaked whale; New Zealand beaked whale; southern giant bottlenose whale; southern porpoise whale
Tasmanischer Schnabelwal m; Shepherd-Wal (Tasmacetus shepherdi) zool.
Shepherd's beaked whale; Tasman whale
True-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon mirus) zool.
True's beaked whale

Deutsche Layard Schnabelwal Synonyme

Englische strap-toothed whale strap-toothed beaked whale Layard's beaked whale Synonyme

Layard Schnabelwal Definition

(a.) Having a beak or a beaklike point
(a.) Furnished with a process or a mouth like a beak
(n.) A strap leading from the bellyband to the lower part of the collar, to keep the collar in place.
(a.) Having gagteeth.
(a.) Having interstices between the teeth.
(a.) Goat-toothed
Right whale
() The bowhead, Arctic, or Greenland whale (Balaena mysticetus), from whose mouth the best whalebone is obtained.
Right whale
() Any other whale that produces valuable whalebone, as the Atlantic, or Biscay, right whale (Balaena cisarctica), and the Pacific right whale (B. Sieboldii)
(a.) Having a tooth or teeth like those of a saw
Sperm whale
() A very large toothed whale (Physeter macrocephalus), having a head of enormous size. The upper jaw is destitute of teeth. In the upper part of the head, above the skull, there is a large cavity, or case, filled with oil and spermaceti. This whale sometimes grows to the length of more than eighty feet. It is found in the warmer parts of all the oceans. Called also cachalot, and spermaceti whale.
(n.) A long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like
(n.) Something made of such a strip, or of a part of one, or a combination of two or more for a particular use
(n.) A piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, for sharpening a razor
(n.) A narrow strip of anything, as of iron or brass.
(n.) A band, plate, or loop of metal for clasping and holding timbers or parts of a machine.
(n.) A piece of rope or metal passing around a block and used for fastening it to anything.
(n.) The flat part of the corolla in ligulate florets, as those of the white circle in the daisy.
(n.) The leaf, exclusive of its sheath, in some grasses.
(n.) A shoulder strap. See under Shoulder.
(v. t.) To beat or chastise with a strap.
(v. t.) To fasten or bind with a strap.
(v. t.) To sharpen by rubbing on a strap, or strop
(a.) Shaped like a strap
(imp. & p. p.) of Tooth
(a.) Having teeth
(a.) Having marginal projecting points
(n.) Any aquatic mammal of the order Cetacea, especially any one of the large species, some of which become nearly one hundred feet long. Whales are hunted chiefly for their oil and baleen, or whalebone.

strap-toothed whale strap-toothed beaked whale Layards beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardii) Bedeutung

fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a method of examining in minute detail, he went over the contract with a fine-tooth comb looking for loopholes
whale shark
Rhincodon typus
large spotted shark of warm surface waters worldwide, resembles a whale and feeds chiefly on plankton
whale louse amphipod crustacean parasitic on cetaceans
whale any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head
baleen whale
whalebone whale
whale with plates of whalebone along the upper jaw for filtering plankton from the water
right whale large Arctic whalebone whale, allegedly the `right' whale to hunt because of its valuable whalebone and oil
bowhead whale
Greenland whale
Balaena mysticetus
large-mouthed Arctic whale
blue whale
sulfur bottom
Balaenoptera musculus
largest mammal ever known, bluish-grey migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere
finback whale
fin whale
common rorqual
Balaenoptera physalus
large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat, of Atlantic and Pacific
sei whale
Balaenoptera borealis
similar to but smaller than the finback whale
lesser rorqual
piked whale
minke whale
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
small finback of coastal waters of Atlantic and Pacific
humpback whale
Megaptera novaeangliae
large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives
grey whale
gray whale
devilfish Eschrichtius gibbosus
Eschrichtius robustus
medium-sized greyish-black whale of the northern Pacific
toothed whale any of several whales having simple conical teeth and feeding on fish etc.
sperm whale
black whale Physeter catodon
large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil, also a source of ambergris
pygmy sperm whale
Kogia breviceps
small sperm whale of warm waters of both coasts of North America
dwarf sperm whale
Kogia simus
very small (to feet) sperm whale of central coasts of Atlantic and Pacific
beaked whale any of several whales inhabiting all oceans and having beaklike jaws with vestigial teeth in the upper jaw
bottle-nosed whale
bottlenose whale
bottlenose Hyperoodon ampullatus
northern Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead
killer whale
grampus sea wolf
Orcinus orca
predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin, common in cold seas
pilot whale
black whale common blackfish
blackfish Globicephala melaena
small darkolored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States, the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
white whale
beluga Delphinapterus leucas
small northern whale that is white when adult
saber-toothed tiger
any of many extinct cats of the Old and New Worlds having long swordlike upper canine teeth, from the Oligocene through the Pleistocene
false saber-toothed tiger North American cat of the Miocene and Pliocene, much earlier and less specialized than members of the genus Smiledon
beaked salmon
sandfish Gonorhynchus gonorhynchus
fish of sandy areas of western Pacific and Indian oceans having an angular snout for burrowing into sand
whale sucker
Remilegia australis
large blue Pacific remora that attaches to whales and dolphins
chin strap a strap attached to a hat, passes under the chin and holds the hat in place
fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a comb with teeth set close together
toothed wheel
a wheel with teeth for making a row of perforations
strap whip consisting of a strip of leather used in flogging
strap an elongated leather strip (or a strip of similar material) for binding things together or holding something in position
strap shoulder strap a band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag
strap hanger consisting of a loop of leather suspended from the ceiling of a bus or train, passengers hold onto it
strap hinge
joint hinge
a hinge with two long straps, one strap is fastened to the surface of a moving part (e.g., a door or lid) and the other is fastened to the adjacent stationary frame
giant hulk
heavyweight whale
a very large person, impressive in size or qualities
beaked hazelnut
Corylus cornuta
hazel of western United States with conspicuous beaklike involucres on the nuts
Canadian aspen
bigtooth aspen
bigtoothed aspen
big-toothed aspen
large-toothed aspen
large tooth aspen
Populus grandidentata
aspen with a narrow crown, eastern North America
toothed spurge
Euphorbia dentata
an annual weed of northeastern North America with dentate leaves
beaked parsley
Anthriscus cereifolium
aromatic annual Old World herb cultivated for its finely divided and often curly leaves for use especially in soups and salads
strap fern fern with long narrow strap-shaped leaves
Florida strap fern
cow-tongue fern
hart's-tongue fern
common epiphytic or sometimes terrestrial fern having pale yellow-green strap-shaped leaves, Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Uruguay
Central American strap fern
narrow-leaved strap fern
Campyloneurum augustifolium
fern with shorter and narrower leaves than Florida strap fern, Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Argentina
basket fern toothed sword fern
Nephrolepis pectinata
tropical American fern cultivated for its finely divided greyish-green foliage, West Indies and southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil
whale oil
train oil
a white to brown oil obtained from whale blubber, formerly used as an illuminant
strap secure (a sprained joint) with a strap
strap sharpen with a strap, strap a razor
whale hunt for whales
strap tie with a strap
lather lash slash strap trounce
beat severely with a whip or rod, The teacher often flogged the students, The children were severely trounced
beaked having or resembling a beak
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