
Lebensmittelkarte Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Lebensmittelkarte f
(food) ration card
Lebensmittelkarte f
(food) ration card
Midlife-Krise f, (angebliche) Krise in der Lebensmitte
midlife crisis
Midlife-Krise f; (angebliche) Krise in der Lebensmitte
midlife crisis
nicht Lebensmittel
dry goods
sich ergänzende Lebensmittel
complementary food
verfälschte Lebensmittel
adulterated food
Lebensmittel n, Nahrung f, Nahrungsmittel n
Lebensmittel pl
leicht verderbliche Lebensmittel
funktionelles Lebensmittel, Functional Food
neuartige Lebensmittel, Novel Food
food, foodstuff
foods, foodstuffs
organic food
perishable food
functional food
novel food
Lebensmittel n
Lebensmittel pl
Lebensmittel n, Reiseproviant m
Lebensmittel pl
Lebensmittel liefern
Lebensmittel liefernd
liefert Lebensmittel
lieferte Lebensmittel
to cater
empfohlene Tagesdosis f (Lebensmittel)
recommended dietary allowances (RDA)
sich halten v (Lebensmittel)
sich haltend
sich gehalten
to keep {kept, kept}
Lebensmittel liefern
lieferte Lebensmittel
Lebensmittel liefernd
liefert Lebensmittel
Ernaehrung, Lebensmittel
leicht verderbliche Lebensmittel
perishable food
Lebensmittel, Nahrung
Ampelkennzeichnung f (fĂĽr Lebensmittel etc.)
traffic light labelling (for food etc.)
genetisch veränderte(s) Lebensmittel; Genfood n
genetically modified food
Lebensmittel n; Nahrung f; Nahrungsmittel n
Lebensmittel pl
Bio-Lebensmittel; Bio-Kost f
leicht verderbliche Lebensmittel
funktionelles Lebensmittel; Functional Food
neuartige Lebensmittel; Novel Food
mit Nahrung versorgen
Länder mit Nahrungsmitteldefizit
food; foodstuff
foods; foodstuffs
organic food
perishable food
functional food
novel food
to provide with food
food deficit countries
Lebensmittel n; Reiseproviant m
Lebensmittel pl
Lebensmittelgeschäft n; Lebensmittelladen m
Lebensmittelgeschäfte pl; Lebensmittelläden pl
grocery; grocery store Am.; grocer's; grocer's shop; food shop
groceries; grocery stores; food shops
Lebensmittelhändler m; Lebensmittelhändlerin f; Kaufmann m; Krämer m (für Lebensmittel)
Lebensmittelhändler pl; Lebensmittelhändlerinnen pl; Kaufmänner pl; Krämer pl
Datum bis zu dem ein Lebensmittel verkauft sein sollte (Lebensmittelkennzeichnung) cook.
Zu verkaufen bis:
sell-by-date; pull-date Am. (food labelling)
Sell by: Display until:
empfohlene Tagesdosis f (Lebensmittel)
recommended daily allowance; recommended dietary allowance RDA
etw. bestrahlen v
strahlungsbehandelte Lebensmittel pl
to irradiate sth.
irradiated food
Lebensmittel dörren; Lebensmittel trocknen v cook.
Lebensmittel dörrend; Lebensmittel trocknend
Lebensmittel gedörrt; Lebensmittel getrocknet
to dessicate food; to dehydrate food; to dry food
dessicating food; dehydrating food; drying food
dessicated food; dehydrated food; dried food
(einander) ergänzend; komplementär adj
sich ergänzende Lebensmittel
complementary; complemental
complementary food
haltbar adj (Lebensmittel)
Dauerwaren pl; haltbare Lebensmittel
imperishable (food)
imperishables {pl}
sich halten v; haltbar sein (Lebensmittel)
sich haltend
sich gehalten
Iss den Lachs denn er hält sich nicht bis morgen.
Ist im TiefkĂĽhler mehrere Monate haltbar.
to keep {kept; kept} (food)
Eat the salmon because it won't keep till tomorrow.
Keeps in the freezer for several months.
konserviert adj
konservierte Lebensmittel
preserved food
rationieren; zuteilen; einteilen v
rationierend; zuteilend; einteilend
rationiert; zugeteilt; eingeteilt
rationiert; teilt zu; teilt ein
rationierte; teilte zu; teilte ein
Im Krieg wurden die Lebensmittel zugeteilt.
to ration
Food was rationed during the war.
schlecht sein; hinĂĽber sein ugs. (verdorbenes Lebensmittel) v cook.
Woran merke ich wann das Fleisch schlecht hinĂĽber ist?
to be spoiled; to be off Br.; to have gone off Br. (food)
How do I notice when the meat is off?
schwer adj (schwer verdaulich) cook.
ein schweres Essen
schwere Lebensmittel
heavy; stodgy Br. coll. (hard to digest)
a heavy meal; a stodgy meal Br. coll.; a stodge Br. coll.
heavy foods
trocken; dröge Mitteldt. Bayr. adj (Lebensmittel) cook.
dry (foodstuffs)
verderben; verfaulen v (Lebensmittel)
to corrupt (food)
zugesichert; garantiert adj
zugesicherte Eigenschaft econ.
garantiert frei von etw.
Reinheit garantiert. (Lebensmittel)
warranted wd.
warranted quality
warranted free of sth.
Warranted free from adulteration. (food)
behandelte Lebensmittel pl
processed food
Ampelkennzeichnung f (fĂĽr Lebensmittel usw.)
traffic light labelling (for food etc.)
Fertigmischung f (Lebensmittel, Anstrichfarbe usw.)
Kuchenmischung f cook.
Betonfertigmischung f constr.
ready-mix; mix (commercially prepared mixture of food, paint etc.)
cake mix
concrete mix
genetisch veränderte(s) Lebensmittel; Genfood n
genetically modified food; frankenfood pej.
Lebensmittel n; Nahrung f; Nahrungsmittel n
Lebensmittel pl
Bio-Lebensmittel; Bio-Kost f
leicht verderbliche Lebensmittel
funktionelles Lebensmittel; Functional Food
neuartige Lebensmittel; Novel Food
(industriell) verarbeitete Lebensmittel
mit Nahrung versorgen
Länder mit Nahrungsmitteldefizit
food; foodstuff
foods; foodstuffs
organic food
perishable food
functional food
novel food
processed food; processed foodstuff
to provide with food
food deficit countries
Lebensmittel pl; Nahrungsmittel pl
comestibles formal
Datum, bis zu dem ein Lebensmittel verkauft sein sollte (Lebensmittelkennzeichnung) cook.
Zu verkaufen bis:
sell-by-date; pull-date Am. (food labelling)
Sell by: Display until:
empfohlene Tagesdosis f (Lebensmittel)
recommended daily allowance; recommended dietary allowance RDA
Lebensmittel (an der Produktionsstätte) abpacken v
to pre-pack food; to pre-package food (on the site of production)
pre-packing; pre-packaging
pre-packed; pre-packaged
Lebensmittel auftauen; entfrosten v cook.
auftauend; entfrostend
aufgetaut; entfrostet
to defrost food
Lebensmittel dörren; Lebensmittel trocknen v cook.
Lebensmittel dörrend; Lebensmittel trocknend
Lebensmittel gedörrt; Lebensmittel getrocknet
to desiccate food; to dehydrate food; to dry food
desiccating food; dehydrating food; drying food
desiccated food; dehydrated food; dried food
gesalzen; salzig adj (Lebensmittel) cook.
salted; salty (food)
haltbare Lebensmittel pl; Trockensortiment n (Lebensmittelhandel) cook. econ.
ambient food (food trade)
sich halten v; haltbar sein (Lebensmittel)
sich haltend
sich gehalten
Iss den Lachs, denn er hält sich nicht bis morgen.
Ist im TiefkĂĽhler mehrere Monate haltbar.
to keep {kept; kept} (food)
Eat the salmon because it won't keep till tomorrow.
Keeps in the freezer for several months.
etw. lagern; einlagern; einen Vorrat von etw. anlegen v
lagernd; einlagernd; einen Vorrat anlegend
gelagert; eingelagert; einen Vorrat angelegt
Wein bei Zimmertemperatur lagern
das Getreide fĂĽr den Winter einlagern
Lebensmittel Getränke einlagern
etw. im Keller einlagern; etw. einkellern
Eichhörnchen legen einen Vorrat von Eicheln und Nüssen für den Winter an.
to store sth.; to store up () sth.; to store away () sth.; to garner sth. archaic
storing; storing up; storing away; garnering
stored; stored up; stored away; garnered
to store wine at room temperature
to store away to garner the grain for the winter
to put down food drinks
to store sth. in the a cellar
Squirrels store up acorns and nuts for the winter.
streng riechend adj (Lebensmittel) cook.
strong-smelling; high-smelling (of food)
schlecht sein; hinĂĽber sein ugs. (verdorbenes Lebensmittel) v cook.
Woran merke ich, wann das Fleisch schlecht hinĂĽber ist?
to be spoiled; to be off Br.; to have gone off Br. (food)
How do I notice when the meat is off?
etw. (auf ein Transportmittel) verladen; aufladen v transp.
verladend; aufladend
verladen; aufgeladen
etw. auf Container verladen
Lebensmittel auf einen LKW verladen aufladen
to load sth. (on onto a means of transport)
to containerize sth.; to containerise sth. Br.
to load foodstuff onto a lorry
etw. vermengen v (Lebensmittel) cook.
to work sth. into sth. (food)
working into
worked into
Lebensmittel vorkochen; halb gar kochen v cook.
vorkochend; halb gar kochend
vorgekocht; halb gar gekocht
to parboil food
zischen v (Lebensmittel FlĂĽssigkeiten beim Braten oder Kochen) cook.
to sizzle (of food liquids making a hissing sound when being fried or cooked)
zugesichert; garantiert adj
zugesicherte Eigenschaft econ.
garantiert frei von etw.
Reinheit garantiert. (Lebensmittel)
warranted wd.
warranted quality
warranted free of sth.
Warranted free from adulteration. (food)
(Lebensmittel) zurechtmachen; herrichten; richten; kochfertig bratfertig machen; (Salat) anmachen v
zurechtmachend; herrichtend; richtend; kochfertig bratfertig machend; anmachend
zurechtgemacht; hergerichtet; gerichtet; kochfertig bratfertig gemacht; angemacht
to dress (food)

Deutsche Lebensmittelkarte Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Lebensmittelkarte Synonym nachschlagen

Englische ration card Synonyme

ration  administer  allocate  allot  allotment  allowance  amount  apportion  apportionment  assign  assignment  batch  big end  bigger half  bit  bite  budget  bunch  chunk  clutch  comestibles  commission  commons  consignment  contingent  control  count  cut  deal  deal out  destiny  disburse  dispense  disperse  dispose  distribute  distribution  divide  dividend  division  divvy  dole  dole out  dose  eatables  edibles  end  equal share  fate  food  give out  gob  group  half  halver  hand out  heap  helping  hunk  interest  issue  large amount  limit  lot  measure  measure out  meed  mess  mete  mete out  modicum  moiety  number  pack  parcel  parcel out  part  pass around  pay out  percentage  piece  portion  portion out  proportion  prorate  provender  provision  provisions  quantity  quantum  quota  rake-off  rations  restrict  schedule  segment  share  shift  slice  small amount  small share  spoon out  stake  stock  sum  supplies  viands  victuals  
rational  acceptable  admissible  algorismic  algorithmic  aliquot  all there  analytic  balanced  bright  calm  cardinal  cerebral  circumspect  clear-eyed  clearheaded  clearminded  cogent  commonsense  compos mentis  conceptive  conceptual  consequent  cool  coolheaded  credible  decimal  differential  digital  discriminating  discursive  down-to-earth  earthy  endopsychic  enlightened  even  everyday  exponential  figural  figurate  figurative  finite  fractional  hardheaded  healthy-minded  ideational  imaginary  impair  impossible  infinite  informed  integral  intellectual  intelligent  internal  irrational  judicious  just  justifiable  knowing  knowledgeable  legitimate  level-headed  levelheaded  logarithmic  logical  logometric  lucid  matter-of-fact  mental  mentally sound  negative  noetic  noological  normal  not so dumb  numeral  numerary  numerative  numeric  odd  of sound mind  ordinal  pair  philosophical  phrenic  plausible  positive  positivistic  possible  practical  practical-minded  pragmatic  prime  prudent  psychic  psychologic  radical  ratiocinative  ratiocinatory  real  realist  realistic  reasonable  reasoning  reciprocal  right  sane  sane-minded  scientific  scientistic  secular  sensible  sober  sober-minded  sophic  sound  sound-minded  sound-thinking  spiritual  stable  straight-thinking  strong-minded  subjective  submultiple  surd  thinking  together  transcendental  understanding  unideal  unidealistic  unromantic  unsentimental  well-argued  well-balanced  well-founded  well-grounded  wholesome  wise  worldly  
rationale  account  allegorization  clarification  cracking  decipherment  decoding  demonstration  demythologization  editing  elucidation  emendation  enlightenment  euhemerism  excuse  exegesis  exemplification  explanation  explication  exposition  expounding  grounds  illumination  illustration  justification  light  logic  philosophy  pretense  pretext  principle  rational ground  rationalization  reason  reason for  reason why  reasoning  simplification  solution  stated cause  the big idea  the idea  the whatfor  the wherefore  the why  theory  underlying reason  unlocking  
rationalism  Buddhology  Mariolatry  Mariology  Mercersburg theology  apologetics  canonics  crisis theology  deduction  deductive reasoning  demonstration  dialogical theology  discourse  discourse of reason  discursive reason  divinity  doctrinalism  doctrinism  dogmatics  eschatology  existential theology  hagiography  hagiology  hierology  induction  inductive reasoning  logical thought  logos Christology  logos theology  natural theology  neoorthodox theology  neoorthodoxy  patristic theology  phenomenological theology  philosophy  physicotheology  proof  ratiocination  rationality  rationalization  rationalizing  reason  reasonableness  reasoning  religion  scholastic theology  secularism  sophistry  soteriology  specious reasoning  sweet reason  systematics  theology  
rationalistic  Cyrenaic  Eleatic  Epicurean  Megarian  Stoic  allegorizing  animist  animistic  annotative  atomistic  clarifying  cosmotheistic  critical  demonstrative  demythologizing  eclectic  editorial  elucidative  empirical  enlightening  eudaemonistic  euhemeristic  exegetic  exemplificative  existential  explaining  explanatory  explicative  explicatory  expositive  expository  glossarial  hedonic  hedonist  hedonistic  humanist  humanistic  idealistic  illuminating  illuminative  illustrative  instrumentalist  materialistic  mechanistic  metaphysical  monistic  naturalistic  nominalist  panlogistical  pantheistic  positivist  positivistic  pragmatic  pragmatist  rationalizing  realist  realistic  scholastic  scholiastic  sensationalistic  syncretistic  theistic  transcendentalist  transcendentalistic  utilitarian  vitalistic  voluntarist  voluntaristic  
rationality  IQ  Vernunft  admissibility  apprehension  balance  brain  brains  caliber  capacity  common sense  comprehension  conception  contact with reality  cool head  coolheadedness  coolness  deduction  deductive power  deductive reasoning  demonstration  discourse  discourse of reason  discursive reason  down-to-earthness  due sense of  earthiness  esemplastic power  esprit  freedom from illusion  good sense  gray matter  hardheadedness  head  headpiece  healthy mind  horse sense  ideation  induction  inductive reasoning  integrative power  intellect  intellection  intellectual faculty  intellectual grasp  intellectual power  intellectualism  intellectuality  intelligence  intelligence quotient  justifiability  justness  knowledge  lack of feelings  level head  levelheadedness  logic  logical thought  logicality  logicalness  lucid interval  lucidity  matter-of-factness  mens  mental age  mental balance  mental capacity  mental equilibrium  mental grasp  mental health  mental hygiene  mental poise  mental ratio  mentality  mind  mother wit  native wit  normalcy  normality  normalness  nous  philosophy  plain sense  plausibility  positivism  power of mind  power of reason  practical mind  practical wisdom  practical-mindedness  practicality  practicalness  pragmaticism  pragmatism  proof  psyche  ratio  ratiocination  rationalism  rationalization  rationalizing  realism  reason  reasonability  reasonableness  reasoning  reasoning faculty  reasoning power  right mind  sanemindedness  saneness  sanity  scientism  scope of mind  secularism  sense  senses  sensibleness  smarts  sober senses  sober-mindedness  soberness  sobriety  sophistry  sound mind  sound sense  soundness  soundness of mind  specious reasoning  sweet reason  thinking power  understanding  unidealism  unromanticalness  unsentimentality  wholesomeness  wit  worldliness  
rationalization  account  adjustment  alienation  apparent soundness  approach  arrangement  attack  autism  autistic thinking  avoidance mechanism  blame-shifting  blueprint  blueprinting  calculation  casuistry  charting  circularity  clearance  clearing  codification  compensation  conception  contrivance  coordination  decompensation  deduction  deductive reasoning  defense mechanism  demonstration  dereism  dereistic thinking  design  destigmatization  destigmatizing  device  discourse  discourse of reason  discursive reason  disingenuousness  displacement  disposition  dissociation  distortion  emotional insulation  enterprise  envisagement  equivocalness  equivocation  escape  escape into fantasy  escape mechanism  escapism  evasive reasoning  exculpation  explanation  fallaciousness  fallacy  fantasizing  fantasy  figuring  flight  foresight  forethought  game  graphing  ground plan  guidelines  harmonization  idea  induction  inductive reasoning  insincerity  intention  isolation  jesuitism  jesuitry  justification  layout  lineup  logical thought  long-range plan  mapping  master plan  method  methodization  methodology  misapplication  mystification  negativism  normalization  obfuscation  obscurantism  operations research  ordination  organization  overcompensation  oversubtlety  perversion  philosophism  philosophy  plan  planning  planning function  plausibility  plausibleness  prearrangement  procedure  program  program of action  projection  proof  psychotaxis  purgation  purging  ratiocination  rationale  rationalism  rationality  rationalizing  reason  reasonableness  reasoning  regularization  regulation  rehabilitation  reinstatement  resistance  restoration  routinization  schedule  schema  schematism  schematization  scheme  scheme of arrangement  setup  sociological adjustive reactions  sophism  sophistical reasoning  sophistication  sophistry  special pleading  speciosity  specious reasoning  speciousness  strategic plan  strategy  sublimatio  
rationalize  account  account for  adjust  allegorize  analyze  apply reason  argue insincerely  arrange  calculate  cast  chart  clarify  clear  clear up  codify  concert  contrive  coordinate  crack  cry sour grapes  cut out  decipher  deduce  demonstrate  demythologize  design  destigmatize  devise  distort  do justice to  elucidate  enlighten  euhemerize  exculpate  excuse  exemplify  explain  explain away  explicate  exposit  expound  figure  fix  forecast  frame  generalize  give reason for  give the meaning  harmonize  hypothesize  illuminate  illustrate  infer  intellectualize  intend  justify  lay plans  logicalize  logicize  make a projection  make arrangements  make clear  make plain  methodize  misapply  normalize  organize  paralogize  pervert  philosophize  plan  plan ahead  popularize  prearrange  program  project  provide a rationale  purge  reason  reason ill  reason out  regularize  regulate  rehabilitate  reinstate  restore  routinize  schedule  schematize  set up  settle  shape  shed light upon  show  show how  show the way  simplify  solve  spell out  standardize  syllogize  synchronize  synthesize  systematize  theorize  think through  throw light upon  tune  tune up  unfold  unlock  unravel  use reason  vindicate  warrant  work out  work up  
rationally  analytically  artfully  astutely  circumspectly  cleverly  considerately  cunningly  discerningly  discreetly  in all conscience  in all reason  in reason  intelligently  judiciously  knowingly  logically  providently  prudently  reasonably  sagaciously  sanely  sensibly  shrewdly  smartly  soundly  syllogistically  thoughtfully  understandingly  wisely  within bounds  within reason  within reasonable limitations  
rationing  apportionment  arrest  arrestation  budgeting  check  constraint  control  cooling  cooling down  cooling off  curb  curtailment  cutting  cutting the pie  deceleration  dividing  division  divvy  hindrance  inhibition  injunction  interdict  legal restraint  monopoly  parceling  partition  partitioning  portioning  prohibition  protection  protectionism  protective tariff  rein  repartition  restraint  restraint of trade  retardation  retrenchment  self-control  sharing  sharing out  slicing  slowing down  splitting  tariff wall  thought control  
rations  C ration  K ration  abundance  accumulation  allotment  allowance  amassment  backlog  board  budget  collection  commissariat  commissary  commons  cornucopia  cumulation  dump  emergency rations  field rations  heap  hoard  inventory  larder  mass  material  materials  materiel  meals  mess  munitions  pile  plenitude  plenty  provisionment  provisions  repertoire  repertory  rick  short commons  stack  stock  stock-in-trade  stockpile  store  stores  supplies  supply on hand  treasure  treasury  tucker  

Lebensmittelkarte Definition

(n.) A piece of pasteboard, or thick paper, blank or prepared for various uses
(n.) A published note, containing a brief statement, explanation, request, expression of thanks, or the like
(n.) A paper on which the points of the compass are marked
(n.) A perforated pasteboard or sheet-metal plate for warp threads, making part of the Jacquard apparatus of a loom. See Jacquard.
(n.) An indicator card. See under Indicator.
(v. i.) To play at cards
(n.) An instrument for disentangling and arranging the fibers of cotton, wool, flax, etc.
(n.) A roll or sliver of fiber (as of wool) delivered from a carding machine.
(v. t.) To comb with a card
(v. t.) To clean or clear, as if by using a card.
(v. t.) To mix or mingle, as with an inferior or weaker article.
(n.) What is fed upon
(n.) Anything that instructs the intellect, excites the feelings, or molds habits of character
(v. t.) To supply with food.
(n.) A fixed daily allowance of provisions assigned to a soldier in the army, or a sailor in the navy, for his subsistence.
(n.) Hence, a certain portion or fixed amount dealt out
(v. t.) To supply with rations, as a regiment.
Sea card
() Mariner's card, or compass.

(food) ration card Bedeutung

any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue
card game
a game played with playing cards
card trick a trick performed with playing cards
food fish any fish used for food by human beings
baseball card a trading card with a picture of a baseball player and information about his playing record
card one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes, he collected cards and traded them with the other boys
card index
card catalog
card catalogue
an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a library) with a separate card for each item
card table a small light table with folding legs, can be folded for storage
card table a table for playing cards (as in a casino)
circuit board
circuit card
board card plug-in
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
compass card
mariner's compass
compass in the form of a card that rotates so that
degrees or North points to magnetic north
food shop
a shop selling ready-to-eat food products
drawing card
loss leader
a featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in order to draw customers
food elevator
a small elevator used to convey food (or other goods) from one floor of a building to another
face card
picture card
court card
one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face
food additive
artificial additive
an additive to food intended to improve its flavor or appearance or shelf-life
food court an area (as in a shopping mall) where fast food is sold (usually around a common eating area)
food processor a kitchen appliance with interchangeable blades, used for shredding or blending or chopping or slicing food
food hamper a hamper for packing and transporting food
gaming card one of a set of cards used in gambling games
grocery store
food market
a marketplace where groceries are sold, the grocery store included a meat market
hole card (poker) a playing card dealt face down and not revealed until the showdown
house of cards
an unstable construction with playing cards, he built three levels of his cardcastle before it collapsed
playing card one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games
punched card
punch card
Hollerith card
a card on which data can be recorded in the form of punched holes
tarot card
any of a set of (usually ) cards that include cards representing virtues and vices and death and fortune etc., used by fortunetellers
trading card a card with a picture on it, collected and traded by children
trump card
a playing card in the suit that has been declared trumps, the ace of trumps is a sure winner
food turner
cooking utensil having a flat flexible part and a long handle, used for turning or serving food
wild card a playing card whose value can be determined by the person who holds it
food for thought
intellectual nourishment
anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking
calling card a distinguishing characteristic or behavior, bombs are a terrorist's calling cards
business card a card on which are printed the person's name and business affiliation
card identity card a card certifying the identity of the bearer, he had to show his card to get in
donor card a card that you carry on your person and that authorizes the use of your organs for transplantation after your death
membership card a card certifying membership in an organization
union card a card certifying membership in a labor union
library card
borrower's card
a card certifying the bearer's right to use the library
ration card a card certifying the bearer's right to purchase rationed goods
batting order
card lineup
(baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat, the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate
card catalog
card catalogue
a library catalog in which each publication is described on a separate file card
bill of fare
card carte du jour
a list of dishes available at a restaurant, the menu was in French
card scorecard (golf) a record of scores (as in golf), you have to turn in your card to get a handicap
card a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures), they sent us a card from Miami
birthday card a card expressing a birthday greeting
get-well card a card expressing get-well wishes
greeting card a card sent to express personal greetings
Christmas card a card expressing a Christmas greeting
Easter card a card expressing an Easter greeting
post card
postal card
a card for sending messages by post without an envelope
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