
Lieblingsmannschaft Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Lieblingsmannschaft f
favourite team Br.; favorite team eAm.
Lieblingsmannschaft f
favourite team Br.; favorite team eAm.
Liebling, Günstling
Liebling, Lieblingstier
Liebling m, Schatz m, Herzchen n
Liebling m
favorite Am., favourite Br.
Liebling m
Liebling m (Kind, Tier)
Liebling m
Schatz m, Schatzi n, Liebling m
sweetie, honey, boo coll.
Augapfel m anat.
Augäpfel pl
Auge in Auge (mit)
sich Auge in Auge gegenüberstehen
etw. wie seinen Augapfel hüten
Phil war immer der Liebling seines Vaters.
eyeball to eyeball (with)
to be eyeball to eyeball
to guard sth. like gold; to cherish sth. like life itself
Phil was always the apple of his father's eye.
Liebling m; Schatz m; Herzchen n
darling; sweetheart; bonny
Liebling m
favourite Br.; favorite Am.
Liebling m (Kind; Tier)
Schatz m; Schatzi n; Mäuschen n; Liebling m; Zuckermaus f
sweetie; honey; sweetheart; boo coll.
der gefeierte Star; der neue Liebling (eines Ortes einer Szene) m soc.
Die Aufführung machte sie zum gefeierten Star des Festivals.
Er ist der neue Liebling der Society.
the toast (of a place scene)
The performance made her the toast of the festival.
He's the toast of society.
Augapfel m anat.
Augäpfel pl
Auge in Auge (mit)
sich Auge in Auge gegenüberstehen
etw. wie seinen Augapfel hüten
Phil war immer der Liebling Augenstern seines Vaters.
eyeball to eyeball (with)
to be eyeball to eyeball
to guard sth. like gold; to cherish sth. like life itself
Phil was always the apple of his father's eye.
Augenstern m poet. (Liebling)
apple of sb.'s eye
Liebling m; Schatz m; Herzchen n; Engelsschein m
darling; sweetheart; bonny
Liebling m
Lieblinge pl
favourite Br.; favorite Am.; fave coll.
favourites; favorites; faves
Schatz m; Schatzi n; Mäuschen n; Liebling m; Zuckermaus f; Zuckerpuppe f ugs.
sweetie; honey; sweetheart; boo coll.
der gefeierte Star; der neue Liebling m (eines Ortes einer Szene) soc.
Die Aufführung machte sie zum gefeierten Star des Festivals.
Er ist der neue Liebling der Society.
the toast (of a place scene)
The performance made her the toast of the festival.
He's the toast of society.
Lieblingsmusiker m, Lieblingsmusikerin f
favorite Am., favourite Br.
favorite musician, favourite musician
Lieblingsmusiker m; Lieblingsmusikerin f
favourite Br.; favorite Am.
favorite musician; favourite musician
fernsehen; ferngucken Norddt. ugs.; fernschauen Süddt. Ös. Schw. v
fernsehend; fernguckend; fernschauend
ferngesehen; ferngeguckt; ferngeschaut
er sie sieht fern
ich er sie sah fern
er sie hat hatte ferngesehen
Ich möchte meine Lieblings-Fernsehshow sehen.
Siehst du dir heute im Fernsehen das Spiel gegen Italien an?
to watch television; to watch TV; to watch telly Br.
watching television; watching TV
watched television; watched TV
he she watches television
I he she watched television
he she has had watched television
I want to watch my favourite TV show.
Are you watching the Italy game on TV tonight?
Lieblingsmusiker m; Lieblingsmusikerin f
Liebingsoper f
Lieblingsschriftsteller m; Lieblingsschriftstellerin f
Lieblingsspiel n
Lieblingsspielzeug n
Lieblingsstadt f
Das ist mein Lieblingslied.
favourite Br.; favorite Am.; fave coll.
favourite musician; favorite musician
favourite opera; favorite opera
favourite writer; favorite writer; favourite author; favorite author
favourite game; favorite game
favourite toy; favorite toy
favourite town city; favorite town city
This is my favourite favorite song.
Lieblingsbeschäftigung f
favourite favorite Am. hobby; favourite favorite Am. pastime
Lieblingsbild n
Lieblingsbild n
Lieblingsbild n
favourite picture Br.; favorite picture Am.
favourite image Br.; favorite image Am.
favourite photo Br.; favorite photo Am.
Spiel n (Wettbewerb nach Regeln)
Spiele pl
Bewegungsspiel n
Brettspiel n
Gesellschaftsspiel n
Kartenspiel n
Partyspiel n
Salonspiel n hist.
Schreibspiel n
Tischspiel n
Spiel im Freien; Freiluftspiel n
Spiel für drinnen
Spiel für Kinder; Kinderspiel
ein Spiel spielen
Mein Lieblingsbrettspiel ist Schach.
game (competitive activity played according to rules)
physical game
board game
party game
card game
lively party game
parlour game Br.; parlor game Am.
pencil-and-paper game
tabletop game; table game
outdoor game
indoor game
child's game; children's game
to play a game
My favourite board game is chess.
Lieblingsbuch n
Lieblingsbücher pl
favourite book, favorite book
favourite books, favorite books
Lieblingsbuch n
Lieblingsbücher pl
favourite book; favorite book
favourite books; favorite books
etw. ansurfen; auf in etw. surfen v comp.
auf seinen Lieblingsseiten surfen; seine Lieblingseiten ansurfen
im Internet surfen
im Internet nach dem eigenen Namen surfen
Ich habe im Internet nach Testberichten gesurft.
to surf sth. on sth.
to surf one's favourite Websites
to surf the Internet; to cruise the Internet
to egosurf coll.
I was surfing the Net looking for test reports.
etw. ansurfen; auf in etw. surfen v comp.
auf seinen Lieblingsseiten surfen; seine Lieblingseiten ansurfen
im Internet surfen
im Internet nach dem eigenen Namen surfen
Ich habe im Internet nach Testberichten gesurft.
to surf sth. on sth.
to surf one's favourite Websites
to surf the Internet; to cruise the Internet
to egosurf coll.
I was surfing the Internet for test reports.
Lieblingsessen n, Lieblingsgericht n
Lieblingsessen pl, Lieblingsgerichte pl
favourite dish
favourite dishes
Lieblingsessen n; Lieblingsgericht n; Lieblingsspeise f; Leibgericht n
Lieblingsessen pl; Lieblingsgerichte pl; Lieblingsspeisen pl; Leibgerichte pl
favourite dish; favourite food Br.; favorite dish; favorite food Am.
favourite dishes; favorite dishes
Lieblingsfach n
Lieblingsfächer pl
favourite subject
favourite subjects
Lieblingsfarbe f
Lieblingsfarben pl
favorite color Am., favourite colour Br.
favorite colors, favourite colours
Lieblingsfarbe f
Lieblingsfarben pl
favourite colour Br.; favorite color Am.
favorite colours; favourite colors
Hassfigur f; Lieblingsfeind m
hate figure
Lieblingsfilm m
Lieblingsfilmen pl
favourite film, favorite movie
favourite films, favorite movies
Lieblingsfilm m
Lieblingsfilmen pl
favourite film; favorite movie
favourite films; favorite movies
Lieblingsgetränk n
Lieblingsgetränke pl
favourite drink
favourite drinks
Hobby n; Steckenpferd n
Hobbys pl; Steckenpferde pl
Lieblingshobby n
als Hobby
etw. als Hobby betreiben
Andys Hobby ist Geocaching.
fad; hobby
fads; hobbies
favourite hobby Br.; favorite hobby Am.
as a hobby
to pursue sth. as a hobby
Andy's hobby is geocaching.
Lieblingsjahreszeit f
favourite season Br.; favorite season Am.
Lieblingskind n
favourite child Br.; favorite child eAm.
Apropos jd. etw. prp; Da Weil wir gerade von jdm. etw. sprechen
Apropos Schweiz, sind Sie dort schon mal im Winter gewesen?
Apropos klassische Musik, wer ist Ihr Lieblingskomponist?
Speaking of sb. sth.; Talking of sb. sth. Br.; While we are on the subject of sb. sth.
Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter?
Talking of classical music, who is your favorite composer?
Lieblingslehrer m, Lieblingslehrerin f
Lieblingslehrer pl, Lieblingslehrerinnen pl
favourite teacher
favourite teachers
Lieblingslehrer m; Lieblingslehrerin f
Lieblingslehrer pl; Lieblingslehrerinnen pl
favourite teacher
favourite teachers
jds. Stammlokal n; jds. Lieblingslokal n cook.
sb.'s haunt; sb.'s hang-out; sb.'s hangout coll.
Lieblingsmannschaft f
favourite team Br.; favorite team eAm.
Lieblingsmarke f
favourite brand; favorite brand eAm.
Lieblingsmensch m humor.
Lieblingsmenschen pl
favourite person; favorite person
favourite people; favorite people
etw. schnappen; sich etw. schnappen v
schnappend; sich schnappend
geschnappt; sich geschnappt
Sie schnappte sich ihr Lieblingsparfum von ihrer Frisierkommode.
to pluck sth.
She plucked her favorite perfume off her dressing table.
Lieblingsplatz m
Lieblingsplätze pl
haunt, favorite haunt, favourite spot, favourite location
haunts, favorite haunts, favourite spots, favourite locations
Lieblingsplatz m
Lieblingsplätze pl
haunt; favorite haunt; favourite spot; favourite location
haunts; favorite haunts; favourite spots; favourite locations
Lieblingsplatz m
Lieblingsplätze pl
haunt; favourite haunt; favourite hangout; favourite spot; favourite location; purlieu
haunts; favourite haunts; favourite hangouts; favourite spots; favourite locations; purlieus
jds. Lieblingsprojekt n; jds. Steckenpferd n
sb.'s pet cause
Lieblingsschüler m
teacher's pet
Lieblingsschüler m; Lieblingsschülerin f
Lieblingsschüler pl; Lieblingsschülerinnen pl
teacher's pet
teacher's pets
sich zusammentun um jdn. zu drangsalieren mobben soc.
Sie wurde von der ganzen Klasse gemobbt weil sie die Lieblingsschülerin des Lehrers war.
to gang up on against sb.
The whole class ganged up on her because she was the teacher's pet.
sich zusammentun, um jdn. zu drangsalieren mobben; sich gegen jdn. verbünden v soc.
Sie wurde von der ganzen Klasse gemobbt, weil sie die Lieblingsschülerin des Lehrers war.
to gang up on against sb.
The whole class ganged up on her because she was the teacher's pet.
Lieblingssendung f
Lieblingssendungen pl
Meine Lieblingssendung ist ...
favourite programme Br.; favorite program Am.
favourite programmes; favorite programs
My favourite programme is ...
Lieblingssendung f
Lieblingssendungen pl
Meine Lieblingssendung ist …
favourite programme Br.; favorite program Am.
favourite programmes; favorite programs
My favourite programme is …

Deutsche Lieblingsmannschaft Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Lieblingsmannschaft Synonym nachschlagen

Englische favourite team ; favorite team Synonyme

Lieblingsmannschaft Definition

(n.) A person or thing regarded with peculiar favor
(n.) Short curls dangling over the temples
(n.) The competitor (as a horse in a race) that is judged most likely to win
(a.) Regarded with particular affection, esteem, or preference
(n.) A group of young animals, especially of young ducks
(n.) Hence, a number of animals moving together.
(n.) Two or more horses, oxen, or other beasts harnessed to the same vehicle for drawing, as to a coach, wagon, sled, or the like.
(n.) A number of persons associated together in any work
(n.) A flock of wild ducks.
(n.) A royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto.
(v. i.) To engage in the occupation of driving a team of horses, cattle, or the like, as in conveying or hauling lumber, goods, etc.
(v. t.) To convey or haul with a team

favourite team [Br.]; favorite team [eAm.] Bedeutung

team sport a sport that involves competition between teams of players, baseball is a team sport by golf is not
team teaching a method of coordinated classroom teaching involving a team of teachers working together with a single group of students
esprit de corps
team spirit
the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed
something regarded with special favor or liking, that book is one of my favorites
team two or more draft animals that work together to pull something
defense team
defense lawyers
the defendant and his legal advisors collectively, the defense called for a mistrial
A-team a group of elite soldiers or a leadership group of advisors or workers in an organization
major-league team
major-league club
a team that plays in a major league
minor-league team
minor-league club
a team that plays in a minor league
farm team
farm club
a minor-league team that is owned by a major-league team (especially in baseball)
baseball team a team that plays baseball
basketball team
a team that plays basketball
football team
a team that plays football
hockey team a team that plays ice hockey
varsity first team a team representing a college or university
defense defence defending team (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring, his teams are always good on defense
a cooperative unit (especially in sports)
little-league team a team that plays in a little league
SWAT team
SWAT squad
Special Weapons and Tactics team
Special Weapons and Tactics squad
a squad of policemen who have been trained to deal with violent and dangerous situations
a special loved one
favorite son a United States politician favored mainly in his or her home state
favorite favourite
a competitor thought likely to win
team up
form a team, We teamed up for this new project
double-team cover with two defensive players
preferred above all others and treated with partiality, the favored child
appealing to the general public, a favorite tourist attraction
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