
Lieferungsspanne Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Lieferungsspanne f bei Substitionsgütern (Preisunterschiede bei Terminkontrakten) (Börse) fin.
intercompany spread; intercommodity spread; interdelivery spead; intercontract spread (stock exchange) Am.
Lieferungsspanne f bei Substitionsgütern (Preisunterschiede bei Terminkontrakten) (Börse) fin.
intercompany spread; intercommodity spread; interdelivery spead; intercontract spread (stock exchange) Am.
ab Kai Lieferung
delivery from the quay
Angebot, Lieferung, Versorgung, Vorrat
Anlieferung, Lieferung
beschränkte Lieferung
restricted supply
die Lieferung ermöglichen
provide for delivery
für die Lieferung eines Geräts
for the supply of one unit
Kasse vor Lieferung
cash before delivery
Lieferung an die Tür
door delivery
Lieferung ans Haus
doorstep delivery
Lieferung der Ware durch Lufttransport
carriage of the goods by air
Lieferung frei Haus
free delivery
Lieferung sichern
ensure delivery
mangelhafte Lieferung
bad delivery
mangels Lieferung
in default of delivery
nichtvertragsgemäße Lieferung
non-contractual delivery
prompte Anlieferung, prompte Lieferung
prompt delivery
sofortige Lieferung
immediate delivery
üblich für die Lieferung
usual for the delivery
unbeschränkte Lieferung
unrestricted supply
Verkauf zur sofortigen Lieferung
sale for prompt delivery
Zahlung bei Lieferung
payment on delivery
Zeitpunkt der Lieferung an das Schiff
delivery dates to the vessel
zum Nachweis der Lieferung
in proof of delivery
Lieferung f, Belieferung f, Anlieferung f
neue Lieferung f
Lieferung f
Lieferung f, Auslieferung f, Anlieferung f, Ablieferung f, Zustellung f, Zuführung f
Lieferungen pl, Auslieferungen pl, Anlieferungen pl, Ablieferungen pl, Zustellungen pl, Zuführungen pl
Lieferung bis
Lieferung innerhalb von ...
zahlbar bei Lieferung
die Lieferung ausführen
Die Lieferung erfolgt per Schiff.
delivery by
delivery within ...
cash on delivery, C.O.D.
to execute delivery
Delivery will be made by ship.
Lieferung f, Sendung f
consignment, shipment Am.
Nachnahme f, Zahlung bei Lieferung
cash on delivery, collect on delivery Am. (COD)
angenommene Lieferung
accepted lot
bedarfsorientiert adj
bedarfsorientierte Fertigung
bedarfsorientierte Lieferung
just-in-time (JIT)
just-in-time production
just-in-time delivery
bis (in, zu) prp, +Akkusativ
bis heute
bis jetzt
bis auf weiteres, bis auf Widerruf
bis jetzt, bisher
bis dahin
Lieferung bis (spätestens)
bis dahin, bis nachher
von Montag bis Freitag
bis 3 Uhr warten
bis in den Tod
bis wann?
nicht vor, erst
erst um 8 Uhr
erst nächste Woche
until, 'til, till, to, by
till this day, by today
until now, till now
until further notice, for the time being
by now
by then
delivery by
until then, till then
from Monday to Friday
to wait until three o'clock
till death
until when, till when
not until, not till
not until 8 o'clock, only at 8 o'clock
not until next week
Lfg., Lfrg. : Lieferung
dely : delivery
Kasse vor Lieferung
c.b.d. : cash before delivery
Lieferung, Zustellung
neue Lieferung
Anfrage betreffend die Lieferung von
inquiry about the delivery of
die Lieferung beschleunigen
to accelerate delivery
die Lieferung beschleunigen
to expedite delivery
die Lieferung beschleunigen
to hasten delivery
die Lieferung beschleunigen
to speed up delivery
ein Drittel bei Lieferung
one-third on delivery
für die Lieferung der folgenden Ware
for the supply of the following items
Lieferung an unser Lagerhaus
delivery to our warehouse
Lieferung garantieren
to guarantee delivery
Lieferung kann erfolgen
delivery can take place
sofern Lieferung nicht vor 1 April erfolgt
if delivery is not made by 1 April
sofortige Lieferung ist erwünscht
immediate delivery is required
verspätete Lieferung
delay in delivery
wegen verspäteter Lieferung
on account of delayed delivery
zur Lieferung im Juli
for delivery in July
zur Lieferung im Juni
for delivery in June
zur prompten Lieferung
for prompt delivery
zur sofortigen Lieferung
for immediate delivery
zur sofortigen Lieferung angenommen
which we have booked for prompt delivery
zur späteren Lieferung
for future delivery
Abrufvertrag m (Lieferung erst wenn der Kunde die Ware anfordert) econ.
Abrufverträge pl
call-off (purchase) agreement (delievery not before the customer requests the goods)
call-off agreements
Barzahlung f; Kasse f econ.
(sofort) netto Kasse
Kasse vor Lieferung
bar gegen Versandpapiere; Kasse gegen Dokumente
(prompt) net cash
cash before delivery c.b.d.
cash against documents c.a.d. ; documents against payments (D P)
Kai m; Kaje f; Quai m Schw.
ab Kai
Lieferung ab Kai
frei auf den Kai
quay; quayside
ex quay
delivery from the quay
free of quay f.o.q.
Lieferung f; Belieferung f; Anlieferung f
neue Lieferung f
Lieferung f Lfg.; Lfrg. ; Auslieferung f; Anlieferung f; Ablieferung f; Zustellung f; Zuführung f
Lieferungen pl; Auslieferungen pl; Anlieferungen pl; Ablieferungen pl; Zustellungen pl; Zuführungen pl
Lieferung bis
Lieferung frei Haus
Lieferung am nächsten Tag; Über-Nacht-Lieferung f
Lieferung innerhalb von ...
Lieferung f bis zur Bordsteinkante econ.
Lieferung frei Bordsteinkante econ.
zahlbar bei Lieferung
die Lieferung ausführen
Die Lieferung erfolgt per Schiff.
delivery dely
delivery by
home delivery; delivery free at residence
overnight delivery
delivery within ...
kerbside Br. curbside Am. delivery
free kerbside Br. curbside Am. delivery
cash on delivery; C.O.D.
to execute delivery
Delivery will be made by ship.
Lieferung f; Sendung f
consignment; shipment Am.
Nachnahme f; Zahlung bei Lieferung
cash on delivery; collect on delivery Am. COD
Regierungsabkommen n über Lieferung von Rüstungsgütern und oder Beratertätigkeiten mil.
Foreign Military Sales FMS
nach dem Grundsatz "Zahlung Zug um Zug gegen Lieferung" econ.
on a delivery-versus-payment basis
bedarfsynchron adj econ.
bedarfssynchrone Fertigung
bedarfssynchrone Lieferung
just-in-time JIT
just-in-time production
just-in-time delivery
bis (in; zu) prp; +Akk.
bis heute
bis morgen
bis jetzt
bis auf weiteres; bis auf Widerruf
bis auf
bis jetzt; bisher
bis dahin
Lieferung bis (spätestens)
bis dahin; bis nachher
von Montag bis Freitag
bis 3 Uhr warten
bis in den Tod
bis dass der Tod uns euch scheidet
bis wann?
Ihr werdet bis dahin nicht zurück sein oder?
Nächste Woche um diese Zeit bin ich in Urlaub.
until; 'til; till; to; by
till this day; by today
till tomorrow; by tomorrow
until now; till now; by now
until further notice; for the time being
(right) down to
by now
by then
delivery by
until then; till then
from Monday to Friday
to wait until three o'clock
till death
until till death do us you part
until when; till when
You won't be back by then will you?
By this time next week I'll be on holiday.
eingehen; einlaufen; einlangen Ös. adm. v (Geld Post Lieferung)
eingehend; einlaufend; einlangend
eingegangen; eingelaufen; eingelangt
eingehende Post
eingegangene Spenden
to come in; to arrive; to be received (money mail consignment)
coming in; arriving; being received
come in; arrived; been received
incoming mail
donations received
etw. annehmen; entgegennehmen; in Empfang nehmen
annehmend; entgegennehmend; in Empfang nehmend
angenommen; entgegengenommen; in Empfang genommen
er sie nimmt an; er sie nimmt entgegen
ich er sie nahm an; ich er sie nahm entgegen
er sie hat hatte angenommen; er sie hat hatte entgegengenommen
ein Geschenk annehmen
angenommene Lieferung
to accept sth.
he she accepts
I he she accepted
he she has had accepted
to accept a present
accepted lot

Deutsche Lieferungsspanne Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Lieferungsspanne Synonym nachschlagen

Englische intercompany spread; intercommodity spread; interdelivery spead; intercontract spread Synonyme

Lieferungsspanne Definition

(n.) The act of giving or taking one thing in return for another which is regarded as an equivalent
(n.) The act of substituting one thing in the place of another
(n.) The thing given or received in return
(n.) The process of setting accounts or debts between parties residing at a distance from each other, without the intervention of money, by exchanging orders or drafts, called bills of exchange. These may be drawn in one country and payable in another, in which case they are called foreign bills
(n.) A mutual grant of equal interests, the one in consideration of the other. Estates exchanged must be equal in quantity, as fee simple for fee simple.
(n.) The place where the merchants, brokers, and bankers of a city meet at certain hours, to transact business. In this sense often contracted to 'Change.
(n.) To part with give, or transfer to another in consideration of something received as an equivalent
(n.) To part with for a substitute
(n.) To give and receive reciprocally, as things of the same kind
(v. i.) To be changed or received in exchange for
Mahon stock
() An annual cruciferous plant with reddish purple or white flowers (Malcolmia maritima). It is called in England Virginia stock, but the plant comes from the Mediterranean.
(imp. & p. p.) of Spread
(v. t.) To extend in length and breadth, or in breadth only
(v. t.) To extend so as to cover something
(v. t.) To divulge
(v. t.) To propagate
(v. t.) To diffuse, as emanations or effluvia
(v. t.) To strew
(v. t.) To prepare
(v. i.) To extend in length and breadth in all directions, or in breadth only
(v. i.) To be extended by drawing or beating
(v. i.) To be made known more extensively, as news.
(v. i.) To be propagated from one to another
(n.) Extent
(n.) Expansion of parts.
(n.) A cloth used as a cover for a table or a bed.
(n.) A table, as spread or furnished with a meal
(n.) A privilege which one person buys of another, of demanding certain shares of stock at a certain price, or of delivering the same shares of stock at another price, within a time agreed upon.
(n.) An unlimited expanse of discontinuous points.
() imp. & p. p. of Spread, v.
(a.) Characterized by a pretentious, boastful, exaggerated style
(n.) The stem, or main body, of a tree or plant
(n.) The stem or branch in which a graft is inserted.
(n.) A block of wood
(n.) Hence, a person who is as dull and lifeless as a stock or post
(n.) The principal supporting part
(n.) The wood to which the barrel, lock, etc., of a musket or like firearm are secured
(n.) The handle or contrivance by which bits are held in boring
(n.) The block of wood or metal frame which constitutes the body of a plane, and in which the plane iron is fitted
(n.) The wooden or iron crosspiece to which the shank of an anchor is attached. See Illust. of Anchor.
(n.) The support of the block in which an anvil is fixed, or of the anvil itself.
(n.) A handle or wrench forming a holder for the dies for cutting screws
(n.) The part of a tally formerly struck in the exchequer, which was delivered to the person who had lent the king money on account, as the evidence of indebtedness. See Counterfoil.
(n.) The original progenitor
(n.) Money or capital which an individual or a firm employs in business
(n.) Same as Stock account, below.
(n.) Supply provided
(n.) Domestic animals or beasts collectively, used or raised on a farm
(n.) That portion of a pack of cards not distributed to the players at the beginning of certain games, as gleek, etc., but which might be drawn from afterward as occasion required
(n.) A thrust with a rapier

intercompany spread; intercommodity spread; interdelivery spead; intercontract spread (stock exchange) [Am.] Bedeutung

incentive option
incentive stock option
an option granted to corporate executives if the company achieves certain financial goals
exchange (chess) the capture by both players (usually on consecutive moves) of pieces of equal value, the endgame began after the exchange of queens
exchange (chess) gaining (or losing) a rook in return for a knight or bishop, black lost the exchange
exchange commutation
the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help
exchange transfusion slow removal of a person's blood and its replacement with equal amounts of a donor's blood
act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time
split stock split
split up
an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity, they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock
reverse split
reverse stock split
split down
a decrease in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity
spread eagle a skating figure executed with the skates heel to heel in a straight line
technical analysis
technical analysis of stock trends
(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand, an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing, they held an inventory every month
an instance of stocktaking, the auditor did not attend the stocktake or check the valuations
stock issue (corporation law) the authorization and delivery of shares of stock for sale to the public or the shares thus offered at a particular time
reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money (especially the currencies of different countries), he earns his living from the interchange of currency
exchange the act of giving something in return for something received, deductible losses on sales or exchanges of property are allowable
exchange interchange the act of changing one thing for another thing, Adam was promised immortality in exchange for his disobedience, there was an interchange of prisoners
(sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes, after a short rally Connors won the point
farm animal
any animals kept for use or profit
American Stock Exchange
a stock exchange in New York
bed cover
bed covering
decorative cover for a bed
telephone exchange
a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication
charge-exchange accelerator an accelerator in which high-energy ions escape from plasma following charge exchange
commodity exchange
commodities exchange
commodities market
an exchange for buying and selling commodities for future delivery
corn exchange an exchange where grains are bought and sold
exchange a workplace for buying and selling, open only to members
futures exchange
futures market
forward market
a commodity exchange where futures contracts are traded
an ornamental white cravat
New York Stock Exchange
N. Y. Stock Exchange
big board
a stock exchange in New York
post exchange
a commissary on a United States Army post
spread cattle ranch
cattle farm
farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
rolling stock collection of wheeled vehicles owned by a railroad or motor carrier
the merchandise that a shop has on hand, they carried a vast inventory of hardware, they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory
stock the handle end of some implements or tools, he grabbed the cue by the stock
stock gunstock the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun, the rifle had been fitted with a special stock
stock lumber used in the construction of something, they will cut round stock to -inch diameter
stock car a racing car with the basic chassis of a commercially available car
stock car a car kept in dealers' stock for regular sales
stock exchange
stock market
securities market
an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers
stock-in-trade any equipment constantly used as part of a profession or occupation, friendliness is the salesman's stock in trade
stock room
storeroom for storing goods and supplies used in a business
stock saddle
Western saddle
an ornamented saddle used by cowboys, has a high horn to hold the lariat
stock ticker
a character printer that automatically prints stock quotations on ticker tape
a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures, gap between income and outgo, the spread between lending and borrowing costs
a haphazard distribution in all directions
spread the expansion of a person's girth (especially at middle age), she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread
reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook
stock purchase plan an organized plan for employees of a company to buy shares of its stock
employee stock ownership plan
a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company
spread head
facing pages
two facing pages of a book or other publication
center spread
centre spread
the spread at the center of a magazine
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