
Raketenschild Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Raketenschild m; Nationale Raketenabwehr f; Strategische Verteidigungsinitiative f hist.; Sternenkrieg m ugs. mil.
anti-missile shield; National Missile Defense NMD Am.; Strategic Defense Initiative SDI Am. hist.; Star Wars Am. coll.
Raketenschild m; Nationale Raketenabwehr f; Strategische Verteidigungsinitiative f hist.; Sternenkrieg m ugs. mil.
anti-missile shield; National Missile Defense NMD Am.; Strategic Defense Initiative SDI Am. hist.; Star Wars Am. coll.
Salve f (von etw.) mil.
Salven pl
Raketensalve f
eine Salve auf jdn. abfeuern abgeben
volley; salvo; fusillade (of sth.)
volleys; salvos; fusillades
volley of gunfire
rocket volley; rocket salvo
to fire a volley salvo at sb.
Raketenschild m; Nationale Raketenabwehr f; Strategische Verteidigungsinitiative f hist.; Sternenkrieg m ugs. mil.
anti-missile shield; National Missile Defense NMD Am.; Strategic Defense Initiative SDI Am. hist.; Star Wars Am. coll.
Raketensilo m; Flugkörpersilo m mil.
Raketensilos pl; Flugkörpersilos pl
missile silo
missile silos
Raketensilo m; Flugkörpersilo m mil.
Raketensilos pl; Flugkörpersilos pl
missile launch facility; (underground) missile silo; nuclear silo
missile launch facilities; missile silos; nuclear silos
Raketenspitze f
Raketenspitzen pl
nose cone, ogive
nose cones, ogives
Raketenspitze f
Raketenspitzen pl
nose cone; ogive
nose cones; ogives
Abheben n aviat. (Raketenstart)
liftoff, lift-off
Abhebezeit f aviat. (Raketenstart)
lift-off time
Raketenstart m
rocket launching
Raketenstart m aviat.
rocket assisted take off
abheben v aviat. (Raketenstart)
to lift off, to have liftoff
lifting off
lifted off
rocket assisted take off
Abheben n aviat. (Raketenstart)
liftoff; lift-off
Raktetenabschuss m; Raketenstart m
shoot Am.
abheben v aviat. (Raketenstart)
to lift off; to have liftoff
lifting off
lifted off
Raktetenabschuss m; Raketenstart m (Kampfrakete) mil.
Raktetenabschüsse pl; Raketenstarts pl
Testabschuss m; Versuchsstart m
missile launch; missile shot
missile launches; missile shots
test shot
Raketenstart m (Raumfahrt)
Raketenstarts pl
rocket launch; rocket shot (aerospace)
rocket launches; rocket shots
Startvorrichtung f (Raketenstart) aviat. mil.
Startvorrichtungen pl
launching facility
launching facilities
Raketenstartanlage f; Startanlage f (Raumfahrt)
Raketenstartanlagen pl; Startanlagen pl
launching facilities; launching complex (astronautics)
launching facilities; launching complexes
Raketenstartplatz m; Startplatz m; Raketenstartanlage f (Raumfahrt)
Raketenstartplätze pl; Startplätze pl; Raketenstartanlagen pl
rocket launch complex; launching complex; launching facilities (astronautics)
rocket launch complexes; launching complexes; launching facilities
Raketenwerfer m, Raketenstartgerät n mil.
Raketenwerfer pl, Raketenstartgeräte pl
rocket launcher
rocket launchers
Raketenwerfer m; Raketenstartgerät n mil.
Raketenwerfer pl; Raketenstartgeräte pl
Nebelwerfer mil. hist.
rocket launcher
rocket launchers
multiple rocket launcher (system Nebel); screaming mimi humor.; moaning minnie humor.
Geschoss n; Geschoß Ös. mil.
Geschosse pl
Bleimantelgeschoss n
Hochgeschwindigkeitsgeschoss n
kleinkalibriges Geschoss
leitwerkstabilisiertes Geschoss
Leuchtgeschosse pl; Leuchtmunition f
Panzerabwehrsprenggeschoss n
Panzergeschoss n
Raketenstartgeschoss n
Splittergeschoss n
Sprenggeschoss n
Teilmantelgeschoss n; Deformationsgeschoss n; Dumdum-Geschoss n
unterkalibriges Geschoss; Unterkalibergeschoss
verirrtes Geschoss
Wachsgeschoss n
Abgang m eines Geschosses
projectile; bullet (small-calibre); shell (large-calibre)
projectiles; bullets; shells
lead-coated projectile; lead-covered projectile rare
high-velocity projectile
small-calibre projectile
fin-stabilized projectile
illuminating projectiles; star shells
high-explosive anti-tank projectile; HEAT projectile
tank shell
rocket-assisted projectile RAPS
fragmentation shell
explosive projectile; high-explosive shell
expanding bullet; mushroom bullet; dumdum bullet; dumdum
sub-calibre shell
stray projectile
paraffine bullet; wax bullet
discharge of a projectile
Montageturm m (Raketenstartplatz) (Raumfahrt)
Montagetürme pl
service structure (rocket launch complex) (astronautics)
service structures
Startturm (Raketenstartplatz) (Raumfahrt) m
Starttürme pl
launch tower (rocket launch complex) (astronautics)
launch towers
Versorgungsturm m (Raketenstartplatz) (Raumfahrt)
Versorgungstürme pl
supply tower (rocket launch complex) (astronautics)
supply towers
Raketenstartrampe m
Raketenstartrampen pl
rocket launching pad
rocket launching pads
militärische Stellung f; Stellung f mil.
militärische Stellungen pl; Stellungen pl
befestigte Verteidigungsstellung f
Feuerstellung f
Radarstellung f
verbunkerte Stellung
nichtverbunkerte Stellung
military site; site
military sites; sites
firing site
radar site
missile launching site; missile site
hardened site
soft site
Raketenstützpunkt m
Raketenstützpunkte pl
missile base
missile bases
Startgelände n; Abschussbasis f (Militär, Raumfahrt) mil.
Startgelände pl; Abschussbasen pl
Raketenabschussbasis f; Raketenbasis f; Raketenstützpunkt m
verbunkerte Abschussbasis
launch base; launching base; launch site; launching site (military; astronautics)
launch bases; launching bases; launch sites; launching sites
missile launching base; missile base
hardened launching site
Raketenstufe f
Raketenstufen pl
rocket stage
rocket stages
Raketensystem n
Raketensysteme pl
ein Raketensystem errichten
missile system
missile systems
to deploy a missile system
Raketenflugkörpersystem n; Raketenwaffensystem n; Raketensystem n mil.
Raketenflugkörpersysteme pl; Raketenwaffensysteme pl; Raketensysteme pl
offensives Flugkörpersystem
unterwassergestütztes Flugkörpersystem mit großer Reichweite
ein Raketensystem errichten
missile system
missile systems
offensive missile system
underwater undersea long-range missile system ULMS
to deploy a missile system
Raketenflugkörpersystem n; Raketenwaffensystem n; Raketensystem n mil.
Raketenflugkörpersysteme pl; Raketenwaffensysteme pl; Raketensysteme pl
offensives Raketensystem
unterwassergestütztes Flugkörpersystem mit großer Reichweite
ein Raketensystem errichten
missile system
missile systems
offensive missile system
underwater undersea long-range missile system ULMS
to deploy a missile system

Deutsche Raketenschild Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Raketenschild Synonym nachschlagen

Englische anti-missile shield; National Missile Defense NMD ; Strategic Defense Initiative SDI ; Star Wars Synonyme

Raketenschild Definition

() A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of
(a.) Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
(n.) One of party opposed to a federative government
(a.) Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
Brittle star
() Any species of ophiuran starfishes. See Ophiuroidea.
(v. t.) To embrace.
(n.) The morning star
(n.) The sun, as the orb of day.
(n.) Alt. of Defence
(v. t.) To furnish with defenses
Dog Star
() Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens
(interj.) Hush
(a.) Serving to initiate
(n.) An introductory step or movement
(n.) The right or power to introduce a new measure or course of action, as in legislation
(a.) Capable of being thrown
(n.) A weapon thrown or projected or intended to be projcted, as a lance, an arrow, or a bullet.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a nation
(a.) Attached to one's own country or nation.
Sea star
() A starfish, or brittle star.
(n.) The act of defending one's own person, property, or reputation.
(n.) A broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the arm, -- formerly in general use in war, for the protection of the body. See Buckler.
(n.) Anything which protects or defends
(n.) Figuratively, one who protects or defends.
(n.) In lichens, a Hardened cup or disk surrounded by a rim and containing the fructification, or asci.
(n.) The escutcheon or field on which are placed the bearings in coats of arms. Cf. Lozenge. See Illust. of Escutcheon.
(n.) A framework used to protect workmen in making an adit under ground, and capable of being pushed along as excavation progresses.
(n.) A spot resembling, or having the form of, a shield.
(n.) A coin, the old French crown, or ecu, having on one side the figure of a shield.
(n.) To cover with, or as with, a shield
(n.) To ward off
(n.) To avert, as a misfortune
(n.) One who, or that which, carries a shield.
(n.) Any small moth of the genus Aspidisca, whose larva makes a shieldlike covering for itself out of bits of leaves.
(n.) One of the innumerable luminous bodies seen in the heavens
(n.) The polestar
(n.) A planet supposed to influence one's destiny
(n.) That which resembles the figure of a star, as an ornament worn on the breast to indicate rank or honor.
(n.) Specifically, a radiated mark in writing or printing
(n.) A composition of combustible matter used in the heading of rockets, in mines, etc., which, exploding in the air, presents a starlike appearance.
(n.) A person of brilliant and attractive qualities, especially on public occasions, as a distinguished orator, a leading theatrical performer, etc.
(v. t.) To set or adorn with stars, or bright, radiating bodies
(v. i.) To be bright, or attract attention, as a star
(a.) Half blind.
(n.) An ancient high court exercising jurisdiction in certain cases, mainly criminal, which sat without the intervention of a jury. It consisted of the king's council, or of the privy council only with the addition of certain judges. It could proceed on mere rumor or examine witnesses
(a.) Not favored by the stars
(n.) Doctrine or knowledge of the stars
(a.) Spangled or studded with stars.
(a.) Alt. of Strategical

anti-missile shield; National Missile Defense NMD [Am.]; Strategic Defense Initiative SDI [Am.] [hist.]; Star Wars [Am.] [coll.] Bedeutung

first step
opening move
the first of a series of actions
peace initiative opening move in negotiating a peace treaty
Royal National Eisteddfod an eisteddfod with competitions in music and drama and poetry and the fine arts
national service compulsory service in the military during peacetime
Secretary of Defense
Defense Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Defense, the position of Defense Secretary was created in
strategic buyout an acquisition based on analysis of the benefits of consolidation in anticipation of increased earning power
anti-takeover defense resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
national censorship censorship under civil authority of communications entering or leaving of crossing the borders of the United States or its territories or possessions
defense defence the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury, a good boxer needs a good defense, defense against hurricanes is an urgent problem
defense defence protection from harm, sanitation is the best defense against disease
the act of defending yourself
defensive measure
(military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies, they died in the defense of Stalingrad, they were developed for the defense program
air defense defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles or to nullify their effectiveness
active air defense air defense by the use aircraft or missiles or artillery or electronic countermeasures
passive air defense air defense by the use of deception or dispersion or protective construction
civil defense activities organized by civilians for their own protection in time of war or disaster
hasty defense
hasty defence
a defense organized while in contact with the enemy or when time is limited
deliberate defense
deliberate defence
a defense organized before contact is made with the enemy and while time for organization is available, usually includes a fortified zone (with pillboxes) and communication systems
biological defense
biological defence
procedures involved in taking defensive measures against attacks using biological agents
chemical defense
chemical defence
procedures involved in taking defensive measures against attacks using chemical agents
biological warfare defense
biological warfare defence
BW defense
BW defence
defense against biological warfare
strategic intelligence intelligence that is required for forming policy and military plans at national and international levels
national insurance social insurance program in Britain, based on contributions from employers and employees, provides payments to unemployed and sick and retired people as well as medical services
supplementary benefit
social assistance
national assistance
benefits paid to bring incomes up to minimum levels established by law
defense defence denial
a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him, he gave evidence for the defense
Balkan Wars two wars (-) that were fought over the last of the European territories of the Ottoman Empire and that left the area around Constantinople (now Istanbul) as the only Ottoman territory in Europe
Napoleonic Wars a series of wars fought between France (led by Napoleon Bonaparte) and alliances involving England and Prussia and Russia and Austria at different times, -
War of the Roses
Wars of the Roses
struggle for the English throne (-) between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose) ending with the accession of the Tudor monarch Henry VII
starnose mole
star-nosed mole
Condylura cristata
amphibious mole of eastern North America having pink fleshy tentacles around the nose
shell cuticle
shield a
hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
sea star
echinoderms characterized by five arms extending from a central disk
brittle star
serpent star
an animal resembling a starfish with fragile whiplike arms radiating from a small central disc
basket star
basket fish
any starfish-like animal of the genera Euryale or Astrophyton or Gorgonocephalus having slender complexly branched interlacing arms radiating from a central disc
feather star
free-swimming stalkless crinoid with ten feathery arms, found on muddy sea bottoms
air-to-air missile a missile designed to be launched from one airplane at another
air-to-ground missile
air-to-surface missile
a missile designed to be launched from an airplane at a target on the ground
American flag
Stars and Stripes
Star-Spangled Banner
Old Glory
the national flag of the United States of America
antiballistic missile
a defensive missile designed to shoot down incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles, the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks placed limits on the deployment of ABMs
anti-G suit
G suit
worn by fliers and astronauts to counteract the forces of gravity and acceleration
anti-inflammatory drug
a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
anti-submarine rocket a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
anti-TNF compound a class of drugs that block the action of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), used in cases of rheumatoid arthritis because TNF instigates inflammation of the joints
ballistic missile a missile that is guided in the first part of its flight but falls freely as it approaches target
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
cruise missile an unmanned aircraft that is a selfontained bomb
defense laboratory a laboratory devoted to research and development for national defense
defense system
defence system
the weaponry available for the defense of a region
defensive structure
a structure used to defend against attack, the artillery battered down the defenses
guided missile destroyer
a small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship
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